In your darkest moments, what are the temporary ideas you entertain?

UPDATED: Friday, February 10, 2006 15:59
VIEWED: 5097
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Sunday, February 5, 2006 4:27 PM


I sometimes think the human race is destined to destroy itself. Animal passion and rage combined with the intellect to create atomic and biological weapons is a recipe for disaster. "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves", said the Terminator. Major drag. And when I read the posts that shovel kudos for Bush all over, I feel this thought re-inforced.

Then I wake up, see the sun, and my family, and it all goes away.

What dark ideas creep in to your thoughts sometimes, when when your life energy's low, or you're in emotional turmoil?

You can say it; we won't tell.

Daring Chrisisall


Sunday, February 5, 2006 8:59 PM


The absolute certainty of my own death and the horrific possibility that it may be extruciatingly painfull.

I'm a planner by nature, what psychologists call as systemiser, I analyse a situation, find the optimal path and take it, I attempt at all points to minimise unnescessary risk (except for recreation, I do dangerous things for fun but I still assess options.) Mortality is a bummer because no matter how you minimax things you can't avoid it. I can't compute a countermeasure and it vexes me.


Monday, February 6, 2006 12:08 AM


The BUSH-S Administrations,( Are a Frightmare come to life) the fact that these people are trying to take over the country, and that there is a whole host of sick freak pedophiles running the government, and the fact that nothing I ever thought was really true, The fact that in 2008 Jeb Bush is going to also cheat his way into office, or Bush jr, an co are going to create some kind of diseaster so they can stay in office.( who knows but something ugly is coming,), be it Jeb or a diseater ( its ugly) it already is ugly but its going to get even uglier!!

The fact that most Americans are to scared, lazy, stupid and, or all three rolled into one, to do anything to stop it.)

Then I wake up look at the sun, and I think what a pretty planet, to bad its wasted on us. and I think, beam me up scotty, theres got to me something better out there.


Monday, February 6, 2006 1:15 AM


My darkest thoughts are about me, the possibility that maybe I'm not a good person, that given the right opportunity I could become something worthy of hate, perhaps even fear.

Some people like to talk about the evil of human nature, others like to talk about the good, but the fact is we're all a little of both and when push comes to shove I'm not sure which way I'd go.

On the other hand a lot of people go their entire lives without push coming to shove in that way.


As for humanity, everything is temporary, one day we will be gone, and nothing we did will have mattered. Here at least, if you believe in an afterlife, which I usually do, then you believe what we do ripples through all time. (Unless it's a temporary afterlife.)

I think you have to look at life in terms of starfish, if you don't know what I'm talking about there's a story that is told many different ways that goes something like this:

An adult saw a little girl (or boy) on a beach picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean because they would die if left out in the sun.

He (or she for it is told both ways) told the girl how futile it was, how many starfish and how little she could do. The adult ended by saying, "You can't possibly make a difference."

In defiance the girl picked up another starfish and threw it back in then either spat or explained, "I made a difference to that one."

I think you have to look at things in the here and now, there's a good Jesus line (from Matthew) "Do not worry about tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Sure we could destroy ourselves via nuclear war next week, but today we have our own problems. (Just to show that the problems of today can effect tomorrow I would say that one of them is global warming.)

You can’t let the future bother you too much, you’re here now and you’ll be dead later make a difference now, because now is all you have. If you accept that than the total destruction of all people isn’t as bad. Eventually everyone you ever met will be dead, and later everyone they ever met, but the important thing is not that these people will die, but that they are alive.


Monday, February 6, 2006 1:20 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
Then I wake up look at the sun, and I think what a pretty planet, to bad its wasted on us. and I think, beam me up scotty, theres got to me something better out there.

Hate to break it to you, but this is the something better. It's up to you whether you fixate on the hate, despair, suffering, and ignorance or on the love, hope, joy, and intelligence.

Also, let’s say you could leave, where would the world be if the good people started jumping ship? Would you really want to live with yourself every day knowing that you helped increase Bush’s (or perhaps someone worse‘s) approval percentage? Leave behind everyone who might need your help?


Monday, February 6, 2006 1:56 AM


I'm just evil full stop...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Monday, February 6, 2006 5:32 AM


America loves a winner!

