The Ugly Truth: Our President is an Imbecile

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Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:12 AM



Originally posted by rue:
How is that nothing BUT mindless liberal-bashing?

Hey! I think we can all agree that my liberal-monkey line was not in any way "mindless". Sure, I bashed the liberals good, but it was carefully constructed and thoughtfully presented.

If I was mindless I'd have said:

Liberals baaaaaaaad.
Bush gooooooood.


Go away and jerk off, a-hole.

I'm just sayin...



Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:20 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
What I find hysterical is that Hero will drag himself down into the faux-hillbilly group (people "is" people) so that Bush won't be there all by "hisself". Now THAT'S what I call loyalty!

I might be some highy edumakated book learnin big city lawyer, but I come from a small town in the hills of West, By God, Virginia (parents from different sides of the mountain insuring at least a two generation seperation) and to plain folk like us, "people is people" just makes good sense.

I look at everybody the same. Rich lady with expensive lawyer gets 3 days for a 1st DUI, she thinks its unfair. Poor black fella can't afford a lawyer gets 3 days for a first time DUI and guess what...he thinks its unfair. Now it might be unfair, but its equally unfair. Now liberals...they put themselves above the rest because they know best...just ask them. Conservatives are expect to run their own race, and you run yours and we'll meet as equals at the bottom. Liberals hate racing. Its not fair for someone to win or lose. So everybody loses...except the liberal, because thats not fair.



Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:29 AM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
that Hero is not interested in dialogue. There is usually one consistency to his posts, he will find a way (sometimes one sentence sometimes paragraphs) to mock liberals. So I treat his posts accordingly. I am constantly revising my opinions so if Hero actually shows signs of engaging in a discussion, absent the blanket attacks, and it's a discussion I have an opinion on then I'll be there. Until then I will mock him for his one-dimensionality.

Thanks for the critque, and an honost ones are scarce these days. My posting is limited by my court schedule. If I have time I discuss, often in depth on a variety of issues. But there is so much anti-Bush sentiment by some people and so many outragous or untrue comments, that I do poke fun and poke holes and sometimes poke funny holes.

Anyway, thanks. And good luck. Certain people hate the whole "writing words and expressing thoughts that don't exactly mirror our own" thing. I call those people "liberals" but some refer to them as Canadian, Democrats, FOX TV executives, and occaisonally the French.



Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:38 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Rue. Maybe you got confused about the real source of the article you quoted. It's not the Washington Post, but a blog on

The blog does provide a link to the G-8 transcript in the Washington Post, but the Washington Post provides none of the editorial comment you put up.

But let's take the G-8 conversation from where you left off:


British Prime Minister Tony Blair approaches.
Bush : Blair, what are you doing? You leaving?
Blair : No, no, no, not yet.
Blair, standing over Bush as the president eats, tries to engage on the stalled global trade negotiations.
Blair : On this trade thing . . .
Some of the ensuing conversation is inaudible. Blair evidently wants Bush to make a statement on the talks.
Bush : If you want me to. I just want some movement. Yesterday, I didn't see much movement. The desire's to move.
Blair : No, no there's not. It may be that it's impossible.
Bush : I'll be glad to say it. Who's introducing me?
Blair : Angela. [German Chancellor Angela Merkel ]
Bush : Tell her to call on me. Tell her to put me on the spot.
Bush then changes the subject, presumably to a gift Blair must have given him for his recent 60th birthday.
Bush : Thanks for the sweater. Awfully thoughtful of you. I know you picked it out yourself.
Blair : Oh, absolutely.
Both of them laugh. Then Bush turns serious, asking Blair about comments apparently made about the Middle East crisis by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, another guest at the summit.
Bush : What about Kofi? That seems odd. I don't like the sequence of it. His attitude is basically ceasefire and [then] everything else happens. You know what I'm saying?
Blair : Yeah. No, I think -- the thing that's really difficult is we can't stop this unless you get this international presence agreed. Now, I know what you guys have talked about but it's the same thing.
The next remarks are inaudible, but the conversation turns to U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.
Blair : . . . see how reliable that is. But you need that done quickly.
Bush : Yeah, she's going. I think Condi's going to go pretty soon.
Blair : Right. Well, that's, that's, that's all that matters. If you -- see, it'll take some time to get out there. But at least it gives people a --
Bush : A process, I agree. I told her your offer too.
It's unclear what offer he means, but apparently Blair offered to make some sort of public statement.
Blair : Well, it's only if it's -- I mean, you know, if she's gotta -- or if she needs the ground prepared, as it were. Obviously, if she goes out, she's got to succeed, as it were, whereas I can just go out and talk.
Bush : See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it's over.
Blair : Who, Syria?
Bush : Right.
Blair : I think this is all part of the same thing. What does he think? He thinks if Lebanon turns out fine, if we get a solution in Israel and Palestine, Iraq goes in the right way, he's [inaudible ] . That's what this whole thing's about. It's the same with Iran.
Bush : I felt like telling Kofi to get on the phone with Assad and make something happen. We're not blaming Israel. We're not blaming the Lebanese government."
At this point, Blair notices the microphone and turns it off.

