Ward Churchill - NOT a Native American? Fire him.

UPDATED: Monday, July 25, 2005 17:59
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:08 PM


America loves a winner!

Never mind issues of 'free speech', this clown seems to have used fraud and deception to attain a position that wasn't ever meant for him. If can be verified that this not only got his job but also his tenure from Colorado under the premise of his minority status.... shouldn't he be fired ?


Churchill attacks essay’s critics
University of Colorado president calls for calm

By Craig Gima

Ward Churchill, the outspoken Colorado professor who created a national uproar by comparing 9/11 victims to Nazis, told an overflow crowd at the University of Hawaii last night that he is the target of a right-wing strategy to attack academia.

"I was targeted because they thought I would be an easy target," Churchill told the crowd of about 800. "That was a mistake.

"It's not just an attempt to purge me," he said. "It's a purge of the academy."

The crowd was mostly sympathetic to Churchill, a University of Colorado ethnic studies professor. He was applauded more than a dozen times and was greeted at least three times with standing ovations.

Before the speech began, about a dozen members of a UH college Republican group protested.

"I never wanted to be a poster boy for academic freedom," Churchill said. "You can't give an inch. If you let this one down, you've lost it all."

Much of Churchill's speech was devoted to explaining and expanding on his essay written on Sept. 11, 2001, that called 9/11 victims "little Eichmanns."

He said the theme of his essay and a later book was that the United States has been involved in violating international law and killing innocents and should not be surprised that some people would want to kill Americans -- the "chickens coming home to roost," as his essay is titled.

He argued that the World Trade Center could be considered a legitimate target because it is a symbol of the financial power that allows the United States to flex its military might.

He said if you read his essay, he called the "technicians" in the World Trade Center "little Eichmanns," a reference to Adolf Eichmann, who actually did not kill any Jews but made it possible for the trains to run on time and for the Holocaust to take place.

It's obvious, Churchill said, that he did not mean to say children, janitors, firefighters and innocent bystanders were part of that group. Instead, he said, he was referring to investment bankers and others who make the killing of innocents by the U.S. military and U.S. policy possible.

Churchill did address the issue of his ethnicity, admitting that he is not Native American.

"Is he an Indian? Do we really care?" he said, quoting those he called his "white Republican" critics.

"Let's cut to the chase; I am not," he said.

His pedigree is "not important," Churchill said: "The issue is the substance of what is said."

He went on to explain that the issue of whether he is Native American has been blown up by sloppy reporting and reporters quoting other reporters.

His speech drew mostly positive reaction from those who attended. But Tyrone Hogenauer said he was disappointed.

"I thought he was going to talk on free speech," Hogenauer said.

Instead, Churchill talked about himself and attacked his critics the way they are attacking him, Hogenauer said: "It's a sad thing."

UH student Kirsten Chong said her professors assigned her to listen to the speech.

"He was humorous and he certainly didn't pull any punches," she said, adding that because she is native Hawaiian, she agrees with much of what he said.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And the point is....? UCo would not give a position OR a tenure to someone just bc of their "minority" status. If you belive that, then you don't know nothin'.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:20 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
And the point is....? UCo would not give a position OR a tenure to someone just bc of their "minority" status. If you belive that, then you don't know nothin'.

Thats avoiding the issue. Did he get his positon on false pretenses ? Yes or no? It doesn't have to be solely on his minority status, but any favoritism he might have received which he didn't deserve warrents investigating. And lets be fair here. Anyone so naive to think that, all things being equal, a white man stands on equal footing w/ a Native American in a job interview for the Dept of Ethnic Studies .... don't know nothin. That is, unless the white man lies about who he is.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 3:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Maybe you should take that up with U of Colorado and let us know their hiring policy. I've prolly interviewed and ranked over 500 people in my career (and will prolly interview a few hundred more before I'm done) so I KNOW something about hiring and promoting. All I'm hearing from you is a lot of VERY UNSUPORTED suppositions verging on slander.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:42 PM


I totally believe they could have hired this guy based purely on his supposed Native American background. Considering the idiotic things this clown has said, I find it hard to believe that he could have made it through the system without considerable hand waiving. Higher education in this country is pretty damn Left-wing, but I can’t believe it’s this stupid.

Although I could be wrong, but if this clown is a fair representation of American Academia, we just need to shut down the colleges and start over from scratch, because there’s no fixing something that broke.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:06 PM


One of the achievements of liberals during the sixties and seventies was the creation of Ethnic Studies Departments/Programs and tenured faculty positions for researchers in those related fields. Historically, these Departments are underfunded and understaffed.

What we have here is a more overt form of attack against tenure in Ethnic Studies programs in particular and academic freedom in general. The only question that should be asked is: does the professor in question conduct quality research that advances the level of understanding of his/her particular field?

