Finally God is with this country

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:38
VIEWED: 17069
PAGE 3 of 5

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:46 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
Wait... so you're God and Molech!? Whoa dude...

Well, it's a bit of a wheeze innit, watching the mortals get all twisted up.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:50 AM


Buying Firefly on DVD - $40 bucks
Purchasing any and all Serenity/Firefly material ever made $Lots of dough
Making the RightStuffs list - PRICELESS

Hey where is the little w&nker? Surely he has not taken his ball and gone home?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:50 AM


Back, BACK I say!! Go back to...

Can't we all just get along?

Words fail Chrisisall


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:56 AM


*scribbles 'FollowMal' onto the List of Forsaken Ones in blood*

You are now 27th in line to the throne of the Forsaken Ones.

*places crown of leaves and berries upon your head*

That should go really well with your browncoat. But alas, we must now dance around a fire in the moonlight, celebrating our heathen ways. Let the induction ceremonies begin!

And FMF, I so want one of those t-shirts. I would proudly wear it.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:06 AM


Long lies by your evil President Bush hating piratenews who will be with satan.
Now long truth! Disrgard this? I don't think you can because it speaks from truth and reality!
SMH covers up Bush successes in Iraq
Gerard Jackson
Monday 3 November 2003

The Bush-hating Marian Wilkinson of the Sydney Morning Herald is another of those ideologically motivated journalists whose reports on Iraq seem to be written with the sole intention of misleading the public about the true state of affairs in that hapless country.

The war looms as a liability with approach of poll (30 October) was a typical piece of Wilkinsonian disinformation that did not contain a single positive statement in favour of President Bush or the liberation of Iraq. The country is doomed, Iraqi support for the liberation is collapsing and Bush is frustrated by "a growing insurgency." Insurgency my foot. What we have is a temporary wave of terrorism carried out by a group of murderous thugs.

That these terrorist acts are a sign of growing weakness by a group of fanatics who realise that terrorism is all they have left is completely lost on Wilkinson. Instead, she slyly insinuates that these thugs are legitimate insurgents who have growing local support. But this view is belied by the fact that these murderers make no attempt to rally the Iraqi people to their cause. Moreover, these thugs (Wilkinson refuses to call them thugs or terrorists) are focusing more of their attacks on soft targets, with about half of the attacks directed against Iraqis.

A further sign of weakness is that the terrorist organisers are now having to pay about $US5,000 for each attack against allied troops against the $US500 they recently paid. Even the cost of paying the unemployed to demonstrate has jumped to $US50 per demonstrator/rioter. Not that our journalists would ever mention that 'demonstrators' have been receiving blood money.

She quotes a single poll as stating that "two-thirds of Iraqis now felt occupied rather than liberated". The same so-called reporter never quoted polls showing that Iraqis supported the liberation and wanted the allies to stay until political stability was secured. No sireeee. The only poll results this lefty reporter is interested in are those that support her political prejudices. Likewise, the only politicians she is interested in quoting are GOP-hating hypocrites like Daschle. No wonder she and her fellow lefties ignored a letter of appreciation to the US that was signed by 30,000 Iraqi farmers.

So desperate is she to see Bush fail regardless of the consequences for millions of Iraqis that she quoted anonymous Democrats as saying that they would "not be surprised to see Mr Bush declare next year that enough 'progress' has been made to start pulling large numbers of US forces out of Iraq, whatever the consequences". This is the kind of malicious wishful thinking that passes for journalism at the Sydney Morning Herald, aka The Saddam Times

What was notable about Wilkinson's report was her total indifference to the tragic consequences for the Iraqi people if Bush-hating Dems and their media pals forced an early American withdrawal from Iraq. So much for her compassion.

New York's Daily News quoted Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz as saying that at a recent public meeting he attended in Najaf a resident asked: "What's going to happen to us if George Bush loses the election?" This question made it clear that by giving aid and comfort to Saddam's terrorists the Dems and their media enablers are beginning to frighten ordinary Iraqis.

Actions have consequences, and it's about time that ideologically corrupt leftwing journalists were held publicly responsible for their actions. The truth is that these journalists and their loathsome editors already have a great deal of blood on their hands.

Now the likes of Wilkinson's so-called reporting on Iraq bears an eerie comparison with media reporting of the 1968 communist Tet offensive. Despite promising a truce during the religious festival of Tet the Communist North Vietnamese still launched an offensive. The result was a devastating defeat for Hanoi.

Nevertheless, leftwing journalists reported that the South and its American allies had suffered a crushing defeat. (The bastards are still doing it). Even I, no stranger to leftwing duplicity, was shocked by the media's brazen lying. Now the same vicious leftwing mentality is trying to pull a similar stroke in Iraq, regardless of the bloody consequences for the Iraqi people should these journalists' vicious manipulation of the news succeed.

Leftwing journalists try to manipulate public opinion by leaving out vital facts that could lead the public to draw an accurate picture. This is called lying by omission. So let's see just what little Miss Marian omitted from her reports.

