Cheney goes on a rampage!!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006 7:43 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by piratejenny:

LOL!! Cheney and the victum were probably fighting over who was going to hunt down their prey in the most dangerous game the victum won, so Cheney shot him!!( I couldn't resist)

Perhaps the nekked lady ran between them?

At least Cheney's not as bad as the Queen of England, who shoots 1,000 birds/day, just to keep her blood-lust fresh for her British subjects. These are caged shoots in Europe.

That might even be what Cheney was on, since he probably can't hike or stand that much, in his condition.

Or maybe his pacemaker just kicked in, and he shot Wittington in an epileptic seizure? Apparently, this is a common side effect of pacemakers.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 8:32 PM


I heard that the guy Cheney accidently shot just had a heart attack, but he's still alive. Talk about having a bad day! Hope he gets well.



Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:54 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by RiveR6213:

I heard that the guy Cheney accidently shot just had a heart attack, but he's still alive. Talk about having a bad day! Hope he gets well.

Score one for the little animals. TeeVee said that 70 hunters shoot and kill each other every year in Texas, usually when drunk. I'd say the animals are putting up a fair fight.

"Every day's a negotiation and sometimes it's done with guns."

(try again later if server is crashed)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I don't believe the "shot migrated" story. It leaves the reader with the impression that the shot somehow migrated from Whittington's face to his heart. The only way it could "migrate" that far would be through a large blood vein, which means the shot would have penetrated a deep blood vessel in his neck and likely would have bled to death. Alternately- and more realistically- the shot was already near his heart and just moved a little bit.

Either way, if they were using birdshot and wearing clothes (Sarita TX hi 75, lo 57- doubtful they were hunting nekked) the shot would have to be from pretty close up to penetrate to the heart. According to the parties involved, they were all wearing bright orange hunting vests.

SO, you shoot someone in the face at close range who is wearing an orange vest. Either you're a flippin' idiot, drunk, high, having a seizure, sneezing, or some combination of the above.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:17 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
the way I see it there are two possible scenarios Cheney was drunk and shot the man in the face, or Cheney was pissed and shot the man in the face, either way I don't categorize this as an accident,

I suspect you started with the idea that this wasn't an accident and that limited your imagination in coming up with possible scenarios.

I humbly suggest the possibility that Cheney was tracking a bird (meaning he was looking skyward (not straigt up, just not looking at the ground...probably the quail was flying fairly low). It tracked into the sun glare. Meanwhile the other person was approaching, unannounced from lower ground with the sun in the sky behind him. Buckshot spreads out so the man was hit with several pellets rather then taking a full on blast. Thats why he was relatively uninjured, scratches and a couple little holes (until his heart attack, but thats a bit of bad luck).

Or perhaps the man waited watching and at just the right moment he dived into the shot pattern seeking to become injured. A deliberate act by a derranged man. Perhaps it was an Iranian quail and this was all a set up.

There are a thousand possible ways this went down. We must rely on the testimony of the witnesses to say what happened. In this case, as a Prosecutor, I can say that the most compelling testimony comes from the victim, who says it was an accident and takes partial responsibility on himself for not announcing his approach. The victim says no harm, no foul...then I'd never in the absense of other compelling evidence or testimony, charge Cheney with a serious crime (there may be minor charges here, the game stamp for one, but that was resolved).



Wednesday, February 15, 2006 7:13 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
The victim says no harm, no foul...then I'd never in the absense of other compelling evidence or testimony, charge Cheney with a serious crime (there may be minor charges here, the game stamp for one, but that was resolved).

The big problem with your train of thought, Hero, is that it's logical, makes sense, and wasn't conceived while smoking an illegal substance. As such, it doesn't belong in this thread.

The thing you (and most intelligent, sane-thinking folks like you) don't understand is that everything is Cheney's fault. (Actually, everything is Bush's fault -- and therefore, Cheney's through association. Haven't you seen my previous threads which explain the reasoning behind this? )

Even if Cheney was the person who'd been shot, and he didn't possess a gun, it would've been his fault. Isn't that obvious?!?! Come on. Get with the show. Jump on the bandwagon. You don't want to be the only reasonable, sane-thinking person around, do you?


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I am starting with the assumption that this WAS an accident. But like most accidents, it begins with somebody doing something stupid.

I humbly suggest the possibility that Cheney was tracking a bird (meaning he was looking skyward (not straigt up, just not looking at the ground...probably the quail was flying fairly low). It tracked into the sun glare. Meanwhile the other person was approaching, unannounced from lower ground with the sun in the sky behind him.
Rule No 1 in hunting: If you can't clearly see your target, you don't pull the trigger. I'm not a hunter, but I work with several. These guys are responsible hunters, but they've also come back with stories about bullets whizzing past their ears because some other hunter shot at sound. But hey, this isn't the first time Cheney's blasted at a phantom target.

Buckshot spreads out so the man was hit with several pellets rather then taking a full on blast. Thats why he was relatively uninjured, scratches and a couple little holes (until his heart attack, but thats a bit of bad luck).
Do you know this or are you just speculating? I haven't seen any pictures of Whittington on TV saying how great he's feeling and the medical report estimates from 5 to 200 pieces of lodged shot. OTOH, it seems like the shot would have to have been at close range to penetrate an orange vest and a shirt (or vest, shirt and jacket, depending on the weather) all the way to his heart. Since Cheney has every reason to spin this in the most positive light, unless I hear specific news backed by medical reports that the injuries were "minor" and/or live interviews of the victim himself (Notice that we haven't heard direct quote yet?) I'm going to assume that they were NOT "minor".

There are a thousand possible ways this went down.
Maybe Cheney sneezed at the wrong time. But the one invariant is that he turned and pointed his gun behind him. Turning around without breaking open your shotgun is enough to get you banned from skeet-shooting ranges. That's a big non-no.

We must rely on the testimony of the witnesses to say what happened. In this case, as a Prosecutor, I can say that the most compelling testimony comes from the victim, who says it was an accident and takes partial responsibility on himself for not announcing his approach.
The victim does not decide whether a law was broken or not.

The victim says no harm, no foul.
But only in civil cases in which money is to be awarded.

In this case, as a Prosecutor
Are you sure you're a Prosecutor?

Please don't think they give a shit- especially Hero.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:30 AM



Originally posted by cartoon:
You don't want to be the only reasonable, sane-thinking person around, do you?

I've been on this board a long time. There are good discussions and bad discussions. The good ones make it worth while.

Oh, and we get to laugh at the really wacky folk that chime in from time to time (smiles at PirateJenny).



Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:36 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Oh, and we get to laugh at the really wacky folk that chime in from time to time.

I agree. A lot of this stuff is hilarious. But, uh -- they, uh -- they actually believe it.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But I noticed that Hero and his doppleganger Cartoon ignore my common-sense posts. Must be because they can't think of anything to say. I suppose in a way I should be flattered, so "thank you" for that indirect compliment.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:56 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
The victim does not decide whether a law was broken or not.
But only in civil cases in which money is to be awarded.
Are you sure you're a Prosecutor?

Lets take this one at a time.

Am I a Prosecutor? (Looks at little gold badge..) I hope so, otherwise I'm going to be in real trouble for sending that guy to jail yesterday for his OMVI (in Ohio we simplified DUI by changing it to OMVI which is Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence).

The other two points are a single issue. Lets take an example from this week. Lady comes in for a Citizen Complaint. Her mentally disabled son was abused at his school by a teacher's aid. No witnesses except the boy, who isn't competent to testify, the TA and the school's Principal. They claim the boy assaulted the TA. The boy had extensive bruises which came either as the result of abuse or from them restraining him (lawfully) until police arrived. To charge or not to charge. Since I could not be certain what did or did not happen (either they assaulted the boy and are lying or they were defending themselves and telling the truth) I could not in good faith charge them with a crime. The boy on the other hand has a history of violent behaivor. I decided to charge the boy with assault to put him in the JV system. In another example a woman is badly beaten by her husband and he is charged with Domestic Violence. At the Pre Trial they come in together and she says she wants the charges dropped. I refuse, she says she was lying. In such an instance I will drop the charges and charge the woman with making a false statement (either she did originally lie, unlikely, or she's lying now).

