Red Dawn FOR REAL: Charlie Sheen questions official 9/11 conspiracy theory - Is Joss Irish?

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 23:34
VIEWED: 42889
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Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Schizo Media Mafia bites then kisses Sheen's ass over 9/11 facts. Jewish Neo-Cons & CIAssets froth at mouth, talk out butt. Sheen proves Jews can be patriotic and literate, just like the rest of US. Jewish Civil War breaks out in USA.


Charlie Sheen Ponders Ultimate Hollywood Conspiracy Theory
Mar 22, 2006

If you think this year's Academy Awards were the ultimate example of Hollywood being out of touch with America -- if not with reality -- you haven't yet heard actor Charlie Sheen's interview with radio host Alex Jones.

Sheen usually does comedy on TV, where he currently stars on NBC's "Two and a half Men." But last week on Jones's radio show he turned in a hysterical performance discussing whether the U.S. government is conspiring to cover up what happened on 9/11.

"Call me insane," said Sheen, "but did it sort of look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition?"

Sheen also expressed his doubts about whether al Qaeda hijackers seized U.S. commercial jets that day. "It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and
hitting 75% of their targets: that feels like a conspiracy theory," he said.

Sheen interview video download:

Sheen interview audio download:

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: CNN fairly reports Sheen's 9/11 facts:

CNN Poll: 78% of Americans agree with Sheen on 9/11:

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Bush Jr's 9/11 alibi in the Dead Zone of the West Wing: Charlie Sheen has at least one thing in common with George Bush: His father played the president on TV for a very long time.

9/11 Video Downloads:


"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."
—Usama bin Laden, CNN News, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks," September 17, 2001

"The RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) action lawsuit against President Bush and other high level members of his administration is based upon prior knowledge of 9/11; knowingly failing to act, prevent or warn of 9/11; and the ongoing obstruction of justice by covering up the truth of 9/11; all in violation of the laws of the United States."
—Philip Berg, attorney-at-law and former prosecutor in U.S. Attorney General's office, Press Release re Mariani v. Bush et al.

"In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba. Code named Operation NORTHWOODS, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro. America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation." The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were presented to President Kennedy's defense secretary, Robert McNamara, in March 1962. But they apparently were rejected by the civilian leadership and have gone undisclosed for nearly 40 years. The Joint Chiefs at the time were headed by Eisenhower appointee Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who, with the signed plans in hand made a pitch to McNamara on March 13, 1962, recommending Operation Northwoods be run by the military. Whether the Joint Chiefs' plans were rejected by McNamara in the meeting is not clear. But three days later, President Kennedy told Lemnitzer directly there was virtually no possibility of ever using overt force to take Cuba, Bamford reports. Within months, Lemnitzer would be denied another term as chairman and transferred to another job. Ironically, the documents came to light, says Bamford, in part because of the 1992 Oliver Stone film JFK, which examined the possibility of a conspiracy behind the assassination of President Kennedy. "The scary thing is none of this stuff comes out until 40 years after," says Bamford."
—David Ruppe, ABC News, "Friendly Fire - U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba," May 1, 2001

Pentagon's declassified Operation NORTHWOODS:

Wash: That sounds like something out of science fiction.
Zoe: My other husband was in The Matrix, Dear.

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Music videos by Pirate News TV and Revere Radio Network - 1 hour

"Karl Rove and those guys think they control reality. The only thing they control is Jeff Gannon's underpants."
-Alex Jones

And Charlie Sheen controlled Denise Richard's underpants. DAMN!


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:44 PM



Karl Rove and those guys think they control reality. The only thing they control is Jeff Gannon's underpants."
-Alex Jones

doesn't Alex Jones means Johnny Gosch/Jeff Gannon's underpants


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Roger that. I hope he said something funny like that when CNN interviewed him yesterday.

Jones ain't perfect, but he nails it on a regular basis. Lot's of great interviews you'll never hear on the Media Mafia. Worst part are some of the callers, who usually don't offer anything new. But they're smarter than the party hacks who phone the mainline talk shows. Jones is starting to hang out with the Hollywood gang, or rather the Hollywood gang is hanging out with him, which will surely be a positive influence on Hollywood.

He's just happy Drudge Report got him 8-million visits in four hours, before censoring him. Matt Drudge has also reportedly been in Gannon's pants. My website crashes with 15,000 visits in one day, which is my monthly budget for my main website. That's how many people read my archive on Gannon/Gosch in one day, after Radio linked to it.

Google also censored him yesterday, perhaps under orders from Commie China, which is the same thing as the Junior White House, being part of the Evil Anglo-Sino Alliance.

Is Joss Irish? That would explain his hatred of the British Empire's Divided Kingdom. Northern Ireland has been under martial law for how many decades/centuries? That would also explain why Sir Rupert Murdock Knight of the British Empire and Universal refuse to allow Firefly & Serenity to survive. (Universal is owned by the Queen of England and Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire.) FF/STBM is EXTREMELY subversive in that regard.

I wonder if the Bush Nazis have the guts to post on this thread? Or maybe they're skeert Homeland Security will find out and send em to Gitmo?


Friday, March 24, 2006 1:49 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Is Joss Irish? That would explain his hatred of the British Empire's Divided Kingdom. Northern Ireland has been under martial law for how many decades/centuries?

I live in Northern Ireland. We're not under martial law. And the majority of people in Northern Ireland want to remain part of the United Kingdom. And to be honest a lot of people in the Republic aren't that bothered about re-unification. And Joss is an Anglophile btw.


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:21 AM


Word to the wise:
PirateNews has sever mental health problems, in other words he is a nut.

Best to side step his rants about British-Commie-Nazi-Illuminati-Jews.

But then I would say that, apparently I am Sheeple Slave-Master general of the Kommand for British-Commie-Nazi-Illuminati-Jew Human enslavement program working under the all powerfull all seeing British Queen who sacrifices blow-up dolls to Santa while having group sex orgies with George W Bush...

At least that's what PirateNews tells me.

If PN replies too you it'll be along the lines of "you only think that because your sheeple without the abillity to think for yourself, you live as a slave and like it while letting Prince Charles boff yer Bum ye Bloody bloke."

Seriously, the guys nuttier than a fruitcake.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:24 AM


I've been aware of what he's like for a while but I couldn't resist commenting .


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:54 AM


Fair play, do the same myself

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 4:06 AM


Joss was educated in Winchester, England. I don't know whether Joss is Irish, he looks celtic, but he could be of scottish or welsh descent.


I live in Northern Ireland. We're not under martial law. And the majority of people in Northern Ireland want to remain part of the United Kingdom. And to be honest a lot of people in the Republic aren't that bothered about re-unification. And Joss is an Anglophile btw.

I think this is an oversimplification. Clearly this is an orange perspective. But bear in mind, I live in NY, as do 17 million people, only 1% of those are native Americans. Just because the protestents outnumber the catholics doesn't mean that you're not still the guest population, you are, and always will be. I am part of the guest population in NY. That doesn't mean if an indian says jump I say how high, but by no means do I think they're opinions should be marginalized for my benefit.

However, I can understand why people in Northern Ireland wouldn't want to be ruled by the ninnies in Dublin, and there's no reason they should be. At some point, N.I. will undoubtedly break away. But seriously, when it does, it should consider independence. Everyone's so afraid of being a tiny country, but statistically, smaller countries do much better than their larger rivals. No large governmental structures to support.


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:50 AM



Just because the protestents outnumber the catholics doesn't mean that you're not still the guest population, you are, and always will be.

That's the stupidist thing I've heard in a long time.

So all Anglo-Saxons are the guest population of Britian? Those in the North of England with a more direct linage to the Vikings doubly so.

All Celts are the Guest population of Scotland, Wales and Ireland?

All White Americans are the guest population of the Russians (the native American population originated in Russia) all White Australians are the Guest population? I could go on all day.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:55 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

All White Americans are the guest population of the Russians (the native American population originated in Russia)

I am the guest population of you Earth-people.

Stranger in a strange land Chrisisall


Friday, March 24, 2006 9:45 AM


Oooo! Someone else from out there?

always knew Chisisall was special

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy


Friday, March 24, 2006 9:51 AM


Citizen. within reason, as long as it affects socio economic status. sure, just as whites, and for that matter all blacks who aren't bushmen, are the guest population in africa.

If the idea of second, third, etc. generation immigrants was as absurd as you say, they it wouldn't be in the language. I know where you're coming from, but what you are missing is that the rule of "any group born here has equal right" mandates the conclusion "Hey everyone, crank out a baby quick so you can take over the Earth." The fact is, populations have homelands which they live in, and when, on a species level, one group decides it wants another group's land, it does just that, and then conflict ensues.

What you completely fail to see is your simple egalitarian logic flies in the face of human animal territorial instincts, and because of that creates war, genocide etc, which is why the left is so adept at creating these things.

As it stands, sure, a lot of groups have already invaded someone else's territories and a peaceful solution other than ethnic cleansing is needed. But ignoring it does not make it go away. Rwanda/Burundi happened because of this sort of thiing, this is the problem in N. Irealand and so many other places in the world. Very soon it will be a serious problem with muslims in Europe.

Just because you fail to recognize that these forces and problems exist does not prevent them from adversely affecting your life and everyone elses. If anyone has been paying any attention, this is the main issue with Osama Bin Laden. He feels, as many others do, that the guest population of palestine, the Israelis, though born there, do not have a right to be there. Many others such as Iran and Hamas feel that they have a right to be there if and only if they agree to live by the laws of the land which preceded them.

Here in America, as I pointed out somewhere, we live by a code, the constitution, which actually technically preceded us. We live by this rule, and because we do, we now live in relative peace, but if our ancestors, even though they were born here, had had more respect for the indians, and the fact that they were born on what was essentially indian land, there would have been a lot less bloodshed.

In Northern Ireland, the green response is very much a territorial one by the more native longer standing population who are ethnically more celtic, if marginally so, than the guest population scottish and english and more teutonic, with less of a history in the area. If societies and groups of people did not behave in this manner, they would be overrun, and replaced, and thus not exist. It's simple evolution in action.


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:09 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by SimonF:


Originally posted by piratenews:

Is Joss Irish? That would explain his hatred of the British Empire's Divided Kingdom. Northern Ireland has been under martial law for how many decades/centuries?

I live in Northern Ireland. We're not under martial law. And the majority of people in Northern Ireland want to remain part of the United Kingdom. And to be honest a lot of people in the Republic aren't that bothered about re-unification. And Joss is an Anglophile btw.

So you're what they call a "Loyalist"? Your ancestors are not Irish, but English? You're what we called "Carpetbaggers" after the US Civil War. I was a Carpetbagger in Germany for a year, and Bicester England for 8 years, from 1984 to 1993. I remember many news broadcasts of Irish youths gunned down at military checkpoints, as well as tit-for-tat "terrorists" serial killings of innocent youths for daring to make out in parked cars with persons of a rival "Christian" religion. That would be wonderful if that martial law and civil war has ended, tho now the evil enemy is replaced by fake Arab terrorists employed by MI6. Just like the fake Jewish bomber Goldstein was employed by the "British" Empire in Orwell's 1984.

What do you call hardened military checkpoints with British soldiers, that open fire with machine guns and full auto, that KILL all Irish drivers and passengers who fail to stop for checkpoints. Usually for misdemeanor joyriding, not "terrorism". Just like British and US troops massacres entire families in Iraq, who fail to slow down at military checkpoints. That's MARTIAL LAW.


The troubles in Northern Ireland are rooted deep in history and are very complex. The recent troubles started in August 1969 with rioting in Londonderry and the Government deployed troops onto the streets as a temporary measure to assist the Royal Ulster Constabulary restore order. Over thirty years later they are still there.

