Kamala Harris for President

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 08:14
VIEWED: 12912
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Friday, October 11, 2024 12:51 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

6ix, except for other conceited Trumptards, you have the worst judgment.

The Atlantic’s Endorsement: Kamala Harris for President

October 10, 2024

For the third time in eight years, Americans have to decide whether they want Donald Trump to be their president. No voter could be ignorant by now of who he is. Opinions about Trump aren’t just hardened—they’re dried out and exhausted. The man’s character has been in our faces for so long, blatant and unchanging, that it kills the possibility of new thoughts, which explains the strange mix of boredom and dread in our politics. Whenever Trump senses any waning of public attention, he’ll call his opponent a disgusting name, or dishonor the memory of fallen soldiers, or threaten to overturn the election if he loses, or vow to rule like a dictator if he wins. He knows that nothing he says is likely to change anyone’s views.

Almost half the electorate supported Trump in 2016, and supported him again in 2020. This same split seems likely on November 5. Trump’s support is fixed and impervious to argument. This election, like the last two, will be decided by an absurdly small percentage of voters in a handful of states.

Because one of the most personally malignant and politically dangerous candidates in American history was on the ballot, The Atlantic endorsed Trump’s previous Democratic opponents—only the third and fourth endorsements since the magazine’s founding, in 1857. We endorsed Abraham Lincoln for president in 1860 (though not, for reasons lost to history, in 1864). One hundred and four years later, we endorsed Lyndon B. Johnson for president. In 2016, we endorsed Hillary Clinton for more or less the same reason Johnson won this magazine’s endorsement in 1964. Clinton was a credible candidate who would have made a competent president, but we endorsed her because she was running against a manifestly unstable and incompetent Republican nominee. The editors of this magazine in 1964 feared Barry Goldwater less for his positions than for his zealotry and seeming lack of self-restraint.

Of all Trump’s insults, cruelties, abuses of power, corrupt dealings, and crimes, the event that proved the essential rightness of the endorsements of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden took place on January 6, 2021, when Trump became the first American president to try to overturn an election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

This year, Trump is even more vicious and erratic than in the past, and the ideas of his closest advisers are more extreme. Trump has made clear that he would use a second term to consolidate unprecedented power in his own hands, punishing adversaries and pursuing a far-right agenda that most Americans don’t want. “We believe that this election is a turning-point in our history,” the magazine prophesied correctly when it endorsed Abraham Lincoln in 1860. This year’s election is another.

About the candidate we are endorsing: The Atlantic is a heterodox place, staffed by freethinkers, and for some of us, Kamala Harris’s policy views are too centrist, while for others they’re too liberal. The process that led to her nomination was flawed, and she’s been cagey in keeping the public and press from getting to know her as well as they should. But we know a few things for sure. Having devoted her life to public service, Harris respects the law and the Constitution. She believes in the freedom, equality, and dignity of all Americans. She’s untainted by corruption, let alone a felony record or a history of sexual assault. She doesn’t embarrass her compatriots with her language and behavior, or pit them against one another. She doesn’t curry favor with dictators. She won’t abuse the power of the highest office in order to keep it. She believes in democracy. These, and not any specific policy positions, are the reasons The Atlantic is endorsing her.

This endorsement will not be controversial to Trump’s antagonists. Nor will it matter to his supporters. But to the voters who don’t much care for either candidate, and who will decide the country’s fate, it is not enough to list Harris’s strengths or write a bill of obvious particulars against Trump. The main reason for those ambivalent Americans to vote for Harris has little to do with policy or partisanship. It’s this: Electing her and defeating him is the only way to release us from the political nightmare in which we’re trapped and bring us to the next phase of the American experiment.

Trump isn’t solely responsible for this age of poisonous rhetoric, hateful name-calling, conspiracies and lies, divided families and communities, cowardly leaders and deluded followers—but as long as Trump still sits atop the Republican Party, it will not end. His power depends on lowering the country into a feverish state of fear and rage where Americans turn on one another. For the millions of alienated and politically homeless voters who despise what the country has become and believe it can do better, sending Trump into retirement is the necessary first step.

If you’re a conservative who can’t abide Harris’s tax and immigration policies, but who is also offended by the rottenness of the Republican Party, only Trump’s final defeat will allow your party to return to health—then you’ll be free to oppose President Harris wholeheartedly. Like you, we wish for the return of the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, a party animated by actual ideas. We believe that American politics are healthiest when vibrant conservative and liberal parties fight it out on matters of policy.

If you’re a progressive who thinks the Democratic Party is a tool of corporate America, talk to someone who still can’t forgive themselves for voting for Ralph Nader in 2000—then ask yourself which candidate, Harris or Trump, would give you any leverage to push for policies you care about.

And if you’re one of the many Americans who can’t stand politics and just want to opt out, remember that under democracy, inaction is also an action; that no one ever has clean hands; and that, as our 1860 editorial said, “nothing can absolve us from doing our best to look at all public questions as citizens, and therefore in some sort as administrators and rulers.” In other words, voting is a right that makes you responsible.

Trump is the sphinx who stands in the way of America entering a more hopeful future. In Greek mythology, the sphinx killed every traveler who failed to answer her riddle, until Oedipus finally solved it, causing the monster’s demise. The answer to Trump lies in every American’s hands. Then he needs only to go away.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, October 11, 2024 6:21 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

6ix, except for other conceited Trumptards, you have the worst judgment.

You don't understand that coming from you this statement doesn't actually mean anything.

I don't have an ounce of respect for either one of you combined.

If either of you say anything, the best course of action for anybody else hearing those words is to believe and/or do the exact opposite.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, October 11, 2024 6:39 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.

Thats rich coming from one of Trumps useful idiots.



Friday, October 11, 2024 6:45 PM


Kari Lake, another MAGA idiot.



Friday, October 11, 2024 6:52 PM




Friday, October 11, 2024 6:55 PM



Black PA voters on the power of Obama campaigning for Harris


Friday, October 11, 2024 6:58 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.

Thats rich coming from one of Trumps useful idiots.


It's continuous comments like this from your masters and people like you that make you a useful idiot for Trump.

You're 1000% Trump-brained like Second is.

If it weren't for all the articles you two retards post here everyday, I think about Trump maybe 1 day every other week. The guy hasn't been President for almost 4 years and he lives inside your heads.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, October 11, 2024 8:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.

THUGR: Thats rich coming from one of Trumps useful idiots.

SIX: It's continuous comments like this from your masters and people like you that make you a useful idiot for Trump.

You're 1000% Trump-brained like Second is.

If it weren't for all the articles you two retards post here everyday, I think about Trump maybe 1 day every other week. The guy hasn't been President for almost 4 years and he lives inside your heads.

Indeed. With the amount of obsession over Trump and Russia, you'd think they were living in Russia with Putin as their President, facing a landslide Trump victory.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 11, 2024 8:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I have to say, he has a way with words...


Kamala Unwinding...
Friday, Oct 11, 2024 - 02:00 PM

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

“...we are facing a catastrophic collapse of governance. With democracy reduced to a tragedy or a farce (probably both things)..."

- Ugh Bardi

“As the US increasingly resembles ancient Rome, being president is more and more dangerous. Something around 35 emperors met violent deaths, most from people in and around their courts. In other words, members of the Roman Deep State. An ugly situation is brewing in and around Washington DC.”

- Doug Casey

Don’t kid yourself: Kamala Harris does not want to be President of the United States. She doesn’t even want the ceremonial stuff, the incessant shuffling from one photo op to the next, the tedious Easter egg rolls, the prayer meetings, the turkey pardonings, the tiresome state banquets for men in strange headgear who are unfamiliar with using the fork and knife, and forbidden to sip chardonnay...