The area of education provides a graphic example of one particular success story. Nearly all secondary and primary schools are now open along with the country's 43 technical colleges and 22 universities. About 1,700 schools have also been rebuilt and reequipped. And that includes everything from blackboards to new plumbing. Moreover, nearly 6 million new textbooks, mainly science and mathematics, have been distributed. High school students have even been supplied schoolbags containing writing materials and calculators.

Electricity production is another success story that the likes of Wilkinson deliberately ignore. Generation has been restored to the pre-war level, even though some plants had to be taken offline for maintenance reasons. In the meantime, the Americans are installing water driven generators as backup for the grid.

Also underway is the rebuilding of the country's water infrastructure that Saddam allowed to badly deteriorate. This project, the one that Wilkinson didn't think worth mentioning, involves building water pumping stations and sewerage treatment plants. The result should see a significant fall in the child mortality rate.

Something like 100,000 nursing mothers and malnourished children are having the diet raised to a healthy level; 20 delivery hospitals in Basra have been restored: thousands nurses are being trained, and the 50 per cent of pregnant who had anemia are now being properly treated.

All of the country's 240 hospitals and 1200-odd clinics have been reopened and reequipped. In addition, since April more than 22 million vaccinations have been administered to Iraqi children.

Thanks to the liberation, for the first time in 50 years or so the country has an independent judiciary: There are no torture chambers, political prisoners, arbitrary arrests or executions. Iraqis now enjoy a free and flourishing media. Censorship has gone and some 200 newspapers and magazines have emerged, completely free from all political controls.

The vitally important civic side of the equation is also taking form. Professional associations holding free elections, scores of NGOs have sprung up, more than 70 political parties have been formed, nearly of the cities and towns have elected councils and mayors

All of the above, and much, much more, has been accomplished in just six months. Yet the ideological likes of Wilkinson refuse to acknowledge these success; quoting political bigots like Daschle is more to her liking.

It's a great pity that she refused to quote Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Ga.), a Vietnam combat veteran. On his recent return from Iraq, Marshall stated in an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that "we have a reasonable chance of success." He then attacked the media, accusing it of "hurting our chances" and "dwelling upon the mistakes, the ambushes, the soldiers killed, the wounded." The press and television, he said, are "not balancing this bad news with 'the rest of the story' — the progress made daily, the good news. This falsely bleak picture weakens our national resolve, discourages Iraqi cooperation and emboldens our enemy."
God directs our President!



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:06 AM


Long lies by your evil President Bush hating piratenews who will be with satan.
Now long truth! Disrgard this? I don't think you can because it speaks from truth and reality!
SMH covers up Bush successes in Iraq
Gerard Jackson
Monday 3 November 2003

The Bush-hating Marian Wilkinson of the Sydney Morning Herald is another of those ideologically motivated journalists whose reports on Iraq seem to be written with the sole intention of misleading the public about the true state of affairs in that hapless country.

The war looms as a liability with approach of poll (30 October) was a typical piece of Wilkinsonian disinformation that did not contain a single positive statement in favour of President Bush or the liberation of Iraq. The country is doomed, Iraqi support for the liberation is collapsing and Bush is frustrated by "a growing insurgency." Insurgency my foot. What we have is a temporary wave of terrorism carried out by a group of murderous thugs.

That these terrorist acts are a sign of growing weakness by a group of fanatics who realise that terrorism is all they have left is completely lost on Wilkinson. Instead, she slyly insinuates that these thugs are legitimate insurgents who have growing local support. But this view is belied by the fact that these murderers make no attempt to rally the Iraqi people to their cause. Moreover, these thugs (Wilkinson refuses to call them thugs or terrorists) are focusing more of their attacks on soft targets, with about half of the attacks directed against Iraqis.

A further sign of weakness is that the terrorist organisers are now having to pay about $US5,000 for each attack against allied troops against the $US500 they recently paid. Even the cost of paying the unemployed to demonstrate has jumped to $US50 per demonstrator/rioter. Not that our journalists would ever mention that 'demonstrators' have been receiving blood money.

She quotes a single poll as stating that "two-thirds of Iraqis now felt occupied rather than liberated". The same so-called reporter never quoted polls showing that Iraqis supported the liberation and wanted the allies to stay until political stability was secured. No sireeee. The only poll results this lefty reporter is interested in are those that support her political prejudices. Likewise, the only politicians she is interested in quoting are GOP-hating hypocrites like Daschle. No wonder she and her fellow lefties ignored a letter of appreciation to the US that was signed by 30,000 Iraqi farmers.

So desperate is she to see Bush fail regardless of the consequences for millions of Iraqis that she quoted anonymous Democrats as saying that they would "not be surprised to see Mr Bush declare next year that enough 'progress' has been made to start pulling large numbers of US forces out of Iraq, whatever the consequences". This is the kind of malicious wishful thinking that passes for journalism at the Sydney Morning Herald, aka The Saddam Times

What was notable about Wilkinson's report was her total indifference to the tragic consequences for the Iraqi people if Bush-hating Dems and their media pals forced an early American withdrawal from Iraq. So much for her compassion.

