Bush has approved A Middle Eastern Company in Dubai to take over U.S Port security

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 23:46
VIEWED: 6060
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:56 PM


do I really need to say more,Dubai also has ties to Al qaeda.

The Bush administration would sell people in their own family for the right price do you really think they give a damn about the average American....

Michael Chertoff, homeland security secretary, said on Sunday that the Bush administration had approved the sale of the British firm P&O, which manages six US ports including New York, to Dubai Ports World after a classified review.

"You can be assured that before a deal is approved we put safeguards in place, assurances in place, that make everybody comfortable that we are where we need to be from a national security viewpoint," Chertoff said on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

But Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican senate member, said it was a mistake for the administration to approve the sale and called on Congress to investigate it.

"It's unbelievably tone deaf politically at this point in our history, four years after 9/11, to entertain the idea of turning port security over to a company based in the UAE who avows to destroy Israel," Graham said on Fox News Sunday.

"I don't think now is the time to outsource major port security to a foreign-based company," he said.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:09 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


So you're saying all Muslims are terrorists and are not to be trusted? How enlightened of you.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:41 PM


OH Geeeeeezzzzzzeeeer sighs and bats eyes

can you stick with the topic, and not try to make this about something it isn't , my guess is you've been listening to Oxycotin Limbaugh and Hannity's talking points all day long, lets just stick with Bush has approved a company in Dubai with ties to Al qaeda to take over the security of U.S ports, I know this is the kind of thing you support, ( you probably think this will make the rapture happen or something)

but can you just for once stick to the topic, your not fooling anyone( certainly not me) like I said, I know all the little tricks you neocons(just a fancy word for NAZI) try to pull it won't work on me so give it up!!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

It's all part of the Master Plan of the NWO to overthrow USA, just like NAFTA SHAFTA, just like giving US highways to King of Spain and Australia for GPS taxation-by-the-mile to turn your car into a TAXicab:


"The President's gone insane," says 9/11 dad

by Jimmy Vielkind
New York Daily News
February 20, 2006

Peter Gadiel just doesn't get it.

How, asks Gadiel, whose son James died in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, can a company owned by a terror-linked country get control of our nation's ports?

"I'm a lifelong Republican and I think the President's gone insane," said Gadiel, 58, who heads 9/11 Families for a Secure America.

Two of the 19 9/11 hijackers were citizens of Dubai, the Arab emirate whose bid to run ports in New York, New Jersey and four other cities was okayed by the White House even though investigators have found signs that money used to finance terrorism flowed through Dubai banks.

"How the hell could this happen?" fumed Bill Doyle, 58, a retired Staten Island stockbroker whose son Joseph also died when the Trade Center fell.

"We're not securing our country in any way by selling our ports to foreigners," he said.

Gadiel and Doyle stood with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D- .Y.) yesterday at the harbor to express their outrage.

Bruse DeCell, 55, whose son-in-law died in the attacks, said that homeland security should be the highest concern when approving the activities of foreign business interests.

"This administration is putting the selling of our country on a fast track," he said. "There are a lot of loose ends that caused 9/11 to happen. I'm trying to close them."

Only 5% of the cargo containers entering U.S. ports are inspected, said Schumer, who has called for upgrades in port security for years.

What do you expect when Sir George Bush Sr Treasonous Knight of the British Empire is business partners with the Saudi royal family, the British royal family, and the Bin Laden family in Carlyle Group/Universal Studios/NBC News... Bush Jr's first business partner was Salem Bin Laden, brother to USAma, in ArBUSTo Oil in Texas. On 9/11/2001. Bush sr was eating breakfast with Shafig Bin Laden, brother to USAma, in Washington DC with Carlyle Group. Marvin Bush was running security at World Trade Center and Boston airport on 9/11/2001...


W aides' biz ties to Arab firm

New York Daily News
February 21, 2006

WASHINGTON - The Dubai firm that won Bush administration backing to run six U.S. ports has at least two ties to the White House.

One is Treasury Secretary John Snow, whose agency heads the federal panel that signed off on the $6.8 billion sale of an English company to government-owned Dubai Ports World - giving it control of Manhattan's cruise ship terminal and Newark's container port.

Snow was chairman of the CSX rail firm that sold its own international port operations to DP World for $1.15 billion in 2004, the year after Snow left for President Bush's cabinet.

The other connection is David Sanborn, who runs DP World's European and Latin American operations and was tapped by Bush last month to head the U.S. Maritime Administration.

The ties raised more concerns about the decision to give port control to a company owned by a nation linked to the 9/11 hijackers.

"The more you look at this deal, the more the deal is called into question," said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who said the deal was rubber-stamped in advance - even before DP World formally agreed to buy London's P&O port company.

Besides operations in New York and Jersey, Dubai would also run port facilities in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Baltimore and Miami.

The political fallout over the deal only grows.

"It's particularly troubling that the United States would turn over its port security not only to a foreign company, but a state-owned one," said western New York's Rep. Tom Reynolds, chairman of the National Republican Campaign Committee. Reynolds is responsible for helping Republicans keep their majority in the House.

Snow's Treasury Department runs the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S., which includes 11 other agencies.

"It always raises flags" when administration officials have ties to a firm, Rep. Vito Fossella (R-S.I.) said, but insisted that stopping the deal was more important.

The Daily News has learned that lawmakers also want to know if a detailed 45-day probe should have been conducted instead of one that lasted no more than 25 days.

According to a 1993 congressional measure, the longer review is mandated when the company is owned by a foreign government and the purchase "could result in control of a person engaged in interstate commerce in the U.S. that could affect the national security of the U.S."

Congressional sources said the President has until March 2 to trigger that harder look.

"The most important thing is for someone to explain how this is consistent with our national security," Fossella said.

See also:

Commie China owns US ports & Panama Canal; British Empire annexes USA; Mafia sank NY ship then hired to protect docks in WW2; Bush Gang sued under RICO Act for perping 9/11 terror massacres:

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:03 PM



.It's all part of the Master Plan of the NWO to overthrow USA, just like NAFTA SHAFTA, just like giving US highways to King of Spain and Australia for GPS taxation-by-the-mile to turn your car into a TAXicab

Commie China owns US ports & Panama Canal; British Empire annexes USA; Mafia sank NY ship then hired to protect docks in WW2; Bush Gang sued under RICO Act for perping 9/11 terror massacres:

sort of off topic but you bring up some interesting points, America is a country that doesn't really make or produce anything anymore, and the world is becomming less nationlistic and more globally oriented like it or not because we don't have a choice so it seems.


.What do you expect when Sir George Bush Sr Treasonous Knight of the British Empire is business partners with the Saudi royal family, the British royal family, and the Bin Laden family

well of course , I personally don't think that 9/11 was an accident, I think that Bush and co knew all about it and helped make it happen, the Bin Laden's and the Bush's are old family friends and has Bush ever even tried to get Bin Laden?? the answer to that is .....NO


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:36 PM


They are buying the company that already manages the port. That company is not responsable for port security, that job is the Coast Guard's


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:40 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
They are buying the company that already manages the port. That company is not responsable for port security, that job is the Coast Guard's

yeah and our coast guard is so effective that nothing gets through our ports that shouldn't

so are you saying just because they are buying the company that you have no problems with this!! or are you just making a statement.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:05 PM


It's just a disconnect. It's like saying that if somebody else buys your building that you have more chance of being mugged in the street. P&O are not currently running port security, the new company wont be either, it's like saying your new landlord isn't as good at solving streetcrime as your old one. Unless you sublet from Eliot Ness I don't think the facts are connected.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:12 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
It's just a disconnect. It's like saying that if somebody else buys your building that you have more chance of being mugged in the street. P&O are not currently running port security, the new company wont be either, it's like saying your new landlord isn't as good at solving streetcrime as your old one. Unless you sublet from Eliot Ness I don't think the facts are connected.

answer the question,PLEASE!!!

DO YOU, I'm asking you, personally, do you or do you not have a problem with this!!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:50 PM


No, I don't see that it's a problem as long as security remains with the US Government.

The UAE and others in that area fly wide bodied passenger jets into NY and Chicago airports several times a week. If they wanted to hurt folks they could 9/11 probably 50 places in one day. If security is an issue I don't see that it's going to be any different.

If this is an economic question, ie American assets sold abroad that already happened P&O is a British company.

I have to ask you Jenny what you think happens to all that money that you pay these people for oil? Do you think it all goes on gold plated bath fixtures? It ends up being used to buy assets abroad even in the US. You say in effect "in exchange for your valuable oil we give you our valuable greenbacks." If later you stop them from using that money to buy things they want then those "very valuable dollars" no longer look to be so valuable. It's like scrip, a kind of fake money that some industrial robber barons used to use to pay workers back in the 1800's. It could only be used in company stores that charged higher prices for the same commodity. In the end it was outlawed. If you pay someone for a service or product you cant do that and then deny them the right to spend their money where they like.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:55 PM



Thanks for the back reference to my earlier thread. Best old threads be kept alive to lower the spin.

But you can't seriously be taking this position that Al Qaeda and its backers are suddenly to be trusted. Here's a small piece of advice: And I apologize for the crudity, but I dont know a better way to say this: Remove your head from Bush's ass. Since the only other supporters of the idea his own staff, who, everyone knows right, have corrupt deals with the buyer, are two democrats Carter and Lieberman?

