Life imitates art: Blair calls for Global ALLIANCE

UPDATED: Monday, April 17, 2006 13:29
VIEWED: 3534
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Friday, April 7, 2006 2:01 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

What did Joss know and when did he know it?


Blair issues plea for 'global alliance'

London Independent
27 March 2006

Tony Blair today made an impassioned plea while speaking to Australian politicians for an international alliance to protect "global values" of fairness, justice and freedom.

The UK Prime Minister pledged to keep British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan until those countries were stabilised.

Blair told Australian politicians that the "immediate threat was from Islamist extremism," which he said was "not a passing spasm of anger, but a global ideology at war with us and our way of life."

"If we want to secure our way of life, there is no alternative but to fight for it," he said. "That means standing up for our values not just in our own countries but the world over."

Britain and Australia were the only two nations to send troops to fight alongside US forces in the invasion of Iraq three years ago and both countries still have forces in the country and in Afghanistan fighting Taliban and al Qaida insurgents.

"This struggle is about justice and fairness as well as security and prosperity," he said. "And in truth today there is no prosperity without security and no security without justice. That is the consequence of an interconnected world."

Blair arrived in Australia late on Saturday on the first stop of a three-nation tour that is expected to focus on global terrorism and the war in Iraq. His first stop was the Commonwealth Games in the southern city of Melbourne to experience venues and atmosphere ahead of London's hosting of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Creepifyin. War is Peace, Fairness, Justice, Prosperity, Security and Good Clean Fun. Who knew?

Where do we sign up for the Independents?

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Friday, April 7, 2006 7:02 PM


I'd really like to know just what exactly is Tony Blairs idea of fairness an Justice

I really think George Orwell was pyschic


Friday, April 7, 2006 7:14 PM


I think he believes as we are all brought up to believe, that fairness and justice are about doing the right things at the right time for the right reasons. That we, the British people, would rather be left alone to do our own thing but that means leaving the world in the hands of less enlightened souls so it becomes our unfortunate duty to meddle in the affairs of others, reluctantly. That everything we do is for the best of reasons even if the implementation isn't always what we would have hoped for. That it isn't if you win or lose it's how you play the game.

He's quite a 19th century throwback our Tony, and far too Tory in his worldview to be leader of the Labour party.


Friday, April 7, 2006 7:18 PM


Looking at it I don't see anything at all wrong with that speech. Certainly nothing to worry anybody. It's never the intention that's the problem they are always good, it's the road to hell they tend to pave that people object to.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:32 AM


America loves a winner!

It's interesting when a Communist or a Islamist announces intentions for a one world gov't, were everyone must bow down to one political model or religion, folks don't get all riled up. But when the leader of a free, more open country suggests contries come together for the common good, to fight the very REAL threat of Islamic terrorism, it's ORWELLIAN!!!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 8, 2006 5:48 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


All your posts should be like this one. Subject, specific commentary. I think we can all follow a conversation on this pattern.

The speech is a little creepy, not for its intentions, but for its consequences. In essence, it says (and I think our Bush echoes this sentiment) that we are not going to wrap things up and go home. Rather, we're going to wrap things up and then expand our operations.

There's a point where these little wars are going to stop and some serious wars are going to happen. There's a point where people will remember what war is really like, and that tens of thousands can die in a single day's engagements. There's a price to be paid for meddling.

That price is going to be scary.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:47 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
It's interesting when a Communist or a Islamist announces intentions for a one world gov't, were everyone must bow down to one political model or religion, folks don't get all riled up. But when the leader of a free, more open country suggests contries come together for the common good, to fight the very REAL thread of Islamic terrorism, it's ORWELLIAN!!!

I didn't get that from what anyones said. What I think it is, is that when the extremist stand up and say Orwellian things, everyone just goes, "Yah, that's what we expect from the crazies", and ignores the crazy thing.

But, when someone who should be rational, and that someone has the power to implement the Orwellian things, starts saying Orwellian things, that's when people start saying things.

And when someone says, "not just in our own countries but the world over." I find that kinda scary.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Saturday, April 8, 2006 7:42 AM


America loves a winner!


But, when someone who should be rational, and that someone has the power to implement the Orwellian things, starts saying Orwellian things, that's when people start saying things.

And when someone says, "not just in our own countries but the world over." I find that kinda scary.