It’s obvious she has been played for a chump, that she was sandbagged into play-acting “the candidate” by an odd coalition of the distraught and the desperate — that is, the many agency blobsters who fear prison and the perfidious politicians such as Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch the Turtle, the Clintons, and Obama, paid to cover for the blob, often doing it badly, who fear the judgment of history, as well as the loss of their fortunes. Distraught and desperate characters make foolish decisions.

About thirty seconds after “Joe Biden” vowed to stay in the 2024 race, a delegation of these panicked pols paid him a call and passed him the black spot, knowing he could not credibly front for the massive election cheat underway. He was barely able to front for the previous one in 2020, when every lever of power got pulled to-the-max to conceal the truth about the steal, and to severely punish those who dared to murmur doubts about the election’s freeness and fairness.

How did they decide that Kamala would do any better? I assure you we will find out when the party explodes in recriminations sometime after November 5. It will probably turn out to look like the 2017 movie, The Death of Stalin, a frantic vaudeville of scheming buffoons oblivious to mundane doings of the suffering nation they pretend to serve. Unlike Nikita Khrushchev in 1953, Kamala did not prevail among this gang of squabbling clowns by force of personality or guile. She was merely a default setting as veep, arrived at to present the illusion of continuity and solidarity where none existed. She was not even involved in the backstage action. I doubt that anyone even asked her if she wanted the assignment — she was only notified after-the-fact. Thus, all the drinking.

The outstanding question: will the Democratic Party actually go ahead and attempt to execute an election steal despite growing evidence of a developing Trump landslide that might obviate it? The works are already in motion. The mail-in ballots went out long ago and early votes are getting cast by the day. The overseas ballots that require no US address or voter verification are flooding in by the millions and four years of open borders has 10-million illegal aliens (at a minimum) dispersed around the nation, great gobs of them planted in swing states, processed through the DMVs and social services — with the requisite automatic voter registration — their ballots already pre-bundled for harvest.

It could go a few ways.

One is, just let’er rip, harvest all those fake votes, stuff the drop-boxes, flood the zone, and do it all right in America’s face as if to say: we can do whatever we want. . . to get whatever we want. . . and you can’t stop us.

That is probably the point where blue America finds out exactly what the Second Amendment was designed for.

You might also expect a whole lot of state-organized resistance, especially in the populous red ones, Texas, Florida, real court cases over fraud this time, contested certification.

Or, the election could come out a hopeless unresolvable muddle. There’s no precedent for this and no provision in the Constitution, but you can imagine the Supreme Court having to decide a necessary do-over minus all recent gimmicks, paper ballots only, voters with proof of citizenship only, all voting on one re-scheduled election day before January 1.

This novelty would be something apart from the clunky Congressional machinery established for settling electoral college disputes, since it is predicated on various states’ inability to determine their electoral college vote in the first place, based on patent irregularity and fraud.

You could also imagine a period of disorder so deep and grave that the regime behind “Joe Biden” declares martial law. . . or, alternately the military — the martial institution — has to take matters into its own hands, shoving aside even “Joe Biden” and his filthy retinue.

Appalling to consider, I’m sure, but these things happen in history, and the Party of Chaos has set enough mischief in motion to wreck the election and wreck the country. Call it catastrophizing, if you will. There it is.

But to step back from that abyss, it appears that Mr. Trump’s momentum accelerates by the day, that he is becoming, at last, an implacable, irresistible juggernaut who will, perforce, overcome all the gimmicks, traps, and frauds arrayed against him. Kamala seems to think so. Have you ever seen such resignation, such loserdom-in-action as her recent performance on CBS’s 60-Minutes, or her pitiful admission on ABC’s The View that she couldn’t think of anything she would do differently beyond the excellent management of national affairs under “Joe Biden” (and herself as veep). Surely that said it all. She has nothing, brings nothing.

Long ago, she was a pretty girl with a law degree and an infectious laugh on the fringes of local politics in San Francisco.

The winds of fortune blew her this way and that way until she ended up way over her head, used by the reprobates around her as a mere device to stay out of jail.

She ends as an historical prank on her own country.

It must be deeply demoralizing to be used like that in front of the whole world.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 11, 2024 8:53 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.

THUGR: Thats rich coming from one of Trumps useful idiots.

SIX: It's continuous comments like this from your masters and people like you that make you a useful idiot for Trump.

You're 1000% Trump-brained like Second is.

If it weren't for all the articles you two retards post here everyday, I think about Trump maybe 1 day every other week. The guy hasn't been President for almost 4 years and he lives inside your heads.

Indeed. With the amount of obsession over Trump and Russia, you'd think they were living in Russia with Putin as their President, facing a landslide Trump victory.


The funniest thing to me about this Harris campaign is when they try to spin it as "Hope and Change 2.0". Hope and change from what? The last 4 years?

They only get away with it because of how stupid and ignorant their voter base is.

Unfortunately for them, outside of college "educated" white people it doesn't appear to be working anymore.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 12, 2024 7:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.

THUGR: Thats rich coming from one of Trumps useful idiots.

SIX: It's continuous comments like this from your masters and people like you that make you a useful idiot for Trump.

You're 1000% Trump-brained like Second is.

If it weren't for all the articles you two retards post here everyday, I think about Trump maybe 1 day every other week. The guy hasn't been President for almost 4 years and he lives inside your heads.

Indeed. With the amount of obsession over Trump and Russia, you'd think they were living in Russia with Putin as their President, facing a landslide Trump victory.


The funniest thing to me about this Harris campaign is when they try to spin it as "Hope and Change 2.0". Hope and change from what? The last 4 years?

They only get away with it because of how stupid and ignorant their voter base is.

Unfortunately for them, outside of college "educated" white people it doesn't appear to be working anymore.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Trump and his Trumptards have troubled lives but they reject the explanation -- they run their mouths when they should be quiet. Trump's constant lip-flapping attracts people who have the same handicap. They will flap the lips even more if Trump loses and cause more trouble for themselves.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 12, 2024 7:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald Trump Is the Tyrant George Washington Feared

By Tom Nichols | October 9, 2024

The Moment of Truth

The reelection of Donald Trump would mark the end of George Washington’s vision for the presidency—and the United States.

Last November, during a symposium at Mount Vernon on democracy, John Kelly, the retired Marine Corps general who served as Donald Trump’s second chief of staff, spoke about George Washington’s historic accomplishments—his leadership and victory in the Revolutionary War, his vision of what an American president should be. And then Kelly offered a simple, three-word summary of Washington’s most important contribution to the nation he liberated.

“He went home,” Kelly said.

The message was unambiguous. After leaving the White House, Kelly had described Trump as a “person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about.” At Mount Vernon, he was making a clear point: People who are mad for power are a mortal threat to democracy. They may hold different titles—even President—but at heart they are tyrants, and all tyrants share the same trait: They never voluntarily cede power.

The American revolutionaries feared a powerful executive; they had, after all, just survived a war with a king. Yet when the Founders gathered in 1787 to draft the Constitution, they approved a powerful presidential office, because of their faith in one man: Washington.

Washington’s life is a story of heroic actions, but also of temptations avoided, of things he would not do. As a military officer, Washington refused to take part in a plot to overthrow Congress. As a victorious general, he refused to remain in command after the war had ended. As president, he refused to hold on to an office that he did not believe belonged to him. His insistence on the rule of law and his willingness to return power to its rightful owners—the people of the United States—are among his most enduring gifts to the nation and to democratic civilization.

Forty-four men have succeeded Washington so far. Some became titans; others finished their terms without distinction; a few ended their service to the nation in ignominy. But each of them knew that the day would come when it would be their duty and honor to return the presidency to the people.

All but one, that is.

