real world of sci-fi

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Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:56 PM



Hmm. interesting idea.



Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:09 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

That quote is not available, nor was it ever, on the site you posted, You should know I have a reputation as a skeet shooter here, and there's some clay pigeons waiting to be taking down, begging for it.

The info you posted is available on 19 sites, all of which are neonazi sites, and the first match was

Why, may I ask, did you keep arguing, after mining this particular bit of data? You could dig up every historical/economic/political fact and throw it at him, but I suspect all you're doing is showing flash cards to a blind man. Stormfront (and its ilk) are the types of people that still think Jews sacrifice Xtian babies in demonic rituals.

DT, Citi, you've both seen several threads worth of these posts now; tell me you aren't arguing out of any hope that reason will be seen (that's what anti-psychosis meds are for). I was doing a little research myself, and discovered that incredibly detailed conspiracy theories like these are symptoms of mild paranoid schizophrenia. It's like arguing with a rabid cat - you might think you're getting somewhere because it stopped yowling and is looking at you, but really it's just waiting to claw your eyes out.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Sunday, January 8, 2006 10:14 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

So you read Never heard of it.

This cracked me up. PN, you're not a moron, don't pretend to be one, it just comes off as a lie. No, I don't post there, not being a white supremacist, but I'm beginning to suspect you do.

"I am unarmed (BAM!)... I am of course wearing full body armor - I am not a moron!"
-The Operative

Yes, I am not a moron, and I do wear body armor when suing the $40-billion/year "Jewish" Mishpucka Mafia car-theft terrorist cartel in fed and state civil courts, and when I filed criminal charges against them and their mafia soldiers in Gangsta Govt. Their gang put two guns to the head of my father and promised to blow his brains out, FOR REAL, if he refused to dismiss the "slam dunk" civil class actions, which he did 2 months later. That's the Masonic Mafia death curse, which my father had to obey as a member of that Masonic Mafia. Myself, I'm not so forgiving when carrying a gun for lawful use of deadly force for justifiable homicide in self defense.

Select to view spoiler:

"I killed the ship that killed us. Not very Christian of me."
-Shepherd Book (retired Alliance Operative), STM

"You did what was right."
-Mal, STM

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
-Rabbi "Jesus", Mathew 10:34

"He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
-Rabbi "Jesus", Luke 22:36

I respect all religions, especially ancient ones, until they go homicidal. Killing in self defense is not the crime of homicide.

I did get over 100 of those gangsters fired from their jobs in Gangsta Govt, but so far Gangsta Govt is refusing to arrest those confessed car thieves, who are stealing cars in USA to blow up in Iraq to blame the Arabs, according to FBI. These are also the same multinational corporations paid $7-billion govt contract to bomb/demolish the WTC and destroy the evidence in Commie China. Read my websites for details on those court battles.

As I said before, some of my relatives are "Jews", and they tend to be the richest and greediest ones, including MDs and PhDs employed for genetic eugenics research that can destroy the human race and all life on Earth. One of the standard attack strategies of Zionist Luceferian is to accuse all Jews of being "anti-Semites" when they dare whistleblow on criminals who happen to calls themselves "Jews".

"Jews" are the ulitmate "white supremicists", since 95% of "Jews'" ancestors are from Central Europe, with zero DNA from ancient "Israel" (Palestine). Jewish doctors write that Yasser Arafat (a Semite) is more Jewish than European Arial Sharon (who is not a Semite). Read any dictionary to learn the definition of "Semite".


So the elitist "Jews" HATED real Judaism and murdered "Jesus" the Jew and his Jewish followers.

This is just patently false. Jesus was executed by the Romans for the crime of treason of which he was guilty.

That's what the Babylonian Talmudic Marranos "Jews" allege. Babylonian "Jewish" elites filed bogus criminal charges of treason against "Jesus" (Yashua ben Ioseph), knowing the Roman penalty for treason was death. The Romans did not want to execute an innocent man, but the "Jewish" elites wanted "Jesus", his followers and his sect exterminated, and threatened their own treasonous riot against the Romans if they didn't get to murder the first "Christians".

Select to view spoiler:

Joss used the parable of "betrayal of Jesus" in STM, when Mr Universe was forced by The Operative to betray Mal, to lure them into a trap at the Community Access Pirate TV station. Mr Universe's famous last words were for The Operative to pay him his "30" coins:

"Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders."
-Matthew 27:3

So Joss is literally saying the Alliance are "Jewish" Babylonian Talmudic witches! HA! I agree. Did anyone else notice this?

No wonder the "Jewish" slavemasters in the Media Mafia want to get Joss under their control, even if it costs them $60-million to shut him up! Maybe someday Joss will make his own version of the Passion Play, and get paid triple gross what STM earned? I wonder if he hangs out with Mel Gibson? Nathan as Rabbi Jesus? Joss would make a wild Book of Revelation, with his SFX teams.

"Jesus" just wanted to fulfill prophesy, so he refused to defend himself in court, and refused to allow his followers to defend him with force, knowing full well he was going to be tortured to death.


"Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus."
-John 18:10

"Jesus" did wage a nonviolent Civil War against the Babylonia Talmudic Cabalistic witches who had taken over the Jewish religion. The Babylonia witches perped treason and blasphemy and won that Civil War, and have hijacked the "Jewish" religion ever since, which now worships Satan/Lucifer. Except for the few Torah "Jews", and Messianic "Jews" who respect "Jesus" and Torah.


It is undeniable that God Himself, in Revelation 11:8, declares that in the last days just prior to Christ’s return, one of the most wicked places on earth will be Jerusalem and Israel. In the book of Revelation God calls Jerusalem "Sodom and Egypt." I believe it is because of the apostate Jewish religion, a religion diametrically opposed to the Old Testament faith of Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets. From the days of the Jews’ captivity in Babylon to today, the religion of the Jews has increasingly grown more dark and more wicked. Jesus openly castigated the Jewish religionists. He called them 'blind guides,' 'fools, hypocrites.' He said, 'Ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayer... Ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.' (Matthew 23:14-15) Children of hell, that’s what Jesus called the Jewish religious teachers."
-Pastor Texe Marrs,, "The Occult Magic of the Jewish Cabala", Jan 2006

"Cabalism is pure Illuminism because it teaches the twisted and perverted secret doctrine that, ultimately, the higher level adept embraces: That the Holy Serpent is the true God; that all the evil that a person does, through alchemy, is magically transformed into righteousness; and that, yes, Lucifer is Lord. Satan is the true and only god. That is the essential doctrine of Cabalism. That, dear friends, is the horror and the shame of the Jewish Cabala. Sorcery is common-place in the depraved religious rituals of cabalistic Judaism. Here a rabbi is seen carrying a chicken off to be sacrificed in a voodoo/ Santeria-type ritual during the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur."
-Pastor Texe Marrs,, "Demons, Magic and Mysticism in the Cabala", Jan 2006 (Photo: Israel, A Photobiography, by Micha Bar-Am, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998)

Today the "Jews" teach that Rabbi "Jesus" is boiling in excrement in Hell for his crime of alleged blasphemy, threaten genocide of all "Christians" for blasphemy (such as spelling the word "God" instead of "G_d"), and make death threats against Texe Marrs, and death threats against Mel Gibson for daring to make a movie quoting the "Christian" Bible, and even forced censorship of his subtitles where the Jews would be cursed for their murderous crimes, as quoted from the Bible. So the "Jews" literally censor the "Christian" Bible, which is an act of religious war.

"Jewish" Zondervan Press publishes most "Christian" Bibles, and rewrites them (NIV etc) to remove 1,000s of "unimportant" words like "Jesus" and "Satan", and even turns "Jesus" into Satan, and prints the Satanic Wiccan logo on the cover ("Celtic Knot" = 666), as seen on TV as logo for Fox TV's "Charmed". Zondervan is a Division of HarperCollins (Collins is one of the top 13 Satanic illuminati bloodlines), which publishes the "Satanic Bible". HarperCollins is owned by News Corp, owned by Sir Rupert Murdock Knight of the British Empire (MI6), owner of Fox. HarperCollins also publishes "Making Out, The Book of Lesbian Sex and Sexuality", described as, "Beautifully illustrated with full-color photography. Making Out is the complete illustrated guide to lesbian sexuality and relationships, the intricacies of love play." HarperCollins logo is literally the burning flames of Hell "walking on water" like "Jesus":


The NIV perverts Jesus Christ into Lucifer! Isaiah 14:14 reveals Satan's grandest desire, "I will be like the most High." And with a little subtil perversion - the NIV in Isaiah 14:12 grants Satan's wish! ISAIAH 14:12: The KJB reads, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, son of the morning!. . ." The NIV PERversion reads, "How you have fallen from heaven, O MORNING STAR, son of the dawn. . ." The NIV change "Lucifer" to "MORNING STAR". BUT WAIT. . . I thought the Lord Jesus Christ was the MORNING STAR?

"The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the 19th Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"
-General Albert Pike, Soverign Grand Commander "Jewish" "pope" of Masonic Mafia, "Morals and Dogma - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" Masonic bible, page 321

I think I've discovered your problem - dyslexia and/or illiteracy? Maybe you're skert of search engines? Perhaps you're a racist Marranos "Jew", and a member of ADL B'Nai B'Rith Masonic Mafia (Mossad)? Pathological lying is required for all Talmudic "Jews", per the annual Kol Nidre prayer on the Day of Atonement:


"All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called onam, onas, or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next, we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths. And it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of Israel."
-, "Kol Nidre Prayer"

This explains why you claim to have never read a "Christian" Bible, nor admit to watching Mel Gibson's Passion play. I wish I'd read the Kol Nidre Prayer BEFORE I hired a lying thieving Jewish law firm and paid them $180,000 cash to subvert and defraud my lawsuit in US District Court for 10-cents on the dollar. My lawyers never did provide me a written accounting of their expenses, nor provide me a signed contract for the cash settlement... Their alibi for stealing 80% of the settlement was that THEY "made a mistake" on an appeal, and "forgot" to include 90% of the claim. Doh! Does that sound honest to you? So I made a $500,000 mistake by not caring what religion a person is before I bet my life on them.


Iraq also has millions of Christians and Jews.

This is an exaggeration. Iraq has upwards of one million christians and very few jews.

Well, USA/Britian/UN has genocided 1.6-million Iraqis so far, so my numbers were prior to 1990. Israel alone has 300,000 Iraqi "Jews" who absentee-voted in the Iraqi elections last month, according to Israeli newspapers, which I read daily from the RSS newswire posted on my website.

Iraqi Kurds are Wahabi Jews, just like the Saudi royals, the Taliban and Usama Bin Laden (who has a Jewish mother from Yemen). True Arabs hate Wahabi "Arabs" who they consider blasphemous serial killers who hijacked the Islamic religion (which Mohammed based on genocide anyway).


WTF? Anything that has a jew touch it at any point is infected by jew cooties?

95% of "Jews" only have DNA from Central Europe, the most war-torn real estate on the planet, due to lack of natural barriers like mountains and oceans. Natural Selection ensures that certain DNA traits survive and others are exterminated, due to 1,000s of years of near-constant genocide. "Honest but gullible" DNA gets wiped out for the stupidity of "volunteering" for suicidal wars. "Surviving" DNA is from people who were cunning enough to sandbag, connive, cheat, and steal their way as far from the front lines of war as possible, and let others do the dying (which describes the draft-dodging NeoCon "Jews" running the Bush Gang's White House). Only the survivors can reproduce children. This violent genetic heritage also tends to make the offspring more cynical towards things like honesty, love and belief in a "god". These pagan Ashkenazi peoples were forcibly converted to Bablylonian Talmudic "Judaism" 1,500 years ago, under threat of death from their Kabalistic Khazar leaders.

Today, these Central European "Jews" are like Macchiveli on steroids, and live in every nation, often attaining the highest ranks, as done in Britian and USA. Very dangerous criminals. "Good Jews" are those who realize this DNA trap, and meditate on overcoming this psychotic defect. I don't say this, Jewish doctors report this, like Harvard-educated Dr Len Horowitz and Dr Henry Makow, and many others. It's Darwin 101.

The link for News Corp is merely to link to Fox and The Sun's Page 3 girls, for proof that Murdock is a hardcore pornographer and pimp. You don't really believe it's impossible for a "Christian" to marry a "Jew"? You do understand the concept of sex and reproduction?


"It's been a while -- a long damn while -- since anybody but me took ahold of my plow."
-Mal, Our Mrs Reynolds

Chiefly British Vulgar Slang. 1. A person who masturbates. 2. A detestable person.

free safe sex with the person you love most.

I'm not saying you are necessarily a wanker (apparently a requirement for the crew of Serenity), but your numbers are based on Communist propaganda from the bogus Cold War, the numbers I report are confirmed by all modern historians, whether "Christian", "Jewish" or atheist. 50-million people were genocided by the US, British, German, Franch, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and many other governments in WW2, but most "Jews" immigrated successfully, and even the new official "Jewish" Holocaust monument in Germany does not list any names of the dead "Jews", since there were less than one million, not 6-million, and if they named names, their fraud would be exposed.

As for the number of blacks genocided in USA, over 10-million have been iatrogenocided in USA since Roe v Wade, just counting the aborticides. Another 10-million blacks have been iatrogenocided in USA since 1973, just by medical malpractice and fatal side effects of prescription and OTC medications. That's 20-million murdered African-Americans in just 30 years. Add 400 years, especially when blacks were literally bred like cattle to be worked to death, and the numbers are certainly over 50-million, according to college textbooks in gov't schools. I have not personally read a documented figure of 300-million, researched by a PhD, but I was told that number by a black college student, who said he was taught that in gov't school. Personally, I hope to enroll in a college course on Black History, if only to learn more about the international (predominantly "Jewish" owned) slave trade and genocide programs, if only for personal self defense. Apparently, that's why many blacks like Farrakan are disgruntled with certain "Jews", for running the ancient and modern slave trade.