During the early years the troops were welcomed by the Catholic population who saw them as their protectors from Protestants. However, by the early 1970’s the pace of life had become fast and furious, with shootings and bombings almost a daily occurrence, and rioting most nights. As time has gone by, tactics and equipment have developed and the terrorist tactic became deliberate, planned ‘spectacular’ attacks rather than random and sporadic incidents. The Security Forces’ role became that of long hours of routine patrolling and guarding bases, punctuated by short spells of incidents and intense activity.

To date, the Regiment has undertaken 20 tours of duty in Ulster ranging from two to twenty-four months. In addition, many Coldstreamers have served attached to other units as either individuals or small sub-units, and over the years many have served attached to Special Forces units or the Guards Independent Parachute Company which undertook several tours prior to its disbandment in 1975. No7 and No8 Companies are incremental companies which carried the colours of the 2nd Bn. They have both deployed to the Province with either the Scots Guards or the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire & Wiltshire Regiment (RGBW).

Same thing USA now has in New Orleans, thanks to King George II. US soldiers and Blackwater CIA, not National Guard (who are not banned by Posse Committatus Act since they are not fed govt), pointing full-auto machine guns at lawabiding US citizens lawfully in their own homes, and kidnapping them at gunpoint. Habeas Corpus has been suspended in New Orleans, with no courts and no trials for prisoners for all crimes, just like in US Civil War. Mexican army is on US soil in New Orleans, just like the British War of 1812, when the British Empire bombed New Orleans - then got it's butt kicked by General/President Andrew Jackson.


February 4, 2005

Ambassador Cofer Black Becomes Vice-Chairman at Blackwater USA

Blackwater USA proudly announces that Ambassador Cofer Black, former Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the U. S. State Department, and former Director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center has joined our team as Vice Chairman. Ambassador Black has had a distinguished 28-year career in the Directorate of Operations at the Central Intelligence Agency. Prior to joining the State Department, Ambassador Black was the Director of the CIA counterterrorism Center. In this capacity, he served as the CIA Director's Special Assistant for Counterterrorism as well as the National Intelligence Officer for Counterterrorism. During his CIA career, Ambassador Black served six foreign tours in field management positions. In 1995, Ambassador Black was named the Task Force Chief in the Near East and South Asia Division. From June 1998 through June 1999, he served as the Deputy Chief of the Latin America Division. In addition to numerous exceptional performance awards and meritorious citations, Ambassador Black received the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the George H. Bush Medal for Excellence and the Exceptional Collector Award for 1994.

Note that "Black" is a popular "Jewish" name (Conrad Black, Jack Black etc, from Blackstein etc). So Blackwater USA is run by the "Jews", or rather the Jewish Mishpucka Mafia, aka the Kosher Nostra.

"Blackwater" is another name for Black Heroin, when injected.


There are reports oflimited injecting drug use involving ethnic Vietnamese using blackwater opium, apractice widely used in Vietnam.

Heroin production is up 1,000% since the Junior White House promoted a Knight of the British Empire as president of Afghanistan's poppy farms. Sir George "Poppy" Bush Sr is a Knight of the British Empire (titles of royalty are banned by the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution to prevent foreign governments from seizing control of USA). The retail price of heroin is $1-billion/ton, and the Bush and British royal crime families have run the heroin rackets for over 100 years, since the British won the Opium Wars with China. Skull & Bones is the Russell Trust, which ran opium imports in USA for the British monarchy, and its corporate flag was the Jolly Roger.

NOPD gunned down 5 "military contractors" on the levees in a gun battle, probably to stop Blackwater CIA from bombing more levees. Mayor Nagin and the sheriff had to post armed deputies to guard police communications, after FEMA Special Forces were caught sabotaging radio antennas.

500 dead cops in New Orleans? In March 2006, at least 500 bodies are still rotting in their own homes in New Orleans. Bush is still blocking relief efforts to rescue the city, while bulldozing 100,000 homes for the Jewish casino moguls. "Mile after mile" of residences and businesses (including Walmarts) are still flattened and without electricity in downtown New Orleans in 2006. King George Bush II, a convicted drunk driver and convicted cocaine addict, and son of USA's narco kingpin, is the most successful copkiller in US history.


NEW ORLEANS and TEXAS SECURITY OPPORTUNITIES - Thank you for your interest in the Katrina Relief efforts with Blackwater USA. At the present time, we are fully manned.

Blackwater Mercenaries To Clear New Orleans

At last count, there were 300 of them, and they carried machine guns, were deputized by the State Of Louisiana to carry out arrests, and given permission to use lethal force. Residents claimed their neighbor refused to leave, and "army types" shot him.

Witness: Four "army men" in a SUV shot him.

Here is a video showing these killers in action, shooting innocent Iraqi civilians. Even the army is afraid of them:

Over the last 30 years, many black families have moved into New Orleans from outlying rural areas, and the white gentry who control the city, want them evicted. Blackwater, considered as elite 'Guns for hire', walk New Orleans with the Louisiana Govenor's blessing. The New Orleans landed gentry imported Israeli contractors to guard their properties.

Gambling And Drug Interests

Judah Hertz, who is alleged to have ties to Israeli and South American drug lords, has bought 25% of New Orleans prime office space in the last 26 months. The elimination of the Blacks is a gift from above.

Jewish Merchants Built New Orleans

Many Jewish immigrants flocked to the South in the 1820's. They got started in the mercantile trade, and soon controlled the riverboats, cotton trade, banks, and the seamy side of life such as whorehouses and gambling parlors. The Freyhans, Rosenthals, Freemans, Speilgmans and others are the 'Old Money' of New Orleans.

Who Are These New Orleans Rulers?

They call themselves the'Krewes' a secret society of royalty based on a system of King, Queen, Dukes, Knights and so on. Old line families, descendants of the mercantile class, such as the Westfeldts, Freemans, Reismans, Jacobs, and so on.

Actual Roots of Mardi Gras

After the Civil War, these 'Carpetbaggers' held an annual Masquerade ball, that was really just decadent orgy. They dressed as French Royalty and brought in 'young companions' from as far away as New York.

Putting 20,000 Blacks in the Superdome, with 200 mph winds, would have been a death warrant if Katrina hadn't veered. And as we see 'Mercenaries' brought in, the mysterious explosions and the breachings of the levee, become more suspect by the moment.

Are you a Loyalist terrorist? And what's with the "Jewish" Star of Soloman and the Communist clenched fist? Communism was founded by Luciferian Masonic Jew Karl Marx in London England. Funny how the US media mafia ALWAYS fails to mention the fact of Loyalist terrorists, and only mention the IRA terrorists...

Bloody Sunday (not the U2 song)

Are you aware MI5 ran the IRA for decades, perping all the IRA's bombings and serial killings, in order to justify martial law? Do a search on for "shaylergate" to read the court testimony of the active-duty British Army soldier on trial for murder as a member of the IRA, working for MI5 according to members of Parliament. Just like Pentagon's Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio, where US soldiers bombed civilian targets all over Western Europe for the past 30 years, to blame the Commies.

When I lived in Germany in USAF, my cousin was a commander for US Army at Rein Main. His personal car was bombed in the parking lot of the Base Exchange. I bet that was Operation Gladio. It really flipped his wife out, since she wasn't part of the scam. And now the chickens have come home to roost with Operation 9/11.

Ive been waiting for you to bed me since I showed you my guns.
-Miss Kitty, Heart of Gold


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:49 AM


You see that weapon he's carrying; it’s called an L1A1 SLR, or Self Loading Rifle, the British version of the Belgium FN FAL. They were standard Issue in the British army until 1985 when they were replaced by the Enfield SA80 (Small Arms for the 1980's). So we can determine from that that your image proving your argument is at the very least 21 years old. Judging by the quality of the image and the clothing of the soldier and the civilians I'd guess mid to late seventies.

This proves that Ireland is under martial law now how exactly?

I even had to correct your mad ranting, remember that? I had to tell you it was MI5 you were talking about not MI6? You’re a nut and a moron, maybe one day you'll realise that, or you'll be sectioned, either way is fine by me you drivelling idiot. You can't even get the basics right so anyone should trust any of your unsupported 'facts' why?


Soon to be posted by PirateNews:
You would say that Commie-Nazi-Illuminati-Jew from Alpha Centari! If you knew anything you'd know the Commie-Nazi-Alien-Jews came down in their bugger ships and went Blargal-gargle moogle boogle and then everyone went moomy doomy nooby blarble and then there was lights and chickens and snazwatches from glarble 5!

Oh and BTW you don't own the website so how about you be slightly less of an Arsehole and stop stealling other peoples bandwidth by hotlinking to their images.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 11:06 AM



Originally posted by Dreamtrove:
What you completely fail to see is your simple egalitarian logic flies in the face of human animal territorial instincts, and because of that creates war, genocide etc, which is why the left is so adept at creating these things.

Glad too see your making up what my argument is for me rather than understand what I'm actually saying.

Well someday I hope to be as intelligent, knowledgable and impartial as you on every subject, but since I'm only a mere Human I doubt it'll ever happen.

I'm well aware that whenever the Right have created a situation like those you describe it was because they had been taken over by Socialist body snatchers from the planet Commuosa.


within reason, as long as it affects socio economic status. sure, just as whites, and for that matter all blacks who aren't bushmen, are the guest population in africa.

You mean all Humans, ever. Even the Bushmen claim territory, territory that I can quite confidently say was 'owned' by another tribe before them. That was owned by another tribe before them and so on until we get to a point where the Human race never existed, at which point it was owned by another species. Your argument is stupid, no matter how you dress it up or insinuate that I'm a stupid lefty who doesn't know anything about the real world isn't going to change that, deal with it.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 11:18 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

FAL is an extremely high-powered rifle, .308 caliber, compared to USA's 22-caliber M-16 piece of crap. VERY deadly weapon to use on unarmed civilians in N Ireland.

Coincidentally, a 9/11 Truth researcher was gunned down in summary execution today, as reported on radio show today. Perhaps retaliation from the Shadow Govt?

I notice that you disinfo operatives always avoid the topic of discussion, since you're unable to debunk facts in evidence.

Back on point. Alex Jones was on CNN today to discuss George Bush Jr perping the 911 terrorist massacres in USA - "BLOODY TUESDAY". Jones also interviewed Charlie Sheen again today. It's a wonderful thing when celebrities speak reality rather than a fantasy script written by someone else, isn't it?! Check for Sheen's latest interview.


Charlie Sheen 9/11 Story Goes Viral! Alex Jones appears on CNN, poll says three-quarters plus support Sheen.

Watch Alex's appearance on CNN's Showbiz Tonight in which he not only successfully defends Charlie Sheen but also batters the Globalists with a raft of facts on the 9/11 inside job. Read the transcript by clicking here.


As of Friday morning you can still vote in the poll and I encourage you to do so by clicking here. A.J. Hammer and CNN Showbiz Tonight need to be given their due as the only mainstream television news show to give balanced coverage of serious 9/11 questions.

As for "stealing bandwidth", that only applies to images posted without links. Otherwise it's "free advertising", which is always welcome. And not that many people read, especially the Reality Threads.

My only gripe with Alex Jones is that he was a Republican who was dumb enough to vote for Bush Jr in 2000. At least I backed Arab Semite Ralph Nader in 2000, for 24 hours, until the Knoxville Green Party censored my official website during election week, for daring to post the text of one of Nader's speeches in Knoxville. The local Green Party was infiltrated and run by the Jewish Mishpucka Garbage And Nuke Waste Incineration Mafia at Oak Ridge Nuke Bomb Factories in Tennessee. They refused to run any local candidates, and refused to post a website, which why I volunteered my time during Selection Week.