You say the victim does not decide whether or not a law was broken. Neither do I. The truth of whether or not a law was broken is not relevant to the issue. Thats for the Jury (or the Judge for a bench trial) to decide.

My consideration is my good faith belief that I can prove a violation of the law beyond reasonable doubt. For that I need witnesses and/or evidence. In this case we have witnesses all agreeing its an accident and experts (including myself as a hunter and a person whose been near missed by buckshot while sitting on my own back porch near a state game lands, back when I lived in PA as a kid that is) who agree it was an accident. No evidence or witnesses as yet to the contrary. The victim even agrees it was an accident and takes some small measure of responsibility. There is no grounds for a criminal case, not because a law may or may not have been brokem, but because if one might have been broken, there is simply no way to prove it.

I also note for the record the police report posted on Smoking Gun indicates that the victim was interviewed and his story is the same as the Vice Presidents. So while he may not have rushed to a microphone to give a press conferance, both parties did give statements to the only people who really deserve one, the police.

I also note for the record that while there is no viable criminal case at this time, the victim has a hell of a civil case against Cheney and the property owner...civil standards of proof are much lower.



Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:10 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
But I noticed that Hero and his doppleganger Cartoon ignore my common-sense posts. Must be because they can't think of anything to say. I suppose in a way I should be flattered, so "thank you" for that indirect compliment.

Actually I found your post to be quite worthy of a thoughtful response...except for the quip about my Prosecutorial credentials. Actually given my bad spelling skills, sometimes I wonder myself. Rest assured I spell check everything that gets filed in court.

I have since responded and I hope you are satisfied (with the thoughtful and extensive nature of the response, if not the content and sentiments expressed therin).

I would also note that my conservative values serve me well in this job. I'd think that you'd want someone like me as a Prosecutor. Tough on crime,strict application of the law, honost, forthright, mean, etc. You want hard chargers in my job and liberal defenders on the other side. Makes for a good balance and all. Put a liberal in my office and folk can get away with murder (not to mention speeding). And I can carry a gun if I want. I'd do that anyway, at least this way my Constitutional predisposition is channeled into a productive service for the community. And to think, I turned down real money to do this job, more then once.



Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

As much enjoyment as I'm getting out of this story (and seriously, as long as the victim doesn't die, you just can't buy or make up a funny news story like this!), I think it'd be nice if we could stick to a few facts.

From all the sources I've seen, this looks like it was in all likelihood an accident. A stupid, possibly alcohol-fueled, careless accident, sure, but an accident nonetheless. While I'm no supporter of Bush, Cheney, or their Administration, I'm willing to accept it as an accidental shooting. Still, that doesn't keep me from appreciating the irony of the situation, or from wanting Cheney to have to face the music.

As far as I've heard, the gun in question was a 20-gauge (or possibly 12-gauge) shotgun. Since they were hunting quail, it's most likely that they were using BIRDSHOT, not buckshot. Birdshot pellets are SMALL - not much larger than a grain of salt.

According to reports, Wittington was about 30 yards away when he was shot (or "peppered", as the White House referred to it. Odd choice of words; implies you're seasoning the guy...). Shotgun rounds *spread* as they cover distance, so I see no ballistics or logical problems with the idea that a man shot at 30 yards with birdshot would be hit in the face, head, neck, and chest with "the same bullet". Mainly because it's NOT the same bullet; it's the same ROUND, which contains around 200 individual "bullets" (which should really be called pellets to be accurate).


ewww you people are not only sick but gross, sitting up defending Cheney's actions. but I know this is the type of thing you Reps support, you say it was an accident but how do you figure you wasn't there and even by some slim, slim, chance that it was, Cheney didn't report it, Why? because he was drunk, that doesn't seem like an accident.
grow a pair of balls and stop supporting and defending these crimnals, because ignorance is no longer acceptable and you can't aford to be innocent. The very fact that you make excuses is a reflection on you, I can understand Cheney trying to cover his arse, but whats in it for you!!

Nice line of reasoning there. What's in it for me, defending Cheney? Not a thing... unless I accidentally shoot someone some day, and would like to have or expect to have at least a *modicum* of a fair trial. I'm sure I'll get labelled a "Rep" by you for this reply, but that would only show how little you know about me. I've never voted for a Republican, and I never voted for Clinton.

Back to the facts as we know them. Apparently, Cheney lacked the proper stamp on his hunting license at the time of the shooting. That's not good. The Texas Parks & Wildlife enforcers say they'll be issuing him a warning citation. To me, that's a bit of a cop-out, a wrist-slap for a serious offense. If it was you or me, it would be called "poaching" (hunting without a valid license), and if we shot someone while poaching, I think we'd be in line for stiffer consequences than a mere warning.

I have no doubt we live under a corrupt system. I have no doubt that there ARE cover-ups and conspiracies. At the same time, though, I have a hard time believing that EVERYTHING is a cover-up and a conspiracy. Sometimes an accidental shooting is just that. Mind you, I think there should be more investigation into the incident, and stiffer penalties if it turns out that Cheney was drunk, negligent, criminally indifferent (waiting to report the incident), reckless, and/or hunting without a license or the proper endorsement on said license. But let's at least go through a pro-forma investigation before having the man burned as a witch. ;)

Like Ted Kennedy before him, this will probably seriously curtail Cheney's political clout. As the late Hunter Thompson said about Kennedy, "The man would have been President if he'd only learned how to drive. Once he put that girl in the water, it was all over." I tend to liken Cheney's gaffe to Kennedy's; both were serious lacks of judgment, both were stupid and avoidable accidents, but neither were wantonly cruel premeditated acts of vengeance.

Say what you will, but I'm just naiive enough to believe that sometimes bad shit just happens.


A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Let's take a look at the disabled boy. Where were the bruises? To his face? His arms? His buttocks? His neck? In other words, were they consistent with being restrained? Did the TA have any bruises or show any other injury consistent with being attacked? Were the boy's knuckles skinned, consistent with attacking the TA? Is this the first such complaint against the TA and/or the school- or the 20th?

Now lets look at Cheney's case. Cheney shot a man in the face. That's indisputable- hospital records and physical exam say so. They both say it's an accident, but was the accident Cheney's fault? As far as I can tell, the only way that this is NOT Cheney's fault is if his gun misfired, or he was stung by a bee, or he sneezed, or some other external factor caused him to shoot at something that he CLEARLY didn't see well.

And in light of your reasoned response, I w/draw my snide remark about your professional position!

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


As far as I've heard, the gun in question was a 20-gauge (or possibly 12-gauge) shotgun. Since they were hunting quail, it's most likely that they were using BIRDSHOT, not buckshot. Birdshot pellets are SMALL - not much larger than a grain of salt.

According to reports, Wittington was about 30 yards away when he was shot (or "peppered", as the White House referred to it. Odd choice of words; implies you're seasoning the guy...). Shotgun rounds *spread* as they cover distance, so I see no ballistics or logical problems with the idea that a man shot at 30 yards with birdshot would be hit in the face, head, neck, and chest with "the same bullet".

Help me out with the ballistics here. How much spread and penetration do you get at 30 yards with birdshot? Enough that potentially a full load hits a person-sized target? Enough to penetrate a vest, shirt, and about 3" of flesh to near the heart? That's the one thing I can't quite seem to get a bead on (so to speak)- the actual distance.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:27 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by piratenews:
TeeVee said that 70 hunters shoot and kill each other every year in Texas, usually when drunk.