Make no mistake, this is a test case for the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (a rightwing organization), the National Association of Scholars (a group created by ACTA), and Republican student groups nationwide pushing for an Academic Bill of Rights - like all good marketing (probably focus group tested) it's got a wholesome great sounding name.

It's based on the inability of people to acknowledge things they do not agree with. It goes further than that. It's an attempt to silence research that the dominant political party disagrees with.

The movement conservatives (not real conservatives) are attacking liberal successes. Social Security. Tenure for Ethnic Studies. Ethnic Studies programs themselves.

Ward Churchill is the first. He's an ideal target for all the groups who are behind this astroturf swelling.

Here's a list of some of his publications:
"Agents of repression : the FBI's secret wars against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement"
"Perversions of justice : indigenous peoples and angloamerican law"
"The COINTELPRO papers : documents from the FBI's secret wars against dissent in the United States"
"Struggle for the land : indigenous resistance to genocide, ecocide and expropriation in contemporary North America"
"Fantasies of the master race : literature, cinema, and the colonization of American Indians"
"A little matter of genocide : holocaust and denial in the Americas, 1492 to the present"
"Since predator came : notes from the struggle for American Indian liberation"
"Indians are us? : culture and genocide in native North America"

That is the real reason why he is a target.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:12 PM



He's a fruitcake.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:20 PM


But does he conduct quality research?


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:38 PM


I guess that depends on what you mean by quality research. My intern does quality research, but that doesn’t mean she can do the kind of work that the modelers do. If she could, she wouldn’t be an intern; we'd hire her on full time as an engineer or scientist. It doesn’t make any difference how many papers you cite, or write or how many hours you spend in the library, if at the end of the day you draw completely fallacious conclusions.

I’m sure Mr. Churchill would make a good intern.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:47 PM


If your intern is conducting quality research that advances the level of understanding in your particular field than I think you're getting a great deal. If she has also published multiple books than I'd say you're getting a fantastic deal.

* editted to add: I am not an expert in the particular field that Ward Churchill writes in. All I can say is that he has published a substantial body of work. The tenure review process is designed to address the issues I bring up. That is why I find it highly amusing that a bunch of people who are not experts in his field are calling for his dismissal.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:02 PM


Any idiot can publish a book. That's more dependent on public interest then on the advancement of knowledge.

As far as advancing the level of understanding within a particular field, I have yet to see anything from Chruchill that would convince me he has made any such significant advances. Your assumption that the quality of his research necessarily means his conclusion advance anything is precarious at best. I would argue that making the breakthrough discovery that innocent victims of a terrorist attack are equivalent to Nazi executioner of Jews is probably not as great a leap forward as one might think.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:06 PM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
* editted to add: I am not an expert in the particular field that Ward Churchill writes in. All I can say is that he has published a substantial body of work. The tenure review process is designed to address the issues I bring up. That is why I find it highly amusing that a bunch of people who are not experts in his field are calling for his dismissal.

I don’t know who all is calling for his dismissal. I think that if he acquired his position through fraud and that can be determined, then I think he should be dismissed immediately. Other then that, I’m not going to call for his dismissal based on the kinds of comments he’s made. Although, given the lunacy of some of his statements I can certainly understand if the tax payers of Colorado don’t want to pay this guy to teach their children.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:20 PM


I am speaking strictly about the work that he has done in the field of Ethnic Studies.

*editted to add: Time to go to sleep. Have a good night


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:46 PM


Good night then.

I should get to bed myself.

But too many Diet Cokes.


Thursday, February 24, 2005 3:11 AM


Make no mistake, this is a test case for the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (a rightwing organization), the National Association of Scholars (a group created by ACTA), and Republican student groups nationwide pushing for an Academic Bill of Rights - like all good marketing (probably focus group tested) it's got a wholesome great sounding name.

So, what is wrong with these Academic Bills of Rights?

I thought the intent was to protect viewpoint discrimination for everyone.


Thursday, February 24, 2005 7:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Quality research- discovering facts that have not been previously known and connecting them together in new and insightful ways.

Without having read Churchill's publications, I can't verify that his writing falls under the tile of quality research, but the titles themselves do not indicate that "the guy's a fruitcake"... only that you're unfamiliar with that line of research. Seminal publications that have affected western philosophical thinking for decades include such fruitcake titles as "Witches, Midwives, and Nurses" (Erenreich, English) and "Man Against Myth" (Dunham).

Maybe you should read his publications and tell us what you think. Do some quality research of your own BEFORE you make up your mind about a person and the quality of his work.


Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:41 PM



Originally posted by evilmike:
So, what is wrong with these Academic Bills of Rights?

I thought the intent was to protect viewpoint discrimination for everyone.