Go back to your dream world of TeeVee and Hollyweird movies - two hobbies guaranteed to lower your IQ. By all means avoid history books, documentaries and search engines, or your mission to damage your brain might be aborted. I'm not trying to be rude, but your mind is closed, and your bias is showing.

And in that state of mind the NWO can knock your head off. And I don't want that to happen to anybody, unless a collaborator, operator, or enthusiasic member of the NWO Alliance.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Jewish-owned Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:04 PM


Bored now....


Monday, January 9, 2006 1:42 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Is that really an effective argument?


Monday, January 9, 2006 1:56 AM


Well it's Whedonesque which is more in keeping with this board than anything you've posted.


Monday, January 9, 2006 4:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I figured out why PN is posting! He's creating such a paranoid hash that nobody will ever credit ANY conspiracy theory EVER. Good job, PN! You've just innoculated everyone against the whole "Jewish- conspiracy" line of thought, leaving the Zionist conspiracy to operate unchecked. OMG! PN is a "JEW"!

Please don't think they give a shit.


Monday, January 9, 2006 10:31 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
He's creating such a paranoid hash that nobody will ever credit ANY conspiracy theory EVER.

Doggone it, you could be right about this part (in some weird part of the universe). Maybe the Pirate is the Red Herring.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Monday, January 9, 2006 6:55 PM


I think I started out by saying I was a reactionary right wing tomato farmer with a fifth grade education. All things considered, I think I'm a pretty smart cookie. PN is delusional. I met plenty of jews and they seem like decent folk. Very few are zionist zealots bent on global domination.

Next, I think PN is deliberately deceptive. He attacks Nazis as jews, but he never attacks there positions, and tries to validate their so called 'facts.' Much of the information he posts he gets from other white supremacist sites, and cannot be found anywhere else. He is attempting to mis-educate people based on this without having people see the Nazi stygma.

Do jews do the same thing? Sure they do, the jewish media is frequently spinning stories to lead people to misinterpretations. Most Americans think that only jews were killed in the holocaust, when actually an equal number or more were of victims were non-jewish. This doesn't mean that the Nazis didn't exterminate jews with a viscious and christian hatred. Absolutely they did.

But searching for the truth in PN's rants is like looking for honestly on television. It's there somewhere, but 90% of everything you see is spin.


Monday, January 9, 2006 7:14 PM



I think that's not fair to conspiracy theories. I'm sure you've heard 'yesterday's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's old news.' But that isn't this. I think the 'he's trying to discredit conspiracy theories' has more chance.

Here's the way it starts. Bob, Sam and Julie meet secretly and plan to take over the school popular kid circles. They are willing to lie cheat steal and blame all of the things they do on other kids to create in fighting etc. This helps them ascend to popularity.

There's only one snag: Joe notices it, and publishes his theory 'Bob, Sam and Julie are setting us against one another.'

BSJ must move fast. They quickly hire Ted, Sally, and Steve, who they promise to let lick their boots after they have total power. Ted starts out by echoing Joes theory exactly, only he makes one addition, that Bob, Sam and Julie are actually space aliens. Sally makes her theory that Todd and Hannah are also in on it, knowing they are not, and thus making the whole theory seem non-sensical. Steve weaves together all three theories into a grand theory, comparing, contrasting and academically studying. Steve becomes the authority on the conspiracy, to whom Joe's initial theory is totally subordinate.

The truth is that PN is stuck in a reality where his faith would not endure the same level of detailed analysis that he sets to other things so he must make himself out to be the victim. Curiously, this also falls into the same sort of logical fallacy, which is that the jews playing the victim is proof of their conspiratorial involvement, hence by this logic we can assume that the anti-zionist christian is also. Christians were almost always the perpetrators, not the victims, even in the whole fed-to-the-lions incident, which was blown all out of porportion. Particular Christians, having been found guilty of crimes they were actually guilty of, were fed to the lions in one incident to the best of my knowledge, but well, you know, the victim card.

I was recently reading about the Crusades. These may to have been the actual largest genocide of all time, though the Holocaust, extermination of the indians, slavery and the Russian Civil War certainly rank, as does Rwanda/Burundi. The aggressors in all of these conflicts were Christian, and were jewish, islamic or pagan in none of them.

PN's lack of hostility towards muslims also labels him a Nazi. He holds many of the trademark beliefs found on any of the christian white extremist pages. I think his dissociation from them is spin.


Monday, January 9, 2006 8:02 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:
Yeah, I’ve never signed on to the dole myself, but I’m curious as to how that is a contract of slavery? By those criteria surely doing anything other than living in the wilderness and trapping your own food could be considered slavery. If I work for a company that pays me cashy money for turning up between the hours of 9 and 5 am I then a slave? How is the government pension scheme any different to a private pension, accept it could be cheaper because it’s not run for profit?

"Town hall bureaucrats are to be given sweeping new powers to investigate homes for identity card evasion and to impose heavy fines on occupants found without one. It will stiffen resolve at Westminster to oppose the Identity Cards Bill, which is due before the House of Lords again next week."
-London Telegraph, "No identity card? You could be fined £2,500," January 6, 2006

Yes, it's hard to not get suckered into the slave contracts. How many Brits still have their "Victory Gardens" to feed themselves? Our generation is fat, lazy and stubid, compared to our parents, or so they tell us. How many people know how to own their own business - with the benefit of paying zero taxes (GO MAL!)? How many people know how to cure their own diseases without going to a Death Camp, er, hospital? How many people know how to generate their own electricity or grow their own fuel for vehicles? How many people have ever owned a gun for self defense (GO MAL!)? How many people can argue their own case in court - and win? How many people know how to turn on the TV and drink a beer while sitting on their ass?

"Pension" programs run by Gangsta Govt or private corporations pay you only 10% of the pension you would get if YOU took charge of your own investments. It's just a Ponzi Scheme designed to rob you, since most people will die before they collect a pension check. Many industries are losing all pensions, such as steel mills, automotive manufacturers, airlines, etc. Learn the "Rule of 78s" to calculate how much your pension should be worth, compared to what the govt or private pension actually might pay you.

$70-trillion/year is looted from govt CAFR pensions in USA, with Bush Gang looting $4.5-trillion from Pentagon's civilian CAFR pensions since 2001, according to Congressional testimony by neoCon "Jew" Sir Donald Rumsfeld Knight of the British Empire, grilled by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

VIDEO: Rummy admits $4.5-trillion "missing":

Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports:
Gangsta Govt in towns, counties, utilities, states, universities, and feds keep 2 sets of books, and only tells the sheeple about "expenses", but keeps its Wall Street profits Top Secret, and loots that profit like the Mafia loots a union pension fund as their personal ATM ("Other People's Money" = OPM). European elites do the same thing to its slaves, but presumably use a different name for CAFR:

I guarantee you, if Britian were invaded, OR, if British Govt nuked a British City, like it did in 7/7 London Bombings and "IRA" (MI5) bombings, then you would face a draft, for both military and civilian "service" (slavery), just like WW1 and WW2, etc.


I assume you don’t mean nuked, and I’m fairly sure the IRA weren’t MI6. Even if the IRA and the 7/7 bombings were a government plot I’d of thought it would have been perpetrated by MI5.

Yes, MI5. I do mean NUKED. Pentagon has nuked USA over 1,050 times already... Sir Donald Rumsfeld "Jewish" Knight of the British Empire worked hard to sell Iran nuclear bombs (and North Korea), in order to blame them later, no matter who sets off a nuke... Just like Rummy gave WMDs to Saddam. Israel has 400 nukes, including Russian suitcase nukes, and has threatened to nuke Europe. NWO/MI5/MI6 could use one of Mossad's nukes to bomb England with immunity from prosecution, to blame the Arabs and expand the wars and continue Big Brother's Police State in UK. 100s of Israeli Mossad terrorist bombers have been arrested in USA since 9/11/2001, then released without trial by the Israeli citizen who Bush promoted to direct US Dept of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, a "Jew" born in Communist Czechoslovakia.

Whistleblower David Shayler was MI5 (Military Intelligence 5 = internal martial law). Do a search for "Shaylergate" to read the British newspapers, court testimony and Parlimentary debate on the confessed fact that the Queen and PMs conspired to bomb and did in fact murder British citizens to blame Ireland, and "justify" martial law hostile takeover of Northern Ireland in the Divided Kingdom. MI5/MI6 and MOD ran the IRA, funded the bombers, and ordered the IRA bombers to bomb British targets. The "IRA" bombers were employed as active duty British military, working "undercover" in the "IRA". When one "IRA" bomber was arrested and charged with murder, his legal defense was that he vas only following the Queen's and PM's orders, resulting in excrement hitting the fan.

Extrapolate that conspiracy to the London train bombings on 7/7/2005, with bombs planted UNDER trains (not carried by the alleged bombers who were NOT videotaped exploding), with "wargames" to bomb London trains at that exact moment, with the alleged ringleader employed by MI6 and granted immunity from arrest, as confessed by the British Gangsta Govt, to "justify" British military genociding 1.6-million Iraqis. Read my website Weblog page for my archive of London Bombing news reports. That's why Murdock puts naked girls in his daily newspapers (and on FF?), to distract the British slaves from their slavery.

Do a web search on "Operation Gladio" to read confessed declassified US military operations to bomb European judges and other targets to blame Italian "Communists" and to profit the Mafia.

Do a search on "Operation Northwoods" to read "Jewish" General Lemnitzer's declassified Pentagon plan to perp terrorists bombings, assassinations, hijackings, and to pay foreign enemy soldiers to attack US military bases to blame Commie cuba and "justify" invasion.

Nazi Germany did the same thing in "Operation Himmler" and "Operation Canned Goods", to blame Poland, and Reichstag Fire to blame German Communists. Read William Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich".

US govt did the same at Pearl Harbor for "Jew" Winston Churchill to get US slaves to volunteer for suicidal war to profit the "Jewish" banksters, since nations must borrow money they don't have to wage wars.

"Jew" LBJ ordered Israeli military to sink "USS Liberty" to blame Egypt, as confessed by LBJ on White House audiotapes. Do a search.

President McKinley and Secretary of Navy Teddy Roosevelt ordered the sinking of "USS Maine" to blame Cuba and start the Spanish-American War, as confessed by official US Navy investigation on History Channel.


As for taxes we pay between 25% and 40% depending on earnings (tax bracket). Because the British public accept slightly higher taxes in return for many more services, you know like health care for all instead of letting those that can’t pay die in a gutter, doesn’t mean we’re docile.

When I lived in England in USAF, I was poisoned by US Gangsta Govt and denied medical cure by USAF "socialized medicine", as were British Gulf War soldiers. Now I'm disabled without medical insurance, my govt med insurance was cancelled, and I'm "uninsurable" for all future medical insurance. LUCKY ME! Now I don't have to pay to go to medical Death Camps to get iatrogenocided to death. I just buy my antibiotics from Mexico, since no US soldiers or veterans, nor US citizens, are allowed the antibiotic cure for so-called "Gulf War" maycoplasma infection (doxycycline), which is also the standard cure for arthritis, cancer and all viral infections (all viruses have a mycoplasma coating). Europe is in the same boat.

Income tax of 25-40% + VAT sales tax of 18% + gasoline tax of $2.50/gallon (even tho Britian is a member of OPEC and steals unlimited free oil from Alaska to sell to Commie China and Mexico), TV tax of $100/year (with roving covert TV detection spy vans), banking taxes, telephone taxes, MOT vehicle tax of $100/year, $10/day tax to drive in London, GPS taxation by the mile planned for ALL cars on ALL roads to turn EVERY car into a Govt TAXicab and EVERY road into a toll road, theft of your pension funds, then add inflation caused by the "Jewish" bankster central "govt" counterfeiting cartel... Add those up and you are taxed at over 80%. A Swedish friend of mine said Socialist Sweden had a tax rate of OVER 100%, and the only way to survive is to cheat on taxes (GO MAL!).

As for British "healthcare", there are many horror stories. Remember "Jewish" Dr Shipman in Hyde ("the world's worst serial killer"), convicted of murdering his healthy patients with injections of morphine, then forging their wills. He genocided 600 patients, without other British doctors blinking an eye. US military has "socialized medicine", with military doctors slaughtering US soldiers with immunity from arrest or civil liability. Hospitals are a Death Camp gulag to genocide the "useless eaters" and "useful idiots" for the profit of the NWO, just like USA (which has highest mortality rate of any Western nation, not counting 45-million aborticides). 7,000 American slaves are genocided in USA every day, that's 1-million murders/year, plus 1.5-million aborticides/year, for a total of 2.5-million murders/year in USSA.

Read Life Extension magazine March 2004 issue "Death by Medicine" - 1,000,000/year Amerikans iatrogenocided by doctors:

My wife's mother, a nurse, was murdered by HIV/AIDS/AZT and the Hospice Death Camp, after a blood transfusion, when Red Cross knew HIV was in the blood supply but refused to sterilize the blood. The patented cure for AIDS and cancer is TetraSilver Tetroxide, by , a Jewish company, but the Media Mafia censors this fact. Dr Boyd Graves says he was cured on AIDS with a single $10 IV of this pharmaceutical-grade "colloidal silver". Anyone can manufacture a weaker version of colloidal silver at home, via simple electroplating in distilled water, to help cure all infections.

That's why I'm very suspicious of Dr Tam injecting Mal with an unknown drug/vaccine at the start of STM. It's probably blatant "product placement" of genocidal sabotaged vaccines, to con the sheeple slaves into volunteering to be shot/stabbed with live bioweapons, which is how HIV/AIDS was originally distributed in Hepatitis vaccines. That's probably why Bush Sr and Bin Ladens bought Universal, for its propaganda value, and to censor trues from slipping out. I doubt Mal was injected with colloidal silver, but I hope he was. And air guns only spread disease by splattering blood, especially when used in mass injections without sterilization, as I experienced in USAF.