Funny, Texas says 29 accidents with 4 fatalities in 2004 and 30 and 2 in 2005.

the 2004 release states:"The primary reason for Texas hunting accidents remains swinging on game outside a safe zone of fire. This happens when a person points a firearm at another hunter while following a moving target, such as a flying game bird."

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:29 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

I would also note that my conservative values serve me well in this job. I'd think that you'd want someone like me as a Prosecutor. Tough on crime,strict application of the law, honost, forthright, mean, etc. You want hard chargers in my job and liberal defenders on the other side. Makes for a good balance and all. Put a liberal in my office and folk can get away with murder (not to mention speeding).

Hero: If no one else has said it, thanks. Thanks for the well-reasoned and well-considered argument, and thanks for doing what all too often is a thankless job.

And I agree completely with you about who *I'd* want as a prosecutor and a defense attorney. Being myself one of those "liberal pansies" - though not an attorney - I can affirm that I'm a sucker for that "reasonable doubt" bit. As such, I'd probably err on the side of caution were I to serve on a jury. Better to let 100 guilty men go free, than send one innocent man to jail, and all that pap.

But again, thanks all the same for doing the job.

As I posted above, Cheney might have done something STUPID (I'm an avid gun owner myself, and have to date never shot anyone), but I'm far from convinced that what he did was CRIMINALLY stupid. Guess we'll have to see how it plays out.


A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"The primary reason for Texas hunting accidents remains swinging on game outside a safe zone of fire. This happens when a person points a firearm at another hunter while following a moving target, such as a flying game bird."
Which is an excellent reason why Cheney should have known better. And an even better reason to be interviewed immediately afterwards- so the question of alcohol can be laid to rest.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So Kwicko- since you seem to know something about guns- and in case my question got lost in the shuffle: How much spread and penetration do you get at 30 yards with birdshot? Enough to penetrate a shirt, vest, and about 3" of flesh?

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by piratenews:
TeeVee said that 70 hunters shoot and kill each other every year in Texas, usually when drunk.

Funny, Texas says 29 accidents with 4 fatalities in 2004 and 30 and 2 in 2005.

the 2004 release states:"The primary reason for Texas hunting accidents remains swinging on game outside a safe zone of fire. This happens when a person points a firearm at another hunter while following a moving target, such as a flying game bird."

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Thanks for that info.

For the record, I'm not a hunter. I shoot for fun and recreation, with rifles and handguns (and I'm aware of the irony of a "gun-toting liberal"). Having said that...


Help me out with the ballistics here. How much spread and penetration do you get at 30 yards with birdshot? Enough that potentially a full load hits a person-sized target? Enough to penetrate a vest, shirt, and about 3" of flesh to near the heart? That's the one thing I can't quite seem to get a bead on (so to speak)- the actual distance.

I can't say for sure. How much spread you get is going to depend on the distance and the shotgun. From what I understand about shotguns, you can alter the "choke" to spread out more or to spread out less. I could be wrong about that, not being a shotgun guy myself... But suffice it to say that hitting a flying bird (and a quail is a rather SMALL bird at that) at 30 yards or so is not an easy proposition. You WANT the shot to spread a bit to increase your chances of actually hitting something.

As to penetration... well, let's just say it's enough to kill a bird at that distance. The orange hunting vests I've seen are more like a city worker's orange vest than a Kevlar vest. They're for visibility, not for staving off shotgun rounds. If the birdshot in question has enough velocity to down a bird and penetrate deeply into its body, I have no problem at all believing that it can go right through a Safety Orange hunting vest, a shirt, pants, and skin. Would it penetrate all the way to the heart? Don't know, but I'm a bit skeptical of that. Most likely scenario is what's been mentioned - that the piece of shot "migrated" to his heart via a blood vessel. As I said above, birdshot is quite small. A piece of it could easily get into a vein large enough to carry it to the heart without any danger of bleeding to death beforehand. We're talking something with a diameter of a millimeter or two, not a .50-caliber round. :)

Would a "full load" hit a person-sized target at 30 yards? I'd say probably not. But that's just a technicality on my part, meaning I don't think he actually got hit with every single shot pellet from the fired round. I'd think a large portion of that round could hit a man-sized target at that range, though, if it was well-aimed. ;)


A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:54 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

If Cheney shot someone (while poaching) due to drunkenness, does it change the conclusion from 'accidental' to 'negligent'? And if, as SignyM suggests, it was at close range, doesn't it add weight to any potential charge?

The coverup was more likely to be about the alcohol than the shooting itself.

Nice job Cheney. You stood up like a true man.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:59 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Help me out with the ballistics here. How much spread and penetration do you get at 30 yards with birdshot? Enough that potentially a full load hits a person-sized target? Enough to penetrate a vest, shirt, and about 3" of flesh to near the heart? That's the one thing I can't quite seem to get a bead on (so to speak)- the actual distance.

Cheney was shooting a 28 gauge shotgun using #7 1/2 shot (per the accident report). This shot is .10" in diameter and there are about 350 in an ounce. Most 28 gauge loads are .75 oz, or about 275 pellets. Normal pattern for a quail gun would put 57 to 67% of the shot inside a 30 inch circle at 40 yards. Muzzle velocity of this type load is around 1,200 to 1,300 feet per second, and slows to probably 900 to 1,000fps at 30 yds. 30-35 yds is about max range to reliably penetrate a quail's feathers and skin a couple of inches with enough pellets to kill it.

So, even if the Veep were aiming directly at Mr. Whittington at around 30 yds he'd have probably hit him with 100-150 pellets at most, less if he was on the edge of the pattern. They'd have been going fast enough to penetrate clothes and skin, but not bones such as ribs or skull. A pellet hitting below the sternum might be a pretty good candidate for the one that caused later heart trouble (Just speculation on my part. I'm not sure how everyone was positioned.)

Looks like a hunting accident to me.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:09 AM


Everybody here is missing the point.
Hunting is SUPPOSED to be dangerious. That's what gives it it's edge. Adreneline doesn't come from a shoot-the-target video game. Shooting a living being with a weapon IS THE POINT.
Cheney just got a target a little higher up the food chain than he expected.
And if he were not the VP, it would have made for one Helluva cool hunting story 'round the campfire, with or without the beer.

Seein' into the truth of things Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And then the question is- accident with or without alcohol? There were two other people there. But nobody is going to pipe up and say Oh yeah, we had a nice warmup when the day started and kept ourselves pretty toasty all along. The veep was feeling no pain by five. Of course, the veep was not interviewed immediately afterwards (um- why not?) so unless there is some fancy 72-hours-later test for alcohol that I don't know of (alcohol dehydrogenase only tells you if someone drinks regularly, not recently) or some other evidence shows up (the medical report shows that the shot was extremely closely spaced- too close for 30 yards) then we may never know if criminal negligence was involved.

We DO know that Cheney screwed up, and that he squatted on the incident for days.

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:21 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)



How do you shoot someone in the face accidentally? Easy. You don't mean to shoot them, but you do. Hence, an "accident", as opposed to an "on purpose". ;)

Seriously, there are loads of people accidentally shot in this country every year. Some of them in the face, even. Lots of them even by "unloaded" weapons. I can't tell you the number of people I've heard about who were killed by "unloaded" weapons, or even when they were cleaning their own weapons, which were "unloaded at the time" - or so they thought.

The simple thing I take away from these lessons is this: There is no such thing as an unloaded gun, until and unless you've unloaded it yourself and VERIFIED that it's unloaded. Anyone ever tries to hand me a gun with the barrel pointed at me, and I'm going to assume they're assaulting me, and respond in kind by disarming them, roughly. ;) The way I see it, no one ever hands you an unloaded weapon. Respect it, fear it, and check it until YOU know it's unloaded. Sure, it might not have any ammo in it, but until I've checked, rechecked, and verified that for myself (generally by cycling the action a few times and looking through the barrel), all guns are assumed to be loaded and safety-off. Maybe that's one of the reasons I've been around guns and shooting since I was a tot and never shot anyone or been shot myself...

