Shake up the RWE with sex

UPDATED: Friday, June 10, 2005 16:56
VIEWED: 1781
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 5:42 PM


After reading about the chainsaw dude and the flying leg, I decided I really needed to find some non-horrifying news. What did I find? Something about Kerry being just as academically lacking as Bush. I kept looking. No such luck. Why do we only report the crappy stuff? I guess it’s because there’s a lot of crap being done to people. Then I found the latest WC qualifier results. I was temporarily excited by the dolphins using tools story. I mean, that’s cool. Then I thought ‘sex’! What we need in the real world discussion thread is sex. Not nearly enough of that around here. So, here’s my first contribution.

I find it somewhat interesting. Though it’s no surprise, just about everything has some genetic maker.

Feel free to add your own finds. This could get interesting.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 6:05 PM


As this is a topic about sex... well then.

"What is this thing called sex, Dad?"
Quizzed, my curious ten year old lad.
Soft music stopped, party-chatter froze,
Menon jolted from his drunken doze,

The pudding hit Mrs.Thomas's chin,
My boss's face beamed a whisky grin,
"Be a shport, Hari, you bumbling ass,"
Liquour spilled from his brimming glass,

"Tell the boy of the birds and the bees,"
"Of Adam-Eve, the birth of babies,"
To you, my friend, yes, you the reader,
I must admit, I am no great leader

Nor much of a father, you may surmise,
I am not a fool, but neither too wise,
To have told the kids of the facts of life;
Of what gets done, when man meets wife.

It may have been the beers in me,
Or the fact that I could nowhere see
My wife, within any earshot length,
That must've been what gave me strength.

"Species Enlarging X-ercise," said I,
Looking my boy straight in the eye,
"Something we do to populate,"
"Strip, stimulate and copulate."

"Simply Ecstatic X-perience," quipped Ted,
And smacked his lips - the sly newly wed.
"Superbly Erotic X-cursion," Joe, thirty-one,
Raised his beer and added, "Ah, what fun,"

"Sweaty, Enervating, X-hausting," Iyer, mid forties,
As an afterthought warned, "And causes disease."
"Slight Erection - X-hilaration!" Nair, sixty-plus,
"That's what sex is for grandpas like us."

"But, Dad," cried my boy in despair,
He showed me a form, a questionnaire,
"Please tell me how to get all that in
This little box marked - Your sex, fill in."


Go sign my Guest Book,
Then download Serenity,
And remember, Roni's watching you.

And So Are They.


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:05 PM


I find it interesting that there are multiple remarks regarding drug treatments. Why can't htey mention (gasp) talking and diet and etc. as a possible solution. Why are these docs always promoting pills?


"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:09 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Overall, orgasm frequency was higher for the identical female twins than the non-identical female twins, which the researchers said suggested there must be some genetic component.
Could this be a mis-statement? Didn't they mean to say that the correlation was higher for mono-zygotic twins than di-zygotic ones? Being one of nature's clones myself, I have a personal interest in these things. (And a high acceptance of stem-cell research and cloning. It's no big mystery or big deal. But I digress. Back to sex ....)

It's pretty interesting that the overall rate of human female orgasm is so low.

Generally speaking, it's hard to tell if females of other species have orgasms. There are two schools of thought 1) they don't need one to be fertile (why, just look at humans) but 2) evolution tends to provide positive incentives for behaviors that propagate the species. And, if you look at solitary predators (bears, large cats lions excepted), they have to get past a lot of hunting/fighting triggers to get close enough to mate. Like an actor, a female of those species could be thought of as asking 'what's my motivation'? Then there are common farm activities to watch.

That puts me down on the side of female animal orgasm I guess.

So what happened to humans? Did other factors dominate the process, reducing female O to a chance remnant? (Overall proportion should be much higher, then, unless it is actively selected against.)

Evolutionary muck-up? Read 'The Aquatic Ape' for a more than plausible scenario. While female response goes down, human inventiveness (technology) goes up, leading to overall increased numbers due to increased survival. What might be an evolutionary disadvantage becomes supportable in the face of other advantages.


Can you tell I missed coming to this board to pratttle?


Thursday, June 9, 2005 11:49 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Why are these docs always promoting pills?



ByteTheBullet (-:


Thursday, June 9, 2005 2:36 PM


I saw a documentary on the BBC a few months ago concerning a study where 4 women in the UK who, during the course of their 30 or 40-odd years of life, had rarely (if ever) experienced an orgasm. They signed up for several week study in an experimental therapy course that dealt with a small device that was implanted into the base of their backs, and electrodes were entwined with nerves in their spinal cord that normally recieve bioelectric current during normal sexual activity to produce natural orgasms. When the electrodes were charged to differing frequencies, the results ranged from mildly painful in one woman (not the intended result) to nearly mind-blowingly orgasmic in another (heh).

Several days of testing followed, at first, the devices were fine-tuned alone to produce the best effects without any external stimulus, and all but one woman was able to get at least a 'nice feeling' (except for the woman who nearly fell out of bed when she pushed the button to activate the device, the doctor had to take it away for fear she wouldn't let go...)

Eventually, the tests turned to... 'field tests', and the womens' husbands were basically told to help them 'fine tune' the devices as much as they could.

Whether the women's inability to achieve orgasm was genetic, physical, mental, or some unlucky combination of the three, it does seem that medical science is now trying to do something to help women who have that difficulty to overcome it.


The best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde


Friday, June 10, 2005 4:56 PM


I'm sure most of you have heard about the sex problems plaguing the WC next summer. I for one am glad they've found locations to house all the sex. Sex huts. For some weird reason I picture lines of men standing outside porto-pottie-like structures.,1564,1610584,00.html
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?






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