I only let the people I own use my title.
-Magistrate Higgins, Jaynestown

(Mal shoots Fed in the head - as seen on PNTV)
Dobson: You're gonna kill a lawman in cold blood?
Joss, WTF were you THINKING?!


Friday, March 24, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by PirateNews:
FAL is an extremely high-powered rifle, .308 caliber, compared to USA's 22-caliber M-16 piece of crap. VERY deadly weapon to use on unarmed civilians in N Ireland.

Is it nearly time for me too break out the crayons so that you can understand what I'm trying to transmit? Point one FAL not equal SLR. Comparative versions, not the same thing, for a start the SLR used Imperial measurements.

Secondly the SLR was standard Issue. If you had been in the military as you claim you'd know what that meant. It means that's the weapons they carry and had been since 1956. Nothing to do with where or why their deployed, that's what they carry. Now do you need that repeated in crayon or have you got it.

I notice that you disinfo operatives always avoid the topic of discussion, since you're unable to debunk facts in evidence.

Facts? hahaha! I can't debunk any of your facts because you haven't provided any. All you've done is rant and rave! Figures someone as deluded as yourself would believe that you making things up were facts.

And actually you were saying that Northern Ireland is currently under martial law and using a picture over 20 years old too prove it. Everything I had to say on the matter was relevant, you changing the subject so quickly is very telling .

I notice that you stupid nutcases always avoid backing your arguments with real facts and evidence.

As for "stealing bandwidth", that only applies to images posted without links. Otherwise it's "free advertising", which is always welcome. And not that many people read, especially the Reality Threads.

As usual you prove your ignorance. What you’re thinking of is linking, which means putting a link to the page the image is on, not the image itself which is hot-linking. Oh and you never provided a link to the host website, so your talking shit again, better look too that.

Oh and frankly you have absolutely no idea how much traffic, or the RWED gets, not that it matters.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 11:52 AM



I notice that you disinfo operatives always avoid the topic of discussion, since you're unable to debunk facts in evidence.

Explain again how the thirty year old picture constitutes facts in evidence?


Friday, March 24, 2006 11:56 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:

You see that weapon he's carrying; it’s called an L1A1 SLR, or Self Loading Rifle, the British version of the Belgium FN FAL.

Oh and BTW you don't own the website so how about you be slightly less of an Arsehole and stop stealling other peoples bandwidth by hotlinking to their images.

The name of the JPG image is "1970s". That just means N Ireland WAS under martial law in 1970s. I'm sure there are many more images online, at least until the "end of the Cold War" against fake "Communism" in the 1990s, when the CIA's Afghan freedom fighters were hired to attack the Serbs in Yugoslavia, and to play the patsies for CIA and MI6 on 9/11 and 7/7.

Funny how you attack me (to divert attention from the topic of this thread) for "stealing bandwidth" on that JPG, but then you do the same thing, instead of saving the JPG on your own server and sucking your own bandwidth. Shame on you, Mr MOD! And how come you never identify your real name, and what your job is at British Ministry of Defense? We won't tell anybody, I promise.

I DID post the link to the photo, in the text I posted underneath it. Here it is again:


The troubles in Northern Ireland are rooted deep in history and are very complex. The recent troubles started in August 1969 with rioting in Londonderry and the Government deployed troops onto the streets as a temporary measure to assist the Royal Ulster Constabulary restore order. Over thirty years later they are still there.

During the early years the troops were welcomed by the Catholic population who saw them as their protectors from Protestants. However, by the early 1970’s the pace of life had become fast and furious, with shootings and bombings almost a daily occurrence, and rioting most nights. As time has gone by, tactics and equipment have developed and the terrorist tactic became deliberate, planned ‘spectacular’ attacks rather than random and sporadic incidents. The Security Forces’ role became that of long hours of routine patrolling and guarding bases, punctuated by short spells of incidents and intense activity.

To date, the Regiment has undertaken 20 tours of duty in Ulster ranging from two to twenty-four months. In addition, many Coldstreamers have served attached to other units as either individuals or small sub-units, and over the years many have served attached to Special Forces units or the Guards Independent Parachute Company which undertook several tours prior to its disbandment in 1975. No7 and No8 Companies are incremental companies which carried the colours of the 2nd Bn. They have both deployed to the Province with either the Scots Guards or the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire & Wiltshire Regiment (RGBW).

Tour of Duty:
April 2001 to May 2003
1st Bn Londonderry

During the past thirty-two years, members of the Regiment have been awarded numerous gallantry and meritorious service awards. Sadly, seven Coldstreamers have been killed whilst on duty.

That sure sounds like martial law to me, as of 2003.

I base my observations on BBC TV transmissions from 1984 to 1993, when I was a legal resident of England, regarding the fact of martial law in N Ireland. Did BBC lie?


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:01 PM


Yes well done. Which doesn't mean it is now.

Someone who is living there told you that it's not, to that you drag a picture up from the 70's to prove it is. No one is disputing the situation in NI back then, I'm saying it's not like that now, is it Crayon time again?


Funny how you attack me (to divert attention from the topic of this thread) for "stealing bandwidth" on that JPG, but then you do the same thing, instead of saving the JPG on your own server and sucking your own bandwidth. Shame on you, Mr MOD! And how come you never identify your real name, and what your job is at British Ministry of Defense? We won't tell anybody, I promise.

Again, your ignorance not my problem. Since the image is already on the page posting it again won't result in another Server request or any more bandwidth usage because it's already downloaded and cached. If you remove it from your post I'll do the same. In fact I've done so, your turn.

As for my real name I have done on numerous occassions on this site. I've met people who post here IRL, have you? As for what I do it's none of your buisness, but again I've said it here on this site, so no dice.

I see you deflect the argument on to discussing my name and occupation to prevent yourself from having to admit your wrong.

Get over yourself.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:20 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

My name is John Lee. I'm executive producer of Pirate News TV, as posted on every entry in this forum. You can find my address and phone number posted at Send me your money!

Isn't it funny how govt employees are so paranoid about the sheeple discovering their Top Secret identities? Last week in traffic court, I cross examined the copster, er Death Squad goon. My first question was "What's your full name?" My second question was "What is your home address?" He answered both questions, as recorded by my court reporter. Now I can do a criminal background check on him, and check his driver license record for tickets and crashes. I also subpoenaed his personnel file, as routinely done during discovery. That REALLY freaks em out!

The last time I checked personnel files on copsters, one cop crashed his patrol car into innocent bystanders 4 times in 5 years as a cop, and the other killed a woman in an off-duty crash. That was in their personnel files, but their driver license records showed no tickets, no points and no crashes. Our current Knox County sheriff Tim Hutchison has 6 criminal convictions for perjury.

I was stationed at RAF Upper Heyford, near Bicester, Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom, British Commonwealth, British Empire. I can't remember the postcode. I loaded nukes on F-111 supersonic swing-wing bombers, er, "fighters" (illegal under SALT treaties).

I warn you, however, that I'm heavily armed for lawful self defense. My home is defended by security alarms, electric fences and killer dogs that eat my internet cables for breakfast. I have a propensity for filing criminal charges against corrupt government employees. I enjoy pro se litigation like you enjoy spotted dick, Mrs Brains Faggots, warm beer, er, lager, and soccer, er, football.

What's your name again? What's you job at MOD? Seriously, yer nuttier than a spotted dick.

Your move, Creep.
-Peter Weller, Robocop

My point of this topic is to put a stop to the slavemasters tricking their slaves into fighting each other. Just like the Roman Empire killed up to 20,000 slave a day in the colosseums, by flooding the arena, with slaves fighting each other in mock naval battles, until only one slave survived. It doesn't matter the nationality of the slaves, whether English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Iraqi or American. We should be fighting the slaveowners, not the slaves, if we REALLY want to win the War On Terrorism.

Back on point:


Google Caught Censoring Charlie Sheen 911 Story

Google is again embroiled in a censorship scandal after being caught blocking information about Charlie Sheen's 9/11 comments, despite the fact that every other major search engine had indexed the pages.

For days, major search engines like Yahoo and others contained tens of thousands of web pages relating to Sheen's comments first broadcast on the Alex Jones Show on Monday afternoon. Last night CNN aired a piece on the issue and by early this morning both the New York Post and the Boston Herald ran articles.

We first noticed that there were no search results related to the story on Google the day after we broke the Sheen story. At first we decided to be fair and wait another day for Google to index an article which was by now linked on thousands of other websites and blogs. By Thursday afternoon, and with the story receiving more traffic, Google still had not indexed any material relating to the Sheen interview, from Prison or any other websites. This despite the fact that the Drudge Report had briefly directly linked to our article, sending it millions of visitors.

Update: Google has today started carrying Prison as a news affiliate. Was their apparant censorship just a spidering error and are they are trying to make up for it? No one promotes Google more than us as they are clearly the best search engine company but their actions still call for us to be watchdogs.

Have I made you ANGRY?!
-Capt Mal


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:33 PM



British Empire

Doesn't exist anymore, get over it.

I warn you, however, that I'm heavily armed for lawful self defense. My home is defended by security alarms, electric fences and killer dogs that eat my internet cables for breakfast. I have a propensity for filing criminal charges against corrupt government employees.

And I care because?

I enjoy pro se litigation like you enjoy spotted dick, Mrs Brains Faggots, warm beer, er, lager, and soccer, er, football.

I see, where your bullshit, raving, ranting and extreme lack of facts or evidence fail insinuating I'm homosexual because I'm British will surely succeed! FYI Ale is served slightly below room temperature, Larger is served ice cold.

Also, never had spotted dick, or Faggots and I'm not much of a Football fan.

What's your name again? What's you job at MOD?

It's still none of your buisness:
Sean Young

I work on Computing and Communications.

There's no way I'm giving someone like you my address, I don't like letter bombs.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 1:00 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by citizen:


British Empire

Doesn't exist anymore, get over it.


What's your name again? What's you job at MOD?

It's still none of your buisness:
Sean Young

I work on Computing and Communications.

Sean Young, the Jewish actress? You're a hottie! You did a good job in Blade Runner.

Computing and Communications - could it be... ECHELON?! Isn't that MI6?


ECHELON is a highly secretive world-wide signals intelligence and analysis network run by the UKUSA Community. ECHELON can capture radio and satellite communications, telephone calls, faxes and e-mails nearly anywhere in the world and includes computer automated analysis and sorting of intercepts. ECHELON is estimated to intercept up to 3 billion communications every day. In May 2001, the European Parliament produced a report on ECHELON which, amongst other things, recommended that citizens of member states routinely use cryptography in their communications to protect their privacy. In the UK, the government introduced the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act which gives authorities the power to demand that citizens hand over their encryption keys, without a judge-approved warrant. ECHELON monitoring of mobile phones in Pakistan was reportedly used to track Khalid Shaikh Mohammed before he was arrested in Rawalpindi on March 1, 2003.

Before the September 11, 2001 attacks and the legislation which followed it, US intelligence agencies were generally prohibited from spying on people inside the US and other western countries' intelligence services generally faced similar restrictions within their own countries.

There are allegations, however, that ECHELON and the UKUSA alliance were used to circumvent these restrictions by, for example, having the UK facilities spy on people inside the US and the US facilites spy on people in the UK, with the agencies exchanging data (perhaps even automatically through the ECHELON system without human intervention).

The proposed US-only "Total Information Awareness" program relied on technology similar to ECHELON, and was to integrate the extensive sources it is legally permitted to survey domestically, with the "taps" already compiled by ECHELON. It was cancelled by the U.S. Congress in 2004.

It has been alleged that in 2002 the Bush Administration extended the ECHELON program to domestic surveillance.

Did you catch that? "The UKUSA ALLIANCE"...!

Love your Illuminati logo with the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer. Same logo as US Govt and MI5.

