Hillary Clinton

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Friday, February 17, 2006 9:26 AM




Friday, February 17, 2006 9:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Ptoooey. What is there to say? She's a political weasel with Presidential ambitions. IMHO she represents everything that's wrong with Democrats. I think she's better than Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice (I don't she's an active sociopath) but probably worse than McCain. Those are just my impresisons, I haven't analyzed her voting record.

Free as in freedom, not beer.


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:26 PM


I'd still give her one though.


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:29 PM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Most hilarious topic. Ever.

In all sincerity, I've never seen a one word post that said more.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:33 PM


*Waits for the fur to fly*

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Friday, February 17, 2006 1:05 PM


She eats babies, you know. And I hear that she does, in fact, have "manparts."

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Friday, February 17, 2006 1:47 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Yes, she's one of those Democratic demons that attack other countries without cause, bomb two into the stone age, and ... oh wait, wrong party.

That she's not Bush & Halliburton is a strong recommendation. But it's all she's got.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Friday, February 17, 2006 2:09 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Most hilarious topic.

hilarious .... Hillary.

Pun intended?

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Friday, February 17, 2006 2:11 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Yes, she's one of those Democratic demons that attack other countries without cause, bomb two into the stone age, and ... oh wait, wrong party.

That she's not Bush & Halliburton is a strong recommendation. But it's all she's got.

Ain't that the truth. 2004 was my first election (I know, I'm an infant), and I was reduced to choosing the lesser of two evils. I remember sitting, watching the debates, and thinking "Neither of these guys has anything to offer."

Of course, I classify my political affiliation as "malcontent," so that might be indicative of SOMETHING.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Friday, February 17, 2006 2:18 PM


Well, if Hillary Clinton makes a bid for the White House, she's got my vote.


Friday, February 17, 2006 4:50 PM


America loves a winner!

Would interns be safe w/ her in the White House?

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:59 PM


1. Hillary Clinton had Vince Foster, her longterm friend, partner in crime, and extra-marital lover, murdered in cold blood to protect her ambition. I am as certain of this as I am of anything.

2. From the character perspective, this tells you everything you need to know. This is a woman whose ambition knows no bounds, and hears no voice of reason. She is completely devoid of a moral compass.

3. It might interest people to know that it was Hillary who hired Monica, and that according to Bill Clinton's own driver, and backed up independently by a member of his own security detail, Clinton had over a hundred women, hookers and sex-subjects. Initially they tried to keep this from Hillary, but it became clear that she didn't care. While this may seem like not that big a deal, it does tell you something curious about her, and it also lets you know that she knew that this was going to happen when she hired Monica, which may indicate that she hired Monica to keep Bill busy.

4. I want to add a detail of speculative theory here. Since Hillary did not care how many women Bill slept with, but she did hire Monica, most likely to keep him busy, that she had a vested interest in Bill not behaving like Bill while president of the united states. If this is true, it would of course be ambition that would drive her, she did not want him to screw it up for her.

5. If it increases her personal power, even once president of the United States, Hillary would do absolutely anything.

6. Also, Hillary is part of "Team Evil" and always has been. Though some people give me flack for this, it does mean something, regardless of how evil these people are or how much power they hold, everyone on the team will always follow the team agenda.

This means:

a. Hillary will invade Iran, regardless of what transpires in between now and then.

b. Hillary will spend large amounts of the people's money making her friends rich.

c. Never listen to the voice of the actual people.

7. Joss ***HATES*** her. He really really does. I've never seen anyone in a TV show that was a demon that was so obviously an actual person as an intentional attack as the whole Bruckner thing.


I think she's better than Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice (I don't she's an active sociopath) but probably worse than McCain.

For my part, I think she is worse than Dick Cheney, who, afterall, ownly shot someone inadventently.


Yes, she's one of those Democratic demons that attack other countries without cause, bomb two into the stone age, and ... oh wait, wrong party.

Rue, Rue, Rue, Rue, Rue...

Okay, how do I break this sad news.