New York's Daily News quoted Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz as saying that at a recent public meeting he attended in Najaf a resident asked: "What's going to happen to us if George Bush loses the election?" This question made it clear that by giving aid and comfort to Saddam's terrorists the Dems and their media enablers are beginning to frighten ordinary Iraqis.

Actions have consequences, and it's about time that ideologically corrupt leftwing journalists were held publicly responsible for their actions. The truth is that these journalists and their loathsome editors already have a great deal of blood on their hands.

Now the likes of Wilkinson's so-called reporting on Iraq bears an eerie comparison with media reporting of the 1968 communist Tet offensive. Despite promising a truce during the religious festival of Tet the Communist North Vietnamese still launched an offensive. The result was a devastating defeat for Hanoi.

Nevertheless, leftwing journalists reported that the South and its American allies had suffered a crushing defeat. (The bastards are still doing it). Even I, no stranger to leftwing duplicity, was shocked by the media's brazen lying. Now the same vicious leftwing mentality is trying to pull a similar stroke in Iraq, regardless of the bloody consequences for the Iraqi people should these journalists' vicious manipulation of the news succeed.

Leftwing journalists try to manipulate public opinion by leaving out vital facts that could lead the public to draw an accurate picture. This is called lying by omission. So let's see just what little Miss Marian omitted from her reports.

The area of education provides a graphic example of one particular success story. Nearly all secondary and primary schools are now open along with the country's 43 technical colleges and 22 universities. About 1,700 schools have also been rebuilt and reequipped. And that includes everything from blackboards to new plumbing. Moreover, nearly 6 million new textbooks, mainly science and mathematics, have been distributed. High school students have even been supplied schoolbags containing writing materials and calculators.

Electricity production is another success story that the likes of Wilkinson deliberately ignore. Generation has been restored to the pre-war level, even though some plants had to be taken offline for maintenance reasons. In the meantime, the Americans are installing water driven generators as backup for the grid.

Also underway is the rebuilding of the country's water infrastructure that Saddam allowed to badly deteriorate. This project, the one that Wilkinson didn't think worth mentioning, involves building water pumping stations and sewerage treatment plants. The result should see a significant fall in the child mortality rate.

Something like 100,000 nursing mothers and malnourished children are having the diet raised to a healthy level; 20 delivery hospitals in Basra have been restored: thousands nurses are being trained, and the 50 per cent of pregnant who had anemia are now being properly treated.

All of the country's 240 hospitals and 1200-odd clinics have been reopened and reequipped. In addition, since April more than 22 million vaccinations have been administered to Iraqi children.

Thanks to the liberation, for the first time in 50 years or so the country has an independent judiciary: There are no torture chambers, political prisoners, arbitrary arrests or executions. Iraqis now enjoy a free and flourishing media. Censorship has gone and some 200 newspapers and magazines have emerged, completely free from all political controls.

The vitally important civic side of the equation is also taking form. Professional associations holding free elections, scores of NGOs have sprung up, more than 70 political parties have been formed, nearly of the cities and towns have elected councils and mayors

All of the above, and much, much more, has been accomplished in just six months. Yet the ideological likes of Wilkinson refuse to acknowledge these success; quoting political bigots like Daschle is more to her liking.

It's a great pity that she refused to quote Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Ga.), a Vietnam combat veteran. On his recent return from Iraq, Marshall stated in an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that "we have a reasonable chance of success." He then attacked the media, accusing it of "hurting our chances" and "dwelling upon the mistakes, the ambushes, the soldiers killed, the wounded." The press and television, he said, are "not balancing this bad news with 'the rest of the story' — the progress made daily, the good news. This falsely bleak picture weakens our national resolve, discourages Iraqi cooperation and emboldens our enemy."
God directs our President!



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:12 AM


*Solemnly regards name on list in blood*

Good.. good company I'm with.

*Dances fiendishly in the moonlight*

Oh, look FMF, there he is right behind us...

damn he's long- winded.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:20 AM



Originally posted by TheRightStuff:

Monday 3 November 2003

Dude, you have to go back 2 1/2 YEARS to dig up something POSITIVE!?


God directs our President!

He needs a new leading man.

Are you competing with Piratenews?
You can't win.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:26 AM



Originally posted by TheRightStuff:
Long lies by your evil President Bush hating piratenews who will be with satan.
Now long truth! Disrgard this? I don't think you can because it speaks from truth and reality!
SMH covers up Bush successes in Iraq
Gerard Jackson
Monday 3 November 2003

The Bush-hating Marian Wilkinson of the Sydney Morning Herald is another of those ideologically motivated journalists whose reports on Iraq seem to be written with the sole intention of misleading the public about the true state of affairs in that hapless country.

The war looms as a liability with approach of poll (30 October) was a typical piece of Wilkinsonian disinformation that did not contain a single positive statement in favour of President Bush or the liberation of Iraq. The country is doomed, Iraqi support for the liberation is collapsing and Bush is frustrated by "a growing insurgency." Insurgency my foot. What we have is a temporary wave of terrorism carried out by a group of murderous thugs.

