Bush hands security of America over to group with possible Al Qaeda connections

UPDATED: Monday, February 27, 2006 16:49
VIEWED: 3945
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Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:34 PM


Okay, I knew this would get some responses,2933,184599,00.html

Go ahead, troll away.

I'm not gloating with the I told you he was evil, I'm actually concerned, I think this is a bad idea.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:52 PM



What? Ignored? I post a story from Fox News deploring Bush, and no one even bothers to read it. Hrm.


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:51 AM


Is this news? I mean Americas defence was already in the hands of the Bush administration which already had links to Al Qaeda, at least as strong as any possible ones of the UAE.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:56 AM


Also doesn't hurt to realise our CIA trained
Bin Laden, and that the Saudis own half our economy
thanks to Bush Senior. Can you say 'good and fuckd'
boys and girls? Thanks a bunch red states! Be sure
and blame the "Liberals" when our country ends up on it's knees!


Monday, February 13, 2006 3:24 AM


Okay, now now, no reason to get partisan about it.

1. Saudi's own about 4% of America, not half. It's still a problem, I admit.

2. The idea that Bush has ties to Al Qaeda is conspiracy theory, and not something I credit. Yet.

3. Bin Laden was a terrorist long before he met the CIA, the idea that we created him was created by people who want to blame America for everything, I think that means probably by Americans. But the point is Bin Laden didn't need our help to do it, he had already been in a war.

4. Clinton sold America in pieces, I don't remember G.H doing it, unless you have sources.


Monday, February 13, 2006 3:56 AM


"A country that may be a friend of ours today may not be on the same side tomorrow. You don't know in advance what the politics of that country will be in the future."

Fox is a fringe socialist lunatic station, they've always hated Bush, how can you take them seriously?
Dreamtrove, you are an alarmist Liberal, try voting Republican sometime.
Nobody else on this board but me has even the SLIGHTEST concept of reality (unless, of coarse, they agree completely with me).



Monday, February 13, 2006 7:30 AM


Bush has definite and demonstrate able ties to the Bin Landen family...

And much of Osama's and his group's military expertise was given to him by the CIA, so that he could more effectively fight the Ruskies...

If you want conspiracy theories though there is the one that Al Qaeda is fantasy concocted by the CIA that Osama now plays off of

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 13, 2006 9:37 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

3. Bin Laden was a terrorist long before he met the CIA, the idea that we created him was created by people who want to blame America for everything, I think that means probably by Americans. But the point is Bin Laden didn't need our help to do it, he had already been in a war.

You present that as some sort of defense, when to me, it makes things even worse. So, he was already a terrorist, and then we (The CIA) made him better at it. Great idea.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:30 PM



I believe the challenge was a credible source. I think that proof of a Bush-Bin Laden link would be my sunny day by now, but I have no reason to believe that it's so. I followed that Salem Bin Laden conspiracy, but there was really nothing there. If I'm in business with Jeb, that doesn't mean I told Bush to invade Iraq.


Itr was obviously a poor decision, I thought that sort of went without saying. In a normal world, training people to fight Soviets was the sort of thing which never should have been suggested.


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:24 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

What? Ignored? I post a story from Fox News deploring Bush, and no one even bothers to read it. Hrm.

I read it. But I think I’d already heard about it even before I heard it on Fox N’ Friends, yesterday morning. I don’t remember where I heard it; probably just people talking in the halls.

Oh, he's so full of manure, that man! We could lay him in the dirt and grow another one just like him.
-- Ruby


Monday, February 27, 2006 6:38 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Communist China already owns US ports and Panama Canal while promising to nuke USA:



Bush hands security of America over to group with possible Al Qaeda connections

Administration OK With UAE Running Six Major U.S. Ports,2933,184599,00.html



UAE terminal takeover extends to 21 ports


A United Arab Emirates government-owned company is poised to take over port terminal operations in 21 American ports, far more than the six widely reported.

The Bush administration has approved the takeover of British-owned Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to DP World, a deal set to go forward March 2 unless Congress intervenes.

P&O is the parent company of P&O Ports North America, which leases terminals for the import and export and loading and unloading and security of cargo in 21 ports, 11 on the East Coast, ranging from Portland, Maine to Miami, Florida, and 10 on the Gulf Coast, from Gulfport, Miss., to Corpus Christi, Texas, according to the company's Web site.

President George W. Bush on Tuesday threatened to veto any legislation designed to stall the handover.