Because Bush is a democrat. Don't follow this guy down his little pit into hell. Pick out some good republicans you agree with, the Senate is full of talented individuals, all of whom are smarter than Bush. The few I vehemently disagree with most of the time, such as Jeff Sessions of Alabama, are much smarter than Bush. Myself, I have a fair number I look to for decent perspectives on the situations as they develop. Here's why: 1) These guys are really sharp and do thorough research, and 2) They have access to information that we on the outside don't, and so they're starting at an advantage. I don't follow them like people who watch Hannity and Colmes, but I listen to what they say.

The UAE, a country I have great respect for, which is being so nice as to let us use their ports, for which we have rewarded them with this deal, in violation of US law, does not hold the appropriate status to own US ports. National securty issues are only allowed to be addressed by top level allies who have proven a) an undying loyalty to the United States, and b) a level of security equal to our own.

While I certianly by no means want to support an invasion of the UAE, and actually I hold them in some esteem for an arabian nation, you have to consider that before they let us use their ports, they were letting Al Qaeda use them, and are suspected of funding the september 11th terrorist attacks. This indicated a) a lack of undying loyalty to the united states, and b) a level of security not equal to our own.

Here's an idea of who might hold this level of clearance (there is an actual list, which I don't have, but the UAE is not on it,) How about: Japan, Korea, England, Australia. These are nations that not only assist our military, they support us every time, even when we are dead wrong.

I really have to suspect the motives of anyone who solidly sides with Bush all of the time. I think a logical objective individual of any political perspective would find fault with any politician some of the time, and it's hard or more impossible, for me to imagine the existance of a political position that would not lead someone to oppose Bush at least 75% of the time. At least. As an absolute bare minimum. I think if you were a diehard globalist socialist neocon, you could maybe find one thing in four to agree with him on.

My suspicions of people who support Bush all the time are that they do not think for themselves, but fall into one of the following categories:

1. They are somehow in the direct pay of the administration, or their income relies on the support of the administration's policies.

2. They get all of their information from members of group 1. (above) Sadly, as of late, this includes Hannity and O'Reilly

3. They are members of a Christian lunatic fringe who believes that Bush is the ruler who overcomes, as mentioned in the beginning of the revelation of Saint John the Divine.

None of these groups is really above or below the other. As for myself, I find it hard to find a president I agree with 100% of the time. I think my best matches are TR, JQA, and Coolidge. Eisenhower, Nixon are close, and Bush Sr. is pretty close (75%) Regan is probably 65% or so for me. By contrast, Bush is about 25%, probably no better or little better %wise than Clinton. Carter is probably the dem president I most approve of, maybe 40% of the time. Truman is probably 10% of so. (I agree that the Buck does stop there. And that communism was a threat.)

But Bush supporters are 100% lockstep spin. It's like something out of a horror flick.

And I don't mean this as an assault on you Geezer, I'm just saying, because I see it a lot. Just let go. Bush, he ain't the Messiah. He's just a bad pick for a candidate, and once you know how he was picked, you begin to doubt the whole thing, and once you doubt, you see all of the B^\\Sh*+ for what it is.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:07 PM



Posted by, well guess:

What do you expect when Sir George Bush Sr Treasonous Knight of the British Empire is business partners with the Saudi royal family, the British royal family, and the Bin Laden family in Carlyle Group/Universal Studios/NBC News... Bush Jr's first business partner was Salem Bin Laden, brother to USAma, in ArBUSTo Oil in Texas. On 9/11/2001. Bush sr was eating breakfast with Shafig Bin Laden, brother to USAma, in Washington DC with Carlyle Group. Marvin Bush was running security at World Trade Center and Boston airport on 9/11/2001...

All of this is not news, but there's not a lot of reason to suspect that these aren't the good guys, and that Osama's transgressions were not his own.

The conspiracy theory has failed to connect. And if it ever does, it's not going to do much. What more does it add to say that Bush is responsible for 9/11, even if true? Bush's own treason has already far exceeded this. He has intentionally aided Al Qaeda many times in Iraq, leaving them free weapons, endlessly helping them with his war, intentionally or not, to become a real threat. I'm always on the fence about this, but ultimately, I don't see the point.

The issue here is whether or not Bush is a horrid enemy of America, intentionally. Objectively, Bush is hurting America, whether he means to or not, and what does it matter? Isn't rampant incompetence just as bad as actual malicious intent?

I guess at this point, my opinion of Bush is so low that my opinion of him might actually go UP if someone convinced me he had planned the 9/11 attacks, not because I in anyway support an attack on New York, of course, but I have to say that to avoid the flaming trolls, but because it would mean that he actually was capable of putting a plan into action and executing, something that at the present time I don't even thingm Dick Cheney is capable of. I think what we have is pseudo-socialist blind idealists married to christian end-times neo-crusaders and corrupt oil-prince-kissers of oil-opoly. And collectively, they are a bungling bunch of morons.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:42 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
No, I don't see that it's a problem as long as security remains with the US Government.

The UAE and others in that area fly wide bodied passenger jets into NY and Chicago airports several times a week. If they wanted to hurt folks they could 9/11 probably 50 places in one day. If security is an issue I don't see that it's going to be any different.

If this is an economic question, ie American assets sold abroad that already happened P&O is a British company.

I have to ask you Jenny what you think happens to all that money that you pay these people for oil? Do you think it all goes on gold plated bath fixtures? It ends up being used to buy assets abroad even in the US. You say in effect "in exchange for your valuable oil we give you our valuable greenbacks." If later you stop them from using that money to buy things they want then those "very valuable dollars" no longer look to be so valuable. It's like scrip, a kind of fake money that some industrial robber barons used to use to pay workers back in the 1800's. It could only be used in company stores that charged higher prices for the same commodity. In the end it was outlawed. If you pay someone for a service or product you cant do that and then deny them the right to spend their money where they like.

Thanks for answering the question, from the way you were heming and hawing I figured you didn't so its great to get a straight answer.

I guess time will tell, wether its a good idea or not, I personally think its not good!!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:57 PM



The issue here is whether or not Bush is a horrid enemy of America, intentionally. Objectively, Bush is hurting America, whether he means to or not, and what does it matter? Isn't rampant incompetence just as bad as actual malicious intent?]...

I don't think that Bush and his administration are incompetent, I think 99.9% of everything they do is deliberate and planned. Their arrogance, spin, lack of ownership and respossiblity, and outright denial and, or whitewashing of incidents attest to that!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:30 AM



I don't think that Bush and his administration are incompetent, I think 99.9% of everything they do is deliberate and planned. Their arrogance, spin, lack of ownership and respossiblity, and outright denial and, or whitewashing of incidents attest to that!

I used to think so, but now I'm not so sure. I get the whole crooked agenda thing, but there are sevreral things I think that have happened that they didn't intend. I think it's just gone out of their control. They (Cheney, PNAC et al) thought they were geniuses, but in reality they're just B students.

Here's just a few things off the top of my head that I think haven't gone as planned:

1. They probably thought they'd be in control of Iraq by now. Even if all they're doing is stealing oil, they steal less oil by botching the invasion.

2. They probably thought they'd be in control of Congress. The Republican revolt has taken them aback. I think that Frist, Hastert and Boehner opposing the port deal isn't an actual revolt, it's Bush staging a revolt, adapting to the reality of having a list from Hagel & Chafee to Graham & Shelby.

3. They probably thought they wouldn't be under indictment for everything. They probably hoped no one would find out about most of their deals. The fact is that everything you and PN post, our Senators are already aware of, and they frequently use the information, subtely. The conspiracy has cleverly created the tinfoil hat image, and I've heard the term tossed about in a couple of sessions of congress. But they know.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:50 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
2. They get all of their information from members of group 1. (above) Sadly, as of late, this includes Hannity and O'Reilly

As of Tuesday, Sean Hannity was dead set against Bush's decision. I don't know if he's changed his mind since then.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
But Bush supporters are 100% lockstep spin. It's like something out of a horror flick.

Well, Dream, I consider myself a Bush supporter, but I don't think he's right all the time, and I currently disagree with him on this decision. I don't have access to all the information he does, however, so I might change my view if I did. As I see it now, though, I think it's dangerous to let any foreign business own control of one of our ports (even our beloved British cousins).

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
As for myself, I find it hard to find a president I agree with 100% of the time.

Regarding finding a president with whom I'd agree 100%, I can't think of any human being with which I agree 100%.

As an avid Bush supporter I will say he has made plenty of mistakes (who among us hasn't?), but I can't think of many people I'd rather see currently calling the shots than he.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I think my best matches are TR, JQA, and Coolidge. Eisenhower, Nixon are close, and Bush Sr. is pretty close (75%) Regan is probably 65% or so for me. By contrast, Bush is about 25%, probably no better or little better %wise than Clinton. Carter is probably the dem president I most approve of, maybe 40% of the time. Truman is probably 10% of so. (I agree that the Buck does stop there. And that communism was a threat.)

I disagree with much of what you say in these forums -- including your views on what you call "conservatism", but I find myself strangely agreeing with you on most of your favorite presidents. That scares me.

Although, I probably disagreed with Reagan as much as you have (about a third of the time), I'd have to list him as the overall best, with TR, Nixon, Lincoln, JQA & Coolidge up there, as well. Hoover was a good man, too, and got blamed for something over which he had no control (although, in hindsight, he certainly could've reacted better to it when it did happen).

My one big disagreement with your above list is Bush Sr. I voted for him, but never cared much for him. It was one of those "hold your nose and pick the lesser of two stinkers" votes.

BTW, I initially liked Carter in the late 70's, but my opinion on him has completely reversed, and I can't think of more Presidents who were worse than he -- nor have since done more harm to his country by speaking against it while abroad than he has.