"students trying to dictate what they don't want to be taught"

That's the best, most straightforward, description I've read of the goals of the people behind the strategically named Academic Bill of Rights (I am constantly impressed at the salesmanship of movement conservatives - they know their marketing). It was from an article written late last year by Justin Pope for the AP titled, " Conservatives Flip Academic Freedom Debate".

* okay, I'm done editting (1:35 am PST)


Friday, February 25, 2005 4:58 AM


America loves a winner!


All I'm hearing from you is a lot of VERY UNSUPORTED suppositions verging on slander.

What am I saying that's unsupported? I'm asking a quesiton and expressing my opinion.
Where's the slander ? Care to point it out ? Can't a person voice their opinion?


Maybe you should read his publications and tell us what you think. Do some quality research of your own BEFORE you make up your mind about a person and the quality of his work.

Here in lies the REAL heart of the matter. Yes, read his works, maybe catch a lecture or two. Like Michael Moore, this clown is just trying to make a name for himself. He's claimed a false heritage and it landed him a $100,000 + tenured position. Not bad work, if you can find it.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, February 25, 2005 5:38 AM



All I'm hearing from you is a lot of VERY UNSUPORTED suppositions verging on slander.


What am I saying that's unsupported? I'm asking a quesiton and expressing my opinion.
Where's the slander ? Care to point it out ? Can't a person voice their opinion?

Here's where the pain in the butt wordsmith inserts her two cents.
Slander is spoken.
Libel is written.
Ergo, this would be libel not slander.
Personally, I don't agree with the professor's position but believe he has a responsibility to state his case.
You can look at this from two angles.
1. How dare he not fall into line and salute our version of the truth.
2. At least we know what he thinks and where he is.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Friday, February 25, 2005 7:27 AM


"students trying to dictate what they don't want to be taught"

That trivializes the issue, doesn't it? As Pope also mentions:

"But in a recent survey of students at 50 schools by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, which argues that there is too little intellectual diversity on campus, 49% reported some professors frequently commented on politics in class even if it was outside the subject matter. Thirty-one percent said they believed that there were some courses in which they needed to agree with a professor's views to get a good grade."

If there wasn't a widespread concern that viewpoint discrimination was occuring on campus, the academic bill of rights wouldn't be an issue.

Moreover, I am still left wonder what specific problems you see the Bill of Rights as problems as causing.


Friday, February 25, 2005 8:05 AM


I don't know about you, Evilmike, but I've gone to colleges all over the globe and there's nothing that professors like to hear more than the sound of their own voice in their ears.
I can count on one hand the number of instructors I had in ANY subject that didn't think their viewpoint was the valid one and anyone else's was inferior.
No matter what you study, professors love to hear themselves in your paper.
This doesn't mean the student actually agrees with them - it just means the student is bright enough to know which side of the bread is buttered.

As for the poor baby students who don't want to have to hear what anyone else has to say, I'll just refer back to the blonde bimbette who was whining about Michael Moore visiting the University of Minnesota last fall. To quote, "It's just too painful to have to listen to the liberal point of view."
Boo friggin who. Now we don't even have to listen to people who don't goose step along with our particular view? It's too painful?!?
Poor blow-dried thing doesn't have a chance once she enters the real world. Can't wait until her employer's view is that she get out of bed at a reasonable hour and show up for work every day. ... "It's just to painful to have to listen to the business owner's point of view."

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Friday, February 25, 2005 8:49 AM


"As for the poor baby students who don't want to have to hear what anyone else has to say"

Except that, as I understand it, the intent of the ABoR is to allow everyone to have a voice. I'm not sure legislation is the best way to deal with this issue, but I don't think it should be dismissed out of hand as a trick of the right.

Does this 'poor baby' statement also apply to the Seattle Central Community College students who chased Army recruiters off campus? Or to the University of Washington students who harassed an 'Affirmative Action Bake Sale' protest until authorities shut down the sale?


Friday, February 25, 2005 9:50 AM


I'm tired off all the poor baby students on all sides. You cannot censor your opponent without endangering yourself.
I don't care what your personal beliefs are, you should show everyone respect and allow them to speak. Listening is not endorsing.
This is usually the most effective way to allow a moron to prove themselves moronic.

My politics? I view myself as a fiscal conservative - social liberal. I'm a 10 year veteran who believes that the goverment shouldn't waste my money on 'Star Wars' anti-missle defense or on studying artificial rain forests in Iowa. Both are waste.
Also, keeping your morals off my womb is a wonderful idea.

Originally posted by evilmike:
"As for the poor baby students who don't want to have to hear what anyone else has to say"

Except that, as I understand it, the intent of the ABoR is to allow everyone to have a voice. I'm not sure legislation is the best way to deal with this issue, but I don't think it should be dismissed out of hand as a trick of the right.

