
UPDATED: Thursday, September 8, 2005 09:35
VIEWED: 5594
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Saturday, September 3, 2005 8:45 AM


It's indeed horrible and heartwrenching.
I'm watching the reports here in the Netherlands.

That's why I hope people will be able to make a donation, or offer help. It's much needed.


Sunday, September 4, 2005 7:45 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

My only question involves the picture of the dozens of flooded schoolbuses in a New Orleans lot.
Your ONLY question? Wow. I guess you're not one for questioning authority, are you?

I've been watching all the news reports and briefings. They are very informative. Thus my only question and now questions revolve around the failure of State and Local officials to use the resources they had Sunday to evacuate the people standing in line at the Superdome before the storm and what happened to the chain of command in the first 24 hours after.

In days to come other questions will be asked and answered, but for now, thats the one I have for which there seems to be no answer.



Sunday, September 4, 2005 9:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So I guess you already know why Bush did nothing for three days? Since you do- will you please let us know?

Please don't think they give a shit.


Monday, September 5, 2005 10:48 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
Nice one. I was about to come to your rescue, but you handled it well. Yes, the MSM doesn't want to touch the facts you pointed out. Another bad joke is the numbers of Guard and other troops going to New Orleans. There should be 100,000 Guard ordered there IMMEDIATELY, and all the helicopters in the world to get people out of there before they die from lack of water. A person can go a long time without food, but not without water.

And the fool on the hill sat on his arse in Texas, knowing this was coming, until AFTER it happened. He shows piss-poor leadership by any standards.

Originally posted by JaynezTown:

Originally posted by SignyM:
BTW- Since the White House really doesn't (see my signature)... donate, donate, donate! The hardest part will be six months or a year, when many refugees still have no jobs, no permanent place to go, and attention is diverted to the latest crisis. Please don't forget the victims too soon. Set an anniversary alarm for six months, for a year, or write it into you PDA or diary. Make sure we ALL follow up. And use the link in the very first post to write your Congressmen/ women. This is not right. Things in Washington have GOT to change because...

Please don't think they give a shit.

The response from feds and goverment is unforgivable ?

Watch this video clip - Broussard, says he still doesn't have the resources needed to save the lives

Aaron Broussard tells a heart wrenching story

these folks need a lot of help
there are so many kids without food and old people that are sick.


Monday, September 5, 2005 2:35 PM


Hero, this today (Monday):

Dan McTeague, [Canadian] parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, told CTV News on Monday...that "the situation is still very grim and many people remain behind. He said government officials had to engage in "extraordinary means" to get Canadians out of the hurricane-ravaged area.

"It's important that people understand the Canadian government and its officials weren't given the opportunity to get into places like New Orleans," McTeague said.

"No foreign representatives from any country were allowed."

I continue to see items like this.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 4:38 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:

"No foreign representatives from any country were allowed."

New Orleans is in the United States of America. Any foriegn aid will be under American authority or it will not be allowed in. That is not to say that no foriegn rescue workers are going in, but those that do, must and should do so under American authority.

I suppose we could have encouraged an uncoordinated effort by every country in the world who wanted to to just head on down and do what they want. Maybe it would have further tied up an already fragile and danged transportation system and used limited supplies of fuel. But what does that matter? The need for international cooperation is more important then the efficient management of the flow of aid to refugees.

That said:

More Canadian aid on the way
LORI FAZARI, CP 2005-09-06 02:00:01

EDMONTON -- With Canada's first contributions to the hurricane Katrina relief effort in place or on their way, the extent of what more it will take is becoming clearer by the day, Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan said yesterday.

A planeload of medical supplies arrived Sunday in Atlanta for distribution to areas of need. Today, four ships loaded with more emergency supplies will sail from Halifax and are expected to arrive on the U.S. Gulf Coast by the end of the week.

McLellan said aid from Canada likely will continue flowing for weeks.

"Quite clearly this is a human disaster of enormous proportions. We have tens and tens of thousands of displaced people across the United States," McLellan said.

"It is going to take a very long time for them to be able to resume their lives and even in some cases I'm sure determine whether they want to return to homes that have been largely destroyed or whether they want to start over somewhere else."

McLellan said the American Red Cross has asked Quebec for cots for refugees staying at evacuation centres and that other services had been requested from Ontario.

"The government of Canada continues to be ready to deploy both human resources and other kinds of services as requested," McLellan said.

"If the requests continue, we will continue to meet them. Provinces will probably also step up to the plate with their emergency stockpiles."