When I see nonsensical post like PirateJenny's, I simply remind myself that in a few billion years, our sun will have spent its fuel, begun to die and eventually all that mankind has ever done, has ever seen, thought of, everyone who ever lived, will live ...all of it will be burned to ash, and all that will remain of our existence will be our signals which we beamed out into the 'verse, and a few wayward space probes.

All this bickering, backbiting, infighting is pointless. It will amount to nothing. You can delude yourself that you're " fighting for a better future" all you want. On a cosmic scale, humanity amounts to nothing more than a blink of time. Everything you hold dear, is meaningless.

Now, go take on the day!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, February 6, 2006 7:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

That we're globally working ourselves towards the same fate as the Easter Islanders: No more resources and no way out. Collapse and cannibalism, followed by decades of staganation and poverty due to lack of ready resouces. That my daughter would never be able to survive that eventuality, and that I wouldn't be around to protect her.

I think more, but I won't say....

Please don't think they give a shit.


Monday, February 6, 2006 8:54 AM


Okay, sometimes I think there is no truth, no overarching reality. We all are right and we all are wrong, there's not just subjective truths and subjective opinions, there's actually subjective reality, that we all live in our own universes formed by our own minds, that we can infringe on each others reality but only within their rules.

If you're reality allowed people to fly unaided you could do it, but other people could only see you do it if they're reality allowed.

The only truth is that we are really all alone in our own world.

Well, you asked.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Monday, February 6, 2006 9:19 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by chrisisall:
I sometimes think the human race is destined to destroy itself. Animal passion and rage combined with the intellect to create atomic and biological weapons is a recipe for disaster. "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves", said the Terminator. Major drag. And when I read the posts that shovel kudos for Bush all over, I feel this thought re-inforced.

Then I wake up, see the sun, and my family, and it all goes away.

What dark ideas creep in to your thoughts sometimes, when when your life energy's low, or you're in emotional turmoil?

You can say it; we won't tell.

Daring Chrisisall

In my darkest moments I fear I will only have dark moments to contemplate. Honest.

How about posting a thread asking what people entertain in terms of their greatest dreams?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -
75 songs retired and 75 new ones added as of Feb 4, 2006


Monday, February 6, 2006 10:54 AM


" If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.

If there's no grand finish, no big win, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world".

Sorry that Star fish story reminded me.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Monday, February 6, 2006 9:41 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
When I see nonsensical post like PirateJenny's, I simply remind myself that in a few billion years, our sun will have spent its fuel, begun to die and eventually all that mankind has ever done, has ever seen, thought of, everyone who ever lived, will live ...all of it will be burned to ash, and all that will remain of our existence will be our signals which we beamed out into the 'verse, and a few wayward space probes.

All this bickering, backbiting, infighting is pointless. It will amount to nothing. You can delude yourself that you're " fighting for a better future" all you want. On a cosmic scale, humanity amounts to nothing more than a blink of time. Everything you hold dear, is meaningless.

Now, go take on the day!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

you know you love my post!!


Monday, February 6, 2006 10:08 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
you know you love my post!!

lol, that was a cool response.

Anyway, my darkest fear is to be failure in life. I'm in my mid-20's now, which is young enough to still be optimistic for the future, but old enough to realise that a lot of that optimism may be unfounded and that it's easier to fail at life than to succeed.

I also don't want to get physically disabled in any serious way.

Another dark thought is when I start thinking about how insignificant we all are. I hate to think that in a 1000, 100 or even 20 years people think back about our time in history and think "Oh God, those people were so primitive!". Which they'd probably have good reason to.

No matter what we do or achieve in our lives, most of us will be lucky if they even make it as a footnote in some future history book.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:36 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
No matter what we do or achieve in our lives, most of us will be lucky if they even make it as a footnote in some future history book.

But that doesn't matter. You won't be a footnote, but neither will the people who would have read the footnote. No matter how much time passes you're at least as important as everyone else save a negligible few who do get mentioned.

What matters is that everything you do makes a difference now and the people you care about are alive NOW. Not in one hundred years, not in a history book, they are here now. They are here when and where you can make a difference.

Nice how that works isn't it?


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:48 AM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
But that doesn't matter. You won't be a footnote, but neither will the people who would have read the footnote. No matter how much time passes you're at least as important as everyone else save a negligible few who do get mentioned.

What matters is that everything you do makes a difference now and the people you care about are alive NOW. Not in one hundred years, not in a history book, they are here now. They are here when and where you can make a difference.

