Republican/Bush Administration appealing to peoples BASE nature ?

UPDATED: Thursday, March 30, 2006 20:05
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:00 PM


I got to thinking about this immigration question that has come into the spotlight recently and all the attention its been getting lately and it got me thinking, now don't get me wrong, I totally agree that its a real issue and its also a problem but why now? I don't like the fact that illegals are coming over and taking jobs, or causing the poor and middle class hardships, but the real problem isn't them, its Businesses and U.S polices

If the Bush Administration was serious about the immigration problem, they would be bringing up and talking about the Businesses that hire the illegals and implament some laws that would seriously penalize these businesses for hiring them, But they haven't and they won't.

We all know that if Businesses didn't hire illegals, they would not be coming here because they wouldn't be able to find a job. Its Businesses that are the main issue, and problem to the illegal immigrant problem.

But instead of crimnalizing the Businesses, its the illegal immigrants that are being villanized, its the illegals that are being exploited for their labor and in doing so is making it possible to exploit U.S citizens for their labor.

its a wedge issue, its just another wedge issue they are throwing out to further divide the country, Its an issue that they have no intention of doing anything about except to put it out there and cause more hatred and Choas. Its also a good distracting issue to deflect from the War in Iraq for the 2006 elections.

The illegals are already weak and exploited, so they make good enemies ripe for the picking, I suspect that the rapidly declining economy and poor working conditions and lack of job opportunites thanks to U.S polices, can be blamed on the illegal aliens crossing the border. They are an easy scapegoat, so when things get really bad Americans can have someone to readily and easily point the finger at and take their rage out on.

Didn't Hitler blame the jews and gypsies for their economic problems.

If the Bush administration and the rest of the GOP was going after Businesses I might could take them seriously on this immigration issue, but since they haven't and they aren't the red flags have gone up!! its just another smoke screen and distraction.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:05 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

I can't really fault your viewpoint.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:01 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
They are an easy scapegoat, so when things get really bad Americans can have someone to readily and easily point the finger at and take their rage out on.

Didn't Hitler blame the jews and gypsies for their economic problems.

PJ, this is a most astute analysis, Bravo!



Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:26 PM


It's on the agenda now because Bill Frist put it on the agenda with his bill. That the bill would have come into conflict with Bush is just gravy for Frist, it bolsters his appeal to the Republican base and puts blue sky beween him and Bush in the run up to what many expect will be his bid for the Whitehouse.

This is politics as usual Jenny. Did you really think that all those millionare Dems vote in welfare programs for the poor out of fellow feeling? That's buying votes, just as farm subsidies very nicely keep the rural areas Republican. If there is no devisive issue in an election cycle, create one.

Frist is being a smart cookie on this one. No chance that his bill will pass and bring economic pain to American business, yet he can claim to be the champion of the blue collar working stiff who fears a Mexican will take his job. Excellent chance of grabbing some traditional Dem supporters in '08.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:58 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
It's on the agenda now because Bill Frist put it on the agenda with his bill. That the bill would have come into conflict with Bush is just gravy for Frist, it bolsters his appeal to the Republican base and puts blue sky beween him and Bush in the run up to what many expect will be his bid for the Whitehouse.

This is politics as usual Jenny. Did you really think that all those millionare Dems vote in welfare programs for the poor out of fellow feeling? That's buying votes, just as farm subsidies very nicely keep the rural areas Republican. If there is no devisive issue in an election cycle, create one.

Frist is being a smart cookie on this one. No chance that his bill will pass and bring economic pain to American business, yet he can claim to be the champion of the blue collar working stiff who fears a Mexican will take his job. Excellent chance of grabbing some traditional Dem supporters in '08.

This is the Bush /GOP answer to the immigrant problem!! its just like I thought they don't plan on doing anything!!

WASHINGTON, March 27 — With Republicans deeply divided, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Monday to legalize the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants and ultimately to grant them citizenship, provided that they hold jobs, pass criminal background checks, learn English and pay fines and back taxes.