Donald Trump and his authoritarian political movement represent an existential threat to every ideal that Washington cherished and encouraged in his new nation. They are the incarnation of Washington’s misgivings about populism, partisanship, and the “spirit of revenge” that Washington lamented as the animating force of party politics. Washington feared that, amid constant political warfare, some citizens would come to “seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual,” and that eventually a demagogue would exploit that sentiment.

Today, America stands at such a moment. A vengeful and emotionally unstable former president—a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, an admirer of foreign dictators, a racist and a misogynist—desires to return to office as an autocrat. Trump has left no doubt about his intentions; he practically shouts them every chance he gets. His deepest motives are to salve his ego, punish his enemies, and place himself above the law. Should he regain the Oval Office, he may well bring with him the experience and the means to complete the authoritarian project that he began in his first term.

Many Americans might think of George Washington as something like an avatar, too distant and majestic to be emulated. American culture has encouraged this distance by elevating him beyond earthly stature: A mural in the Capitol Rotunda depicts him literally as a deity in the clouds. In the capital city that bears Washington’s name, other presidents such as Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson are represented with human likenesses; Franklin D. Roosevelt even smiles at us from his wheelchair. Washington is represented by a towering, featureless obelisk. Such faceless abstractions make it easy to forget the difficult personal choices that he made, decisions that helped the United States avoid the many curses that have destroyed other democracies.

For decades, I taught Washington’s military campaigns and the lessons of his leadership to military officers when I was a professor at the U.S. Naval War College. And yet I, too, have always felt a distance from the man himself. In recent months, I revisited his life. I read his letters, consulted his biographers, and walked the halls at Mount Vernon. I found a man with weaknesses and shortcomings, but also a leader who possessed qualities that we once expected—and should again demand—from our presidents, especially as the United States confronts the choice between democracy and demagoguery.

The votes cast in November will be more consequential than those in any other American election in more than a century. As we judge the candidates, we should give thought to Washington’s example, and to three of Washington’s most important qualities and the traditions they represent: his refusal to use great power for his own ends, his extraordinary self-command, and, most of all, his understanding that national leaders in a democracy are only temporary stewards of a cause far greater than themselves.

Much more about the admirable private life of George Washington, contrasted with the absurdly disreputable life of Trump, at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 12, 2024 7:19 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

J.D. Vance Says Trump Was Right to Try to Steal the Election, Because of Twitter

The most ludicrous rationale yet.

By Jonathan Chait | Oct 11, 2024

The reason J.D. Vance has a chance to become vice-president of the United States is that, unlike Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s running mate on his two previous campaigns, he’s willing to repeat Trump’s false claim to have won the 2020 election. His support for the Big Lie is the essential act that has thrust him into his upward trajectory.

But Vance knows perfectly well that Trump did legitimately lose the 2020 election. And unlike Trump, who is unable to articulate linear arguments, Vance is a Yale-trained lawyer who holds a certain pride in his standing among fellow intellectuals, even as he postures as their class enemy. And so, even as he supports Trump’s lies, he cannot simply parrot them. He feels compelled to wrap them in a pseudo-intellectual veneer.

A new interview with Lulu Garcia-Navarro of the New York Times put Vance’s sweaty dishonesty on vivid, almost uncomfortable display. When first asked whether he believes Trump lost the 2020 election, Vance tries to deflect, as he did during the vice-presidential debate: “I think that Donald Trump and I have both raised a number of issues with the 2020 election, but we’re focused on the future. I think there’s an obsession here with focusing on 2020. I’m much more worried about what happened after 2020, which is a wide-open border, groceries that are unaffordable.”

Deflection is a familiar move for use when one’s allies do something unacceptable. A hackish response is to insist the unacceptable position should not be discussed because it is a distraction — a move that allows you to avoid endorsing it directly but avoids a breach within your own coalition. Conservatives hardly have a monopoly on the form of argument “Why are you angry about a bad thing done by my allies when you should be angry about a bad thing done by my opponents?” You’ll see some progressives pull it out any time the left does something indefensible. In the Trump era, though, this reflex has become possibly the most dominant tic of conservative rhetoric.

In addition to deflecting, Vance suggests that Trump is also moving beyond the 2020 election (“Donald Trump and I have both raised a number of issues with the 2020 election, but we’re focused on the future”). That is flatly untrue, of course — Trump continues to raise the 2020 election routinely.

When Garcia-Navarro repeats the question, Vance pivots to a different claim. Trump’s rhetoric is true, or at least justified, he suggests, because Facebook and Twitter briefly blocked news stories about the Hunter Biden laptop.

“Let me ask you a question,” he asserts. “Is it okay that big technology companies censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, which independent analysis have said cost Donald Trump millions of votes?” Vance, finding this argument easier to maintain, continues repeating it as Garcia-Navarro drills down.

Very few people will defend the social-media response to the Hunter Biden laptop story. However, the notion that it justifies Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 election is absolutely absurd, as Vance is surely capable of understanding.

First, the block on laptop stories — a hasty decision, made in an uncertain environment shaped by the experience of Russian efforts to help Trump in 2016 by hacking and leaking his opponent’s emails as well as circulating false information — held up only for a short period of time. As Philip Bump showed, the social-media block probably drew more attention to the story, search interest in which soared after social-media companies took down links to it. There’s no reason to believe social-media companies even reduced public exposure to the story at all.

Second, Vance repeatedly asserts that “independent studies” found that the social-media policy swung the election. This is even sillier than the previous claim. The “independent studies” Vance refers to is a poll by the Media Research Center, a partisan Republican interest group that spams out attacks on media bias. The poll employs the transparently unsound method of feeding respondents loaded language and asking if they would change their vote if they knew it at the time. (“At the time you cast your vote for president, were you aware that evidence exists, including bank transactions the FBI is currently investigating, that directly links Joe Biden and his family to a corrupt financial arrangement between a Chinese company with connections to the Chinese Communist Party that was secretly intended to provide the Biden family with tens of millions of dollars in profits?”)

The Hunter Biden laptop did not actually contain evidence for these wild allegations, which Republicans tried and failed to prove. Even if those allegations were true, there’s no validity in giving people one-sided presentations and then asking how they’d vote. That is a tool used by interest groups to manufacture the appearance of public support for their cause, not a valid way to measure public opinion.

Third, the same day the Times interviewed Vance, it reported that Elon Musk, a Trump megadonor, blocked links to reports of hacked Trump-campaign emails. “After a reporter’s publication of hacked Trump campaign information last month,” the Times discovered, “the campaign connected with X to prevent the circulation of links to the material on the platform, according to two people with knowledge of the events. X eventually blocked links to the material and suspended the reporter’s account.”

So Twitter, in consultation with the Trump campaign, literally did the same thing that Vance says provides justification to deny the legitimacy of the election. So now if Harris loses, are we to believe Vance will support Harris if she attempts to overturn the election result?

It’s obviously untenable to allow a justification this feeble to support negating an election result. Things as unfair as Twitter and Facebook very briefly blocking a news story happen in every election. If the losing party was able to seize on any grievance of this scale to justify a coup attempt, democracy would be unworkable.

Vance is intelligent enough to understand this. But he’s also smart enough to grasp that insisting upon democracy and the rule of law stands between him and his ambitions.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 12, 2024 8:40 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You don't possess the necessary skills to be making the observations you allege, yet alone the ability for you to make judgements about anyone's character and honestly think anybody takes you seriously.

THUGR: Thats rich coming from one of Trumps useful idiots.

SIX: It's continuous comments like this from your masters and people like you that make you a useful idiot for Trump.

You're 1000% Trump-brained like Second is.

If it weren't for all the articles you two retards post here everyday, I think about Trump maybe 1 day every other week. The guy hasn't been President for almost 4 years and he lives inside your heads.