Nice how that works isn't it?

Well, it seems that posterity is more important to some than it is to others.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Well, it seems that posterity is more important to some than it is to others.

I guess, I can't really understand it though.

In 100 years we'll all be dead 100 years after that all of those people will be dead, and so on. The history books you refer to will be lost and forgotten, eventually George Washington will either be a totally fictional character (he's well on his way already) or forgotten. Either way the man himself will be forgotten.

Few billion years on and earth is gone, maybe people are on another planet. You think they remember Cicero? Maybe. Washington? Not much of a chance but some. John Locke? He has slightly better odds than Washington. How about Chamberlain? No matter which Chamberlain you're referring to not one has a chance in hell.

Later on those stars explode and those planets are gone. Do we survive? Maybe, but how many people from the year 2000 are remembered? The year 3000? The year 757,539,366,483,883,639,012?

All that not being remembered is saying is that you're exactly like the ones who are remembered except that you succeeded in not being branded a freak and singled out from all others in order to be placed alongside the likes of Nero, Hitler and Stalin for a few hundred or thousand years before you attained that position.

Personally I think I'd rather like not being in the same book as Hitler. I would say I wouldn't mind so much if I got to be the one who killed Hitler, but that would make me Hitler, which is really the point.

Everyone is forgotten, some are just freaks who take a while to get that way, and if you are such a freak you can take comfort in knowing that so long as you are remembered you will occupy a spot not just with the best of your time, but also with the worst. And people often pay attention to the worst more.


Personally I'd rather be remembered by the living than the ones who may or may not get a chance to be born. Even if it is only for one generation it has more meaning than words on paper can ever manage.

What's the best selling book of all time? The Bible. You think Ahaz really cares all that much that I can quote him here? Or do you think he cared more about his family and friends, whoever they might have been?


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:55 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I fear extreme physical suffering. I hope to be able to avoid that, especially near death.

As to the vastness of the universe and the unimportance of it all, I take comfort in knowing it all goes on without me. So all I have to do is consider my life, my decisions, my actions. The arrow of time will not repeat. What I do will change the universe forever, albeit in a small way. I need only decide what I want to do with my time.

The only thing we have is time.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 4:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fletch2:
The absolute certainty of my own death and the horrific possibility that it may be extruciatingly painfull.

Been there, done that. Died on the operating table, rose out of my body, bouncing off the ceiling, looking down on my lifeless corpse, as the doctor and nurses tried to rescucitate me. Seems someone forgot to turn on the oxygen, since nitrous is apparently the same as carbon monoxide. I was laughing my head off at Death. Perchance that was the Laughing Gas talking? But if that's death, then it's not that bad, especially when you OD on nitrous. But the doc freaked out and I had to go back for multiple amputations, this time w/o nitrous, just a VERY LARGE NEEDLE TO STICK INTO MY SKULL!

I liked it when the Operative terminated the employment of the Doc.

I'm disabled and in pain almost every day by so-called "Gulf War Syndrome" (tested on US prisons before the never-ending war), thanks to Gangsta Govt's sabotaged vaccines. I'm forced to buy my lifesaving drugs from foreign countries, since no doctors in USA are allowed to prescribe antibiotics made-in-USA, as Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff, director of US Dept of Homeland Security, confiscates imported life-saving prescription meds from old people. But at least I don't fear death anymore, after finding out God and/or Evolution invented such a peaceful way to die.

Scary Monsters:

I have a court hearing next week on a traffic citation. It seems my legal research shows that ALL traffic citations in Tennessee are Class C Misdemeanors, and result in max 30 days in prison and max $25,000 fine (perhaps as punishment if you appeal for a jury trial), OR, no chance of jail and a max $50 fine plus $200 court costs (if you roll over and plead guilty to the oxymoron of a "victimless crime"). What is the max penalty if I appeal and lose a jury trial? Is this really a criminal case, using Rules of Criminal Procedure, or is it "breach of civil Driver License contract" under Roman Civil Law and European Napoleanic Code, with Rules of Civil Procedure, which forbid "pleading guilty", with only a 51% Burden of Proof and no Constitutional protections? After 100 hours research and $200 in research costs, plus a $1,000 law library, I still can't figure out those answers. Neither can the lawyers I spoke with. No wonder Big Brother wins 99% of the time, since the rules of the game are classified Top Secret. Catch-22. Checkmate. Dark Thoughts.