That these terrorist acts are a sign of growing weakness by a group of fanatics who realise that terrorism is all they have left is completely lost on Wilkinson. Instead, she slyly insinuates that these thugs are legitimate insurgents who have growing local support. But this view is belied by the fact that these murderers make no attempt to rally the Iraqi people to their cause. Moreover, these thugs (Wilkinson refuses to call them thugs or terrorists) are focusing more of their attacks on soft targets, with about half of the attacks directed against Iraqis.

A further sign of weakness is that the terrorist organisers are now having to pay about $US5,000 for each attack against allied troops against the $US500 they recently paid. Even the cost of paying the unemployed to demonstrate has jumped to $US50 per demonstrator/rioter. Not that our journalists would ever mention that 'demonstrators' have been receiving blood money.

She quotes a single poll as stating that "two-thirds of Iraqis now felt occupied rather than liberated". The same so-called reporter never quoted polls showing that Iraqis supported the liberation and wanted the allies to stay until political stability was secured. No sireeee. The only poll results this lefty reporter is interested in are those that support her political prejudices. Likewise, the only politicians she is interested in quoting are GOP-hating hypocrites like Daschle. No wonder she and her fellow lefties ignored a letter of appreciation to the US that was signed by 30,000 Iraqi farmers.

So desperate is she to see Bush fail regardless of the consequences for millions of Iraqis that she quoted anonymous Democrats as saying that they would "not be surprised to see Mr Bush declare next year that enough 'progress' has been made to start pulling large numbers of US forces out of Iraq, whatever the consequences". This is the kind of malicious wishful thinking that passes for journalism at the Sydney Morning Herald, aka The Saddam Times

What was notable about Wilkinson's report was her total indifference to the tragic consequences for the Iraqi people if Bush-hating Dems and their media pals forced an early American withdrawal from Iraq. So much for her compassion.

New York's Daily News quoted Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz as saying that at a recent public meeting he attended in Najaf a resident asked: "What's going to happen to us if George Bush loses the election?" This question made it clear that by giving aid and comfort to Saddam's terrorists the Dems and their media enablers are beginning to frighten ordinary Iraqis.

Actions have consequences, and it's about time that ideologically corrupt leftwing journalists were held publicly responsible for their actions. The truth is that these journalists and their loathsome editors already have a great deal of blood on their hands.

Now the likes of Wilkinson's so-called reporting on Iraq bears an eerie comparison with media reporting of the 1968 communist Tet offensive. Despite promising a truce during the religious festival of Tet the Communist North Vietnamese still launched an offensive. The result was a devastating defeat for Hanoi.

Nevertheless, leftwing journalists reported that the South and its American allies had suffered a crushing defeat. (The bastards are still doing it). Even I, no stranger to leftwing duplicity, was shocked by the media's brazen lying. Now the same vicious leftwing mentality is trying to pull a similar stroke in Iraq, regardless of the bloody consequences for the Iraqi people should these journalists' vicious manipulation of the news succeed.

Leftwing journalists try to manipulate public opinion by leaving out vital facts that could lead the public to draw an accurate picture. This is called lying by omission. So let's see just what little Miss Marian omitted from her reports.

The area of education provides a graphic example of one particular success story. Nearly all secondary and primary schools are now open along with the country's 43 technical colleges and 22 universities. About 1,700 schools have also been rebuilt and reequipped. And that includes everything from blackboards to new plumbing. Moreover, nearly 6 million new textbooks, mainly science and mathematics, have been distributed. High school students have even been supplied schoolbags containing writing materials and calculators.

Electricity production is another success story that the likes of Wilkinson deliberately ignore. Generation has been restored to the pre-war level, even though some plants had to be taken offline for maintenance reasons. In the meantime, the Americans are installing water driven generators as backup for the grid.

Also underway is the rebuilding of the country's water infrastructure that Saddam allowed to badly deteriorate. This project, the one that Wilkinson didn't think worth mentioning, involves building water pumping stations and sewerage treatment plants. The result should see a significant fall in the child mortality rate.

Something like 100,000 nursing mothers and malnourished children are having the diet raised to a healthy level; 20 delivery hospitals in Basra have been restored: thousands nurses are being trained, and the 50 per cent of pregnant who had anemia are now being properly treated.

All of the country's 240 hospitals and 1200-odd clinics have been reopened and reequipped. In addition, since April more than 22 million vaccinations have been administered to Iraqi children.

Thanks to the liberation, for the first time in 50 years or so the country has an independent judiciary: There are no torture chambers, political prisoners, arbitrary arrests or executions. Iraqis now enjoy a free and flourishing media. Censorship has gone and some 200 newspapers and magazines have emerged, completely free from all political controls.

The vitally important civic side of the equation is also taking form. Professional associations holding free elections, scores of NGOs have sprung up, more than 70 political parties have been formed, nearly of the cities and towns have elected councils and mayors

All of the above, and much, much more, has been accomplished in just six months. Yet the ideological likes of Wilkinson refuse to acknowledge these success; quoting political bigots like Daschle is more to her liking.