There are two kinds of "accident-prone" people that are particularly dangerous to have around guns, in my experience: Those who don't know a thing about guns or gun safety, and those who think they know too much. People who've never been around guns tend to get a little crazy with them on first encounter, and start pointing them at others and waving them around the room, without knowing a damn thing about what they're doing or what they're holding. People who are TOO comfortable with guns tend to take for granted that a gun is empty because they pulled the magazine out, and because they're "smart". I try never to be "smart" around guns. I've been around them most of my life (my dad's a gun nut, and ex-military, so we grew up around a houseful of guns), but I've never allowed myself to get so comfortable with them that I forget what they can do.

Something else to point out about the Cheney Incident: When you're REALLY concentrating on something, it's easy to get cuaght up in the moment, or to have "tunnel vision" so to speak. I think this is probably what happened to Cheney. He was tracking a bird, beading in on it, and just didn't see what was around him - or in front of him! I can relate, from a kind-of-similar experience I had. As I've mentioned before, I race cars for a hobby. There's a phenomena we call "The Red Mist" that occurs sometimes; you're so enthralled and involved in what you're doing, that sometimes you block out things around you - even things that might pose a danger to you or others. One event, I was on course, having a good run, concentrating intently on an upcoming series of turns, working out just exactly where I wanted to position myself for the best "line" through the corners, and I didn't even notice the two corner-workers who were feverishly trying to flag me down and stop me. They were waving bright orange flags at me, but they were "off-line", and therefore not in my visual frame of reference, nor my mental one. I noticed them almost as I passed them, and it broke my revery for long enough to realize that something was up. Turns out another car had spun and died on-course just after the series or corners I was heading for, and they were trying to stop me in case I came upon this other car and hit it. And I damn near didn't see them. The Red Mist had closed over me, and all I could see in my mind's eye was the run and the win.

So, yeah... I can see how Cheney shot someone in the face and it was still an accident.


A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:33 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Everybody here is missing the point.
Hunting is SUPPOSED to be dangerious. That's what gives it it's edge. Adreneline doesn't come from a shoot-the-target video game. Shooting a living being with a weapon IS THE POINT.
Cheney just got a target a little higher up the food chain than he expected.
And if he were not the VP, it would have made for one Helluva cool hunting story 'round the campfire, with or without the beer.

See, I always thought hunting would make a lot more sense as a sport if people with live ammo went and hunted each other. And people hunted game with paint balls. It puts hunter and hunted more on an equal footing.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:35 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Help me out with the ballistics here. How much spread and penetration do you get at 30 yards with birdshot? Enough that potentially a full load hits a person-sized target? Enough to penetrate a vest, shirt, and about 3" of flesh to near the heart? That's the one thing I can't quite seem to get a bead on (so to speak)- the actual distance.

Cheney was shooting a 28 gauge shotgun using #7 1/2 shot (per the accident report). This shot is .10" in diameter and there are about 350 in an ounce. Most 28 gauge loads are .75 oz, or about 275 pellets. Normal pattern for a quail gun would put 57 to 67% of the shot inside a 30 inch circle at 40 yards. Muzzle velocity of this type load is around 1,200 to 1,300 feet per second, and slows to probably 900 to 1,000fps at 30 yds. 30-35 yds is about max range to reliably penetrate a quail's feathers and skin a couple of inches with enough pellets to kill it.

So, even if the Veep were aiming directly at Mr. Whittington at around 30 yds he'd have probably hit him with 100-150 pellets at most, less if he was on the edge of the pattern. They'd have been going fast enough to penetrate clothes and skin, but not bones such as ribs or skull. A pellet hitting below the sternum might be a pretty good candidate for the one that caused later heart trouble (Just speculation on my part. I'm not sure how everyone was positioned.)

Looks like a hunting accident to me.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Geezer: Thanks for that in-depth answer. Never mind what I said about shotguns and ballistics; this looks to be a much more knowledgeable response than any I could give.

Now, IF alcohol were involved, that changes the landscape a bit. But we may never really know, now.

What's likely to keep this story alive, and hang it around the Veep's neck like an albatross (and not the good luck kind), is what was done in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. Disappearing for a day or two, or even for 12 hours, doesn't necessarily mean that there's definitely a cover-up afoot, but it DOES give Cheney's opponents lots of fodder with which to conduct character assassination. Just ask Ted Kennedy!

Oh, and lest we forget, the shootee in this case IS a 78-year-old man. My dad's 65 with a good heart, but if I shot him in the face with a shotgun, he just might have a heart attack too. I'm just sayin'...

I'm no fan of Cheney, but let's not paint him as a gun-wielding, war-mongering, drunken-pedophile-murderous-psycho just yet. After all, I haven't seen any real evidence that he's a pedophile. ;)


A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:37 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I can see how a fast-paced race gets the adrenaline going, which then narrows your focus.

But a quiet slow amble in search of quail? If that's too much excitement for him, he's in worse shape than anyone knew.

I just get so excited holding a gun.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, apparently there was some alcohol there. Armstrong herself said "There may be a beer or two in there, but remember not everyone in the party was shooting." Since she wasn't shooting (she was in ther car and didn't see what happened, AND she wasn't drinking, the logical conclusion is that other members of the pary were both shooting AND drinking.

Kwicko- And if you had not seen the flags and driven on thru the Red Mist, and if you had accidentally injured someone, you would have been overcome by remorse and you would have been made to file an accident report with the police right away- and probably been made to take a breathalyzer on the spot. You wouldn't waved off the sheriff and eaten dinner. And lest we forget- alcohol caused Kennedy's Chappaquidick. There may be more parallels here than you realize.

I'm no fan of Cheney, but let's not paint him as a gun-wielding, war-mongering, drunken-pedophile-murderous-psycho just yet. After all, I haven't seen any real evidence that he's a pedophile.
Okay, warn me before you pop up with humor, will ya???? I choked on my coffee and nearly had a heart attack for cryin' out loud!

Geezer- thank you for the info on shotguns. When dealing with situations, it's always best to have the facts.

And now, back to work....

SignyM- not able to stand excitement either.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:49 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So I'm curious. The legal pundits were eager to parse Texas law re hunting accidents. HERO - what does the law say if alcohol is involved? Perhaps you could look it up and give us the benefit of your expertise.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:20 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Well, apparently there was some alcohol there. Armstrong herself said "There may be a beer or two in there, but remember not everyone in the party was shooting." Since she wasn't shooting (she was in ther car and didn't see what happened, AND she wasn't drinking, the logical conclusion is that other members of the pary were both shooting AND drinking.

Or, they each had a beer with their sandwich for lunch, and were quite sober by late in the day. Or, they had some in the cooler to celebrate a successful day of shooting after they finished and unloaded.

I also race cars (Hey, Kwicko! NASA Honda Challenge in a CRX Si ITA clone), and often have beer in my cooler at the track. It comes out at the end of the last session when the track is closed and everyone is talking about the events of the day. On my couple of forays in the hunting field, this is also when the beer came out...after the stuff requiring sobriety was over.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:40 AM


Now I know that it is only "right-winged wackjobs" that go hunting so I'll explain this to your undeveloped minds. When you go hunting for birds you use a shot gun unless you are an extremely good shot which is highly unlikely that you are shooting birds with a rifle anyway. As we all know shotguns are 100's of tiny pellets that spray out and cover a wide target area. So if it were poited at someone then mulriple pellets would go in multiple directions. I'm pointing this out to the idiots who think it's the "Magic Bullet Theory" or that you go hunting BIRDS with rifles. Not making fun of someones "joke".



Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Now I know that it is only "right-winged wackjobs" that go hunting so I'll explain this to your undeveloped minds. When you go hunting for birds you use a shot gun unless you are an extremely good shot which is highly unlikely that you are shooting birds with a rifle anyway.
Assburn: Now I know that only lefties have a sense of humor, I'll explain this to your undeveloped mind: I think waaaaay back in this thread I made a joke (note: joke) about Cheney and Bush going bird-hunting with high-powered rifles. Note: It was a joke.

Hey Geezer, I re-read the statement and it said nothing about "drinking". It was certainly very carefully worded!

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:05 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

HEY HERO !! Still waiting for you to look up alcohol-related accidental shootings.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:18 PM


Cheney used a Perazzi Brescia 28-gauge double gun, with factory-loaded #7-1/2 shot. The most common 28-ga. load is 3/4 ounce, or 262 lead-shot pellets per load. The 28 gauge is usually an expert shot's gun, and for quail would probably be choked Modified and Full, or perhaps even Full and Full. This means that about 3/4 of the shot would be in a 30-inch circle at 40 (not 30) yards, or about 200 pellets (worst-case scenario) would be in that circle at 40 yards. To simplify, let's assume a 40-yard range (not the reported 30), Full choke, and that Whittington was centered in the pattern. That means his torso, neck and head would take up, say, half of that 30-inch circle (probably quite a bit less than half). This means that he could have been hit with about 100 pellets. Move him to 30 yards and he could have been hit with 16/9 x 100, or 178 pellets, worst-case scenario. The police report gave the range as appproximately 30 yards. Oddly, the report states the injuries were on the right side of face, neck, and chest, but the diagram of the injuries shows the damage to the LEFT side, which would make far more sense, given the reported circumstances of Cheney swinging to the right.

Whittington was also hit in the neck, which would not take a lot of penetration to put a pellet into a big artery, but I'm guessing here because I don't know how deep an artery is, within the neck. But if a pellet got into a major left-side neck artery it could easily move straight down to the heart.

There is no way in hell a single #7-1/2 shot pellet at 30 yards could have penetrated vest, shirt, undershirt, skin, and chest muscles to get to the heart directly.

Also, for the record, Cheney did in fact have a valid hunting license (about $125). About six months ago TX decided to require a $7 stamp, like a duck stamp, and neither Cheney nor Whittington had one, though Cheney's office had requested everything pertinent to legal hunting prior to the hunt. Hence Cheney's slap on the wrist, which I suspect any hunter would receive for not knowing all the latest requirements.

Cheney did three things wrong: Shot someone, failed to inform the American people, and failed to take full blame.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:53 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

For what it's worth, Whittington has a pellet lodged in his liver (located primarily on the right side of the body). It penetrated clothing, skin, and muscle to lodge there.

Now, the liver is primarily located under the ribs. It's really hard to get at. Unless your liver is swollen and expanded downwards.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:01 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, I did some looking up.

Some states use 'voluntary intoxication' as a diminishing factor during sentencing (b/c of the inability to form 'specific intent'). Texas is aparently not one of those states.

It looks like Cheney could be charged with anything from felony aggravated assault (with alcohol not a defense) to reckless endagerment (with alcohol as part of the charge).

So, did Cheney really go off to calmly eat dinner while his friend was rushed off to hospital? Or did he hunker with his lawyers? My guess is he had pressing matters on his mind and it wasn't which gravy to choose.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

I also race cars (Hey, Kwicko! NASA Honda Challenge in a CRX Si ITA clone), and often have beer in my cooler at the track. It comes out at the end of the last session when the track is closed and everyone is talking about the events of the day. On my couple of forays in the hunting field, this is also when the beer came out...after the stuff requiring sobriety was over.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Geezer: No kidding - you too? And another CRX driver to boot! :) Gotta love the CRX. I love 'em maybe TOO much. Right now I've got three (silver '87 Si, yellow '90 Si, and burgundy '91 DX). And that's after selling a couple over the past few years (silver '88 Si, white '89 DX).

I hear ya on the beer, too. I *might* have a beer after the races, or after I get home from the races. Ditto when I work on cars. I get people wanting help all the time, and they offer to buy the beer if I'll help work on their car. I tell 'em to save the beer 'til AFTER the tools are put away. I like beer as much as the next guy, but there's a time and place, and it ain't when I'm doing serious stuff, even if I'm doing the serious stuff just for fun!


PS: DEFINITELY keep the shiny side up. And the sticky side down.

A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:51 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So how do you feel about the Red Haze potential of quail hunting?

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Now, the liver is primarily located under the ribs. It's really hard to get at. Unless your liver is swollen and expanded downwards
The liver? Hmmm...

Please don't think they give a shit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:05 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by SignyM:

I don't believe the "shot migrated" story. It leaves the reader with the impression that the shot somehow migrated from Whittington's face to his heart. The only way it could "migrate" that far would be through a large blood vein, which means the shot would have penetrated a deep blood vessel in his neck and likely would have bled to death.

SO, you shoot someone in the face at close range who is wearing an orange vest. Either you're a flippin' idiot, drunk, high, having a seizure, sneezing, or some combination of the above.

Just like that movie Fantastic Voyage - a nano submarine run by nano midgets "migrated" the Magic Bullet to the heart.

He's dead, Jim. Filed in the morgue next to Bush biz partner USAma Bin Laden.

Media Ignores Cheney 'Smoking Gun'
A 28-gauge shotgun fired at 30 yards is too weak to cause Whittington's injuries

If lawyer dies, Cheney might face negligence charge

"Hey hey hey! Them ain't Kosherized rules!"

(try again later if server is crashed)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:06 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

oops - double-clicked on my trigger finger - so that's how cheney shot him TWICE with his double-barrel shotgun:


Originally posted by SignyM:

I don't believe the "shot migrated" story. It leaves the reader with the impression that the shot somehow migrated from Whittington's face to his heart. The only way it could "migrate" that far would be through a large blood vein, which means the shot would have penetrated a deep blood vessel in his neck and likely would have bled to death.

SO, you shoot someone in the face at close range who is wearing an orange vest. Either you're a flippin' idiot, drunk, high, having a seizure, sneezing, or some combination of the above.

Just like that movie Fantastic Voyage - a nano submarine run by nano midgets "migrated" the Magic Bullet to the heart.

He's dead, Jim. Filed in the morgue next to Bush biz partner USAma Bin Laden.

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: CHENEY BLOWS LAWYER'S HEAD CLEAN OFF - MSNBC: Andrea Mitchell, wife of Sir Alan Greenspan Knight of the British Empire, head counterfeiter of all US "money" at multinational Fed Reserve Bankster Corporation, is tasked with major coverup of Cheney's drunken shooting binge:

Drunk Dick lone gunman shoots man in head AND heart. 2-time DUI convict Cheney dodges deputies for 14 hours.

"I didn't start it! I just wanted a quiet drink."

(try again later if server is crashed)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:35 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Hero:

We must rely on the testimony of the witnesses to say what happened. In this case, as a Prosecutor, I can say that the most compelling testimony comes from the victim, who says it was an accident and takes partial responsibility on himself for not announcing his approach. The victim says no harm, no foul...then I'd never in the absense of other compelling evidence or testimony, charge Cheney with a serious crime (there may be minor charges here, the game stamp for one, but that was resolved).

Cheney has confessed to perping a CRIME OF HUNTING WITHOUT A LICENSE, during which HE NEGLIGENTLY SHOT A HUMAN PERSON. HE CONFESSED TO OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE by ordering his armed gunmen bodyguard DEATH SQUAD to stop sheriff deputies from "interviewing" or observing or "SMELLING THE ODOR OF ALCOHOL" on Cheney for 14 hours. I'm sure the deputies would testify that THEY FEARED BEING MURDERED BY SECRET SERVICE. We have NOT seen ANY TV interviews of the victim, so WE HAVE ZERO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE THAT THE VICTIM IS STILL ALIVE.