So you're the bugger listening in to every telephone call and reading every email in the world? That's why I switched to Post-It Notes for all my secret communications.


Today's Commonwealth is an association of 53 countries. Its 1.8 billion citizens, about 30 per cent of the world's population are drawn from the broadest range of faiths, races, cultures and traditions. Members range from vast countries like Canada to small island states like Malta.

In 1867, Canada became the first colony to be transformed into a selfgoverning 'Dominion', a newly constituted status that implied equality with Britain. The empire was gradually changing and Lord Rosebury, a British politician, described it in Australia in 1884 as a "Commonwealth of Nations".

The Conferences of Dominions begun in 1887 were resumed and at the Imperial Conference in 1926, the prime ministers of the participating countries adopted the Balfour Report which defined the Dominions as autonomous communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate to one another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by common allegiance to the Crown, and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

This definition was incorporated into British law in 1931 as the Statute of Westminster. It was adopted immediately in Canada, the Irish Free State, Newfoundland (which joined Canada in 1949) and South Africa. Australia and New Zealand followed. India, Britain's largest colony at the time, had still not achieved self-government and remained a Dominion under the India Act of 1935 until its independence in 1947.

In 1965, the leaders of the Commonwealth established the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, which became the association's independent civil service, headed by a Secretary-General. A year later, the Commonwealth Foundation was launched to assist the growing number of Commonwealth professional associations and, subsequently,NGOs.

The Rt Hon Donald C McKinnon was elected Commonwealth Secretary-General at the November 1999 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Durban, South Africa. He assumed office on 1 April 2000 following a long and distinguished political career in New Zealand where Mr McKinnon was the longest serving Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He also served as Deputy Prime Minister (1990 to 1996), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (1990-1999) and Leader of the House of Representatives (1992-1996). Mr McKinnon became a member of the Privy Council in 1992.

Queen Elizabeth II, who is called the Head of State of 16 Commonwealth Realms, is the Head of the Commonwealth.

I don't think they got your memo, that the British Empire no longer exists. Perhaps you need to tell them they're a figment of your own imagination? You might also tell the United Nations Corporation, founded by the British Empire. The largest voting block in UN Corporation is the British Empire, er, Commonwealth, which also controls the Communist voting block, since Communism was founded in London. Oh, and be sure to remind the Queen to stop handing out bogus Knighthoods of the "British Empire".

And dumb Amerikans think we run the planet, and the endless War on Terrorism actually benefits USA.


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:01 PM



Sean Young, the Jewish actress? You're a hottie! You did a good job in Blade Runner.

No relation. Sean is the Celtic version of the English John, if you're wondering.

I'm not Jewish at all, go far back enough I'm Celtic Scotti (Scottish).

Computing and Communications - could it be... ECHELON?! Isn't that MI6?


I don't think they got your memo, that the British Empire no longer exists. Perhaps you need to tell them they're a figment of your own imagination? You might also tell the United Nations Corporation, founded by the British Empire. The largest voting block in UN Corporation is the British Empire, er, Commonwealth, which also controls the Communist voting block, since Communism was founded in London.

Uhuh, suuure it is...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:17 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Citizen, do you speak Celtic? Cool language.

Joss' bio on Wikipedia says he attended a private ("public") "high school" (aka "college") in England, the oldest in the known 'Verse. VERY posh.


The Art School Aims

To provide every opportunity for our pupils to develop, to the highest standard, their individual creative talents, critical and academic interests in the pursuit of excellence in Art and Design and the History of Art.
To encourage and foster a commitment in our pupils to art and to ensure a foundation upon which they may build for the rest of their lives.

During the school year 2004-2005 there were twenty-four productions and two major rock and acoustic concerts. As usual, hundreds of actors and back-stage crews and thousands of audience members were involved.

The conversion of its 1870s romantic neo-medieval sanatorium has provided Winchester College with an Art School...

An all-boys school... No wonder he's STILL fixated on sexy teenage girls.

Joss attended school in a converted Loony Bin? That explains his unique writing style!

Joss in Shakespeare:

He must've had a hell of a time mixing with the Brits, what with his Irish looks and US citizenship. Could that be a genesis of the Hellmouth, located under Sunnydale High? Which he makes the point of NUKING? I don't even hate my days at Tennessee Military Institute that much - and it's now a Jap-language school for Japs. And I got hazed severely - an odd thing to do to a student carrying an M-14 machine gun.

I know how much of an outsider I was in England, in the snobby motorsport community. Very tough to break in to, especially at Silverstone Circuit, run by the British Racing Drivers Club, with British royalty prancing about on the starting grid. Due to my shoestring budget, I mostly did business with the impoverished end of the paddock, renting exploding cars from jailbirds, and sleeping in houses of prostitution, er, bed and breakfasts. An interesting situation, like Heart of Gold, walking into a bordello near Brands Hatch, with my wife giving the whores the evil eye, and vice versa.

I loved touring the dozens of colleges at Oxford University. Ancient stone buildings and creepy chapels populated by gargoyles. Must have been scary for the students living there. No wonder Joss writes creepy horror movies. No wonder he's an alleged atheist/existentialist.


The Onion: "Is there a God?"

Joss: "No."

The Onion: "That's it, end of story, no?"

Joss: "Absolutely not. That's a very important and necessary thing to learn."


In terms of the existence and relevance of God, there are three schools of existentialist thought: atheistic existentialism (Sartre), Christian existentialism (Kierkegaard) and a third school, agnostic existentialism, which proposes that whether God exists or not is irrelevant to the issue of human existence - God may or may not exist (Heidegger).

If anyone can make sense out of that mess, have at it.


The central shield depicts the Arms of Winchester College, surmounted by the Mitre of Bishop William of Wykeham, Founder of the College and Bishop of Winchester. The Arms of the College are surrounded by the Founder's sash in his capacity as Prelate of the Order of the Garter ('Honi soit qui mal y pense' - 'Evil be to him who evil thinks'), and below is his motto 'Manners Makyth Man' which is also the College Motto.

Hmmm. What's Joss doing hanging out with the Order of the Garter?



The Order of the Garter is the most senior and the oldest British Order of Chivalry and was founded by Edward III in 1348.

The Order, consisting of the King and twenty-five knights, was intended by Edward III to be reserved as the highest reward for loyalty and for military merit.

Like the Prince of Wales (the Black Prince), the other founder-knights had all served in the French campaigns of the time, including the battle of Crécy - three were foreigners who had previously sworn allegiance to the English king: four of the knights were under the age of 20 and few were much over the age of 30.

The origin of the emblem of the Order, a blue garter, is obscure. It is said to have been inspired by an incident which took place whilst the King danced with Joan, Countess of Salisbury.

The Countess's garter fell to the floor and after the King retrieved it he tied it to his own leg. Those watching this were apparently amused, but the King admonished them saying, 'Honi soit qui mal y pense' (Shame on him who thinks this evil). This then became the motto of the Order.

The insignia of the Order have developed over the centuries: starting with a garter and badge depicting St George and the Dragon.

Today, the Order has returned to its original function as a mark of royal favour; Knights of the Garter are chosen personally by the Sovereign to honour those who have held public office, who have contributed in a particular way to national life or who have served the Sovereign personally.

The number of knights is limited to 24 plus royal knights. For much of its history, the Garter was limited to the aristocracy.

Every June, the Knights of the Garter gather at Windsor Castle, where new knights take the oath and are invested with the insignia.

The Queen (whose father George VI appointed her and her husband to the Order in 1947), as Sovereign of the Order, attends the service along with other members of the Royal family in the Order, including The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales and The Princess Royal.

Since the early fourteenth century, foreign monarchs have been appointed to the Order, as a means of marking and securing alliances - one of the earliest such appointments was that of the Duke of Urbino by Edward IV in 1474.

Such appointments were and are occasionally made to non-Christian rulers (for example, the Shah of Persia in 1902), which prompted some debate over removing Christian imagery (the cross of St George) from the Order when it is given to non-Christian recipients; in the end, the design remained unchanged.

Foreign monarchs in the Order are known as 'Stranger Knights'. These knights are in addition to the number allowed by statute, and they include the kings of Spain and Sweden and the emperor of Japan.

Did England warp his brain? Who was his arch nemesis at Winchester? Was his name... SPIKE?! Is Joss seeking knighthood? The Queen of England did purchase Serenity TBDM, via Carlyle Group, with Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire and the Bin Ladens...

Why would the British monarch reward the fascist emperor of Japan with the most elite knighthood in UK, who put US soldiers in fishtanks and cut gills in their necks for public display in his palace? That doesn't make sense, until you realize the "British" Empire founded fascism and Nazism, and Jew Sir Winston Churchill Knight of the British Empire paid the Japs in gold to bomb Pearl Harbor. Just like the Queen's third cousin King George Bush II bombed USA on 9/11/2001 for the British Empire.


Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century

September 2000

by Jewish Rabbi Dov Zakheim (killer robot airplane salesman who "lost" $4.5-trillion at Pentagon), JEB Bush (a popular Jewish name), Swedish Jew Dick Cheney, Sir Paul Wolfolwitz Jewish Knight of the British Empire, Jew Richard Pearl, Jew William Kristol, indicted Jewish felon Scooter Libby, Sir Donald Rumsfeld Jewish Knight of the British Empire, Jew Gary Bauer (Rothschild), Most-Evil-Looking Jew Charles Krauthammer, Dan "Don't Shoot Me Dick" Quayle, et al


The process of transformation, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor. And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

PNAC is just one of the smoking cannons proving Sheen and Jones are correct.

And here's some interesting trivia:


Tim Minear (born October 29, 1963) is an American screenwriter and director. He was born in New York, grew up in Whittier, California, and studied film at California State University, Long Beach. Tim was an assistant director on the film Platoon, and wrote episodes for several television series including The X-Files. He later wrote, executive-produced, and directed episodes of Strange World, Angel, Firefly (and Serenity TBDM). Minear often works with Joss Whedon.

So Minear directed Charlie Sheen in Platoon, which was Oliver Stone's autobiography in Vietnam (where Junior Bush and Cheney dodged the draft). Stone's JFK was an autobiography of Judge Jim Garrison, who prosecuted CIA agents in New Orleans, for assassinating JFK Sr in front of the Dallas police station and FBI/CIA federal office building. Stone's movie JFK resulted in congress ordering the declassification of 2-million pages of documents on the JFK assassination. One of those declassified documents was Operation NORTHWOODS, which confessed the US Shadow Govt would hijack US airliners by remote control, with fake passenger lists of CIA agents, and blow them up by remote control, to blame an innocent nation... Minear wrote for X-Files, which had the Lone Gunmen spinoff pilot episode based on Operation NORTHWOODS, where the Shadow Govt hijacked a US airliner by remote control, to crash into the WTC 6 months before 9/11/2001... I bet Minear didn't take kindly to Bush/Cheney/CIA/Pentagon/Boeing's robot attack on his birthcity... Was Minear behind the Lone Gunmen's report on Northwoods treason?

Video Download: Lone Gunmen Operation Northwoods

"I'm counting on the Internet to destroy the music industry. That's its first job. Then I'd like to see it take on the movie world. I would have lived on the Internet as a kid. I would have been not me, which is what I wanted to be all my life. You can either watch TV or you can make TV. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn."
-Sir Joss the Boss


Friday, March 24, 2006 6:44 PM



Your argument is stupid,

Ah, the essence of the rhetorrical left.

Anyway, the fact of biological animal territoral competition persists regardless of your ignoring it.

Also, the right doesn't create those situations.

And, though I pre-emptively stated your argument, you obliged, so I wasn't wrong.


Friday, March 24, 2006 6:48 PM


Charlie Sheen's real name is Carlos Estevez, which isn't real jewish.