Indeed. With the amount of obsession over Trump and Russia, you'd think they were living in Russia with Putin as their President, facing a landslide Trump victory.


The funniest thing to me about this Harris campaign is when they try to spin it as "Hope and Change 2.0". Hope and change from what? The last 4 years?

They only get away with it because of how stupid and ignorant their voter base is.

Unfortunately for them, outside of college "educated" white people it doesn't appear to be working anymore.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Trump and his Trumptards have troubled lives but they reject the explanation -- they run their mouths when they should be quiet. Trump's constant lip-flapping attracts people who have the same handicap. They will flap the lips even more if Trump loses and cause more trouble for themselves.

My life is just fine. You're talking about somebody else.

How many times had I mentioned Obama after Trump was president? A dozen total?

You invoke Trump's name more times than that every single day.

You need help.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 12, 2024 9:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

My life is just fine. You're talking about somebody else.

How many times had I mentioned Obama after Trump was president? A dozen total?

You invoke Trump's name more times than that every single day.

You need help.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

A quality Trump/Trumptards and 6ix have is an inability to understand why things don't go the way they want. They blame the government. I live around them and all the blame should be on themselves. Can they understand that? Absolutely not, which is why they are trouble wherever they go, whatever they do.

How many times have I mentioned Obama after he left office? Zero. I talk about Trump and Trumptards because I live side by side with Trumptards and Democrats. Trump/Trumptards are not high-functioning compared to ordinary Americans. Trumptards have poorer physical and mental health than typical Americans because Trumptards are comparatively stupid and emotionally fragile. This is not something Trumptards can accept about themselves no more than they can accept that Obama has far fewer problems since retiring from the Presidency than Trump because Trump is as obviously defective mentally as are his followers.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 12, 2024 12:01 PM




Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 12, 2024 7:29 PM




Sunday, October 13, 2024 1:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh nos!!!

Double standards being used by the Trump populist wing??

Say it ain't so!!


I'm lucky. CA is a solid Dem state. I don't have to worry about whether Trump will be a good President or whether his policies make sense.
I get to happily indulge my protest vote .

And yanno I think for a lot of people this is a protest vote.
The blob that controls DC has been so godawful for the past 30 years that people are ready to vote for anybody else.

The blob is so gorram arrogant if they came up with anybody who was the teensiest bit credible, who might possibly not be as godawful as the previous cretins who got us into this mess, this election would have been a slam dunk. But they managed to wedge a nearly brain dead puppet into the Oval Office four years ago, and now they're propping up a sleazy dumb blond brunette puppet for the election?


Oh BTW one more thing: I'm noticing a slackening of pro- Harris pressure in the media. Obama is saying things in public that are supposed to be supportive (the brothas are too sexist to vote for a black chick, shame on them!) but in reality are driving support away. And I don't about Hillary, but her harping about freedom of speech needing a "deterrence" makes her look even more unhinged than before, if such a thing is possible, and driving away everyone except the most rabid of partisans.

It almost looks like the blob is subtly throwing the election to Trump.

If that's the case, I can think of a few reasons.

The first is like CHRISISALL posted lo these many years ago: Trump got threat on a napkin, not against him personally but against his family, and now he'll do as he's told.

The second is that there is a faction within the blob that ISN'T nut- job crazy neocon, and that faction is using Trump to lever the neocon nut jobs out of the WH.

The third possibility is that a significant portion of the blob realizes that this bus is about to go over a cliff, and they don't want to be the ones driving when that happens. They'll let Trump take the flak, and try again for power in 4 years.

Or, they're so out of touch with reality and clumsy that ordinary people just don't listen to them anymore

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, October 13, 2024 6:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm lucky. CA is a solid Dem state. I don't have to worry about whether Trump will be a good President or whether his policies make sense.
I get to happily indulge my protest vote .

Signym, you are physically ill, per what you write over at "In the garden, and RAIN!!!".

Between illness and your vague/lukewarm support for Putin and Trump, your soul is a diseased mass. As for 6ixStringJack, give a Heil Hitler salute to Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 13, 2024 6:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

You are a Nazi and you are smart enough to recognize it, but deny it:

Trump sounds like a fascist because he is a fascist

A POLITICO analysis of more than 20 of his rallies and campaign events shows Trump has demonized minority groups in all of them.

By Myah Ward | Oct 12, 2024 01:44 PM EDT

Donald Trump vowed to “rescue” the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado, from the rapists, “blood thirsty criminals,” and “most violent people on earth” he insists are ruining the “fabric” of the country and its culture: immigrants.

Trump’s message in Aurora, a city that has become a central part of his campaign speeches in the final stretch to Election Day, marks another example of how the former president has escalated his xenophobic and racist rhetoric against migrants and minority groups he says are genetically predisposed to commit crimes. The supposed threat migrants pose is the core part of the former president’s closing argument, as he promises his base that he’s the one who can save the country from a group of people he calls “animals,” “stone cold killers,” the “worst people,” and the “enemy from within.”

He is no longer just talking about keeping immigrants out of the country, building a wall and banning Muslims from entering the United States. Trump now warns that migrants have already invaded, destroying the country from inside its borders, which he uses as a means to justify a second-term policy agenda that includes building massive detention camps and conducting mass deportations.

In his lengthy speech Friday, Trump delivered a broadside against the thousands of Venezuelan migrants in Aurora. And he declared that he would use the Alien Enemies Act, which allows a president to authorize rounding up or removing people who are from enemy countries in times of war, to pursue migrant gangs and criminal networks.

“Kamala [Harris] has imported an army of illegal alien gang members and migrant criminals from the dungeons of the third world … from prisons and jails and insane asylums and mental institutions, and she has had them resettled beautifully into your community to prey upon innocent American citizens,” he said.

His rhetoric has veered more than ever into conspiracy theories and rumors, like when he amplified false claims about Haitian immigrants in Ohio eating pets. And Trump has demonized minority groups and used increasingly dark, graphic imagery to talk about migrants in every one of his speeches since the Sept. 10 presidential debate, according to a POLITICO review of more than 20 campaign events. It’s a stark escalation over the last month of what some experts in political rhetoric, fascism, and immigration say is a strong echo of authoritarians and Nazi ideology.

“He’s been taking Americans and his followers on a journey since really 2015 conditioning them … step by step instilling hatred in a group, and then escalating,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University who writes about authoritarianism and fascism.

“So immigrants are crime. Immigrants are anarchy. They’re taking their jobs, but now they’re also animals who are going to kill us or eat our pets or eat us. That’s how you get people to feel that whatever is done to them, as in mass deportation, rounding them up, putting them in camps, is OK.”

Continue reading

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 13, 2024 7:02 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Retired U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley said former President Trump is "a fascist to the core."

Why it matters: Milley’s existing scorn for the GOP presidential nominee has escalated. "He is now the most dangerous person to this country," he told Woodward.

• "I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist," Milley, who served as chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2019 to 2023, said to Woodward. The Army veteran was a source for Woodward's 2021 book, "Peril."

Context: Milley, who Trump nominated to be chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has previously made criticisms of the former president. Milley has been criticized by the far right.

• A never-sent draft resignation letter by Milley said Trump was "doing great and irreparable harm" to the U.S. in 2020, after police used tear gas and batons to clear protestors and journalists out of the then-president’s way for a photo op.

Zoom in: Woodward's book reveals that Milley insisted on securing a meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland to urge him to investigate domestic violent extremism and far-right militia movements after the Jan. 6,2021, attack on the Capitol, per the Independent.

• Milley said he was "deeply convinced” that Trump remained a danger to the U.S. after losing the 2020 presidential election.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 13, 2024 12:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm lucky. CA is a solid Dem state. I don't have to worry about whether Trump will be a good President or whether his policies make sense.
I get to happily indulge my protest vote .

