Condi Rice wants war with Syria:

UPDATED: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:34
VIEWED: 2643
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:00 AM


October 25, 2005

Condi Rice and Syrian Regime Change
Could Somebody Recommend a President?

Someone should tell Condi Rice that the gig is up. With the Bush administration dissolving in illegalities committed by key officials in their attempts to protect the lies that they used to justify the US invasion of Iraq, the secretary of state is trying to ramp up war against Syria.

Grasping a UN report that uses unreliable witnesses to implicate Syria in the assassination of a former Lebanese government official, Condi Rice told the BBC on October 23 that Syria's crime cannot be "left lying on the table. This really has to be dealt with."

This is amazing for many reasons. Here is the person in charge of US diplomacy acting as if she is the secretary of war unsheathing military force. Whoever heard of an American diplomat wanting to start a war because a former Middle Eastern government official was assassinated?

The UN investigator, Detlev Mehlis, has no more idea who assassinated the former official than the US knows who is responsible for assassinating the many Iraqi officials under its protection. After more than two and one-half years of war in Iraq, the US still doesn't know exactly who the enemy is that it is fighting. Yet Mehlis blames Syria for an assassination on the strength of an informer described by the German news magazine, Der Spiegal, as a convicted felon and swindler.

On the basis of the word of a convicted felon and swindler, Condi Rice wants a high level UN Security Council meeting to condemn Syria so the Bush administration can bring about "regime change" in Syria.

With the US department of state doing everything it can to demonize and destabilize Syria, Condi Rice's mouthpiece, Adam Ereli, declared that Syria must end attempts to destabilize its neighbors. This is the type of propaganda we were fed about Iraq. Syria is not destabilizing any country. It is all Syria can do to maintain its own stability. The US is the great Middle Eastern destabilizer.

Isn't the secretary of state aware that the government of which she is a part is in dire difficulties because it went to war based on highly unreliable "intelligence" supplied by highly unreliable people?

Does the secretary of state read the CIA reports? Doesn't she know that the US has created extraordinary instability in Iraq? A country that formerly had no terrorists now serves as a training ground for al Qaeda, according to the CIA.

Is this the time to repeat the Iraq blunder in Syria?

The American people should be terrified by the warmongering ideologues that President Bush has put in charge of his government. The greatest danger that the US faces are the fools in the Bush administration.

Why is Syria being demonized? Syrian troops were part of the US coalition organized by President George Herbert Walker Bush that liberated Kuwait in 1991 from Saddam Hussein. The current head of government in Syria is a mild mannered ophthalmologist who inherited the post five years ago when his older brother was killed in a car crash.

Syria has done nothing to the US and poses no threat to the US. The Syrian government is concerned about Syria becoming unhinged by schisms like the Sunni-Shi'ite schism set loose in Iraq by the incompetent Bush administration.

Why does Condi Rice think the Bush administration has the right to decide who heads the Syrian government? According to news reports, the Bush administration has asked the Israeli and Italian governments to nominate a replacement for the current president of Syria.

A country incapable of choosing a better president than George W. Bush has no business choosing a president for any other country. In place of aggressive interference in the internal affairs of other countries, the US needs to find a competent president for itself.

Maybe we should ask the Italians who they would recommend.
Paul Craig Roberts has held a number of academic appointments and has contributed to numerous scholarly publications. He served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. His graduate economics education was at the University of Virginia, the University of California at Berkeley, and Oxford University. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:10 AM


America loves a winner!


The American people should be terrified by the warmongering ideologues that President Bush has put in charge of his government. The greatest danger that the US faces are the fools in the Bush administration.

I'm far more terrified at the appeasing fools who want to blame the U.S. for all the world's problems, and think that merely being nice to murderous cut throats will lead to any lasting peace.

PCR is nothing more than a petty Left wing myrmidon and a zealot for the Hate Bush clan in the likes of Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore. Nothing he says is of any worth.
" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:43 AM


Nothing you say has an ounce of intelligence
and everything you say is pure reactionary,
salute-your-Fuhrer mindlessness.

An article such as the one above is simply
beyond the bounds of your corporate media
controlled mind.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:03 AM


Does this mean that this is gonna be World War 3? If it is, well, I guess it's time to start building a bomb shelter! Anyone got a shovel?