Friday, March 24, 2006 11:51 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


On his father's side Martin his grandmother is Irish immigrant, and his grandfather, Francisco Estevez, was a Spaniard. His real name is Carlos Estevez son of Ramon Estevez A.K.A Martin Sheen. Brother of actor Emilio Estevez and Renée Estevez and Ramon Estevez. Also nephew Of actor Joe Estevez.

That explains a lot. Sephardic Jews are from Spain, with bloodlines mixed with Semitic Arabs, when the Arabs controlled all of southern Europe. Like most "Jews" there's probably very little DNA from the middle east. Spanish Jews were required to convert to Catholicism during the Inqusition, under penalty of death. Hence the Kol Nidre prayer, requiring Jews to lie about their true religion.

Sheen is like Sheehan, which is a Jewish name.

Most "Jews" are apparently secular/atheist, which is why Jews founded Communism as a religion to worship Govt as a god. But even the Khazarian/Ashkenazi Non-Semitic White Jews probably run Spain, just like they run South America and Mexico. Ashkenazis were 3% of Jews 1,000 years ago, but now compose 80% of all Jews.

Judaism does NOT count anyone a Jew unless they have a Jewish mother. Jewish fathers don't count, even if they are born in Israel, so they cannot be Israeli citizens under racist Israeli law.

Of course, anyone can convert to any religion they want, notwithstanding massive peer pressure from families and friends. Tho many still face a death penalty today, depending on where they live, such as Muslim nations or Israel. In theory, one person could join all religions, during their lifetime.

Jewishness is more a secret society, which seems to open doors that would otherwise not open. Especially if a Freemason or Kabalist, which are "Jewish" secret societies. My cousin married a Jew, and now she's a judge on Tennessee Court of Appeals, with 3 mansions. Another cousin married a Jew who was invited as a guest to Jewish Bohemian Grove, but not on the day they perform child sacrifice to Molech (a popular pasttime for Jews in ancient Jerusalem).

FYI, Elvis Presley was a Jew. So was "Marilyn Monroe". So was Sammy Davis Jr. So is Oliver Stone, who directed Sheen in Platoon. Sheen, in fact, played the part of Stone in real life, so Stone picked Sheen to play the part of a Jew.

Freddie Prinze Jr and Sarah Michelle Geller are Jewish. (Summers is a Jewish name)

Famous Jews and Name Changers:

Mathias Bush, (Revolutionary war)
Solomon Bush, (Revolutionary war), Lieutenant Colonel, highest-ranking Jewish officer in the Continental Army

Is Sheen/Estevez a "Jew"? By what percentage? Charlie turned down the offer to be a Scientologist with blonde bombshell Kelly Preston, aka Mrs John Travolta (another stripper fag hag). If Kelly Preston can't convert you to a religion... DAMN! You might be a Jew.

I always did like Charlie Sheen's characters. Now I finally like Charlie Sheen, aka Carlos Estevez. I guess he finally grew up. Hopefully America will do the same.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV


Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:57 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

On his father's side Martin his grandmother is Irish immigrant, and his grandfather, Francisco Estevez, was a Spaniard. His real name is Carlos Estevez son of Ramon Estevez A.K.A Martin Sheen. Brother of actor Emilio Estevez and Renée Estevez and Ramon Estevez. Also nephew Of actor Joe Estevez.

That explains a lot. Sephardic Jews are from Spain, with bloodlines mixed with Semitic Arabs, when the Arabs controlled all of southern Europe. Like most "Jews" there's probably very little DNA from the middle east. Spanish Jews were required to convert to Catholicism during the Inqusition, under penalty of death. Hence the Kol Nidre prayer, requiring Jews to lie about their true religion.

Sheen is like Sheehan, which is a Jewish name.

Most "Jews" are apparently secular/atheist, which is why Jews founded Communism as a religion to worship Govt as a god. But even the Khazarian/Ashkenazi Non-Semitic White Jews probably run Spain, just like they run South America and Mexico. Ashkenazis were 3% of Jews 1,000 years ago, but now compose 80% of all Jews.

Judaism does NOT count anyone a Jew unless they have a Jewish mother. Jewish fathers don't count, even if they are born in Israel, so they cannot be Israeli citizens under racist Israeli law.

Of course, anyone can convert to any religion they want, notwithstanding massive peer pressure from families and friends, tho many still face a death penalty today, depending on where they live, such as Muslim nations or Israel.

Jewishness is more a secret society, which seems to open doors that would otherwise not open. Especially if a Freemason or Kabalist, which are "Jewish" secret societies. My cousin married a Jew, and now she's a judge on Tennessee Court of Appeals, with 3 mansions. Another cousin married a Jew who was invited as a guest to Jewish Bohemian Grove, but not on the day they perform child sacrifice to Molech (a popular pasttime for Jews in ancient Jerusalem).

FYI, Elvis Presley was a Jew. So was "Marilyn Monroe". So was Sammy Davis Jr. So is Oliver Stone, who directed Sheen in Platoon.

Freddie Prinze Jr and Sarah Michelle Geller are Jewish. (Summers is a Jewish name)

Famous Jews and Name Changers:

Is Sheen/Estevez a "Jew"? By what percentage? Charlie turned down the offer to be a Scientologist with blonde bombshell Kelly Preston, aka Mrs John Travolta (another stripper fag hag). If Kelly Preston can't convert you to a religion... DAMN! You might be a Jew.

I always did like Charlie Sheen's characters. Now I finally like Charlie Sheen, aka Carlos Estevez. I guess he finally grew up.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Stop beating about the bush and tell us what you realy think about Jews.
And you still have'nt answered my question as to why a thirty year old picture constitutes facts in evidence of the "Machine gunning" of Irish civilians on a daily basis.

Oh, and your highly protected home would'nt happen to be a cabin in the woods would it?

Oh,oh, and Spotted dick does'nt have nuts and I think you'l find it's MR Brains faggots (but J.C. Rooks ones are better).

If you take the White hood off you might be able to better hear what other people are saying.

By appointment to Her Majesty, The Queen Empress.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:24 AM


No Dreamtrove I get sick and tired of your rightwing rhetorical shit.

Anyway, the fact of biological animal territoral competition persists regardless of your ignoring it.

I'm not the one ignoring it Dreamtrove, but since you don't actually understand what my argument is, your just working on what you read on some "Right against the Left" website in an article entitled "What every leftist argument is" written by some one whose never actually heard one, rather than bother to listen to what I'm saying I'm sure you think that.

What your simple non-egalitarian logic fails to take into account is the fact that these people whose ancestors have only been living there for four hundred years have as much a claim to be Irish as the norwegians who have been living there for a little over a thousand. Being an American you are completely unable to grasp what happens after a period of time longer than the existence of your nation.

What your "obviously" far better grasp of the "real(right) world" fails to understand is that these people don't consider themselves the guest population nor invaders, and neither should they just because you, with your god like intellect, have decided thus. So raw animal territoriality is as much on their side as anyone else’s.

You don't even have a point; your point is you get too decide who is 'right' and who is 'wrong'. Well thanks Herr Diktator Dreamtrove, about the level of debate I expect from an ardent rightwing supporter.

We’ll just drop all those who you consider to be the guest population in the sea too drown since you’ve decided that they have no right to life or land with your superior ‘might makes right’ survival of the fittest right-wing view of the world, I’ll get right on that.

Also, the right doesn't create those situations.

I could give you lists a mile long, but since you'd merely say "they're really left because the left creates these situations not the right" there's no point. You can't logically argue against an illogical circular argument which is what most if not all your arguments on the matter boil down too.

And, though I pre-emptively stated your argument, you obliged, so I wasn't wrong.

I know the right likes "pre-emptive" action but you didn't pre-emptively state shit you arrogant arse. You want a pre-emptive statement of someone's argument:
[[]Dreamtrove's Argument[]]
The left did it, I know they look like the right sometimes but it's defiantly the left, okay this one here is from a rightwing party has a rightwing family was voted for by rightwing voters and has operated on the rightwing a lot, but only the left do bad things, the right is pure and incorruptible and can't be labelled with an atrocity, ever. You see it's only because he's been taken over by the leftwing body snatchers from Tripy 12, after the pure rightwing voters voted for him, of course.

Look I'm not just shouting my mouth off I do know more about this stuff than everyone else ever. I've got a degree in it and I've done a lot of research, so I know more than you. You disagreeing with me just proves that you are wrong, because, as a right winger I'm always right, no matter what the circumstances.

I don't care what a scientist or historian who has devoted their lives to the subject has too say on the matter, nor anyone with personal experience, they're wrong, they're disagreeing with me, so you can tell.

One day you are all going to wake up and realise I'm more intelligent, more knowledgeable and far more objective than all of you put together as I am like a god to you mere mortals, that's not arrogance you understand, merely objective assessment.
[[]/DreamTrove's Argument[]]
What your argument is now, has been and for ever shall be. Bor-fucking-ring. Change the record DT.

Oh and BTW this isn't out of nowhere. At every opportunity you gob off about how the left and/or anyone who holds a left-wing ideal are all evil, not intelligent enough to recognise the real world and misguided and the bit I like the most is how that is an objective non partisan assessment. I've tried offering intelligent arguments supported by facts and evidence and I've been successful. What you do is ignore and/or forget about it and five minutes later you’re spouting the same old boring partisan bullshit you were before. I'm sick of it.

So, now you go back to telling me that I’m a stupid lefty who doesn’t live in the real world, doesn’t know what I’m talking about and dreams of the day I can live in a leftwing European dictatorship (all things you’ve said before).

Well fine, you want the perfect Right-Wing capitalist world, they’ve made a film about it, it’s called Mad Max, enjoy. Although I realise everything bad being done in the Mad Max films is perpetrated by Lefties, but whatever, I’m done with you.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:07 AM


Being a moderate Unionist of Scottish descent, I obviously am no fan of the IRA but it's an insult to Irish Republicanism to say that MI5 ran the IRA.

And the clenched fist is the Red Hand of Ulster, a symbol of the O'Neill clan from the late 17th century. Anyhow there wasn't martial law in Northern Ireland, there were dirty tricks going on by all the sides but there wasn't martial law. You obviously want to see what will fit your world view but I live here and see what goes on.

And with regards to the great conspiracy theories of the world, I always find this quote from the Sunday Times useful.


But the notion that “they” were directing this in the latter part of the 20th century as part of a global master plan for world domination is ridiculous. Anyone who has worked in government and experienced the horrible reality, with all of its complexities, contradictions, shades of grey, confusion between left hand and right, not to mention the cock-up theory of great events, will laugh at the notion. If only we were that smart and that powerful, we would not face some of the problems we do.,,23110-2063545,00.html


Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:19 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by SimonF:

Being a moderate Unionist of Scottish descent, I obviously am no fan of the IRA but it's an insult to Irish Republicanism to say that MI5 ran the IRA.

And the clenched fist is the Red Hand of Ulster, a symbol of the O'Neill clan from the late 17th century. Anyhow there wasn't martial law in Northern Ireland, there were dirty tricks going on by all the sides but there wasn't martial law. You obviously want to see what will fit your world view but I live here and see what goes on.

So the English Commies plagerized the clenched fist? Just like the Rothschilds plagerized the Star of Soloman.

Mel Gibson in Mad Max, er, Braveheart


In 1999, after an absence of 292 years, Scotland regained her Parliament. It has very limited powers and responsibilities, with major policy (taxation, economy, transport, defence, foreign policy, broadcasting) still decided by Westminster - but it is a Parliament nonetheless. For nearly 300 years Scotland had been completely trapped in an unequal political Union with England and Wales (the United Kingdom). The Scottish National Party, the Scottish Socialist Alliance and the Scottish Green Party are three separate political parties all campaigning for Scottish Independence.