My Dad thought Truman was the best thing since sliced bread. I have to admit I haven't studied his Presidency that much, so I'm unqualified to offer an opinion either way.

Incidentally, both of my parents were Democrats for over 40 years. However, both of them eventually left the Democratic party -- with my Dad registering Independent (shortly before he died), and my Mom becoming a Republican. If you want to know why they left the Democratic party after 40 years of faithful support, I can sum it up in one word: Clinton. After he was elected, neither of them wanted to be associated with that party again.

As such, I still maintain that Clinton was the best thing to happen to the Republican party.

BTW, Reagan was my first vote for President (although, as a teenager, I was out campaigning for Nixon in '72). I sorely miss the Gipper.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:10 AM



Originally posted by cartoon:
a horror flick.

Well, Dream, I consider myself a Bush supporter, but I don't think he's right all the time, and I currently disagree with him on this decision. I don't have access to all the information he does, however, so I might change my view if I did. As I see it now, though, I think it's dangerous to let any foreign business own control of one of our ports (even our beloved British cousins).

You're a wee bit late. P&O have been running those ports since 1999. That's what's going on here. A British company bought this stuff 7 years ago and is now being taken over by a Dubai company. It's not as if the Dubai company is buying it from a US company.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:15 AM



Originally posted by Fletch2:

You're a wee bit late. P&O have been running those ports since 1999. That's what's going on here.

I know that. That's why I mentioned "even the British". In other words, I'm not just saying this because it's the UAE. I don't think any foreign companies should be allowed to own U.S. ports.

Naturally, we can't go back and make people who already own them give them up. If we are going to prohibit foreign companies from owning them henceforth, however, the law should prohibit all of them, though -- not just some.

Just my opinion. No one listens to me, so it really doesn't matter.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:30 AM


That's ok, until they decide no American companies should own oil platforms in their country or a US ports company tries to buy a stake in a port in Japan or....


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:19 AM



I honestly think, from a summary of what you post, that I'm working from more information than you are. I don't mean this as a condescending statement. When i started getting actively involved in politics a couple years ago, working for candidates, etc., I thought I was "informed." I was sadly mistaken. I was woefully ignorant. I was informed relative to what the MSM was forcefeeding the public, but I was nowhere near as informed as I needed to be.

Objectively, the person in this forum who is working from the most information is Pirate News. He just knows more about politics then the rest of us. That doesn't make him more right, but he is more informed. I'm familiar with probably a solid majority of the stuff that he posts before he posts it, but the fact that there is occassionally new stuff here is an indication he knows more than me. I suspect Finn is pretty well informed also.

Whether or not me make the right choices with the information we have is a matter of judgement. None of us can say for sure that our judgement is correct.

My view of 'conservative' is based on a historical perspective, plus the one I first became aware of, and the one I get from members of the Senate. Nixon, to me, is a solid conservative. Bush Sr. was pretty conservative. Reagan less so. There are some people in the Senate who are most 'conservative' objectively, which is not to say that they are the people that I most agree with.

I'm probably slightly moderate. Lincoln Chafee is to the left of me on almost every issue. For instance, he doesn't support the privatization of social security, I do. I agree with Hagel most of the time, but I probably agree with Graham and equal amount, and he's objectively much more conservative. But objectively, I think the most conservative members are Dick Lugar, John Warner, maybe John McCain, probably Arlen Specter. People like Oran Hatch, who get's the media's stamp as being conservative are really just more partisan. Hatch is like an anti-Kennedy. Kennedy can be counted on to support the democratic party position 100% of the time. Hatch will support the GOP 100% of the time. People that the media now pegs as most conservative are really just "Most Bush" like Jeff Sessions. He's probably a conservative, and if he weren't tied to Bush with a doggy collar, he'd be a better conservative.

But a real, pure, conservative would probably vote again every budget this administraction has put forward. They would have opposed the healthcare package, and they would certainly oppose the port deal. They would have opposed torture. Actually, a hardcore firebrand conservative would legislatively oppose this administration, so maybe McCain and Graham are most conservative, because they've both done so.

I guess one thing I would suggest is to read the far left press, follow their blogs etc. They will bombard you with bad idea after bad idea about what we should do, and they will fail to convince you of any of it, but there is information there which doesn't make it into the right wing press. What I didn't come to until after I had been involved in politics is that i came around to this position:

It's not that Bush is not a good converative. It's that he's not a conservative at all. Not even remotes. He doesn't try. He's not even interested. He doesn't have his own copy of Goldwater's book, or any other of the definitive works on conservatism. He's not a subscriber to the philosophy. That doesn't mean he's a liberal, but he's not a conservative to a greater degree than he's not a christian.

He supports some positions, on occassion, from the party platform, but he doesn't do so very strongly, he may just do it to not get fired. Everything that follows out from his position in the MSM is pretty much spin.

Bush is an all image front to Cheney, who is also not a conservative. Bush feels, if he just attacks liberals and gays and abortion enough, people will mistake him for a conservative. He sets his position up as a long list of things that he opposes. Collectively, that list is chosen strategically, he opposes liberals. A conservative looking at this will agree with all of those positions, but that doesn't mean the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Hillary Clinton does the same thing with conservatives: She opposes everything conservative. That makes us on the right despise her, but objectively, it undoubted doesn't make her a liberal. I think there are a lot of liberals here who would probably provide info to seal the deal on that somewhat offhanded claim. Osama Bin Laden opposes the democrats and everything they stand for, it doesn't make him a republican.

The thing is, all this tells us is what Bush is not. We don't have a strong list of items of what Bush is that shows us that he is a conservative. Here are some things he doesn't actively support:

1. Business, American Business, good old american knowhow technological developments as a way of maintaining a health economy. (Bush opposes many new technologies, and has allowed major US corporations to collapse, GM, IBM, etc.)

2. A fair free-market labor system, not govt. or union run, but one where Americans compete on a level field. (Bush supports immigrant labor camps, outsourcing and a heavy worker tax burden)

3. A strong US currency and strong US influence in international economics. (Bush's globalization features a weak dollar, and endless concessions to foreign economic interests such as the Saudis and Communist China.)

4. Strong ethics and a respect for process. (Bush is constantly trying to shove things under the rug, and subvert process. He appoints yesmen to positions, something that his republican predecessors never would have done, and not a conservative thing to do.)

5. Resistance to change in govt'l. structure, and strict adherence to the constitution. (Bush is constantly restructuring with the lamest excuse: post 9/11? give me a break. The soviets (consider this for a second), germany, even japan was more of a threat to the US, and we didn't change the idea of govt's role.)

6. Respect for civil liberties. (The Fisa which bush seeks to expand is and has always been a democrat idea. It's a Carter-Clinton idea, not that there should be restrictions, a democrat idea that there should be executive powers, and bush wants to expand it, make it a more far reaching concept, even going outside it. To say nothing of the Patriot Act.)

7. The Anti-Trust. (Bush is constantly approving not only mass mergers and monopolies, but ones involving foreign ownership/)

8. Internationalism, the Roosevelt-Taft doctrine of the US as a mediator, helping to bring countries into a working relationship with one another. (Bush's role is hardly a mediator with his my way or the highway attitude, and he drives countries into conflict. He is in no way trying to bring Iran into the fold, he's almost dead set on war. The only one doing the traditionally 'conservative' thing here is Russia. Build on the progress that's already made, slow and steady wins the race. Conservatives are not the hare.)

9. Conservation. (Need I say more? Bush's idea of an environmental issue is how much cash can we get for raping the Earth.)

10. Containment. The Eisenhower doctrine of containment advocates that we conserve resources, save lives, and better forward out ultimate ends of creating US-friendly govts. in the world by playing the game of internation military conflicts as if it were Chess, rather than Boxing. By moving into the areas not contested but likely to be so, we prevent the conflict, and contain our enemies. (Bush has embraced open conflict, and actually removed US forces from containment positions in places like S. Korea.)

11. Fiscal disciple. (Bush's deficits force the dollar lower, hurt the economy, and put us in a position where we are politically immobilized in the international arena. We cannot logisticaly oppose a nation which holds our debt because that nation has the power to call in that debt, change the terms, or sell that debt. We are not only not opposing China and Saudi Arabia, but now future administations are prevented from doing so until the debt is paid.)

12. Strong opposition to the spread of communism (Bush openly supports communist China, and does not oppose its acquisition and assimilation of former free countries such as Taiwan and Hong Kong.)

Collectively, these are the platform of the party on which a not conservative Bush ran on the ticket of in 2000. This party has built slowly over two centuries, and it's something that Republican presidents have usually stuck pretty close to. I can't think that Bush could be further from it.

In all likelihood, I think that Bush is going to be ousted from his party. We have 55 republican senators, and of those, probably 44 of them or more think that all 12 out of 12 of those things are a good idea, and likely agree that Bush has violated as many as every single one. I don't know whether the action they will take is to just kick him summarily out of the part but leave him president, or if they will impeach him, or if they will only take action against Cheney, since Bush isn't really Bush, it's only Cheney making decisions.

I don't think that the Bush Admin, strictly speaking, is that much more of a Democrat then it is a Republican, but if Bush were elected on a Democratic ticket, we wouldn't be looking at him and saying "by that guy's policies, he should be a republican!" Point of fact, no one said that about Clinton, whose policies were extremely similar to those of Bush. If anything, Clinton was slightly more of a republican than Bush was, because he pursued fiscal discipline and a strong dollar.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, it's nice to see conservatives waking up to the fact that Bush has one loyalty: $$$$$

And that maybe some things transcend corporatism.

