Cheney goes on a rampage!!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:50 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Geezer:


Originally posted by piratenews:

TeeVee said that 70 hunters shoot and kill each other every year in Texas, usually when drunk.

Funny, Texas says 29 accidents with 4 fatalities in 2004 and 30 and 2 in 2005.

the 2004 release states:"The primary reason for Texas hunting accidents remains swinging on game outside a safe zone of fire. This happens when a person points a firearm at another hunter while following a moving target, such as a flying game bird."

Are you implying that talking heads on TeeVee would intentionally misquote facts and statistics on alcohol and guns, in order to achieve a premeditated agenda?

Over 500 illegal aliens were murdered along the Mexican border last year, but I guess they don't count those as "hunting accidents". I wonder if Dick has ever hunted illegal aliens in his Most Dangerous Game?


"If you don't mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you -- Kill you -- with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'll kill you any time I goddamn well please."
-Dick Cheney, TRANCE Formation of America, as testified under oath in courts of law

"This is another sign of your tragic space dimentia - all paranoid and crotchety."


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 7:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Team Pirate,

Let's say there's a man, let's call him Icke, who has an agenda, to spread the word of Christ. He will then find fallacies about anyone else, flaws in any official story, and post them.

In particular, Pirate News, I think you, who I have some respect for, because you really know a lot of stuff, have picked up, and I would call these clay pigeons, or possibly lawyers, I'm not always sure:

1. UFOs. Not much of this comes through, but the only UFOs around are military aircraft.

2. Christianity. You aren't on the Icke slant, but you don't attack Christ as viciously as you should. Church conspiracies have been some of the most vile in history, and continue to be so.

3. Jews. An awful lot of people in these conspiracies are not jewish, and when they are, or remotely so, their jewishness is totally irrelevent to their involvement. The closest thing to the truth here is that our zionism is connected to the fact that Wolfowitz and Perle are jewish. While there may be something in this, Zionism is just being used to achieve a greater end here.

I agree that so-called "UFOs" are merely govt covert ops, using Nazi Project Paperclip and Tesla technologies, with at least a 20-year head start in engineering evolution. A fake alien invasion from outer space, not to mention daily "Hollywood" mind control, is a "real" threat. Just last week, Fox news claimed Bush saved Los Angeles from an invasion by terrorists from outer space.

USAF Flying Saucers on VIDEO:

That's a great thing about Firefly - no aliens, just firearms, horses and folding lounge chairs.

David Icke is a New Ager who hates "Christianity", who claims that Christ never existed, but is merely a Roman invention to control the ignorant masses. Can't blame him for hating "Christianity", since the Church of England was invented by a serial killing psychopath named King Henry VIII who murdered his wives then invented divorce by inventing a new religion. Icke is a former talking head for BBC TV, so there's a chance he's actually still employed by MI5/MI6 as a disinfo specialist. Icke also admits to enjoying hallucinogenic drugs to "expand his consciousness", which is basically selling mind-control drugs for the Bush/Queen Crime Families. Icke talks about "shape-shifting reptiles" named George Bush and Prince Charles, but Cathy O'Brien, in her newest book, makes clear that Icke is misquoting the MKULTRA slaves, who describe CIA slavemasters wearing cheap disguises, using holograms, and force-feeding LSD to slaves, to fake the reptile/alien invasion. If Icke continues to misquote Cathy O'Brien, that will prove that Icke is a disinfo agent, which attempts to automatically discredit the other 99% of "his" info that's 100% accurate.

The homosexual pedophile Catholic religion is Satanic and evil, and is one of the main inventors of mind-control technologies, which have been used on priests and especially nuns, who are mere sex slaves, tortured to death in dungeon Death Camps called "convents". The Jesuits are an intelligence agency of torturers and drug runners for the Vatican NATION, with the Pope as its KING. To worship in the Catholic "religion" is to worship the Pope as God, which is blasphemy. The Vatican Bank is run by the Mafia and their "Jewish" masters, who don't hesitate to kill a pope who asks too many questions. The Inquisition certainly tortured and murdered millions, and many popes were nothing more than incestuous Jewish gangsters. Jewish Rabbi "Jesus Christ" was NOT a member of the Catholic Church. Fascinating history tho. Cathy O'Brien was raped by her pedophile Catholic Jesuit priest in a Satanic ceremony called The Rite to Remain Silent, as part of CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch brainwashing, as were her brothers and sisters, under direct oroders of Congressman/President "Gerald Ford" (who was born Leslie Lynch King Jr).

But Jewish Rabbi "Jesus" Christ is NOT the so-called "Christian religion" nor "Christian church(es)". Christ had no church. The Jewish/Babylonia rabbis filed false criminal charges against him and ALL "Christians" for treason against the Roman Empire, which is the crime of murder. Most so-called "Christian" preachers today worship Lucifer in the Jewish Masonic Mafia. "Christ" died trying to reform the Jewish religion. "Judeo-Christian" is an oxymoron.

"Khazar AshkeNAZI NON-Semitic Jews" in Bush NeoCON White House:

Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire
George Bush Jr
Dick Cheney
Sir Don Rumsfeld KBE
Sir Alan Greenspan KBE
Sir Heinz Kissinger KBE
Rabbi Dov Zakheim
Paul Wolfowitz
Richard "Prince of Darkness" Pearl
Colin Powell

All the above perform "mock" human sacrifice to worship the Jewish god Molech/Satan at Jewish Bohemian Grove presidential compound and homosexual nudist colony in Monte Rio, California.

VIDEOS - Watch Bush worship Satan at Bohemian Grove:

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove and The Order of Death

Secret Rulers of the World

Boners at Bohemian Grove

Snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove

REAL Jews HATE Talmudic/Babylonian/Caballistic/Luciferian rabbis, HATE Zionism, and HATE Israel, which has NO right to exist. Khazar "Jews" have ZERO DNA from ancient "Israel", because they are WHITE Europeans, many with blonde hair and blue eyes. Khazar Jews love to GENOCIDE Sephardic Jews (dark-skinned Semites), during the so-called Holocaust and in modern day Israel, when 100,000 Sephardic children were genocided by X-Rays in a US Gangsta Govt contract. There are many patriotic "Jews" in USA, who are not evil Zionists trying to overthrow USA.

Adolf "Hitler" Shicklegruber was a Khazar Jew, heir to half the world's mortgages via the "Rothschild" (Bauer) bankster dynasty, according to Jewish historians on History Channel TV and CSPAN. Bill "Clinton" was born Bill Blythe IV, a bastard Rockefeller, who are related to the Rothschilds and thus Adolf "Hitler". That's why both Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers armed Nazi Germany DURING World War 2, as licensed by Jew FDR via his "Trading With The Enemy Act". That's why Prescott Bush was arrested 3 times for treason in WW2, but never went to prison, since he was LICENSED to arm Hitler to kill Americans, just like they armed Communist Russia, Commie China, Commie Korea and Commie Vietnam, and Iraq, all DURING the wars we were "fighting" against them.

To ignore these facts is to insult the "Jews" by pretending they aren't intelligent enough to be con men. All banking is counterfeiting based on Jewish Kol Nidre prayer that orders Jews to lie to Gentiles and to defraud Gentiles in all contracts (since the "Jews" are still waging the Inquisition War).

That's where wars come from today, since bankrupt nations must borrow money from the "Jewish" banksters to go to war, signing away their assets (including citizens) as collateral for the loans that are impossible to repay. This is modern day slavery to the multi-trillionare "Jewish" banksters, and it is destroying the world. Jerusalem is planned as the capitol for the "Jewish" (Luciferian) New World Order global totalitarian dictatorship. The so-called "Jewish" religion is at the top of the food-chain pyramid scheme, run by Luciferians, with other religions taking orders from above. The Jewish-invention of Communism/atheism is merely a religion where govt is the official god.

Ignoring this fact won't make it go away. "Identification Friend or Foe" (IFF) is Rule #1 in WAR.

And Dick Cheney is a lying scumbag "Jew".

"We can't get Bin Laden, but we can shoot a 78-year-old attorney."
-David Letterman (a "Jew")

"If you can talk about what happened there - I know it's hard - but the more I know, the faster you can get better."
-Dr T, Firefly, "Train Robbery"


David Letterman:

Top Ten Dick Cheney Excuses

1. "Made a bet with Gretzky's wife"

2. "Until Democrats approve medicare reform, we have to make some tough choices for the elderly"

3. "Excuse? I hit him, didn't I?"