The panel also voted to create a vast temporary worker program that would allow roughly 400,000 foreigners to come to the United States to work each year and would put them on a path to citizenship as well.

I'm not surprised, They don't want to do anything about the immigrant problem, they are purposely trying to bring this country down, instead of dealing with the real issues like Businesses hiring illegals, This is their answer, I'm not naive I don't believe that this government gives a damn about the average American, and that goes for the Dems in office too,


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:00 AM



For once I agree, to some extent. I don't think businesses should be blamed. There's a whole industry out there of document forging, and fake references to make illegal immigrants seem legit so businesses will hire them. If you criminalized the act of hiring them, businesses, who never know if their immigrants are legal or not, even if they sometimes suspect, would respond by hiring no immigrants. This would be bad.

But also, you missed the part of the Bill where Bush *did* blame the businesses and make it a felony to hire an illegal immigrant. This provision was stripped from the bill by the senate, because they saw what a disaster this would be. Bush's immigration reform could have, if it had not been modified by the senate, effectively stopped all immigration ever. We don't want that because we *do* want talented people to come to America and work for our companies. Where would we be as a nation without people like Sergey Brin?

But in short, I think the immigration thing is largely a distraction, which is where I think you're right about the base nature. I don't know that it's a blame game, but the whole "look, you're being overrun" is sort of like "look, a duck" to take people's mind off of the endless string of disasters this administration unleashes. I also think that making this an issue may be a set up for the creation of a 2008 conservative splitter candidate in order to get Hillary elected.

Bush/Clinton knows that they can't get Hillary elected on the level. In the democratic primary, they intend to hire about 7 to 10 million campaign workers, all of whom will be basically obligated to vote for her. This will outnumber the support of any opposition. To ensure this, they intend to clone any opposition candidates with their own, like the way they responded to Feingold's throwing the hat in the ring by throwing Feinstein's in the ring. Feinstein's political stance is similar to that of Feingold, but her political allegiance is very different. A check on her history shows she has been involved in political groups along with Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney since the 70s. In short, she's part of the team. Feingold ran his '92 senate campaign literally out of his garage, using a cam corder and posting his platform points on his garage door. It wasn't a gimmick, that's what he had to work with. In short, he's not part of the team. Anyway, if a decent % of people are fooled, and click the Feinstein rather than the Feingold, Hillary becomes a shoe in for the nomination.

Once the democratic party nominee, she faces a republican, probably similarly installed by Bush/Clinton, say McCain, Frist, someone who is less on the team than Hillary. It's a synch that this is everyone, since Hillary *is* the team. Or at least *on* it directly. Anyway, a fall guy who will stand up for Intelligent Design and a lot of other total sucidal looney platform points. Then a sensible "man of the people" third party candidate will arise and talk straight line on several issues, fiscal conservatism, immigration, taxes, diplomacy, stuff the core of conservative voters want to hear. But in order for that to happen, these things have to all become issues of popular concern first. It's pretty much a given that 1/2 of conservatives won't be able to pry them away from the GOP so even if Forbes/Dobbs makes more sense than McCain/Frist, they won't vote for the ticket.

The result will be a near perfec three way split, the only way that Hillary can actually win. Polls show her with 39% of the vote, the same % that her husband won by in '92 in a similar three way split. Assuming there's not much change, (and if there wasn't much in the last 14 years why should there be?) Hillary will take 39%. Let's say people are truly disgusted with both parties, and Forbes/Dobbs takes 29%, this leave McCain/Frist with 32%, or more likely 30% after the fractions are accounted for and 1% goes off to someone like Nader.

This I think, as much as anything, is why immigration is on the table right now. Bush also wants to repeal the 13th amendment, which is also part of the plan. No that's not a tinfoil hat comment, it's a reference to the "guest worker program" which essentially repeals the thirteenth amendment.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:05 PM



For once I agree, to some extent. I don't think businesses should be blamed

jeezzzz, DT, you must seriously be living in lala land if you don't think businesses should be blamed, that or your trying to selfishly protect your own intrest






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