If Scotland actually fought hard for independence from the "United" Kingdom, the British Army won't drag its leaders into the street to draw and quarter them, as done to William Wallace. They just "suicide" you like Dr Kelly, or crash your car in an "accident" like Diana Spencer, or "mug" you to death in a random act of violence. There's plenty of psychopaths employed by Gangsta Govt willing to kill for a paycheck. Is that freedom? Or slavery?

Psycho London copsters face arrest for murder of innocent Jean Charles de Menezes by holding him down and shooting him 11 times in the head for 30 seconds until his head was knocked off

Tony BLiar Bombed London on 7/7/2005

Of course there was an Irish IRA. But MI5 infiltrated it and seized control of it, and carried out murders, to blame the IRA and justify martial law. When your nation is occupied by a foreign government, with military soldiers gunning down innocent civilians in the streets, that's martial law. Not on the scale of the evil taking place every day in Iraq or Israel, but all of this crime is perped by the evil British Empire.


MI5 'helped IRA buy bomb parts in US'

A FORMER British Army mole in the IRA has claimed that MI5 arranged a weapons-buying trip to America in which he obtained detonators, later used by terrorists to murder soldiers and police officers. In a book to be published next month, the spy, who uses the pseudonym Kevin Fulton, describes in detail how British intelligence co-operated with the FBI to ensure his trip to New York in the 1990s went ahead without incident so that his cover would not be blown. He claims the technology he obtained has been used in Northern Ireland and copied by terrorists in Iraq in roadside bombs that have killed British troops. Fulton, a married Catholic now in his forties, was serving in the army when he was recruited by military intelligence to infiltrate the IRA. He later worked for the Force Research Unit, a covert branch of the Intelligence Corps set up to infiltrate paramilitary groups. For 13 years Fulton was an IRA terrorist, involved first in courier runs, later as a driver and enforcer, and finally as a master bomb-maker in a unit in Newry, Co Down, credited with numerous advances in explosive technologies. “I was recruited as a serving British soldier,” he said. “I was in the Royal Irish Rangers. I agreed to go into the IRA as a soldier.”,,2087-2092574,00.html


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: British soldiers were arrested in Iraq dressed as Arabs, caught in the act of planting bombs and killing cops, rescued by the genocidal British Army, to cover up British terrorist bombings in Iraq, TO KILL US TROOPS.


Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast

By Ralph Blumenthal
October 28, 1993 - Page A1

Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said.

The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as being in a far better position than previously known to foil the February 26th bombing of New York City's tallest towers.

The explosion left six people dead, more than a thousand people injured, and damages in excess of half-a-billion dollars. Four men are now on trial in Manhattan Federal Court in that attack.

Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was used by the Government of the United States to penetrate a circle of Muslim extremists who are now charged in the World Trade Center attack.

The transcript quotes Mr. Salem as saying that he wanted to complain to F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington about the Bureau's failure to stop the bombing, but was dissuaded by an agent identified as John Anticev.

Mr. Salem said Mr. Anticev had told him, "He said, I don't think that the New York people would like the things out of the New York Office to go to Washington, D.C."

Another agent, identified as Nancy Floyd, does not dispute Mr. Salem's account, but rather, appears to agree with it, saying of the `New York people':

"Well, of course not, because they don't want to get their butts chewed."

WILLIAM KUNSTLER, attorney for defendants: Salem is the only real conspirator in this case.

PAUL DeRIENZO: Kunstler charges that the Government’s wiretaps back up his contention that the defendants were entrapped by Salem.

WILLIAM KUNSTLER: I’ve read a lot of the tapes by now–transcriptions of the tapes, which were just furnished to me today. Before I came here, I read some of them, and they are things like… having him (Salem) say:

"Well, I think we ought to bomb the George Washington Bridge. That’s a very good target. It would make the commuters raise hell with this Government of ours."

PAUL DeRIENZO: Kunstler adds that Salem was the recipient of between two hundred fifty thousand and one million dollars for his services as an informant–plus moneys paid to him by other sources linked to foreign governments, including money from an organization founded by assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane.

WILLIAM KUNSTLER: Salem also received money from Kahane Chai, Rabbi Meir Kahane’s group. Probably from a lot of other people. Israel’s secret service, the Mossad is not someone to exclude.

Mr Salem's undercover tape of FBI ordering the bombing MP3


That's what Operation NORTHWOODS and Operation GLADIO are all about, to bomb USA and Western Europe, to blame innocent enemies. Retarded illiterate patsies are a bonus.Aided and abetted by a treasonous media mafia.

Some people survived World War 2 without seeing any violence nor martial law, but that doesn't prove it didn't exist. All I know is what I saw on BBC TV, and I had ZERO desire to go the the hellhole of N Ireland. Of course, BBC was biased, with an agenda for enforcing the British Empire.

The Queen's "subjects" in Britain are more enslaved than anyone else, with extreme taxation, GATSOS, ban of self defense, open borders, Death Camps ("hospitals"), 7/7 London Bombings perped by MI5, assassinations of David Kelly and Princess Diana, etc. The purpose of propaganda is double-think, to make the slaves happy to be slaves. The ideal is to make the slaves so stupid they don't even know they're enslaved.

That's why alcohol, "illegal" drugs, psymeds and flouride are so important for dumbing-down the slaves, to help prevent escape from the plantation. Soybeans and soft-plastic bottles contain the female hormone estrogen, which makes negates testosterone (and agression) in both men and women, with the added bonus of causing cancer. TV is also a drug, with opiate effects on the brian.


Contraceptives, painkillers, antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs and blood-pressure drugs are showing up in lakes and rivers, while anti-inflammatory and anti-cholesterol drugs and antidepressants are ending up in drinking water. Experiments in northern Ontario have shown that exposure to these waste drugs has led to the feminization of male fish, delayed reproduction in female fish and damage to kidneys and livers of both sexes, the report said. Drugs are taken orally and flushed down toilets as human excrement. And unused drugs are washed down the sink or flushed down the toilet directly into domestic sewers. Many drugs pass right through the sewage and water treatment plants, back into the drinking water.

While the slaves are drugged into oblivion, it's easier to knock their heads off with designer diseases like HIV/AIDS, a patented US bioweapon funded by US Congress in 1971, thanks to the Jewish Rockefellers working for the Rothschilds.




H.B. 15090

Department of the Army
Statement of Director, Advanced Research Project Agency

pg. 129 TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1969


Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: We Never Went to the Moon

If the diseases don't kill you, the doctors and meds will. Over 7,000 Amerikans are genocided every day via this scam.

USA is currently in a bloody Civil War - just like the Irish - when Bush Junior declared war on USA on 9/11/2001, following his orders from his cousin, the German Queen of England. This is a war fought nonstop since the Revolutionary War over 200 years ago. Only this time, the entire US govt has already been overthrown by the British Empire, which already controls the Arabs and the Communists. What Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire called the New World Order in 200 speeches. The 13th Amendment ot the Constitution forbids foreign titles of nobility, to prevent foreign govts from seizing control of USA.

As someone who lived in England for 8 years, I can see why Joss made the British Empire his enemy in Firefly (aka Anglo-Sino Alliance). Each person on Firefly had their own reason to hate the Alliance, regardless of background. Wealth did not protect the Tams from the Evil Empire. Mal was wealthy too, before some disaster forced him to join the rebels. Inara was also probably wealthy before a disaster forced her to flee "civilization" - and the Alliance assassins still hunted her down. This is why Sir Rupert Murdock Knight of the British Empire, and Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire and the German Queen of England, killed Firefly and hijacked Serenity via Carlyle Group's hostile takeover of Universal Studios. Movies and TV shows are financed for their propaganda value, and Firefly was anti-propaganda, and promoted depregramming from govt mind control and detoxifying from govt PAXILon HCl in the air/water.

That's radical truth, cloaked in the invisibility of sci-fi. Can't let the sheeple THINK about stuff like that. Not even subliminally. Not even for fun.

Joss and Firefly are just more casualties of the US/British Revolutionary Civil Colonial Slave War.


CNN Poll: 84% of Americans agree with Charlie Sheen - Agree: 34089 votes - disagree: 6640 votes

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Unfair and Unbalanced - Treasonous Hannity & Colmes report on Sheen's 9/11 interview - Absolutely no facts allowed on Australian Jewish Fox News - Fox literally puts Mishpucka Mafia Kosher Nostra murder contract on Sheen and Jones - Absolutely pathetic excuse for a "news" broadcast for anyone with an IQ over 50

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Bush Sued by RICO Act - Stanley Hilton attorney at law for 9/11 families and govt whistleblowers vs media whores Shaun Hannity and Alan Colmes for Jewish Australian porno king pimp daddy Rupert Murdock on Faux News

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Alex Jones on CNN #2

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Alex Jones on CNN #1

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Alex Jones' CTV interview of Charlie Sheen

"You can't stop the signal! He killed me with a sword. How weird is that?"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

(Mal shoots Anglo-Sino Alliance Fed in the head)
Dobson: You're gonna kill a lawman in cold blood?
Joss, WTF were you THINKING?!


Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:05 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Originally posted by SimonF:

Being a moderate Unionist of Scottish descent, I obviously am no fan of the IRA but it's an insult to Irish Republicanism to say that MI5 ran the IRA.

And the clenched fist is the Red Hand of Ulster, a symbol of the O'Neill clan from the late 17th century. Anyhow there wasn't martial law in Northern Ireland, there were dirty tricks going on by all the sides but there wasn't martial law. You obviously want to see what will fit your world view but I live here and see what goes on.

So the English Commies plagerized the clenched fist? Just like the Rothschilds plagerized the Star of Soloman.

Mel Gibson in Mad Max, er, Braveheart


In 1999, after an absence of 292 years, Scotland regained her Parliament. It has very limited powers and responsibilities, with major policy (taxation, economy, transport, defence, foreign policy, broadcasting) still decided by Westminster - but it is a Parliament nonetheless. For nearly 300 years Scotland had been completely trapped in an unequal political Union with England and Wales (the United Kingdom). The Scottish National Party, the Scottish Socialist Alliance and the Scottish Green Party are three separate political parties all campaigning for Scottish Independence.

If Scotland actually fought hard for independence from the "United" Kingdom, the British Army won't drag its leaders into the street to draw and quarter them, as done to William Wallace. They just "suicide" you like Dr Kelly, or crash your car in an "accident" like Diana Spencer, or "mug" you to death in a random act of violence. There's plenty of psychopaths employed by Gangsta Govt willing to kill for a paycheck. Is that freedom? Or slavery?

Psycho London copsters face arrest for murder of innocent Jean Charles de Menezes by holding him down and shooting him 11 times in the head for 30 seconds until his head was knocked off

Tony BLiar Bombed London on 7/7/2005

Of course there was an Irish IRA. But MI5 infiltrated it and seized control of it, and carried out murders, to blame the IRA and justify martial law. When your nation is occupied by a foreign government, with military soldiers gunning down innocent civilians in the streets, that's martial law. Not on the scale of the evil taking place every day in Iraq or Israel, but all of this crime is perped by the evil British Empire.