4. "I thought the guy was trying to go 'gay cowboy' on me"

5. "Guy was making cracks about my lesbian daughter"

6. "I love to shoot people"

7. "Trying to stop the spread of bird flu"

8. "Not enough Jim Beam"

9. "Wanted to get the Iraq mess off the front page"

10. "Heart palpitation caused trigger finger to spasm"

"A North Carolina columnist claimed today Dick Cheney's shooting of friend Harry Whittington was not an accident, but was meant to be a message to his former chief of staff, Scooter Libby, not to testify against the vice president in the Valerie Plame leak investigation. 'Accident my eye. Or rather, Harry Whittington's eye,' writes Barry Saunders in the Raleigh, N.C., News & Observer. 'If you believe it was just an accident that Vice President Dick Cheney shot his hunting companion last weekend, you obviously have never seen The Godfather movies.', "CHENEY'S GOT A GUN - Was vice president sending 'Godfather'-style message? Columnist says hunting incident was signal to Libby not to testify," February 14, 2006


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:32 PM


So, uh, Pirate...

I get the impression you have a problem with Jews.

Don't know why I think that. Just a hunch...

Thanks, though. You're always good for a chuckle.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Storymark:

So, uh, Pirate...

I get the impression you have a problem with Jews.

Don't know why I think that. Just a hunch...

Do you know what a "Jew" is? Do you know that most "Jews" are NOT Semites? Do you know that "Jews" are the most hateful anti-Semites on the planet, according to every dictionary?


1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and ARABS - b : a descendant of these peoples - 2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language.
—Merriam Webster Dictionary

Some of my richest relatives are White "Jews", including some who were invited guests at Bohemian Grove. I'm not overly impressed with the honesty or ethics of my relatives. Most of my wealthy "Christian" relatives also worship Lucifer in the Masonic Mafia, including Masonic ceremonies in "Christian" churches. My wife was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school for 12 years. She's not impressed with the Catholic religion, especially after her priest went to jail for embezzelement and heterosexual sex.

Do you understand that it is possible for some "Jews" to be criminals, gangsters, traitors and Luciferians? Or do you believe that "Jews" have a genetic defect that makes it impossible to be dishonest?

Are you "Jewish"? If so, are you Khazar or Sephardic? Are you supporting the "Jewish" banksters overthrow of USA and genocide of the world?

I'm just an equal-opportunity whistleblower who gives credit where its due.



"Eyal Zusman (30), actor and writer, and Amitai Sandy (29), graphic artist and publisher of Dimona Comix Publishing, both from Tel-Aviv, Israel, have followed the unfolding of the 'Muhammad cartoon-gate' events in amazement, until finally Zusman came up with the right answer to all this insanity - and so they announced today the launch of a new anti-Semitic cartoons contest - this time drawn by Jews themselves! 'We'll show the world we can do the best, sharpest, most offensive Jew hating cartoons ever published!' said Zusman, and Sandy added: 'No Iranian will beat us on our home turf!' The deadline is Sunday March 5, and the best works will be displayed in an Exhibition in Tel-Aviv, Israel."

"The government is spending over a billion dollars per year on PR and advertising (bribes). Careful oversight of this spending is essential given the track record of the Bush Administration, which has used taxpayer dollars to fund covert propaganda within the United States."
-Jewish Congressman Henry Waxman, RAW STORY, "Bush Admin. spent over $1.6 Billion on advertising and P.R. since 2003, GAO finds," February 13, 2006

Can you imagine working at the following company? It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics:

29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses
3 have been arrested for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are current defendants in lawsuits
In 1998 alone:
217 traffic violations
Over 100 were stopped for drunk driving
3,000 unpaid parking tickets were issued

Can you guess which organization this is? Give up? Scroll down for the answer...

It's the 535 members of your United States Congress. The same group that perpetually cranks out hundreds upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line. By claiming "Constitutional immunity" our political overseers avoid criminal prosecution for all traffic crimes. These are only statistics for Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland police files, and do not reflect traffic crimes committed in other jurisdictions. Tennessee Congressman Zack Wamp is a convicted drug dealer. Tennessee's serial-killing heart-transplanter Dr. CanniBill Frist's family butcher business Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) was criminally convicted of Medicare/Medicaid fraud and paid an $840-Million fine, and its executives sent to prison, so Frist was promoted to Speaker of the US Senate in his freshman year.

PS: This is not a joke.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:32 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Well, apparently there was some alcohol there. Armstrong herself said "There may be a beer or two in there, but remember not everyone in the party was shooting." Since she wasn't shooting (she was in ther car and didn't see what happened, AND she wasn't drinking, the logical conclusion is that other members of the pary were both shooting AND drinking.

Or, they each had a beer with their sandwich for lunch, and were quite sober by late in the day. Or, they had some in the cooler to celebrate a successful day of shooting after they finished and unloaded.

I also race cars (Hey, Kwicko! NASA Honda Challenge in a CRX Si ITA clone), and often have beer in my cooler at the track. It comes out at the end of the last session when the track is closed and everyone is talking about the events of the day. On my couple of forays in the hunting field, this is also when the beer came out...after the stuff requiring sobriety was over.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

I made a lot of money selling Hondas. Too bad they're not American. Too bad Detroit's not allowed by NWO to manufacture "double-wishbone" suspension, except for $50,000 cars. Civic HX and Del Sol were my favorites - rock solid in 4-wheel-drifts on test drives with customers.

Ah, the good old days, when I wasn't a decrepit old geezer, when I was a drinking-and-driving-and-street-racin teenager outrunnin the cops like the Dukes of Hazard. When 18-year-old adults were actually allowed to drink alcohol like adults. When cops ask why your gang is pukin and pissin on the side of the road, you just hand the cop a cold beer and send him on his merry way. When a 105mph traffic stop for racin down a mountain was cured by laughing at the cop and saying "What tha hell are YOU doing way out here?" When bracket racin with a beer cooler, then crusin the drive-in for burn outs on the way home.

Then I grew up, loaded nukes for the Air Force on supersonic bombers, and raced semipro in British Formula 3 on TV. I guess I owe it all to alcohol. But I never got drunk and shot a Republican lawyer's head off... yet.

Note that drinking and driving is NOT illegal in any state. Nor is having an "open container" for passengers. But prosecutors and copsters don't care about The Law.

In Tennessee, it's illegal to hunt from a vehicle. Unsportsmanlike, or something. I don't hunt anymore, so I don't keep up with gun laws, except for self defense against 2-legged critters.

Funny that Armstrong confessed to alcohol, which confirms the crime. NOW EVEN CHENEY CONFESSED ON TV TO DRINKING ALCOHOL IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE SHOOTING, AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SHOOTING, WHICH IS PROBABLE CAUSE TO ARREST HIM IMMEDIATELY! An average citizen would have been crucified by Big Brother in that situation.

"'I am the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend,' Cheney told Fox News in an interview broadcast Wednesday evening. 'That is something I will never forget. It's not Harry's fault. You can't blame anybody else. I said, 'Harry, I had no idea you were there,' Cheney recounted. 'He didn't respond.' The handling of the situation also raised questions about whether Cheney had been drinking at the time of the shooting, about 5:50 p.m. Cheney told Fox he had had a beer at lunch, but the hunt did not begin until 'sometime after 3 p.m.' Armstrong, a longtime friend of the Cheney family, told CNN before the vice president's interview that she never saw Cheney or Whittington 'Drink at all on the day of the shooting until after the accident occurred, when the vice president fixed himself a cocktail back at the house.'" (PROBABLE CAUSE FOR ARREST!)
-CNN, "Cheney: 'One of the worst days of my life'
Vice president defends handling of hunting accident"

"Later in the day on Fox News, Brit Hume stated that Cheney told him during a taped interview that he had had 'a beer at lunch' before the hunting incident." (PROBABLE CAUSE FOR ARREST!)
-'Beer quote' pulled from MSNBC Cheney hunting party article

Video-WMP low res (big file)



Brit Hume: "Was anybody drinking in this party?"

Cheney: "No. You don't hunt with people who drink. That's not a good idea. We had --"

Brit Hume: "So he wasn't, and you weren't?"

Cheney: "Correct. We'd taken a break at lunch -- go down under an old -- ancient oak tree there on the place, and have a barbecue. I had a beer at lunch. After lunch we take a break, go back to ranch headquarters. Then we took about an hourlong tour of the ranch, with a ranch hand driving the vehicle, looking at game. We didn't go back into the field to hunt quail until about, oh, sometime after 3:00 p.m. The five of us who were in that party were together all afternoon. Nobody was drinking, nobody was under the influence.... THE AMBULANCE WAS CROWDED AND THEY DIDN'T NEED ANOTHER BODY IN THERE."