NEOCONNED: Jewish CITIZENS OF ISRAEL sell US ports to Arabs in British stock swindle to NUKE USA


Chertoff, And Fellow Neocons, Are Behind Arab Port Deal

Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co
A 200 year-old British Company Is Sold to Arabs

The Arab Company Who Bought The British Company
It Manages Ports In Dubai

Dubai Will Control These Ports

Dubai Is A Key Mossad Center In The Mideast

What Is Going On?

A British company, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., who runs major commercial operations at shipping ports in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Miami, New Orleans and Philadelphia, has been sold to a UAE company.

The UAE Company, Dubai Port World, is state-owned, and now inherits their businesses.

Who Is involved

Lord Sterling of Plaistow, CEO of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., consummated the swindle, which will reward his Zionist investors with $7 billion.

Head Of Homeland Security

Michael Chertoff , who is a dual-citizen Israeli/American (born in Communist Czechoslovakia), ok's the deal (while leaving US borders wide-open to 100-million illegal alien terrorists).

Separated at Birth?

Bob Dole

Dole, the 85 yr old ex-speaker, was a lobbyist for Dubai in this deal.

What Is The Scheme?

The core of the deal is a stock swindle. A group of Zionist stockholders inflated the stock price 300%, then sold it to the citizens of the UAE for $6.8 billion. Basically all the Arabs get are ‘Port Service Contracts’, and some marginal loading equipment

P&O the British company, that has been running six U.S. ports, is now a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates.

Actual Value

P & O's profit from their port operation was $153 million pounds. PE's run between 5 and 15, so Dubai should have paid $765 million to $2.2 billion.

Why An Arab Country?

Port managers are a dime a dozen. You have 10 in the US, and there are others in Japan, China, Australia, etc.

These are political contracts worth a fortune, and are the reason $60,000 a year politicians have fat Swiss bank accounts.

Neocons Take An Odd Stance

These are the same Bush Neocon/Zionist Advisors, who bombed Iraq to the stone age because Saddam was evil. They told us, 'They are bad, and we are good', but today the Zionists are 100% behind this port deal.

Who Are These People ?

These are Neo-Cons (new conservatives), and they are all Dual Citizen Israelis. Not a single one served in the US armed forces. They basically are a lobby that pushes for Israeli-oriented bills.

All these men are Zionist warmongers, who adore and obey Israel, and who view America chiefly as Israel's financial sugar daddy and mercenary slave. Their aim is global power for the Zionist elite, and profits for Zionist bankers and Illuminati-directed oil barons. They seem to have no problem if stacks of bloody young American fighting men mount up in Iraq, Iran, and Syria. The dead, after all, are valueless.

Their Real Goal

This port deal creates a patsy for the coming nuclear attack on America.

This Is Quite The Scam

Zionists skin the citizens of Dubai for $7 billion, and then set them up as fall-guys for a nuclear attack. Bush tells 300 million Americans: - "We must not discriminate against Arabs".

We just sit here talking about H-3's, ball games, and the value of our 401-k's, while Zionists plan a total economic collapse.

Click link for all photos, graphics and footnotes to this crime:

Ain't it funny how the "Jewish" owned Media Mafia censors this news?

Dubai Ports Firm - At Least 2 Ties To White House:

Bush Named Dubai Ports World Exec To US Transportation Post!

Bush's secret agreement with Arabs running US ports - Bush sez: "People don't need to worry about security."

FOX News: 200 Israeli Mossad spies and terrorist bombers arrested in USA after 9/11/2001:

FOX NEWS VIDEO DOWNLOAD: 200 Israeli Mossad spies and terrorist bombers arrested in USA after 9/11/2001, THEN RELEASED WITHOUT TRIAL. 1,000s of Mossad agents flee USA without arrest. Israeli Mossad corporations taps ALL phone calls in USA including ALL police wiretaps for Jewish Mishpucka Mafiya:

USS Liberty & Zionist Propaganda:

USAF Report - Israeli Thermonuclear Blackmail Of USA:

The Hidden History Of Zionism:

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas:

Walmart Newstand: The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion Proven True in 2006:

'Jews Against Zionism' Thank

Zionist US State Dept Says #1!

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation
(How to deal with Gangsta Govt)

Pirate News TV


Monday, February 27, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I believe the challenge was a credible source. I think that proof of a Bush-Bin Laden link would be my sunny day by now, but I have no reason to believe that it's so. I followed that Salem Bin Laden conspiracy, but there was really nothing there. If I'm in business with Jeb, that doesn't mean I told Bush to invade Iraq.