Free as in freedom, not beer.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 10:32 AM


I'm not sure that's his only loyalty. If you look at what happens when these guys get $$$ then they spend them on things, such as supporting international terrorism (in JEB's case) But then Jeb is PNAC, so he works for Cheney, or Cheney works for him. I'm never quite sure. Should I call someone a night of the british empire to top it off?

BTW, it's really true, but I don't have the links to prove it, JEB has been funding freedom fighters in south America. and he's in pnac, that's not debateable, his name is on the website.

But if Bush just wants money, why doesn't he just ask. If Bush stood up and said "I want a $100B supplemental for my retirement fund. It's not hush money. It's go away money. I'll go away if you give me my $100B of the people's dollars." And then we held a national referendum on it, not only would it pass overwhelmingly, but people would probably step up to pay the bill.

$100B is the estimated profit for all of Bush's friends to date, but the country is in $Ts of debt. I'd much rather just pay Bush and be done with it.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:06 AM


America loves a winner!


Bush has approved A Middle Eastern Company in Dubai to take over U.S Port security

There's only one thing worth commenting about Piratejenny and this thread, and that is this....

Once again, she has it dead flat wrong. In no way, form or fashion what so ever is port SECURITY going to change hands here in the U.S.A. Only the operations are going to change hands, should this deal go through. The fact of the matter is that a Chinese company also considered taking over the business end of these ports, but decided against it. Why? Because they didn't want to deal w/ union employees. The company from the UAE plans to keep things as is, for the time being. No Arabs in control of Port Security.

Whether this deal is a good one or not, I cannot say. But one thing is utterly and completely certain.

piratejenny has her facts stone cold wrong. The rest is just mindless babble.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:29 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by piratejenny:
...lets just stick with Bush has approved a company in Dubai with ties to Al qaeda to take over the security of U.S ports.

Didn't see anything in your links that established the company Dubai Ports World has any connection with Al Qaeda except that they have both been in the UAE.

DP does operate terminals around the world, though. Check their site.

If I'm missing something other than your conjecture, let me know.

BTW, I've been listening to BBC and the Washington Post, who both think this is more about political manuvering on the part of the Dems and far-right Republicans than about post security, which is handled by the Coast Guard and TSA, no matter who is running the port facilities.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:54 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
But you can't seriously be taking this position that Al Qaeda and its backers are suddenly to be trusted.

Not sure how Dubai Ports World company has anything to do with Al Qaeda except they have both been in the same country. There have been active Al Qaeda cells in Britan, where the P&O, who currently runs the ports in question, is based. Woop.

Here's a small piece of advice: And I apologize for the crudity, but I dont know a better way to say this: Remove your head from Bush's ass. Since the only other supporters of the idea his own staff, who, everyone knows right, have corrupt deals with the buyer, are two democrats Carter and Lieberman?

I disagree with Bush on a lot of stuff, but since I don't think he's evil incarnate I often get condemned as a heritic by the "everything is Bush's fault" segment here. Talk about reproductive rights, tax policy, the religious right, and see where I stand on these. I happen to agree with the Government's policy about running the ports.

The UAE, a country I have great respect for, which is being so nice as to let us use their ports, for which we have rewarded them with this deal, in violation of US law, does not hold the appropriate status to own US ports.

Please link or post the source of this allegation

I really have to suspect the motives of anyone who solidly sides with Bush all of the time.

I don't. Can't help it if the topics on which I disagree with him don't seem to come up much here.

My suspicions of people who support Bush all the time are that they do not think for themselves, but fall into one of the following categories:

1. They are somehow in the direct pay of the administration, or their income relies on the support of the administration's policies.

Nope. Though you're not the first one to accuse me, and anyone else who doesn't hew to the "I hate Bush" dogma, of this.

2. They get all of their information from members of group 1. (above) Sadly, as of late, this includes Hannity and O'Reilly

I get most of my info from the BBC World Service site, AP, local news, and the Washington Post. I wouldn't know Hannity from O'Reilly if they were standing naked in Macy's window.

3. They are members of a Christian lunatic fringe who believes that Bush is the ruler who overcomes, as mentioned in the beginning of the revelation of Saint John the Divine.

Depending on my mood and who I'm talking to, I'm either a Militant Agnostic or a Frisbeetarian.

And I don't mean this as an assault on you Geezer, I'm just saying, because I see it a lot. Just let go. Bush, he ain't the Messiah. He's just a bad pick for a candidate, and once you know how he was picked, you begin to doubt the whole thing, and once you doubt, you see all of the B^\\Sh*+ for what it is.

I don't mean this as an assault on you either, DT, but I believe that your stereotyper must be running on overboost with a shot of nitrous. I have no illusions about how government works, and as a Militant Agnostic I don't believe in any type of Messiah. I also don't believe in any type of Bush as Anti-Christ, which is what you and the other True Believers here spout as the Revealed Word. Perhaps you should check your own shoes for dogma doo.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:30 PM


I am just going to step in here and say something that might have been said. When I first heard this I thought: "Why are Americans not running American ports?!" The truth is like 80% of the US ports are controlled by foreign interests. So, technically this has been a practice that has been going on for quit sometime. Muslim, Japans,whatever. It is still a foreign interest controlling an American port which has been going on for sometime. We can worry about terrorism but if foreign interests are controlling American ports then it is still a foreign interest controlling an American port. It is just because the company is from Middle east.

Also, if this was denied then it might effect foreign trade. Come on Oil prices are skyrocketing and that is driving up costs. Then we can only imagine what a boycott on American made or shipped goods would do to our economy.

Just a thought!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:31 PM


Oh also it is not like they Dubie (Sp) would control all them just some of them.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:44 PM



This is just not true. Security would be one of the responsibilities of the company. Bush says that that would be 'overseen' by the coast guard, but that's really just in theory. In reality, it's potentially a revolving door.

Also, and this is the big issue for me, we're missing the point. All of us.

This isn't about terrorism. This company let AlQaeda in an out, sure, but the real revolving door is drugs. This whole deal is about drugs. Anyone of the republicans over here surely is aware of the Clinton drug ring, certainly team pirate knows about this, and the republicans might not know it, but Bush is in the coke biz himself, and fine, say your babble, spout your precious leader line, but I know people who went to college with him, and Bush tried to sell him coke then. Anyway, Bush/Clinton/Drugs. Bin Laden/Al Qaeda/Drugs. UAE/America/Columbia, Drugs/Drugs/Drugs. I hope this keeps it simple. Big revolving door of drugs. Whether or not you accept that Bush is in on it, this drug threat is real, and if you do accept it, then this conclusion is obvious.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:58 PM



Not sure how Dubai Ports World company has anything to do with Al Qaeda except they have both been in the same country. There have been active Al Qaeda cells in Britan, where the P&O, who currently runs the ports in question, is based. Woop.

Okay, apologies for my ranting in another thread, I was really mad. The thing is, there are zero republicans as of yet backing this deal. None. Two democrats and a Bush/Cheney, whatever that is. But no one from the GOP in the house or senate.


I disagree with Bush on a lot of stuff, but since I don't think he's evil incarnate I often get condemned as a heritic by the "everything is Bush's fault" segment here. Talk about reproductive rights, tax policy, the religious right, and see where I stand on these. I happen to agree with the Government's policy about running the ports.

Myself I'm right to life, in favor of the tax breaks, think they don't go far enough, and think that the religious right are basically good people. To me, Bush is appalling in spite of these things, not because of them.

It's just you, Hero, Auraptor, and the now gone, where did he go Lynch, seem to support the prez when he's all alone and no one in congress will.

Everything is not Bush's fauly. Bush is even a non-entity. Everything is not Cheney's fault, but he's a terrible leader. He's not as bad as probably even the average democrat, but he's worse than virtually everyone else.



The UAE, a country I have great respect for, which is being so nice as to let us use their ports, for which we have rewarded them with this deal, in violation of US law, does not hold the appropriate status to own US ports.

Please link or post the source of this allegation

Oh, I don't have a link. My brother is actually an expert in the field. By this I do not mean that he knows a lot about it, I mean that the UN consults him on these issues, as do govts in eastern europe. He told me this over the phone, I'm absolutely certain that he's

right about it. The logic is that we have separate status for various nations. Only England and I think Japan, Korea, and a few others, Canada, hold our top status, which is the only level at which they can be trusted with issues of national security. I'm sure it would also

be a breach to put China in charge, but they probably hold a higher level than the UAE.

I really have nothing against the UAE. I've never been, but a friend of mine worked there and raved about it. I have nothing but repect for these guys based on what I've heard. But Al Qaeda was operating under their noses, so at the very least, they're not thorough

enough, and there are what will likely prove credible allegations of UAE funding of Al Qaeda, at the very least far more credible than any allegations of Saddam Hussein connections. Al Qaeda is an Arabian organization with Arabian peninsular support. They have

no real connection to Iraq, and any connection with Iraq is really secondary. The hard cold fact is these guys are routed in the dead see, and all of their base countries are fairly nearby.


I really have to suspect the motives of anyone who solidly sides with Bush all of the time.

I don't. Can't help it if the topics on which I disagree with him don't seem to come up much here.

You can. Just try bringing them up. It will add to your credibility.

My current positoin, which changes, is completely on the level, I think the Bush admin is a fascist institution. Objectively.
We always have to be on the watch for it, it's always possible we are the enemy. At the moment, I can't say we're there yet, but we're definitely moving away from the founding fathers and towards the soviet union.