1. It *is* the democrats, historically, who bomb countries into oblivion. Need I remind you about Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (Clinton), Serbia, Haiti. We (Republicans) are the party that bombs *Iraq* into the ground, specifically, no one else ;)

But seriously, a historical check will show you that pre-W, the democrats are, and have always been, far more warlike that the GOP. The only GOP military actions tend to be light and quick. The longest being the Civil War (the major exception) and Nixon's continuation of Vietnam, but even that was much less combative, much lower casualties. I firmly believe that Nixon, if elected in 1960, (wasn't he?) would never have gone into war in Vietnam. I can't blame him for not knowing how to handle a quagmire that he inherited. I don't envy the person who inherits our mess in Iraq.

And Rue,

I hope you're still reading...


That she's not Bush & Halliburton is a strong recommendation. But it's all she's got.

But she IS!

Cheney was, and still is, a personal friend of the Clintons. This is why we are in this mess. The Govt.-Mil-Haliburton merger was not put together by George W. Bush, it was put together by Bill Clinton. Clinton is Bush, and Bush is Clinton, because they are all Cheney, with the possible option that they are all Hillary-Cheney (There's a scary slash.)

Hillary is Bush.

I think that Joss' attack on Hillary Clinton did not begin with Bruckner. I think that Hillary was Glory, or Glory was Hillary, and that was the point of Ben is Glory. I know this because I have laid the groundwork for people in real life many times of how Bush is Clinton, and they get it, and say 'Oh, I get it' and then later, it's like it never happened. I think I told my mom several times about it, and she'd get it, and then she'd revert later to 'If only we could get a democrat in.' A few weeks ago I was talking to her and she said "Oh, I was just reading something online, and I came to a realization: Bush is Clinton." I felt like I was in a Spike/Xander moment.

Anyway, to what degree this is true, you must decide for yourself, but I'm telling you right now, keep an eye out for this one:

Ben is Glory, Glory is Ben. Bush is Clinton, Clinton is Bush.

There's not one Bush policy I cna think of that Clinton didn't try to put into effect, that I have any reason to suspect that Hillary wouldn't continue.

Plus, there are Democrat flaws you have to consider. Bush basically has a failing, or that is to say, Cheney who is Cheney, has a flaw. Okay, he has many, but one that really matters:

He's a coward.

This is the real story of the hunting. Cheney lost it because he thought he was in 'Nam. I mean, he went on a hunt where the hunters *drive* to the prey which has had it's wings clipped and was pen-raised. This is a man who is afraid of life. This is a man to whom a sporting event of bird torture which is completely rigged in his favor causes him to panick and shoot his friend.

Because Cheney is a coward, he under-attacked Iraq. For this, the whole world should be thankful. If Cheney had been Kerry, he would have killed millions of Iraqis instead of 30,000 (Iraq Body Count's number.) He would have done this by going into it whole hog, instead of just 1.2 a hog, or a 1/4 hog, or maybe just a squiggly tail.

Hillary is not a coward. She intends to invade Iran with gusto. She's going to out-man the man. She'll have a million men on the ground, nuclear weapons, the whole 9-yards.

She'll win, sure. That's what democrats do, they win. They win wars. They do whatever they have to to win a war. If Johnson had stayed president we would have won in Vietnam.

But winning a war is a really bad idea. The Tao perspective I posted earlier is essentially that if you win a war, that's a sign you have lost yourself. You continued, when compromise was possible, when you should have stopped.

If you look at the wars we've won, the casualty cost has been absurd. My guess is that Johnson would have won in Vietnam with a 1/4 million Americans dead, and millions more Vietnamese. Truman might have won in Korea by dropping a couple of nuclear bombs on it, as he did with Japan.

Republicans, for our part, don't win wars. I guess we are more like the French than we like to admit :) I can think of two off-hand, the Civil War, an example of going too far, and Kuwait. But if Bush Sr. had been a democrat he would have pushed into Iraq. Anyway, we lost the Russian Civil War, Korea, Vietnam. Oh, we own the Spanish-American War, but again, like Kuwait, this was a small war.

Hillary will go into Iran and kill millions of people. This is probably the best reason to oppose her.

Sorry for the long rant, but you touched a nerve which is this one, which for some reason the left seems to have this notion that somehow the Democratic party is the party of peace, and republican party is the party of war. The democrats, historically, have the lion's share of war, historically, and well over 90% of the total human casualties, including the only use of nuclear weapons.