Fox News Transcript


If Shooting Victim Dies, Cheney Faces Grand Jury ex=1297573200&en=95c61dca05556e82&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

"By tomorrow it will be 'Dick Cheney blew his head off at the dinner table'. Makes you think Cheney shot this guy on purpose."
-Bill Maher, MSNBC Hardball


"I wuz aimin' fer hiz hed!"
-Jayne, Train Job


Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:53 AM


Lol with the dead-eye dick.


"Christ" died trying to reform the Jewish religion.

Isn't it all cult of Yhwh anyway? I mean, Jesus, he came with ideas of reform to save the day, I'll grant, but the patient was already dead. The problem, to me, with all western religion, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, is that it all stems from a radical monotheist splinter cult which worshipped "War" in exclusion to all else.

Yhwh was God of war before the split, and so "God" is really "God of War." This does explain why they have been so successful, these religions created their followings by conquering people and enforcing their faith.

The Israelites did it in biblical times, something genocidally so, and they still do it today.

Christians did it throughout roman times, the middle ages, and the missionary periods, and now, even if it is in name only, are doing it right now.

Muslims created almost their entire faith base by conversions by the sword, and continue a policy of "kill the non-muslims" which is a great encouragement to anyone who lives in an area that might be raided by Al Qaeda types at any time to declare themselves at least nominally muslims, just as Europeans had to be at least nominally Chirstian during the inquisition, or the Nazi era.

And to deflect this pre-emptively, God was not 'El' the rain god in spite of the mention in the Greek of El for God.

I hammered this out some time ago with some biblical scholars and I am certain of the conclusion. The development went like so:

Yhwh was the one who could not be named. His priests, after the monotheistic split carried the legend that speaking his name gave you power over him, and thus made him not your God, and so was not to be done. But this magical idea had a real world basis: Speaking the name of Yhwh or Yehavehah, was not a linguistic spell, except in that it labeled God as not the one and only, but on a parallel with other Gods who had names, Moloch, Baal, et al.

Since Yhwh, the Golden Lion, born of the fire of Mount Sinai, was God of War, knowing his stance in the pantheon would force the issue, and allow the followers to make a choice. If they did not love war, they might choose otherwise, and this was something the cult of Yhwh desperately wanted to stop. So they transformed the cult into the cult of he who can not be named.

At this point in the biblical text, the name 'Yhwh' disappears, but the entity in question is still quite obviously Yhwh.

The derivation of 'El' is also an interesting one. El literaly means 'The High One' and was a reference to the fact that El was God of Rain, and the Heavens. But over time, the idea got distorted in Palestine, where El became the most important deity.

It's classic pantheon evolution to have the Rain God ascend to the highest position while the land is turning into desert. Typically Fire Gods and Sun Gods become devils when this happens, and the base psychological reasons are obvious. But what happened as a result might not be:

After El became used in a different sense, to mean 'The High One' as in 'Top Dog of Gods in the order of the Pantheon' it began to be used colloquially by his followers, as a word. The word 'El' as an generic term for a god entered the palestinian language centuries at least before Yhwh is ever referred to that way in the text. Meanwhile, the name of the original El was mutated to Elohim and various other things as he was merged with one or two other Gods in the pagan pantheon. This wasn't a melding into one, but from 30 odd down to ten or twelve. When 'El' appears in the bible, it is as 'My El' for some time, meaning, literally, 'My God' which is 'He who cannot be named' or 'Yhwh, God of War.'

Though occasionally he is called 'El' as a word, just as we use 'God,' even Christ calls him 'My El.' 'God' for those who don't know means a man or woman of Godia, a small village in Scandanavia from which came Thor, Odin, Freya and others.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:51 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

If Cheney pleads guilty to a crime, either "negligent discharge of a firearm", "aggrevated assault", "involuntary manslaughter" or "criminally negligent homicide", then you can BET that Bush Jr will PARDON Cheney,

I hesitate to reply because 95% of your ranting is just "crazy talk" (a legal term that means 'insane ramblings by a drooling fool whose head is encased in tin foil').

Never the less, you raise an actual issue there at the end, PARDONS (although you are dead wrong on your conclusion). I know something about pardons having written a law review article on them after the Clinton pardon of Mark Rich in 2000. For the record, if Cheney is charged with a serious crime, although that is unlikely unless the victim dies and even then the crime, Neglegent Homicide, while a felony is both a first offense and the lowest felony possible (meaning probation at worst)...anyway if he is charged and is convicted or pleads guilty, President Bush CAN NOT pardon him. The President's pardon power extends only to Federal crimes. Negligent homicide in this case is a Texas crime and Cheney could only seek pardon through the Texas system, which greatly limits the Governor's power to issue them (its one of the most limited executive pardon powers of all the states).

You cited Iran-Contra or something, Nixon is a better example. Nixon was exempted from involvement in Federal crimes (for which he was never charged, but probably would have been) resulting from the Watergate burglery. At best he was an accessory after the fact and/or obstructed justice, both normally local issues, except that in that instance they occurred in Washington D.C. which does not have soveriegnty like the states do and is within Federal jurisdiction, thus within the President's pardon power.

So that leaves your post with 95% "crazy talk" and 5% "bad information". Thanks for playing.



Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:01 AM



Originally posted by rue:
So I'm curious. The legal pundits were eager to parse Texas law re hunting accidents. HERO - what does the law say if alcohol is involved? Perhaps you could look it up and give us the benefit of your expertise.

I don't practice in Texas, but alchohol in principal is used to show intent. If the standard is "rechlessly", as it is in Negligent Homicide (the only charge Cheney might face, since he got a warning on the $7 hunting stamp) then I would use evidence of alchohol to show that combining hunting with drinking is reckless disregard for obvious dangers involved.

In this case Cheney admits to have a beer at lunch. This means nothing. Everybody charged with crime who had been drinking says "a beer" or "two beers" regardless of how many they really had. The number cited can't be proven so I disregard it and just call at "an admission of drinking". I note with DUI's an accident and oder of alchohol is probable cause to arrest (without any other factors like Field Sovriety Tests or breath test or such).

So while Cheney's admission hurts his defense, given the statements by Cheney and the victim he is still in no danger of being charged.

Watched him on FOX last night, found him compelling. I would not charge unless new facts come to light or the victim dies.



Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:29 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

So you're one of those scumbag "prosecutors" for the COMMUNIST Police State Death Camp Gulag Scam. For you to call yourself a "Hero" simply shows your own insanity. You aren't a "prosecutor", you're a pussy.

Tell you what...come commit a crime in my jurisdiction. I'll send you to County Jail for thirty days or so and then we'll know which of us is really the "pussy".


I'll get right on that. Right after I start prosecuting people for "crazy talk". I'll need your name and address, thanks.


Crooked prosecutors NEVER drop FALSE charges against INNOCENT people, since the innocent people would then have civil cause of action to sue Gangsta Govt, AND to criminally prosecute copsters for false arrest and false imprisonment.

Show me an innocent man...oh, and we are immune from both civil and criminal liability for this sort of thing (its good to be the elected government).


Media Mafia and prosecutors brainwash the sheeple that "juriy nullification" and "runaway juries" are a bad thing, in contradiction with America's Founding Fathers and Constitutions.

Are you a "Freeman". Had a great "Freeman" case last year. Guy was charged with Driving without a valid Ohio license (his dad was the real instigator of this, cause the defendant was too stupid to put two sentences together). I convicted him. They were REALLY wacky. Fun case, that was.

Anyway, I'll give them the same advise I'll give you. Don't rely on the internet for your legal information (unless its Westlaw or such). There's just too much 'crazy talk' out there (you know what I mean...)


Alcohol is a STIMULANT and ANTI-depressant that IMPROVES driving performance, contrary to lies from Media Mafia and Gangsta Govt.

Wow. "IMPROVES" you say. If by improve you mean substantially increase the liklihood that the "Improved" driver will weave into oncoming traffic and head on a family of five on their way to church or swerve onto a sidewalk and kill a kid on a bicycle or perhaps swerve into a ditch flipping their truck and nearly killing themselves...then I guess your right. In all three examples the Defendants were taken to the hospital and found to have a blood alchohol level in excess of .20 and I helped send two them to jail and one to prison for 15 years.



Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:40 AM


Alcohol sure DEPRESSES the hell outta me...

Wow Hero, have you changed or have I?

Changing man, CitizenIs Paul Weller.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:06 AM


Maybe Pirate has never been drunk, and so has no idea what intoxication can do to one's driving skills.

Or maybe the tin-foil hat counteracts the dibilitating effects of alcohol.