How many Americans marched on Washington to protest the Iraq war? How many sometimes violent mass demonstrations are there against any law passed by Congress, because we have them over here?

Protests and riots are for stupid slaves. In USA, Media Mafia refuses to broadcast or report even when 500,000 protestors show up in DC or NYC on numerous occasions, to protest the war and protest Bush Jr. The only thing a protest demonstrates is how lazy, illiterate and stupid the demonstrators are, especially since all protests are infiltrated by provocateurs employed by Gangsta Govt, especially those pretending to by violent "anarchists" and "communists" (to imply that "liberals" are commies. The only effective method to "protest" is to personally file criminal charges against criminals employed by Gangsta Govt, no matter what their rank. If Gangsta Govt refuses to arrests its own criminals, then the citizens must make citizens arrests, using lawful use of deadly force and justifiable homicide in self defense, to arrest every employee of Gangsta Govt who obstructs justice. I've done it, so can you.

Do a search for "Battle of Athens" Tennessee after WW2, when 100 war veterans made citizen arrests of a sheriff and all his deputies, by opening fire on the police station, for perping the crime of election fraud. The citizens were rewarded by US Congress, and books and TV documentaries were produced to celebrate their heroism against Gangsta Govt.

Tony Bliar and Queen Elizabeth must be arrested immediately by the citizens of Britian, for the crimes of domestic terrorism, mass murder, theft and treason. Since that doesn't happen, this proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the British subjects are merely slaves in their own effing country. We have the exact same problem here. USA should invade City of London and liberate the British people from the tyranny of the German Queen and Tony BLiar, just like we did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Panama. We shoud put the queen and Bliar on trial just like Noreiga and Saddam, find them guilty, then execute them, as allowed by current law.


"Prime Minister Tony Blair should be 'impeached' over the war in Iraq, a former top British soldier has said."
-BBC News, "Impeach Blair over Iraq, says general," January 8, 2005

Talking is one thing, doing is the opposite.


The Queen isn’t officially the richest woman in the world

Newspapers report that she is, not counting the invisible shadow govt "Jewish" banksters who stole $300-trillion to play with.


Plus the queen and the royal family do pay tax.

The "British" royals paid zero taxes until 1990s, when they volunteered to pay less than 1% tax (only on their UK income) to get the slaves and newspapers to shut up. Their foreign investments are also tax-free income. The Queen is the largest landowner in NY City, and owns real estate all over the planet. Tourism is merely 1% of "her" income (which should be income for the public).


As for Diana, fk the self serving media whore bitch. I care even less about her than I do about the rest of the royal family. Now there’s a fair few unanswered questions about her death, but there’s no really evidence that the royal family or the queen ordered her death. Also there would be no reason to murder her to prevent Dodi al Faed to become king.

Your bias is showing. Diana was reportedly pregnant with an Arab heir to the throne to compete with William and Harry. Dodi would never have any ancestral claim to the throne. She also wanted to ban landmines, which goes against the NWO genocide program. She was making the Satanic royals look like human beings instead of gods, which is blasphemy punishable by death.


"My husband is planning 'an accident' in my car, brake failure and serious head injury... to make the path clear for him to marry."

"In the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."
—His Royal Highness Prince Philip, husband Queen Elizabeth of Britain, father-in-law of Princess Diana, from autobiography, Down to Earth: Speeches and Writings of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, on the Relationship of Man With His Environment, in chapter titled, "His Royal Virus"

"King" Philip is a psycho who wants to kill 90% of the world population, including genocide of his own "subjects" (slaves), using bioweapons like HIV/AIDS, distributed in Gangsta govt's "vaccines". HIV/AIDS is now gene-spliced into Monsanto's "Terminator" corn crop, which UN Corporation is giving free to any 3rd world sucker dumb enough to take it, and is already in US/Canadian/Mexican food supply and spreading to Europe via cross pollination. The purpose is to KILL YOU.


Yep, I don’t like the cameras myself. The toll roads are the congestion charge which was an attempt to reduce private vehicles in extremely congested central London. But GPS doesn’t track all vehicles on the Roads. There is a proposed plan by the minister of transport to bring such a scheme in, but it’s not been well received and I really doubt it’ll get in. But then isn’t all car ownership under those criteria slavery, I’m sure even Americans pay tax on fuel..)

"Government control of Communications and Transportation."
-Communist Manifesto, 6th Plank, written by "Jew" Karl Marx in London, England

"From 2006 Britain will be the first country where every journey by every car will be monitored. Britain is to become the first country in the world where the movements of all vehicles on the roads are recorded. A new national surveillance system will hold the records for at least two years. Using a network of cameras that can automatically read every passing number plate, the plan is to build a huge database of vehicle movements so that the police and security services can analyse any journey a driver has made over several years. The network will incorporate thousands of existing CCTV cameras which are being converted to read number plates automatically night and day to provide 24/7 coverage of all motorways and main roads, as well as towns, cities, ports and petrol-station forecourts. By next March a central database installed alongside the Police National Computer in Hendon, north London, will store the details of 35 million number-plate "reads" per day. These will include time, date and precise location, with camera sites monitored by global positioning satellites. Already there are plans to extend the database by increasing the storage period to five years and by linking thousands of additional cameras so that details of up to 100 million number plates can be fed each day into the central databank. The scheme is being orchestrated by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) and has the full backing of ministers who have sanctioned the spending of £24m this year on equipment."
-Steve Connor, London Independent, "Britain will be first country to monitor every car journey," 22 December 2005

The idea that TVs are watching you while you watch it, we are not very far off from..."
-Joss W, STM DVD

Gas tax in USA is 35-cents/gallon, not $2.50/gallon as in UK. But NWO is working hard to change that, by giving all Texas roads to King of Spain, to turn every street and highway into GPS toll roads. That's a minimum $4,000/year "MOT" tax per vehicle, with a de facto gas tax of $4/gallon. This is the NWO plan to further enslave USA and the planet. In December, gasoline in Iraq inflated from its original price of 5-CENTS/GALLON (full service) to 65-cents/gallon (1,500% inflation in 1 day). It costs less than 50-cents/gallon to produce and refine oil into gasoline and transport it to its destination.


Not all the guns. Weapons whose only purpose is to shoot people have been made illegal

Which means British slaves have zero legal right to self defense, which is the textbook definition of a slave. Whenever a person defends themselves and their family from home invasion, rape, etc, the crime victim slave is arrested for murder or attempted murder. Then the robber or rapist gets to sue the crime victim in civil court for financial damages for whatever injuries he sustained while robbing or raping you, and the robber or rapist WILL WIN, and the court will order you to pay the robber or rapist everything that you own! Gangsta govt has no responsibility to defend its slaves from crimes, as every court has ordered. If you get robbed or raped, you cannot sue Gangsta Govt for failing to protect you. Violent crime rate in UK went up severely after the latest gun ban laws were passed.

Switzerland has the lowest crime rate, AND HAS NEVER BEEN INVADED OR ATTACKED in over 100 years, since its govt REQUIRES every adult male to keep a MACHINE GUN and ammo hidden in his home, and can even carry it with him in public, such as riding a bicycle or motorcycle. Some US cities REQUIRE every adult to keep a gun in their home (Kennesaw, Georgia), or they must pay higher taxes. US cities that ban buns have the highest murder rates - and "terrorism" rates - since only the criminals and Gangsta Govt have guns (DC, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco).


Tony Bliar, barrister at law (MI6)

Is everything to do with Britain really MI6?

British newspapers reported in 2005 that Tony Bliar has been employed by MI6 since he was in college.


Rwanda isn’t part of the British Empire. I believe the US actually has more control over the UN than anyone else. I’d like to see your evidence as to the UN troops committing this genocide.

UN "peacekeepers" torture a Somali child over fire:


"Many of the mass murderers were employees of the international relief agencies." -Peter Hammond of Frontline Fellowship, in "Holocaust in Rwanda"

Rwanda was German/Belgium colony, but after UN(UK) troops endorsed the 1994 genocide, it might as well be a British/IMF colony.

British Empire currently has 53 votes in United Nations Corporation, and uses economic extortion via "Jewish" banksters holding mortgages on those "former" British colonies, as their enslaved leaders complain. USA has only 1 vote in UN Inc. UN HQ was built in NYC on blood-stained land donated by "Jewish" Rockefellers, which was a former slaughterhouse.


"The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 53 states."

"The Commonwealth of Nations, usually known as The Commonwealth, is an association of independent sovereign states, almost all of which are former territories of the British Empire. It was once known as the British Commonwealth of Nations or British Commonwealth. Queen Elizabeth II, who is the Head of State of 16 Commonwealth Realms, is the Head of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth encompasses a population of approximately 1.8 billion people, making up about 30% of the world's total. The land area of the Commonwealth nations equals about a quarter of the world's land area, with Australia, Canada (the world's second-largest nation by area), and India each having more than 3.2 million square kilometers (1.2 million square miles). Since 1965 there has been a London-based Secretariat. The current (2005) Commonwealth Secretary-General is Don McKinnon, a former Foreign Minister of New Zealand."

"Mr. Speaker, now I think I've just about seen and heard everything: Kofi Annan and the United Nations being announced as joint recipients of this year's Nobel Peace Prize. I'm not saying there wasn't a time in the UN's history when it wasn't deserved. What I'm saying is I don't believe it's deserved right now. Instead, I believe that to award the UN and Kofi Annan now amounts to an insult to the millions that have died at the hands of the United Nations in recent years."
-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinny, November 16, 2001

"We now know that the United States government was fully aware of the events unfolding in Rwanda. We also know that late night video-conversations were held, within Washington, DC and between New York and Washington, DC. We know
that some participants in those conversations were begging and pleading, even crying that something be done to stop the carnage in Rwanda. We know that the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations was fully apprised
of the events as they unfolded, but more importantly, knew in advance that the genocide was being planned."
-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinny, Washington, 25/03/2000

Select to view spoiler:

In upcoming films, is Joss planning to reveal Miranda as an intentional Alliance WMD experiment to use a stealth "Pax bomb" for genociding entire planets?

"Somebody has to speak for these people. As sure as I know anything, I know this - They will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this ground swept clean. 1 year from now, 10, they will swing back to the belief that they can make people... 'better'."
-Mal, STM

"There is no news, only the truth of the signal. There's the puppet theatre, the parliamentary jesters, the somnolent public... They can't stop the signal! They can never stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Drowsy; sleepy. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific. In a condition of incomplete sleep; semicomatose.
-American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Ha! Good joke Joss.

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Monday, January 9, 2006 11:38 PM



Originally posted by Pirate'Loonytoons'News:
How many Brits still have their "Victory Gardens" to feed themselves?

Anyone who wants one. People with gardens can grow whatever they like, people without can get an allotment, just like my uncle.

As for the rest of your diatribe if you want to live in an anarchistic society there are loads of places you could do it. The sad thing is you probably beleive you'd be better off.

I guarantee you, if Britian were invaded, OR, if British Govt nuked a British City, like it did in 7/7 London Bombings and "IRA" (MI5) bombings, then you would face a draft, for both military and civilian "service" (slavery), just like WW1 and WW2, etc.

I didn't say you wouldn't, I said there's always a choice. You may go to prision (but I doubt it) but you wouldn't be on the frontline. You may want to read my post next time before copy/pasting from "".

Yes, MI5. I do mean NUKED. Pentagon has nuked USA over 1,050 times already... Israel has 400 nukes, including suitaces nukes, and has threatened to nuke Europe. NWO/MI5/MI6 could use one of Mossad's nukes to bomb England with immunity from prosecution, to blame the Arabs and expand the wars and continue Big Brother's Police State in UK.

You don't know the difference between MI5 and MI6, so I should trust anything you have to say, why?

As for British "healthcare", there are many horror stories. Remember "Jewish" Dr Shipman in Hyde ("the world's worst serial killer"), convicted of murdering his healthy patients with injections of morphine, then forging their wills. He genocided 600 patients, without other British doctors blinking an eye.

Wrong, false etc etc etc...
Concoct whatever theories and numbers you like.

The stuff about demonstrations riots.

Whatever fruitcake.

USA should invade City of London and liberate the British people from the tyranny of the German Queen and Tony BLiar, just like we did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Panama. We shoud put the queen and Bliar on trial just like Noreiga and Saddam, find them guilty, then execute them, as allowed by current law.

That's quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read.
I think the UN should invade Washington DC and get rid of Bush.
At least Blair was voted in.

Your bias is showing. Diana was reportedly pregnant with an Arab heir to the throne to compete with William and Harry. Dodi would never have any ancestral claim to the throne.

Do you have any idea how far down the ladder of succession any child of Diana's would be if they weren't fathered by the Prince of Wales? Probably not, your ingorance of reallity is astounding.

This heir to the throne would not of competed with either the Prince of Wales, Prince Harry or William for the throne.

The only thing showing is the fruitloops between your ears.

She also wanted to ban landmines, which goes against the NWO genocide program.

Yes, and everyone who's said at some point "landmines should be banned" has ended up murdered by the German-Russian-Pinko-Commie-Nazi-Leftwing-Socialist-Markist-Jewish-Islamic-Santanist-Twinky munching MI6-5-4-3-2-1 Secret Ayahtohla death squads.

She was making the Satanic royals look like human beings instead of gods, which is blasphemy punishable by death.

Cookoo cookoo cookoo...

British Empire

Doesn't exist anymore.

And I asked for evidence, not a repeat of what you said last time...

Anyway, I have a life, and I'm bored of Nazi rhetoric now.

You're nuttier than a fruitcake and half as interesting, bye bye.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:29 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Excellent logical argument. You must be a barrister in the Inns of Court. Do you let Prince Charles boff yer bum, reportedly his favorite pasttime, according to his fg ex-wife?