Finally, before someone comes in and says "oh republicans get the most American casualties for the Civil War" remember this: Lincoln was only president of half of the United States, and it was not he who started this war. Jefferson Davis was a democrat, and president of the other half of the United States, and he did start the war. I think we get to share this one. But certainly, for the entirety of the 20th century, the democrats far far outpaced republicans in the rush to war. Usually, a republican victory has heralded the end to the present military conflict, and of the dozen major military conflicts in the 20th century which were undertaken by the US, only one was initiated by a republican, and 9 were ended by republicans.

Bush aside. And I do take Bush aside, because I think he's really Clinton. He's Hillary Clinton to be specific.

Point of fact: Hillary Clinton, who recently said "Bush is the worst president this country has ever had." Lest you think that was anything but political posturing: Hillary herself has voted for, in favor of, almost every key policy of this administration. A curious move for someone who think's it's the worst ever policy. Not only did she vote for a war in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and the Patriot Act, but she even voted for the little piddling things like No Child Left Behind. Not only did she vote for all these policies, she actively campaigned for some of them. This is hardly surprising since they were her policies, because she's Bush.


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:01 PM



2004 was my first election (I know, I'm an infant), and I was reduced to choosing the lesser of two evils.

Did you succeed?


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:03 PM



Would interns be safe w/ her in the White House?

No, but on the other hand being a prostitute will be a prerequisite for application, so there's hardly much to corrupt.


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:10 PM



I'm not reaching here. Everyone does know that it was Hillary Clinton who actually did introduce the resolution condemning Iran. If this come to war, it is *HER* war.


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:44 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I try to follow your reasoning Bush = Hillary but you lost me a while ago. Both are ambitious political opportunists but that's the only similarity I can find.

Dubya is run by the neo-cons. Hillary hasn't tapped into that circle. Dubya is part of a well-connected political/economic machine. Hillary is pretty much white trash from the boondocks. Both cater to wealthy groups, but they are different groups.

As to Bill Clinton having 'hundreds' of sex partners and Hillary accommodating it, that topic was not something I ever paid attention to. I have no independent source of information about it and so can't respond with any opinion.

And I truly don't believe Vince Foster was murdered.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Friday, February 17, 2006 8:51 PM


The Clintons were in some groups in the 70s for movers and shakers, I forget the names, but they were the same circles the neocons came from.

At the end of the 70s the neocons left the democratic party to become republicans, and the two halves didn't speak until the Bush Sr. years.

Here are some key timeline things you need about neocons.

50s Some commies start to move towards socialism

60s These neo-socialists form think tanks, with a lot of names in them that you would recognize, like Paul Wolfowitz, they then join with the democratic party.

70s, neo-soc. become the social democrats, try for a decade to elect candidates, and fail.

late 70s half of the neo-soc. set goes to the republican party, and is dubbed neo-con.


Some social democrats become unconvinced of Carter's willingness to take the agenda all the way, and organize the christians into a church voting block to support a hand picked frontman, ronald reagan, against the republican front-runner g.h.w. bush. A big fight ensues, ending in reagan/bush.

1988 Neocons again try to upset g.h.w. bush, fail, so join him. Bush uses a few key terms 'NWO' etc., but never fully buys in. Eventually they decided he's a carter, not willing to go all the way, they start talking to their old neo-soc friends who are still democrats. This means DiFi, Nem Nelson, Joe Lieberman et al. Together they create Clinton, who worked with them in the 70s at some point. The Clinton campaign is born. They use the same sort of mob tactics to derail the Democratic 1992 primary that they've become so good at.

Towards the end of Clinton, the neocons seemingly split off of Clinton again to oppose him. The thing is, I don't think they really did. They knew Clinton was running out, Gore was unpopular, and they probably thought they could do better by gaining full control over a Bush. Bush was chosen because there was a lot of feeling in the south of "Clinton sucks, let's go back to Bush." They created the illusion of "Back to Bush." But the fallacy that this is an opposition is that Cheney was VP on the ticket. Cheney was the de facto head of PNAC, and the CEO of Halliburton who had worked with Clinton to merge Halliburton into a permanent role in the US military, and then had used the new Hallimilitary in the Kosovo pipeline war and the unsung Iraq war III. The '98-'99 conflict, and the uss cole bombing, all of this was to be a big war, but it ran into problems at home, so it was put off until Bush was president.