Honestly, the only word that I can think of to express my feelings on this are...Wow. Sure, Pirate throwns down a LOT of "crazy talk", but saying alcohol improve's one's driving skills is just utterly stupid. Or the rationalization of an alcoholic who can't NOT get behind the wheel.

Pirate: Can you please tell us what city you live in, so we can all be sure to stay the hell off the streets in your town?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:08 AM


*begins walking down the centre of the road*
Safer that way...

Road Safety, CitizenIsNot roadkill.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:11 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
So, yeah... I can see how Cheney shot someone in the face and it was still an accident.

An accident-definitly.
But now that I read Cheney's own account I have to say:
Tracking a low flying bird so near the ground and firing as the sun glares in your eye???
Like, nobody's gonna be walking around in 90 degrees of your starting position??
Hint for beginners: when temporarly blinded by sun during a hunting trip, take your finger OFF the trigger.

Cheney's guilty. Of being a thoughtless dope.
But then again, he started the Iraq War in a similar fashion, didn't he? He couldn't really see what he was doing, but he went ahead and did it anyway...

P.S., if Cheney had not been hunting as he should not have been, seein' as he had no permit and all, his friend would be okay. What are the legal ramifications of that, does anybody know (HERO)?

Chrisisall, who does not hunt Quayle, or any other ex-VP's


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:39 AM


I still rather go hunting with Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy!

Cheney's victim lived!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:43 AM



Originally posted by MacBaker:
I still rather go hunting with Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy!

Cheney's victim lived!

lol, I'm with ya there, Mac (cold water is my kryptonite ).



Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:27 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!




Originally posted by MacBaker:

I still rather go hunting with Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy!

Cheney's victim lived!

lol, I'm with ya there, Mac

Yes, I can see why you want to hang out with Big Dick. I bet you want Dick bad.


"I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?If you don't mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you -- Kill you -- with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'll kill you any time I goddamn well please."
-"Dick" Cheney, TRANCE Formation of America

Video-WMP low res (big file)



"I wuz aimin' fer hiz hed!"
-Jayne, Train Job


Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:35 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Hero:


Originally posted by piratenews:

Crooked prosecutors NEVER drop FALSE charges against INNOCENT people, since the innocent people would then have civil cause of action to sue Gangsta Govt, AND to criminally prosecute copsters for false arrest and false imprisonment.

Show me an innocent man...oh, and we are immune from both civil and criminal liability for this sort of thing (its good to be the elected government).


Media Mafia and prosecutors brainwash the sheeple that "juriy nullification" and "runaway juries" are a bad thing, in contradiction with America's Founding Fathers and Constitutions.

Are you a "Freeman". Had a great "Freeman" case last year. Guy was charged with Driving without a valid Ohio license (his dad was the real instigator of this, cause the defendant was too stupid to put two sentences together). I convicted him. They were REALLY wacky. Fun case, that was.

Anyway, I'll give them the same advise I'll give you. Don't rely on the internet for your legal information (unless its Westlaw or such). There's just too much 'crazy talk' out there (you know what I mean...)


Alcohol is a STIMULANT and ANTI-depressant that IMPROVES driving performance, contrary to lies from Media Mafia and Gangsta Govt.

Wow. "IMPROVES" you say. If by improve you mean substantially increase the liklihood that the "Improved" driver will weave into oncoming traffic and head on a family of five on their way to church or swerve onto a sidewalk and kill a kid on a bicycle or perhaps swerve into a ditch flipping their truck and nearly killing themselves...then I guess your right. In all three examples the Defendants were taken to the hospital and found to have a blood alchohol level in excess of .20 and I helped send two them to jail and one to prison for 15 years.

"MODERATION" - look it up in a dictionary. If it were a depressant in moderation, then nobody would pay money for it. In point of fact, true "alcoholics" (homeless "street people" suffering with clinical depression) are now treated in hospital WITH ALCOHOL, with a dose of one drink per hour, which satisfies their craving for an antidepressant, while keeping their BAT at 0.00%, so they can function and hold down a job. It's a matter of control of blood-SUGAR, since alcohol is fermented sugar.

If there is any blood loss or internal injury, then BAT is impossible to measure accurately. BAT in death can only be measured by needle in the heart, which is never done, so all death stats are in error for "drunk driving crashes". If there is diabetes, weight loss, exercise, chemeical exposure (car exhaust smog etc), or 100 other normal events, than BAT is impossible to measure. Diabetic ketoacidosis can produce 0.30% BAT/BAC, which is alleged coma level, while to an ignernt person (cop), the victim has symptoms of "drunkeness" (walking talking diabetic "coma" with amnesia). 0.20 BAT is common in people who NEVER drink alcohol. Alcohol is a normal chemical in the human body, and is in all fruits. Mechanical failure can affect any BAC machine. But then, I'm sure you already know that.

If someone REALLY is an "alcoholic" (often just a diabetic), then it's a medical condition, NOT a law enforcement issue. Torture in a dungeon, perhaps killing them in the process by denial of medical treatment, will never cure a disease. Denial of water/food routinely murders diabetic prisoners in jail, without any access to alcohol, resulting in millions of dollars in court judgments against Gangsta Govt every year. Putting a sick person in "Detox/Rehab" Loony Bin merely INCREASES their risk of depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide or homicide, since 99% of "Rehab" jails perp medical malpractice. Prosecutors are practicing medicine without a license, WHICH IS A CRIME. That's why so many copsters, prosecutors and judges are alcoholics - ie "sober as a judge". Judges routinely drink vodka at the "bar" in court, which has no "odor of alcohol" (alcohol has no odor, contrary to testilying copsters and prosecutors). How about that judge arrested for using a Peter Pump on himself during a murder trial last year? A Tennessee prosecutor's son allegedly shot the head off a deputy at the prosecutor's house, then allegedly shot his own head off, without witnesses. The prosecutor had recently locked his son in the Loony Bin to "cure" him of depression. The loonies are now in charge of the Loony Bin. But then, I'm sure you already know that.

I get my legal info from,,,, UT Law Library, Tennessee Code, Tennessee Rules of Court, Federal Rules of Court, watching trials in court, litigating trials pro se in court AND WINNING, etc. I also attended paralegal college, and audited 3L class in "trial practice" (mock trial) at University of Tennessee College of Law, where I was the first member of that graduating class to win a trial in court (pro se). My professor, the homicide prosecutor who was fired for prosecuting US Govt hitmen, got a kick out of that (BTW, he's paid $3,000/year, while UT president is paid $750,000/year and UT football coach is paid $2-million/year by Gangsta Govt). An "attorney at law" is nothing more than a "pro se for a pro se". The so-called "license to practice law" can ONLY be issued by the CLIENT, not the court. This license is called "Power Of Attorney". Perhaps you have heard of it? Any lawyer representing a client without a signed POA is subject to disbarment and immediate arrest from fraud. ANY "unlicensed" person can be a lawyer and attorney for any other person, in any court: it's called "Power Of Attorney In Fact" ("pro se for a pro se"). Perhaps you have heard of it? Where do you get YOUR legal edjakashun? Do you have a "law license"? You only have a "Bar Card" or two? So you DON'T have a card that has the words printed on it "License to Practice Law"? If you call a "Bar Card" from a court a "license to practice law", then I also have a license to practice law, since I'm automatically admitted to the court's bar in every court that I have a case pending pro se. Same is true for every person who is pro se in any court. The more laws I read, the more I discover the scams perped by Gangsta Govt.

So you consider illegal aliens as Freemen who never need a driver license, and can never be prosecuted for driving without a license, or no tags? That's because you have no subject matter jurisdiction, since they never volunteered to sign a driver license contract, isn't it?


"Court finds $27,500 fine for second offense driving on a revoked license to be excessive."
—State vs Taylor, 70 S.W.3d 717 (Tenn. 2002)

"Government control of Communications and Transportation."
-Communist Manifesto, 6th Plank, written by Luciferian Masonic "Jew" Karl Marx in London, England

BTW, prosecutors are NEVER immune to arrest for crimes perped outside the court house, and can be arrested for contempt of court at any time, such as sanction for filing a frivolous lawsuit. Some of the best legal defenses for traffic citations are written by prosecutors, who don't seem to like it when THEY get arrested by copsters for non-crimes. I'm confident there's a loophole somewhere to sue a prosecutor "in his individual capacity", as well as "in his official capacity", just like for every other employee of Gangsta Govt, such as intentionally failing to comply with discovery orders (destruction of evidence), such as Brady/Jenks orders for exculpatory evidence. In Tennessee the crime is called Official Oppression.

Ain't it funny that prosecutors never have to swear an oath to tell the truth in court?