Sounds like two friendly heads of state having a private conversation about issues discussed at the G-8 and their responses to them: try to get the trade talks moving, see about Secretary General Annan's peace proposal, see when Secretary Rice can make a Middle-East trip to get a peace process moving, try to get Secretary General Annan to have back-channel talks with Syria about reining in Hezballah. Not very much imbecilic at all, aside from the bad joke about the birthday sweater.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The difference between me and you, Hero, is that I talk about you and Bush, and YOU talk about "liberals" and "democrats". Of course, you're the first to say that "liberals" put themselves "above everybody". Not that you're prejudiced* or anything. I'm just sayin'. I don't put myself above whole swaths of people. Just Bush.

*prejudice: to pre-judge


Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:45 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Originally posted by Geezer:
Rue. Maybe you got confused about the real source of the article you quoted. It's not the Washington Post, but a blog on

The blog does provide a link to the G-8 transcript in the Washington Post, but the Washington Post provides none of the editorial comment you put up.

But let's take the G-8 conversation from where you left off:

British Prime Minister Tony Blair approaches.
Bush : Blair, what are you doing? You leaving?
Blair : No, no, no, not yet.
Blair, standing over Bush as the president eats, tries to engage on the stalled global trade negotiations.
Blair : On this trade thing . . .
Some of the ensuing conversation is inaudible. Blair evidently wants Bush to make a statement on the talks.
Bush : If you want me to. I just want some movement. Yesterday, I didn't see much movement. The desire's to move.
Blair : No, no there's not. It may be that it's impossible.
Bush : I'll be glad to say it. Who's introducing me?
Blair : Angela. [German Chancellor Angela Merkel ]
Bush : Tell her to call on me. Tell her to put me on the spot.
Bush then changes the subject, presumably to a gift Blair must have given him for his recent 60th birthday.
Bush : Thanks for the sweater. Awfully thoughtful of you. I know you picked it out yourself.
Blair : Oh, absolutely.
Both of them laugh. Then Bush turns serious, asking Blair about comments apparently made about the Middle East crisis by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, another guest at the summit.
Bush : What about Kofi? That seems odd. I don't like the sequence of it. His attitude is basically ceasefire and [then] everything else happens. You know what I'm saying?
Blair : Yeah. No, I think -- the thing that's really difficult is we can't stop this unless you get this international presence agreed. Now, I know what you guys have talked about but it's the same thing.
The next remarks are inaudible, but the conversation turns to U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.
Blair : . . . see how reliable that is. But you need that done quickly.
Bush : Yeah, she's going. I think Condi's going to go pretty soon.
Blair : Right. Well, that's, that's, that's all that matters. If you -- see, it'll take some time to get out there. But at least it gives people a --
Bush : A process, I agree. I told her your offer too.
It's unclear what offer he means, but apparently Blair offered to make some sort of public statement.
Blair : Well, it's only if it's -- I mean, you know, if she's gotta -- or if she needs the ground prepared, as it were. Obviously, if she goes out, she's got to succeed, as it were, whereas I can just go out and talk.
Bush : See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it's over.
Blair : Who, Syria?
Bush : Right.
Blair : I think this is all part of the same thing. What does he think? He thinks if Lebanon turns out fine, if we get a solution in Israel and Palestine, Iraq goes in the right way, he's [inaudible ] . That's what this whole thing's about. It's the same with Iran.
Bush : I felt like telling Kofi to get on the phone with Assad and make something happen. We're not blaming Israel. We're not blaming the Lebanese government."
At this point, Blair notices the microphone and turns it off.


Sounds like two friendly heads of state having a private conversation about issues discussed at the G-8 and their responses to them: try to get the trade talks moving, see about Secretary General Annan's peace proposal, see when Secretary Rice can make a Middle-East trip to get a peace process moving, try to get Secretary General Annan to have back-channel talks with Syria about reining in Hezballah. Not very much imbecilic at all, aside from the bad joke about the birthday sweater.
"Keep the Shiny side up"


Ah. But it is so much LESS than that. Especially re Lebanon.

Bush - what about Kofi?

Blair - you need to get the int'l presence

Bush - I think Condi's going pretty soon (I guess he needed to check w/ her before he said that - as she hasn't yet seen fit)

Blair - that's all that matters

Bush - "they" need to get Syria to get Hezbollah

Blair - (confused by the non-sequitor) Syria?