The simple fact that Bush told Jeanine Pirro to stand down and not oppose Hillary '06 for Senate is proof enough that Bush is Clinton. I had come to this conclusion some time before that happened, but Bush's position that Hillary was 'unbeatable' and that it 'wasn't worth the effort' are amazingly suspect. Hillary is not a New Yorker, and isn't very popular here. Pirro had a solid chance. A dead rabbit had a decent chance.


And I truly don't believe Vince Foster was murdered.

Oh dear.

I think this is a lot of work to convince you of, and I'm wondering if it's worth the effort. I am very sure, and I'm sure I have the evidence. I'm also sure it's out there on the web.

1. The night of his death, shortly after his death, someone broke into his office and destroyed all of his files.

2. The report on the scene did not identify anything consistant with the later propoosed suicide (gunshot to the head) such as: Blood, powder burns.

3. It was widely believed that he was about to testify against her.

Here's a re-paste of what I sent in an email to limi on the subject: (Normally I wouldn't do this, but I don't want to make the argument all over again)


Hillary killed Foster to prevent him from destroying the power base which they had. It was one of those classic stories, three people make a pact to take over, and two people later decide to kick the third person out because, well, he wasn't evil enough. So

Hillary decided that Vince was going to testify against her, and the whole empire would come crumbling down. I don't know if she was sleeping with him at the time, but she had been, while Bill had been out and about making the prostitution rounds. I posted

something to the forum about this and someone said 'oh, he committed suicide.' In case you believe that, here are some pieces of info about the case:

1. Vince Foster was found in the forest where he had been descibed as having no major physcial trauma, such as a gunshot wound to the head, that he was supposed to have died of, or any powder burns.
2. The crew that found the body noted that there were no cameras available, recorded this fact in the report, yet later, pictures appeared.
3. The pictures showed A man, face not visible, and identified in writing as Foster, lying in the leaves with a gun in his hand.
4. In the pictures, leaves are in the wrong season, and the man holds the gun in his right hand, in spite of the fact that he had just shot himself, and would have dropped the gun by muscle reflex.
5. Vince Foster was left-handed.

Strangely, Bill and Hillary Clinton called the corner's office and the death was immediately ruled a suicide before an autopsy could be performed, and they then blocked an investigation into Foster's death. Odd behavior for life-long friends. The sort of this you might do if you had actually killed the man. I really racked my brain, and I can't come up with any other circumastance to explain the series of events that took place which wouldn't be really flakey and unrealistic. Also, my brother, a lawyer and a really smart guy, had reviewed the case files, and he's a democrat, voted for Clinton, and is vehemently opposed to conspiracy theories in general, and he was convinced that she had killed him.

W is not a well connected part of a political machine. He's a well chosen front man for a group of neocons, who more or less work alone. They really don't mix all that much with the regular political set.

The idea that they are not one and the same is an illusion created to keep the bait and switch going. Hillary is pretty much in charge now, or the agenda she supports, which is why she never votes against it. She suddenly needs to set herself up as the opposition so when people are disgusted with Bush they turn and vote against whatever republican there is and so they re-elect Hillary.

I think part of where you're going awry is that you are considering that who Bush is is in any way relevent. Bush isn't really president. He has no executive power of his own. This has been proven an endless number of times by his inability to reverse a decision which is unpopular. He does this not because he is a moron, but because he has no power. They tell him what he can do, and they don't want him to be popular, they want him to be so unpopular that we lose so Hillary can be in the Whitehouse again. And the 'They' in question here is the neocons and their social democrat friends. Team Evil as I call them collectively.

The idea that Bush ascended the political ladder is absurd. Bush was dragged up the political ladder in a coked up unconscious stupor. The fact that both Bush and Clinton were involved in cocaine trafficking within a hundred miles of one another should also help tie them together. The fact that the policies of the Bush administration *are* the policies of the Clinton administration which is why Bush can quote Clinton all the time to support his arguments, and why Bush kept more Clinton employees than any other shakeup in history.