You dummies are too busy building your own prison to notice your own destruction.

"Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency. Under the enemy combatant designation anyone at the behest of the US government, even if they are a US citizen, can be kidnapped and placed in an internment facility forever without trial. Jose Padilla, an American citizen, has spent over four years in a Navy brig and is only just now getting a trial."

Shotgun ballistics don’t match-up:
"The pattern of the birdshot depicted in the diagram on the report indicates about a foot spread from cheek to chest. The only way to account for the pattern indicated on the TDPW report is if Cheney was about 10 feet away from Whittington when he shot him." (NOT 30-yards/90-feet away as alleged by Cheney - 1-inch spread per foot - or closer if Cheney unloaded BOTH barrels of his double-barrel - OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE BY MAKING FALSE STATEMENT TO POLICE WHEN NOT UNDER OATH IS WHAT PUT MARTHA STEWART IN PRISON)

"And I'm thinkin' you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schoolin'."


Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:36 PM



I agree, it's a testament to Cheney's self-involved arrogant sloppiness.


I still rather go hunting with Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy!

Well, that goes without saying. Cheney actually sought medical attention rather than just watch the guy die. He's still a Dick.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:57 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I agree, it's a testament to Cheney's self-involved arrogant sloppiness.


I still rather go hunting with Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy!

Well, that goes without saying. Cheney actually sought medical attention rather than just watch the guy die. He's still a Dick.

Then why did Cheney's med team take his victim TO THE WRONG HOSPITAL? WHY DIDN'T THEY TAKE HIM TO CORPUS CHRISTY? That's like Princess Diana's ambulance ride in Paris taking over 1 hour, and STOPPING several times on the highway, even when in sight of the hospital.

Video: Scarborough and Franken on Cheney
"Drunken Dick Cheney shot a man just to watch him die. I don't know what kind of medication Cheney is on, but I think it's a LOT. Why did Cheney not go visit his 'friend' in the hospital (instead of have a martini at the ranch)? Have you shot anyone accidentally, or on purpose? Either you don't go to the hospital because you were drunk, or because you're a jerk."
-Al Franken
(note that Republicon Congressman Joe Scarborough's female intern was found murdered in his office in Florida, ending his career...)

Video: David Letterman on Cheney and his gun:
"They found his victim buried in a shallow grave."

Dick Cheney's Attempted Homicide Police Report:
Eyewitnesses: Dick Cheney, Michael Andrew "Bo" Hubert, Pam Willeford, Jerry Medellin, Katherine Armstrong, Sarita Armstrong Hixon, Harry Whittington, and Oscar Medellin (from Medellin Columbia cocaine cartel, where Bush Sr's narcoterror partner Pablo Escobar was from? The former sheriff of Kenedy County was also named Medellin). NOTE THAT IF WHITTINGTON IS ACTUALLY ALIVE, HE CAN BE ARRESTED FOR OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE FOR LYING THAT NO ALCOHOL WAS INVOLVED! NOTE THAT THE DEPUTY'S CELLPHONE HAD A GPS LOCATION TRACKER CHIP...

Missing White Woman Alert!
Ambassador Pam Williford Was Running Nekked In Woods With Cheney When Cheney Shot Lawyer...?
(Note that Mrs Armstrong was NOT an eyewitness)

Dick Cheney's 2 DUI CONVICTIONS court files:

As for JFKs vs Bushes:

JFK Sr ordered termination of CIA.
JFK Sr ordered termination of private Fed Reserve Bankster counterfeiters.
JFK Sr ordered termination of Vietnam Wars.
JFK Sr ordered termination of LBJ.
JFK Sr whipped Tricky Dick Nixon's Mafia ass.

JFK Sr ordered termination of Pentagon/CIA's Operation Northwoods plan to perp domestic terrorism in USA, by hijacking fake US airliners by remote control and bombing them by remote control, with fake passenger lists of nonexistant CIA agents, hiring enemy troops to attack US military bases, bombing Washington DC, assassinating US citizens, to "justify" invasion of an innocent nation. JFK's brother Joe Jr was blown up while piloting and bailing out of a robotic B-24 in Operation Aphrodite, to crash and bomb by remote control the Nazi V-1/V-2 killer robot drone launch pads in France.

CIA agent Bush Sr was photographed standing in Dealy Plaza within spitting distance of JFK when he was shot in front of the Dallas Police Station.

Bush Sr was CIA boss for the "Tramps" arrested in Dealy Plaza before Oswald was arrested. These CIA Tramps, Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, were later arrested in the Watergate for burglery for President Nixon, forcing Nixon to resign to avoid indictment for murder and treason. This was proven to the satisfaction of a jury in Hunt vs Liberty Lobby, which was upheld by US Supreme Court. Hunt's CIA wife Dorothy was assassinated when her airliner crashed in Chicago while carrying Nixon's hushmoney to the Watergate burglers.

"In those Nixon references to the (CIA) Bay of Pigs (in the White House tapes) he (Nixon) was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination."
-HR Halderman, Nixon's White House chief of staff and convicted felon, in his autobiography "The Ends of Power" (1978)

Video confession by Nixon re his extortion of FBI and CIA of Watergate arrests exposing 'The Whole Bay of Pigs Thing':

Video - Nixon laughing while he resigns:

Music Video - JFKs - XTC Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead:

Bush Jr declared: "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator. The Constitution is just a God-damned piece of paper!"

JFK Jr was scheduled to whip Bush Jr's drunken coked-up faggot ass in 2004, except somebody put a bomb in his plane and murdered his entire family in 1999, as he was running for US Senate in NY. Could it be... BUSH?!

As for scumbag mutherfukin prosecutors, judges, copsters, soldiers, and treasonous politicians in the White House, here's Ozzy TV reporting on the censored photos and video from Abu Ghraib Torture Rape Pedophile Death Camp, following illegal orders from the Bush Crime Family, released this past week for the first time:


"Hey hey hey! Them ain't Kosherized rules!"

(Mal shoots a copster in the head)


Thursday, February 16, 2006 5:26 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:


How do you shoot someone in the face accidentally? Easy. You don't mean to shoot them, but you do. Hence, an "accident", as opposed to an "on purpose". ;)

Seriously, there are loads of people accidentally shot in this country every year. Some of them in the face, even. Lots of them even by "unloaded" weapons. I can't tell you the number of people I've heard about who were killed by "unloaded" weapons, or even when they were cleaning their own weapons, which were "unloaded at the time" - or so they thought.

The simple thing I take away from these lessons is this: There is no such thing as an unloaded gun, until and unless you've unloaded it yourself and VERIFIED that it's unloaded. Anyone ever tries to hand me a gun with the barrel pointed at me, and I'm going to assume they're assaulting me, and respond in kind by disarming them, roughly. ;) The way I see it, no one ever hands you an unloaded weapon. Respect it, fear it, and check it until YOU know it's unloaded. Sure, it might not have any ammo in it, but until I've checked, rechecked, and verified that for myself (generally by cycling the action a few times and looking through the barrel), all guns are assumed to be loaded and safety-off. Maybe that's one of the reasons I've been around guns and shooting since I was a tot and never shot anyone or been shot myself...

There are two kinds of "accident-prone" people that are particularly dangerous to have around guns, in my experience: Those who don't know a thing about guns or gun safety, and those who think they know too much. People who've never been around guns tend to get a little crazy with them on first encounter, and start pointing them at others and waving them around the room, without knowing a damn thing about what they're doing or what they're holding. People who are TOO comfortable with guns tend to take for granted that a gun is empty because they pulled the magazine out, and because they're "smart". I try never to be "smart" around guns. I've been around them most of my life (my dad's a gun nut, and ex-military, so we grew up around a houseful of guns), but I've never allowed myself to get so comfortable with them that I forget what they can do.

Something else to point out about the Cheney Incident: When you're REALLY concentrating on something, it's easy to get cuaght up in the moment, or to have "tunnel vision" so to speak. I think this is probably what happened to Cheney. He was tracking a bird, beading in on it, and just didn't see what was around him - or in front of him! I can relate, from a kind-of-similar experience I had. As I've mentioned before, I race cars for a hobby. There's a phenomena we call "The Red Mist" that occurs sometimes; you're so enthralled and involved in what you're doing, that sometimes you block out things around you - even things that might pose a danger to you or others. One event, I was on course, having a good run, concentrating intently on an upcoming series of turns, working out just exactly where I wanted to position myself for the best "line" through the corners, and I didn't even notice the two corner-workers who were feverishly trying to flag me down and stop me. They were waving bright orange flags at me, but they were "off-line", and therefore not in my visual frame of reference, nor my mental one. I noticed them almost as I passed them, and it broke my revery for long enough to realize that something was up. Turns out another car had spun and died on-course just after the series or corners I was heading for, and they were trying to stop me in case I came upon this other car and hit it. And I damn near didn't see them. The Red Mist had closed over me, and all I could see in my mind's eye was the run and the win.