SECOND: Signym, you are physically ill,

I think that facing illness and death of family and self, as well as being a scientist, has brought me a solid perspective on what is real and what is important. I believe in being honest with myself, doing my research, and weighing the outcomes as best I can.

And then, there's you:

In denial, filled with hate, and so dishonest with yourself you can't maintain a grip on reality.

You spend all day, every day, living in, thinking, feeling, and spewing a stew of lies, bile, and delusion. Even your delusions contradict each other.

I don't know how to account for your psychopathy, or the squirmy-ness that goes on inside you, but I know I'd rather be me than you.

Oh, PS... you're gonna die too. That's another thing you seem to be deluded about.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, October 13, 2024 12:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm lucky. CA is a solid Dem state. I don't have to worry about whether Trump will be a good President or whether his policies make sense.
I get to happily indulge my protest vote .

SECOND: Signym, you are physically ill,

I think that facing illness and death of family and self, as well as being a scientist, has brought me a solid perspective on what is real and what is important. I believe in being honest with myself, doing my research, and weighing the outcomes as best I can.

And then, there's you:

In denial, filled with hate, and so dishonest with yourself you can't maintain a grip on reality. Even your delusions contradict each other.

You spend all day, every day, living in, thinking, feeling, and spewing a stew of lies, bile, and delusions.

I don't know how to account for your psychopathy, or the squirmy-ness that goes on inside you, but I know I'd rather be me than you.

Oh, PS... you're gonna die too. That's another thing you seem to be deluded about.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Signym finishes every post with a fake quote, supposedly by Kissinger, who said the exact opposite of Signym's quote.

Signym, you have justified Russia's invasion of Ukraine by repeating the falsehoods authored in Kremlin. That is perfect proof you are a lying sack of shit, same as Putin. But then you lied about how many tens of millions of Russians were murdered by other Russians. You lied about why the US government does not function well: short answer it is the Trumptards in Congress. You lie about everything, Signym. Probably you have lied yourself into an early death. Being a lying piece of shit, Signym can't even confront the difference between early death and an eventual death, much later.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 13, 2024 12:57 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Wrong-Direction Election
A brief history of the phrase — directionally correct — the right uses to justify lying.

The Phrase the Right Uses to Explain Why It’s OK That Trump Makes Things Up

By Ben Mathis-Lilley | Oct 12, 2024

At an Oct. 5 rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump told a seemingly apocryphal story about a decades-old women’s weightlifting record that was purportedly broken with ease by a man who had “never lifted before” but cheated the system by identifying as trans. A Canadian women’s powerlifter named April Hutchinson, who seemed to believe that the former president was referring to a specific trans rival of hers from the province of Alberta, posted a clip of the anecdote (which Trump tells frequently) on Twitter/X. The details Hutchinson gave, though, don’t really line up with the vague scenario that Trump describes in his stump speech, in which he sometimes claims to have watched actual footage of a woman losing a competition to the trans lifter in question.

Fortunately Jay Richards, director of the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at the right-wing Heritage Foundation think tank, was there to square the circle. “Classic Trump hyperbole,” he declared. “Directionally correct but carefully engineered to drive critics crazy over the details.” Problem solved: Trump wasn’t exaggerating, and he definitely wasn’t just getting mad about something that never happened—he was being directionally correct.

And being directionally correct—or sometimes directionally accurate—is, according to many of Donald Trump’s supporters, something that Donald Trump is very good at. His claims about trans athletes, immigrants, and the 2020 election might not be strictly true, these advocates say, but they are directionally so, because he’s talking about a real problem, or at least a feeling that there’s a real problem.

“Trump’s hyperbole is directionally accurate and benign,” wrote Scott Adams, the Dilbert creator–turned–right-wing thought leader, after the presidential debate in June during which Trump (for example) described Jan. 6 rioters as “a relatively small number of people that went to the Capitol and in many cases were ushered in by the police.” On Fox News, host Greg Gutfeld said the same thing. “Trump doesn’t lie more than Biden,” Gutfeld elaborated. “He lies better.”

Trump’s defenders responded similarly to his outburst, in the second presidential debate, about illegal Haitian immigrants in Ohio stealing and eating U.S.-born Americans’ pets. That rumor had no basis in reality; not only were Springfield, Ohio’s Haitian residents not eating pets, they had also been admitted legally through a refugee program created by an act of Congress in 1990. Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, nonetheless told reporters that he planned to continue to refer to the individuals in question as “illegal aliens” because he considered the refugee program to be “fundamentally” illegal. Directionally, in other words, he believed Trump was accurate about who should and should not be in the United States.

Lawyerly justifications of Trump’s bogus claims are Vance’s stock in trade, but he doesn’t appear to have used the phrase directionally correct himself. He did endorse a book by far-right conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, though, that lays out what might be the ultimate theory of directional honesty in a passage that attempts to explain why its premise—that the United States is controlled by repressive communists—is a fair one despite the abundant evidence that the United States is not controlled by repressive communists.

Something is deeply wrong with the way things are going and you know it. You may not be able to explain it with studies, surveys, or statistics, but you feel it. You’ve felt this way for a while. Like there’s some outside force or group or … something … that’s sent us all off course from the libertarian utopia we should’ve achieved by now. It doesn’t seem like one -ism or -ation is entirely to blame, like globalism or immigration, capitalism or inflation. … Evidence of the unhuman activity is everywhere we look. But can we really pin all those on communists? Nobody pays attention to CPUSA. And there hasn’t been a Carmelite nun–style massacre. Or mass arrest and torture of landlords. But they’re arresting landlords in New York City, now. And yet … the history of the revolution … the present day … it feels directionally accurate, doesn’t it?

Does it? (It appears that a landlord was arrested in March for repeatedly failing to address cockroach violations. Classic instance of communism.)

(This case might be what Posobiec is referring to with the landlord thing, for what it’s worth, although it’s not landlords plural and doesn’t have anything to do with redistributing property to the proletariat.)

A claim that is directionally correct, it seems, is simply one that the person using the phrase wants to be true. The phrase is commonly used in the business world: It pops up often in transcripts of earnings calls, and a satirical 2014 Forbes piece about management consulting jargon defined it as a useful way to describe a theory that is not supported by the numbers that are supposed to support it. The consulting firm McKinsey & Company actually puts out a weekly crossword (what a world!) whose rules note that answers that are “directionally correct” but not actually correct should not be used. (Very cheeky, McKinsey & Company!)

Appropriately, the first instance of the phrase in the Nexis news database is attributed to Donald Rumsfeld—a man whose career spanned both business and politics, and who is pound-for-pound probably one of the most full-of-shit people in American history. Rumsfeld’s life as a national figure began with his service in the teemingly criminal Nixon administration—Richard Nixon called him a “ruthless little bastard,” high praise considering the source—and ended with a five-year tenure as secretary of defense for George W. Bush, during which he advocated for the invasion of Iraq on the basis of weapons-of-mass-destruction programs and ties to al-Qaida that didn’t turn out to exist.

In 1982, though, Rumsfeld was serving as CEO of a pharmaceutical company when the United Press International wire service contacted him to ask about Ronald Reagan’s economic policies. Reagan had come into office promising to cut taxes, and he argued that this would actually increase federal revenue by stimulating economic growth and creating a bigger pie from which the government could take its slice. This didn’t actually happen under Reagan and hasn’t happened when any other presidents have tried it either, but Rumsfeld felt that the idea was … well, you know:

Donald Rumsfeld, former White House chief of staff and former defense secretary, agreed Reagan ”has set us at least on the right path. We don’t know if his economic approach will work,” Rumsfeld said, but we have learned earlier approaches did not work.