Also, what is Vince Foster, a lovesick teenager? I mean seriously, he's one of the senior partners, who has been offered immunity in exchange for testimony. All he needs to do is not die, and everything is his. So suddenly, in the dead of night, he walks out to the woods, with a gun in his right hand, and dies without shooting himself. His lifelong friends express no concern.

What this sounds like is that you've been getting one half of the news, a half which doesn't want to look into what the Clintons have been up to. Did you know that Clinton killed more people in his wars than Bush? Possibly by a factor of ten?

Not that it matters, because Bush is Clinton. Just a more inept Clinton. Perhaps because Cheney is drinking more than he used to. But lawyers are clearly still in season.



Friday, February 17, 2006 9:06 PM



Powerful political figures and senior partners in lawfirms don't commit suicide at critical points when their testimony can swing the balance which ever way they choose.

Just a hunch.

This policy of people who threaten the administration suddenly becoming lovesick teens has continued under Bush. Two political opponents of John Bolton committed suicide. One managed to kill himself by throwing himself off of a place that he did not have the top level of security clearance that he needed in order to get to it. A superior cleared the secrurity for him, and deleted the record, but didn't see him commit suicide. This may be because he was already dead.

There was a guy who worked for the british govt. who was left a message saying that if it got out that Blair had fabricated intelligence, that he would be found dead in the woods. The significance of thise was increased when he was found dead in the woods.

Either we have a group of people on the inside who agree with out resistance to the evil policies of our govts who have chosen to unite their cause by the highly ineffectual method of become the suicide squad, or something fishy is going on. Since a large number of people disappeared after opposing Clinton as governor, and he didn't investigate their murders, ordered investigations stopped, papers shredded, and pardoned people who were in prison for murder and drug running other than just his brother - I'd have to say he's a very suspect individual. But he's also Bush.

But the problem Bush is Clinton has is not that it has no basis in fact. It's that virtually everyone voted at least once for one or the other, and none of those people want to believe it. Doesn't make it not true.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:31 PM



This funny idea hasn't gotten enough attention.


Friday, October 6, 2023 9:34 AM


Bill was probably a manic for sex but maybe something was up with the whole Prince Adrew thing, was something there to set him up?

Video of Bill Clinton getting interrogated over his Jeffrey Epstein

War distracted from a sex play scandal at the Whitehouse

the British Iranian Christiane Amanpour the pro-islamist pro-jihadi pro-Muslim in Bosnia cheering as Serbs were bombed is almost getting sexually excited while she hears of this Clockwork Orange 'Barbie' Candyman Lab Rats Total Recall Matrix style Mind Control idea

Hillary Clinton calls for 'formal deprogramming' of Trump supporters

Kathy Shelton an American sexual assault survivor, defendant in her 1975 case was represented by Hillary Clinton (then Rodham)

How 'weird' is Hillary

just a tv show?
The Circle of the Black Thorn was an evil secret society controlled by the Senior Partners and is commanded by a group of humans, demons, and vampires who sought to control Earth, and in someways succeeded. They were the main antagonistic faction in the fifth and final televised season of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off TV series, Angel.
one of them a California senator, client of the law firm Wolfram & Hart and, secretly, a demon

Sodom and Gomorrah were two biblical cities?

Hillary Clinton Has Sexually Explicit Book of Satanic Glass Porn
Bizarre book appeared in photo posted by former Democrat presidential candidate
The book’s cover features a winged female demon with exposed breasts and high heels smoking from a long pipe.
According to a description on Amazon, the hardcover book, which runs anywhere from $50 to $70, reportedly contains art depicting “carnavalesque orgies, crystalline incubi and erotic fantasies in glass.”
Other works by Bubacco found via Google show a woman performing bestiality with a swan, two male devils fornicating, devils drinking cups of what appears to be blood and other glass art with satanic references.
“I wonder why she would have a book by a satanic ‘erotic glass artist’?” one Twitter user asked.
The 2018 book, “Erotics,” by artist Lucio Bubacco, appeared in a photo uploaded to social media by the former First Lady taken in her study as she announced her new podcast “You and Me Both.”