TV talking heads have occasionally asked, "Would an average citizen be allowed to shoot someone in the head, then refuse to speak to police for 14 hours, without fear of arrest?"

The GOOD lesson in law to be learned from our VICE president is NEVER TALK TO POLICE. Just say NO, "I respectfully decline to answer that question." Or do what Cheney does and RUN AWAY, and defend yourself with bodyguards with machine guns and grenades. This is an important lesson that NO ONE is discussing. DON'T fall for the TeeVee brainwashing on COPS and People's Courts, by confessing your life story to the Police State Gulag Death Camp cartel via Tourett's Syndrome. SHUT UP!

Think how low our taxes would be if millions of Americans accused of "victimless crimes" could not be convicted and incarcerated (tortured) at a cost to ALL taxpayers of $50,000/year per prisoner.

This is the problem with our Police State - copsters arrest 100-MILLION Amerikans every year for victimless non-crimes, extort money from them, which wastes police time so the REAL criminals have nothing to worry about, except perhaps paying their bribes to copsters, judges and politicians to "license" their criminal enterprises.

If Cheney pleads guilty to a crime, either "negligent discharge of a firearm", "aggrevated assault", "involuntary manslaughter" or "criminally negligent homicide", then you can BET that Bush Jr will PARDON Cheney, just like Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the BRITISH Empire pardoned his cocaine-dealing employees at White House during Iran-Contra, which Cheney was a part of.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:57 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I personally don't invoke international conspiracies to imagine Cheney as a drunk, weasley, shifty coward.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Hero:

Am I a Prosecutor? (Looks at little gold badge..) I hope so, otherwise I'm going to be in real trouble for sending that guy to jail yesterday for his OMVI (in Ohio we simplified DUI by changing it to OMVI which is Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence).

You say the victim does not decide whether or not a law was broken. Neither do I. The truth of whether or not a law was broken is not relevant to the issue. Thats for the Jury (or the Judge for a bench trial) to decide.

My consideration is my good faith belief that I can prove a violation of the law beyond reasonable doubt. For that I need witnesses and/or evidence. In this case we have witnesses all agreeing its an accident and experts (including myself as a hunter and a person whose been near missed by buckshot while sitting on my own back porch near a state game lands, back when I lived in PA as a kid that is) who agree it was an accident. No evidence or witnesses as yet to the contrary. The victim even agrees it was an accident and takes some small measure of responsibility. There is no grounds for a criminal case, not because a law may or may not have been brokem, but because if one might have been broken, there is simply no way to prove it.

I also note for the record the police report posted on Smoking Gun indicates that the victim was interviewed and his story is the same as the Vice Presidents. So while he may not have rushed to a microphone to give a press conferance, both parties did give statements to the only people who really deserve one, the police.

I also note for the record that while there is no viable criminal case at this time, the victim has a hell of a civil case against Cheney and the property owner...civil standards of proof are much lower.

So you're one of those scumbag "prosecutors" for the COMMUNIST Police State Death Camp Gulag Scam. For you to call yourself a "Hero" simply shows your own insanity. You aren't a "prosecutor", you're a pussy.


"My client was running nekked in the woods, and another hiker got mad and started a fight, resulting in arrest of my client. It turned out the hiker who started the fight was prosecuting attorney. My naked client kicked his ass. Ha! After I kicked the prosecutor's ass in court, we ran up a $10,000 bar tab in celebration, billed to the client!"
-My brother, the trial lawyer, licensed pilot and new aircraft salesman, current candidate for judge

"Government control of Communications and Transportation."
-Communist Manifesto, 6th Plank, written by Jew Karl Marx in London, England

"You will be happy to learn that the former head of the KGB (the secret police of the former Soviet Union), General Yevgeni Primakov, has been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security."
—Al Martin,, Behind the Scenes in the Beltway, "Get Ready for the USSA (The United Soviet States of America)," March 17, 2003


For example, as you know, "DUI" is BS, since the non-crime does NOT involve alcohol, there is NO "passing score" for so-called "alcohol tests", does NOT require alcohol to get a conviction, and does NOT require driving to get a conviction. "DUI" IS IN FACT THE TOTAL PROHIBITION OF ALCOHOL, as most 18 to 20-year-old adults know all too well. "DUI" law is a FRAUD and a SCAM perpetrated by Gangsta Govt and their "Jewish" masters in the "insurance" protection/extortion rackets, against the gullible illiterate public.

Thanks for opening the door to this line of questioning.

First Defense:

There is NO "passing score" for an "alcohol test". A victim is ALREADY under arrest BEFORE taking a so-called "breath-alcohol test".

Exhibit 1:


"Strictly speaking, a driver can register a BAC of 0.00% and still be convicted of a DUI. The level of BAC does NOT clear a driver when it is below the 'presumed level of intoxication.'"
—verbatum quote from Tennessee Driver Handbook and Driver License Study Guide (1999 - 2006 - available in SPANISH)

Second Defense:

So-called "breath-alcohol" machines do NOT test for ALCOHOL!

Exhibit 2:


"One of the major defects in many methods of blood-alcohol analysis is the failure to identify ethanol (also referred to as ethyl alcohol) to the exclusion of all other chemical compounds. To use the terminology of scientists, such methods are not specific for ethanol: They will detect other compounds as well, identifying any of them as 'ethanol.' Thus a client with other compounds in his blood or breath may have a high 'blood-alcohol' reading with little or no ethanol in his body. If you look at the warranties---it is sort of interesting---none of the breath machine manufacturers warrant these things to actually test blood alcohol."
—Lawrence Taylor, attorney at law, WWW.DUICENTER.COM, Drunk Driving Defense, 5th Edition (2000)

Third Defense:

Crooked prosecutors NEVER drop FALSE charges against INNOCENT people, since the innocent people would then have civil cause of action to sue Gangsta Govt, AND to criminally prosecute copsters for false arrest and false imprisonment.

Exhibit 3:


"A prosecutor won't drop false charges against an innocent person, since that would risk the police and government being sued successfully for false arrest."
—Judge Wayne Henry, attorney-at-law and racing driver, president Sports Car Club of America's Loudon Region, Loudon, Tennessee, right before he ate lunch with the governor

Fourth Defense:

Scumbag lying prosecutors LIE to ALL juries about the law, in collusion with lying "judges", and fraudulently allege to juries that juries lack the discretionary power and responsibility to VETO ANY LAW, just like any legislator voting on laws, and any judge using discretion to veto any law. Defense lawyers are NEVER allowed to inform juries of this LAW. US Supreme Court orders that juries DO have this power, but that juries must read the law for themselves BEFORE they appear in court. Media Mafia and prosecutors brainwash the sheeple that "juriy nullification" and "runaway juries" are a bad thing, in contradiction with America's Founding Fathers and Constitutions.