”It is important to leave it in place long enough to see if it does work,” said Rumsfield, now chief executive officer of G.D. Searle. ”He gets very high marks for being directionally correct.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 13, 2024 1:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm lucky. CA is a solid Dem state. I don't have to worry about whether Trump will be a good President or whether his policies make sense.
I get to happily indulge my protest vote .
SECOND: Signym, you are physically ill,

I think that facing illness and death of family and self, as well as being a scientist, has brought me a solid perspective on what is real and what is important. I believe in being honest with myself, doing my research, and weighing the outcomes as best I can.

And then, there's you:

In denial, filled with hate, and so dishonest with yourself you can't maintain a grip on reality. Even your delusions contradict each other.

You spend all day, every day, living in, thinking, feeling, and spewing a stew of lies, bile, and delusions.

I don't know how to account for your psychopathy, or the squirmy-ness that goes on inside you, but I know I'd rather be me than you.

Oh, PS... you're gonna die too. That's another thing you seem to be deluded about.

Signym finishes every post with a fake quote, supposedly by Kissinger, who said the exact opposite of Signym's quote.

Kissinger said exactly what I posted. And watching Ukraine get physically destroyed, the Nordstream pipeline getting blown up, and the EU economically circling the drain, the quote is being proven more and more true every day,


Signym, you have justified Russia's invasion of Ukraine by repeating the falsehoods
Truth. I repeat what I know to be true.

Ukraine in NATO was Russia's red line. Destruction of Russia has been our neocons' goal all along. Using Ukraine as our proxy by promising them NATO membership was the provocation the neocons chose. Neocons have been engineering Ukraine since 2006.


SECOND That is perfect proof you are a lying sack of shit,
we will see who has the better grasp of reality.


SECOND ... same as Putin. But then you lied about how many tens of millions of Russians were murdered by other Russians.
No. I posted that no other historian comes up with similarvfigures


SECOND You lied about why the US government does not function well: short answer it is the Trumptards in Congress.
Our government was dysfunctional long before Trump, and continued to be dysfunctional afterwards.


SECOND Signym. Probably you have lied yourself into an early death. Being a lying piece of shit, Signym can't even confront the difference between early death and an eventual death, much later.

Uh huh. I guess when YOU die we can all point and laugh.

Like I posted, you spend all day, EVERY day, swimming in a cesspool of hate, delusion, and lies.
I can't imagine being you.
When will your misery end?


So, how about we go back to discussing the blob's shit- for - brains puppet, Kamala Harris?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, October 13, 2024 2:05 PM


It's clear that Second is a very stressed out individual.

That's not very good for longevity.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 2:20 PM


You know that the Legacy Media isn't feeding any good news to Second and Ted to parrot when all 5 of the Russian threads are at the top of the main page.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 2:24 PM


Cenk Uygur on X

Why does the Harris team keep bragging about Dick Cheney’s support when he left office with 13% approval rating? If there’s one thing the country agrees on, it’s how much we hate Dick Cheney. It’s because DC is 75% neocon, so they think everyone loves neocons, when no one does.

Thanks for the reality check there, Cenk.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 6:52 PM



Been reading about and seeing clips from these last-minute softball interviews that Harris' handlers have allowed her to do in the final weeks of the election.

You have to wonder if the people handling Harris are actually working for Trump with that decision. Every time Kamala opens her mouth on recorded television it's a like a free ad for Trump.

You probably should have listened to me when I reminded you how stupid Kamala Harris is before the Media ran a months-long "Joy" campaign and did everything in their power to hide how stupid she is from you.

It's really bad that of all you Leftist retards, the only ones that got it right was BLM when they had a huge problem with Kamala's appointment on day one.

You would have been much better off just running Joe* a second time.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 7:02 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SECOND Signym. Probably you have lied yourself into an early death. Being a lying piece of shit, Signym can't even confront the difference between early death and an eventual death, much later.

Uh huh. I guess when YOU die we can all point and laugh.

Like I posted, you spend all day, EVERY day, swimming in a cesspool of hate, delusion, and lies.
I can't imagine being you.
When will your misery end?

I don't understand why Second seems to be so afraid of death and/or puts such a high price on living a long time.

"Life goes on. Long after the thrill of living is gone." ~John Mellencamp.

I never understood that line when I grew up thinking I was invisible and 100 years was forever. Find me a person over 25 years old that's thrilled about living and I'll show you a unicorn.

I'm under the impression that if there is a heaven and a hell, we all got stuck here in purgatory. Maybe we get a few re-rolls to see if we can get it right before we finally get sent to hell. Who knows? Maybe this is my 5th time here. I never do anything bad enough to get a straight one-way ticket to hell, but I just keep coming up "meh" in the end.

Probably don't have enough time to buy my way into heaven this time around. Maybe 6th time is the charm?

Just try to enjoy your time here when you can and if you're the type of person who likes going around making other people miserable you should probably think about curbing that behavior.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 8:10 PM


Holy shit he did it again. Trump abandons his flock. And they keep coming back for more.


Trump fans reach BREAKING POINT as chaos ERUPTS at rally


Sunday, October 13, 2024 8:17 PM



WOW! MASSIVE ENTHUSIASM for Kamala Harris in North Carolina


Sunday, October 13, 2024 9:00 PM


Two more cope clickbait videos from Ted today, huh?



Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 5:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Two more cope clickbait videos from Ted today, huh?



Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Trump stares vacantly, swaying to music, for half an hour at town hall

After a couple of people fainted at Donald Trump's town hall tonight, he got flustered and decided to give up and just play a bunch of his musical faves instead of continuing:

“Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” he said.

For 39 minutes, Trump swayed, bopped — sometimes stopping to speak — as he turned the event into almost a living-room listening session of his favorite songs from his self-curated rally playlist.

Trump did this for more than half an hour, just nodding at the audience as he swayed awkwardly to the music. What in God's name is going on with this man? He's crumbling practically hour by hour in front of our eyes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 6:19 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

How reported threats in North Carolina trace to Trump-fueled misinformation

October 14, 2024

Aaron Blake writes:

For weeks, misinformation about the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Hurricane Helene response has spread far and wide on social media platforms — with more than a helpful nudge from Donald Trump, Elon Musk and the relaxed moderation policies of Musk’s platform, X.

The real consequences of that have begun to show.

The Washington Post reported late Sunday that federal emergency responders were ordered evacuated from Rutherford County, N.C., on Saturday due to a reported threat from militia. An official with the U.S. Forest Service said the National Guard “had come across x2 trucks of armed militia saying there were out hunting FEMA.”

Earlier in the day, a resident threatened FEMA personnel in a trailer in the same county, according to two volunteers with Cajun Navy, a relief organization. Former Forest Service official Riva Duncan also said people had been harassing federal employees who were delivering aid to the area, saying they didn’t want the help.

Ashe County, N.C., Sheriff Phil Howell cited “threats” made against FEMA employees in nearby counties — though not in his, he said — and said the officials had “paused their process as they are assessing the threats.”

Separately, Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-N.C.) told MSNBC on Sunday that “we had two counties [where] folks reported different militia groups attacking and threatening FEMA.”

The origin of the threats and how serious they have been isn’t yet known. The North Carolina National Guard has reportedly said it has no actual reports of encountering militia, though authorities in the state arrested an individual Saturday and charged him in connection with alleged threats made against FEMA.

But it’s clear that the situation has led to heightened tensions, and that has now delayed recovery efforts. And it’s easy to connect that to the volatile environment that social media misinformation has created in the areas most affected by Helene in western North Carolina. Both Musk and Trump have contributed to that.

It’s now the second time in a month that a Trump-fueled conspiracy theory has preceded apparent threats made in the relevant area — with the last one being Trump’s false claims about Haitian migrants stealing and eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. Each time, local Republican officials have sought to combat the conspiracy theories and warned of the harm they could do.