The BUSH-S Administrations,( Are a Frightmare come to life) the fact that these people are trying to take over the country, and that there is a whole host of sick freak pedophiles running the government

Then I find out my judge in "traffic court" (runaway-slave court) is an alcoholic coke-head, and the "appeals court" judge is a member of the Gay Mafia (Bush Gang's CIA narcoterror cult imports $1-billion/year in cocaine through Blount County since 1980s according to FBI and Blount County courts and newspapers).

Today I tried to file a subpoena decus tecum for the traffic cop to appear in court, and bring with him copies of his videotape, and other files, such as personnel records. Just standard procedure for lawyers in both criminal and civil cases. But the court clerks said that no defendants are allowed the Constitutional right to subpoena witnesses, and no subpoena forms are provided. After a shouting match ensued, letting the clerk know she would be subpoenaed as a witness to tell her story to the judge, my pro se subpoenas were issued. I previously had to subpoena a court clerk to testify as to why he refused to issue my subpoenas to cops with the correct day/year, and after he testified in my case, that court clerk was fired 30 days later for theft and extortion.

My heinous crime was driving safely at 25mph. But Tennessee Highway Patrol profits by selling SPANISH-LANGUAGE driving licenses to 10-million illegal aliens, without bothering to arrest them for deportation.


"It's gettin' awfully crowded in my sky."

This court is on a highway named for former Tennessee governor and current GOP US senator Lamar Alexander, past president of University of Tennessee and perennial White House candidate, who Bill Clinton-Blythe IV (Rockefeller) and Al Gore II named as "the sleaziest politician and America". Cathy O'Brien, one of Joss' CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch sex-slave models for River, along with her lobotomized daughter Kelly, met Alexander at a Satanic ritual in Nashville, and was later raped by him at a Nashville nightclub, where she was left for dead in a coma after oral rape by suffocation. ( ) So when I go to court I remember the court worships gangsters in government.

My point is, WWMD?

This is the same county that named Interstate I-140 for a convicted hit-and-run killer named Senator Carl Koella, eulogized as "the most conservative member of the Tennessee legislature" (and the cocaine kingpin of Blount County according to "liberal" Tennessee legislators).

This new case is in the same court/dungeon that first kidnapped pacifist Ernst Zundel without charges, who was deported to solitary confinement in Canada for 2 years without charges, now deported to solitary confinement in ZioNazi Germany, and won a temporary mistrial for the thought-crime of publishing a history book written by a British author (but remains in jail without bond allowed). The banned book is titled "Did 6-Million Really Die?" - DON'T CLICK THIS LINK OR YOU MAY BE ARRESTED FOR THOUGHT CRIME AGAINST THE "JEWS" - free book download:

Are YOU an "anti-Semite"?


1 a: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, AND ARABS - b: a
descendant of these peoples - 2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language.
—Merriam Webster Dictionary

"Half of writing history is hiding the truth."

(try again later if server is crashed)

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:05 PM



Originally posted by rue:
What I do will change the universe forever, albeit in a small way. I need only decide what I want to do with my time.

In my view, either we come back to live again in some fashion (preferred theory), or our consciousness becomes nothingness, and nothingness can't mind being nothingness, or we get to be one with God (which would be cool), or we go to Hell. And if I end up in Hell, I'm gonna kick the Devil's ASS on a REGULAR basis, and do endless Buffy quotes to him, like "Wanna see my impression of Ghandi?", "Bored now.", etc.
I suspect he don't want me there.
*Free pass outta there for Buffy fans*



Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:13 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I did some thinking about the 'afterlife'. I don't want to go to someplace forever. That's suffocating - you never, ever get out. And as for option two, this life is taxing enough. I don't necessarily want to come back and do it again, and again, and again. So I'm pretty OK with option three - nothingness.

All we have is time.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:28 PM


Yeah, I mean how many different ways could you kick the Devil's ass anyway?
It might get a little repetative after the first hundred years or so...

Chrisisall in Purgatory


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:35 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

You must be a lot younger than me, son. You got a lot more energy. I can't even imagine the FIRST hundred years.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:31 AM


Making people (my friends) understand the value of knowing how to defend themselves by beating them and their families within an inch of their lives. I really do not understand how anyone can be content with sitting in front of a computer all day and not caring if they break the 250 lbs. mark. It just screams of ignorance to me, the ignorance of people who've been handed everything their entire lives and don't know the value of having to fight for everything they take for granted. People who say they appriciate those who die for them and their freedoms, but aren't willing to do it themselves.