Nope. Though you're not the first one to accuse me, and anyone else who doesn't hew to the "I hate Bush" dogma, of this.

Another helpful suggestion. Stop playing the victim. You're guy rules the known world. It's not like you're the underdog. It's not a dogma. I'm not coming from the left here. If I thought that impeach Bush would end in lefty rule, I would oppose it. Doesn't mean that the Bush Admin isn't moving from just 'bad leader' to 'actually evil.' People who slam the administration, even when it's mixed with blind rhetoric, are not being partisan morons. They're telling it like it is.

Did you oppose Clinton? Those of us who did remember not being partisan morons. We had a point. A few points. We were saying what was really wrong, and we could do it freely because we were the opposition. If a democrat gets up and says "Bush isn't defending america" or "iraq is a distraction" they have reason to believe that it's true. In general, the opposition doesn't lie. The opposition is out of power, and is seeking to gain support, and nothing does that better than the truth. I remember being out of power. We told a whole lot of truth back then. I don't see a lot of that happening now.

Anyway, it wasn't an accusation. I was actually refering to Hannity and O'Reilly, Both of whom I was quite fond of when I started posting here, if you recall, but lately I've been angry at them for following Bush down the abyss.
Bill Maher, who's a funny guy I disagree with because he's a democrat, but he said this "The democrats will follow Hillary Clinton off a cliff." This is how I feel about us now with Bush. Why are we following him off of the cliff?


I get most of my info from the BBC World Service site, AP, local news, and the Washington Post. I wouldn't know Hannity from O'Reilly if they were standing naked in Macy's window.

Okay, sorry, my stuff, I was ranting at them. They used to be objective conservatives. Now Bush says jump and they say how high.


I don't mean this as an assault on you either, DT, but I believe that your stereotyper must be running on overboost with a shot of nitrous. I have no illusions about how government works, and as a Militant Agnostic I don't believe in any type of Messiah. I also don't believe in any type of Bush as Anti-Christ, which is what you and the other True Believers here spout as the Revealed Word. Perhaps you should check your own shoes for dogma doo.

Nah it's just the degree with which people on the forum support Bush in lockstep that I was reacting to. Bush is a frontman for Cheney, who was the man behind Clinton. I'm not a christian at all, so I don't believe in AntiChrist or any of that nonsense. Just still trying to figure out why anyone would support this guy.

I gather you're a brit? Do you support Blair?


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:26 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Bush has approved A Middle Eastern Company in Dubai to take over U.S Port security

There's only one thing worth commenting about Piratejenny and this thread, and that is this....

Once again, she has it dead flat wrong. In no way, form or fashion what so ever is port SECURITY going to change hands here in the U.S.A. Only the operations are going to change hands, should this deal go through. The fact of the matter is that a Chinese company also considered taking over the business end of these ports, but decided against it. Why? Because they didn't want to deal w/ union employees. The company from the UAE plans to keep things as is, for the time being. No Arabs in control of Port Security.

Whether this deal is a good one or not, I cannot say. But one thing is utterly and completely certain.

piratejenny has her facts stone cold wrong. The rest is just mindless babble.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

security is still at issue here, it doesn't matter wether the coastguard is still in charge of the security or not, buy letting a middle eastern courntry with ties to Al Queda own/ run our ports compromises our security,


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:27 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I gather you're a brit?

Nope. Born in the USA.

And once again, Bush is not my guy. I just happen to support the government's position on the sale of port operations to Ports World. I think that the Republicans in Congress who oppose it are playing to the xenophobia of their constituents in the run-up to the mid-term elections. The Dems are just doing their usual knee-jerk and opposing anything Bush proposes (DT. Are you sure you're not a Democrat in denial?)

BTW, I heard from my cousin's wife's best friend that it's actually safe for P&O to sell their business to Ports World. I don't have the documentation, but you can trust me.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:32 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

This is just not true. Security would be one of the responsibilities of the company. Bush says that that would be 'overseen' by the coast guard, but that's really just in theory. In reality, it's potentially a revolving door.

Also, and this is the big issue for me, we're missing the point. All of us.

This isn't about terrorism. This company let AlQaeda in an out, sure, but the real revolving door is drugs. This whole deal is about drugs. Anyone of the republicans over here surely is aware of the Clinton drug ring, certainly team pirate knows about this, and the republicans might not know it, but Bush is in the coke biz himself, and fine, say your babble, spout your precious leader line, but I know people who went to college with him, and Bush tried to sell him coke then. Anyway, Bush/Clinton/Drugs. Bin Laden/Al Qaeda/Drugs. UAE/America/Columbia, Drugs/Drugs/Drugs. I hope this keeps it simple. Big revolving door of drugs. Whether or not you accept that Bush is in on it, this drug threat is real, and if you do accept it, then this conclusion is obvious.

Your testimonial claims aside, I still don't see the black helicopters overhead. Bush tried to sell someone coke back in college ? Even if true, so what? Many go through that stage, and grow out of it. There's nothing to indicate that Bush has somehow carried on through the years to become a major player in the world drug trade. And as for Clinton? He's the only US President I know of in modern times to not release his medical records to the press. Does that mean he delt in drugs too? I have no idea. But security will be handled by the same folks as it is now, and it's not 'overseen' by DPW. There's nothing theoretical about that.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:41 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

And as for companies owned by foreign governments controlling US ports, it's already happening.


Neil Davidson, a container ports analyst at London-based Drewry Shipping Consultants, indicates "the US container port industry would be unworkable without companies controlled by foreign governments. Proposed emergency legislation by senators Hillary Clinton and Robert Menendez would prevent foreign governments from controlling US container port assets."

"Among key companies that could be barred from operating US container terminals are China Shipping, the state-owned Chinese line, which has a terminal at the Port of Los Angeles, and APL, a line based in Oakland, California, and owned by Singapore's state-owned NOL," and "There are a number of major state-owned shipping lines that have terminals in the US," Davidson notes.

Where's the outrage about those Godless Commies and Uber-Capitalists running our ports?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:53 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I get most of my info from the BBC World Service site, AP, local news, and the Washington Post. I wouldn't know Hannity from O'Reilly if they were standing naked in Macy's window.

Okay, sorry, my stuff, I was ranting at them. They used to be objective conservatives. Now Bush says jump and they say how high.

I did mention this earlier in this thread -- and it may've been passed over, so I'll mention it again...

As of Tuesday (when I first heard about this), Sean Hannity was against the U.A.E. company controlling U.S. ports, and said he thought the President was making a mistake.

As of yesterday, he still felt the same way.

And this isn't the only time I've heard Hannity publically disagree with the President.

Regarding O'Reilly, I don't have a chance to see him anymore, but I saw O'Reilly on Bush's case all the time -- particularly about immigration and the cost of fuel (two of O'Reilly's pet peeves). O'Reilly also disagrees with the President on just about every social issue (including the right to life, etc.).

While Hannity rarely disagrees with Bush (as do I), when he does, he's very open about it (as am I -- as in this current instance). O'Reilly probably disagrees with Bush more than he agrees with him.

I honestly don't see how anyone could think they're Bush puppets.


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And once again, Bush is not my guy. I just happen to support the government's position on the sale of port operations to Ports World. I think that the Republicans in Congress who oppose it are playing to the xenophobia of their constituents in the run-up to the mid-term elections.
Bush ISN'T your guy? Wow. I would never have know had you not said so.

I'm just curious- whatever happened to "We won't do business with nations that support terrorism"? I suppose it was impratical, seeing as we would have to cross Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Pakistan off our list. BTW, those three nations recognized the Taliban, funnel money to terrorists, and two of the three were the source of the 9-11 terrorists. I suppose you could claim that Saudi Arabia is riven by internal dissension and that we only deal with the "good guys" (the Royal Family, see your post where you call the Saudi government "evil") but the UAE's banks and shipping companies are government owned (something we apparently can't manage) and are directly responsible for supporting terrorists.


Where's the outrage about those Godless Commies and Uber-Capitalists running our ports?
Right here Geezer. In fact, I and a bunch of other Angelinos prevented Chinese from taking over a historic site in San Pedro in order to double their terminal size.

Free as in freedom, not beer.


Friday, February 24, 2006 9:17 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Taking the insults as read...


Originally posted by SignyM:
..but the UAE's banks and shipping companies are government owned (something we apparently can't manage) and are directly responsible for supporting terrorists.

And for the umptyumpth time, someone give me a link or a site showing any evidence that World Ports is supporting terrorists. Everyone here says it like it's common knowledge, but when I check the Washington Post, BBC, AP, etc., no one has anything but good to say about them.


Right here Geezer. In fact, I and a bunch of other Angelinos prevented Chinese from taking over a historic site in San Pedro in order to double their terminal size.

Congratulations on your civic action, although I seem to remember Congress had something to do with that as well. Now were you involved because it was the Commies, or because it threatened a historic site?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 24, 2006 11:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Congress had something to do with it because people at my level raised a fuss. That's democracy in action I suppose. I probably would have been mildly against demolishing the old facility - but probably not enough to take action- if it had been a US shipping company. But knowing the history of COSCO and it's involvement in the Hong Kong government made the whole deal "extra crispy" and actually propelled me to "do something", even if it was only to send money to Huell Howser and write to my Congressional reps.

Free as in freedom, not beer.


Friday, February 24, 2006 11:21 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Congress had something to do with it because people at my level raised a fuss. That's democracy in action I suppose. I probably would have been mildly against demolishing the old facility - but probably not enough to take action- if it had been a US shipping company. But knowing the history of COSCO and it's involvement in the Hong Kong government made the whole deal "extra crispy" and actually propelled me to "do something", even if it was only to send money to Huell Howser and write to my Congressional reps.