So, yeah... I can see how Cheney shot someone in the face and it was still an accident.


A baby seal walks into a club...

who cares if it was an accident , thats not the issue the issue is , he didn't report what he had done to the proper authorities, and he's covering up the fact that he was drunk.

and btw, your gross and pretty disgusting defending Cheney's actions , like I told another person I understand Cheney trying to cover his own arse but whats in it for you?

And you know as well as I that nothing is going to happen to Cheney, at the most in a few months Cheney may claim to have another heart attack( real or not) and step down (and I doubt seriously if that even happens) but Cheney and most of the Bush administration feels so very contemptous of us little folk, because thats how they think of us, as mindless children who are in need of their guidence.

Cheney I'm sure is pissed that he even had to go on Fox news and try to explain his actions ( to us American idiots) because thats what they think of us little people, who he feels so far above that he shouldn't have to explain anything to us at anytime for any reason)

so why the hell are you and the rest of these fools of like mind sitting up trying to justify or excuse his actions. its pretty darn sad and patheic


Thursday, February 16, 2006 5:29 PM



Originally posted by MacBaker:
I still rather go hunting with Cheney, than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy!

Cheney's victim lived!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


I think the present is the issue!!


Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:51 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
NEWS FLASH it 2006

I think the present is the issue!!

NEWS FLASH, "Those who ignore the past, are doomed to repeat it!"

Right now in 2006, I still wouldn't ride in a car driven by Ted Kennedy!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:59 PM



So, alcoholics are just victims, and the drunk-driving fatality stats are bogus, huh?

How about all the people killed by drunk drivers? Gonna explain the conspiracy behind that one? There's a lot of bodie's that would disagree with you.

I personally know some people with permanent injuries caused by your poor so-called "diabetic drivers" who would gladly kick you right in the teeth for the crap you spew.

And alcohol has no smell? Next time you try to enlighten us with one of your secret "facts", try not to pick something so easily disputed by damned near everyone on the damned planet. Maybe your olfactory nerves are shot, but I'd like you to find a person who's never smelled acohol

Frankly, I find a lot of your crazy-rants rather amusing. The conspiracy crap is fun, in an "Lone Gunmen" kind-of-way, but as far as I'm concerned, you've just proven yourself a complete fuc#in' moron.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:34 PM



Originally posted by MacBaker:

Originally posted by piratejenny:
NEWS FLASH it 2006

I think the present is the issue!!

NEWS FLASH, "Those who ignore the past, are doomed to repeat it!"

Right now in 2006, I still wouldn't ride in a car driven by Ted Kennedy!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.

Nobody cares who you would or would not ride in a car with, and I do mean nobody!!

I repeat its 2006 and I know this is very, very, very, very, very, very hard for people like you, but since its the present thats of concern and issue right now and since nothing else is relvant could you stick with 2006


Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:43 PM


Cheney on a Rampage makes me think of a 200ft tall VP terrorising Tokyo, a cute 1970's style Japanese couple cower in a doorwar while the Japanese military try to draw Cheney away with tanks that look like windup toys.

Somewhere, a professor and his cute Japanese girl sidekick are priming the device that summons Godzilla......


Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:19 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
Cheney on a Rampage makes me think of a 200ft tall VP terrorising Tokyo, a cute 1970's style Japanese couple cower in a doorwar while the Japanese military try to draw Cheney away with tanks that look like windup toys.

Somewhere, a professor and his cute Japanese girl sidekick are priming the device that summons Godzilla......

True, but I preferred it to my other options: "Cheney runs amok", "Cheney does a Charlton Heston", "Texas Shotgun Massacre" and "Cheney re-enacts Waco".


Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:22 PM


Hero wrote: to PirateNews


I hesitate to reply because 95% of your ranting is just "crazy talk" (a legal term that means 'insane ramblings by a drooling fool whose head is encased in tin foil').

Zero thats the Pot calling the Kettle Black!!!


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:06 PM


dreamtrove wrote:


Team Pirate,

You, too, pirates, have this. You don't think you do because you think it comes only from the MSM, but it comes from the conspiracy media as well. The vast majority of conspiracy sites out there are loaded with propaganda not relavent to their stories.

speak for yourself, the diffrence is I don't care what the truth is, I just want to know it no matter what it is. I can and do think for myself and I know how to separate the wheat from the chafe,and just because someone calls something a conspiracy doesn't mean it isn't truth, most of the things I know and believe have plenty of evidence to back it up, those who refuse to look at the evidence or dismiss it out of hand, are the ones who have been propagandized, those are the people who can't and won't think for themselves. why because it doesn't fit into their version of the reality they've created for themselves, or they think they have something to gain by denying the truth, for instance, the Pedohile Boy Sex Ring with ties to both the past and present Bush Administrations, there is so much evidence and eye witness testimony that at the very least it warrants an investigation.

again I don't care what the truth is, I just want to know what it is. I like to know what I'm dealing with.


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:06 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by Fletch2:
Cheney on a Rampage makes me think of a 200ft tall VP terrorising Tokyo, a cute 1970's style Japanese couple cower in a doorwar while the Japanese military try to draw Cheney away with tanks that look like windup toys.

Somewhere, a professor and his cute Japanese girl sidekick are priming the device that summons Godzilla......

True, but I preferred it to my other options: "Cheney runs amok", "Cheney does a Charlton Heston", "Texas Shotgun Massacre" and "Cheney re-enacts Waco".

LOL, you guys are CRAZY!!!Glad I wasn't drinkin' soda when I read this!

How about "Cheney replaced by evil pod-person who begins it's horrible deeds on Earth!"

Oh wait. That already happened about 1970.....

This is just a continuation Chrisisall


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:52 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
Nobody cares who you would or would not ride in a car with, and I do mean nobody!!

I repeat its 2006 and I know this is very, very, very, very, very, very hard for people like you, but since its the present thats of concern and issue right now and since nothing else is relvant could you stick with 2006

Wow, what a childish response on your part. If no one cares, including you, why did you even bother to respond?

I repeat again, that I (and "people like me") wouldn't ride with Kennedy. It was a joke, but relevant. Last time I checked, Ted Kennedy still has a driver's license in 2006! Now, if you "don't care", go take a ride with Ted. Just try not to get nervous if he crosses a bridge!

In 2006, cars still kill far more people in this country than guns do.

In 2006, Cheney's victim is still alive, and Kennedy's is still DEAD!

How's that for sticking with 2006? I got the hunting gear, and I'd go hunting with Cheney right now! Oh, ouch.....I don't care! Nobody does! Except for "people like me", whoever "they" are!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Friday, February 17, 2006 8:08 AM


Ooooh. A tussle.



Friday, February 17, 2006 8:36 AM



Originally posted by Fletch2:

Somewhere, a professor and his cute Japanese girl sidekick are priming the device that summons Godzilla......

Godzilla vs. Mecha-Cheney? I'd buy a ticket to that.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, February 17, 2006 8:43 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Storymark wrote:

Duhhhhhh, I'm a moron, I can't count as high as my IQ but I think it's 25. DDDDDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I feel sorry for your moronic IQ. You are obviously braindamaged, probably permanently. It must be horrible to go through life as stupid as you are. But you obviously have plenty of Special Ed friends here, who are equally illiterate and incapable of rational thought, with suicidal tendencies. Perhaps you can all hook up and shoot each other? DO IT NOW!



10-minute ballistic test that conclusively shows that Vice President Dick Cheney's claims to Kennedy County Sheriff's Deputies in south Texas is a total fabrication. Whittington was shot at close range, between 15 and 18 feet, not the 90 claimed by Dick Cheney and the Secret Service. It is now clear why they refused to let Sherriff's Deputies interview Cheney for over 13 hours and why they claimed that Whittington's injuries were superficial when in truth they were grevious.

Text Link:

High Bandwidth:


Mirror Download:


Low Bandwidth:



Backup Highband Video:



"Dick" Cheney: "I had a beer at lunch."


"By tomorrow it will be 'Dick Cheney blew his head off at the dinner
table'. Makes you think Cheney shot this guy on purpose."
-Bill Maher, MSNBC Hardball


Dick Morris vs Hannity: Cheney drunk
"Well why would he not go to the hospital?"