Bush - I felt like telling Kofi to make something happen

Bush certainly has a grasp.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:03 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Thanks for the critque, and an honost ones are scarce these days. My posting is limited by my court schedule. If I have time I discuss, often in depth on a variety of issues. But there is so much anti-Bush sentiment by some people and so many outragous or untrue comments, that I do poke fun and poke holes and sometimes poke funny holes.

Anyway, thanks. And good luck. Certain people hate the whole "writing words and expressing thoughts that don't exactly mirror our own" thing. I call those people "liberals" but some refer to them as Canadian, Democrats, FOX TV executives, and occaisonally the French.

Fair enough. If I wasn't working on the computer all day I would probably take more of a shotgun, rather than a rifle, approach myself.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:05 AM


It’s obvious that there are differing opinions of this president here and, believe it or not, I do respect everyone’s right to their own views. The thing that I can’t understand is how can anyone who has seen Bush in action, his mannerisms, his speech, his often “deer in the headlights” blank stare, not to mention some of his less than brilliant executive decisions and still think that this guy has what it takes to be a world leader. Have the majority of people in this country been reduced to the intelligence level of a squid to have such profoundly poor insight? (No offense to the squid).

As someone who has had to endure GW as governor as well as president – not to mention his stint as managing partner of one of the states baseball teams – I think I can say that I’ve seen more than enough of this guy.

I don’t like to demean, degrade or otherwise slander anyone. I have on occasion said and posted some pretty ugly things about Shrub. I’m here to tell you, that I’m standing by those statements. I don’t make these statements based on any one political affiliation either. I have in the past voted for people in every party out there – but these neo-cons are losing me big time. The Republican Party is defiantly a machine – they find a message and stick to it, no matter who gets trampled in the process. The Democrats seem to try and represent everyone and as such become a divided party. Independents and Libertarians are left to suck hind tit, so to speak. Where is the party that represents the politically disenfranchised? Do we have nothing better to look forward to than more of the same, that is, inept leaders who are only concerned with their own political aspirations and greed? Jeb Bush? Hilary Clinton? Let’s just elect Satan and ride that hand basket straight to hell.

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:49 AM


What's all this now then?

Everybody play NICE!!!


Big Daddy Chrisisall


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:13 PM


---the wit of GW Shrub Bush---- shudder------
please, just make it go away...

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:13 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by rue:
Ah. But it is so much LESS than that. Especially re Lebanon.

Bush - what about Kofi?

Yeah. As in "What did you think about Kofi Annan's suggestion for a cease-fire and then an international peacekeeping force, Tony?", since that was Annan's suggestion at the G8. Seems reasonable Bush would ask Blair's opinion, which Blair provides.

Blair - you need to get the int'l presence

Taking the actual statement "...the thing that's really difficult is we can't stop this unless you get this international presence agreed" in context, it's pretty obvious that you is inclusive, you meaning everyone who needs to agree to the international presence. Seems like getting international presence would be a UN thing, not for the President to do.


Bush - I think Condi's going pretty soon (I guess he needed to check w/ her before he said that - as she hasn't yet seen fit)

Did it ever occur to you that the visit of the Secretary of State to several, not necessarily friendly, Mid-East countries might require a little preparation, like getting agreement for the visit from the countries involved? Guess not. Note also Blair mentioning that he would be willing to prepare the ground for her trip, because "she's got to succeed, as it were, whereas I can just go out and talk." That might take some time too.

Blair - that's all that matters

Bush - "they" need to get Syria to get Hezbollah

Blair - (confused by the non-sequitor) Syria?

Cool. You can read Tony Blair's mind now. Other people might have thought he didn't hear what Bush was saying, but you got the real scoop.


Bush - I felt like telling Kofi to make something happen

But even the President of the US doesn't order the Secretary General of the UN around. Hence the working on international presence and trying to get a Condi Rice visit, perhaps preceded by Tony Blair preparing the ground.

Still seems pretty reasonable to me. I think you must have borrowed SignyM's "Bush is evil" goggles and then added the "Bush is dumb" accessory lenses.

I await your next round of well-spun out-of-context not-quite-accurate semi-quotes.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:25 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
I wish you wouldn't brand ppl because of one opinion or another, but I know that's beyond your capability

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.

Ya might try living by your own words. You branded W for some selected ( cherry picked ) comments. You have your method, I have mine. But I am willing to ammend my comments above. To be fair, I should have said " Liberals " in general, and not made it so specific toward you. Alas, I can't ignore the irony as you braned me as well, based on " one opinion or another... ".


People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:34 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
Unwrapped - so you think those quotes are the epitome of intelligence, discernment, savvy. Wow. You've got high standards.

It would help matters if you could read/ comprehend a simple, straight forward post. All I said was that Bush is every bit as intelligent as Kerry. And I even made a follow up remark that said being as smart as Kerry wasn't all that to brag about! Yet, you somehow understood my words to mean that Bush is " the epitome of intelligence, discrernment , savvy... ". Now, unless you see those words being applicable to John Kerry, I must admit, I'm stumpified. Bush and Kerry have been shown to , from college grades and their military Intelligence test scores, be both unremarkable in the area of displaying a high I.Q.