Do you eat Mrs Brains Faggots and Spotted Dick - "the Queen's favorite dessert"? Cheap shot, yes, but ye hath made me angry, ye bloody bloke.

Geese, the way we fight you'd think we were on the crew of FF, but without all the stabbing and shooting and punching.

Yes, the British royals are inbred morons, but they tend to be evil inbred morons. I once spoke with my racing competitor and fellow team owner in British Formula 3, Jackie Stewart, Formula 1 World Champion (ta da!), of the Scottish royal House of Stewart (whoop te do). I handed him a magazine article I wrote, published in Autosport magazine, about the WW2 history of Snetterton Circuit. He said that he cannot read (reportedly because he's dyslexic). I guess he didn't know anyone else who could read it to him. What a genius. His overpaid team actually repainted his temporary pitlane garage at each race, and pranced around on the starting grid with Arab Kings. Boy, he really hated me, with my shoestring budget and volunteer pit crew, that actually outqualified his team once in the rain at Donnington. What a ponce. I guess he finally found a way to cash in on F1's drug-running operations of multi-billionaire Bernie Ecclestone (a "Jewish" gangsta?). But I digress.

Yes it would be "great" for UN's army to take out Bush, like British Empire burned the White House in 1812. Bush, er, Cheney tried to crash a robot airliner into either the White House or Congress, before NDANG F-16s shot it down, winning awards from congress and North Dakota governor on TV. Taking out DC is certainly the goal of the UN/NWO. They've probably got Jerry Bruckheimer writing that script, like Pentagon paid him to write Private Jessica Lynch's Bogus Journey.

UN/NATO troops took out the Waco church and are taking out New Orleans right now, including the Mexican army in USA for the first time in US history. Russians and Germans also have occupying bases in USA, like USA once had in Europe. Commie China now owns many US ports and former US naval bases, plus a Bahama port and the Panama Canal, and has troops in Mexico.

But arresting the Bush Gang is USA's responsibility. There are plenty of serious insiders attempting to do that, but frankly, they aren't trying hard enough. CIA/FBI has already infiltrated all senior ranking police commanders and prosecutors. And the Bush Gang already killed a bunch of them, like Senator Wellstone.

Maybe we should do what my sister did, learn to speak Mandarin at Yale and move to Commie Shanghai and join the gorum Anglo-Sino Alliance? USA DOA. Even Nathan is from Canada.

Just bend over for your vaccine and be a good slave.


"There is no news, only the truth of the signal. There's the puppet theatre, the parliamentary jesters, the somnolent public... They can't stop the signal! They can never stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Drowsy; sleepy. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific. In a condition of incomplete sleep; semicomatose.
-American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary

Ha! Good joke Joss.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:27 AM



I want to dissect this post by PN because I think it's much more lucid than the previous rants, and here I think there's a decent possibility to separate the lunacy from reality. I don't mean to be condescending here, I just think that PN has a preconceived notion of what he *wants* to be the truth, and it's getting in the way of the *actual* truth. This reminds me of some friends of mine who are socialist-leaning republicans, who know a lot of people in the Bush clan. They can see that Bush is evil, but they want to blame someone else, but really they're right in the thick of the camp which is to blame. (And yes, socialist leaning republicans DO exist, and if you asked them they would say "We're socialist-leaning republicans" quite honestly. Remember Hoover, the openly socialist republican president of the USA.)

Okay, now to the task at hand:


PN Paragraph 1:

Yes, it's hard to not get suckered into the slave contracts. How many Brits still have their "Victory Gardens" to feed themselves? Our generation is fat, lazy and stubid, compared to our parents, or so they tell us. How many people know how to own their own business - with the benefit of paying zero taxes (GO MAL!)? How many people know how to cure their own diseases without going to a Death Camp, er, hospital? How many people know how to generate their own electricity or grow their own fuel for vehicles? How many people have ever owned a gun for self defense (GO MAL!)? How many people can argue their own case in court - and win? How many people know how to turn on the TV and drink a beer while sitting on their ass?

Okay. I have nothing to argue here. I think PN is pretty much spot on here. I don't think people need victory gardens as long as they have a local farming community of people they know who are locally owned and operated. But people should rely on massive walmart for their food supply.


PN, P.2,3,4

"Pension" programs run by Gangsta Govt or private corporations pay you only 10% of the pension you would get if YOU took charge of your own investments. It's just a Ponzi Scheme designed to rob you, since most people will die before they collect a pension check. Many industries are losing all pensions, such as steel mills, automotive manufacturers, airlines, etc. Learn the "Rule of 78s" to calculate how much your pension should be worth, compared to what the govt or private pension actually might pay you.

$70-trillion/year is looted from govt CAFR pensions in USA, with Bush Gang looting $4.5-trillion from Pentagon's civilian CAFR pensions since 2001, according to Congressional testimony by neoCon "Jew" Sir Donald Rumsfeld Knight of the British Empire, grilled by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

VIDEO: Rummy admits $4.5-trillion "missing":

Labels aside, this is pretty much true. Social Security will give you 32 cents or so on your dollar back, with no interest. Why anyone in their right mind fights to defend this program is way beyond me. Unlike PN, I believe society *can* work, it just doesn't. I'd favor a special corporate/govt bond investment program (your choice) which would create venture captial while providing for retirement, with a 40 year-400% return. This would incredibly easy to acheive. The problem with pension plans and social security is that some crook is always robbing the till. So the systems are set up so that your own money gets dribbled back to you so slow that you never notice. I don't think Rumsfeld is jewish. Like it matters.


PN p.5
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports:
Gangsta Govt in towns, counties, utilities, states, universities, and feds keep 2 sets of books, and only tells the sheeple about "expenses", but keeps its Wall Street profits Top Secret, and loots that profit like the Mafia loots a union pension fund as their personal ATM ("Other People's Money" = OPM). European elites do the same thing to its slaves, but presumably use a different name for CAFR:

Here's where the subtle assumptions make their way in.


Gangsta Govt
Ponzi Scheme
"Jew" Sir Donald Rumsfeld Knight of the British Empire

These are insidious assertions which threaten the core text because they attempt to push the reader to beliefs which are not automatically implied by the facts. Now I see that this is how people reacted to my "neocon 'socialist' Bush Admin." I think in my defense I gave a lengthy discussion several times now on why the Bush Admin was a socialist, and that it wasn't a random label.


like the Mafia loots a union pension fund

Something unbacked assumptions are true, and I suspect this is one of those. Still, best to attempt to back these claims.


PN P.6
I guarantee you, if Britian were invaded, OR, if British Govt nuked a British City, like it did in 7/7 London Bombings and "IRA" (MI5) bombings, then you would face a draft, for both military and civilian "service" (slavery), just like WW1 and WW2, etc.

Here's the unadulterated gibberish creeping in. The IRA conducts IRA bombings, they're not a conspiratorial plot of MI5. If you want to say otherwise, you have to lay signifigant ground work first. I did this extensively for my "Bush knocked down the towers" proposal, but then again, I am not at all convinced that Bush knocked down the towers, just until it's proven to be undeniably false, it's worth keeping an open mind about. I'm still undecided on the issue. At the moment I think Cheney deliberately stood back and let Osama knock down the towers because it fit with his agenda, and Bush was too dumb to know which side of a spoon faces up.


PN P.7

Yes, MI5. I do mean NUKED. Pentagon has nuked USA over 1,050 times already... Sir Donald Rumsfeld "Jewish" Knight of the British Empire worked hard to sell Iran nuclear bombs (and North Korea), in order to blame them later, no matter who sets off a nuke... Just like Rummy gave WMDs to Saddam. Israel has 400 nukes, including Russian suitcase nukes, and has threatened to nuke Europe. NWO/MI5/MI6 could use one of Mossad's nukes to bomb England with immunity from prosecution, to blame the Arabs and expand the wars and continue Big Brother's Police State in UK. 100s of Israeli Mossad terrorist bombers have been arrested in USA since 9/11/2001, then released without trial by the Israeli citizen who Bush promoted to direct US Dept of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, a "Jew" born in Communist Czechoslovakia.

This one heads off the deep end. The US gives weapons to allies because it doesn't want the cost or negative publicity associated with sending troops. It's just too dumb to realize that that ally could become an enemy and that that might represent a problem. It's not a future blame game set up. Most enemies of the US are already guilty of so many infractions that there is no need to set something up. I grant that the reason Rummy knew that Saddam had WMDs was that Rummy had personally given Saddam the WMDs. I think this is a well recorded event. Saddam destroyed the weapons in '91, fearing the retribution for having the illegal stockpiles. This created the problem of so called bad intelligence. But that's a very far cry from saying that Rummy gave Saddam the weapons so that he could later accuse Hussein of having them, or that he actually wanted Saddam to attack Americans with them. Rummy was quite sure that Saddam would use them against Iran, a nation Iraq was at war with, and one govt. that the US really wanted gone. The fact that Saddam decided to use those weapons on his own people was actually a miscalculation on the part of Rummy, and a reason why you should never give dangerous weapons to lunatics. I agree that the Mossad get off very light under US, and that needs to change. So, for that matter, until recently, did Al Qaeda. The US pressured Israel into releasing Mohammed Atta, who later showed his gratitude by flying a plane into the world trade center. The truth is until quite recently, the US has not taken terrorism seriously, the way Europe has. That also needed to change, and Bush really shouldn't be blamed for doing so.


Michael Chertoff, a "Jew" born in Communist Czechoslovakia.

That Mr. Chertoff is jewish is irrelevent, and the fact that he was born in commiesolvakia is even more so, it doesn't make him a communist, it's just totally irrelevent information. Mr. Chertoff is a crook, that's what's wrong with him, but he's not a zion-commie spy.


Extrapolate that conspiracy to the London train bombings on 7/7/2005, with bombs planted UNDER trains

This bombing was done by Bush or Al Qaeda. Osama bin laden and Bush both had a lot to gain by the attack which shifted the focus of the ongoing g8 summit towards war on terror, and away from global warming and aid for Africa. The war on terror is Bin Laden's best recruiting force, so it's strongly in his favor to do the attack. That Bush also stand to gain is obvious because Bush said "we're going to focus on international terrorism" and everyone else at the summit said "we're going to focus on Africa and hte environment" shortly before the thing began. Since I don't believe that everything jsut falls into Bush's lap, it's possible that we have a link between someone in the White House and Al Qaeda. Again, this is a long shot sort of conspiracy claim, but at this point I think there's enough evidence to at least start thinking about the idea.



Sure, govts. have staged incidents. This is well recorded. This doesn't mean that every incident ever was staged by the victims' own govt.


When I lived in England in USAF, I was poisoned by US Gangsta Govt and denied medical cure by USAF "socialized medicine", as were British Gulf War soldiers. Now I'm disabled without medical insurance, my govt med insurance was cancelled, and I'm "uninsurable" for all future medical insurance. LUCKY ME! Now I don't have to pay to go to medical Death Camps to get iatrogenocided to death. I just buy my antibiotics from Mexico, since no US soldiers or veterans, nor US citizens, are allowed the antibiotic cure for so-called "Gulf War" maycoplasma infection (doxycycline), which is also the standard cure for arthritis, cancer and all viral infections (all viruses have a mycoplasma coating). Europe is in the same boat.

Sorry about the sickness thing. A friend of mine died of Gulf War Syndrome. It looked to me a lot like radtiation poisoning. I'm distrusting of pharmaceuticals in general, and esp. cure alls, but I hadn't heard that there was definitely an organism involved here. Are you sure that there is? Sometimes perpetual medication can make you sick, so you should be very sure of yourself. Tetrocyclines such as doxycycline are transcription inhibitors, a fact I assume you know. The important point here is that if you were to take them long term and NOT have a bacterial infection, they could make you quite sick.

Doxycycline binds to the 30S ribosome subunit receptor prevalent in E. Coli bacteria. This by itself is going to interfere with your ability to digest food, and metabolize essentials such as tryptophan. Just shooting this all your way, make sure that you are curing yourself, and not making yourself sick.

You strike me as someone who is very sure that he is right, which is a dangerous position to be in, because you will be wrong at some point. We are all wrong a certain percent of the time. Statistically, no one is right about anything more than about 80% of the time. If you are convinced that you are right and plough ahead on the wrong course of action, the consequences can be disasterous. Just look at our war in Iraq.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:32 AM


Sorry if you've heard this one, but I'd like some info if anyone has any.

Cheney's house is wearing a tinfoil hat.

I'm just not going into the 'irony of it all' rant. My question is how would you accomplish this jamming? I doubt it could be effected by attaching a disco-ball to your roof. I also wonder what sort of electromagnetic sludge zone you create around your house if you do this.

Ok, there's the wiretapping to maybe take GW's whole cunning plan down a rung
Cell phone taped to the head for Cheney
Who's next, Rummy?

BTW, I think DT's right about PN's nazi connection. So, did we want a pet flashy thingy? I've heard they bite.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:45 AM



Just bend over for your vaccine and be a good slave.

I'm still not a slave, despite the fact that I don't believe the normal operation of society is slavery.

Your problem isn't with government, it's with society, it appears to be with the idea of working with other people.

And the British don't talk like that.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:54 AM


My impression as a newborn fanatic [never heard of the series before two months ago]is that the primary reason that Firefly/Serenity has taken off in the cult status that it has is because it is relevant, specifically to our situation in this country [I'm writing from the USA] in these interesting times [damn those Chinese and their curse!!] The famous quote goes, "If you want facts, go into journalism; for truth, you have to read fiction." Because of this, it may never hit the mainstream that we all hope it does; after I watched the Firefly DVD [front to back twice in about 3 days]I said to my roommate, "Of course they canceled it; it's too good to actually stay on the air. We can't have TRUTH on the air!" You look at the increasing need of our governments to monitor everything about our lives, to control everything, and this is why we see truth in Serenity. What did the teacher say to the young River about "...teach[ing] them how [to think]"? They want to "program" us to become sheep because sheep don't ever think long enough to question why they're on the block.
The whole situation with River Tam is an obvious call to the CIA's MK Ultra mind control project involving a combination of torture, rape and psychotropic drugs in order to fragment the mind, started in the 50's and continued on beyond the eighties. The end result, oddly enough, is almost dead-on River Tam, a 75 pound little girl with a photographic memory able to kill people with her bare hands, except that River is fiction, and this stuff actually happened.