Blair isn't King now, is he ? I was unaware that his power to implement his vision of how things should be rests on nothing more than a whim. This is what really confounds me. We have a very real threat out there, Islamic terrorist who have drafted their own call for war, said they're going to kill civilians and then have gone out and killed civilians. Now, the rest of us, Non muslims and *some* muslims alike, aren't too keen on the idea of seeing our neighbors, friends and family blown up in a subway station, seeing their heads sawed off by masked thugs as the video tape rolls, or watch as airliners are flown into sky scrapers. There is no reasoning w/ these zealots. There is no peace to be gained, for they don't WANT peace. They want us to obey them, their religion, or die. It's really just that simple.

Blair, and a few others around the world, aren't hip to the ideas that these terrorist are putting out. In fact, they dislike the ideas and actions SO much, they're willing to stand up and DO soemtehing about it all. And this act of survival, of standing up and not putting on a Neville Chamberlain mask is what creeps out folks like you?

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:25 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

There's some misguided intelligence here.

Zealots blow themselves up, kill people, and go on rampages mostly because someone tells them to. Some people, due to their circumstances or their psychological makeup, need to believe in something. The things that most appeal to them are usually the things that tell them that they are important. They can change things. They are loved and they will be rewarded. They can be heroes and fight the great evil. They can be somebody, even in death.

In some cases, this belief is constructive. "Do good things and you can be a hero. Give to charity, help your neighbor, etc. God will reward you." In fact, I probably qualify for this camp, except that I don't follow my religious leaders. These guys we call Christians or Catholics or Jews or maybe Buddhists, or the followers of some other benevolent religion. These guys are also Muslim, though that gets forgotten.

In other cases, the belief is destructive. The zealotry is the same, but what they're being TOLD TO DO is different. "Go into that café and blow up the evil non-believers and you will be a hero and God will give you 99 virgins." Something like that. These guys we call terrorists. They have the same passion of faith. They're not intrinsically evil. But their passionate faith is being directed by someone to a destructive end. This happened during the Crusades, too, and also during the colonization of America by the Spanish. So don't drink the cool-aide and think that Muslims invented it.

Now, who is directing these believers? A book, like the Bible? Not really. You know, both the Bible and the Quran have their violent passages, but neither of them tells you to blow up cafes full of civillians, or blow up school buses full of children.

Are these believers directed by their own faith, a direct link to God? Not usually. Joan of Arc is pretty rare, and so are the people who get orders from their neighbor's dog or a burning bush or the snake in eden.

These believers are typically directed by politically driven religious figures. And what do these poligious figures want? Do they want the infidels crushed, and 99 virgins, and the will of God manifested on the Earth? Maybe. But it's not their primary motivation. Their primary motivations are money and power.

Sometimes a poligious figure will be trying to secure his power base, or defeat his rivals. Sometimes he just wants you to send him ten bucks so that God doesn't call him home. Whatever. It's not about God. It's not even about the religion. It's about money and power. Zealots don't set policy. They act on the policy of others.

So, our enemy is not the religious extremists. They could as easily be swayed to eat grasshoppers and pray to their housecat. They are believers, and they will follow their poligious leaders in pretty much whatever they are told.

Our enemies are the poligious leaders of other countries, who have selected us as either a legitimate threat to their power, or a scapegoat threat (like the Jews in Germany) with which to defeat their poligious rivals and unite their Zealot populace in a philosophy of hate.

I think when we stop fighting 'religious extremism' and start treating these nations as nations with leaders, we'll get farther. At the end of the day, the only difference between their poligious figures and our poligious figures, is what they think they can get away with. They're still politicians looking for money and power.

Anyhow, that's my view on things. Your glance into the prism may show different colors.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:41 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Blair, and a few others around the world, aren't hip to the ideas that these terrorist are putting out. In fact, they dislike the ideas and actions SO much, they're willing to stand up and DO soemtehing about it all. And this act of survival, of standing up and not putting on a Neville Chamberlain mask is what creeps out folks like you?

Yes, because only Blair and Bush and all the happy little Neocons the world over are 'unhip' to the idea of being blown up in a subway. And why is it always 'they' when you refer to the 'enemy'? Who exactly are 'they'? The Afgheni people? The Iraqi people? The Islamic faithful? What is survival to you - bomb people at random until you get 'them'? Why do you think people flock to the banner of the Islamic extremists? It's because not knowing who the real enemy is and attacking anything that moves makes it really, really easy to hate us.