Neither Kerry or Bush are members of MENSA, are they ? I certainly never implied that to be the case. Did you ?

"That ain't hatin', that's just factin'! " Chris Dimino 790TheZone

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:34 PM


Hey Righteous9,

Originally posted by Righteous9:
What is the President to you, Bigdamnnobody?

For lack of a better term, He is the leader of the 'free' world.


How would you characterize him?

Happy. Seriously, the guy's always got a smile on his face. He really must enjoy his job, which could be considered a good trait.

I am not blind to the Presidents foibles, but he is the President. And he has been the President for one and a half terms. Unless you can impeach him for saying and doing silly things, he is going to continue to be the President for awhile longer.

What should the administration do? Should he be shielded from the public and only let out to make pre-written statements? Do you make up phony excuses and send other's in his place to conferences?

Besides, I enjoy lively discussions in RWED. What better way to get one going than to take a position opposite to the threads author.
Plus I knew there was something fishy with the original source.

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:40 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
You know what I wonder - if he'd pass sobriety and drug tests. Bush may not have too much upstairs but he can follow a script. So why would he do/say that stuff unless he was too happy, happy, HAPPY, WHHHEEEEeeee ... to care?

C'mon now, you can NOT be serious. Pass a drug test ? Which President was it that NEVER released ANY of his Medical test results, never revealed findings from his annual check ups, never made public ANY of his medical history ??

President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton - That's who.

"That ain't hatin', that's just factin' " -Chris Dimino 790TheZone

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:21 PM


Stupid double post!


Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:21 PM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Besides, I enjoy lively discussions in RWED. What better way to get one going than to take a position opposite to the threads author.
Plus I knew there was something fishy with the original source.

I enjoy the RWED forum as well. I like to watch the threads here degenerate into name calling and my side's better than yours POVs. I usually stay out of them because I'm frankly too young to give a damn just yet. As for the main point of the thread, in my experience every president this country has ever had, has had his good qualities and his bad qualities, I can't judge Bush too harshly, after all, is it his fault every time he speaks the T.V. makes him look like a brainless goofball with a Yale education? (Maybe it is, Maybe it isn't.) Both extremes, Democrat/Republican, Liberal/Conservative, make me a little edge-y. So, I'm content on a middle ground.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!

"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:26 PM



President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton - That's who.
Well damn that makes it alright then. Other guys were taking drugs, your honour, so you see you have to let me off.

I was under the impression Clinton wasn't the president anymore, since he's a viable issue when discussing the current president I must of been wrong.

I really thought Bush was the President, or was it Cheney, oh well.

To be fair, I should have said " Liberals " in general, and not made it so specific toward you. Alas, I can't ignore the irony as you braned me as well, based on " one opinion or another... ".
Except Guy was making a (quite well founded) observation based on your behaviour, you were doing your typical knee jerk “must insult and attempt to silence all who don’t think in the way AU approves of” thing.

But given your continued inability to see even the most obvious facts of the world around you and yourself I’ll understand if you, as usual, just don’t get it.

BTW the whole as usual “all Liberals blah blah blah” thing, nice way to prove the hypocrite charge .

Oh and darlin’, cherry picked or no, they’re still things he said, know what I’m saying…

Talk like an idiot, look like an idiot, act like an idiot, well I guess you must be:

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:32 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh Slick,

tsk, tsk, tsk ...

"What did you think about Kofi Annan's suggestion for a cease-fire and then an international peacekeeping force, Tony?"
Where in the conversation is that? Oh, that's right.
You would be making that up.

"(Blair - to Bush)... the thing that's really difficult is WE can't stop this unless YOU get this international presence agreed"
In context, it's pretty obvious that WE is inclusive, YOU means the US.

"(Bush) ... I think Condi's going pretty soon." In context, Blair was saying (as diplomatically as possible) "that he would be willing to prepare the ground for her trip, because 'she's got to succeed, as it were, whereas I can just go out and talk.'" But Blair needed to know if Condi was going to go before he got on the stage as the opening act, so to speak, and found there was going to be no main show. Bush's response? A definitive "I think she's going to go soon.."

"(Blair - confused by the non-sequitor) Syria?"
"Other people might have thought he didn't hear what Bush was saying, but you got the real scoop." Really? What other people? Or would you just be making that up, too.

"(Bush) ... I felt like telling Kofi to make something happen"
Hence BLAIR working on international presence and trying to get a Condi Rice visit.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:17 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by citizen:

President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton - That's who.
Well damn that makes it alright then. Other guys were taking drugs, your honour, so you see you have to let me off.

I was under the impression Clinton wasn't the president anymore, since he's a viable issue when discussing the current president I must of been wrong.