For more on the subject, read the book "For Reasons of National Security" by Cathy O'Brien

Our ever-increasing network of police states [aka CAFTA, NAFTA, FTAA, EU, etc. ] have a veneer of civilization, just as the Alliance does, but under the skin, we're still back to Macchia-vellian situations brought about by types like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and the lower-key images of many of our contemporaries [Javier Solana, Mikhail Gorbachev, George Herbert Walker Bush ....feel free to disagree with me at any time; it's theoretically still a free 'verse]

I believe Firefly/Serenity to be not just top-knotch fiction, but important and timely. Our times, our situations, are more than a little similar. Unfortunately. God help us all in our own valley.

And have you heard, the United Nations has been talking about a global Internet tax? Just when we found a forum that weren't run by the Alliance!

"Veritas Vel Ad Nex"

"Your failure to be informed doesn't make me a wacko"


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:03 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
Fruity Oaty Bars - Don't do it!


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock

Another one that's so wrong it's funny:

"Battered women; it sounds delicious, but it DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT!"

"Veritas Vel Ad Nex"

"Your failure to be informed doesn't make me a wacko."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:38 AM


Okay, the "Jew" talk is just plain silly and muddies the waters of discussion; it makes anyone agreeing with part of what you said sound like a Montana Klansman. I support your right to have your opinions and voice them, but come on; there is no Zionist conspiracy. I believe there are conspiracies, but it's philosophical, not racial; that argument is starting to sound like racists who want to justify the use of the word nigger saying they don't mean it racially. Historical analysis would sooner reveal a "vast Irish conspiracy" and if that sounds silly, that's because it is. Jewish & Irish, they both get the short end of the Macchiavellian stick.

"Veritas Vel Ad Nex"


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:49 AM



It's more like a computer virus that jams the signal at those coordinates. Of course this means it's very easy to see where it is, just not what's going on there. This lends credence to PN's homo-child sacrafice molochfest theory.


Thanks for bringing us back on topic.
I thought we put this nightmare to bed:


(October 26, 1999) The House passed the Global Internet Tax Freedom Act by a vote of 423 to 1 on October 26. The resolution calls for a permanent moratorium on global Internet e-commerce tariffs, a ban on multiple, discriminatory, and special Internet taxes, and a condemnation of the U.N. proposal that nations impose a bit tax.
Related Pages Cox-Wyden Resolution. Summary of Bills Pertaining to Internet Taxation in the 106th Congress. House Concurrent Resolution 190, which is known informally as the Global Internet Tax Freedom Act, was introduced in the House on September 30 by Rep. Chris Cox (R-CA).

Do you mean to say that the UN is seriously still talking about this? Maybe the UN has to die before it turns into world govt.

GHW Bush is no evil emperor, neither is Gorby. These are a couple of moderates. Bush and Blair are pretty evil though, and Putin and Chirac are evil-er. Hu Jintao is not Huge in Tao, and is really quite out of control.

I just want to update this tally (China aquisitions)
Since WWII: Inner Mongolia, Vietnam, Manchuria, Tibet, Xinjiang, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia.

And more recently:

Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan. In addition they recently annexed a portion of Kashmir.

And currently under attack:

Bhutan, Nepal

In addition to these, China has opened up a second front with the South American Puppet Theater:

In addition to Cuba, which they inherited from the soviets, they have added Venezuela, Bolivia, and a strong hold over the new socialist left govt. in Brazil.

Specifically, China seems to be bent on the conquest and cultural obliteration of all extant asian countries, with the present exception of Japan, but I'm sure this is only because of fear of war with the US (A US which didn't stand up for Taiwan? WTF?)

In addition to that, they have quite openly annouced their plans to subjegate S.America and the Mid.East. They have company in that in the new W. regime. (This Bush I will grant is a disaster)

Now as to Solana, say what you like about him, I've been saying the EU is the new USSR and not the new USA for some time. It's not a vicious rumor but establish fact that the principle document the EU drafters were working off of was the Soviet Constitution and not the American, I hope that puts a damper on support for the new evil empire. What Europe should do is scrap the EU govt. and replace it with a group of people more like our founding fathers, people who will respect civil liberties and state's rights. But I'm by no means saying that the United States is perfect. It could have done with a little more care.

Right now, the govt. of New York has no say whatsoever in whether or not New Yorkers are sent to war in Iraq. If a majority of the House and Senate being from the red zone, the south and midwest, agree, then there is no one who is answerable to the people of New York who decides whether or not New Yorkers go to war. It's completely and utterly unjust.

To my friends in Europe, I pose this question:
Do you want this to happen to you? Right now, if the people of Poland are unhappy, they can leverage their local Polish politicians and demand that no more Poles get sent to Iraq. Imagine a future in which the EU progresses along its current path unhindered, in as little as five or ten years, if the mainland wants to go to war, there will be no was for the people of the british isles to not fight that war, a conflict which may represnt mainland corporate or political interests and might even be in direct opposition to the UK and Ireland's own interests.

Just food for thought.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:56 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by rue:

All Bush needs is to wave the flag, say 'America!' and people goose-step right behind.

Waving "US" flags manufactured in Commie China...

Your posts have been...entertaining [?]. Mind you, I think you have bits of truth mixed in with all the dead flies, but I do have a warning. Remember the fate of Twitchy.

The Life & Times of Twitchy the Clown

You might think that his sense of reason’s gone South,
But there are quite a few pearls that come out of his mouth.
Many things we believe in are actually lies,
But the dark truths are plain to his sharp, rheumy eyes.

"Veritas Vel Ad Nex"

"...also, I can kill you with my brain."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:14 AM



Thanks for bringing us back on topic.
I thought we put this nightmare to bed:


(October 26, 1999) The House passed the Global Internet Tax Freedom Act by a vote of 423 to 1 on October 26. The resolution calls for a permanent moratorium on global Internet e-commerce tariffs, a ban on multiple, discriminatory, and special Internet taxes, and a condemnation of the U.N. proposal that nations impose a bit tax. ....etc., etc.

You are very well spoken. Thanks for your civility. I'm sorry if I woke a nightmare; this is my first day on the site, and I was catching up.

As for the USA comments, I am an American, 'tis true, and I don't like what the past, oh, eight administrations have been doing, 'tis also true, and I think we may be saying the same things from two ends of the spectrum. Oppression is the way of those in power. My belief, and I believe History backs me up on this, is that there is no one evil empire...more or less everybody's a big jerk; every civilization has stuck it to some other civilization, 'cept maybe the Eskimos, 'cause it's too goran cold up there to oppress, but they do kill whales, I guess....

I'm too rutting tired [I'm adding these cute little fireflyisms in here, isn't that precious?]of defending my gender or culture, because I think those issues are downstream issues and don't really get at the core of things. I'd "defend" my race, except I don't believe there are different races, just the human race doing all the stinky and cool things that humans have always done, regardless of earlobe size or melanin content.

And, regarding the tax: nothing ever dies, it just gets run through again. The proverb says, "A dog returns to his vomit."

also, "Beaurocracy is like a septic tank; the really big chunks float to the top."

Anyway, I agree with y

"Veritas vel ad nex."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:23 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
It's more like a computer virus that jams the signal at those coordinates. Of course this means it's very easy to see where it is, just not what's going on there. This lends credence to PN's homo-child sacrafice molochfest theory.

I just want to update this tally (China aquisitions)

Thanks DT, computer virus obscuring Cheney's house is an interesting thought, which leads to thoughts of the possibility of other vectors for the poisoning of the masses (which I had considered and discarded as being just too paranoid). I like plenty of proof to avoid jumping to contusions, so I'll tuck those thoughts away in the 'yuck file' for now. I'm not on board with the child sacrifice fest, though maybe that party is at Rummy's house.

Nice full-on China rant.

...and shopping at WalMart feeds this beast.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:31 PM



Originally posted by Faramond:
You look at the increasing need of our governments to monitor everything about our lives, to control everything, and this is why we see truth in Serenity. What did the teacher say to the young River about "...teach[ing] them how [to think]"? They want to "program" us to become sheep because sheep don't ever think long enough to question why they're on the block.

For more on the subject, read the book "For Reasons of National Security" by Cathy O'Brien

I believe Firefly/Serenity to be not just top-knotch fiction, but important and timely. Our times, our situations, are more than a little similar. Unfortunately. God help us all in our own valley.

"Your failure to be informed doesn't make me a wacko"

You think I discount all of this? Not a chance.
Here's one possible use for the red herring factor: an agenda for power and control would have a hierarchy of fear inducing information, and a wish to descredit those who sniff their trail. The pirrahnas in the think tanks have been working on subliminals for a very long time, and some of the information out there about the psychological rending and reformation of children into weapons will be designed to snare the people who are looking into that subject. Flashing lights can be used as triggers, and I think embedded information in some of these websites is a real possibility. The Fruity Oaty Commercial in Serenity was just a scary toy, and look how much time people are spending posting about it with the jingle stuck in their heads. A thing like this with some real manipulation behind it would be a terrible thing, and not, I think, beyond the realm of possibility.
Thanks for the book title.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:11 PM


Sub-conscious manipulation can't push you to do things that you consider wrong.

There was recently a show on TV by a guy called Derren Brown that tried to get people to perform an armed robbery through subliminal messaging and the like. Darren Browne is a master at this, and despite picking the people he thought would be susceptible not everyone ended up committing the (staged) armed robbery. Some did, but some didn't do it.

Basically I'm saying that the people who did would probably commit an armed robbery if the opportunity arose and they were sure they wouldn't get caught.

Derren Brown's websites interesting:


Derren Brown was born in Croyden in 1971. It was a difficult birth: his mother was in Devon at the time.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:14 PM


You think I discount all of this? Not a chance.
Here's one possible use for the red herring factor: an agenda for power and control would have a hierarchy of fear inducing information, and a wish to descredit those who sniff their trail.

The official Frankfort School term for this, according to the modern Hegelian dialectic is "cognitive dissonance." It's also why the US press covers so much about hurricanes, avian flu and "global warming"; it's designed to make the populous fearful and panicky, and a panicky herd is easily manipulated. Serenity's verse hasn't dealt with the Reavers specifically because they have become useful. [Well, okay, NOW they're a liability, but just as a previous post said a while back, it's all on how it gets spun, isn't it?]

The pirrahnas in the think tanks have been working on subliminals for a very long time, and some of the information out there about the psychological rending and reformation of children into weapons will be designed to snare the people who are looking into that subject. Flashing lights can be used as triggers, and I think embedded information in some of these websites is a real possibility. The Fruity Oaty Commercial in Serenity was just a scary toy, and look how much time people are spending posting about it with the jingle stuck in their heads. A thing like this with some real manipulation behind it would be a terrible thing, and not, I think, beyond the realm of possibility.

If I may say so, very astute observations. I believe it's the same reason that the Internet is even tolerated at all. And, as far as the realms of possibility go, I wonder why, if you watch early morning television, that almost 4 out of 5 commercials are pharmaceutical in nature: "Ask your doctor about Darnitol" --hey, you know, I'm not even sick, so why am I asking my doctor about anything.

I also heard an "expert" talking about the flashing lights on television inducing hypnotic effects. I'm not sure I agree with him, but at the same time, TV, like movies, for me is almost a physical addiction that I get. I mean, Firefly is without a doubt my most favorite program of all time [sob], but I really have to watch how many times I play the DVD or think about it, instead of living life. It's great art, but it's not a substitute for living, just as the Internet isn't either. Too much of a good thing and all.

"....also, I can kill you with my brain."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:27 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Sub-conscious manipulation can't push you to do things that you consider wrong.

ACTUALLY... the "Frankfort School" came up with "cognitive dissonance" specifically to screw up your conscience, to get you to practice violationg your sense of right and wrong. So the end result is that they manipulate you into doing whatever it is they want you to do without that whole "morality" thing getting in the way. That's why the Operative is so concerned with Malcolm Reynolds; he has an axe to grind, and, though he is a criminal, he's got a case history of trying to right wrongs, much like, say, Batman. Or Sir Thomas More. These types of people muck it all up for those who wish to perpetrate their....shenanigans. And they go to extreme lengths.

"....also, I can kill you with my brain."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:32 PM


They have to change your sense of right and wrong, which is doable, but not as simple as a few subconscious tricks.

I mean if someone can change what you think is right and wrong they don't need to make assassins, do they?

Cognitive Dissonance is the 'desire' to revaluate ones preconceived ideas/beliefs in the light of new evidence.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:49 PM


And seals, they club seals too.

Why only the last eight? There weren't nothing special about Kennedy. He invaded cuba, invaded vietnam, and twice nearly got us into a war witht he USSR, once with nukes. Not to mention he cheated the '60 election :)

My list goes like this

T. Roosevelt (R) A+ (Peace and Prosperity)
W.H. Taft (R) A (weak on conservation)
W. Wilson (D) F (WWI, Russian Civil War, War Debt)
W.G. Harding (R) A (weak economically)
C. Coolidge (R) A+ (Peace and Prosperity)
H. Hoover (R) D (Disasterous economically, but no war)
F.D. Roosevelt (D) C (WWII-Japan, too late on WWII-germany, big govt?)
H.S. Truman (D) F (Nuked Japan twice, invaded Korea)
D.D. Eisenhower (R) A+ (Peace and Prosperity)
J.F. Kennedy (D) C (invaded Cuba, Vietnam and flirted with nuclear war. Those missiles were in Cuba because of the previous incident in E. Germany, so it wasn't something that just 'happened')
L.B. Johnson (D) F (Lions share of Vietnam combat and economic pain)
R.M. Nixon (R) B (slow getting out of Vietnam, slow to turn economy around)
G. Ford (R) B (Okay, but let neocons in)
J. Carter (D) B (Decent, but more neocon hawks)
R.W. Reagan (R) B (More neocon hawks, but decent times)
G.H.W. Bush (R) B (Good times, but war in Kuwait.)
W.J. Clinton (D) D (Good economically, but four more wars: Iraq, Kosovo, Somalia, Haiti. Also environmental nightmare)
G.W. Bush (R) F (Two wars, Iraq, Afghanistan, and economically disasterous. Also civil liberties and environmental nightmare)

Fun little exercise, I invite folks to do it.