In 2019, retired commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Saeed Qassemi spoke of his and his comrades' participation as combatants in the mass murders of the Bosnian War, with him having been disguised as staff of the Iranian Red Crescent Society.

I don't think she is a demon but she is weird, lacks morality and at times is very Anti-American


Friday, October 6, 2023 12:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
1. Hillary Clinton had Vince Foster, her longterm friend, partner in crime, and extra-marital lover, murdered in cold blood to protect her ambition. I am as certain of this as I am of anything.

2. From the character perspective, this tells you everything you need to know. This is a woman whose ambition knows no bounds, and hears no voice of reason. She is completely devoid of a moral compass.

3. It might interest people to know that it was Hillary who hired Monica, and that according to Bill Clinton's own driver, and backed up independently by a member of his own security detail, Clinton had over a hundred women, hookers and sex-subjects. Initially they tried to keep this from Hillary, but it became clear that she didn't care. While this may seem like not that big a deal, it does tell you something curious about her, and it also lets you know that she knew that this was going to happen when she hired Monica, which may indicate that she hired Monica to keep Bill busy.

4. I want to add a detail of speculative theory here. Since Hillary did not care how many women Bill slept with, but she did hire Monica, most likely to keep him busy, that she had a vested interest in Bill not behaving like Bill while president of the united states. If this is true, it would of course be ambition that would drive her, she did not want him to screw it up for her.

5. If it increases her personal power, even once president of the United States, Hillary would do absolutely anything.

6. Also, Hillary is part of "Team Evil" and always has been. Though some people give me flack for this, it does mean something, regardless of how evil these people are or how much power they hold, everyone on the team will always follow the team agenda.

This means:

a. Hillary will invade Iran, regardless of what transpires in between now and then.

b. Hillary will spend large amounts of the people's money making her friends rich.

c. Never listen to the voice of the actual people.

7. Joss ***HATES*** her. He really really does. I've never seen anyone in a TV show that was a demon that was so obviously an actual person as an intentional attack as the whole Bruckner thing.


I think she's better than Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice (I don't she's an active sociopath) but probably worse than McCain.

For my part, I think she is worse than Dick Cheney, who, afterall, ownly shot someone inadventently.


Yes, she's one of those Democratic demons that attack other countries without cause, bomb two into the stone age, and ... oh wait, wrong party.

Rue, Rue, Rue, Rue, Rue...

Okay, how do I break this sad news.

1. It *is* the democrats, historically, who bomb countries into oblivion. Need I remind you about Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (Clinton), Serbia, Haiti. We (Republicans) are the party that bombs *Iraq* into the ground, specifically, no one else ;)

But seriously, a historical check will show you that pre-W, the democrats are, and have always been, far more warlike that the GOP. The only GOP military actions tend to be light and quick. The longest being the Civil War (the major exception) and Nixon's continuation of Vietnam, but even that was much less combative, much lower casualties. I firmly believe that Nixon, if elected in 1960, (wasn't he?) would never have gone into war in Vietnam. I can't blame him for not knowing how to handle a quagmire that he inherited. I don't envy the person who inherits our mess in Iraq.

And Rue,

I hope you're still reading...


That she's not Bush & Halliburton is a strong recommendation. But it's all she's got.

But she IS!

Cheney was, and still is, a personal friend of the Clintons. This is why we are in this mess. The Govt.-Mil-Haliburton merger was not put together by George W. Bush, it was put together by Bill Clinton. Clinton is Bush, and Bush is Clinton, because they are all Cheney, with the possible option that they are all Hillary-Cheney (There's a scary slash.)

Hillary is Bush.

I think that Joss' attack on Hillary Clinton did not begin with Bruckner. I think that Hillary was Glory, or Glory was Hillary, and that was the point of Ben is Glory. I know this because I have laid the groundwork for people in real life many times of how Bush is Clinton, and they get it, and say 'Oh, I get it' and then later, it's like it never happened. I think I told my mom several times about it, and she'd get it, and then she'd revert later to 'If only we could get a democrat in.' A few weeks ago I was talking to her and she said "Oh, I was just reading something online, and I came to a realization: Bush is Clinton." I felt like I was in a Spike/Xander moment.