I really thought Bush was the President, or was it Cheney, oh well.

To be fair, I should have said " Liberals " in general, and not made it so specific toward you. Alas, I can't ignore the irony as you braned me as well, based on " one opinion or another... ".
Except Guy was making a (quite well founded) observation based on your behaviour, you were doing your typical knee jerk “must insult and attempt to silence all who don’t think in the way AU approves of” thing.

But given your continued inability to see even the most obvious facts of the world around you and yourself I’ll understand if you, as usual, just don’t get it.

BTW the whole as usual “all Liberals blah blah blah” thing, nice way to prove the hypocrite charge .

Oh and darlin’, cherry picked or no, they’re still things he said, know what I’m saying…

Talk like an idiot, look like an idiot, act like an idiot, well I guess you must be:

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

citizen - If only you knew what the hell you were talking about. The point was brought up that Bush should take a drug test. Fact is, he has had annual check ups with results made public. To the contrary, the ONLY President to do no such thing and to keep ALL records of his medical history private is the afore mentioned Mr.Clinton. THAT'S why it's relevent.

Ok, lets refresh.
Clinton = never released any medical records concerning his health.
Bush = has at least made public his annual check ups, and hid nothing.

You talk about ignoring facts, yet your entire positon is based purely on OPINION. Fact is, in objective methods of determining intellect between Bush and Kerry, we DO have 2 pieces of evidence. Case closed.

And one last thing, 'cherry picked' amounts to taking things out of context. Sure, they were said ( when have I ever denied that ? Oh, never..that's when ) but if you had someone eaves drop on your conversations and only used parts of, and not the whole disucsison , you too would be seen as an imbecile.

Ok, so using you isn't the best example I could have come up with, but you get the picture. One would hope, at least.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:13 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Unwrapped -

If you google "george w bush" physical; or "george w bush" "annual physical" you will get page after page of how he inquired about skipping the Air National Guard required physical, then missed his annual physical, and then was grounded. Along with a lot of speculation he skipped out b/c, for the first time ever, it was required AND they were testing for drug use. But that's just ancient history and you don't want to get into that - right? Just like Clinton is ancient history.

The point was brought up that Bush should take a drug test. Fact is, he has had annual check ups with results made public.

So I found this. Please note, there is NO report of drug testing. Your 'annual physical' remark is a non-sequitor.

By Mark Bloom, Editor-in-Chief, MedPage Today
August 01, 2005
Also covered by: CNN, New York Times (Registration Req.), Washington Post (Registration Req.)

BETHESDA, Md., Aug. 1-President George Bush, eight pounds lighter than he weighed in December, was declared fit for duty by doctors at the National Naval Medical Center here over the weekend.

The three-hour checkup was the 59-year-old Bush's fifth annual physical since taking office. The most recent examination was in December, delayed from his normal summer schedule by the election campaign.

Bush, nearly six feet tall, weighed 199.6 pounds in December. Over the weekend, his weight was down eight pounds, a loss that was attributed to an improved diet.

"The President remains in excellent health and 'fit for duty,'" his doctors said in a statement. "All data suggest that he will remain so for the duration of his Presidency."

Bush takes a daily multi-vitamin, low-dose aspirin, glucosamine/chondroitin, and an omega 3 supplement. He does not routinely use prescription medications.

The President exercises six times per week. His resting heart rate (seated) was 47 bpm. His resting blood pressure (seated) was 110/64 mm/Hg.

The doctors characterized his fitness as in the "superior" category for a man his age (greater than 99th percentile for 55-59 year-old men; Cooper).

He has, they said, a "low" to "very low" coronary artery disease risk profile, as judged by a coronary artery disease "activity-marker" evaluation (including C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and lipids), and "functional" studies (exercise treadmill test).

Results of lipid sub-unit and particle size analysis further support a "low cardiac risk" profile. Continued "therapeutic lifestyle measures" (i.e. reduced intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, regular physical activity, and weight control) are appropriate.

He is not taking a statin.

Sinus bradycardia, asymptomatic, non-pathologic, and consistent with a conditioned heart, they said.

There is a history of vasovagal syncope without pathology, sequelae, or recurrence.

The physicians reported symptoms consistent with occasional gastroesophageal reflux with well-defined triggers. They were considering "modification/elimination of triggers, routine medication, and/or endoscopy if symptoms become more frequent, refractory, or pronounced."

Bush has a history of benign colonic adenomas, with his most recent colonoscopy in June 2002 determined to be normal. He will have another colonoscopy in 2007 (or earlier, pending state-of-the-science, or incidental to upper endoscopy if indicated).

He has skin lesions consistent with solar damage. Treatment was not indicated, and sun-protection measures (e.g. sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, etc.) were recommended. A seborrheic keratosis was treated with liquid nitrogen.

Bush has well-controlled seasonal allergic rhinitis.