Sorry should of gotten back to you sooner. It was largely tongue in cheek, based on the fact that the Bush's have links to the Bin Laden's and the Bin Laden's have definite links with Al Qaeda (being the son is runnin' it an all) which means George Bush's links to Al Qaeda are no less flimsy than Sadaams, from what I see ...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 27, 2006 8:33 AM


It's just the news media and the democrats blowing wind.

The FACT, which is something the news media hasn't told you is that they already own several ports in the USA. They own EVEN MORE internationally.

Why would they invest BILLIONS OF DALLORS to own ports in the US and in other continents/countries if they are just going to blow it up. They could just spend a couple hundred dallors to put a dirty bomb in a container and blow up whatever, rather than invensting billions of dallors like they are now.

And if they were to do something or if someone were to do something that SEEMED like their involvement they would lose so much, so much money they have worked for. They're invested in this.

This isn't a terrorist cell, this isn't a bad thing. Again THEY ALREADY OWN PORTS ALL OVER!! It's just the democrats and the news media blowing wind on what they either 1. Think are the enemy 2. Just trying to make Bush look bad as usual. I think it's both 1 & 2. 2 more than anything.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Monday, February 27, 2006 8:43 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I believe the challenge was a credible source. I think that proof of a Bush-Bin Laden link would be my sunny day by now, but I have no reason to believe that it's so. I followed that Salem Bin Laden conspiracy, but there was really nothing there. If I'm in business with Jeb, that doesn't mean I told Bush to invade Iraq.

Sorry should of gotten back to you sooner. It was largely tongue in cheek, based on the fact that the Bush's have links to the Bin Laden's and the Bin Laden's have definite links with Al Qaeda (being the son is runnin' it an all) which means George Bush's links to Al Qaeda are no less flimsy than Sadaams, from what I see ...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear

I haven't read any of these posts, just the title... :P

But I saw this one above mine.

I hate these idiot lies and rumours. I hope everyone knows that the Bin Laden family (not Osama though) own lots of stuff in the US.

I am tired of all these people and their jealousy and their greed. I'm a conservative, I vote Republican (or I will when I'm old enough), but even if the President is Democrat I still respect the man. I don't like Bill Clinton, I don't like anything that he did, but I respected the man because he was President. I had a certain respect where I wouldn't go off calling him names, or use a funeral to make him look bad (an event where democrat senators tried to make Bush look bad while Bush was sitting right behind them, it was recent). He's the President, and he should be respected rather than be lied upon and insulted.

But this isn't China, this isn't Russia or whatever. So anybody that doesn't like somebody whether it be the President or your next door neighbor can say whatever they want about them. That's the beauty of this country. If you say something bad about our Government or our President, you will still be seen tomorrow, and you will still be alive tomorrow.

Be grateful you live in this country (if you do). Even though it's controlled by Minorities.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Monday, February 27, 2006 9:41 AM


Dinky, you really think of this as just a "Democrat blowing wind" kind of thing? In my mind, the main reason the media is even covering it is because of the number of high profile Republicans that have come out against it. This deal had been known for a few days before it hit the media firestorm. The media started running with it when a number of GOP congressional members spoke out against it and President Bush threatened to veto it.

My problems with this deal?

I have been to UAE on a few occassions. I have never had any trouble as an American that spoke ZERO arabic in that country. However, this company is owned by that country's government. All profits will go to that government, not a capitalist company. Why does that present a problem in my opinion? Because that country hesitated when they were asked to freeze al Qaeda's financial assets. They also were one of only three governments to officially recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan.

For those and other reasons, I definately think this 'deal' should be looked at. Of course, I realize that what they are buying is already owned by a British company. And I have a problem with that as well. (Even though they are our ally).


Monday, February 27, 2006 9:49 AM


You really did miss the point completely didn't you?

The point was not that Bush HAD links to Al Qaeda, it was that Saddam did NOT.

And maybe before you start calling things idiot lies and rumours you should actually know what you’re talking about, everything in my post is fact. The Bush family and the Bin Landen family DO have very close ties.

So frankly if I want to call Bush an Idiot, I will. I don't need to be preached at by you for calling him an idiot, because he is an idiot, sorry but all the unfounded respect in the world ain't going to change that. Neither are all the bought elections, or elections gained through the national fever of a "successful" war (it works, did for Thatcher as it did for Bush).