I'm unhip to being blown up on the subway myself. I live near a major military installation in a major metropolitan area. And frankly, ever since GWB started his unending war on a concept, I've felt increasingly unsafe. The reason being is that we're fighting the wrong war, the wrong way, at the wrong time, and the wrong guys are gaining more and more power as it goes on. Wiretapping, leaking to out political enemies, wars on 'them', tax cuts for the wealthy during a time of war, the fact congress lets Bush get away with his 'I do not think this bill means what it is you say it means' every time (yes, McCain, I realize you have an anti-torture bill, but I'll sign it and tell you I think it means I can still torture - seriously, WTF?) It is Orwellian.

Memo to the administration: Shooting random brown people is not the way to fight terrorism. Global cooperation involving special investigative teams and preventative measures is. The administration thumbed its nose at the 9/11 comission's report and went on about its merry dance. Now they're gearing up for Iran.

Think about the saying "you're not paranoid if they're really out to get you." The fundie nutbags don't look nuts to the Islamic world because instead of protecting ourselves, we're threatening the Joe Muslim. I mean, seriously, some of you, think about what you are saying - we're going to attack a village to get to the rebels, or terrorists, or whatever - do you honestly think the villagers are thinking, 'sure, blow up my house by mistake, or gun down my wife, I'll get a new one'? - no, they think, maybe there's something to this America is the devil stuff.

People who aren't angry or aren't successful eventually give up and go home; if nothing else try to make a deal. People who are mad as hell and have minor successes will keep going until you have to kill them. I know which way I'd rather have the US acting. Instead, we get War Is Peace. Bah.


He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:47 AM


America loves a winner!


I think when we stop fighting 'religious extremism' and start treating these nations as nations with leaders, we'll get farther. At the end of the day, the only difference between their poligious figures and our poligious figures, is what they think they can get away with. They're still politicians looking for money and power.

Osama bin Laden is the leader of no country. When he issued his Holy Fatwa against the West, he held no official seat of power. He did hide behind the skirts of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but has since been on the run ever since Sept 11, 2001.

Iran is, of course, a different issue. Their leaders are content to fund terrorist organizations ( Hamas ), denying the holocaust ever happened, and starting up a nuclear " power " program.

We could stop fighting the religouis zealots, but they won't stop fighting us. That's something you can bank on.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:59 AM


There is a sad, solid fact which is constantly overlooked yet played out the whole world over; including this website, including this discussion board and including this thread day after day after day:

People will believe what they want to believe.

End of story.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:04 AM


America loves a winner!


Yes, because only Blair and Bush and all the happy little Neocons the world over are 'unhip' to the idea of being blown up in a subway. And why is it always 'they' when you refer to the 'enemy'? Who exactly are 'they'? The Afgheni people? The Iraqi people? The Islamic faithful? What is survival to you - bomb people at random until you get 'them'? Why do you think people flock to the banner of the Islamic extremists? It's because not knowing who the real enemy is and attacking anything that moves makes it really, really easy to hate us.

I'm unhip to being blown up on the subway myself. I live near a major military installation in a major metropolitan area. And frankly, ever since GWB started his unending war on a concept, I've felt increasingly unsafe. The reason being is that we're fighting the wrong war, the wrong way, at the wrong time, and the wrong guys are gaining more and more power as it goes on. Wiretapping, leaking to out political enemies, wars on 'them', tax cuts for the wealthy during a time of war, the fact congress lets Bush get away with his 'I do not think this bill means what it is you say it means' every time (yes, McCain, I realize you have an anti-torture bill, but I'll sign it and tell you I think it means I can still torture - seriously, WTF?) It is Orwellian.

Memo to the administration: Shooting random brown people is not the way to fight terrorism. Global cooperation involving special investigative teams and preventative measures is. The administration thumbed its nose at the 9/11 comission's report and went on about its merry dance. Now they're gearing up for Iran.

Think about the saying "you're not paranoid if they're really out to get you." The fundie nutbags don't look nuts to the Islamic world because instead of protecting ourselves, we're threatening the Joe Muslim. I mean, seriously, some of you, think about what you are saying - we're going to attack a village to get to the rebels, or terrorists, or whatever - do you honestly think the villagers are thinking, 'sure, blow up my house by mistake, or gun down my wife, I'll get a new one'? - no, they think, maybe there's something to this America is the devil stuff.