It's a great pity that she refused to quote Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Ga.), a Vietnam combat veteran. On his recent return from Iraq, Marshall stated in an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that "we have a reasonable chance of success." He then attacked the media, accusing it of "hurting our chances" and "dwelling upon the mistakes, the ambushes, the soldiers killed, the wounded." The press and television, he said, are "not balancing this bad news with 'the rest of the story' — the progress made daily, the good news. This falsely bleak picture weakens our national resolve, discourages Iraqi cooperation and emboldens our enemy."
God directs our President!

You are no supreme abettor sir. You have no access to the grand high vault of the invisible. You are as small and as unknowing and fleshy as the rest of us, with no more knowledge of what lies beyond this life (if anything) than the chair you sit on. You can’t know the unknowable or state its intentions. The thing that gets me about God is the fact that he always hate what person who uses his name hates and loves the speaker. God is in so many ways the ultimate validation of our own prejudices and ego . “God hate what I hate some I’m right! God love’s me so I’m elite and your not!” Conspiracies serve the same purpose for our piratenews friends of course, the evil overlords are Satanic Homosexual Jew, all the things they themselves have problems with.

End of the day the Bible is a book written by men, men with no more knowledge of the unknowable than you, well except the parts that feature first hand descriptions of the life of Jesus (if you believe he was the son of God, and I’m guessing you do) and he preached a philosophy of inclusion, love, peace, and forgiveness.

So if you think me blasphemous for writing this, forgive me.
Who do you suppose is in there?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:33 AM


OK this RightStuff dude is SOOOO the crazy lady from that group of dumb asses that picket funerals! I can't even remember her name she is so insignificant!


Now I have to find a t-shirt printer :)

You know at this rate - we will have a T for everyday of the year!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:35 AM



DO THE RIGHT THING! Treat others as you would have others treat you! Golden Rule!

Stick that in your bible RightStuff and thump it - maybe we will listen!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:48 AM


The thing your missing in your long-winded rant (which oddly enough seems like it was written by a different person . . . are your parents helping you type?), is the fact that we didn't go to Iraq for a great Christian mission, we didn't go to stop terrorists, and we sure as hell didn't go to save the Iraqi people from terrorized by Saddam and Co. We went (were told we went) because of a)weapons of mass destruction; when that didn't pan out it was b)under the veil of the hilariously useless "War on Terror"; and now that our involvement in Iraq seems to be recruiting more to the terrorist agenda (gosh, i wonder why?) it's now about c)saving the Iraqi's.

But it never was and it never will be. Governments of the world don't care about the poor, the oppressed, the persecuted, or any other human rights violations. They only pay attention when something else in the situation benefits them. The U.S. toppled the President of Chile in favor of the dictator Pinochet, who had a ruthless regime. We mostly supported Ferdinand Marcos. We mostly supported Suharto. We continue to support China, despite their blatanly obvious persecution of everyone, including Christians. But Dubya must be right and doing God's work to be in league with them. Who else am I leaving out? There are the children in Uganda that have to walk hours every night to avoid being turned into soldiers and sex slaves, oddly enough by a man who is Christian and claims to be doing God's work via his Lord's Resistance Army. However, he continues to attack those very same people he's supposedly helping. We stood back and watched Rwanda unfold. SLORC in Burma. Most people will agree that the Vietnam War was a very bad thing. So bad in fact that it devolved into not knowing who the enemy was and necessitating the slaughter of most anyone because all were potential enemies. There was one point where a helicopter was strafing a village, the villagers were dying, and a separate U.S. helicopter turned on the U.S. forces because destroying a village was unncessary. What happened? The North Vietnamese troops wore us down. How is this important? It's exactly what's happening in Iraq and what is going to happen in Iraq. Bush is leaving it for another adminstration to deal with, eventually we will pull out because it's hardly worth the effort, and the power vacuum will probably be filled with another woman hating patriarchal misogynistic dictator.

Though as long as he's Christian, you'll probably congratulate him.

And as for all the inoculated Iraqi chidlren? That's great, it really is. Now can we start inoculating all the poor U.S. children whose parents can't afford basic necessities. But I suppose they live in the land of opportunity and it's their own damn fault they can't make something of themselves.

As long as I'm on a spiel here, what about Israel? You are wholly obsessed with God and Christianity and the tie between Dubya nad God that can't be broken. Since Christianity is the "one true religion" and Israel is a Jewish enclave, is Bush right to pursue and alliance with them? It seems he's not actually doing God's will and pursuing a Christian end. He's helping the infidels, the ones that murdered the savior.

AND a lot of the problems that plague the developing world can be traced back to imperialism and high colonialism that occurred concurrently with the religious zeal to force Christianity onto an unwilling populace.

Gandhi said "We must be the change we wish to see in the world". As applicable to you, you want everything to be a Christian world according to your narrow reading of the Bible. However, to everyone else reading your rants, you are not acting in accordance with that belief. You are behaving like a petulant child, an insulting bully, and a person without one shred of original thought. Is that honestly the change you wish to see in the world? I certainly hope not.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:55 AM


That article is hi-larious! Mostly because of how with a few years perspective, some of the comments are just fried gold. For example:

"Bush is frustrated by "a growing insurgency." Insurgency my foot. What we have is a temporary wave of terrorism carried out by a group of murderous thugs."