Gorram it, Condi Rice! Do we really another war?? Do we really need more men and women to die and sent home in casket to their families. Can't we all just...get along?? If not, then I need to get a Vera.

"If anyone gets nosy just, you know, shoot them."

"Shoot them?"


"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."-Wash.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:16 AM



some folks around here seem to have
a 2 plus 2 = -22 kind of death wish
all wrapped up in flag waving and
self-deluded glorification.

Like you said no one needs anymore killing
it just makes people hate more which
means more killing and then more killing.

By the way I could use some moral support
over on the GOD BLESS ROSA PARKS thread
that I responded to after seeing that the
guy who posted links in his no logic mind
a woman who showed courage against injustice
with a President who backed injustice.

The wild dogs over on that thread are showing
me their teeth and wanting my blood. But of
course what they can't figure is that don't
make 'em any smarter. You can boil someone
alive but you can't boil away facts or the

PS if you do feel the need to ever get a Vera
and I sincerely hope you don't; please aim it
at the top at home not the bottom abroad. If
you know what I mean?


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:51 AM


Every time I read your posts, I just hear the guy from GTA III calling about nannies...

I see. Disagreement means stupidity and sheep-tendencies. Agreement means intelligence and wisdom.

You are clearly an unbiased and even-handed individual worth listening to and respecting, Howard.

And if you believe that...

Well, who am I kidding? You do. When you meet a "hate-filled war-monger" you respond with hate and bile and vitriol the very second you see something indicating this truth to you.

Ad hominem is a tactic you use while condemning it in others. And while to you your hypocrisy may not be apparent, to others it is.

Also, what was it about speaking in absolutes?


Nothing you say has an ounce of intelligence
and everything you say is pure reactionary,
salute-your-Fuhrer mindlessness.

An article such as the one above is simply
beyond the bounds of your corporate media
controlled mind.

Emphasis mine, of course.

I really love the last part. If you disagree, you just don't get it. Great. I guess that means you just don't understand Condi Rice and Bush, using your "logic." It's just...above the bounds of your indie-media controlled mind.

By your reasoning, anyway.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:13 PM


That you again Ghoulman?


Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:47 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Howard:
Nothing you say has an ounce of intelligence
and everything you say is pure reactionary,
salute-your-Fuhrer mindlessness.

An article such as the one above is simply
beyond the bounds of your corporate media
controlled mind.

It's funny that you call others unintelligent and purely reactionary. Suits you to a T, and you exhibit nothing but a vast disconnect w/ reality. Figures you'd post such tripe as this absurd post.

Reminds me of the religious zealots who warned that Clinton would use Y2K as a reason to declare martial law. Or better, that JESUS himself would return. Keep sucking down that Left wing kool-aid.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:16 AM



Originally posted by Howard:
Nothing you say has an ounce of intelligence
and everything you say is pure reactionary

I disagree, Howard, some of these folk who are just plain wrong most of the time are quite intelligent in how they express their fantasy view of the world.

An article such as the one above is simply
beyond the bounds of your corporate media
controlled mind.

And as such, you should be more forgiving, for there are non so blind as... well, people who're blind...
you know what I'm sayin'...

Chrisisall, above judging the STUPID


Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:19 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Figures you'd post such tripe as this absurd post.

Reminds me of the religious zealots who warned that Clinton would use Y2K as a reason to declare martial law. Or better, that JESUS himself would return. Keep sucking down that Left wing kool-aid.

Lot of anger here. I usually reserve this level of animosity for people who get others killed...
but that's just me.



Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:29 AM



Originally posted by Howard:
By the way I could use some moral support
over on the GOD BLESS ROSA PARKS thread
that I responded to after seeing that the
guy who posted links in his no logic mind
a woman who showed courage against injustice
with a President who backed injustice.

While I agree with many of your views, it WAS a Rosa Parks thread, not a debate thread. I have no problem with politically incoherent folk paying tribute to a Great Lady.

Keep the well-deserved Clinton and Regan bashing over here, okay dude?



Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:42 PM


Okay. Huh. More fire on this thread.

In a nut shell, hope y'all caught my I'm a conservative who really can't take another minute of Bush post. For those who didn't there it is in a nutshell, but now on to war.