People who aren't angry or aren't successful eventually give up and go home; if nothing else try to make a deal. People who are mad as hell and have minor successes will keep going until you have to kill them. I know which way I'd rather have the US acting. Instead, we get War Is Peace. Bah.


* What is survival to you - bomb people at random until you get 'them'? No. I'd much rather bomb terrorist specifically, and leave everyone else alone. It's a waste of good bombs to just drop them at random, and we don't get the bad guys that way.

**I live near a major military installation in a major metropolitan area. And frankly, ever since GWB started his unending war on a concept, I've felt increasingly unsafe. - W didn't START this war, it was occuring long before he even took office. All he did was stand up and finally fight back. That you feel 'increasingly unsafe' is more a telling state of your persona, than anything else. Worry about the terrorist who hate you for doing nothing more than not believe in their God™ and living your life in freedom.

***Wiretapping, leaking to out political enemies, wars on 'them', tax cuts for the wealthy during a time of war, the fact congress lets Bush get away with his 'I do not think this bill means what it is you say it means' every time (yes, McCain, I realize you have an anti-torture bill, but I'll sign it and tell you I think it means I can still torture - seriously, WTF?) It is Orwellian. - Yes, wiretapping terrorist to find out what they are planning is a good idea. Only terrorsit would be against that idea. Tax cuts? WTF ? The wealthy were paying too much $$, and letting folks keep more of the money they work for has benefitted EVERYONE. The economy is in great shape. Unemploymenet is down. Way down. We need more tax cuts ( and less massive spending too ) We're not torturing anyone. It's absurd to worry about that. Prisoners at Club Gitmo are living the life, being fed great food, playing soccer, getting fresh prayer rugs to pray to mecca 5 x's a day.... it's a fucking resort down there. They've never had it so good.

**** Memo to the administration: Shooting random brown people is not the way to fight terrorism. Global cooperation involving special investigative teams and preventative measures is. We're NOT shooting random brown people. It's ridiculous to assume we are. Global cooperation? Like what Blair is asking for ? Gee, that might be ORWELLIAN! Prevenative measures? What, like WIRETAPPING!! Gee, W is way ahead of ya on that one too. Seems the right folks are doing the right job at the right time the right way. They've got it covered.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:17 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

But, when someone who should be rational, and that someone has the power to implement the Orwellian things, starts saying Orwellian things, that's when people start saying things.

And when someone says, "not just in our own countries but the world over." I find that kinda scary.

Blair isn't King now, is he ? I was unaware that his power to implement his vision of how things should be rests on nothing more than a whim.

You miss my point. It is not that he has the power to change the world.

It's that he has control over a military that's capable of doing some rather significant damage. He is also very willing to use it based on nothing more that ideals.

His statement is also very general. It is not just addressing people who are on the offensive (or who plan to be), but attacking those that are against "his values".

Now what exactly are "his values" that he is defending? How much of a "threat" does one need to be before one becomes a target of defending these values as well?

His wording is extremely scary because of these things. Because he is willing to start wars with people/orgs that don't present a clear and present danger eg Iraq.

He is also the leader of a country. And as such can install said Orwellian things there. And if he does it, others will follow. The UK isn't exactly a country that isn't well respected. People will follow what they do.

I must also point out that hunger claims more lives (by several orders of magnitude actually) than terrorism did/does. So, to go after fringe elements to save a few hundred lives per year from terrorism, when there are tens of thousands of poeple that die from hunger every day...

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:32 AM


America loves a winner!


I must also point out that hunger claims more lives (by several orders of magnitude actually) than terrorism did/does. So, to go after fringe elements to save a few hundred lives per year from terrorism, when there are tens of thousands of poeple that die from hunger every day...

Now, that's ignoring the point totally, isn't it? Artifically comparing deaths from HUNGER to lives taken violently for no real reason what so ever ? It's a complete straw man argument, because no one is going to say " we should ignore hunger " , or " hunger isn't really that big an issue".

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 8, 2006 10:53 AM


Straw man? Hardly. Or did you not read the several paragraphs that came before the one that you quoted?

But, to address this. Actually, it is not ignoring the point, it is putting things into perspective.

As a world, we are dumping billions into fighting a "war" that cannot be won and in the process creating a larger problem than before. Yet, we are almost entirely ignoring something far more lethal. Something that claims 10's of thousands of lives per day more than the other does in a year.