She said the government isn't concerned at this point about tallying the cost of sending aid but it's in the tens of millions of dollars.

So far there hasn't been any suggestion of Canada taking refugees flooded from their homes in New Orleans and other southern U.S. communities, but McLellan said officials are looking at how to meet that need if it's requested by U.S. authorities.

I'm proud to accept on behalf of the people of the United States the continuing full support of our Canadian allies.



Tuesday, September 6, 2005 11:03 AM


I've directed more comments to you on the continuation thread, but for now:

Who the FUCK gives you the right to accept ANYTHING on behalf of the American people? Shitheads like you do not and never will speak for me nor anyone I know. You arrogant asshole, you can't even see how utterly stupid you look every time you take to your high horse.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 3:23 PM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
I've directed more comments to you on the continuation thread, but for now:

Who the FUCK gives you the right to accept ANYTHING on behalf of the American people? Shitheads like you do not and never will speak for me nor anyone I know. You arrogant asshole, you can't even see how utterly stupid you look every time you take to your high horse.

Thats a good one. You crack me up and my high horse too.

On behalf of the good people of the United States of America and all the good people around this big blue Earth and any and all person or persons who now or will exist up to and including undiscovered extraterrestrial intellegences from this galaxy and beyond I feel I must ask you to please, for the sake of our children and their pet dogs named Snowball, the language.

Look, angry Ruxton (everyone turns to stare).



Thursday, September 8, 2005 12:56 AM


I am so tired of hearing how Americans "failed" to help their own. We didn't fail. Americans everywhere (along with many foreign offers) were right there, ready to jump in and help. Local/state govt was begging for the help. But FEMA, under Dept of Homeland Security, trumped everyone and PROHIBITED that help from getting through. This is NOT a matter of blaming who didn't act fast or well enough, local, state, or federal. This is not an issue of response time or incompetence. It is one thing not to act or to do one's job poorly--they should just get fired for that. It is another to actively prohibit others from acting, while Americans died in worse conditions than a POW camp. It is another to erect obstacles to prevent timely, competent rescuers from saving lives. FEMA officials should have to face criminal manslaughter charges for this.,1518,373579,00.html
"Throughout last week, various local and state governments, corporations and nonprofit organizations across the nation attempted to help in the relief effort, only to be snubbed by federal officials -- officials who were themselves providing precious little aid to those in need.",0,5932477.story?

"But the Federal Emergency Management Agency will not authorize the airboaters to enter New Orleans. Without that permission, they would be subject to arrest and would not receive security and support services."

Not only were offers of help rejected while people died, but anybody trying to rescue folks on their own were threatened with ARREST. I have lived under some stern dictatorships, but I have not yet seen a 3rd world dictator (short of mass murderers like Hitler and Pol Pot) make rescuing natural disaster victims illegal at gunpoint. What kind of govt do we have here? What kind of people are we that we nod understandingly at their "reasons" and put up with it?

"For all of them it's about freedom. It's about how much you can take, how much you can have taken from you, both personally and ideologically, before you have to turn around and fight." -- Joss Whedon on "Serenity"

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:18 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Not only were offers of help rejected while people died, but anybody trying to rescue folks on their own were threatened with ARREST. I have lived under some stern dictatorships, but I have not yet seen a 3rd world dictator (short of mass murderers like Hitler and Pol Pot) make rescuing natural disaster victims illegal at gunpoint. What kind of govt do we have here? What kind of people are we that we nod understandingly at their "reasons" and put up with it?

I thought someone should respond to your post. It raised difficult questions.

Thankfully the Washington Post is on point:

The point is uncoordinated relief and rescue efforts can hinder as much or more then they actually help.



Thursday, September 8, 2005 8:56 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I am so tired of hearing how Americans "failed" to help their own. We didn't fail. Americans everywhere (along with many foreign offers) were right there, ready to jump in and help. Local/state govt was begging for the help. But FEMA, under Dept of Homeland Security, trumped everyone and PROHIBITED that help from getting through. This is NOT a matter of blaming who didn't act fast or well enough, local, state, or federal. This is not an issue of response time or incompetence. It is one thing not to act or to do one's job poorly--they should just get fired for that. It is another to actively prohibit others from acting, while Americans died in worse conditions than a POW camp. It is another to erect obstacles to prevent timely, competent rescuers from saving lives. FEMA officials should have to face criminal manslaughter charges for this.,1518,373579,00.html
"Throughout last week, various local and state governments, corporations and nonprofit organizations across the nation attempted to help in the relief effort, only to be snubbed by federal officials -- officials who were themselves providing precious little aid to those in need.",0,5932477.story?