Anyway, to what degree this is true, you must decide for yourself, but I'm telling you right now, keep an eye out for this one:

Ben is Glory, Glory is Ben. Bush is Clinton, Clinton is Bush.

There's not one Bush policy I cna think of that Clinton didn't try to put into effect, that I have any reason to suspect that Hillary wouldn't continue.

Plus, there are Democrat flaws you have to consider. Bush basically has a failing, or that is to say, Cheney who is Cheney, has a flaw. Okay, he has many, but one that really matters:

He's a coward.

This is the real story of the hunting. Cheney lost it because he thought he was in 'Nam. I mean, he went on a hunt where the hunters *drive* to the prey which has had it's wings clipped and was pen-raised. This is a man who is afraid of life. This is a man to whom a sporting event of bird torture which is completely rigged in his favor causes him to panick and shoot his friend.

Because Cheney is a coward, he under-attacked Iraq. For this, the whole world should be thankful. If Cheney had been Kerry, he would have killed millions of Iraqis instead of 30,000 (Iraq Body Count's number.) He would have done this by going into it whole hog, instead of just 1.2 a hog, or a 1/4 hog, or maybe just a squiggly tail.

Hillary is not a coward. She intends to invade Iran with gusto. She's going to out-man the man. She'll have a million men on the ground, nuclear weapons, the whole 9-yards.

She'll win, sure. That's what democrats do, they win. They win wars. They do whatever they have to to win a war. If Johnson had stayed president we would have won in Vietnam.

But winning a war is a really bad idea. The Tao perspective I posted earlier is essentially that if you win a war, that's a sign you have lost yourself. You continued, when compromise was possible, when you should have stopped.

If you look at the wars we've won, the casualty cost has been absurd. My guess is that Johnson would have won in Vietnam with a 1/4 million Americans dead, and millions more Vietnamese. Truman might have won in Korea by dropping a couple of nuclear bombs on it, as he did with Japan.

Republicans, for our part, don't win wars. I guess we are more like the French than we like to admit :) I can think of two off-hand, the Civil War, an example of going too far, and Kuwait. But if Bush Sr. had been a democrat he would have pushed into Iraq. Anyway, we lost the Russian Civil War, Korea, Vietnam. Oh, we own the Spanish-American War, but again, like Kuwait, this was a small war.

Hillary will go into Iran and kill millions of people. This is probably the best reason to oppose her.

Sorry for the long rant, but you touched a nerve which is this one, which for some reason the left seems to have this notion that somehow the Democratic party is the party of peace, and republican party is the party of war. The democrats, historically, have the lion's share of war, historically, and well over 90% of the total human casualties, including the only use of nuclear weapons.

Finally, before someone comes in and says "oh republicans get the most American casualties for the Civil War" remember this: Lincoln was only president of half of the United States, and it was not he who started this war. Jefferson Davis was a democrat, and president of the other half of the United States, and he did start the war. I think we get to share this one. But certainly, for the entirety of the 20th century, the democrats far far outpaced republicans in the rush to war. Usually, a republican victory has heralded the end to the present military conflict, and of the dozen major military conflicts in the 20th century which were undertaken by the US, only one was initiated by a republican, and 9 were ended by republicans.

Bush aside. And I do take Bush aside, because I think he's really Clinton. He's Hillary Clinton to be specific.

Point of fact: Hillary Clinton, who recently said "Bush is the worst president this country has ever had." Lest you think that was anything but political posturing: Hillary herself has voted for, in favor of, almost every key policy of this administration. A curious move for someone who think's it's the worst ever policy. Not only did she vote for a war in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and the Patriot Act, but she even voted for the little piddling things like No Child Left Behind. Not only did she vote for all these policies, she actively campaigned for some of them. This is hardly surprising since they were her policies, because she's Bush.

I miss Dreamtrove. Being half-crazy, he saw things more clearly than most of us.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, October 6, 2023 2:01 PM



Hillary Clinton: "There Needs To Be A Formal Deprogramming" Of The Trump Cult Members

Suck my dick, Killary. Your party is dead, and karma is not going to forget what you've done and all the lives you've ruined.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.






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