Both instances reinforce the potential danger of Trump’s conspiratorial bent and willingness to deploy such misinformation and political tactics even in tense and tragic situations. Trump unleashed a torrent of similar misinformation early in the coronavirus pandemic and after the 2020 election as he sought to overturn the results — the latter of which culminated in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Most prominent among the Helene conspiracy theories has been that FEMA has blocked materials and seized property from affected areas. Rutherford County is a focal point of such theories, with users falsely claiming that the government aimed to seize lithium deposits in Chimney Rock in Rutherford County.

Edwards last week cited that false claim at the very top of a news release seeking to debunk various conspiracy theories related to the hurricane. North Carolina state Sen. Kevin Corbin (R) also prominently cited the theory while seeking to combat misinformation.

The government in neighboring Buncombe County reported last week that it was inundated with calls about FEMA purportedly rejecting donations and seizing property.

As far back as last week — before the most recent events — a nonprofit group warned of potential militia activity related to such claims. The Institute for Strategic Dialogue connected the conspiracy theories to “calls to send militias to face down FEMA for the perceived denial of aid, or to shoot and/or harm FEMA officials and the agency’s emergency responders.”

To be clear, it’s not just social media users promoting this underlying theory. It has also been Trump, Musk and prominent MAGA influencers. [Continue reading…
/ ]

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 11:13 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Two more cope clickbait videos from Ted today, huh?


What Happened to the Red Wave?

Before Election Day, the narrative for Democrats was dire – big losses were predicted in the midterms and Republicans were poised for a historic red wave.

Poor Jack, he has a very selective memory as he posts Cliton's poll numbers from 8 years ago. I remember him posting on threads in a rage about the lack of a red wave. I remember him blaming the abortion issue.

Well Jack, tick tock abortion is back. And it's bigger than ever.



Tuesday, October 15, 2024 11:57 AM


CNBC host says Trump canceled interview

Former President Trump was set to appear on CNBC this week but ultimately canceled on the network, a leading anchor said on Tuesday.

“Well, Trump canceled,” CNBC’s Joe Kernen said on “Squawk Box.” “And he was going to come on … and I told him when you come on, we’ll be able to say you came,” the host continued, adding he did not speak to Trump personally about an appearance.

Allies of Vice President Harris circulated a clip of Kernen’s comments on social media.

The Hill has contacted the Trump campaign for further comment.

Trump’s apparent cancelation comes just days after he backed out of a planned sit-down with “60 Minutes” after CBS News said it would fact-check him.

Trump is slated to appear Wednesday morning on Fox News for a town hall with voters focusing on women’s issues.

Vice President Harris participated in a sit-down with “60 Minutes,” went on a media tour last week and will be interviewed by Fox News’s chief political anchor Bret Baier on Wednesday evening, her first ever on the network.

CNBC is owned by Comcast, one of the media conglomerates Trump has recently railed against and called for the federal government to investigate over coverage he says is not fair to him.

Hey comrade signym, Jack, your boys a pussy. He is such a liar he can't do any kind of interview where he will be fact checked. And don't think for a minute, this doesn't reflect on you two for backing him.



Tuesday, October 15, 2024 8:10 PM



Voters in Pro-Trump County TURN AGAINST Him


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 9:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Kamala Harris Is Not a Realist. I’m Voting for Her Anyway
The only realist choice in this year’s election is to reject Trump.

By Stephen M. Walt | October 16, 2024

Stephen M. Walt is a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University

At this point, there might only be a few dozen undecided voters left in the United States, so writing a column to convince people to vote the right way may be pointless. But given that the election may come down to a few votes in some swing state, I’d feel bad afterward if I hadn’t done all I could. So here’s why I’m voting for Kamala Harris and why you should, too.

You might think a realist/restrainer like me would be leaning toward Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, especially given my dismay at how Biden and his colleagues have handled Gaza, the war in Ukraine, and some other foreign policy issues. Harris wasn’t responsible for those policies, but she has declined to say they were wrong when given the opportunity. Although her principal foreign policy advisor, Philip Gordon, has written sensible things about the limits of U.S. power and the folly of trying to remake whole regions in our image, there’s no sign that Harris’s own views on foreign policy lie outside the Beltway consensus or reflect a realist view of international affairs. By contrast, Trump and Vance say they want U.S. allies in Europe and Asia to bear more of the burden when it comes to their own defense, think it’s time to bring the war in Ukraine to a close, and regard the foreign policy “Blob” with skepticism if not outright contempt. That’s why some self-described realists are enamored with them, and you could easily conclude that I shared their view.

So why am I not ignoring Trump and Vance’s troubling deficiencies of character—which is putting it mildly—and planting a Trump-Vance sign in my yard? Let me count the ways.

First, as I noted repeatedly when Trump was president, he is not a realist, and you’re as likely to get sensible foreign policy from him as you were to get an education from Trump University. He is more accurately seen as a crude nationalist and unilateralist, and the “ism” that best captures him is narcissism. During his first term, he was better at garnering attention than making constructive diplomatic gains, which is why his reality show summits with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Russian President Vladimir Putin went nowhere. He didn’t end any “forever wars” during his first term, gave the Defense Department more money that it didn’t need, and was perfectly content firing missiles into foreign countries to kill leaders he didn’t like. He was impulsive, crude, inattentive, and incapable of forging a clear strategy and sticking to it, which is why his four years in office were devoid of genuine foreign-policy achievements. The much-ballyhooed Abraham Accords don’t count, as they helped lay the groundwork for the carnage that is now convulsing the Middle East, just as critics had warned. (That’s what you get when a president lets his unqualified son-in-law play diplomat in a volatile region.)

And let’s not forget that Trump allowed Iran to restart its nuclear program by leaving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, abandoned the Paris climate accord, and weakened efforts to balance China by jettisoning the Trans-Pacific Partnership and picking fights with Asian allies instead. This is a foreign-policy record no serious realist should support. Nor would a realist think that sowing division and telling Americans to fear each other is the best way to strengthen the country, let alone make it great. Yet that is exactly what Trump has done throughout his career, and especially during this campaign.

None of this is surprising, given the long record of incompetence that is Trump’s business career. Its distinguishing features are not adroit dealmaking and shrewd management, but repeated bankruptcies, bilked customers, endless lawsuits, and a long history of felonious tax fraud. His supporters insist that his first term taught him to rely on his own people, but, unfortunately, he’s proven that he’s a terrible judge of talent. His first national security advisor lasted less than a month, and he burned through three more in a single term, along with multiple secretaries of state and defense. Staff turnover at Trump’s White House was one of the highest on record, and dozens of people who worked directly with him are adamantly opposed to giving him another shot.

Of course, Trump isn’t interested in hiring competent people to work in government; he wants loyalists who will do his bidding no matter how idiotic or illegal his decisions might be. His contempt for expertise is especially evident in his approach to science, about which he knows nothing. This blind spot was obvious in his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with his continued denial of the climate crisis. Harris understands that climate is a huge issue and that we need to do more to limit greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects we are already experiencing, while Trump still thinks it is a liberal hoax and favors policies that will make the problem much worse. Residents of Florida, take note.

Instead of appointing people sworn to defend the Constitution, who are competent at their jobs and committed to serving the public, he wants to populate the executive branch with personal flunkies. This is a deadly serious matter, because you cannot run a complex modern society without lots of well-trained, competent people who know what they are doing and aren’t vulnerable to political pressure. I’m talking about the civil servants who run the Treasury, the National Weather Service, the Federal Reserve, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the various power grids on which ordinary life depends, the IRS, the Food and Drug Administration, and all the other institutions that allow our society to function.