He has a history of activity-related musculoskeletal injuries and is currently without symptoms or limitations.

He also has a history of mild high frequency hearing loss, unchanged from previous examinations. He has mild hyperopic astigmatism/presbyopia, fully correctable.

The full report:

Past Medical History

There is no past medical history of hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted disease, or stroke. The President benefits from a "low" to "very low" (favorable) coronary artery disease risk profile with a favorable family medical history, absence of modifiable risk factors; superior fitness, favorable CAD markers (CRP, lipids, homocysteine) and functional studies ("stress echocardiogram"), and "minimal/mild" coronary artery calcification noted on anatomic study (coronary artery computed tomography, 2004).

Seborrheic keratosis excised 12/04.

Actinic keratoses identified and treated with liquid nitrogen 8/01, 12/01, 8/03, 12/04.

Telangiectasias, nasal bridge, consistent with solar damage, treated 8/03.

Vasovagal syncope, 1/02; solitary episode with identifiable precipitating event superimposed on longstanding, non-pathologic sinus bradycardia (consistent with a conditioned heart); evaluation 1/02, no sequelae, and no recurrence since 1/02.

Benign colonic adenomatous polyps removed on screening colonoscopy, 7/98, 12/99; Repeat colonoscopy in 6/02 was normal without polyps or mucosal abnormalities. Repeat exam anticipated in 2007.

Mild high-frequency hearing loss documented and stable on prior exams; speech frequencies excellent. Currently no symptoms.

History of seasonal allergic rhinitis; asymptomatic this spring with preventive seasonal use of nasal corticosteroid spray.

The President has a history of activity-related injuries as noted below, which resolved without sequelae and do not impact his current duties. He continues a vigorous aerobic, weight training, and flexibility program.

Musculoskeletal low back pain secondary to lifting; fully evaluated in 1990, currently asymptomatic.

Intermittent bilateral anterior knee pain, activity-related, with a left medial meniscal injury and subsequent surgical repair in 1997. Orthopedic and radiographic re-evaluation in 12/03 confirmed an old incomplete tear of the PCL of the right knee with resultant patello-femoral chondromalacia, post-traumatic degenerative changes, and asymptomatic medial meniscal damage, all most consistent with a remote athletic injury and physical activity. Symptoms resolved with quadriceps strengthening, cross-training (biking), and elimination of impact exercises (e.g. running) from his routine.

Right "calf" running injury (strain/tear), 4/03, most consistent with overuse. Symptoms resolved.

Minor abrasions secondary to injuries sustained while biking, all healed without sequelae.

Mild hyperopic astigmatism/presbyopia, fully correctable. Uses reading glasses as needed.

Blood transfusions: none

Past Surgical History
Appendectomy 1956
Left medial menisectomy 3/97

The President takes a daily multi-vitamin, low-dose aspirin, glucosamine/chondroitin, and an omega 3 supplement. He does not routinely use prescription medications.

The President's immunizations are current for worldwide travel.

Social History

Tobacco: An occasional cigar

Alcohol: None

Caffeine: Diet sodas and coffee

Exercise: The President exercises six times per week. Workouts include bicycling (15-20 miles, 15-18 mph), treadmill (low impact "hill-work"), elliptical trainer, free weight resistance training, and stretching.

Other: The President has not missed work due to illness since his last physical exam.

Physical Examination
Vital Statistics

Age: 59 years old

Height: 71.75 inches (without shoes)

Temperature: 97.5 degrees F (oral)

Weight: 191.6 (last year 199.6)

Body Composition: Body fat 15.79% (last year 18.25%; normal for age 16.5-20.5%; Cooper data)

Resting heart rate (seated): 47 bpm

Resting blood pressure (seated): 110/64

Pulse-oximetry: 98% (room air)
System-specific examination summary

ENT (ears, nose, throat): Normal (audiogram and nasopharyngoscopy were accomplished in 12/04, and were not indicated or repeated at this time). Physical examination of the head, neck, and thyroid are unremarkable. Thyroid function tests were normal.

Eyes: No ocular pathology was discovered on ophthalmoscopic examination. Visual fields were normal. Uncompensated (uncorrected) distant visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes. Corrected near visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes (the President uses reading glasses as needed).

Neurologic exam: Normal.

Pulmonary: Normal. Chest x-ray unremarkable and unchanged.

Gastrointestinal: Normal. Colonoscopy was last performed in June 2002. Symptoms reported consistent with occasional gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), with well-defined triggers (e.g. coffee, peppermint). Abdominal examination normal.