Does this 'poor baby' statement also apply to the Seattle Central Community College students who chased Army recruiters off campus? Or to the University of Washington students who harassed an 'Affirmative Action Bake Sale' protest until authorities shut down the sale?

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Friday, February 25, 2005 10:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Knibblet- libel then. (I kept trying to think of the word but was too tired to look it up. Thanks for the correction.)

And this is the libel: "He's claimed a false heritage and it landed him a $100,000 + tenured position." Can you prove both accusations? (One against Churchill and the other gainst the U of Colorado.)

Now I realize that you have a right to your opinions. Most likely, nobody is going to nail your *ss to a wall because of your accusations unless they can prove harm (As I understand it, in civil law the rule is "no harm, no foul") and quite frankly none of us is significant enough to really harm anybody. (Unless of course you criticize a company's product or policies on the internet, and then you WILL be sued. Ah well... so much for free speech! I guess it costs a lot of $$$$ to be able to speak freely!) But just as you have a right to your opinion, no matter how baseless it may be, so does Ward Churchill. So far, I think Churchill has demonstrated more foundation for his position than you have for yours.


Friday, February 25, 2005 1:53 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
Knibblet- libel then. (I kept trying to think of the word but was too tired to look it up. Thanks for the correction.)

And this is the libel: "He's claimed a false heritage and it landed him a $100,000 + tenured position." Can you prove both accusations? (One against Churchill and the other gainst the U of Colorado.)

Now I realize that you have a right to your opinions. Most likely, nobody is going to nail your *ss to a wall because of your accusations unless they can prove harm (As I understand it, in civil law the rule is "no harm, no foul") and quite frankly none of us is significant enough to really harm anybody. (Unless of course you criticize a company's product or policies on the internet, and then you WILL be sued. Ah well... so much for free speech! I guess it costs a lot of $$$$ to be able to speak freely!) But just as you have a right to your opinion, no matter how baseless it may be, so does Ward Churchill. So far, I think Churchill has demonstrated more foundation for his position than you have for yours.

I'm not making a formal CHARGE against anyone, but merely posing a question. It is no secret that Mr. Churchill has claimed to be of Native American heritage. As for how much he makes, I've not done any cross reference, but what I heard was over 100k. As he is an employee of the state of Colorado, I'll bet an exact figure can be found. Sorry, but that ain't 'libel' on MY part, no matter how you parse it. And it's really bizarre that you'd even make such a suggestion.

I also don't see where you get off saying that, he has demonstrated more foundation for his position than I have. All I've done is asked a question based on what is known. I would say that he as absolutely no basis for calling the victims of the 9-11 attacks " little Eichmans ", but even though he's wrong, he still has the right to say it.

Trust me, far worse has been written and spoken about Mr. Churchill than you'll see here.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, February 25, 2005 3:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I didn't see a question mark at the end of your accusation, so you weren't asking a question. Now, I COULD rephrase your STATEMENTS as questions... "Did Churchill misrepresent his ethnic heritage? Did that give him an unfair advantage?" But that wouldn't really lead to the demand to "fire him", would it?

Don't worry about being accused of libel. You really only have to worry about businesses suing you. So don't diss anyone's product and cost them sales, or you WILL wind up in court!


Friday, February 25, 2005 7:49 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Maybe you should read his publications and tell us what you think. Do some quality research of your own BEFORE you make up your mind about a person and the quality of his work.

This is a red herring. I don’t need to be intimately familiar with this man’s work in order to draw the conclusion that he is a fruitcake. I only need to be familiar enough, which I am.


Friday, February 25, 2005 9:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

How familiar is that? You read a headline that contained two words out of many pages, and decided that was familiar enough? Since you apparently have NO intellectual rigor, why should I pay attention to anything you say?


Friday, February 25, 2005 10:50 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
How familiar is that? You read a headline that contained two words out of many pages, and decided that was familiar enough? Since you apparently have NO intellectual rigor, why should I pay attention to anything you say?

Familiar enough.

As far as my intellectual rigor is concerned and why you should pay attention to what I say is a topic for another conversation. The fact remains, however, that you do pay attention to what I say, or you wouldn’t have replied to my post otherwise.

But to elaborate on your first question:

"If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I'd really be interested in hearing about it."

-- Ward Churchill on why innocent victims of the 9-ll terrorist attack are tantamount to Nazi executioners of millions of Jews, and why the attack that killed 3000 innocent people was not only justified but befitting. When questioned about this statement, Churchill simply defended it (attempted to in any event). This statement, among many other gems, is from one of Churchill’s, apparently enlightening papers. Well, I’d really be interested in hearing about the so called “quality research” that brings an intelligent person to this conclusion. Until I am convinced of such “quality research,” Churchill will remain a fruitcake.


Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not being Churchill, I can't explain his position for him. However, I don't find what he said to be strange. I'm sure you will DISAGREE with my position, it has to do with the USA having a long... very long... history of sending in troops and installing USA-friendly, dictatorial governments. I could bring a wealth of facts to the table including recently declassified quotes from Kissinger and so forth, and I have done so in the past. I'm not going to repost on that issue, but the fact is that the United States has militarily and covertly "intervened" dozens of times since 1900 and currently has over 800 military installations around the world. YOU can say- probably have said- that the Russians did it too and that it was because of the cold war. Guess what? When the Russians did it, we were BOTH hated as imperial powers. Now that we are the premier imperial power (and have been for over 15 years, so WHY are our troops all over the world?) we are also the premier object of fury.

You can explain it all you want, and you might even convince Americans, but you can't control how our conquests feel. Just don't be surprised about it, or dismiss them because there are a LOT of them- and they can be dangerous.


Saturday, February 26, 2005 6:55 AM


There is some of what you have said here that I would disagree with and some that I would agree with, but none of it is pertinent so I won’t go into it.

None of this is justification for the murder of innocent people. None of this is support for the statement Churchill made. None of it. If we apply the same logic to the former Soviet Union, does it hold water? Where have we held that the People of the Soviet Union were directly responsible for the horrendous and genocidal actions of their government? Are Germans, in general, responsible for the actions of Hitler? The French government tramples around African like they own the place, should we declare open season on French civilians?

If indeed Churchill is correct and we can say that an attack, targeting civilians, which succeeds in killing 3000 innocent men, women and children simply because of actions of their government’s foreign policy, then civilians the world over are in horrible danger. If this statement is true then where does the complaint, often concocted, of the US targeting civilians in Iraq come from? It shouldn’t matter. Saddam Hussein was a barbarous ruler whose own foreign policy resulted in two wars of aggression for the purpose of the expansion of his totalitarian rule and the deaths of millions. If Churchill is correct then the Iraqi civilians are responsible for that government and should be killed.

That’s not a position I believe is reasonable. In fact, I believe it no different from hate speech. I can’t, nor would I want to, prevent Churchill from believing such things, but that doesn’t mean that I believe evidence exists to support such claims. And Churchill is therefore a fruitcake.


Saturday, February 26, 2005 8:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Apprently you missed the part where Churchill went on to say that he was NOT inlcuding the busboys, janitors, waitresses, children and other victims who were not trading stocks or fixing interest rates or otherwise engaging in international commerce. Again, I can't speak for him. I draw my own distinctions. But based on his list of publications, my guess is that he is drawing an analogy between the people who appropriated Native American land and livelihood to international debt collectors and international capitalists. Just a guess, tho.


Saturday, February 26, 2005 9:45 AM


So what. Anyone not making minimum wage should be killed because someone doesn't agree with their countries foreign policy?

This is the kind of twisted logic used by fruitcakes.


Saturday, February 26, 2005 1:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Saturday, February 26, 2005 5:10 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Taking your usual swipe at whatever you can't understand? I have to applaud you though, for at least looking up some news articles, even if it was only to better argue your arguments of control and punishment.


Sunday, February 27, 2005 5:06 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
I didn't see a question mark at the end of your accusation, so you weren't asking a question. Now, I COULD rephrase your STATEMENTS as questions... "Did Churchill misrepresent his ethnic heritage? Did that give him an unfair advantage?" But that wouldn't really lead to the demand to "fire him", would it?

Don't worry about being accused of libel. You really only have to worry about businesses suing you. So don't diss anyone's product and cost them sales, or you WILL wind up in court!

You didn't see the question mark in the subject line .. Ward Churchhill NOT a Native American*? Fire him.
*It's right there...I'm pointing at it.

Seems clear to me that the preface is well layed out here. That IF WC lied about his heritage , and because of that lie, his classification as a minority in any way helped him obtain his position, then it's well with in C.U. right to fire this guy. There's nothing remotely 'libel' here what so ever, so any such suggestion of such is utter nonsense.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, February 27, 2005 11:03 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Taking your usual swipe at whatever you can't understand? I have to applaud you though, for at least looking up some news articles, even if it was only to better argue your arguments of control and punishment.

My arguments of control and punishment? What exactly are those arguments? That I don’t agree with fruitcakes? In general, I don't. And poor Mr. Churchill; he must live under the yoke of the oppression of me not agreeing with him. What will he do!


Sunday, February 27, 2005 12:38 PM


Why should his heritage have any effect on his ability to do his studies? If firsthand experience is so important everyone can do his own studys on it and get the mentioned $100k.

If he lied, so what? What does it really do other then confirm poeple have to lie about their heritage? Why should it matter if he is or not?