MI5 'helped IRA buy bomb parts in US'

A FORMER British Army mole in the IRA has claimed that MI5 arranged a weapons-buying trip to America in which he obtained detonators, later used by terrorists to murder soldiers and police officers. In a book to be published next month, the spy, who uses the pseudonym Kevin Fulton, describes in detail how British intelligence co-operated with the FBI to ensure his trip to New York in the 1990s went ahead without incident so that his cover would not be blown. He claims the technology he obtained has been used in Northern Ireland and copied by terrorists in Iraq in roadside bombs that have killed British troops. Fulton, a married Catholic now in his forties, was serving in the army when he was recruited by military intelligence to infiltrate the IRA. He later worked for the Force Research Unit, a covert branch of the Intelligence Corps set up to infiltrate paramilitary groups. For 13 years Fulton was an IRA terrorist, involved first in courier runs, later as a driver and enforcer, and finally as a master bomb-maker in a unit in Newry, Co Down, credited with numerous advances in explosive technologies. “I was recruited as a serving British soldier,” he said. “I was in the Royal Irish Rangers. I agreed to go into the IRA as a soldier.”,,2087-2092574,00.html


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: British soldiers were arrested in Iraq dressed as Arabs, caught in the act of planting bombs and killing cops, rescued by the genocidal British Army, to cover up British terrorist bombings in Iraq, TO KILL US TROOPS.


Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast

By Ralph Blumenthal
October 28, 1993 - Page A1

Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said.

The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as being in a far better position than previously known to foil the February 26th bombing of New York City's tallest towers.

The explosion left six people dead, more than a thousand people injured, and damages in excess of half-a-billion dollars. Four men are now on trial in Manhattan Federal Court in that attack.

Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was used by the Government of the United States to penetrate a circle of Muslim extremists who are now charged in the World Trade Center attack.

The transcript quotes Mr. Salem as saying that he wanted to complain to F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington about the Bureau's failure to stop the bombing, but was dissuaded by an agent identified as John Anticev.

Mr. Salem said Mr. Anticev had told him, "He said, I don't think that the New York people would like the things out of the New York Office to go to Washington, D.C."

Another agent, identified as Nancy Floyd, does not dispute Mr. Salem's account, but rather, appears to agree with it, saying of the `New York people':

"Well, of course not, because they don't want to get their butts chewed."

WILLIAM KUNSTLER, attorney for defendants: Salem is the only real conspirator in this case.

PAUL DeRIENZO: Kunstler charges that the Government’s wiretaps back up his contention that the defendants were entrapped by Salem.

WILLIAM KUNSTLER: I’ve read a lot of the tapes by now–transcriptions of the tapes, which were just furnished to me today. Before I came here, I read some of them, and they are things like… having him (Salem) say:

"Well, I think we ought to bomb the George Washington Bridge. That’s a very good target. It would make the commuters raise hell with this Government of ours."

PAUL DeRIENZO: Kunstler adds that Salem was the recipient of between two hundred fifty thousand and one million dollars for his services as an informant–plus moneys paid to him by other sources linked to foreign governments, including money from an organization founded by assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane.

WILLIAM KUNSTLER: Salem also received money from Kahane Chai, Rabbi Meir Kahane’s group. Probably from a lot of other people. Israel’s secret service, the Mossad is not someone to exclude.

Mr Salem's undercover tape of FBI ordering the bombing MP3


That's what Operation NORTHWOODS and Operation GLADIO are all about, to bomb USA and Western Europe, to blame innocent enemies. Retarded illiterate patsies are a bonus.Aided and abetted by a treasonous media mafia.

Some people survived World War 2 without seeing any violence nor martial law, but that doesn't prove it didn't exist. All I know is what I saw on BBC TV, and I had ZERO desire to go the the hellhole of N Ireland. Of course, BBC was biased, with an agenda for enforcing the British Empire.

The Queen's "subjects" in Britain are more enslaved than anyone else, with extreme taxation, GATSOS, ban of self defense, open borders, Death Camps ("hospitals"), 7/7 London Bombings perped by MI5, assassinations of David Kelly and Princess Diana, etc. The purpose of propaganda is double-think, to make the slaves happy to be slaves. The ideal is to make the slaves so stupid they don't even know they're enslaved.

That's why alcohol, "illegal" drugs, psymeds and flouride are so important for dumbing-down the slaves, to help prevent escape from the plantation. Soybeans and soft-plastic bottles contain the female hormone estrogen, which makes negates testosterone (and agression) in both men and women, with the added bonus of causing cancer. TV is also a drug, with opiate effects on the brian.


Contraceptives, painkillers, antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs and blood-pressure drugs are showing up in lakes and rivers, while anti-inflammatory and anti-cholesterol drugs and antidepressants are ending up in drinking water. Experiments in northern Ontario have shown that exposure to these waste drugs has led to the feminization of male fish, delayed reproduction in female fish and damage to kidneys and livers of both sexes, the report said. Drugs are taken orally and flushed down toilets as human excrement. And unused drugs are washed down the sink or flushed down the toilet directly into domestic sewers. Many drugs pass right through the sewage and water treatment plants, back into the drinking water.

While the slaves are drugged into oblivion, it's easier to knock their heads off with designer diseases like HIV/AIDS, a patented US bioweapon funded by US Congress in 1971, thanks to the Jewish Rockefellers working for the Rothschilds.




H.B. 15090

Department of the Army
Statement of Director, Advanced Research Project Agency

pg. 129 TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1969


Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: We Never Went to the Moon

If the diseases don't kill you, the doctors and meds will. Over 7,000 Amerikans are genocided every day via this scam.

USA is currently in a bloody Civil War - just like the Irish - when Bush Junior declared war on USA on 9/11/2001, following his orders from his cousin, the German Queen of England. This is a war fought nonstop since the Revolutionary War over 200 years ago. Only this time, the entire US govt has already been overthrown by the British Empire, which already controls the Arabs and the Communists. What Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire called the New World Order in 200 speeches. The 13th Amendment ot the Constitution forbids foreign titles of nobility, to prevent foreign govts from seizing control of USA.

As someone who lived in England for 8 years, I can see why Joss made the British Empire his enemy in Firefly (aka Anglo-Sino Alliance). Each person on Firefly had their own reason to hate the Alliance, regardless of background. Wealth did not protect the Tams from the Evil Empire. Mal was wealthy too, before some disaster forced him to join the rebels. Inara was also probably wealthy before a disaster forced her to flee "civilization" - and the Alliance assassins still hunted her down. This is why Sir Rupert Murdock Knight of the British Empire, and Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire and the German Queen of England, killed Firefly and hijacked Serenity via Carlyle Group's hostile takeover of Universal Studios. Movies and TV shows are financed for their propaganda value, and Firefly was anti-propaganda, and promoted depregramming from govt mind control and detoxifying from govt PAXILon HCl in the air/water.

That's radical truth, cloaked in the invisibility of sci-fi. Can't let the sheeple THINK about stuff like that. Not even subliminally. Not even for fun.

Joss and Firefly are just more casualties of the US/British Revolutionary Civil Colonial Slave War.


CNN Poll: 84% of Americans agree with Charlie Sheen - Agree: 34089 votes - disagree: 6640 votes

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Unfair and Unbalanced - Treasonous Hannity & Colmes report on Sheen's 9/11 interview - Absolutely no facts allowed on Australian Jewish Fox News - Fox literally puts Mishpucka Mafia Kosher Nostra murder contract on Sheen and Jones - Absolutely pathetic excuse for a "news" broadcast for anyone with an IQ over 50

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Bush Sued by RICO Act - Stanley Hilton attorney at law for 9/11 families and govt whistleblowers vs media whores Shaun Hannity and Alan Colmes for Jewish Australian porno king pimp daddy Rupert Murdock on Faux News

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Alex Jones on CNN #2

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Alex Jones on CNN #1

VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Alex Jones' CTV interview of Charlie Sheen

"You can't stop the signal! He killed me with a sword. How weird is that?"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

(Mal shoots Anglo-Sino Alliance Fed in the head)
Dobson: You're gonna kill a lawman in cold blood?
Joss, WTF were you THINKING?!

Would you like a cape to go with that Crusade?

God save Her Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:26 AM


America loves a winner!

It's amazing at the amount of absolute nonsense that the mentally distorted can spew out all over the internet. Some might confuse the sheer volume of babbling incoherence w/ some form of authority and knowledge of what is being said, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Oh yeah,and Charlie Sheen is a pin head.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:22 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
It's amazing at the amount of absolute nonsense that the mentally distorted can spew out all over the internet. Some might confuse the sheer volume of babbling incoherence w/ some form of authority and knowledge of what is being said, when nothing could be further from the truth.

And on that day the history books duth record, The Citizen did agree with the AURaptor.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:45 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
It's amazing at the amount of absolute nonsense that the mentally distorted can spew out all over the internet. Some might confuse the sheer volume of babbling incoherence w/ some form of authority and knowledge of what is being said, when nothing could be further from the truth.

And on that day the history books duth record, The Citizen did agree with the AURaptor.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


God Save Her Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:52 AM


Just got back to from ye olde public house.

My friends and I laughed for quite sometime over the content of this thread...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:45 AM


Surely you mean ye olde Jewish,Nazi,Commie,Leftie,Pinko,Anglo-Sino,Jocko-Homo,Chinese,Japanese,Everybodywashyerknees house of slavery where all the slaves are sold pesticide infected beverages in order to keep them slaves to "The Man"?
Otherwise known as Wetherspoons.

God Save Her Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:25 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Damn! Can't argue with the logic of a bunch of drunken yobs eating spotted dick and Mrs Brains Faggots.


CNN Poll:

84% of Americans agree with Charlie Sheen

Agree: 40329 votes
disagree: 7614 votes

Cast your vote:

The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."
—USAma bin Laden, CNN News, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks," September 17, 2001

Georgie Bush Junior is the one with the outrageous conspiracy theory that Semitic terrorists attacked USA on 9/11/2001.


1 a person regarded as descended from Shem
2 a member of any of the peoples speaking a Semitic language, including the Hebrews, ARABS, Assyrians, Phoenicians, etc.
-Webster's New World Dictionary

1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and ARABS - b : a descendant of these peoples - 2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language.
—Merriam Webster Dictionary

"A 'Semite' is any person living in that area, including Arabs and Christians. It's time we start talking about 'The Other AntiSemitism'. A Semite is not a Jew living in America or Europe."
—Ralph Nader (Arab-American from Lebannon), Independnet Reform Party presidential candidate in 2004, ex-Green Party presidential candidate in 2000, Arab-American Business conference, C-SPAN, 2003

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Pirate News TV

God DAMN Her Germanic Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress Elizabeth Sax CoBurg Gotha, a/k/a The Queen of Babylon at Bohemian Grove homosexual nudist colony.


"We lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the right time and the manner of yielding what is impossible to keep."
—Her Majesty Elizabeth II, officially the richest woman in the world, owner of US ports via proxies Dubai and Communist China, largest land owner in Manhattan in New York City, incestuous owner of Serenity via Carlyle Group with Sir George Bush Sr Knight of the British Empire and the Bin Ladens

"The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came to the British Royal Family in 1840 with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, son of Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. Queen Victoria herself remained a member of the House of Hanover. The only British monarch of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was King Edward VII, who reigned for nine years at the beginning of the modern age in the early years of the twentieth century. King George V replaced the German-sounding title with that of Windsor during the First World War. The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha survived in other European monarchies, including the current Belgian Royal Family and the former monarchies of Portugal and Bulgaria."

"Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten (4th cousin) in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947."

"Was it a coincidence I wonder, that Rockefeller was among many of the world's most powerful people who attended the Bohemian Club's annual get-together at Boho Grove in 1983 where Boho recognized Queen Elizabeth sitting on a pyramid (the Illuminati symbol), calling her "the Queen of Babylon", which she acknowledged. Quite a boast for these Druids, Masons and Satanists who feel that they can come out of the closet. Long-time Boho, David Rockefeller, has his offices in Rockefeller Plaza, suite 3600 - six sixes)."
(David Rockefeller founded the World Trade Center)


Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:26 PM


I try hard to ignore his posts. I try hard not to respond. I try because I know I'm not as well versed as the rest you and because I'll likely just end up swearing and cursing and wanting to boot him in the head.

This is me not ignoring and yet trying not to debate him.