Cardiology: Physical examination of the circulatory system was normal. The resting EKG revealed sinus bradycardia consistent with previous exams and aerobic conditioning. Fasting lipid panel: total cholesterol: 178 (desirable <200); HDL: 56 (>40); "Large HDL": 32 ("lower risk" >30); "Large VLDL": 12 ("lower risk" <7); LDL: 100 ("optimal" <100, "desirable"/"near optimal" <130); "LDL size": 22.1 ("lower risk pattern" 20.6-23.0); total cholesterol/HDL ratio 3.2; Triglycerides: 71 (<150). Lipoprotein (a): 17.9 (<30); hs-CRP: 0.4 ("low risk category" <1.0). Homocysteine; 9.3 (5-15).
The President underwent Balke protocol exercise treadmill testing (ETT) with echocardiogram. He exercised for a total of 26:20 minutes achieving a maximum heart rate of 183. No signs or symptoms of cardiovascular pathology were noted. Stress echocardiogram was normal.

Dermatology: No evidence of skin cancer or premalignant lesions. Lesions consistent with solar damage (e.g. telangienctasias) noted as in past. A small pigmented lesion, on left lateral neck, clinically consistent with an inflamed benign seborrheic keratosis; frozen with liquid nitrogen. No actinic keratoses were noted.

Musculoskeletal: General musculoskeletal exam was unremarkable. Examination of the lower extremities revealed full range of motion and full motor strength without knee effusions or instability.

Genitourinary System: Exam was within normal limits without evidence of prostate nodularity or hypertrophy. PSA was 0.5 (normal <4.0).
A standard battery of routine screening laboratory tests was performed and was unremarkable.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:56 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by rue:

The Ugly Truth: Our President is an Imbecile

Bush: No, Diet Coke, Diet Coke.

I think I see our problem - ASPARTAME, which causes RUMSFELD DISEASE, SEIZURES and BRAIN DAMAGE.

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Friday, July 21, 2006 1:09 AM


actually a good point
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 21, 2006 1:57 AM



Originally posted by rue:

Genitourinary System: Exam was within normal limits without evidence of prostate nodularity or hypertrophy. PSA was 0.5 (normal <4.0).
A standard battery of routine screening laboratory tests was performed and was unremarkable.

Wow. Do you think its right to post this kind of stuff or to have it released to the public? I doubt HIPPA has an exception for elected officials.

Just to show how fair you your own most recent medical examination and history. Go ahead. I doubt you will though. That persistant bout with lymphatic filariasis is probably a might embarrassing.



Friday, July 21, 2006 2:17 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by rue:
Oh Slick,

tsk, tsk, tsk ...

"What did you think about Kofi Annan's suggestion for a cease-fire and then an international peacekeeping force, Tony?"
Where in the conversation is that? Oh, that's right.
You would be making that up.

"(Blair - to Bush)... the thing that's really difficult is WE can't stop this unless YOU get this international presence agreed"
In context, it's pretty obvious that WE is inclusive, YOU means the US.

"(Bush) ... I think Condi's going pretty soon." In context, Blair was saying (as diplomatically as possible) "that he would be willing to prepare the ground for her trip, because 'she's got to succeed, as it were, whereas I can just go out and talk.'" But Blair needed to know if Condi was going to go before he got on the stage as the opening act, so to speak, and found there was going to be no main show. Bush's response? A definitive "I think she's going to go soon.."

"(Blair - confused by the non-sequitor) Syria?"
"Other people might have thought he didn't hear what Bush was saying, but you got the real scoop." Really? What other people? Or would you just be making that up, too.

"(Bush) ... I felt like telling Kofi to make something happen"
Hence BLAIR working on international presence and trying to get a Condi Rice visit.

Yep. Got those "Bush is Evil" goggles glued to your face. No other interpretations need apply. I never argue religion with a fanatic, so I'll just let you rave on.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, July 21, 2006 3:00 AM


America loves a winner!

And what did you find when you googled "Bill Cliton" physical ?

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, July 21, 2006 4:11 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
And what did you find when you googled "Bill Cliton" physical ?

Naughty Pictures.

(couldn't resist that one!)



Friday, July 21, 2006 4:24 AM


We all think that was hi-larious, Frem.

Now y'all, keep ing
Sideline Chrisisall


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:04 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well Zero,

Just to show how fair you your own most recent medical examination and history. Go ahead. I doubt you will though.
As a proud recipient of a standard HMO plan, I have not had a physical in about 20 years. I also don't seem to have access to the results. How about YOU ??? You willing to post yours? ANOTHER ad hominem attack from you. But why should I expect anything better? You're not capable.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:08 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


No other interpretations need apply. I never argue religion with a fanatic, so I'll just let you rave on.
I'm guessin' this is your lame excuse for why you can't say - given the exact Bush quotes and all - Bush is anything but an em-bare-ass-ment. All you have is another ad hominem attack. As usual.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:14 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


'"Bill CLITon" physical' only got me a few web sites. '"Bill CliNton" physical' didn't get me ANYTHING salacious, embarassing, or compromising. Unlike say '"george w bush" physical'.