Syria is communist, essentially. So what? Do we care how Syria runs it's country? Have we ever before? No. This sounds like a war for ideologues who think that overthrowing Casto is a good idea. If there are any of you out there, I can point you in the direction of some camo and bullets, but stop yacking about it to get someone else to fight because...

This is not a threat. Syrian communists not only don't threaten America, they don't threaten anyone so who cares? And don't say Lebanon, the Lebanese invited them in because Lebanon HATES Israel, because Israel bombs them endlessly.

We are concerned about, or we should be, about countries that threaten other countries, particularly US and our allies.

My nod to my friends on the right would be: Sure I agree, Socialism is evil, and should be stopped. The vast majority, possibly the entirety, of mass murdering genocidal regimes in history were socialist. Communism is extreme socialism. If there's a communist agressor, we should deal with it.

North Korea. Hrm. Shouldn't we do something?

China? I'm not saying go to war with China, but why do the kneejerk Bush supporters seem to not have a problem with the fact that Communist China just de facto conquered three sovereign democratic capitalist nations and dismantled their governments at the extreme protest of the local people (Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) And it shows no signs of stopping?

So, sure war with Syria? Why?

I'll tell you why, because Condi is speaking for PNAC which has a colonial empire wetdream which seems to involve owning a solid block from the mediterranean to the gates of india. This is partially because they are insane. It has nothing to do with defending America, hell, it has nothing to do with America at all.

Furthermore, what Condi really wants, is war with Venezuela, which is a really appalling concept. Another essentially Communist country with no enemies or designs on anyone. This issue with Chavez is about the fact that he used to sell oil to Chevron/Texaco, which is Condi's company, at $3/barrell through a sweetheart deal, and he decided to sell it at market price instead. And I don't like commies, but yay him. I think that the good republican thing to do is say "yay him," and maybe in a little time he will be able to allow citgo to operate as an independent corporation of venezuela, and in time become part of the free world. Because that's what we should be striving for, communist breakdown into capitalism like happened in eastern europe and russia. Not invade and set up another puppet regime with another sweetheart oil deal.

Okay, my apologies for a bit of an over rant there.

My final rant on this, is please, for anyone who is not familiar with this.

This is who wants a war with Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. This is who made up Osama is in Afghanistan, they made up Iraq had WMDs, and now they are making a case for Iran (which was an idiot today in an OMFG way, and six people died) and a case for Syria. I have problems with all of these govts. but let me tell you something about these guys, PNAC.

They are an unelected group of people who see themselves as world leaders, and they run this site. Some of the names you'll recognize, some you won't.

Here's who they are: Commie moles. look them all up in wikipedia, one by one, in groups, it doesn't matter, it's all written record. All of these people came from a background of Socialist, Trotsky-Socialist or Communist parties, in America, of which they were members. Just about all. It's pretty scary. Also, before they were called PNAC they were called many things, such as "Socialist Workers," "Social Democrats" or the "Trilateral Comission." These people include, btw, Cheney, but also Bill Clinton. I suspect that no one is over where these guys are, politically.

This isn't conspiracy theory stuff. This is the well recorded political careers of people who are in Bush's staff, and are making our foreign policy decisions.

IMHO, this is what happens when a chimpanzee gets elected President of the US. Not only can he not stop an enemy from attacking the US, he appoints ones to positions of power and responsibility.


Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:00 PM


Like I said. Can't we all just get along?? This post is really bumming me out. Everyone is arguing about that other persons views on certain things. Ugh. Damn near bout to go nuts.

I'm still stand by to what I post earlier.

By the by. I'm a Liberal and doesn't give two shs about what you think about that. Just wanna make that clear.

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."-Wash.


Friday, October 28, 2005 1:11 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Figures you'd post such tripe as this absurd post.

Reminds me of the religious zealots who warned that Clinton would use Y2K as a reason to declare martial law. Or better, that JESUS himself would return. Keep sucking down that Left wing kool-aid.

Lot of anger here. I usually reserve this level of animosity for people who get others killed...
but that's just me.