That is the point. Why do we continue to fight something in vain?

More to the point specifically regarding Mr. Blair. He does have the power to turn his own state into something Orwellian. This is a problem, because when he does, if it hasn't been done already, others will follow.

Now I did bring this up in my previous post (among other things). Why have you not addressed it (them)?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:02 AM



What you have to remember is that these measures are only used againts baddies and naughty people.

Like Muslims. I mean sure *some* Muslims, like three, maybe four of them are okay. But the vast majority are all rag head psychopaths who hate freedom children and puppies and want to blow everything up for no reason.

I mean as if government would ever abuse unlimited power! Like that's ever happened!

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:12 AM


I've been an Ahmadi muslim for about 12 years now, and before I converted,
I held many of the steroetypical attitudes of Auraptor. But to judge a religion
by the very tiny fraction who are driven by their own political or
religiously fanatical agendas is unfair to say the least. Should I judge the
truth of Jesus's teachings by the long and very bloody history of the Catholic Church
or the actions of so-called Christian nations and leaders who have used their
Holy Book to justify genocide, racism & theft? People need to take the time and
effort to study what is what.
I've spent many moons explaining to [mostly] Christians that most Muslims are
not terrorists anymore than they are. There are 7-10 millions muslims in America alone. Do you really think if we all had
death and mayhem on our minds that you all would be safe? But we don't. Why?
Because most Muslims strive [those that are practicing] to abide by the true teachings of their faith. If GWB was a true Christian, why did he go bomb Iraq when
none of the 9-11 terrorists were Iraqis. He should've attacked Saudi Arabia,
where the majority of 'em came from. And do you honestly beleive he wants
to catch Osama? Please. Once communism was dead, the West needed a new bogeyman
and Osama and Al Qaida were perfect replacements. What scares non-Muslims more than anything is the realization
that here you have a religion where the intensity of faith can be so great, that
its adherents can be convinced to die for their beliefs. This concept of
dying for your country or religion is hardly unique to Islam, though.
Every military campaign -- including GWB's Iragi ones -- have been carried on the slogans of "God is on our side."

But there is good news for anyone out there who is an Islamaphobe and thinks Osama
is right this minute planning, plotting and scheming to break into your
house and kill you in your sleep like an ailing pet. Ain't gonna happen.

The truth is this:
Islam has suffered a moral and spiritual decline in tha last 300 years --
as prophecied by the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) --
and all those Muslims fanatics and governments who think or preach about killing the
infidels or blowing themselves up will get then into heaven are sadly mistaken.

Islam promised a revival of its true spiritual essence and teachings through the
advent of what's called the Imam Mahdi & Promised Messiah. This person came and
went (1835-1908) but the movement he initiated is flourishing with over 200-million
members worldwide in 179 countries.

This is the Ahmadiyya momevement in Islam [see website in sig.] and after all
the trials and tribulations have ended, there's only going to be one organization
that will survive the chaos with an intrastructure of devoted peaceful members and a leadership hierarchy that can
unite what reamins of the rest of the Islamic world -- Ahmadiyya.

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar:


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:31 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

No. I'd much rather bomb terrorist specifically, and leave everyone else alone. It's a waste of good bombs to just drop them at random, and we don't get the bad guys that way.

I hope this was a joke. Because the shiatload of Iraqi civilian casualties as well as casualties in other nations would disagree that what you say is what is occurring.


W didn't START this war, it was occuring long before he even took office. All he did was stand up and finally fight back. That you feel 'increasingly unsafe' is more a telling state of your persona, than anything else. Worry about the terrorist who hate you for doing nothing more than not believe in their God™ and living your life in freedom.

There was no 'occurring' war- for the love of Sweet Jesus! You can't fight a war on a concept! It's a tactic used by criminals! And I feel unsafe because we've stirred up a hornet's nest, and the village idiot hitting it with a stick is convinced they won't come out of the nest. It's got nothing to do with my 'persona', I still travel and shop and attend sporting events like the next guy (and don't use every yellow threat day as an excuse to buy duck tape). The fact that you still think they 'hate us for our freedom' makes you sound like nothing but an admin shill - you do realize that most of them hate us for our blundering foreign policy, right? Religion's just the vehicle they use as justification to blow things up.


Yes, wiretapping terrorist to find out what they are planning is a good idea.