It should't and even if it gotton him that position then the poeple who gave it to him are to blaim. Promoting poeple on this type of thing based on their heritage is close to discrimination, even if there is possible firsthand experience.

I think his comparison of 9/11 victims to Nazi's has been blown up. He was merely trying to explain what their role has been in the whole thing (wether they were or were not aware of it is a whole other matter).

Did he genuinly justify the killings of the 9/11 victims or did he merely explain on how the terrorists came to see it as a genuinge target?


Sunday, February 27, 2005 2:57 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Daikath:
Why should his heritage have any effect on his ability to do his studies? If firsthand experience is so important everyone can do his own studys on it and get the mentioned $100k.

If he lied, so what? What does it really do other then confirm poeple have to lie about their heritage? Why should it matter if he is or not?

It should't and even if it gotton him that position then the poeple who gave it to him are to blaim. Promoting poeple on this type of thing based on their heritage is close to discrimination, even if there is possible firsthand experience.

I think his comparison of 9/11 victims to Nazi's has been blown up. He was merely trying to explain what their role has been in the whole thing (wether they were or were not aware of it is a whole other matter).

Did he genuinly justify the killings of the 9/11 victims or did he merely explain on how the terrorists came to see it as a genuinge target?

In a perfect world, I agree, it shouldn't matter. But in todays world, when trying to fill a post in the 'Ethnic Studies' program....

However, your comment ' If he lied, so what?'.... that's a bit alarming. People go to jail for lying, Presidents get impeached for lying, and football coaches at Notre Dame lose their job for lying. Thats what.

And no, him comparing the victims of the 9-11 attacks to NAZIS wasn't 'blown up', as you so aptly put. He meant what he said, and he's said there should be MORE attacks just like that. He clearly attempted to justify the utterly unjustifiable. He really is that delusional. Call that libel if you want, I don't care. Ward Churchill is delusional. Period.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, February 27, 2005 8:16 PM


Okay. Some scattershot after a few days off.

Originally posted by Knibblet
I don't know about you, Evilmike, but I've gone to colleges all over the globe and there's nothing that professors like to hear more than the sound of their own voice in their ears.

Ain't that the truth. Try sitting in on research group meetings with professors from a number of disciplines and keeping to a timetable. It just won't happen. Recently I was embarassed to realize that I have absolutely no problem speaking for an entire class period. I guess that's one part of my professor-in-training requirements that I've met .

Originally posted by Knibblet
I'm tired off all the poor baby students on all sides. You cannot censor your opponent without endangering yourself.
I don't care what your personal beliefs are, you should show everyone respect and allow them to speak. Listening is not endorsing.
This is usually the most effective way to allow a moron to prove themselves moronic.

Okay. It's official. Knibblet: YOU ROCK!!

Originally posted by AURaptor
Seems clear to me that the preface is well layed out here. That IF WC lied about his heritage , and because of that lie, his classification as a minority in any way helped him obtain his position, then it's well with in C.U. right to fire this guy. There's nothing remotely 'libel' here what so ever, so any such suggestion of such is utter nonsense.

Okay. I couldn't resist channeling Jayne, "You know, I'm smellin' a lot of 'If' comin' offa this plan." To get more serious, I agree with Daikath's first sentence of response.

To bounce a little in another direction, in my first post I stated that Ward Churchill was an ideal target. What I meant by that was that the stated reasons for going after him are because of the statements he made - statements that I don't think a majority of people agree with yet, and maybe won't ever agree with. But to use those statements to try to get him fired is an attempt to sidestep the whole tenure thingie. It's very easy for opponents of Churchill to paint those who oppose attacks on the tenure of people who do countercultural work as being supporters of his statements. Nuance doesn't play well. [Or maybe it's just that confusing long sentences don't play well - first impression after re-reading this post]


Monday, February 28, 2005 6:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Auraptor- I see you edited your text. How very brave. But you missed this part:

"He's claimed a false heritage and it landed him a $100,000 + tenured position. Not bad work, if you can find it."

Finn- You said" I would argue that making the breakthrough discovery that innocent victims of a terrorist attack are equivalent to Nazi executioner of Jews is probably not as great a leap forward as one might think."

First of all, Eichman was not an executioner. He made the trains run on time. He was a technocrat. So let's look at the analogy that Ward Churchill used- Nazi Germany. Of course, the top poltical and command structure are responsible- Hilter, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering, Eichman etc. But do we, or should we, hold the firms that designed, built and profited from the gas chambers accountable? What about the weapons firms? The prison ("Arbeit Macht Frie") guards? The "average" German citizen who ignored the thick, oily black smoke? The average German citizen who VOTED for Hitler?