Funny how that "temporary wave" is still surfing along and gathering pace three years on.

"A further sign of weakness is that the terrorist organisers are now having to pay about $US5,000 for each attack against allied troops against the $US500 they recently paid. Even the cost of paying the unemployed to demonstrate has jumped to $US50 per demonstrator/rioter. Not that our journalists would ever mention that 'demonstrators' have been receiving blood money."

Considering that US Government pays its troops and also pays for propaganda to support its policies... what's the difference?

"Now the likes of Wilkinson's so-called reporting on Iraq bears an eerie comparison with media reporting of the 1968 communist Tet offensive. Despite promising a truce during the religious festival of Tet the Communist North Vietnamese still launched an offensive. The result was a devastating defeat for Hanoi.

Nevertheless, leftwing journalists reported that the South and its American allies had suffered a crushing defeat. (The bastards are still doing it)."

We did not lose Vietnam! That was a draw! Don't call me stupid!

"Electricity production is another success story that the likes of Wilkinson deliberately ignore. Generation has been restored to the pre-war level, even though some plants had to be taken offline for maintenance reasons. In the meantime, the Americans are installing water driven generators as backup for the grid."

Whoops! Electricty is now over a quarter less than it was pre-war.

"Also underway is the rebuilding of the country's water infrastructure that Saddam allowed to badly deteriorate. This project, the one that Wilkinson didn't think worth mentioning, involves building water pumping stations and sewerage treatment plants. The result should see a significant fall in the child mortality rate."

Whoops! Things continue to get worse under the Americans and now they're reducing how much they're even trying.

"Thanks to the liberation, for the first time in 50 years or so the country has an independent judiciary: There are no torture chambers, political prisoners, arbitrary arrests or executions."

Except for those who the Americans (and British) deem fit to torture, imprison politically, arrest arbitrarily or execute.

I really hope you come back after the November elections. I think even using the National Guard (what's left of it) to round up the Mexicans isn't going to cut it this time.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:59 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
OK this RightStuff dude is SOOOO the crazy lady from that group of dumb asses that picket funerals! I can't even remember her name she is so insignificant!

Other people can occasionally be useful, especially as minions. I want lots of minions.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:06 AM


Thank you kind friend. But I have just eaten, and since that is something I can't do a lot lately - I prefer not to ruin it by watching Crazy rant lady :)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:17 AM


Lol, but I actually put that there for other people to see (for those who maybe didn't know what you were referring to).

Other people can occasionally be useful, especially as minions. I want lots of minions.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:27 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"God directs our President!" ALL HAIL !

The crowd turns as one to the sound of many boots. Silently they salute the President, the representative of God on earth.

So am I supposed to worship the President and follow God? Believe God and follow the Bush? I'm so confused.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:27 AM


you are indeed a kind and considerate comrade in arms!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:41 AM



You are a despicable pagan. Yes you heard me right beeaatch, time to bitch slap your heathen arse down!

Here's how it is:

Christianity grew from a radical Jewish cult that praised a man executed for blaspheme. The charge was mainly levelled because Jesus was a rebel and had the potential to severely threaten the status quo, something neither the Jewish nor Roman power structure was particularly thrilled about. It is also worth noting that the charge of Blaspheme wasn't exactly trumped up, Jesus *DID* tell the Jewish priests he was the son of God and would sit at gods right hand...

So all Christians, just like Muslims, are members of a cult of Judaism.

But the story doesn't stop there. You see Judaism didn't miraculously appear from nowhere. It grew from an ancient Canaanite religion which was polytheistic (multiple gods). The particular god in question was the Canaanite war God usually referred to as El, sometimes Ba'al and sometimes El-Ba'al or similar. It is believed that the cult became the cult of the god that can not be named because people may not be happy following a war god. This explains why it is still Taboo to speak the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) in the Torah and the Taboo's of 'taking the lords name in vain'.

Ba'al Zebub was a god believed to be associated with an unknown Phoenician city Zebub. The demonisation of the enemy god grew into the entity we now know as Beelzebub.

So as you can see Christianity is a Cult of a War god cult of a pagan religion.

You my friend are the biggest heathen of them all.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:18 AM


Hey, all! One of the Forsaken checking back in...number ten on the list, I think.
I cannot believe how long this thread has gone on! for everyone!

I love the idea of the t-shirts! Let me know when they are done!

"...we aim to burn"--hehehe

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:28 AM


This guy is giving us right wing nutjobs a bad name.

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:38 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
OK see now I have to have a LIST

So we need

THE FORSAKEN - we aim to burn

and the was another one in another thread.........

So should it be THE LIST - I am on it?

Are you thinking of "The Sheeples"?
'Cos we'd like to sign THE FORSAKEN to support us on our world tour.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:41 AM



but we could use that one too! I was in another thread and I felt a t shirt coming on, but I lost me and I can't find me. I thought I was over there, but it seems I am here. And if I am here, who is that?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:08 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

You are a despicable pagan. Yes you heard me right beeaatch, time to bitch slap your heathen arse down!