I respect Clinton more than Bush, at least he did work on the peace process (and by that I don't mean dropping bombs to 'pacify' people, though he did that too). Just so you know the position of president doesn't afford anyone any more respect than anyone else and too me Bush has consistently managed to act in a way too diminish any respect I could of had for him from the beginning.

Lastly I suggest you actually read the posts of this thread, before you start just blowing off wind, then you'd realise nothing you've said is at all relevent to this thread.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 27, 2006 9:55 AM



Originally posted sacredchao:
For those and other reasons, I definately think this 'deal' should be looked at. Of course, I realize that what they are buying is already owned by a British company. And I have a problem with that as well. (Even though they are our ally).

Why? British Telecom, which is largely responcible for the fixed communications of the British Military is partly American owned last time I chekced, this is more of a cause to worry for the British than a British company running port operations in an American port is cause for Americans to worry.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 27, 2006 10:01 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Why? British Telecom, which is largely responcible for the fixed communications of the British Military is largely American owned last time I chekced, this is more of a cause to worry for the British than a British company running port operations in an American port is cause for Americans to worry.

I was not intending to imply that my dislike (for the British company owning) stemmed from a security point of view. I just feel that there is money to be made off of this port issue (and why would they be so obsessed with buying it if there were no profit?) then I think it should be someone from this country doing it.

Sure, that may seem too hardcore 'American', but I feel the same about other countries as well. I feel our government has a responsibility to support the people of this nation over the people of other nations. I do not begrudge other nations that feel and do the same.


Monday, February 27, 2006 10:02 AM


Fair enough, but that completly flys in the face of free market capitalism .

The rest I agree with.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 27, 2006 12:06 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
You really did miss the point completely didn't you?

The point was not that Bush HAD links to Al Qaeda, it was that Saddam did NOT.

And maybe before you start calling things idiot lies and rumours you should actually know what you’re talking about, everything in my post is fact. The Bush family and the Bin Landen family DO have very close ties.

So frankly if I want to call Bush an Idiot, I will. I don't need to be preached at by you for calling him an idiot, because he is an idiot, sorry but all the unfounded respect in the world ain't going to change that. Neither are all the bought elections, or elections gained through the national fever of a "successful" war (it works, did for Thatcher as it did for Bush).

I respect Clinton more than Bush, at least he did work on the peace process (and by that I don't mean dropping bombs to 'pacify' people, though he did that too). Just so you know the position of president doesn't afford anyone any more respect than anyone else and too me Bush has consistently managed to act in a way too diminish any respect I could of had for him from the beginning.

Lastly I suggest you actually read the posts of this thread, before you start just blowing off wind, then you'd realise nothing you've said is at all relevent to this thread.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear

I didn't call anyone an idiot. I called the rumours idiot :).

And I know as much as you THINK you know.

Tell me, what major conflict has ever been solved without a war?? Bush didn't start this war, but you liberals seem to think he did, and want it to be that way.

These 'ties' are that of media efforts to elminimate Bush. It's hard to convert someone to switch political parties because people base their political parties on their own beliefs (not that I'm trying to switch anyone).

And I never said you can't call Bush an idiot, infact I said that's your full right to.

Suddam was a suspect of a list of people. And Suddam was standing in the way of a lot of things for Iraq's people, and he was indeed a terrorist. He killed thousands of people under his thumb every chance he got.

And that's just it, my belief differs from yours. Just as it does from every other liberal democrat out there, even the very senators show they have no respect for Bush even though he is the President. But I do, why? Again because I said that's just the way I live my life, I believe in this country and I respect a lot of people I don't like or don't agree with. I believe a man in that position deserves respect.

There are plenty of people on my side that believe the same as you, only visa versa about Bill Clinton and so. I could go on and on about facts of Bill Clintons terms but that's not what this thread subject is about.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Monday, February 27, 2006 1:22 PM



The world is alas, far more complicated than it appears. I vote republican as well. Bush, unfortunately, is Clinton. The last actual republican administration was Bush Sr. Bush's backers are Clintons backers, and well it's long complicated, and already been posted by all us on the looney right ad nauseum already, I mean to assemble this argument somewhere, like on a website. Anyway, the first solid objections care from republicans, the first support for the idea came from a democrat, Joe Lieberman. But mostly, democrats do nothing. Almost all the supposed 'democrat' resistance to Bush's mistakes has actually been forwarded by republicans, and then democrats join in the chorus, and then the left media awards all the credit to the democrats, because the media is a democrat.