Well, since they have published news articles saying they tapped Quakers and Catholics, I guess I should watch out - who knows when a Quaker pacifist might suddenly go berserk and scream loudly at me.


Tax cuts? WTF ? The wealthy were paying too much $$, and letting folks keep more of the money they work for has benefitted EVERYONE. The economy is in great shape. Unemploymenet is down. Way down.

I haven't seen a dime. And the outsourcing and trying to reclassify a burger job as 'manufacturing' has been real beneficial. As far as to whether or not they pay too much in taxes, that's for another thread.


We need more tax cuts

During WARTIME? Are you high?


We're not torturing anyone.

Bullshit! I can't believe you had the nerve to even type that sentence out. Pictures, articles, video, reports of prisoner deaths - let me guess: Fraternity pranks?


It's absurd to worry about that. Prisoners at Club Gitmo are living the life, being fed great food, playing soccer, getting fresh prayer rugs to pray to mecca 5 x's a day.... it's a fucking resort down there. They've never had it so good.

Yes, detention in a military facility, with no trial, for many people who may actually be innocent of the charges - it's a regular shangri-la. It's not absurd to worry about what the government does in your name, it's what every citizen should, in fact, be doing.


We're NOT shooting random brown people. It's ridiculous to assume we are.

Where was it that we killed a bunch of innocent children with a drone strike while shooting at 'terrorists'? Oh, that's right, Pakistan. Oh, and there was that Afgheni wedding, where we killed the bride. Oh, and then there was that ...


like WIRETAPPING!! Gee, W is way ahead of ya on that one too.

I wonder how many people posting in this thread have actually read 1984. Or Animal Farm. Because you're throwing around the term like you don't even have the foggiest clue if it's accurate or not.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:35 AM



As a world, we are dumping billions into fighting a "war" that cannot be won and in the process creating a larger problem than before. Yet, we are almost entirely ignoring something far more lethal. Something that claims 10's of thousands of lives per day more than the other does in a year.

And, as a matter of fact, reaching out to developing areas by giving them technologies enabling them to feed and water their people tends to make those people like you and less likely to want you dead. If you could figure out a way to get cheap food, cheap water, and cheap power to most of the planet, you'd see 99% of the wars, conflicts, and terrorists vanish overnight.

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:30 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Now, who is directing these believers? A book, like the Bible? Not really. You know, both the Bible and the Quran have their violent passages, but neither of them tells you to blow up cafes full of civillians, or blow up school buses full of children.

Actually, there are dozens of Quran passages that call for the death of non-believers. There are passages that say that if your mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter/any other relative turns away from Allah, it is your "holy duty" to end their lives. I agree with you that they are being directed by crazy leaders, but those leaders are simply using what is already a part of Islam to get folks to do what they want. The root of this terrorism is in the religion itself. Do you think that if the Quran never said any of those things and preached tolerance like some Muslims try to say it does, that there would even be an opportunity for those leaders to get religious people all riled up? I don't think so.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:29 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by reaverman:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Now, who is directing these believers? A book, like the Bible? Not really. You know, both the Bible and the Quran have their violent passages, but neither of them tells you to blow up cafes full of civillians, or blow up school buses full of children.

Actually, there are dozens of Quran passages that call for the death of non-believers. There are passages that say that if your mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter/any other relative turns away from Allah, it is your "holy duty" to end their lives. I agree with you that they are being directed by crazy leaders, but those leaders are simply using what is already a part of Islam to get folks to do what they want. The root of this terrorism is in the religion itself. Do you think that if the Quran never said any of those things and preached tolerance like some Muslims try to say it does, that there would even be an opportunity for those leaders to get religious people all riled up? I don't think so.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.

Well, I think the Quran probably has passages where Mohammed's followers fought nonbelievers and slaughtered them. You know, just like the Bible does. (Israelis slaughtering nonbeliever cities down to the woman and child.)

But, you know, they both do dictate tolerance. It's a case of wacko leaders favoring one passage and ignoring another, in order to get THEIR desires met.

It's been a while since I read the Quran, but I seem to recall that the startling price you pay for being a non-believer is... you pay tax.