I would very much like to boot him in the head though.

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy


Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

CNN Poll: Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?

YES - 84% - 40885 votes
NO - 16% - 7733 votes


wildigstart spewed:

I try hard to ignore his posts. I try hard not to respond. I try because I know I'm not as well versed as the rest you and because I'll likely just end up swearing and cursing and wanting to boot him in the head.

Bring it on! I got a 9mm with your name on it. In lawful self-defense, lawful escalation of violence and justifiable homicide, after you resist citizen's arrest for assault with a jackboot stuck in your mouth.


Quit whining about your lack of verse and START READING. Start THINKING. Then TRY to have an INTELLIGENT conversation for the first time in your life.

Otherwise, STFU and bend over while the New World Order has its way with you.


"The White House has given permission for a company owned by the government of Dubai to run 21 U.S. ports, including the Port of New York. Dubai was accused of supporting the Sept. 11th attacks and was one of only three countries to support the Taliban. … What's next, we'll put Mexico in charge of immigration? How about Dick Cheney in charge of gun safety? Courtney Love in charge of Olympic drug testing?"
—Jay Leno

"In an era where Americans will have commercial operations at six key ports operated by Dubai Ports World, their future passports will be issued from a contractor for the China secret police."
-Judi McLeod, Canada Free Press, "Company working for China secret police to issue passports to Americans," March 8 2006

"In 1997 the Communist Chinese government took over the Long Beach Naval Weapons Ship Yard , the only major deep water port that can take large ships on the west coast. In 2000, the Communist Chinese, Hutchinson Whampoa which is run by the PLA, took over the Panama Canal and has stationed between 15,000 and 30,000 troops at the facility. May we remind our readers that top Chinese generals continue to threaten nuclear attacks on America. There is absolutely no mention of the Chinese takeover of these facilities amidst the media merry-go-round of the UAE ports debate and the same people that now criticize the UAE deal, like Chuckie Schumer, supported the ports sell-out to the Communist Chinese under Bill Clinton.", "The Port Sell-Out and the Dismantling of America"

Why do I enjoy Firefly? Because Joss don't take kindly to the bloody British Empire overthrowing USA - even if it's a Done Deal.


I haven't made you ANGRY?!
-Capt Mal

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation
(Mal shoots Anglo Alliance Fed in the head)


Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:22 PM


I'd love to be able to ignore him too, particularly when it's so dificult to have a battle of wits when your oponent is un-armed.

And now that he's actually threatened to kill someone does anyone else think it's time for whoever runs this site to stop allowing him to post?

Not that we should be too worried as it's unlikely that he would be able to shoot straight what with the tiny eye-holes in the KKK hood he's wearing.

God Save Her Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress.


Monday, March 27, 2006 3:42 AM



1. I don't think that Joss is Mal, he says no. Mal is a created character to give us an outside perspective. What I find most interesting about him is the degree to which he's a terrorist. I think that the show could also be seen in that light, though clearly Al Qaeda is represented by the reavers.

2. I considered that the alliance is Britain-US, but I think it's actually left-right, cross-national. If anything it's Communist China and America.

3. The persistance of British loyalist organizations in American politics is not that significant. The head of this organization is certainly not the Queen of England. If it were, we'd be in much better shape.

4. I think the people who are running us in the wrong direction fall into a few different categories:

a. Blind ideologues following an agenda of global change through military force.

b. Horridly corrupt politicians who do little other than funnel tax payers dollars to their own backers, who are increasingly overseas.

c. Anyone who has failed to notice the reality of international competition and does not realize that the US will be *forced* to reel in big govt. or reduce itself to a second class economic status like Russia.


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:10 AM


This looks like a nice and heated debate that has fallen off topic. Being an American, I am sure the rest of the community will love to take shots at this.

While it is true that I have placed a beverage on tables in Europe that are "older" than my country's history, the US is usually the sole target of the "Evil Empire" mentality. While some europeans say that the United States can not fully appreciate or understand Europes complex relationships and issues from such a long and diversified history, could not the opposite veiw be applicable. With a relativly young history, we have not had all the centuries of petty rivalry, wars, royal unions for land and power, overcrowding, limited resources, and all the other good stuff that makes up European history and sets the stage for all the problems and issues faced today. While it is important to acknowledge these issues, it is not the US's job to work around them to apease all parties involved.

As this forum has spiraled into the conspiracies of UK unification and decent, the role of US gov in 9/11, the Jewish conspiracy, etc... to what end is this to be played.

To look at the world and the unbelievably diverse nations, religions, philosophies, and mind sets as "Left" and "Right" may be a little too DeCarte of an assumption. From what I see, right and left do not exist, there are just two types of mind sets in the world.

1- People who talk about the ideological and moral responciblity of goverment to make the world a better place for all. Working to show the flaws in goverments and inequality of the world. These people bitch and complain, usually work with little or no facts, and bandwagon on to the nearest cause or talking head that suits their agenda. They have all the right words with no plan or means to achieve it. The "what have you done for me lately crowd"- Sheep

2- People who get of there ass and work hard to make the world a better place for their family and personal modivations. These people accept that the world is not a fuzzy fairyland where everybody loves them or even one day, wants to love them. They require little thanks from those they help and understand that occasionally a few eggs have to be broken to make an omelete. More practical in their approach, they seek facts from sources and not from a biased media source that "makes" news instead of reporting it. The "what are my going to do for myself crowd." - Wolves

I hope this threw more piss and gas on the fire. For all you conspiracy nutz, most Americans do not even think about 9/11 anymore and I personally expect my goverment to do shaddy things to protect my standard of living and protect my liberties and freedoms (even if it means trampling a few of them or somebody elses all together.) Time to get your head out of the lilacs and accept that the world is a rough place and the United States has all the best toys. For anyone who disagrees get a job, vote, quit your maggot whining, and shut the up.

Many Americans do not care about Europe's problems just as no Europeans care about America's problems. Clean up your own messes in the future so the United States does not have to do it for you (Vietnam (France), Africa (Brits), and the Middle East(Brits)and have the UN keep the medical supplies coming.


Monday, March 27, 2006 10:42 AM


Actually I'm changing my mind about not wanting PIRATENEWS to post anymore, I do SO enjoy our little chats.
You know in another life and under other circumstances I am sure that we would be allies, even friends. I can picture us now sitting in the library/study of our favourite club, relaxing in a pair of elegant leather chairs before the roaring fire (the chairs having been spaced at a reasonable distance so that no sexual missunderstandings could take place).
He would sip a fine Brandy through a straw passed under his white hood, his 9mm strapped securely to his leg, all the better to protect his Spotted Dick from the unwanted advances of members of the lower classes. I would enjoy a warm Beer, being careful not to displace my monocle or disturb my immaculately cuiferred moustachios.
We would while away the long winter evenings discussing matters of great import and occasionaly expressing concern at the effect that world events may have on the price of Faggots
Ah well,
What was it someone said about this thread going off topic?
Oh, and by the way old chap; John LEE?
Is'nt that a Chinese name?

God Save Her Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress.


Monday, March 27, 2006 1:06 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

KUANGZHEDE, how did you do that cool Flash banner for Firefly? Did you spend $500 for Macromedia software? Oh, it's just a free animated GIF. I'm sorry you're a psycho with no brains. You might want to look into getting help for that. Perhaps a straightjacket? Or a lobotomy? I hope you die a violent death very soon, since you wish that fate on millions of innocent people. That's called Karma, or, as the Christians say, you reap what you sow. What do you Commies call it?


Originally posted by oldenglanddry:

Oh, and by the way old chap; John LEE?
Is'nt that a Chinese name?

God Save Her Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress.

LI is Chinese. In fact, one of the top 13 worldwide Satanic Illuminati slavemasters, according to Fritz Springmeier.


The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave (model for River Tam)
by Fritz Springmeier

Fritz Springmeier Interview
Ryerson Polytechnical University
Toronto, Canada

LI is the name of the Communist Chinaman who will now run US Dept of Homeland Security inspection of nuclear bombs entering USA via cargo containers at British Empire's Bahama Islands, along with US Dept of Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff (a CURRENT citizen of the terrorist nation of Israel (established by the British Balfour Agreement), born in Communist Czechoslovakia, who was a DEFENSE lawyer for Arab terrorists), and Homeland Security contractor Communist KGB General Primkov (paid $2-million/year by Junior Bush).

LEE is the surname of TWO "European" signers to the uS Declaration of Independence, declaring WAR on the British Empire. As far as I'm concerned, that war has never ended, since Britian keeps attacking uSA militarily and economically.

Virtually everything evil about tyrannical govt addressed in the Declaration is true again today:


IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lightfoot Lee

Back on point:



He's a right Charlie - Mr Sheen is the latest celebrity to confuse fact and fiction,,1739254,00.html

London Guardian apologizes for Gangsta Govt by libeling Sheen: "You're insane." No facts allowed. Didn't MP George Galloway just win a million dollar libel lawsuit against The Guardian for printing lies about the Iraq War?


TO: London Guardian

I dare you to print this email in it's entirety ...

The mere fact that you did a cut and paste job of the slanderous and idiotic Marine Hyde London Journal piece, speaks volumes about your credibility as a major media entity.

Like so many other mainstream outlets, domestically and abroad, no attention whatsoever is given to the questions I raise or the evidence that stimulated those very questions.

Instead, low-brow idiotic hit pieces are spewed forth in an effort to sway the readers' opinion of the messenger while blatantly disregarding any of the potentially valuable content of the story. It's transparent sandbox propaganda as dated and cheap as the paper it's printed on.

Do a little research on Building Seven. Building Seven lives at the epicenter of my entire debate. Prove yourself worthy of genuine investigative journalism. Look at the video evidence.

Observe the same data I have. Submit a formal request to the Pentagon or the DOD to release video PROOF that flight 77 did exactly as they claim. You will be stonewalled. You will be dismissed unconditionally. If there is nothing to hide - why are they hiding it?

To avoid any confusion - I reiterate:

Building Seven - Pentagon video documentation.

If any portion, or portions of this text is any way deleted or manipulated, you will only confirm what myself and countless others have suspected all along: Media complicity with no interest in the truth.

A CNN poll at the time of this writing currently sits at 84 percent IN SUPPORT of my views.

Say what you must about me - it means nothing.

Yet, if you continue to overlook the hard questions and physical evidence regarding 9/11 - you only confirm what so many of us "Conspiracy Idiots" have suspected all along - The Official Report is, at best, an insulting work of FICTION.

Charlie Sheen

God DAMN that Satanic inbred dope-dealing serial-killing mass-murdering psycho bitch HM Queen Liza #2! May she be violently murdered and burn in Hell forever, boiling in excrement (as the Jewish rabbis say of Rabbi Jesus)...

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV


Monday, March 27, 2006 5:20 PM


Pirate News,

I had noticed that before, you can simply take out "King" and replace with "President" and virtually all of the anti-George from the Declaration of Independence applies.


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:17 PM


If Charlie Sheen says it, it must be true.

His father is a fictional President after all.


Monday, March 27, 2006 11:05 PM


Oh dear, PIRATENEWS, did I make YOU angry?
I assure you that was the furthest of my intentions.
Also (and I'm blushing now) I forgot what a compelling and persuasive argument your constant repitition can be.
Ta Ta for now Mr Lee, Li, Lie.

God Save Her Britannic Majesty The Queen Empress.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:07 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
KUANGZHEDE, how did you do that cool Flash banner for Firefly? Did you spend $500 for Macromedia software? Oh, it's just a free animated GIF.

Nothing in this world is free and I did not copy it, you do the math. I guess it would be considered free if someone else used it without my premission. And I am being fitted for my straitjacket later this afternoon, I am looking for something with an "off-white" tone with matching straps.






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