Thanks for the followup. And now:


Originally posted by Geezer:
And for the umptyumpth(+1) time, someone give me a link or a site showing any evidence that World Ports is supporting terrorists. Everyone here says it like it's common knowledge, but when I check the Washington Post, BBC, AP, etc., no one has anything but good to say about them.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, February 24, 2006 11:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

more later

EDITED TO ADD: Port Authority and Port operations are very fragmented. Certain aspects are under Federal control, some under the shipping compmany and others under the specific Port Authority. Each Port Authority seems to be somewhat hand-crafted: the LA Port Authority charter was written in 1921 (or something like that) and is different from others.

Given time, I'd like to compare and contrast to airports, which are (I believe) entirely under Federal regulation (FAA and TSA).
Free as in freedom, not beer.


Friday, February 24, 2006 12:40 PM


So let's see if I got this straight.

After spending untold billions of dollars on homeland security it now turns out that our REAL security is in the hands of a British shipping company. We trust them to guard the US's back and keep the bad guys from shipping bad stuff through US ports. If that ownership was ever to go to anyone less trustworthy, then we're in trouble.

So when did P&O become the first line of defence for the US taxpayer? How much does the US Government pay them for that? Do they charge a premium over and above handling freight?

Could this have something to do with the fact that 90% of incoming cargo to the US is still not checked almost 5 years after 9/11?

What about the longest unguarded border in the world? What about a southern boarder that we know from occasional intercepts can let drug lords and people smugglers drive a semi full of contraband across the border?

I'm sure if you have a nuke you need to get here then docking in Bogata and driving up through Mexico is still infinately easier. I'm pretty sure the Mexican drug cartels will garentee delivery for a whole lot less that $6bn.

Or I suppose you could see if P&O will guard the Mexican border for you. You guys say they have an excellent reputation.


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:24 PM


Cartoon, I'm glad for Hannity. He used to be a good investigative reporter, and lately he's been a propagana minister. He should go back to what he does best. I still can't fathom a position that agrees with Bush. Maybe 1/2 the time. But I think at least half of what Bush does is basically kill the kids and steal the money, without really a solid political agenda behind it outside of the we're-all-insanoes political agenda of global social revolution.

I think that when you look at Bush, and where he stands politically, if you can call it that, he's off in the corner of a padded cell in comparison with the spectrum of elected republicans. When Hannity or O'Reilley supports the president after the president has said something that is patently false, that's not reporting, it's propaganda. Hannity very well knows the level of Al Qaeda and Saddam is zero, he knows we have made the world less safe, I've even seen him say it, on CSPAN, but not on Fox. This is because when he's Fox commentator, he's addressing the mindless public, and those facts don't meet the agenda. If you only report what supports the agenda, and you don't report the facts, as you know them to be, then that is propaganda.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 9:52 AM


First off I want to say hello to the various Pirates, in name or spirit, that congregate in threads like. I love reading all of your "tinfoil hat" posts, because after a few years of more or less obsessive studying of every source I can find on every topic pertinent to life in this world, I no longer have the luxury of pretending things aren't often the opposite of what they are made to seem. I no longer have the luxury of simply rationalizing away comments like yours, and in part I have people like you to thank for. Keep fighting the good fight, just be careful what you’re fighting for, how you’re fighting, and why. To para-paraphrase, if one gives up a little truth in the name of a Big Truth, he ends up with neither.

Many here regularly write posts that amount to highly informative, well organized, and well thought out blogs. The point counterpoint between the “kooks” and “the kooks with another opinion” is what democracy is all about. It bothers me when someone with otherwise cogent points get facts wrong or come to obviously flawed conclusions, because they stand out more by contrast. So keep conversing, everyone. This is my hobby, and it’s free. I don’t even have to do anything but comprehend, think, and respond. Shiny!

I can’t help but suspect that this port issue is a way for Republicans to oppose Bush on a popular issue in order to gain popularity before the ’06 elections. They need to do some serious PR to keep Democrats from taking their momentum, and this is as good a start as any.

I also can’t help but suspect that there are more sinister motives at work here. More sinister than just money, or a little power. Rigorous Intuition ( has a decent recent post about it.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I think it's just gone out of their control. They (Cheney, PNAC et al) thought they were geniuses, but in reality they're just B students.

Here's just a few things off the top of my head that I think haven't gone as planned: ...

Dreamy, it seems to me your basic flaw in reasoning here is assuming that their stated/commonly assumed interests coincide with their true interests, or at least the interests of those that are more influential. I've taken a more holistic approach to things like this. While it may look bad for them, if you look at the big picture (the BIG picture) you will find ways in which very important, powerful, influential, rich people will benefit. I can't accept on faith that they are the ones with the ultimate power just because they're the ones who are supposed to be. I believe that Bush has been set up for a fall. He's a scapegoat and doesn't even realize. Soon nearly everyone will "hate Bush" and we'll move on to our next scapegoat. Bush doctrine and actions looks like insanity, but it is even more disturbing when one realize it’s actually a doctrine of cold, often murderous self-interest.

I suspect that if someone or something has large scale attention cast on it, then it's some type of cover for what's really going on. On stage, the puppetmaster takes care to hide himself well to enhance the illusion of autonomous puppets. The strings may be showing, but they're easily forgotten or rationalized away when engrossed in the show. The problem is, most people forgot that the world we live in is one big puppet show and it's important that you know how to pull your owns strings. "All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players."

I'm a real boy now! Later Gepetto, so long and thanks for all the fish.

Without a trace of sarcasm, God bless America. It needs it.

PS- Speaking of tinfoil hats, a recent MIT study found that they enhance rather than prevent the kind of electromagnetic waves the government/aliens/DEROs use to harrass/control/kill those they see as a threat/ally. Damn disinformation. Who can a respectable tin-foil hat wearer trust these days?!

"So me and mind gotta lay down and die so you can live in your better world?"


Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:36 AM


StillFree wrote:


I can’t help but suspect that this port issue is a way for Republicans to oppose Bush on a popular issue in order to gain popularity before the ’06 elections. They need to do some serious PR to keep Democrats from taking their momentum, and this is as good a start as any.

I also can’t help but suspect that there are more sinister motives at work here. More sinister than just money, or a little power. Rigorous Intuition ( has a decent recent post about it.

hello StillFree, Glad to see that there are still some ''outspoken"" open minded people on this forum, I'm basically here to say what I have to say and people can take it or leave it as they choose. I really admire Piratenews not because I see everything the same way, but because he's putting information out there that needs to be out there and to hell with what anyone thinks. There are no games with him , it is what it is.

when it comes to this administration they are so dishonest and manipulative, that the thought has crossed my mind also, I think the reps or whatever they are or call themselves- not so much the ones in office, but the average Joe out there has been looking for an easy out on something to oppose the Bush administration, and this issue does seem to work.

As for the this whole issue with Port security and letting the company in Dubai take over, I too can't help but think its something more sinister to it. I don't know wether were going to go another round with Jeb Bush cheating his way into office in 2008 or if Bush and Co are going to try to create another big diseaster to stay in power. if they are this whole port security issue could tie into whatever they have planned.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:12 PM



Dreamy, it seems to me your basic flaw in reasoning here is assuming that their stated/commonly assumed interests coincide with their true interests, or at least the interests of those that are more influential. I've taken a more holistic approach to things like this. While it may look bad for them, if you look at the big picture (the BIG picture) you will find ways in which very important, powerful, influential, rich people will benefit. I can't accept on faith that they are the ones with the ultimate power just because they're the ones who are supposed to be. I believe that Bush has been set up for a fall. He's a scapegoat and doesn't even realize. Soon nearly everyone will "hate Bush" and we'll move on to our next scapegoat. Bush doctrine and actions looks like insanity, but it is even more disturbing when one realize it’s actually a doctrine of cold, often murderous self-interest.


You're a clever guy. I know you get this. I too, get it. I'm not shooting from the dark. Cheney's being VP is overzealous, but he's actually a powerplayer. Not probably head, I grant. I know Bush is being set up for a fall, it's obvious. Just saying that I know what the master scheme is, more or less, and I never mistake it for the state goal. But even so, I can't credit that thing are going their way. To believe that, you'd have to believe that Osama Bin Laden was the intended benificiary of Bush policies, which he may be, but even so, not everything is perfect. A lot of things look like they might happen now, that shouldn't if all if going accounrding to plan: Bush and Co could end up in jail, and they could take the Clintons with them. The old GOP might resurface, off chance, someone like Feingold might get the democratic nod. Mavericks, not McCain, real mavericks, are having far more influence in senate hearings, and about a quarter of the Senate is on to them hardcore. I heard John Warner today tearing into the Bush secretaries over Dubai. I think that things are spinning dangerously out of control, even for Team Evil.

Who is the head? I would say, Core Shachtmanites are probably up there, as well as key arabians.

Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton, these guys have a lot lot lot of power. Cheney, Libby, JEB, these are the Knights of the Warped Table. Clinton is Sir drops-his-Pants-a-lot. But there are outside players, Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and his supporters, the Bin Ladens and others, they're like More-Dread, and the Dubai crowd is Morgan la Fey, I couldn't think of anything to do with the name. Or how ever you want to play it, but Blair is in the mix, and his people, but we're actually seeing the edge of the circle, the actual circle.