Don't forget that Hitler was ELECTED. This is the history:


In Jan., 1933, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor without an absolute majority, the Reichstag was dissolved and new elections were set for Mar. 5; a violent election campaign ensued. On Feb. 27, 1933, a fire destroyed part of the Reichstag building. Hitler immediately accused the Communists of having set the fire. President von Hindenburg proclaimed a state of emergency and issued decrees suspending freedom of speech and assembly. The elections gave a bare majority of seats to Hitler's National Socialists (Nazis) and their allies, the German Nationalists.

How close is the analogy? Close enough to be instructive?


Monday, February 28, 2005 6:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Presidents get impeached for lying"

Only if you lie about sex. Lying about WMD and getting us into war, lying about taxes and blowing up the budget, lying about social security and trying to destroy it... well, THAT'S OK!!! And dont' forget that someone on the upper Administration committed TREASON by outing an active undercover CIA field officer. That must be OK too because I sure haven't heard anything about impeachment!

BTW- I will post this separately but... I just heard an alarming interview with Scott Ritter, who is an ex-Marine and was the chief USA weapons inspector in Iraq (as part of the UN team). He has been very forthright about his experiences- the bad (Saddam jerking them around, lack of UN support) and the good (but they did their job, there were NO WMD).

He say he has information that Bush has already decided to bomb Iran. The actual date will be dictated by event, but tentatively set for June.

I've been shouting my fool head off for the past five years about how dangerous the Bush administration is. But half the USA is still marching in step. How culpable are we?


Monday, February 28, 2005 7:39 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
"Presidents get impeached for lying"

Only if you lie about sex. Lying about WMD and getting us into war, lying about taxes and blowing up the budget, lying about social security and trying to destroy it... well, THAT'S OK!!! And dont' forget that someone on the upper Administration committed TREASON by outing an active undercover CIA field officer. That must be OK too because I sure haven't heard anything about impeachment!

BTW- I will post this separately but... I just heard an alarming interview with Scott Ritter, who is an ex-Marine and was the chief USA weapons inspector in Iraq (as part of the UN team). He has been very forthright about his experiences- the bad (Saddam jerking them around, lack of UN support) and the good (but they did their job, there were NO WMD).

He say he has information that Bush has already decided to bomb Iran. The actual date will be dictated by event, but tentatively set for June.

I've been shouting my fool head off for the past five years about how dangerous the Bush administration is. But half the USA is still marching in step. How culpable are we?

Bush hasn't lied about any of those things, so what ever point you're attempting to make is moot.

Bush won't be bombing Iran unless Europe begs and pleads him to - and I doubt even then. Bank on that. So please, crying wolf about that non issue is a useless waste of time.

You've been shouting your fool head off - on that, we agree.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, February 28, 2005 7:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh please, Auraptor. If you have to post, at least try to keep one foot in reality. When the Bush admin gave figures to Congress about the cost of adding drug benefits to Medicare, and then told the actuarial (who had calculated a less political, more realistical/ expensive figure) to shut up or he would lost his job.... BTW, the actuarial figures were eventually proven right

Or when Joe Wilson told the Admin that Iraq did NOT try to purchase yellowcake from Niger, and was rewarded by having his undercover CIA-officer wife "outed".... BTW, Joe Wilson, Scott Ritter and the other dissenters where eventually proven right.

Or when Bush goes around the country yelling "CRISIS!" about Social Security, when even large, commercial annuity administrators say there is no such thing...

If Bush isn't lying, then he's got to be the most incompetent President that we've ever had. So go back and change your previous text to at least LOOK mentally competent, OK?


Monday, February 28, 2005 9:20 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
Oh please, Auraptor. If you have to post, at least try to keep one foot in reality. When the Bush admin gave figures to Congress about the cost of adding drug benefits to Medicare, and then told the actuarial (who had calculated a less political, more realistical/ expensive figure) to shut up or he would lost his job.... BTW, the actuarial figures were eventually proven right

Or when Joe Wilson told the Admin that Iraq did NOT try to purchase yellowcake from Niger, and was rewarded by having his undercover CIA-officer wife "outed".... BTW, Joe Wilson, Scott Ritter and the other dissenters where eventually proven right.

Or when Bush goes around the country yelling "CRISIS!" about Social Security, when even large, commercial annuity administrators say there is no such thing...

If Bush isn't lying, then he's got to be the most incompetent President that we've ever had. So go back and change your previous text to at least LOOK mentally competent, OK?

Joe Wilson? LOL! Please! Iraq HAD indeed bought yellow cake from Niger , back in the 1980's, for their nuclear power plant. Then Israel blew that facility up. And it was the BRITISH who said that Saddam was snooping around in Niger again for more yellow cake, and they STILL stand by that report! Joe Wilson has no say in this matter, what so ever.