I can think of several friends of mine who's parents I've wished death upon just so that they could know what it's like to experience even that much sorrow.

Maybe it's sick, but you did ask for my darkest thoughts. At least they all aim for understanding as their underlying message.

"Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
He fought for his country and he died like a man
Though some people back home just wouldn't understand"


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 5:14 AM



Originally posted by rue:
You must be a lot younger than me, son.

Is 45 younger than you, Rue? I figgered us to be about the same age...
(I watched Star Trek FIRST RUN, how many kids on this board can say THAT??)
And if I have energy, I attribute it all to martial arts. It kept me walkin' when I should fall down

Chrisisall, just ten years older'n Mal


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:37 AM


My biggest, darkest, thoughts are that deep down inside, I hate myself, hate all people around me, and all of humanity, and if I had the means in front of me, in the form of a bomb that would completely destroy this big blue marble called earth, and all I had to do was push the pretty red button to make it happen, I most likely would without hesitation.

Then I wakeup, let loose a sigh of complete resignation to the fact that I have no such power of complete, global, destruction, and much to my annoyance (which seems to be my constant companion these days) I'm still alive. I put on my clothes, mentally brace myself, and go to my job, and fight another unwinnable war in this Vietnam called my life.

Lock and load



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:45 AM


Now River6213, tell me one thing that gives you joy, a smile on your face, and peace of mind.

I dare ya.

Investigative Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:15 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
My biggest, darkest, thoughts are that deep down inside, I hate myself, hate all people around me, and all of humanity, and if I had the means in front of me, in the form of a bomb that would completely destroy this big blue marble called earth, and all I had to do was push the pretty red button to make it happen, I most likely would without hesitation.

Then I wakeup, let loose a sigh of complete resignation to the fact that I have no such power of complete, global, destruction, and much to my annoyance (which seems to be my constant companion these days) I'm still alive. I put on my clothes, mentally brace myself, and go to my job, and fight another unwinnable war in this Vietnam called my life.

One, if you had such power, you'd probably no longer want to use it. You'd take your godlike power and do godlike things with it. Your frustration seems to result from your lack of power. If you had power you'd probably sit around whining that you wish you were 'just like everyone else'.

Two, Perhaps you would benefit from some sort of medication and/or counseling. I suggest liberal doses of prozac and anti-anxiety medication washed down by conservative doses of alchohol, thus placing you into a moderate state of mental release.

Three, or you just need to get know what I mean...get some... copies of Firefly on DVD and pass them around thus making the world a better place and leaving you with a euphoric sense of satisfaction. (Note: By 'copies of Firefly on DVD' I mean sex.)



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:26 AM


Hero, at this moment I cast aside all pretentions of being a nice person, I drop the 'civilized' me that thinks before I speak, and will now cut loose with a blast of written heated Hell-fury the likes of which you've never seen before, but so truly and richly deserve...God forgive me!

You're an ass.

Yeah, I said it, Uh-huh Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:29 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by rue:
You must be a lot younger than me, son.

Is 45 younger than you, Rue? I figgered us to be about the same age...
(I watched Star Trek FIRST RUN, how many kids on this board can say THAT??)
And if I have energy, I attribute it all to martial arts. It kept me walkin' when I should fall down

Chrisisall, just ten years older'n Mal

Aww, quit your whining grandad

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:35 AM


Look out Citizen, your diaper's pokin' outta your pants a bit...



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:47 AM


But I don't even wear pants...

Beligerent CitizenIs Goin' commando.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:15 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
But I don't even wear pants...

Don't worry, once you get out of the carriage and start walkin' you'll get the feel.



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:13 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

I think about my parents being practically 80, and the 12-year gap in age between me and my sisters, and my brother's life management issues and realize one certain truth...

One day, it will be just me standing here.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:11 AM


My darkest thoughts are so dark I'm not going to share them! LOL!


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:55 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
My biggest, darkest, thoughts are that deep down inside, I hate myself, hate all people around me, and all of humanity, and if I had the means in front of me, in the form of a bomb that would completely destroy this big blue marble called earth, and all I had to do was push the pretty red button to make it happen, I most likely would without hesitation.