But there it is, I agree there's been a downturn recently, but still think the GOP isn't dead, and might get revitalized with a banishing of Bush, as they did after kicking out the Hooverites. The Dems have a more serious problem, because they don't in-fight enough. They should have gotten as angry at Clinton as old-style republicans are at Bush, but they seem to have let it slide, with the possible exceptions of Russ Feingold and Barbara Boxer, who I guess really let him have it. But unless they can re-carterize the dems, I'm not going to be too interested. If the GOP goes 100% Bushie forever I might have to seek out libertarian looneyland.

But I agree with a rewind to old ideals, less corrupt leaders. I would say the last 9 admins have been week, and the last two were seriously sucking. I objectively think Clinton may have been worse than Bush, on a sheer bodycount principle (clinton around million, bush around 100K) but in long term effect on the US, Bush is seems to be pulling ahead, er... behind.



Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:58 PM




Thanks DT, computer virus obscuring Cheney's house is an interesting thought, which leads to thoughts of the possibility of other vectors for the poisoning of the masses (which I had considered and discarded as being just too paranoid). I like plenty of proof to avoid jumping to contusions, so I'll tuck those thoughts away in the 'yuck file' for now. I'm not on board with the child sacrifice fest, though maybe that party is at Rummy's house.

It wasn't a random guess about Cheney. I read that in some news item about how it was done, written from a computer curiosity perspective. So I'm not guessing.


Nice full-on China rant.

And just so everyone knows, As a Taoist with a lot of by-marriage relatives from China, I'm a big fan of China, and by no means will you hear me on one of those "They're taking our jobs the evil Chinese!" rants. I hate the Chinese govt. much the way I hate the Bush admin. For being evil and destroying its own people, culture and environment, and being a menace to others. It needs to be stopped. Also on my needs to be stopped list are the EU (in present form) and the neocon/socialist bipartisan circle I call "Team Evil" which includes Bush, Cheney, et al. (minus Condi, Powell, and those firees like O'Neill, Whitman etc.) and on the democrat side contains Joementum, the Benator, DiFi, Hillary (and possibly Kerry, Reid, and some others) But Lieberman, Nelson, Feinstein and Clinton comprise the gang of four, like the horsemen of the apocalypse or something. They come to power and I'm wagering we're looking at another million dead.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:08 PM


Curiously, I think we're all closer to the position of Pirate News than we want to admit. Minus the Nazi Jew hating and all. But the key difference is that most of us see conspiracies as forming small, competing and growing through evolution, whereas PN views the conspiracy as one big master plan, as if it were created through intelligent design.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:51 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Sub-conscious manipulation can't push you to do things that you consider wrong.

Thanks for the flashing website Cit! But seriously, there is some interesting stuff in there. I do know that I'm not inclined to rob a bank with this sort of a push, unless I'm already inclined to rob banks. That would be a pretty big leap for most people, but things can change when there is heavy exposure to an idea, and multiple forms of conditioning. Of course I'm not saying I think it's easy to turn a regular joe into a monster. That takes pressures closer to what produces the Stockholm Syndrome.
There are more subtle things that can be inserted into visual information that (especially with regular repeated encounters) could at the very least induce fear and paranoia in the viewer. Or get them to buy Froot Loops. (or Fruity Oaty Bars, if anyone thinks I'm going too OT)
Repeated exposure could be dressed in a variety of different packaging and still have an effect. We encounter quite a lot of visual information of this general type every day. Certain types of visual pattern do have some effect on the brain of even a somewhat normal person like me. I get the occasional migraine, which is usually most likely to develop when there are other stresses involved, including psychological stress, food triggers, not enough sleep, blood sugar levels, the usual.

1. High contrast black and white stripes; for example, Venetian blinds against a bright sky.
2. Dim light with low contrast; for example trying to read in a badly lit room.
3. Very bright light shining into the side of the eye.
4. Flashing light at 10 - 60 Hz (for example, a badly adjusted computer screen).
Here's one about photosensitive epilepsy.....

I suppose you'll say 'yes, but, brain differences regarding epileptics in particular...' (using a more Citizen-like tone :).
To which I would say yes, but these are possibly only more extreme manifestations of something most people are susceptible to, the jury's still out on that one. Faramond cites something here about cognitive dissonance, so I won't repeat.

*/*/*/* Trees! Yavanna made */*/*/* Trees!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:59 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


CIA MKULTRA and OSS/CIA Project Paperclip NAZI Mind Kontrol use all tools.

Subliminals are powerful on the masses when highly repititous an a regular basis. TV "news" networks now use background music and sound effects, such as "an actress faking an orgasm" in popular music, as I heard on one CNN "news" broadcast. To me, that was overt rather than covert, but I wonder how many people recognized what they were hearing?

This technique of mind control uses neuro linguistic programming (NLP), as commonly used by presidential "motivational" guru Tony Robbins, trial lawyers, salemen - and CIA. NLP simply binds one thought (good or bad) to somthing else completely different. Hence CNN binding an "orgasm" to a particular news topic ("anchoring" as Tony Robbins calls it).

The most powerful "psuedo subliminal" is simply the moving hypnotic background on "news" broadcasts. This puts the TV audience into an hypnotic trance, using a particular frequency to achieve a desired mood. This background "noise" serves to anchor the audience's butts to their chairs long enough to get the propaganda to take control of their thinking processes.

Disinfo babes, dressed for success at the Playboy mansion, often with distracting boob-cracks, smile when they want to anchor a particularly devasting bit of bad news, using NLP. Women and fags are mind-controlled by GQ men paid to smile in a calm voice while they deliver the latest lies designed to knock your head off.

For children under 6, rapidly moving images on TV are proven to cause permanent brain damage, by preventing the developing mind from experiencing real life. This prevents the growing synapses from forming connections required for motor control and coordination in complex tasks.

And if it damages children, it probably causes brain-damage in adults. If only by causing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), whereby if a TV show lacks the hyno background and/or fast-moving "action" images, then the viewer automatically loses interest, regardless of the intellectual content.

It's alleged the movie The Exorcist used subliminals to scare the bejesus out of its captive audience. Sounds of rabbits being slaughtered (a la Waco Massacre), and a voice saying "Someone is at the door", were allegedly added as subliminals. Pictures at 1/50th of a second flashed the preacher's "death mask". I coincidentally used a modified sample from the creepy but hypnotic theme music of The Exercist - Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield - in my music video, "Boners at Bohemian Grove", to perform an "exorcism" on the Molech worshippers in the White House:

Boners at Bohemian Grove - Music by Counter Coup and John Lee with Mike Oldfield, interviews by Democracy Now, Alexandra Robbins and BBC, undercover video by Ron Rosenbaum and Alex Jones at

Famous subliminals in movies included product placement of soda and popcorn, to stimulate consumer purchases in movie theatres.

Stores like Chinamart, er, Walmart reportedly manipulate shoppers to not shoplift via subliminals in the background music, which can also be used to stimulate spontaneous sales.

Subliminals have added power when viewers voluntarily provide mind-altering alcohol or drugs, as is common when watching movies at home.

Continual violence serves to desensitize the public to real-world wars and police-state violence, to perhaps reduce their tendency to revolt. And to trigger volunteers for military and police. It also helps trigger violent crimes, which "justifies" a violent police state.

For victims of MKULTRA/NAZI-style torture and drug-raped mind control programs, like River Tam, the tiniest subliminal trigger would have the desired effect to triggering a violent outburst. There are perhaps millions of such victims of violent mind control in USA, being bombarded with subliminals via TV. Does this explain some of the "insane" violence in the real world?

Add flouride to water supplies as a tranquilizer, and this will lower a person's resistance to "subliminals", since their normal "fight or flight" response is switched off. Flourine is the most electronegative element on the periodic chart, and is the active ingredient in Prozac and most other antidepressants. It's also toxic waste sludge from the aluminum, fertilizer and nuclear weapons industries.

US prisons also add lithium to water, the prescription antipsychotic element, to counteract the torture of imprisonment and its side FX of insanity, which further somnolizes the sane prisoners, as well, destroying their ability to defend themselves in court or maintain family ties.

Flouride - it's not just for corruption of Col Jack T Ripper's bodily fluids anymore. If you fear flouride, it doesn't mean you're gonna hijack the nuke-bomb codes and destroy the planet, no matter what Dr Kissinger, er, Dr Strangelove sez. That why Joss uses "Paxilon HCl" as The Enemy in STM, aka Paxil HCl antidepressant that cause homicidal and cancerous side FX in USA. Is flouride added to the water to only induce "somnolence" in the public (as Mr Universe called it), or is it also for triggering homicides, suicides and cancers, in addition to massive profits for multinational cartels selling their toxic sludge instead of paying to have it stored?

I admit that I do play around with real subliminals on my CATV broadcast. Video frames in USA are about 30 frames per second. I make the subliminal message transparent so that it doesn't burn into the TV screen and linger beyond 1/30th second. I also use moving backgrounds buried under layers of moving backgrounds, all moving at different speeds and directions, as well as covert audio sound effects.

This is not illegal, since Congress only passed laws banning subliminals from tobacco advertising (but are never enforced), such as Joe Camel's cartoon face composed of male and female genitalia, etc (people see waht they want to see depending on sexual orientation). Older tobacco adverts included subliminal "death masks" and genitalia hidden in smoke trails and Photoshopped artwork.

VIDEO: CIA NAZI Project Paperclip Mind Kontrol:

GNN VIDEO: The truth behind Nazis and U.S. psyops
The Most Dangerous Game traces the history of top-secret CIA mind control operation MK-ULTRA: from the covert importation of NAZI scientists at the end of WWII, to the illegal brainwashing experiments conducted on the patients of world famous psychiatric researcher, Dr. Ewen Cameron – cut to the pulsing hypnotica of Mitchell Akiyama.

GNN interviewed Mark Phillips, who is co-author of "Trance Formation of America" with Cathy O'Brien, a survivor rescued from CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch torture mind kintrol:

See the Documentary You Weren't Supposed to See! CIA/FBI/police agencies kidnap children for torture in CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch.

Do a web search for "Cathy O'brien Mark Phillips", and "Fritz Springmeier Cisco Wheeler", to read where Joss got his model for River Tam.

Subliminals are just the visible tip of the iceburg.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:02 PM



Originally posted by Faramond:
The official Frankfort School term for this, according to the modern Hegelian dialectic is "cognitive dissonance." It's also why the US press covers so much about hurricanes, avian flu and "global warming"; it's designed to make the populous fearful and panicky, and a panicky herd is easily manipulated.

This technique is used so pervasively it's one of the main reasons I find myself screaming at the car radio, newspaper etc. A healthy dose of John Stewart helps me laugh about it.


"Ask your doctor about Darnitol" --hey, you know, I'm not even sick, so why am I asking my doctor about anything.

IMO Cleverly disguised direct marketing designed to circumvent a need for the doctor to have read about the product, and engage the 'prescription as closure to the appointment' impulse. And, gosh Faramond, there might be something wrong you didn't even know about...wouldn't you like to be happier?


I also heard an "expert" talking about the flashing lights on television inducing hypnotic effects. I'm not sure I agree with him, but at the same time, TV, like movies, for me is almost a physical addiction that I get.

I've also heard this a number of times, but the jury's still out weighing evidence. Television has appeal on many levels.
I was at a Halloween party where they'd covered the entire bathroom in tinfoil, put in a strobe instead of regular lighting and cranked some sizzly static filled music. I couldn't get out of there fast enough, so I watched for a while to see other people's reactions. Lots of people wouldn't even walk into it.
Anyway, welcome to the board.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:16 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by liminalosity:
I do know that I'm not inclined to rob a bank with this sort of a push, unless I'm already inclined to rob banks. That would be a pretty big leap for most people, but things can change when there is heavy exposure to an idea, and multiple forms of conditioning.

Yeah, be careful if you watch STM too much. If money gets tight, you might wake up and find yourself in a bank with a gun in one hand and a bag of money in the other...

Re photosensitive epilepsy, I witnessed a waitress in Hooters have a seizure on the floor. She had been standing 5 feet away from a rotating/flashing red light. USAF pilots are banned from imbibing products containing Aspartame, which contains phynalalamine (sp?), an amino acid that converts to dopamine, and causes seizures. Waitresses routinely drink large amounts of free diet sodas while working. Did this Hooters girl OD on diet soda? My own wife was Oding on diet sodas at work in a restaurant, and ended up in an ambulance on several occasions. One sip of diet soda was all it took to trigger a heart attack. The cardiologist said he would amputate her pacemaker cells, "as he does for young women all the time", but I got her to just give up diet sodas. Now she's cured.

Moral of the story, don't drink diet sodas while watching flashing lights on TV.

Aspartame also contains formaldehyde and methyl alcohol, brought to you by Monsanto and Sir Donald Rumsfeld Knight of the British Empire, that nice man who gave billions of dollars in WMDs to Saddam, so it MUST be good for you!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:23 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
It wasn't a random guess about Cheney. I read that in some news item about how it was done, written from a computer curiosity perspective. So I'm not guessing.