Changing my text? What the hell are you talking about? Any editing I do is up to me, but if you can't cite a specific comment , then don't bother. I'm not allowed to fix my own typos? Man, you're paranoid.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, February 28, 2005 9:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There was a comment earlier about letting morons speak, as it was the best possible demonstration, and I whole heartedly agree. But a word of friendly advice: Please stop whiddling on yourself, it's embarassing. Plus, you're giving your fellow Bushies a bad rep.

Since I see that you have only a tenuous connection to reality there is no point in discussing w/ you further. I may, however, point and suppress giggles.



Monday, February 28, 2005 9:56 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
There was a comment earlier about letting morons speak, as it was the best possible demonstration, and I whole heartedly agree. But a word of friendly advice: Please stop whiddling on yourself, it's embarassing. Plus, you're giving your fellow Bushies a bad rep.

Since I see that you have only a tenuous connection to reality there is no point in discussing w/ you further. I may, however, point and suppress giggles.


If all you have is inane ad hominems, I'll keep this brief. Rational discussion is lost on you anyways. Since you dug up Joe Wilson....


Another blow to the Bush haters and the "Bush lied" crowd. No less than the left-leaning Associated Press is reporting that President Bush's claim that Iraq sought uranium in Africa wasn't completely false. Stop the presses! How can this be true? I thought Bush lied!

Two recent reports say Bush may have not been totally off-base. Now, never mind that Bush didn't lie at all whatsoever.....he was simply stating what British intelligence had reported. His statement was true by any logical standard. But now a British report now says that the claims about Iraq were "well-founded." In addition, the otherwise worthless Senate Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron if there ever was one) report says Iraq sought uranium in Africa. So where's Joe Wilson now...and who's that anyway?

You remember him...he's the liar hired by the CIA (after being recommended by his wife) to go to Niger to investigate the uranium claim. He wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times saying that transaction was unlikely and the administration was manipulating intelligence. Few people seem to know that in a later book the very same Joe Wilson said that not only did Iraq make overtures to Niger about purchasing uranium, but that the very person making those overtures was the famous Baghdad Bob! Predictably, the media played up the Wilson comments that contradicted British intelligence and President Bush, and ignored his writings that supported the British claim.

How about Kerry and Edwards...are they going to stop saying we were misled? Will Michael Moore make a retraction movie? Al Gore? Somehow, I don't think so. After all, facts have never been a liberal specialty.

The more time that passes...the more the action in Iraq is vindicated. The appeasers are going to have to find a new angle.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, February 28, 2005 10:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The book says:

"It was Saddam Hussein's information minister, Mohammed Saeed Sahhaf, often referred to in the Western press as "Baghdad Bob," who approached an official of the African nation of Niger in 1999 to discuss trade -- an overture the official saw as a possible effort to buy uranium."

He went to discuss trade, hoping to get an angle on a uranium deal. However, since Niger yellowcake production and trade is heavily infiltrated by foreigners, any deal was impossible, and the minister apparently never got around to broaching the topic. And what about that fake paper that was prodcued as evidence? So much for the Mushroom Cloud that Rice scared us with.

As far as that "British report"... I can't find hide nor hair of it on the internet, so other than the apparent citation by some right-wing columnist... a citation he didn't see fit to even reference... where izzit?

You dancing around the whole yellowcake issue very much reminds me of Clinton dancing around the definition of sex. "He didn't SAY it, he was just quoting!" Please, take responsibility for what you say! Take responsibility for what you quote! (oh, wait... Bush doesn't either. Why should I expect more from his followers?)


(mmmpphf! gurgle!! snick!)


Monday, February 28, 2005 11:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I noticed that you didn't address Bush's other demonstrable lies. I replied because I want to make it plainly obvious that you lie, routinely and blatantly. When caught in a lie you resort to distraction, or more lies. I think I've made my point: you can't be trusted because you have no respect for the truth. You will dance around the defintion of a single word to avoid taking responsibility for what you say and what you quote, just like your fearful leader. What could be more cowardly?


Monday, February 28, 2005 4:58 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
I noticed that you didn't address Bush's other demonstrable lies. I replied because I want to make it plainly obvious that you lie, routinely and blatantly. When caught in a lie you resort to distraction, or more lies. I think I've made my point: you can't be trusted because you have no respect for the truth. You will dance around the defintion of a single word to avoid taking responsibility for what you say and what you quote, just like your fearful leader. What could be more cowardly?

You're delusional. Bush hasn't lied anywhere in regards to Iraq. Sorry, but that's the hard cold fact. If you want to bring up irrelevent political issues on appropriations and what not , that's fine. You want to call me cowardly? Say that to my face. This forum clearly has gotten you worked up, no doubt because you're wrong and you just can't handle the humilation. Seems to me you'd be use to it by now. Oh well.

P.S. 4 more years.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "






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