"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:45 PM



Originally posted by reaverman:
Actually, there are dozens of Quran passages that call for the death of non-believers. There are passages that say that if your mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter/any other relative turns away from Allah, it is your "holy duty" to end their lives. I agree with you that they are being directed by crazy leaders, but those leaders are simply using what is already a part of Islam to get folks to do what they want. The root of this terrorism is in the religion itself. Do you think that if the Quran never said any of those things and preached tolerance like some Muslims try to say it does, that there would even be an opportunity for those leaders to get religious people all riled up? I don't think so.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.

That makes it different to every other religion, erm how exactly? How are the Lords Resistance Army justifying raping killing and abducting in to slavery thousands of Children every year?

Could it be...
The Bible?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 4:21 PM



Originally posted by reaverman:

The root of this terrorism is in the religion itself. Do you think that if the Quran never said any of those things and preached tolerance like some Muslims try to say it does, that there would even be an opportunity for those leaders to get religious people all riled up? I don't think so.

I disagree. The religion itself isn't the problem, it's the believers. Don't kid yourself; there is no difference between a Muslim fundamentalist and a Christian one. These are people that can't see their holy texts as anything other than the literal word of God. The only thing separating Christian fundies from Islamic ones are the societal norms of a secular liberal country. Take away education, a social safety net, and rule by a nonreligious constitution and you'd see the exact same thing in the US.
Disagree? Here's a news article from just last year:


Evan Dawson (Rochester, NY) 07/04/05 - You have probably never seen an army missile used in a church service or a pastor dressed in fatigues, but that is exactly what you'll find Sundays at New Born Fellowship Christian Center in Rochester, where church leaders have decided to conduct a new program called Spiritual Warfare.

Is this really the message of Jesus? Gotta say, I don't think so. And there's plenty of stories like this to go around. But in our educated, liberal, secular society, these folks are reduced to the fringe. But they aren't in the Islamic world - they're the middle.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Threatening people with violence only makes them turn away from education and onto fundamentalism. The more we posture with nukes pointed at them, the more religious they'll get (which means the more nuts they'll become).

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:14 PM


God is only Dog, but backwards

Would a sane person take everything that comes out of the back of a dog so seriously ?

I say bring out the shovels, and smack the Mullahs and the Pat Robertsons, and the rest in the back of the head...

You have your gods, I have mine... and if I find myself in trouble and mine aren't looking, and maybe if I was nice to you...
yours might help me out a bit to return the kindness...

In the middle of some post hockey drinking, might have to check back tommorow to see if this still makes sense....

" Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done "

The Killers


Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:58 PM


I once wrote a 3000 line computer program while drunk and it didnt contain a single error in logic or syntax. So you might be surprised how much sense hockey drinking makes in the morning.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:04 AM


It may just be my imagination (And I pray to God that it is), but I think we're looking at another World War if this goes on.

I mean, come on. The most devestating war of all time was fought over religous indiference.

Can't we all just get along?

One fat man in space: A problem.
Two fat men in space: A big problem.
Five fat men in space: A larger problem than ever anticipated.
Ten fat men in space: A satellite.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:39 PM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:

I wonder how many people posting in this thread have actually read 1984.

I read it. Good book. The title was a couple of decades off, but still, very prophetic. Some exaggeration for dramatic purposes, but all in all, a must-read for politically minded Browncoats.
I read it in '76, and boy how close we're comin' in only 30 years.
Actually I liked This Perfect Day better; had a more upbeat ending .

We're on a bad road at the moment, but the future is not set.

Hopefully. Chrisisall


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:27 PM



There's some misguided intelligence here.

Zealots blow themselves up, kill people, and go on rampages mostly because someone tells them to. Some people, due to their circumstances or their psychological makeup, need to believe in something. The things that most appeal to them are usually the things that tell them that they are important. They can change things. They are loved and they will be rewarded. They can be heroes and fight the great evil. They can be somebody, even in death.

In some cases, this belief is constructive. "Do good things and you can be a hero. Give to charity, help your neighbor, etc. God will reward you." In fact, I probably qualify for this camp, except that I don't follow my religious leaders. These guys we call Christians or Catholics or Jews or maybe Buddhists, or the followers of some other benevolent religion. These guys are also Muslim, though that gets forgotten.

In other cases, the belief is destructive. The zealotry is the same, but what they're being TOLD TO DO is different. "Go into that café and blow up the evil non-believers and you will be a hero and God will give you 99 virgins." Something like that. These guys we call terrorists. They have the same passion of faith. They're not intrinsically evil. But their passionate faith is being directed by someone to a destructive end. This happened during the Crusades, too, and also during the colonization of America by the Spanish. So don't drink the cool-aide and think that Muslims invented it.