Exhibit 4:


"You are the exclusive judges of the facts in this case. Also, you are the exclusive judges of the law under the direction of the court. You should apply the law to the facts in deciding this case. You should consider all of the evidence in the light of your own observations and experience in life. COMMENTS 1. This instruction must be given in each case."
—Tennessee Pattern Jury Instructions (T.P.I.) - CRIM 1.08, JURY: JUDGES OF FACTS AND LAW (2003)

"'A criminal defendant has a right that the court instruct the jury of its inherent right to disregard the law and the facts in controversy and to nullify.' The NH House has passed an act (HB 122) insuring the right of juries to judge the law, as well as the facts in the case, ensuring the power of jury nullification. The bill is sponsored almost totally by Republicans, so that means the Senate should pass it as well, and Governor Benson will likely sign it. One of the cornerstone issues of Libertarianism is about to become the law of the land in New Hampshire. Although mention of Jury Nullification has always been allowed in New Hampshire courts during closing arguments, this bill will enumerate that power into law."
—, "NH House passes Jury Nullification Act," May 23 2003

"It is not only (the juror's) right, but his duty, to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court."
—President John Adams

"The jury has a right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy."
—John Jay, 1st Chief Justice, United States supreme Court, 1789

"The jury has the right to determine both the law and the facts."
—Samuel Chase, U.S. supreme Court Justice, 1796, Signer of the The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

"The jury has the power to bring a verdict in the teeth of both law and fact."
—Oliver Wendell Holmes, U.S. supreme Court Justice, 1902

"The pages of history shine on instance of the jury's exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge. The jury has an unreviewable and unreversible power... to aquit in disregard of the instructions on the law given by the trial judge."
—U.S.vs Dougherty, 473 F 2nd 113, 1139, (1972)

"I used to make a motion to the judge for a jury charge under Article VI of the Tennessee Constitution. But the judge always denied the motion, saying, 'The law is what the judge says it is!' Actually, the jury can ALWAYS nullify a law, but the defense lawyer just can't tell them they can do it. I also liked to request a jury charge under Article I, Section I of the Tennessee Constitution: 'All power inherent in the people - Government under their control. That all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; for the advancement of those ends they have at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.'"
—John Herbison, attorney-at-law, 1510AM, "Legally Speaking", January 17, 2004

selective enforcement. The practice of law enforcement officers who use wide or even unfettered discretion about when or where to carry out certain laws; esp., the practice of singling a person out for prosecution or punishment under a statute or regulation because the person is a member of a protected group or is planning to exercise a constitutionally protected right.
—Black's Law Dictionary, 7th Edition

1. An adjudicator's failure to exercise sound, reasonable, and legal decision-making. 2. An appellate court's standard for reviewing a decision that is asserted to to be grossly unsound, unreasonable, or illegal. See DISCRETION.
—Blacks Law Dictionary. 7th Edition

"When a judge acts where he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of treason."
—US Supreme Court, U.S. V. Will, 449 Us 200,216, 101 S Ct, 471, 66 LEd2nd 392, 406 (1980) Cohens v. Virginia, 19 Us (6 Wheat) 264, 404, SLEd 257 (1821)

Fifth Defense:

Alcohol is a STIMULANT and ANTI-depressant that IMPROVES driving performance, contrary to lies from Media Mafia and Gangsta Govt. A person with a healthy liver, who does not have much Native America/Asian DNA, can drink 24 alcohol beverages EVERY DAY, 365 days a year, and ALWAYS maintain a blood-alcohol level of 0.00%! That's called "Retrograde Extrapolation", but prosecutors ALWAYS lie about this fact, despite only requiring the math skills of a 3rd-grader.

Exhibit 5:


"Most studies of nerve conduction and transmission, EEG records, and behavioral performance indicate stimulant actions of low doses and depressant actions at high doses."
—H. Wallgren and H. Barry, "Actions of Alcohol"

"Neuronal activity is stimulated by low concentrations and depressed by high concentrations of alcohol."
—B. Kissin and H. Beglleiter, R.G. Grenell, Journal on Biology of Alcoholism, "Effects of Alcohol on the Neuron"

"Once in the bloodstream, the alcohol is distributed to all parts of the body, including the brain and liver. Upon reaching the liver, the alcohol immediately begins to be oxidized. The
liver can only oxidize about one drink per hour. Drinking three drinks in one hour will affect you more than drinking three drinks in three hours. Spacing your drinks over a longer period of time will slow the rate at which you become intoxicated and indicates responsible drinking habits."
-Tennessee Driver License Handbook

DARE cop to 8th grade class, Creal Springs, IL, 1994:
"Kids, this is what happens to you after one beer, blah, blah, blah.
Kids, this is what happens to you after two beers, blah, blah, blah.
Kids, this is what happens to you after ten beers, blah, blah, blah.
Kids, this is what happens to you after 25 beers, you pass out and die."
Paul "Beavis and Butthead" Pace, 8th grader, blurts out:
"I guess that's why they only put 24 beers in a case!"
—retold by Sara A.
PS: This is not a joke.

Sixth Defense:

CRIMINAL prosecutors REFUSE to indict SERIAL KILLERS and MASS MURDERERS who perpetrate 2.5-MILLIONS MURDERS in USA EVERY YEAR! This makes every prosecutor an accessory to murder, with probable cause for immediate arrest. Prosecutors HARM public safety and are a threat to US national security.

Exhibit 6:


"The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. (By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251.5) Using Leape's 1997 medical and drug error rate of 3 million(14) multiplied by the 14% fatality rate he used in 1994 produces an annual death rate of 420,000 for drug errors and medical errors combined. Using this number instead of Lazorou's 106,000 drug errors and the Institute of Medicine 's (IOM) estimated 98,000 annual medical errors would add another 216,000 deaths, for a total of 999,936 deaths annually. Our estimated 10-year total of 7.8 million iatrogenic* deaths is more than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history."
—Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; Dorothy Smith, PhD, Life Extension Magazine, -- "Death by Medicine", March 2004 (this does not include 1.5-million annual aborticides in USA that genocided 45-million Americans since US Supreme Court legalized genocide with Roe v Wade in 1973)

"If you would like to be a serial killer, a hospital is a great place to be."
—Gary Brown, assistant US attorney general, A&E TV Network, Investigative Reports with Bill Curtis, "Angel of Death: Killer Nurse - Charles Cullen", March 1, 2004

I personally had a prosecutor threaten me with prosecution for "practicing law without a license", for daring to testify in court on behalf of an innocent man, jailed for 10 days for the non-crime of using a public toilet. The judge threw me out of "his" courtroom for my motion to use a tape recorder to record my own testimony in that case. The CRIMINAL prosecutor extorted this innocent man into pleading guilty to a crime he did not commit, in order to avoid another 6 months in prison awaiting trial.

I've also volunteered my time as a "citizen informant" in murder and kidnapping cases, that resulted in the convictions for murder and kidnapping, of a drug-dealing US Gangsta Govt hitman assassin with a false passport who was employed by US DEA (CIA) as a "confidential informant" with immunity from prosecution. The assistant prosecutor who won that case was fired, and the twice-convicted killer was secretly released from prison 3 years before his parole date, and now works in the prosecutor's office for the Bush Crime Family. In his previous conviction for murder, prosecutors agreed to a plea bargain to voluntary manslaughter for shooting an unarmed man at a gas station, with a max sentence of two years, despite witness testimony that he was a "hitman for hire" who murdered people for $3,000 each.

I've had two cars stolen by a worldwide $40-billion/year criminal terrorist cartel, HQed in my hometown of Knoxville, TN. According to the FBI, this Jewish Mishpucka Mafiya cartel is stealing cars in USA, transporting them to Iraq, then blowing them up to murder US soldiers in order to falsely blame the Arabs. We filed 4 class actions, and got 100 of these criminals fired from their jobs in Gangsta Govt, including the city court clerk who I personally grilled on the witness stand pro se. I filed criminal charges, but so-called prosecutors and so-called "law enforcement officers" refuse to
arrest these confessed career criminals, who were previously convicted of kiling a cop in this town. This same criminal cartel was paid a $7-billion contract by Gangsta Govt to bomb the World Trade Center with 1,000s of prepositioned bombs in Controlled Demolitions, then destroy the evidence in Communist China. Details of these crimes AND THE LAW are posted on my websites.