Not all that much anger here, just annoyance. And do you really have to try at missing the point, or does such a skill simply come naturally ? I made a comparison between two equally kooky, fringe nut case views. Those on the Right ( Jerry Falwell , for example ) who say such absurd things as Orlando will suffer a meteor strike because of Disney's 'Gay Days' and the tripe which started this thread.

Funny that you'd miss ALL that, and then go on to insert such an non sequitur. I am taking a blind stab here, but I'm guessing you're not referring to OBL, right?

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, October 28, 2005 10:20 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
do you really have to try at missing the point, or does such a skill simply come naturally ?

Skills, by definition, do not come naturally.
And missing the point is a skill that I've worked hard to perfect, since most 'points' (including my own) are made to best serve the person making them, and have no real use besides. The uber leftists and extreme rightists come here to engage in mental masturbation, and the idea that I can make any 'points' with most of them is absurd. I come here now mostly to play. I call it 'pin the tail on the nonsense'.

I am taking a blind stab here, but I'm guessing you're not referring to OBL, right?

I was referring to any in a position of real or imagined power that have the ability to order the deaths of others who pose no immediate threat, so yeah, Bin-Laden fits right in there. But I was thinking of more than just him...

In the eight months since I started coming here (RWE), I think I've learned a few things from people as diverse as Finn and Rue, and I'm open to the possibility that I may be wrong in a great many of my beliefs. More than once I've stood corrected, or relaxed or altered my attitude on an issue due to information I was formerly ignorant of.
No one can understand everything, and once one claims to, you can be pretty sure he understands almost nothing.
Well, at least I understand a little more than nothing.

And as much as I know anything, I know this: those that get others killed for economic, religious, or geo-political reasons suck.
( uh-oh, I think that was a 'point', sorry for the absurdity...I can't help myself... )

Chrisisall, covering more ground than he was gonna


Friday, October 28, 2005 10:48 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

This isn't conspiracy theory stuff.

It isn't?
Damn, I was gettin' all excited!

But seriously, thanks for that take on things.



Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:34 AM



I was deflecting the obvious attack, but I'm a little serious. Conspiracy theories have a serious problem, and most everyone is wrong about what it is. Most people this it's the "conspiracy" that can't be. Conspiracy is a crime because it happens, and it happens because it works as a way to get something accomplished when there's substantial opposition.

The "theory" part is the problem, it's usually pure speculation, and often on very loose grounds.

eg. Bob went to college with Sam, and Sam used to work for Suzie, and Suzie's cousin is an employee of Dave, who served with Ann in the first Gulf War. Therefore, Bob and Ann are clearly in cahoots.

This gibberish is everywhere, and often it's posted by someone with a serious ulterior motivation like Creationists for Bioterrorism.

What we have to deal with is Conspiracy Fact. Which is less exciting, sure. But the fact is that the same group of people have forwarded a suspiciously large number of presidential candidates who all happen to have coincidentally appointed this groups members and then instituted policies that help fullfil the group's agenda at severe expense to American interests.

There's alas, no "theory" involved because everyone in this group is an intellectual, and they wrote about this at length many years ago in a "we're going to take over the world, and here's how we'll do it, we'll invade Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Syria and create a mideast power block together with Pakistan Saudi Arabia and Israel - and once accomplished we'll control the world's oil supply..." sort of way.

I think there is fun room to theorize past what is written, but fortunately or unfortunately, these people, and by "these people" I mean these people ...

Dick Cheney
Steve Forbes
Donald Kagan
Zalmay Khalilzad
I. Lewis Libby
Donald Rumsfeld
Paul Wolfowitz
Jeb Bush

and some of these people

John Bolton
Bill Clinton
Paul Volcker
Dianne Feinstein
Ahmed Chalabi
Richard Perle

... wrote quite a bit. The EU and organizations like that are part of their brilliant plan.

If you're interested I'll tell you another one of their brilliant ideas, it's called of compound majority which is a fancy way to say minority.

That one works like this, dominate a majority of votes a majority of districts in a majority of states in a majority of nations in a majority of supernational entities such as the EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, etc. and you dominate the world.

60% of 60% of 60% of 60% of 60% of the 60% of who will atually vote of the 60% who will be elligible to vote of the 6 billion people of the Earth, and you have a "majority" of just under 2.8%.

They're clever guys :)






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