Now, who is directing these believers? A book, like the Bible? Not really. You know, both the Bible and the Quran have their violent passages, but neither of them tells you to blow up cafes full of civillians, or blow up school buses full of children.

Are these believers directed by their own faith, a direct link to God? Not usually. Joan of Arc is pretty rare, and so are the people who get orders from their neighbor's dog or a burning bush or the snake in eden.

These believers are typically directed by politically driven religious figures. And what do these poligious figures want? Do they want the infidels crushed, and 99 virgins, and the will of God manifested on the Earth? Maybe. But it's not their primary motivation. Their primary motivations are money and power.

Sometimes a poligious figure will be trying to secure his power base, or defeat his rivals. Sometimes he just wants you to send him ten bucks so that God doesn't call him home. Whatever. It's not about God. It's not even about the religion. It's about money and power. Zealots don't set policy. They act on the policy of others.

So, our enemy is not the religious extremists. They could as easily be swayed to eat grasshoppers and pray to their housecat. They are believers, and they will follow their poligious leaders in pretty much whatever they are told.

Our enemies are the poligious leaders of other countries, who have selected us as either a legitimate threat to their power, or a scapegoat threat (like the Jews in Germany) with which to defeat their poligious rivals and unite their Zealot populace in a philosophy of hate.

I think when we stop fighting 'religious extremism' and start treating these nations as nations with leaders, we'll get farther. At the end of the day, the only difference between their poligious figures and our poligious figures, is what they think they can get away with. They're still politicians looking for money and power.

Anyhow, that's my view on things. Your glance into the prism may show different colors.


Quoted for truth.


“When peace comes to mean the absence of conflict on the one hand, and when conflict with an unjust and racist political order is a moral imperative on the other, then it is not difficult to understand that the better class of human beings are, in fact, deeply committed to disturbing the peace and creating conflict.”
~Farid Esack


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:48 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by SevenPercent:

I wonder how many people posting in this thread have actually read 1984.

I read it. Good book. The title was a couple of decades off, but still, very prophetic. Some exaggeration for dramatic purposes, but all in all, a must-read for politically minded Browncoats.
I read it in '76, and boy how close we're comin' in only 30 years.
Actually I liked This Perfect Day better; had a more upbeat ending .

We're on a bad road at the moment, but the future is not set.

Hopefully. Chrisisall

Whoa! I just started it today! Spooky...


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:23 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I'm pleased to see Auraptor out on a limb all by his lonesome self.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Monday, April 17, 2006 3:21 AM



Originally posted by Eric:

Whoa! I just started it today! Spooky...

I have a problem w/folks think 1984 is just an entertaining novel; it's a map showin' where we don't want to go, but could easily stumble into.

@AURaptor: please read it.

Chrisisall, who likes rats


Monday, April 17, 2006 12:42 PM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by reaverman:
Actually, there are dozens of Quran passages that call for the death of non-believers. There are passages that say that if your mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter/any other relative turns away from Allah, it is your "holy duty" to end their lives. I agree with you that they are being directed by crazy leaders, but those leaders are simply using what is already a part of Islam to get folks to do what they want. The root of this terrorism is in the religion itself. Do you think that if the Quran never said any of those things and preached tolerance like some Muslims try to say it does, that there would even be an opportunity for those leaders to get religious people all riled up? I don't think so.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.

That makes it different to every other religion, erm how exactly? How are the Lords Resistance Army justifying raping killing and abducting in to slavery thousands of Children every year?

Could it be...
The Bible?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.

I don't know where anyone got the idea that I was saying that Islam is the only religion that condones violence against non-believers. Islam was the only one we were discussing at the time, so it was the only one I mentioned. All three of the major monotheistic religions are like that, and probably quite a few others as well.

I was not defending Christianity or Judaism in any way shape or form. You folks just assumed a little too much. Oh, well, it happens.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, April 17, 2006 1:12 PM


Then I apologise, it's just that we've had a number of people here recently, including some Christian Fundementalists like Cartoon, who have expressed that exact same view. It gets too me.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Monday, April 17, 2006 1:29 PM


Ahh, no hard fellin's, Citizen! To tell the truth, that irritates the hell outa me too.

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.






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