Then I wakeup, let loose a sigh of complete resignation to the fact that I have no such power of complete, global, destruction, and much to my annoyance (which seems to be my constant companion these days) I'm still alive. I put on my clothes, mentally brace myself, and go to my job, and fight another unwinnable war in this Vietnam called my life.

Take two Paxilon HCl, and call my enemies in the morning.

"They're hurting us. Get me out.' The Government was playing with her brain."
-Dr T, censored Serenity pilot

(try again later if server is crashed)

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:56 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
My biggest, darkest, thoughts are that deep down inside, I hate myself, hate all people around me, and all of humanity, and if I had the means in front of me, in the form of a bomb that would completely destroy this big blue marble called earth, and all I had to do was push the pretty red button to make it happen, I most likely would without hesitation.

Then I wakeup, let loose a sigh of complete resignation to the fact that I have no such power of complete, global, destruction, and much to my annoyance (which seems to be my constant companion these days) I'm still alive. I put on my clothes, mentally brace myself, and go to my job, and fight another unwinnable war in this Vietnam called my life.

One, if you had such power, you'd probably no longer want to use it. You'd take your godlike power and do godlike things with it. Your frustration seems to result from your lack of power. If you had power you'd probably sit around whining that you wish you were 'just like everyone else'.

Two, Perhaps you would benefit from some sort of medication and/or counseling. I suggest liberal doses of prozac and anti-anxiety medication washed down by conservative doses of alchohol, thus placing you into a moderate state of mental release.

Three, or you just need to get know what I mean...get some... copies of Firefly on DVD and pass them around thus making the world a better place and leaving you with a euphoric sense of satisfaction. (Note: By 'copies of Firefly on DVD' I mean sex.)




Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:21 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Now River6213, tell me one thing that gives you joy, a smile on your face, and peace of mind.

I dare ya.

Investigative Chrisisall

Okay, I'll bite. I'm not certain if its joy or not, and I'm really not sure if it gives me any peace of mind, or puts a big smile on my face, but one thing in this life that does give me a measure of satisfaction is Saturday mornings.

What happens on Saturday mornings you ask? Answer: I get to download the latest Battlestar Galactica episode onto my ipod, and then I watch it while I eat breakfast, so for a whole 45 minutes, I have nothing to think of but the show... This somehow is as good as its going to get for me, so I run with it and enjoy it.

Does that answer your question?


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:20 PM


I'm a doomsayer, so I tend to believe the end time is near; however . . .

"'I wish it need not have happened in my time,' said Frodo.
'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. . . . '" Tolkien;LoTR:Ip.82

I had to look it up. My own shortened version of it doesn't give it justice: But really, "The question is not 'Why does does it have to happen in my lifetime,' but, 'What to do with the time we have left?'"


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
My biggest, darkest, thoughts are that deep down inside, I hate myself, hate all people around me, and all of humanity,

I tend to not particularly care for myself, a large percentage of the people I encounter I do not particarly like, and the human race as a whole seems to have gone so far awry that one one must ask if it is truly worth saving. There are, however, somewhere out there, some that are truly righteous. You and I and others do not have the right to destroy everyone simply because we cannot seem to find good in those around us. I am not typically a Bible pounder, but please see Genesis18:16-33. I do not claim to be an Isrealite, Christian, nor Muslim; nor Buddhist, Taoist, or any other organized sort of sect; but there are books for guidance that can make a miserable existance at least bearable. Howevere -- Don't fall into the extremes! Extremists have agendas of their own, and then you become a pawn for either monetary support or suicide destruction. In those extremes you are not helping yourself, but aiding in the power hungry wants politicians and zealots.

As to your bomb to destroy 'this big blue marble called earth': please do not take wrath out on the planet. The human race did not create the earth, nor did the earth ask to be raped by the human race. Hell, we are all sitting here tapping on computers made from natural resources, or derivatives thereof, and powered by coal, nuclear fission, or dammed-waterways. None of which which would be an issue if Humans had maintained a balance with Earth.

Few billion years on and earth is gone, {ChristheCynic}
It really could be a lot shorter. If the burning fuel core at the center of the planet shuts down soon (all engines need fuel) as some scientists believe could happen, the planet may be left without the protection of a magnetic field, which defends us from the extreme radiation of the sun. Without that protection, we, all of us, burn. The sun may still last, but the Earth ashes.