David Letterman: Cheney's Got A Gun

Video: Scarborough and Franken re Cheney
"Dick Cheney shot a man just to watch him die. I don't know what kind of medication Cheney is on, but I think it's a LOT. Why did Cheney not go visit his 'friend' in the hospital (instead of have a martini at the ranch)? Have you shot anyone accidentally, or on purpose? Either you don't go to the hospital because you were drunk, or because you're a jerk."
-Al Franken
(note that Republicon Congressman Joe Scarborough's female intern was found murdered in his office in Florida, ending his career...)

Should we toast that Cheney's toast?


Cheney out, Condi in?
February 16, 2006

A White House source has confirmed to this website that office gossip has Cheney possibly being eased out of the Vice-Presidency in the wake of "Cheney-shot-a-guy-in-the-face-and-heart-gate." His replacement? Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

It should be noted that "Condi '08" memorabilia has been pushed hard the last two years at the annual CPAC gathering of alleged "conservatives." A Cheney-out-Condi-in rumor was reported last year in WorldNetDaily as emanating from Capitol Hill sources. In light of the recent CBS News report that Cheney is in "meltdown" over Birdshot-gate, it might be time to give the Condi rumor another look.

If Rice was named Vice-President, it is more than possible that Republican primary voters, with their Pavlovian monarchal nominationg tendencies, not to mention fixed electronic voting machines, could very well nominate Rice in '08.

It is also worth pointing out that the onbly way likely Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton could win a Presidential race would be if her opponent were a black woman. The ascension of Rice to the Vice-Presidency would be the perfect way for the Bush Crime Family to set up their longtime cronies, the Clintons, for a return trip to the White House.

Hit Refresh? Why Bush may be thinking about replacing Cheney

"No mandatory registration markings on the bow. Make sure we cite them for that. Your ship and its contents will be auctioned. The proceeds of its sale will go to pay for your defense."
-Alliance commander

(Mal shoots a copster in the head)


Friday, February 17, 2006 9:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm not a hunting person. I fired a home defense shotgun- once. I used to go plinking with a .22, so although I'm not agin' guns, I'm not real familiar with them either.

But this whole distance thing has been bothering me since this started. I just can't square birdshot penetrating to the liver or anyhwere near the heart if the distance was 90 ft, particularly if the victim is wearing a vest, shirt and possibly a jacket. Plus, we get "reports" of Whittington but we haven't seen his face. So I'm still left wondering about the spread and penetration of the wound. It just bugs me.

Free as in freedom, not beer.


Friday, February 17, 2006 9:35 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by SignyM:

But this whole distance thing has been bothering me since this started. I just can't square birdshot penetrating to the liver or anyhwere near the heart if the distance was 90 ft, particularly if the victim is wearing a vest, shirt and possibly a jacket. Plus, we get "reports" of Whittington but we haven't seen his face. So I'm still left wondering about the spread and penetration of the wound. It just bugs me.

Obstruction of Justice is the crime that Martha Stewart was convicted of, which is making a false statement to police, when NOT under oath to tell the truth. This is a separate crime to assault or negligent discharge of a firearm. Texas is the same state that genocided an entire church of Christians for the non-crime of allegedly not buying a $250-permit, and Cheney confessed to not buying a $7 permit stamp. "Crawford" IS Waco.


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Since people don't often bother to follow links, especially mutlitple ones, I thought I'd post this here:

... We erected man sized torso targets for the shots from 90 feet, 30 feet, 15 feet, and 10 feet. We also made shots from both barrels. The first shot was from 90 feet into the paper target on a cardboard backing, this gave a spread of approximately 7 ½ feet... Most of the pellets were lodged in the cardboard with a few completely penetrating the 1/8 of an inch cardboard.

The next shot involved the latex torso dummy we brought, he was dressed in two layers of clothing, a sweater and a shirt. Mr. Whittington was reported to be wearing 3 layers. Again this shot was from 90 feet, most of the shot that hit the target were caught in the fibers of the clothing, a few actually penetrated through both layers, but these were extremely shallow and could be picked out with your fingers or tweezers.

The next shots were taken at 30 feet in case [there was a mistake between} yards to feet. This yielded a spread that was more than 2 feet in diameter, still at least twice as wide as the Texas Park and Wildlife Hunting Accident and Incident Report Form indicated.

Perhaps the accident report was wrong- the distance from the face to the liver (two known points of penetration) is about two feet, altho that would define the EDGES of the pattern.

So we have established the distance of the shot. Now we wanted to see if we could match the wound penetration. As I already stated the shots at the dummy torso from 90 feet had little to no effect. Alex then decided to shoot the game hen and the watermelon from 90 feet. The results of these shots were penetrations of 1 to 2 millimeters, this means they were just under the outer layer of skin. There was also evidence of impacts that bounced off, leaving black smudges on both targets. At shots taken from 30 feet slightly deeper penetrations, but nothing that went passed the most outer layers of the actual meat. The last shot was taken at the game hen from 15 feet and that shot yielded the kind of results that Mr. Whittington experienced, a tight cluster of pellet hits penetrating into the internal cavities of the body.
Again, I'm not sure that Whittington experience a "tight cluster" of pellets, but they DID penetrate more deeply than I might have expected from 30 yards.

Also, I think he may have gotten more shot into his torso than his head. But since head wound bleed like crazy, they may have looked worse in the filed than the more consequential injuries.

Ah, and apparently a picture:

Free as in freedom, not beer.


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:25 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:



Duhhhhhh, I'm a moron, I can't count as high as my IQ but I think it's 25. DDDDDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I feel sorry for your moronic IQ. You are obviously braindamaged, probably permanently. It must be horrible to go through life as stupid as you are. But you obviously have plenty of Special Ed friends here, who are equally illiterate and incapable of rational thought, with suicidal tendencies. Perhaps you can all hook up and shoot each other? DO IT NOW!

Ah, another well-reasoned response from Piratenews.

I think that's the first time I've seen anyone on these boards stoop low enough to actually make up a false quote. Shows how much faith you have in your own communication skills. Truely pathetic.

I note that you didn't actually address my problems with your "argument".

So, I'll just take your failure to actually respond, and your gradeschool level tactics as confirmation that you have nothing to back up your claims.

You may resume fuming at the world from your Mommy's basement now. Cheers.

And I would tell you my real IQ, but your self-esteem seems low enough as is.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:32 AM


Thanks for that info, SIGNYM.

I've been wondering about the distance and the degree of penetration myself. 30 yards just didn't seem right. 30 feet I could imagine producing such results, but from what you posted, even that seems a bit off.

Too bad all we can really do at this point is speculate. I doubt we'll ever get a more complete picture of the event than we have now.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:34 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I wonder about the penetration as well. The other thing I wonder about is injury to the right (liver). If Cheney was going south (no pun intended) and swung to the west (his right), Whittington should have received most of the shot to his left. That does not appear to be true for his face. And how did pellets penetrate the liver on the right?

As to spread, perhaps Cheney let him have it with both barrels.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:44 AM



Originally posted by rue:
As to spread, perhaps Cheney let him have it with both barrels.

Oh, you are SO bad....

Chrisisall*wiping tears from eyes again*


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:45 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by SignyM:

Ah, and apparently a picture:


The CNN video allegedly of Whittington today is very odd. The grinning short man standing BEHIND Whittington has a distorted head twice as big as Whittington's head. The wounds on the police report don't match his neck and face, AND DON'T EVEN MATCH THE SAME PAGE OF THE POLICE REPORT, tho most of the wounds were located below his collar line. Makeup can of course coverup almost any injury, as Hollywood proves by faking any injury. There is a reason why police are required to IMMEDIATELY investigate completely and write detailed reports. Since police are universally incompetent at their jobs, this is why police reports are NOT admissible into evidence in court.


To follow up on "Freak Boy" from the Whittington video:


"Perhaps he is there to "catapult the propaganda!"

"that freak is just an evil "worker bee" with a head full of chlobenzorex "

"That SS-bot over Whit's shoulder is F*n scarin' me. And when Harry says 'Friday' (2:50) the stormtroopers eyes dart over to the other handler! FREEPY."

"Either he is the victim of anamorphic distortion, or he is an alien"

So who is this guy?