The goal is very clear, because they used to write about their evil master plan back in college. On world state, with a giant compound democracy, 3% of votes needed to rule, I've posted all this before. No decent, no independent enterprise, or not much, just a little, but 90% of control at the top. Big plan, but big plan calls for a Mid East Union, and they actually do want that. It's not just a feed Bin Laden game, I don't think. The like to feed Bin Laden, because that gives us a real enemy, keeps people in fear.

But these guys paid a lot of attention to the Nazis, the Soviets, the Chinese Communists, and they read 1984 like it was a how to manual. They've been studying what works. But I think they've missed the biggest what works. Regular old hands off America kicked those other societies asses. Too some degree. But still, the proper solution for a society is clear to me... 'Just let go.'

But these guy don't get that, and I think they screw up a lot. When they are Hillary, the people will think they've defeated them, but the Senate will still know. I watch those old guys hem and haw over their words, and it's very clear to me. They know, they really know, they know more than we do, if they could talk about it they'd say 'oh, it's jack at the top, and then sam and suzy are the next in line in the great conspiracy, and after Iran and syria, we're going to war in africa' or whatever the plan is. But I guess what I'm saying is a lot of non-conspiracy people with power know what's going on, and that's got to be a snag.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 5:39 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Interesting background articles in today's Washington Post.

One about how the Port of Baltimore works, and who does what there:


Mark Montgomery, who oversees P&O operations at the Baltimore port, said little would change after the purchase. The New Jersey native and his staff of 65 administrative employees who run the docks would remain in place, he said, same as the last time their corporate parentage changed, in 1999. He reports to bosses in New Jersey; they report to London; and after the deal, the Londoners will report to Dubai.

Another, in a discussion of the Bush Administration's flawed response (this is the Washington Post, after all) Had this:


Homeland Security officials, especially in Customs and Border Protection, had high regard for the company, which is owned by the government of Dubai and operates terminals in 19 ports in Asia, Europe and South America. It was the first in the Middle East to participate in a post-Sept. 11 program in which Customs agents are posted overseas to screen containers before they are loaded onto U.S.-bound ships. U.S. intelligence agencies -- who were asked on Nov. 2 for any information they had on the company -- produced nothing "derogatory" about it, Baker said.

Even so, the department had enough qualms to insist on a number of legally binding conditions for approving the deal -- a frequent CFIUS practice. The company pledged to maintain its participation in the Customs program, "and they agreed to open their books, and give us access to records, without any formal legal process," Baker said.

The department also wanted to ensure that the personnel at the U.S. terminals to be taken over by the company would remain almost entirely American. So it extracted a pledge that the company intended to keep the current management of U.S. operations in place.

At the Pentagon, meanwhile, officials were well aware of the United Arab Emirates' checkered history in combating terrorism; it was the home of two of the Sept. 11 hijackers and home of the banking system through which some of the hijackers' money flowed. But far overshadowing those concerns were the country's current role as a key U.S. ally in the Persian Gulf region, said Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England, who noted at last week's hearing that more U.S. Navy ships dock at UAE ports than any port outside the United States.

Accordingly, once Dubai Ports World had agreed to the conditions required by Homeland Security, none of the agencies on CFIUS objected to the transaction when the 30-day review was completed on Jan. 17. If even one agency had objected, the matter would have gone to a 45-day investigation -- which would have required a presidential decision at the end. Moreover, a single dissent would have meant bringing the matter before higher-ranking officials in each department.

But instead, the matter stayed with assistant secretary-level officials, who told the company the transaction could go forward. Treasury officials planned to inform congressional leaders at a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting on Feb. 17. By then, however, the Associated Press had already reported a statement from the firm trumpeting its approval.

Unfortunately, the Post requires you to log in with them before you can read the entire stories.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, February 27, 2006 7:24 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Administration OK With UAE Running Six Major U.S. Ports,2933,184599,00.html



UAE terminal takeover extends to 21 ports


A United Arab Emirates government-owned company is poised to take over port terminal operations in 21 American ports, far more than the six widely reported.

The Bush administration has approved the takeover of British-owned Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to DP World, a deal set to go forward March 2 unless Congress intervenes.

P&O is the parent company of P&O Ports North America, which leases terminals for the import and export and loading and unloading and security of cargo in 21 ports, 11 on the East Coast, ranging from Portland, Maine to Miami, Florida, and 10 on the Gulf Coast, from Gulfport, Miss., to Corpus Christi, Texas, according to the company's Web site.

President George W. Bush on Tuesday threatened to veto any legislation designed to stall the handover.

NEOCONNED: Jewish CITIZENS OF ISRAEL sell US ports to Arabs in British stock swindle to NUKE USA


Chertoff, And Fellow Neocons, Are Behind Arab Port Deal

Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co
A 200 year-old British Company Is Sold to Arabs

The Arab Company Who Bought The British Company
It Manages Ports In Dubai

Dubai Will Control These Ports

Dubai Is A Key Mossad Center In The Mideast

What Is Going On?

A British company, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., who runs major commercial operations at shipping ports in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Miami, New Orleans and Philadelphia, has been sold to a UAE company.

The UAE Company, Dubai Port World, is state-owned, and now inherits their businesses.

Who Is involved

Lord Sterling of Plaistow, CEO of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., consummated the swindle, which will reward his Zionist investors with $7 billion.

Head Of Homeland Security

Michael Chertoff , who is a dual-citizen Israeli/American (born in Communist Czechoslovakia), ok's the deal (while leaving US borders wide-open to 100-million illegal alien terrorists).

Jew Lenin and Jew Chertoff - Separated at Birth?

Bob Dole

Dole, the 85 yr old ex-speaker, was a lobbyist for Dubai in this deal.

What Is The Scheme?

The core of the deal is a stock swindle. A group of Zionist stockholders inflated the stock price 300%, then sold it to the citizens of the UAE for $6.8 billion. Basically all the Arabs get are ‘Port Service Contracts’, and some marginal loading equipment

P&O the British company, that has been running six U.S. ports, is now a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates.

Actual Value

P & O's profit from their port operation was $153 million pounds. PE's run between 5 and 15, so Dubai should have paid $765 million to $2.2 billion.

Why An Arab Country?

Port managers are a dime a dozen. You have 10 in the US, and there are others in Japan, China, Australia, etc.

These are political contracts worth a fortune, and are the reason $60,000 a year politicians have fat Swiss bank accounts.

Neocons Take An Odd Stance

These are the same Bush Neocon/Zionist Advisors, who bombed Iraq to the stone age because Saddam was evil. They told us, 'They are bad, and we are good', but today the Zionists are 100% behind this port deal.

Who Are These People ?

These are Neo-Cons (new conservatives), and they are all Dual Citizen Israelis. Not a single one served in the US armed forces. They basically are a lobby that pushes for Israeli-oriented bills.

All these men are Zionist warmongers, who adore and obey Israel, and who view America chiefly as Israel's financial sugar daddy and mercenary slave. Their aim is global power for the Zionist elite, and profits for Zionist bankers and Illuminati-directed oil barons. They seem to have no problem if stacks of bloody young American fighting men mount up in Iraq, Iran, and Syria. The dead, after all, are valueless.

Their Real Goal

This port deal creates a patsy for the coming nuclear attack on America.

This Is Quite The Scam

Zionists skin the citizens of Dubai for $7 billion, and then set them up as fall-guys for a nuclear attack. Bush tells 300 million Americans: - "We must not discriminate against Arabs".

We just sit here talking about H-3's, ball games, and the value of our 401-k's, while Zionists plan a total economic collapse.

Click link for all photos, graphics and footnotes to this crime:

Ain't it funny how the "Jewish" owned Media Mafia censors this news?

Dubai Ports Firm - At Least 2 Ties To White House:

Bush Named Dubai Ports World Exec To US Transportation Post!

Bush's secret agreement with Arabs running US ports - Bush sez: "People don't need to worry about security."

FOX News: 200 Israeli Mossad spies and terrorist bombers arrested in USA after 9/11/2001:

FOX NEWS VIDEO DOWNLOAD: 200 Israeli Mossad spies and terrorist bombers arrested in USA after 9/11/2001, THEN RELEASED WITHOUT TRIAL. 1,000s of Mossad agents flee USA without arrest. Israeli Mossad corporations taps ALL phone calls in USA including ALL police wiretaps for Jewish Mishpucka Mafiya:

USS Liberty & Zionist Propaganda:

USAF Report - Israeli Thermonuclear Blackmail Of USA:

The Hidden History Of Zionism:

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas:

Walmart Newstand: The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion Proven True in 2006:

'Jews Against Zionism' Thank

Zionist US State Dept Says #1!

The Port Sell-Out and the Dismantling of America:
Globalists swallowing US sovereignty through front countries like UAE but Communist China's current ownership of US ports and Panama Canal ignored:

Bush Family, Dubai Ports World and the Carlyle Group

Just 17% Favor Dubai Ports Deal

Halliburton Eyed for Dubai Ports Deal

Dubai funds Neil Bush’s company

United Arab Emirates Now Buys British Firm That Operates U.S. Military Facilities
"'The United Arab Emirates intends to operate U.S. military factories. The Bush administration has informed Congress of a review of the UAE acquisition of a British manufacturer of engine components for U.S. military aircraft and main battle tanks. The British firm operates nine factories, including military production facilities in Connecticut and Georgia. Officials said Dubai International Capital has acquired the London-based Doncasters Group for $1.2 billion. Doncasters produces engine components and turbine blades for military platforms, and its clients include Boeing, General Electric, Honeywell and Pratt and Whitney, Middle East Newsline reported.'