I think that if we (the Human race as a whole) had spent more time working together instead of worrying about developing more efficient ways to kill one another, we could already be populating other planets and moons in this solar system; even possibly heading out further. That would be truly shiny. I don't know about you all, but I feel kind of boxed in here on this planet. There is so much more.

I have seen some Bush-bashing here and in other areas on this site. I voted for the moron. Ill-thought as many of you may say; for me, he was the lesser of two evils, as all elections are anymore. For me, the left has more designs on destroying my freedoms than the right has. Anyone who respects that Mal and others take arms to defend themselves and their 'families', shipboard and otherwise, will understand my meaning. I don't like where Jr. has taken this country, but I like less where others could have taken it. At least Mr. Spy-on-the-Citizens' reign is coming to an end. Maybe a new candidate will take us to a better place.

In any case, be shiny! There ain't nothin' can keep us down! We're all still flyin'!

P.S. I'm relativeley new to this posting thing. How do you quote other posts? {Well, I think I figured out how to do one qoute, but not sure how to do quotes from multiple posts; know it something to do with square-brackets} And, how do you insert those gorram emoticons?

Be seeing you . . .
in time and relative dimesions in space


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:49 PM



Originally posted by brownfieldcoat:
I'm a doomsayer, so I tend to believe the end time is near; however . . .

"'I wish it need not have happened in my time,' said Frodo.
'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. . . . '" Tolkien;LoTR:Ip.82

I had to look it up. My own shortened version of it doesn't give it justice: But really, "The question is not 'Why does does it have to happen in my lifetime,' but, 'What to do with the time we have left?'"


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
My biggest, darkest, thoughts are that deep down inside, I hate myself, hate all people around me, and all of humanity,

I tend to not particularly care for myself, a large percentage of the people I encounter I do not particarly like, and the human race as a whole seems to have gone so far awry that one one must ask if it is truly worth saving. There are, however, somewhere out there, some that are truly righteous. You and I and others do not have the right to destroy everyone simply because we cannot seem to find good in those around us. I am not typically a Bible pounder, but please see Genesis18:16-33. I do not claim to be an Isrealite, Christian, nor Muslim; nor Buddhist, Taoist, or any other organized sort of sect; but there are books for guidance that can make a miserable existance at least bearable. Howevere -- Don't fall into the extremes! Extremists have agendas of their own, and then you become a pawn for either monetary support or suicide destruction. In those extremes you are not helping yourself, but aiding in the power hungry wants politicians and zealots.

As to your bomb to destroy 'this big blue marble called earth': please do not take wrath out on the planet. The human race did not create the earth, nor did the earth ask to be raped by the human race. Hell, we are all sitting here tapping on computers made from natural resources, or derivatives thereof, and powered by coal, nuclear fission, or dammed-waterways. None of which which would be an issue if Humans had maintained a balance with Earth.

Few billion years on and earth is gone, {ChristheCynic}
It really could be a lot shorter. If the burning fuel core at the center of the planet shuts down soon (all engines need fuel) as some scientists believe could happen, the planet may be left without the protection of a magnetic field, which defends us from the extreme radiation of the sun. Without that protection, we, all of us, burn. The sun may still last, but the Earth ashes.

I think that if we (the Human race as a whole) had spent more time working together instead of worrying about developing more efficient ways to kill one another, we could already be populating other planets and moons in this solar system; even possibly heading out further. That would be truly shiny. I don't know about you all, but I feel kind of boxed in here on this planet. There is so much more.

I have seen some Bush-bashing here and in other areas on this site. I voted for the moron. Ill-thought as many of you may say; for me, he was the lesser of two evils, as all elections are anymore. For me, the left has more designs on destroying my freedoms than the right has. Anyone who respects that Mal and others take arms to defend themselves and their 'families', shipboard and otherwise, will understand my meaning. I don't like where Jr. has taken this country, but I like less where others could have taken it. At least Mr. Spy-on-the-Citizens' reign is coming to an end. Maybe a new candidate will take us to a better place.

In any case, be shiny! There ain't nothin' can keep us down! We're all still flyin'!

P.S. I'm relativeley new to this posting thing. How do you quote other posts? {Well, I think I figured out how to do one qoute, but not sure how to do quotes from multiple posts; know it something to do with square-brackets} And, how do you insert those gorram emoticons?