"There's a report out tonight that 24-years ago I was apprehended in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a DUI. That's an accurate story. I'm not proud of that. I oftentimes said that years ago I made some mistakes. I occasionally drank too much and I did on that night. I was pulled over. I admitted to the policeman that I had been drinking. I paid a fine. And I regret that it happened. But it did. I've learned my lesson."
—Governor George Bush Jr., rebroadcast on CNN Larry King Live, November 2, 2000

"There ought to be limits to freedom."
Governor George "Texascutioner" Bush Jr, May 21, 1999

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
—President-elect George "Texascutioner" Bush Jr, 5-time-convicted felon (including convictions for drunk driving, narcotics, and desertion from the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam Wars), CNN News, December 18, 2000

"The intruders discovered one room adorned with nothing but Nazi paraphernalia."
—Ron Rosenbaum, Esquire Magazine, "The Last Secrets of Skull & Bones", September 1977

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the TRUTH BECOMES THE GREATEST ENEMY OF THE STATE."
—Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels, NAZI Minister of Propaganda, who murdered his wife and 5 daughters in Hitler's bunker in Berlin, to avoid arrest and trial for warcrimes and treason

"There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows."
—Katharine Graham, chairman of the board, The Washington Post Company (inherited after her husband Philip "suicided" himself)

"The RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) action lawsuit against President Bush and other high level members of his administration is based upon prior knowledge of 9/11; knowingly failing to act, prevent or warn of 9/11; and the ongoing obstruction of justice by covering up the truth of 9/11; all in violation of the laws of the United States."
-Philip Berg, attorney-at-law and former prosecutor in U.S. Attorney General's office,,,, Press Release re Mariani v. Bush et al.

"'Enterprise' means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, business trust, union chartered under the laws of this state, or other legal entity, or any unchartered union, association or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity, and it includes illicit as well as licit enterprises, AND GOVERNMENTAL, as well as other, entities."
—Tennessee Code 39-12-203 (state RICO Act - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Acts)

An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act; a combination for unlawful purpose. In criminal law, conspiracy is a separate offense from the crime that is the object of the conspiracy. Also termed criminal conpsiracy.
—Black's Law Dictionary, 7th Ed.



posted by hero:

I also note for the record that while there is no viable criminal case at this time, the victim has a hell of a civil case against Cheney and the property owner...civil standards of proof are much lower.

BULLSHIT. "Preponderance of the evidence" in a civil trial is 51% Burden of Proof. "Reasonable suspicion" for police to forcible detain a person is perhaps 5% BOP. "Probable cause" to ARREST any person is 51% BOP, in theory is the same as for civil trials, but in reality is a mere allegation. Once a person is kidnapped by Gangsta Govt and tortured in a Death Camp, it doesn't matter that criminal trials theoretically have BOP of 95% "Beyond a reasonable doubt", since the person is extorted to give up and plead guilty just to get the torture over with. A REAL criminal defense at trial costs a minimum of $10,000 cash paid in advance to a lawyer, just to get a lawyer to open a law book. Thus 99% of Americans cannot afford to defend themselves in court against Gangsta Govt's slave plantation, so 99% of defendants plead guilty or get convicted for victimless crimes.


BTW, probable cause DOES exist to arrest Cheney NOW, for the CRIME of shooting a lawyer in the head and heart. If cops can arrest me for the non-crime of driving safely at 25mph, then by God they can arrest Cheney for shooting a man's head off!

"That's what governments are for - to get in a man's way."

(try again later if server is crashed)

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
September 911 Surprise
The Prohibition Times
Faster Than A Speeding Ticket


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:00 PM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by SignyM:
But I noticed that Hero and his doppleganger Cartoon ignore my common-sense posts. (snip)

Actually I found your post to be quite worthy of a thoughtful response...except for the quip about my Prosecutorial credentials.

If I'm Hero's doppleganger, does that mean that I'm an assistant prosecutor?!?!

Actually, I don't think Hero needs an assistant. He's well able to handle any comments from peanut gallery on his own.

I'm basically just agreeing with the few bits of sanity I've seen in here lately (which would include Geezer and Kwicko and perhaps a few others).

Grateful for the few voices of reason crying in a wilderness of ineptitude, folly, and imagined conspiracies.

Would rather be the janitor in a house of reason than the king of the asylum.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:32 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


I'm basically just agreeing with the few bits of sanity I've seen in here lately (which would include Geezer and Kwicko and perhaps a few others).

Grateful for the few voices of reason crying in a wilderness of ineptitude, folly, and imagined conspiracies.

Actually, you're doing much more than that. I reviewed all of your posts. In them I found ad hominem attacks, straw-man arguments, false reasoning etc, and plain old flame-baiting in every sentence.

Here are the specifics, in order:

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the major networks didn't carry the story like the title of this post.
undistributed middle, subverted support

After all (as I've said elsewhere in this forum), we all know that Bush (which, I suppose, would have to include Cheney by association) is responsible for everything bad that's ever happened to mankind.
existential fallacy, straw man, subverted support

Actually, I think in Texas you're required to shoot someone -- aren't you?
straw man

Incidentally, I think next time Cheney should take the Washington Press Corps hunting with him. That would make a whole lot of people very happy.
straw man, hasty generalization

The big problem with your train of thought, Hero, is that it's logical, makes sense, and wasn't conceived while smoking an illegal substance.
attacking the person

The thing you (and most intelligent, sane-thinking folks like you) don't understand is that everything is Cheney's fault.
attacking the person, appeal to authority, style over substance

Even if Cheney was the person who'd been shot, and he didn't possess a gun, it would've been his fault.
straw man, slippery slope, prejudicial language, subverted support

I agree. A lot of this stuff is hilarious. But, uh -- they, uh -- they actually believe it.
attacking the person

So, I conclude that your main goal is to be petty and snide since you can't seem to put a real argument together.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 5:01 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


rue wrote:

Actually, you're doing much more than that. I reviewed all of your posts. In them I found ad hominem attacks, straw-man arguments, false reasoning etc, and plain old flame-baiting in every sentence.

Yes, Propaganda 101.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:06 PM


Team Pirate,

Actually, I think you're being unfair here. Some people on the forum used to propagandize, but I think if cartoon does it he's unintentionally regurgitating something that he has taken in, we all have some of that in our systems because the media feeds it to us daily.

You, too, pirates, have this. You don't think you do because you think it comes only from the MSM, but it comes from the conspiracy media as well. The vast majority of conspiracy sites out there are loaded with propaganda not relavent to their stories.

Allow me to explain.

Let's say there's a man, let's call him Icke, who has an agenda, to spread the word of Christ. He will then find fallacies about anyone else, flaws in any official story, and post them. If he tells you that someone has taken bribes from some corporation, it may be true. Telling you that is not in line with his goals, he doesn't gain directly from you believing it, but he does gain your trust, and subtle seeds are fed in to the stories to attract you to his true position.

Now Icke is an obvious example of this, but there is a a lot of that to a lesser degree elsewhere. There are many things that you guys have picked up.

In particular, Pirate News, I think you, who I have some respect for, because you really know a lot of stuff, have picked up, and I would call these clay pigeons, or possibly lawyers, I'm not always sure:

1. UFOs. Not much of this comes through, but the only UFOs around are military aircraft.

2. Christianity. You aren't on the Icke slant, but you don't attack Christ as viciously as you should. Church conspiracies have been some of the most vile in history, and continue to be so.

3. Jews. An awful lot of people in these conspiracies are not jewish, and when they are, or remotely so, their jewishness is totally irrelevent to their involvement. The closest thing to the truth here is that our zionism is connected to the fact that Wolfowitz and Perle are jewish. While there may be something in this, Zionism is just being used to achieve a greater end here.

I'm just trying to shine a light in your direction so you can see through the filter and maybe hit the truth.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Grateful for the few voices of reason crying in a wilderness of ineptitude, folly, and imagined conspiracies.
Umm, so tell me, Cartoon... which conspiracies did I support? Or is this your usual baseless ad hominem attack?

Please don't think they give a shit.






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