Are these institutions perfect? No, because no organization made up of fallible human beings can be flawless. Would we be better off without them, or with an ignorant and willful president’s corrupt cronies in charge? Absolutely not. The United States has systematically underfunded key public agencies for decades (which is why government performance is often disappointing), and Trump (and the extremists who drafted Project 2025 for him) wants to make the problem worse. That won’t bother plutocrats who can buy all the services they might need or want, but it will render the United States an increasingly unpleasant and inefficient place for everyone else.

Third, Trump’s approach to foreign economic policy promises to be disastrous. His first-term tariffs were a bust—they didn’t shrink the trade deficit or alter China’s economic policies and did considerable harm to some sectors of the U.S. economy. Trump is now promising to double or triple down on those tariffs. Even today, he doesn’t understand that tariffs on foreign goods are a tax on American consumers, not a penalty that foreign exporters pay to us. (It was U.S. taxpayers, not Mexico, who paid for his dumb border wall, too.) The tariffs he’s proposing would rekindle inflation, reduce the dollar’s appeal as a reserve currency, and harm U.S. exporters. But don’t take my word for it—take a look at Martin Wolf’s concise and devastating assessment in the Financial Times. Harris might not do everything I’d like in terms of economic policy, but she’s also not going to adopt an approach to trade policy that has been rightly rejected for decades.

Most importantly, Trump is the only person in this race who poses a genuine threat to American democracy. Our system of government has its flaws, but it still affords most citizens enormous freedom and is capable of reform and renewal. It is clear from Trump’s entire career—and especially his career in politics—that he is contemptuous of the rule of law (hardly surprising given that he’s a convicted felon and confirmed sexual predator) and has zero commitment to preserving our constitutional order. If Harris is elected, she’ll undoubtedly do things I oppose, but she’s not going to impose an authoritarian system or refuse to leave office if she loses a reelection bid in 2028. Trump has already tried to do the latter, and there’s every indication he’d like to accomplish the former.

You think I’m exaggerating? I confess that I underestimated the danger Trump posed back in 2016, but I revised my view as the evidence piled up. The clearest indication comes from looking at who Trump admires. It is not people like Abraham Lincoln, FDR, or Nelson Mandela, it’s autocrats like Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban, Mohammed bin Salman, and Benjamin Netanyahu—men as contemptuous of rules and norms as he is. He’d like to be as immune to checks and balances as they are, and if he gets his way, turning the clock back will not be easy and might even be impossible. Once a democracy collapses into autocracy, restoring it is usually a difficult and precarious process.

Because Trump is a gifted con man, it is not that surprising that he’s been able to bamboozle so many ordinary people, taking advantage of their anxieties about some of the changes that have occurred in the United States over the past 30 years. What is surprising is the number of well-educated and highly successful people who think Trump is on their side and won’t ever turn on them. I’m thinking of people like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, who remind me of those naïve and cocksure German politicians who thought they could control Adolf Hitler. If there’s one thing that’s clear about Trump (and it seems to be equally true of the shape-shifting Vance), it is that he would betray anyone if he thought it would advance his interests. Russian oligarchs like Boris Berezovsky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky thought they could control Putin and that their wealth would protect them from retribution, and look what happened to them. If you’re a tech-bro gazillionaire and you think Trump is a trustworthy ally, you might want to reflect on what happened to former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence. And this warning goes double for all the people who go to his rallies and seem to genuinely think he’s going to do something for them.

So come Nov. 5, my vote will be cast for Harris. I’m not expecting miracles, but she may, in fact, realize just how far off-course U.S. foreign policy has drifted over the past 30 years and begin to steer the ship in a new direction. I’ve already seen the Trump show, and the sequel will be even worse than the original. For a realist like me, this is an easy call.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 10:34 AM


Yup, Kamala for President.



Wednesday, October 16, 2024 5:40 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Yup, Kamala for President.


Kamala has fallen in every measurable polling aggregate since last we spoke, Theodore. This is continuing a trend that I said would happen, after she capped out at a number I told you that she would cap out at.

I'm far more accurate at predictions than anybody who you watch at MSNBC ever was.

You'd do best to remember that.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 5:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You know the Harris campaign is gasping for air when ...


Joy Reid Claims Black Male Trump Voters Are Part Of A 'Global Fascist Phenomenon'

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Wednesday, October 16, 2024 7:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You know the Harris campaign is gasping for air when ...


Joy Reid Claims Black Male Trump Voters Are Part Of A 'Global Fascist Phenomenon'

Pay attention comrade and you'll see the republicans are gaming the polls. Remember the red wave?

tick tock


YIKES!! Trump Gets BAD NEWS with new VOTING DATA


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 7:44 PM


I would hate, hate, hate to burst your bubble, Theodore, but Trump was underwater 20 points in the popularity index during the 2022 mid-term election as he is today and he wasn't running for President against an idiot in the mid-terms.

There is literally an ocean of difference between what was going on in November of 2022 compared to November of 2024, from the economy to foreign policy.

Harris is about to get steamrolled, and those polls will look MUCH darker for you than they do right now come election day.

Sleep tight.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 11:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You know the Harris campaign is gasping for air when ...


Joy Reid Claims Black Male Trump Voters Are Part Of A 'Global Fascist Phenomenon'

THUGR: Pay attention comrade and you'll see the republicans are gaming the polls. Remember the red wave?

tick tock

Pay attention stupid.
Did I say a single word about polls?
I made my judgement based on Joy Reid's trying to gin up votes for Harris by browbeating and guilt -tripping the brothas.

Smells like desperation to me.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:34 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You know the Harris campaign is gasping for air when ...


Joy Reid Claims Black Male Trump Voters Are Part Of A 'Global Fascist Phenomenon'

THUGR: Pay attention comrade and you'll see the republicans are gaming the polls. Remember the red wave?

tick tock

Pay attention stupid.
Did I say a single word about polls?
I made my judgement based on Joy Reid's trying to gin up votes for Harris by browbeating and guilt -tripping the brothas.

Smells like desperation to me.

What I posted has a direct correlation between your Joy Reid post, and the Republicans flooding the airwaves with polls they control. Just as they did in 2022 to create the illusion of an imminent red wave. It's why you would think Harris and Reid are desperate, even if they are not.

An added treat for you comrade. Russia Russia Russia


Woah! Susan Rice calls Trump a "Surrender Monkey"


Thursday, October 17, 2024 2:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Its why you would think Harris and Reid are desperate, even if they are not.

I dont claim to know WHY Joy Reid is desperate. Maybe she has access to info I don't know wbout.
But I do think THAT she is desperate, bc of her approach.

Learn to read. "Why" is not "how", and neither describe "what".

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, October 17, 2024 2:32 PM


Kamala looked like a retard on Fox News last night.

Let's put her in a room with Putin for 15 minutes and film it.

P.S. Kamala fell in the polls again today. She's on quite the streak, isn't she Ted?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, October 17, 2024 3:40 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Its why you would think Harris and Reid are desperate, even if they are not.

I dont claim to know WHY Joy Reid is desperate. Maybe she has access to info I don't know wbout.
But I do think THAT she is desperate, bc of her approach.

Learn to read. "Why" is not "how", and neither describe "what".

Yup, you said you didn't know why and then speculated and suggested she did seem desperate.
I said she isn't. You comrade, are spreading bullshit.


Trump gambit to outsource campaign operations to Musk backfires

Donald Trump may have thought enlisting Elon Musk to manage his get-out-the-vote operations was a good way to cut corners on having to deal with it himself, not to mention giving him access to Musk's money. But what he probably didn't count on is that Musk's bumbling incompetence was part of the package.


Thursday, October 17, 2024 3:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

When someone tries to blame and shame people into voting their way ... an approach that will probably drive people away instead of rallying them to their candidate ... that looks sweaty and desperate. Not propaganda. An opinion about a verified event.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger







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