ACTUAL photo of Whittington:

Is the Whittington video CGI SFX? Computer graphics faked Gen Colin Powell surrendering USA, or some such demonstration of voice-changing technology:

It's almost like those fake videos of a fake USAma "confessing" to 911, after declaring on CNN that he had nothing to do with it, for all the stupid sheeple who worship Bush and Cheney as gods. NEVER MIND THAT BIN LADEN HAS BEEN DEAD FOR FOUR YEARS! Bin Laden was in a US military hospital and meeting with CIA in summer 2001. George Bush Jr's first business partner was Salem Bin Laden, brother of USAma, in ArBUSTo Oil in Texas. On 9/11/2001 Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire was eating breakfast in Washington DC with his business partner Shafig Bin Laden, brother of USAma, in a meeting for Carlyle Group, a Pentagon contractor that now owns Universal Studios and NBC News.,1361,584444,00.html


"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."
-USAma Bin Laden, CNN, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks," September 17, 2001

"I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other human beings as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people."
-Usama Bin Laden, Ummat magazine, September 28, 2001

Texas and feds faked the JFK Sr autopsy photos and photoshopped the CIA's Zapruder video, after stealing all the other videos from Dealy Plaza. They still can't find JFK's stolen brain. These crooks are pathological liars.


"A 'con man', a 'confidence man', is the best-dressed, the best-spoken. He has to be since his intention is to separate you from your money, from your freedom. This is his 'M.O.' - his modus operandi. Our representatives in Washington DC remind me of the best conmen. This is a lesson we all have to learn."
-Detective Frank Serpico, NYPD, GCN Radio Network, 2002

I wonder how many GOPs will volunteer as target practice with Cheney in the future, besides the morons on this thread?


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:54 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Storymark:


You can dish it out but ya can't take it. What a baby!

"This is paranopid schitzophrenia, handcrafted by Govt scientists."
-Dr T


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:54 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

I wonder how many GOPs will volunteer for Cheney's hunts in the future, besides the morons on this thread?

Now now, you'll be giving the loving folk here the impression that you don't much care for us. Come here and get a hug (and stop with the silly racism).

You knucklehead, you!

Scary Chrisisall


Friday, February 17, 2006 11:12 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

You can dish it out but ya can't take it. What a baby!

"This is paranopid schitzophrenia, handcrafted by Govt scientists."
-Dr T


At which point did I "dish it out" by fabricating a quote?

And is your evasion of every direct statement or question directed (by myself or others) at you "taking it"?

Still waiting for an actual response here.

Not that I expect one. I'm sure you'll just make up something else - which is fine by me. It just more deeply stamps the "idiot troll" label onto your tinfoil-enclosed noggin.

This is actually kinda fun, as your responses have gone soooo far of the deep end that there's nothing there to even try to take seriously. I'll admit last night I was a bit pissed at your assanine claims about alcoholics, but once you started actually making up quotes from me, you stepped fully into the realm of the surreal, and I'm almost always amused by the surreal.

So keep at it, chuckles. I've got a hour left before my three day weekend kicks in, and you're definitly keeping it from being boring.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, February 17, 2006 11:34 AM


Hey, RUE! I'm not a doctor (my best friend is, and I'll ask him this one soon), but isn't it possible for a pellet to have migrated through the blood system to the liver, which after all is a filter? This is apparently what happened with the pellet that got to his heart.

And we have the problem of the official diagram of Whittington's injuries, which shows a hit to the right side. Apparently this is in error, because the photo of Whittington shows he was indeed struck on the right side, including the neck.


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:33 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

The quote that I saw was that the pellet 'penetrated' the liver, not that it lodged there.

But for the sake of argument, if it lodged there, where did it come from? If it came from an artery then the pellet penetrated an artery somewhere above the liver. If it came via venous circulation, it would have come up from the abdomen. If up from the abdomen then it penetrated skin, subcutaneous and perhaps visceral fat, and the venous system, and perhaps even the gut (either intestine).

But ask your friend. It'll be interesting to find out what he says.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Friday, February 17, 2006 1:54 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Ruxton:

And we have the problem of the official diagram of Whittington's injuries, which shows a hit to the right side. Apparently this is in error, because the photo of Whittington shows he was indeed struck on the right side, including the neck.

Looks like the cop was drunk too. Or blind. Or illiterate. Or dyslexic. Or an idiot. OR A CROOK.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

(Mal shoots cop in head just like Cheney)


Friday, February 17, 2006 2:39 PM


Piratenews wrote:
"Looks like the cop was drunk too. Or blind. Or illiterate. Or dyslexic. Or an idiot. OR A CROOK."

It is RUMORED those are requirements for some areas of law enforcement...but I can't verify it.


Friday, February 17, 2006 3:23 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

How could Cheney shoot his friend in cold blood, then go home to the ranch and sip a martini, rather than visit him in hospital?

Dick Cheney is a robot:


Originally posted by Ruxton:

Piratenews wrote:
"Looks like the cop was drunk too. Or blind. Or illiterate. Or dyslexic. Or an idiot. OR A CROOK."

It is RUMORED those are requirements for some areas of law enforcement...but I can't verify it.

Case solved:


"We don't like to hire people that have too high an IQ to be cops in this city."
—Keith Harrigan, Assistant City Manager of New London, Connecticut, Associated Press,, "Connecticut Police applicant files federal lawsuit -- told he was 'too smart'," May 30, 1997

"A US man has been rejected in his bid to become a police officer for scoring too high on an intelligence test. Robert Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took an exam to join the New London police, in Connecticut, in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training. Mr Jordan launched a federal lawsuit against the city, but lost. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court's decision that the city did not discriminate against Mr Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test. The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average."
—, "Police reject candidate for being too intelligent"

"Dumb cops, dumb cops, whatcha gonna do, whatcha going to do with a low IQ?"
—Jay Leno (comedic Italian-American, motorhead collector, biker gangster in Media Mafia, and rider of a 266MPH street-legal jet-engined All-American sportbike), NBC TV, Tonight Show

I guess that makes it easier for Bush Crime Family to run the cocaine and heroin rackets, and perp domestic terrorism against USA. And to shoot lawyers in the head and get away with it.

Hmmm. My IQ tested at 130, which ain't genius. But a damn site smarter than them ignernt copsters. Not too shabby considering a lifetime of mercury dental fillings, flouridated water, mercury vaccine poisonings, and brainwashing by the public fool system and Idiotbox.

Badger: "You think you're better 'an other people."
Mal: "Just the ones I'm better than."

(Mal gives copster lead poisoning)


Friday, February 17, 2006 4:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

PirateJenny wrote:


I made a lot of money selling Hondas. Too bad they're not American. Too bad Detroit's not allowed by NWO to manufacture "double-wishbone" suspension, except for $50,000 cars. Civic HX and Del Sol were my favorites - rock solid in 4-wheel-drifts on test drives with customers.

I know this is completely off-track, but I wanted to offer some info by way of clarification.

Good for you. Glad you made money selling Hondas. As far as how "American" they are... well, pretty much as American as most of the "American" cars that most people tend to cite as being what an "American car" should be. Let's see; I've got a '91 Honda Accord station wagon. It's VIN plate shows that it was manufactured by Honda North America, in Marysville, Ohio. Sure, lots of the components were shipped in from overseas, but the final assembly, paint, and QC jobs were done right here in the good old US of A. Which makes it a hell of a lot more American than, say, a Chevy Camaro (built in Ontario, Canada, before GM stopped building them altogether).

ALL the '90-'93 Accord wagons were built in the US by Honda North America (Marysville plant) - even the ones we exported to Japan! In the same vein, all 1988-'91 Honda Civic hatchbacks were built by Honda Canada. All '88-'91 Honda CRXs were built by Honda Japan (Suzuka plant). Many "domestic" pickups and SUVs are actually built outside the US, but many "import" trucks and SUVs are built right here in this country!

My point? Don't bash one car as "not American" and extoll another as "American", unless you're sure you know which is which. Nowadays, that's getting harder and harder to know. Labels such as "import" and "domestic" these days are more political labels than actual ones...

As for the NWO not allowing Detroit to build double-wishbone suspensions on cars costing less than $50,000, that's just pure crap, plain and simple. Detroit can put any suspension on their cars that they want to; they just tend to not want to. Double-wishbone suspension setups are more costly to produce, and less space-efficient than the standard McPherson strut suspensions that most automakers lean toward these days (including Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and a myriad of other manufacturers of over-$50,000 cars). As such, most carmakers don't use them for their mainstream products. So why did Honda use a double-wishbone suspension on its bread-n-butter grocery-getters in the late 80s and early 90s? Simple - and not because "NWO" allowed them to. They wanted to make SURE that they were building cars that weren't just "good enough" for the market, but were far better than they needed to be, or were expected to be. Honda saw an opportunity to gain market share in a time when the US auto industry was in a shambles (of its own making, I might hasten to add!). Honda knew that putting out superior products at that time would gain them a beachhead in the US, and help them ensure brand loyalty for at least one generation into the future.

Just wanted to clear up a few things. Flame on.


A baby seal walks into a club...






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