DT, I wouldn't imagine you'd ever make a random guess unless you clearly prefaced it with 'this is just a random guess', which you'd probably spend at least a random hour on google before saying. But thanks for the clarification.


"Team Evil" which includes Bush, Cheney, et al. (minus Condi, Powell, and those firees like O'Neill, Whitman etc.) and on the democrat side contains Joementum, the Benator, DiFi, Hillary (and possibly Kerry, Reid, and some others) But Lieberman, Nelson, Feinstein and Clinton comprise the gang of four, like the horsemen of the apocalypse or something.

Oh boy, the powershooters for the Team Evil roster. More thanks.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:18 PM


The leaders of the democratic half of team evil. The republican half are pretty well known by all, being the administration. If you want to see a full list of the evil of the GOP there are 9 senators who voted against the McCain torture ban, they're all pretty close to Bush, and well, voting in favor of torture sort of gives you the evil creds automatically.

I only really follow the Senate. A majority of the House are so corrupt they vote whichever way they're paid to, so even though there are decent congressmen out there, their vote means nothing because they are outnumbered by the corrupt. Corruptions hold in the Senate is much closer to the even mark.

I have a clay pigeon to shoot at this moment. No one said it lately, but people have posted it before, and will again. A large part of why the House is so corrupt is the short cycle. Corruption is very adept at a short term candidacy, because it knows how to buy an election, and woo the people with big advertising to get into office. Then you hear little about what those elected officials do if you don't seek the information out, and in two years, there's not much that they have actually done. One sure fire was to make the world absolutely perfect for the meteoric rise of infinite corruption and grant ourselves a permanent mobocracy is a little piece of legislation that well meaning folk who really don't get how Washington is supposed to work are always recommending:

Term limits.

This is a competitor for the worst idea ever. We would never have officials with actual legislative experience, and we would always only have a direct reflection of the party leadership at a particular time, and so consistant of political party platform would also be completely lost. But the worst part is that it really would become gangster government. Corrupt lobbies would buy seats, and then if that person got exposed as being a total bankrupt slug, they would be replaced almost immediately by another, and we'd be in rapidfire slime forever.

If anyone has any doubt over this, they should look at how often there is an indictment for fraud of a supreme court member, or any other lifetime or long term appointment, or long term office holder like the FED chairman, and then compare those with the house and other short termers. The shorter the term, the more corruption is as clear as black and white.



Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:44 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
My own wife was Oding on diet sodas at work in a restaurant, and ended up in an ambulance on several occasions. One sip of diet soda was all it took to trigger a heart attack. The cardiologist said he would amputate her pacemaker cells, "as he does for young women all the time", but I got her to just give up diet sodas. Now she's cured.

Sorry to hear about your wife. People, even doctors sometimes fall into the trap of 'I can so I will'. It pays to be nice to your chemical balance, there is a lot of seemingly innocuous stuff out there that can level you by just giving you a little push. Dopamine, you need, in balance. That recipe DT posted for you way up there will be a thing he probably spent thousands of hours figuring out. I've been realizing all sorts of things it could help with since I read that post.

Moral of the story, don't drink diet sodas while watch flashing lights on TV.

Lol I never touch diet soda, not much tv either. Computer though, and some of the emoties : blast: bug me. See, it's everywhere, not just in River's chair.

Aspartame also contains formaldehyde and methyl alcohol

I had a roomie who went to the Desert Storm party, and I've heard stories and personal research related to that nightmare. Aspartame over 140 degrees turns deadly, and they left all those cases of diet soda for the troups sitting stacked on pallets in the hot sun all day long. It also messes with your blood sugar, it's bad for diabetics, maybe worse than sugar, and has plenty of other assorted 'side' effects. Bad stuff. As worse as it gets for something that's available within spitting distance of wherever you stand.

To drag this back in the general direction of topic...I don't imagine the Alliance had much on us in the use of idiotic chemicals for the soldiers to drink. I imagine the Browncoats mostly ate dirt. Bankrobbing I leave to Tanya, I mean Patty...and to Mal and River.

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:07 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



Create an e-annoyance, go to jail

Declan McCullagh
January 10 2006

Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime.

It's no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity.

In other words, it's OK to flame someone on a mailing list or in a blog as long as you do it under your real name. Thank Congress for small favors, I guess.

This ridiculous prohibition, which would likely imperil much of Usenet, is buried in the so-called Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act. Criminal penalties include stiff fines and two years in prison.

"The use of the word 'annoy' is particularly problematic," says Marv Johnson, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "What's annoying to one person may not be annoying to someone else."

Buried deep in the new law is Sec. 113, an innocuously titled bit called "Preventing Cyberstalking." It rewrites existing telephone harassment law to prohibit anyone from using the Internet "without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy."
To grease the rails for this idea, Sen. Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican, and the section's other sponsors slipped it into an unrelated, must-pass bill to fund the Department of Justice. The plan: to make it politically infeasible for politicians to oppose the measure.

The tactic worked. The bill cleared the House of Representatives by voice vote, and the Senate unanimously approved it Dec. 16.

There's an interesting side note. An earlier version that the House approved in September had radically different wording. It was reasonable by comparison, and criminalized only using an "interactive computer service" to cause someone "substantial emotional harm."

That kind of prohibition might make sense. But why should merely annoying someone be illegal?

There are perfectly legitimate reasons to set up a Web site or write something incendiary without telling everyone exactly who you are.

Think about it: A woman fired by a manager who demanded sexual favors wants to blog about it without divulging her full name. An aspiring pundit hopes to set up the next A frustrated citizen wants to send e-mail describing corruption in local government without worrying about reprisals.

In each of those three cases, someone's probably going to be annoyed. That's enough to make the action a crime. (The Justice Department won't file charges in every case, of course, but trusting prosecutorial discretion is hardly reassuring.)

Clinton Fein, a San Francisco resident who runs the site, says a feature permitting visitors to send obnoxious and profane postcards through e-mail could be imperiled.

"Who decides what's annoying? That's the ultimate question," Fein said. He added: "If you send an annoying message via the United States Post Office, do you have to reveal your identity?"

Fein once sued to overturn part of the Communications Decency Act that outlawed transmitting indecent material "with intent to annoy." But the courts ruled the law applied only to obscene material, so didn't have to worry.

"I'm certainly not going to close the site down," Fein said on Friday. "I would fight it on First Amendment grounds."

He's right. Our esteemed politicians can't seem to grasp this simple point, but the First Amendment protects our right to write something that annoys someone else.

It even shields our right to do it anonymously. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas defended this principle magnificently in a 1995 case involving an Ohio woman who was punished for distributing anonymous political pamphlets.

If President Bush truly believed in the principle of limited government (it is in his official bio), he'd realize that the law he signed cannot be squared with the Constitution he swore to uphold.

And then he'd repeat what President Clinton did a decade ago when he felt compelled to sign a massive telecommunications law. Clinton realized that the section of the law punishing abortion-related material on the Internet was unconstitutional, and he directed the Justice Department not to enforce it.

Bush has the chance to show his respect for what he calls Americans' personal freedoms. Now we'll see if the president rises to the occasion.

Fair Use per 17 USC 107

January 5, 2006
President Meets with Current & Former Secretaries of State and Defense
In Focus: Renewal in Iraq
President's Remarks at U.S. University Presidents Summit on International Education
In Focus: Education
President Signs H.R. 3402, the "Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005"

Read legislation full text:

Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (Engrossed Amendment as Agreed to by Senate)


(a) In General- Paragraph (1) of section 223(h) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(h)(1)) is amended--

`(C) in the case of subparagraph (C) of subsection (a)(1), includes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet (as such term is defined in section 1104 of the Internet Tax Freedom Act (47 U.S.C. 151 note)).'.


(a) Interstate Stalking- Section 2261A of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:

`Sec. 2261A. Stalking


`(1) travels in interstate or foreign commerce or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves Indian country, with the intent to kill, injure, harass, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, and in the course of, or as a result of, such travel places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to, or causes substantial emotional distress to that person, a member of the immediate family (as defined in section 115) of that person, or the spouse or intimate partner of that person; or

`(2) with the intent--

`(A) to kill, injure, harass, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person in another State or tribal jurisdiction or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or

`(B) to place a person in another State or tribal jurisdiction, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to--

`(i) that person;

`(ii) a member of the immediate family (as defined in section 115 of that person; or

`(iii) a spouse or intimate partner of that person;

uses the mail, any interactive computer service, or any facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that causes substantial emotional distress to that person or places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to, any of the persons described in clauses (i) through (iii) of subparagraph (B);

shall be punished as provided in section 2261(b) of this title.'.

That's one reason I use my real name in forums. You have now been warned FireFlyFans. The evil Alliance is hunting for YOU! What do you expect from people who perform "mock" human sacrifice to Molech at Bohemian Grove, and legalized crushing childrens' testicles in front of their parents in Abu Ghraib?

I have now filed criminal charges against all you meanies who hurt my feelings on this thread. My spiderbots are searching for your home addresses right now.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:32 PM


Hmm, but how will they know who I am if I don't post who I am?

Fortunately for us, we don't live in a socialist state, a theocracy or a monarchy, but a constitutional state which has a judicial branch. This means that any law which is unjust can be contested, and this looks like a law which would definitely not stand up under scrutiny.

I had an ex-gf who was seriously deranged, and kept stalking me on the web, showing up in forums and places I posted with new personas and f^&king with me. Her basic thought was that I was going to marry her, and just didn't know it yet, and she'd trick me in to that somehow online. Anyway, she kept showing up for years. I thought at first I was paranoid, but then I learned to ask test questions, like "how is persephone doing?" or something, and she would always answer with "the feline leukemia hasn't progressed" or some such, clearly not noticing that she hadn't told me about the cat in this persona, so I had pretty much proof it was just her over and over again. This is I'm sure what's meant by this law.

If someone tries to arrest someone for random trolling, it will go to the supreme court and become a first amendment case and the law will be overturned.

Ps. PN, I'm serious that you should consider the posibility that you are making yourself sick. Your last several posts have been much more normal. I'm sorry if I reacted hostily, but you're endless posts about the evil jews were vicariously offensive in the way that endless posts about the evils of blacks would be. Some of the writing on your site reads like a manic rant also, and others is more calm. None of this is going to help you win arguments or attract people to your point of view. This could be a symptom of the GWS, but it could also be connected to diet or to the medication you're taking. Antibiotics, for example, can block serotonin synthesis by killing your own healthy bacteria. I don't pretend to have the answers for everything, but I do know a fair amount about this. Just some thoughts.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:06 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Hmm, but how will they know who I am if I don't post who I am?

Cybergeeks can track back to your PC, not to mention police and NSA. I'm sure there are freeware programs or online websites that can find a PC's home address for free. Anyone with an associates degree in computer science can probably do it. It's like tracing a phone call.


Fortunately for us, we don't live in a socialist state, a theocracy or a monarchy, but a constitutional state which has a judicial branch. This means that any law which is unjust can be contested, and this looks like a law which would definitely not stand up under scrutiny.

I've got 3 pro se lawsuits pending right now in state and fed courts, civil and criminal, plaintiff, defendant and prosecutor. The Law has nothing to do with lawsuits, from my personal experience, both pro se and when hiring lawyers and prosecuting crimes. Gangsta Govt cares nothing about The Law. The entire "justice system" is built upon a foundation of lies, fraud and bluff. "Selective enforcement" lets Gangsta Govt perp any crime it wants, while enslaving the sheeple.

It cost's $100,000 to win a lawsuit and appeals in an average lawsuit, and you have to pay $10,000s of your lawyer's "expenses" even when you lose, contrary to the lies by Media Mafia about "tort reform". Less than 1% of people can afford to fight a court battle and win. It often takes 10 to 30-years to overturn an unconstituional law, using a single lawsuit, appeals, retrials, appeals, retrials, appeals, mediation and settlement.

This new law is like the so-called USAPATRIOT Act - congress is not allowed to read it, reps are extorted to vote for it by their whips, and you know for sure Bush didn't read it before he signed it.

No matter how unconstitutional it is, They don't care. Plus, this is statutory law, which is contract law, so the constitution does NOT apply, as any judge will be willing to scream at you in court, since you "volunteered" for this slave contract via your many signed contracts with US "govt". To win this game, you must argue contract law (UCC/USC), and use rules of procedure in court, and fight you way back to constitutional law, by proving you were conned under duress and fraud by Gangsta Govt, and their slave contract is thus void. That's why 30-million illegal aliens have more legal rights (and more Constituional rights) than US citizens.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:12 PM


Saints and ministers of grace defend us from schitzophrenic Americans who think it's worth filling lawsuits for everything.

A birds just shat on your car, PN, better go sue it.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:40 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Faramond:
The whole situation with River Tam is an obvious call to the CIA's MK Ultra mind control project involving a combination of torture, rape and psychotropic drugs in order to fragment the mind, started in the 50's and continued on beyond the eighties. The end result, oddly enough, is almost dead-on River Tam, a 75 pound little girl with a photographic memory able to kill people with her bare hands, except that River is fiction, and this stuff actually happened.

For more on the subject, read the book "For Reasons of National Security" by Cathy O'Brien

"Your failure to be informed doesn't make me a wacko"

I've not yet purchased "For Reasons of National Security" by Cathy O'Brien, but it's on my hit list. Does it involve lots of court documents from Tennessee Juvenile Courts?

I do have her first book, "Trance Formation of America", and have her lecture in Michigan on video. Since Dick Cheney personally offered my wife a job in 1992, to work for him as Secretary of Defense at Pentagon, I'm VERY glad she decided to retire and turned down that job from that pervert. Either he would have killed her or we would have killed him in self defense, or arrested him at least, I suspect. My wife's side of the family has that sort of "Michigan Mafia" in its past, with her pedophile grandfather, mixed in with Al Capone's Chicago gang and Catholic freaks, just like O'Brien. What doesn't kill you either makes you stronger, or...