"But the Federal Emergency Management Agency will not authorize the airboaters to enter New Orleans. Without that permission, they would be subject to arrest and would not receive security and support services."

Not only were offers of help rejected while people died, but anybody trying to rescue folks on their own were threatened with ARREST. I have lived under some stern dictatorships, but I have not yet seen a 3rd world dictator (short of mass murderers like Hitler and Pol Pot) make rescuing natural disaster victims illegal at gunpoint. What kind of govt do we have here? What kind of people are we that we nod understandingly at their "reasons" and put up with it?

"For all of them it's about freedom. It's about how much you can take, how much you can have taken from you, both personally and ideologically, before you have to turn around and fight." -- Joss Whedon on "Serenity"

Can't Take My Gorram Sky

Of course some of that foreign aid went in anyway, I mean really what were they gonna do start shooting ?

Louisiana senator: Thank you Canada
Last Updated Thu, 08 Sep 2005 07:12:44 EDT
CBC News
A Louisiana state senator has praised a Canadian search and rescue team. Senator Walter Boasso said a Vancouver-based team reached St. Bernard parish five days before the U.S. army got there.

Pretty bad when we get people into your country faster with less than 5% of your resources...


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:30 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
The point is uncoordinated relief and rescue efforts can hinder as much or more then they actually help.

Uh huh. I've heard the "coordination" and "hindrance" excuse before. Can uncoordinated efforts hinder relief so much that 20,000+ people have to live in a dark, filthy, violent place with no food and water for 5 days? Could all that chaotic hindrance have caused more drownings than the coordination we saw? Yeah, there are problems with chaos and uncoordination, no doubt. But supplies and rescue would have reached folks immediately. Isn't chaotic relief better than coordinated suffering and death?

If FEMA wants to coordinate, fine. If they're competent, let them do their job. If they're going to blank out for 5 days, then they needed to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY. Let the more prepared rescuers step in until such time that they are ready to "coordinate."

Imagine that your spouse has a heart attack. You call 911. Two ambulances show up. The first one to the door steps in, then says, "Ooops. I left all my resuscitation equipment at another house. Let me coordinate that equipment over here. Just hang on."

The second ambulance's EMT says, "Hey, we're here, equipped, and ready. Let us in."

The first EMT points a gun at the second rescuer and says, "I'm the one coordinating this. You're not allowed in here."

Meanwhile, your spouse dies. Tell me you don't want to see the SOB face criminal charges for obstructing the timely rescue of your spouse.

No, I don't buy the it's-better-to-let-people-die-than-to-have-(OMG!)uncoordinated-hindrance excuse. I hope my fellow Americans don't buy it either.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, September 8, 2005 9:35 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
...can hinder...

Even Hero has to hedge on this one. But beyond that, maybe Hero's assuming that no one even reads his links anymore...

Um, er, Hero? Did you read your own link? Here're the last three paragraphs...

On Capitol Hill, as lawmakers demand an inquiry into the federal government's handling of the disaster, lobbyist Campbell Kaufman has been directing back-channel aid efforts. A Baton Rouge native, Kaufman was ready to climb into a friend's Explorer and drive supplies from Alexandria to the bayou on the day of the hurricane. But reason took hold, and Kaufman decided to stay put long enough to send out a mass e-mail to Capitol Hill contacts requesting donations and help.

Those pleas grew into a do-it-yourself relief effort scheduled to head to Louisiana on Saturday. By last night, Kaufman had two 24-foot rented trucks parked near his offices on Independence Avenue, ready to be packed full of water and food.

"This was the quickest and most effective way to positively help," Kaufman said. "There are a lot of fundraisers going on around here. But our focus is to get supplies to people now. You avoid red tape that way."

Anyway, spin it how you like, H. By all means, if there's even the slimmest chance that do-it-yourself relief efforts "can hinder" the all mighty FEMA, turn everyone away and keep the press out and don't take any photos of the dead or demand accountability from a too-little-too-late federal government, 'cause of what might happen. 'Course if you do that, a lot more people might just die. Such things happen in wa--oh, wait, that one doesn't apply.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean ('cept to Hero). We don't have to be mean ('cept to Hero), because, remember, Hero is a bad, bad man.






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