Your history is wrong and its' YOU who are the pagan!
And if you want to fight I'm good at boxing and can beat all my friends in the ring, you think your tough? I'm trained. Belief in God would give me strength over you, God-less idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would beat you like a dog!!!!!!!!!!
One punch to your FACE!!!!!!!
Don't threaten me.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:08 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

You are a despicable pagan. Yes you heard me right beeaatch, time to bitch slap your heathen arse down!

Your history is wrong and its' YOU who are the pagan!
And if you want to fight I'm good at boxing and can beat all my friends in the ring, you think your tough? I'm trained. Belief in God would give me strength over you, God-less idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would beat you like a dog!!!!!!!!!!
One punch to your FACE!!!!!!!
Don't threaten me.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:09 AM


Uhm...can someone tell me what TheRightStuff is going on about now? Cause I'm not understanding him at all...

*remembers Wash in Serenity* "Do we care? Are we caring about that now?"

Never mind...I don't want to know what he's going on about...


Originally posted by Sassalicious
I hereby bestow you the honor of being on the list. You are now 25th in line to the throne of The Forsaken. Wear this honor well and do right by it.

Right of course meaning human rights and respecting one another.

Go out into the world young grasshopper!

Thanks Sass! I'm so happy!

And I'll definitely take a T-Shirt, FMF!

*prances off to go dance in the moonlight near a bonfire* Roasted marshmallows, anyone?

Mine is an evil sugar high laugh! Bwahahahaha!


PS- WARNING: Complete mental blindess in belief can cause physical blindess...especially when preparing to fight for those blind beliefs. Just thought someone might like to know.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:13 AM



Originally posted by TheRightStuff:

Originally posted by citizen:

You are a despicable pagan. Yes you heard me right beeaatch, time to bitch slap your heathen arse down!

Your history is wrong and its' YOU who are the pagan!
And if you want to fight I'm good at boxing and can beat all my friends in the ring, you think your tough? I'm trained. Belief in God would give me strength over you, God-less idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would beat you like a dog!!!!!!!!!!
One punch to your FACE!!!!!!!
Don't threaten me.


I would'nt boast about beating your friends in the ring if I were you, It could be easily missinterpreted.
You know, as a homo-erotic fantasy.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:17 AM



Originally posted by TheRightStuff:

Originally posted by citizen:

You are a despicable pagan. Yes you heard me right beeaatch, time to bitch slap your heathen arse down!

Your history is wrong and its' YOU who are the pagan!
And if you want to fight I'm good at boxing and can beat all my friends in the ring, you think your tough? I'm trained. Belief in God would give me strength over you, God-less idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would beat you like a dog!!!!!!!!!!
One punch to your FACE!!!!!!!
Don't threaten me.


I am a god. God of beating you down! You raise your fist I'll bitch slap you down with a firey thunderbolt of pain.

You'll be praying for locusts by the time I'm finished with you beeaatch!

Now as for you beating your friends in their rings, well I neither care nor wish to know about your sexual preferences.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:25 AM


Yeah Baby!!

THERIGHTSTUFF comes from behind to lick you in the Ring.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:29 AM


I'm most worried about the beating me like a dog part.

I'm really not into bestiality...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:31 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by TheRightStuff:

Originally posted by citizen:

You are a despicable pagan. Yes you heard me right beeaatch, time to bitch slap your heathen arse down!

Your history is wrong and its' YOU who are the pagan!
And if you want to fight I'm good at boxing and can beat all my friends in the ring, you think your tough? I'm trained. Belief in God would give me strength over you, God-less idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would beat you like a dog!!!!!!!!!!
One punch to your FACE!!!!!!!
Don't threaten me.


I am a god. God of beating you down! You raise your fist I'll bitch slap you down with a firey thunderbolt of pain.

You'll be praying for locusts by the time I'm finished with you beeaatch!

Now as for you beating your friends in their rings, well I neither care nor wish to know about your sexual preferences.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.

Meet me at the downtown YMCA on Church street in Nashville at noon this saturday and I'll teach you a lesson!!!!!I'll beat you like the russian in Rocky4!!!!You and piratenews, both toads of satan!!!!!!!!!
God will be in MY CORNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have guts for that???????????



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:31 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by TheRightStuff:

Originally posted by citizen:

You are a despicable pagan. Yes you heard me right beeaatch, time to bitch slap your heathen arse down!

Your history is wrong and its' YOU who are the pagan!
And if you want to fight I'm good at boxing and can beat all my friends in the ring, you think your tough? I'm trained. Belief in God would give me strength over you, God-less idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would beat you like a dog!!!!!!!!!!
One punch to your FACE!!!!!!!
Don't threaten me.


I am a god. God of beating you down! You raise your fist I'll bitch slap you down with a firey thunderbolt of pain.

You'll be praying for locusts by the time I'm finished with you beeaatch!