The resistance to this came from John Warner and the resistance to wiretapping came from Arlen Spector, the resistance to torture came from Lindsay Graham and John McCain. The last big resistance from a democrat was Russ Feingold opposing the Patriot Act, but Russ is about as much of a democrat as Lincoln Chaffe is a republican, maybe less so.

Speaking as a New Yorker, I have major issues with it. Dubai financed the 9/11 attacks, according to the CIA, and the 911 commission, neither one of which are partisan, or are generally wrong, and the UAE probably did so because it stood to gain financially. These are people who never do things for ideolgocial reasons. This deal is a big 'thank you' to them from Bush for letting us use their bases for the Iraq war.

Here was my earlier thread on the subject, in case you missed it, I think it says it nicely in pictures.


Monday, February 27, 2006 2:09 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Dubai financed the 9/11 attacks, according to the CIA, and the 911 commission, neither one of which are partisan, or are generally wrong

Money was transferred through privite banks and the hawala network that's existed in asia and the middle east for centuries.

The 9/11 commission stated:
"Our investigation has uncovered no credible evidence that any person in the United States gave the hijackers substantial financial assistance. Similarly, we have seen no evidence that any foreign government-or foreign government official-supplied any funding."

Once again, please someone show me any evidence that Dubai Ports World is involved with Al Qaeda, or terrorism in general, in any way at all. Otherwise it's just politics and xenophobia.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, February 27, 2006 3:04 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Okay, I knew this would get some responses,2933,184599,00.html

Go ahead, troll away.

I'm not gloating with the I told you he was evil, I'm actually concerned, I think this is a bad idea.

I think this post is in error.....

more like:

US voters hand security of America over to wackjob with possible Al Qaeda connections

" Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done "

The Killers


Monday, February 27, 2006 3:15 PM



Originally posted Dinky:
I didn't call anyone an idiot. I called the rumours idiot :).

I never said you did. I however called Bush an Idiot. I did this because he is an idiot.

And I know as much as you THINK you know.

You don't. You really really don't.

Furthermore I have more respect and faith for Dreamtroves lies and rumours than your facts and figures, which you haven't seem to have posted...

Bush didn't start this war, but you liberals seem to think he did, and want it to be that way.

Erm, yeah he did. Were you sleeping in 2003? Because he really did start the Iraq war, unless you think he ordered American troops into the region by accident, I don't know maybe he woke up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and hit the War button instead of the Flush.

And that's just it, my belief differs from yours. Just as it does from every other liberal democrat out there, even the very senators show they have no respect for Bush even though he is the President. But I do, why? Again because I said that's just the way I live my life, I believe in this country and I respect a lot of people I don't like or don't agree with. I believe a man in that position deserves respect.

I'm not a Liberal Democrat, you're confused and you’re talking like you know me when you know nothing about me. I don't see me voting LibDem anytime in the future, they haven't a clue, neither do I see myself voting Labour or Tory anytime soon, I just have this crazy irrational like for personal liberties and freedoms which both parties respect about as much as Bush does.

And lastly people don't deserve respect because they run a country, and if you stopped for a moment you'd realise you probably agree with me. I can give a whole list of state heads who I don't respect, Jacque Chirac for instance, but I imagine I can give a whole lot that you don't either, Mussolini perhaps. Bush isn't super human, neither is any other state leader, if he acts like an idiot and his policies start getting people killed, if his Administration fucks up and people die, he loses respect, you blindly respect and follow him if you wish, but don't act like your talking from a position of intelligence.

I like your attempt to demonise me by saying in a roundabout way that I'm anti-American though, keep trying, you might even get it.

There are plenty of people on my side that believe the same as you, only visa versa about Bill Clinton and so.

Clinton was involved in the lasting peace process in North Ireland; Bush hasn't done a damn thing. I'm not defending Clinton and I don't wish to discuss the subject with you.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Monday, February 27, 2006 4:49 PM



You're not a LibDem? You had me fooled.


I don't respect, Jacque Chirac for instance

Oh, but he tries so hard. Gag. Okay. I can't even joke about this. Chirac is probably the worst conservative out there, worse than Bush. It's not a slight, but an actual fact that the only thing keeping Chirac out of prison is the immunity granted him by the office of the presidency. It's like having president DeLay.


I think this post is in error.....

more like:

US voters hand security of America over to wackjob with possible Al Qaeda connections

LOL. Well, that too.






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