Be seeing you . . .
in time and relative dimesions in space

Oh God! Another Christian/Religious nut! So much for a thread that was good, funny, and inventive! Now you and your self-rightousness have put everyone on the defensive; no one is going to want to post in this thread now that one of God's little, annoying children has shown up to judge us.

Shouldnt u guyz be out selling bibles or something?

The title of this thread is: In your darkest moments, what are the temporary ideas you entertain?

My post was my darkest thoughts expressed in the moment okay? I am aware that on this pathetic world, there are a few good people living on it, but as far as I'm concerned, they are expendable because there are so few of them.

You saw the title of this thread and you came in here acting all high and mighty and judge me? What a creepoid! Take your bible-thumping self, and do a rapture or something.

You better get on your knees tonight and thank your god that I DONT have the power of world destruction in my hands.

You Christians/Religious nuts seriously get on my nerves sometimes, and I WAS having an okay day until I read your post.



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:02 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I get to download the latest Battlestar Galactica episode onto my ipod, and then I watch it while I eat breakfast, so for a whole 45 minutes, I have nothing to think of but the show... This somehow is as good as its going to get for me, so I run with it and enjoy it.

Does that answer your question?

Sometimes you sound so down, I just wanted to hear it's not all doomey gloom.

Vive la Galactica Battlestar!
Let your mind fly a Viper all day long!

Half-full Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:07 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Oh God! Another Christian/Religious nut!

RiveR, cool your jets, I think he was just tryin' to be nice in his own way.

Be the Viper.

We're all friends here Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:48 PM




Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:45 PM


People are ants. It's just a big ant hill, they argue and fight over who gets a piece of the mushroom, and who gets to bash the other ants, and who will oppress and sacrafice ants as if they were ants, for their own glory, power, etc. But it's all meaningless, they're all just ants anyway, so what's the point. They never look outwards to see that there is something other than a hole in the ground crammed full of ants figuring out new ways to make life miserable for ants.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:30 PM


I should be the last person on this earth to say this, but please stay on the topic of this thread.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:34 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
People are ants. It's just a big ant hill, they argue and fight over who gets a piece of the mushroom, and who gets to bash the other ants, and who will oppress and sacrafice ants as if they were ants, for their own glory, power, etc. But it's all meaningless, they're all just ants anyway, so what's the point. They never look outwards to see that there is something other than a hole in the ground crammed full of ants figuring out new ways to make life miserable for ants.

well that's disturbing...

Glad it's a temporary thought Chrisisall


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:30 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


My child, I AM older than you. And in dog years I'm way older than you. I remember the first US space launch, duck and cover, and the assassination of President Kennedy.

But I feel much, much older than my years.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:36 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Your numbers are interesting. Three prime numbers and a multiple of them. Is that significant? (For some reason I tend to look for patterns in numbers.)

No one knows what it's like
To be the sad man.
To be the bad man,
Behind blue eyes.

Some people know what that's like. It's a personal curse but an evolutionary gift with a meaningful function. You are in the company of Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:43 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


I'm not sure I get your imagery.

Are humans ants b/c they are ruled by the past (in a mechanistic universe)? B/c they are ruled by their biology? B/c even the earth is a temporary phenomenon in the grand scheme of things?

Just wondering.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:47 AM


been having random attacks of insomnia lately, so I'll throw my hat in the ring -

I keep getting panic attacks when I lay down and try to rest. Sometimes I can't sleep for hours after I'm supposed to be out for the count. I worry because I can't sleep, and I can't sleep because I keep worrying. I think it may be time for a new job, because so many of my coworkers have similar complaints and this never happened this bad this often before. Trying to lay off caffeine has helped some, but not as much as I'd hoped. Up next? Trying to quit smoking.

"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 12:59 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Oh God! Another Christian/Religious nut!

RiveR, cool your jets, I think he was just tryin' to be nice in his own way.

Be the Viper.

We're all friends here Chrisisall

UGH! Shot down! Killed! Destroyed!

Sincerest apologies. Wasn't trying to sound the judgemental zealot. Lesson to all: Friends don't let friends drink and tap keys!

In my previous, foolish, and TWI'd (Tapping While Intoxicated) long-windedness, I forgot to put my one of own dark moment/temp. ideas:
A double decimation of the human race. Then, toy with genetics enough that humans live longer, but reproduce at a drastically slower rate.

Be seeing you . . .
in time and relative dimesions in space






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