Now as for you beating your friends in their rings, well I neither care nor wish to know about your sexual preferences.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.

Meet me at the downtown YMCA on Church street in Nashville at noon this saturday and I'll teach you a lesson!!!!!I'll beat you like the russian in Rocky4!!!!You and piratenews, both toads of satan!!!!!!!!!
God will be in MY CORNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have guts for that???????????



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:33 AM


It's flattering and all, but I swing toward women folk.

And seriously if I were to have a threesome I'd hope to find better than you and PirateNews. Now if you have Morena and Jewels phone numbers.

Besides, meeting at the YMCA for an elicit homo-erotic liaison? How corny do you want to get

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:36 AM


CITIZEN and PIRATENEWS in the same corner????

Now thats just downright unsettling.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:39 AM


This is just toooo funny.

I wanna be the Red Indian.

Let me be the Red Indian.

Please, Please,PLEAAAAASE.

But I'm not gay or 'owt


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:53 AM


I'm just not sure I'm ready for that sort of relationship with the almighty...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:03 PM


*sits in a corner and tries very hard not to burst out laughing*


This is great...

Come one, Come All! Come see the Fight of the Century! See the champion of the Forsaken One square off against the champion of *cough* "God" *cough* in what has been said will be the best fight since Rocky 4!! Popcorn will be served free, courtesy of the Forsaken Ones! T-Shirts will be for sale!

Couldn't resist...

Mine is an evil sugar high laugh! Bwahahahaha!



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:17 PM


OH GOODY! I have a friend that lives in Nashville! I recruited him! I shall send him to this place of beating and get him to learn the identity of this so called RightStuff!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I learned from this thread that Sargeantx, Finmacummal, Auraptor and I... Rue and Sass, FMF, River, Chrisisall, Tristan, Followmal, Dayve, Naughtyman, Sigmanunki, Khyron, Penguin, PDCharles, Morwen112, Soupcatcher, Daveshyane, Causal, Simonwho, Sevenpercent, Fremdfirma, Rocketjock, Fredgiblet, Monksdad, Oldenglanddry, Haze, and Mtnscott all belong on the same list AND.... {takes deep breath}....

Honorary mention to HKcavalier who was left off entirely by accident...

Special notice to PirateNews who is as out there as TRS but in a different direction, AND...('nother deep breath)

A VERY SPECIAL MENTION to Citizen, who can tweak anyone without breaking a sweat!

Welcome to The Forsaken... At least we know how to have a good time!

So... what kind of beer will it be?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:50 PM


We need a theme song. We need coffee mugs! We need a....dum dum dum......motto!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:53 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
I'm just not sure I'm ready for that sort of relationship with the almighty...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.

I believe it has been previously established that you are both God AND Satan. Therefore would having "that sort of relationship with the almighty" be a form of masturbation? Or is it a menage trois because you, God, and Satan are involved? Or possibly it's just a two-some between God and Satan?

Now I'm all confused!



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THEME: Whisky for my men, beer for my horses???

You know, I think our levity is driving TRS...uh... ummm...




Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:57 PM


“Instead of a Dark Lord, you shall have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!”

Sorry, was gettin carried away there, I'm back now


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:57 PM


I'm confident Citizen will win the fight. Why? Because he's the Eye of the Tiger

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge
Of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And his fortune must always be
Eye of the tiger

Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds
Still we take to the street
Fot the kill with the skill to survive

Risin' up straight to the top
Had the guts, got the glory
Went the distance
Now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:01 PM


Theme song for THE FORSAKEN - Don't Fear the Reaper!

giggle snort


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:05 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

You mean this one? Cool.

"(Don't Fear) The Reaper"

[Written by Blue Oyster Cult]

All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity...
Romeo and Juliet


Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:12 PM



Originally posted by rue:
You mean this one? Cool.

"(Don't Fear) The Reaper"

[Written by Blue Oyster Cult]

All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity...
Romeo and Juliet


Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.




Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:25 PM


Me thinks there is a reason that has always been my all time favorite song!

I am on THE LIST!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:28 PM


Poor Therightstuff. You guys are circling him like a pack of wild dogs fighting over the carcass of a buffalo, and Citizen seems to be the meanest dog here that is determined to get more than his share of the meat.

Survival of the fittest in progress I guess…



Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:40 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Maybe he'll learn you can't take on the whole world and make it your enemy. If one makes lists and declares all and sundry to be misbegotten, heathen, devil-worshipping degenerates, don't you think there'll be some response?

Remember - all these people are merely responding.

Nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:09 PM


What happened? He see your face?


leave for a while and now I am a part of a Pagan strikeforce, complete with theme song!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:29 PM



Originally posted by pdcharles:

leave for a while and now I am a part of a Pagan strikeforce, complete with theme song!

You got something better to do?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:55 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by fredgiblet:

Originally posted by pdcharles:

leave for a while and now I am a part of a Pagan strikeforce, complete with theme song!

You got something better to do?

Hell no... I am packing up the car and heading to Nashville to the YMCA at Golgotha. For the scripture has foretold.... in passage RWED 20:687






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