Since I'm from Tennessee, O'Brien's book hits very close to home, and I can personally verify it from many directions. My dad was on the Dream Team of 100 lawyers that first sued Bush Sr White House under RICO Act for narcoterrorist bombings, to start off the Iran-Contra trials and hearings. My dad told several stories that I never read in the news, about some of the shocking court confessions by Bush's drug-running ambassador in Costa Rica. I wish he would write a book about it, but instead he shredded most of his files when I started trying to research it for my own news articles. O'Brien was right on the money, at least about the Bush/Reagan drug running and serial killing. Pedophilia, rape and torture is just a "normal" part of that lifestyle.

We lived in England with USAF during Iran-Contra, and I don't recall the British media covering that topic very much, probably because Bush worked for the Queen in the CIA/MI6 drug biz, a modern version of the Opium Wars. My dad didn't talk about it unless liquered up. He's in several secret societies with death oaths, so he can keep a secret pretty well - too well, I suspect. Loyal opposition?

O'Brien's MPD/DID certainly explains how those monsters can live with their consciences after genociding innocent people, since they literally can't find their own consciences.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:50 AM


We covered Iran/Contra, but only from the POV of Reagan's culpability. As far as I'm aware nobody ever suggested that Bush was involved.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:02 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:
Saints and ministers of grace defend us from schitzophrenic Americans who think it's worth filling lawsuits for everything.

A birds just shat on your car, PN, better go sue it.

Spoken like a true slave.

Case #1: So when a robber steals your car, you would just let him keep it, and refuse to file criminal charges? That's very generous of you. Actually, it's two cars, a Class D felony valued at $7,500, plus $500,000 fine since it involves corporate crime and racketeering.

Case #2: When you get disabled, and the insurance company refuses to pay on your insurance policy that you already paid for, you would let that insurance company defraud you of $300,000?

Case #3: You would volunteer for 30 days in a Death Camp for the victimless "crime" of safely driving to shop for Christimas gifts? In the alternative, you would tell a carjacker: "Gee, Mr Carjacker, here's my hard-earned $500. You keep it and do whatever you want with it. I'm your slave for life. You have my permission to rob me at gunpoint any time you feel like it. I have no rights, and you are a god. I know there is no law that you have to obey, and that I have no Constitutionally guaranteed God-given Natural Rights, nor do I have any statutory contract rights. I promise not to criminally prosecute you for the crimes I eyewitnessed you commit."

But I refuse to be a slave. And I enjoy winning in competitive spectator sporting events, which is what a trial is, or was, before TV was invented, when people would go watch REAL trials, not pulp fiction from hollywood.

I also enjoy filing criminal charges against gangstas in Gangsta Govt, and watching them squirm as I personally grill them on the witness stand. Very empowering. Then I enjoy watching them get fired from their jobs for their crimes I exposed. It's just part of being a good citizen. You should try it sometime - you might like it.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:09 AM


So trying to translate back into normal people language.

1) You had a car repossessed?

2) You live in a country with weak insurance regulation and then wonder why they refuse your claims?

3) You were stopped driving without a licence, and sentenced to 30 days, which you feel is unfair because you have a God given right to drive?


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:32 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fletch2:
We covered Iran/Contra, but only from the POV of Reagan's culpability. As far as I'm aware nobody ever suggested that Bush was involved.

Reagan was never in the game. Bush Sr ran the show, after his buddy's son "shot" Reagan, two months after their inaugeration coup. John Hinkley Sr was CIA and in the oil biz. John Hinkley Jr's brother was scheduled to have dinner with the Bush family the week Reagan was shot, as reported in Texas newspapers and confirmed by White House press releases and the Bush family. Last month, Hinkley Jr was granted leave from the "loony bin" to spend weekends at his parent's house, unsupervised. Do a search on for "Neil Bush John hinkley Jr dinner Reagan"

Bush's CIA buddies perped treason against Carter by paying the Iranians to hold the hostages until Bush's inaugeration day, according to Reagan's daughter Patti Davis and Carter's staff. The "October Surprise".

Reagan didn't even recognize his own son Michael at his high school graduation in 1970s, wrote Reagan's drug-dealing stripper daughter Patti Davis in "The Way I see It", so how could he have anything to do with being president in 1980s? He was just an actor with alzheimers.

But Reagan did enjoy pedophilia, raping, drug-running and serial killing CIA MKULTRA sex slaves with Bush and Cheney, according to O'Brien and others, and the Tennessee Juvenile Courts and many other courts and Congressional hearings sealed the Bush/Reagan crime records "for reasons of national security". Watch Reagan's last B-movie, when he played a mobster, and you get a tiny, tiny idea of the "real" Reagan, NOT "the gipper" PR spin.

I've got a large library of history books on the crimes of Bush Sr, Sir Knight of the British Empire. Kerry's Iran-Contra Committee Hearings take up 35 volumes. The House Iran-contra Report is still classified Top Secret. Reagan and Bush were mobsters, working for international mobsters, to overthrow USA via NAFTA, which just opened the floodgates for drugs, slavery, 100-million illegal aliens and export of jobs (acts of WAR).

Note that porn star O'Brien doesn't cut Clinton any slack either, since Bush Sr and Clinton are best friends and biz partners, and she names Bill and Hillery as drug-using homos from personal experience. O'Brien was one of the sex slaves in the Necrophilia Room at Bohemian Grove presidential nudist colony. The Hollywood movie "Teddy Bear's Picnic" paints a happy false image of O'Brien's sex-slavery Bohemian Grove.

What's hilarious is that people actually worship presidents as gods, and worship govt as a god. Like so many things in life, that's counter-intuitive and counter productive. I used to make that mistake, too. Now I understand why lemmings jump off cliffs.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:31 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fletch2:
So trying to translate back into normal people language.

1) You had a car repossessed?

Both my cars were fully paid for, and I had clear title. Both were legally parked on private property, one on my personal property, the other at a car dealership in its parking lot.

No parking tickets were ever issued, so no court hearings of any kind (no due process), even though police ordered the first car towed. Police denied that they towed the car when i called them. I later got a copy of the police radio dispatch tape where the cop admitted my car was legally parked.

Both cars were stolen by towing companies (professional car thieves and chop shops), who denied they towed the cars for 2 months, and the cars were listed as stolen in police NCIC database.

After 6 weeks, I got a tow bill for $750 (mail fraud, theft and a dozen other felonies). In the 2nd theft, I never got a bill, but when I found my car, they refused to hand me a bill, then said on my videotape the bill was $1,500.

We filed two class actions (and I found 35 other car-theft victims to join my case), but my lawyer (my dad) got 2 guns put to his head and told they would "blow his brains out", so he dismissed the class actions 2 months later. Police did not investigate that "mugging", and no arrests were made.

Now I've filed criminal charges, but the police and prosecutors work with this mafia gang, and refuse to arrest these professional car thieves and chop shoppers who also are convicted of a prior cop killing in this town. I'll either hire a special prosecutor, or make citizen's arrests, or testify to grand jury.

If you ever get a car stolen, here's how to find it - you can read all about it here:


2) You live in a country with weak insurance regulation and then wonder why they refuse your claims?

It's the US Gangsta Govt's Social Security Disability Ponzi Scheme Program. My wife already had her USAF pension stolen, as done to 95% of all disabled retired military veterans. But illegal aliens living in Mexico can retire on US Social Security pensions after only 3 years, and US govt will mail their pension checks to Mexico.


3) You were stopped driving without a licence, and sentenced to 30 days, which you feel is unfair because you have a God given right to drive?

I do have a God-given constitutionally protected Natural Right to Travel. "Driving" is for commercial drivers "For Hire" in interstate commerce.

I do have a valid govt driver license, with no "points on my record", and i was driving normally and safely, with no other cars in sight, no crash, no injury, no property damage, no "crime", no "victim". I was not accused of "speeding". I am accused of a "thought crime", a "pre-crime", a "victimless crime" (an oxymoron). Every time you drive your car, you perpetrate dozens of criminal misdemeanors, each with a prison sentence of a minimum 30 days in jail, and up to $1,000 fine and court costs. This is the insane 30,000-page "motor vehicle code" that is the "fine print" of every "driver license" slave contract that you "volunteer" for (under duress and under fraudulent misrepresentation which voids any contract).

But no US traffic cop is allowed to arrest any of the 30-million illegal criminal aliens currently in USA, who BTW happen to cause most fatal car crashes in USA, plus rapes, robberies, drug running, ID theft, welfare profiteering and fraud, as well as stealing millions of jobs and spending the money in Mexico. My state of Tennessee actually invites illegal aliens to get "driver certificates" here (not "driver licenses" unless they have a passport), and even prints its Driver License Handbook entirely in Spanish!

I look forward to grilling the cop on the witness stand. I look forward to filing criminal charges against the cop for the Class C misdemeanors I witnessed him perpetrate. I have a good chance to get that cop fired from his job, since I've already gotten over 100 police/govt/court employees fired so far, for fraud and theft.

I guarantee I will not plead guilty to a crime with 30 days in jail, as 99% of all slaves do in "traffic court".

This was in a different jurisdiction than my car theft cases, so the drug-dealing police don't yet know me. I do radio interviews and lectures on motor vehcile law in that county, so the jury pool will know me.

This same county recently named an interstate highway for a convicted hit-and-run killer, named Senator Carl Koella Memorial Highway, named for the crack cocaine kingpin of Blount County, Tennessee.

Representing yourself in court is like driving a motor race, playing football, or any other semi-pro competitive event where money is up for grabs. It can be fun or a nightmare, depending upon your level of preparation.

Since Gangsta Govt censors the "Rules of Procedure" in "Traffic Court", most slaves don't even know whether they are playing football or baseball, since they don't know the Rules of Civil Procedure from the Rules of Criminal Procedure. It's impossible to "plead guilty" or "not guilty" in civil courts, but "driver licenses" and "traffic citations" are civil contracts, not "crimes". It took me 2.5 years to get a judge to admit that, on appeal of a $50,000 parking ticket, when the judge also said, "You can't use the Constitution in MY courtroom!"

I won that trial pro se, costing the city police $600 court costs, getting the city court clerk fired for fraud and theft after i grilled him on the witness stand, and 100 govt towing contractors were fired for fraud. It was worth it to grill police sergeants, captains, court clerk and even the bailiff on the witness stand and watch them scream and cry and throw tantrums in public, like they were little babies, and to hear the city attorney whine to the judge, "I don't know what I'm doing!" Meaning she didn't know what she was doing. The court clerk confessed in court under oath that city court keeps zero record of 125,000 annual (civil) "misdemeanor citations" and zero record of court revenues, via its Top Secret illegal court docket. After the trial, the judge said to me, "I sure learned alot today." The court clerk was fired within 30 days.

The results of my trial was written up in a dozen newspaper articles and TV broadcasts.

Note that "traffic citations" are the ultimate "frivolous lawsuits" in need of "tort reform", are NOT based upon valid law, and tie up 99% of all court time.

It was hard for me in my disabled physical condition, but winning was as much a rush as any motor race or ball game. You could say i won with both hands tied behind my back.

Evil fourishes when good men do nothing. That's not a problem when I'm around.


a) punch the hwoon dahn?

b) stab the hwoon dahn?

c) shoot the hwoon dahn?

d) run over the hwoon dahn?

e) kill the hwoon dahn?

f) sic the Reavers on the hwoon dahn?

g) gun HOE-tze bee DIO-se?

h) KWAI chur hun-rien duh di fahng?

i) plead guilty to a crime and give his lunch money to the tah mah duh hwoon dahn and tah-shr SUO-yo DEE-yure duh biao-tze duh MAH and say "Sheh-sheh please ai ya, hwai leh"?

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 3:06 AM



Originally posted by Pirate'Misses the point completely'News:

Originally posted by citizen:
Saints and ministers of grace defend us from schitzophrenic Americans who think it's worth filling lawsuits for everything.

A birds just shat on your car, PN, better go sue it.

Spoken like a true slave.

That comment was aimed at your suggestion that you'd bring cases against those that made you feel bad in this thread. But since you think that's reasonable would you like to settle out of court for your implication that I am stupid.

I have preserved the original text in case you decide to change it.

It has caused me sever mental trauma, worth at least £10,000.

Just because I don’t agree with the sad American idea that if anything goes wrong in your life someone else is to blame and should pay you cashy money doesn’t mean that I think we should throw away the court system total. That I leave to you, I’m sure it’s run by Commie-Nazi-Jews, right?

But while we're on the subject I'm at a loss to explain how you think drawing a court case that will either be thrown out of court as frivolous, lost, or very unlikely won, but either way no one will hear about, makes you less of a slave than someone who takes part in a massive public demonstration that appears in national news?

Really, can't see your logic there at all, if it does, indeed, exist.

What I also don't understand is the attitude that driving is a right, not a privilge, but access to health care is a privilige, not a right?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:06 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:
But while we're on the subject I'm at a loss to explain how you think drawing a court case that will either be thrown out of court as frivolous, lost, or very unlikely won, but either way no one will hear about, makes you less of a slave than someone who takes part in a massive public demonstration that appears in national news?

Yes, I enjoy watching a big protest, when it's not hijacked by communists, anarchists and govt provocateurs. No, I don't enjoy watching Gangsta Govt ignore the will of the people, and continue perping their crimes.

None of my cases are frivolous.
They are winnable.
The towcrime cases got over a dozen news articles published and broadcast about them.

You are very generous to career criminals.
Are you a member of the mafiya?


What I also don't understand is the attitude that driving is a right, not a privilge, but access to health care is a privilige, not a right?

You would trust your life to Dr Shipman?
You would trust your life to Dr Mengele?
You call iatrogenocide "health care"?

Do you need permission to go to work?
Do you need permission to buy food?
Do you need permission to go to the loo?
Do you need permission to live?

What is it that you admire about FF & STM, the Alliance, The Operative, their mind kontrol and their genocide?






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