Port fiasco is a fraud

From: "Peter Herberg" -

The Dubai Ports deal or Portgate as it is now called in the media has captured the attention of the world due to the nature of the buyer. But no one appears to be looking at who the current owner/manager of the ports is ... until now. The evidence is disturbing , if not shocking, but with the current Skull and Bones skeletocracy that rules us it is NOT SURPRISING.

The Evidence:

1. Current Company known as P & O or The Peninsular and Orient Steam Navigation Company ...

2. Largest shareholder is - Schroeder Investment Management LTD ...

Who is Schroeder?

3. German ancestry bank with roots in the UK for 200 years ...

4. Bruno Schroder is a billionaire and main man at present.
8th richest man in the UK ...

5. Connected to Hitler ... &

6. Connected with Rockefellers and Prescott Bush in helping Third Reich get its start ...

7. Baron Kurt Von Schroder ran a cash-cow ATM for Heinrich Himmler ... There may have been a plot then to assassinate President Roosevelt.

8. The Dulles brothers were lawyers for the Bank. Allen Dulles became head of the CIA ...

9. Law firm that represented Dubai Ports responsible for saving Schroder family from imprisonment as 'enemy aliens' during WWI ...

The firm, Slaughter and May, has recently represented Dubai Ports - is it above issues dealing with perceived or possible conflicts of interests?

10 Slaughter and May Dubai Ports World. Google/dogpile .. Slaughter May Dubai Ports. Slaughter and May are part of the "Magic Circle" of UK law firms.

11. .

12. Schroder loves the banking climate in the Cayman Islands ...

13. Marvin Bush has been tied into a company that provided
'security' for the WTC on 9/11 and to a company with numerous business addresses in the Cayman Islands ...

14. Cayman Calling - article says 75% of Hedge fund industry is in the islands ...

15. Many interesting people are involved in Cayman registered companies including a partnership between Pat Robertson and Liberia's al qaeda friendly cannibal dictator Charles Taylor ...

16. Citigroup now has a big piece of Schroders ...

17. Largest Shareholder in Citigroup is a Saudi multi billionaire illuminati Prince. The Prince has a lebanese mother and the Baathist regime in Damascus wants him to be Lebanon's puppet president. SYRIA AS YOU KNOW IS ON THE STATE DEPARTMENT LIST OF TERROR SUPPORTING GOVERNMENTS ...

Conclusion: The entire port fiasco is a fraud. We have Dubai Princes own our ports or we have a nazi/saudi/baathist-friendly consortium run our ports.

BTW - Bush is currently sued for perping the 9/11 terrorist massacres, and Usama Bin Laden says he didn't do it:

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation
(How to deal with Gangsta Govt)

Pirate News TV


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:44 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

can you stick with the topic, and not try to make this about something it isn't , my guess is you've been listening to Oxycotin Limbaugh and Hannity's talking points all day long, lets just stick with Bush has approved a company in Dubai with ties to Al qaeda to take over the security of U.S ports, I know this is the kind of thing you support, ( you probably think this will make the rapture happen or something)

its a disgrace


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:45 PM


just wanted to point something out: Dubai is not a country. It's a corporation based out of the United Arab Empirates. By the way, according to a very good friend of mine, who works forn homeland security, making sure certain technologies are not exported to China or the Middle East through U.S. ports, this is not even an issue. The company Dubai would control only the finantial side of running the port. They would fund its maintenance and woyuld profit from the port's use, but, as always, security would be run by the U.S. Government. If Dubai or the U.A.E. does something we dont like, it is standing government policy to confiscate all of their stateside assets, so, really allowing them financial responsibility for the port gives us some leverage over the U.A.E. and Dubai, not the other way around. Just thought everyone should know so we could go back to arguing over something important.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 5:20 PM



just wanted to point something out: Dubai is not a country. It's a corporation based out of the United Arab Empirates.

This is not technically true. I know someone who works for Dubai. The structure of the UAE is different from that of other govts.
In most of the world before the modern era, nations were almost all the size of delaware or new jersey. If you couldn't send men and horses to defend in an instant, it was out of your kingdom. Then large nations were set up usually as colonies by conquering powers. The Vikings, Ghengis Khan, the Roman Empire, etc., set many of these up.

The UAE is different in that it allows its member countries to remain in tact as political entities, it's just basically a defense alliance. So, actually, Dubai is a country, a kingdom, a nation state, just not one recognized by anyone but the UAE, *BUT* the UAE in turn is recognized by everyone else, so the effect is the same. The company Dubai Ports World, is actually a branch of the government of Dubai.

Dubai is not a top ranked national ally, and it's not the United States of America, or any part of it, so that should end the discussion. In fact, that is *ALL* that the discussion should be about.

The ports of the US are the responsibility of the US, actually, they are the responsibility of the States, and there's a major state's rights issue here.

The ports in New York and New Ark were controlled and owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the company which also own the World Trade Centers. It shares a similar ambiguous relationship with the govt. of NY, and if it controlled ports on the arabian peninsula, and they complained, I would think that they had a point. I think they have a point when countries complain about US firms shipping oil out of their countries without due compensation. But if the Federal govt of the United states came in and said "Port authority can't run these ports, we're taking over" people would be up in arms and rightfully so. But there would be no security risk, hopefully. If they then said "We're giving it to our top ranked ally Japan" people would be more upset, but they would know that realistically, Japan is at least as trustworthy as their own govt. But if they said "We're giving it to Madagascar" people would say "WTF?" and yet, Madagascar, though it might not be as secure, would not have direct links to Al Qaeda. If they said "We're giving it to Saudi Arabia" they would say "But but but" and you would have to prove the lack of connections to Al Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks. The case here is not even an independent company in Dubai, but the govt. owned company, the same govt. owned company on whose property the specific Al Qaeda terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 operated, with assitstance from people within that organization, knowing assistance including according to our own CIA, that they notified Osama bin Laden that we were looking for him and about to find him and that he should leave and hide. So, on a grand scale, from the point of view of the people of NY, the port authority of NY and NJ owner of the WTC, and the people who actually attacked them, how about a big NO WAY. and I'll throw in a NEVER.

And it's important when the govt. of the US in the executive is attempting to create a victory for terrorism through an act of treason like this.

And, PS. I have nothing against Dubai. But reason man, think. I mean seriously. I have nothing against Russia either, a nation that had nuclear bombs pointed at our heads for decades, but I'm not about to give them control over our nuclear facilities.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:46 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

just wanted to point something out: Dubai is not a country. It's a corporation based out of the United Arab Empirates.

This is not technically true. I know someone who works for Dubai. The structure of the UAE is different from that of other govts.
In most of the world before the modern era, nations were almost all the size of delaware or new jersey. If you couldn't send men and horses to defend in an instant, it was out of your kingdom. Then large nations were set up usually as colonies by conquering powers. The Vikings, Ghengis Khan, the Roman Empire, etc., set many of these up.

The UAE is different in that it allows its member countries to remain in tact as political entities, it's just basically a defense alliance. So, actually, Dubai is a country, a kingdom, a nation state, just not one recognized by anyone but the UAE, *BUT* the UAE in turn is recognized by everyone else, so the effect is the same. The company Dubai Ports World, is actually a branch of the government of Dubai.

Dubai is not a top ranked national ally, and it's not the United States of America, or any part of it, so that should end the discussion. In fact, that is *ALL* that the discussion should be about.

The ports of the US are the responsibility of the US, actually, they are the responsibility of the States, and there's a major state's rights issue here.

The ports in New York and New Ark were controlled and owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the company which also own the World Trade Centers. It shares a similar ambiguous relationship with the govt. of NY, and if it controlled ports on the arabian peninsula, and they complained, I would think that they had a point. I think they have a point when countries complain about US firms shipping oil out of their countries without due compensation. But if the Federal govt of the United states came in and said "Port authority can't run these ports, we're taking over" people would be up in arms and rightfully so. But there would be no security risk, hopefully. If they then said "We're giving it to our top ranked ally Japan" people would be more upset, but they would know that realistically, Japan is at least as trustworthy as their own govt. But if they said "We're giving it to Madagascar" people would say "WTF?" and yet, Madagascar, though it might not be as secure, would not have direct links to Al Qaeda. If they said "We're giving it to Saudi Arabia" they would say "But but but" and you would have to prove the lack of connections to Al Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks. The case here is not even an independent company in Dubai, but the govt. owned company, the same govt. owned company on whose property the specific Al Qaeda terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 operated, with assitstance from people within that organization, knowing assistance including according to our own CIA, that they notified Osama bin Laden that we were looking for him and about to find him and that he should leave and hide. So, on a grand scale, from the point of view of the people of NY, the port authority of NY and NJ owner of the WTC, and the people who actually attacked them, how about a big NO WAY. and I'll throw in a NEVER.

And it's important when the govt. of the US in the executive is attempting to create a victory for terrorism through an act of treason like this.

And, PS. I have nothing against Dubai. But reason man, think. I mean seriously. I have nothing against Russia either, a nation that had nuclear bombs pointed at our heads for decades, but I'm not about to give them control over our nuclear facilities.

Oh, okay, so I was wrong about the Dubai thing then. Sorry folks. However, something I think you dont realize is that almost all of our ports are run by foreign countries, along with several other things. That is why we have a policy of confiscation if they piss us off. Also, as I said before, the foreign countries only have financial authority in the port(Which saves the U.s. a boatload of tax dollars). BUT SECURITY ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE RUN BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT!






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