Lame joke. Pointless point. Yes, minimize, distract, attack. ANYTHING to avoid the truth.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:18 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

No wonder you idiots identify with dubya. He's proof that even you could be president some day. Assuming you had multi-millionaire ex-CIA ex-president parentage with a billion dollar political machine behind you.

So did you all get together to figure these brilliant responses out? OUCH Is this what happens when you put three brain cells together?


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:32 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by rue:

No other interpretations need apply. I never argue religion with a fanatic, so I'll just let you rave on.
I'm guessin' this is your lame excuse for why you can't say - given the exact Bush quotes and all - Bush is anything but an em-bare-ass-ment. All you have is another ad hominem attack. As usual.

Not really, but it's obvious that if Bush said "The sky is blue today." you'd try to either prove the sky isn't blue, or that it's not today.

Anyone reading the entire Bush/Blair conversation in the context of the events occurring at the G8 summit, instead of cutting out and re-interpreting little snippets of dialog, can see what was being discussed.

Since what I am disputing is your obviously wildly biased attempts at misinterpretation, noting what I consider the motives behind such actions is hardly ad hominem.

I also got a kick out of your "Since the Bush annual physical results didn't mention drug testing, he's obviously taking drugs." innuendo. Good old "guilty until proven innocent" again. I predict a great future for you in the North Korean Secret Police.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:40 AM


But but but Clinton, how predictable.

I see your infantile little mind just doesn't get it.

Yes my opinion is based on, erm, opinion, and my readings of facts, which is eminently better than your approach, which is "George Bush is my master, George Bush is so great, George Bush will tell me who I should hate."

At least I don't need a talking head to supply me with my opinion, I have a mind of my own, which is what sets you and I apart.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:50 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Slick - you just earned yourself a new nickname -it's called a-hole.

...instead of cutting out and re-interpreting little snippets of dialog
I took YOU OWN SNIPPETS - IN FULL - the very ones YOU picked out. As an obvious liar you now say they were mine. A-hole.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:56 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So A-hole, on you your second so called 'point'.
"I also got a kick out of your "Since the Bush annual physical results didn't mention drug testing, he's obviously taking drugs." innuendo." I was replying to the innuendo that since BUSH put his check-up results it meant he wasn't taking drugs. And what did I say about that? The horrible phrase non-sequitor. A-hole. Liar. Fraud.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:59 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Rice to Present U.S. Peace Plan
AP Diplomatic Writer

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will lay out U.S. plans for a diplomatic solution to the Israeli-Hezbollah fighting Friday, an administration official said.

Rice plans a trip to the Mideast as soon as early next week, and will carry the U.S. strategy for ending the 10-day-old warfare and establishing stability in southern Lebanon, a senior Bush administration said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because Rice has not yet made her plans public.

Well, there's the Condi going to the middle-east bit,

The plans emerged following two days of meetings in New York with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and envoys he sent to the region this week.

...and the coordinate with Kofi bit,

Also, the White House announced on Friday that British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a leading U.S. foreign policy ally, will meet with Bush next Friday at the White House. The Middle East crisis will be high on the agenda.

...and the get Blair smoothing the ground bit.

Looks like that little Blair/Bush talk about lebanon at the G8 has produced pretty much what was discussed.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, July 21, 2006 6:01 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Nooooo. You're making ASSumptions again.


Friday, July 21, 2006 6:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Geezer, you have sunk to a new low. Why? Why? WHY?

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.


Friday, July 21, 2006 6:41 AM


All this Bush is bad

Clinton was worse crap is inmaterial

I'd say one was nearly as bad as the other

Who was the last decent idiot to get elected...

" Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives "


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:13 AM



Who was the last decent idiot to get elected...

Oh, we shot that one.

Had to, couldn't have the one eyed man in the city of the blind making the rest of em look like what they are, could we ?



Friday, July 21, 2006 7:25 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Geezer, you have sunk to a new low. Why? Why? WHY?

What? Quoting the AP report on Condi's travel plans? Disagreeing with Rue's interpretation of the G8 conversation? Expressing an opinion about her motives? Gee, I thought having an opposing point of view might be allowed in a discussion forum.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:25 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Darn. Deadlock Doublepost. Disssspicable.


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:05 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Who was the last decent idiot to get elected...

Oh, we shot that one.

Had to, couldn't have the one eyed man in the city of the blind making the rest of em look like what they are, could we ?


Hell, I would argue that one needed shooting most of all....

" Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives "


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:15 AM


Dayve - after an intense discussion with the squid he warns he will ink you the next time you compare him to the general electorate ;)

BDM -how about impeachment for editing/destroying goverment inteligence to reflect his own personal wishes? for anyone else that would be....treason

oh and Geezer? have you suddenly become psychic enough to read the minds of all these "heads of government" and insert their ACTUAL thoughts? No? then you really should not assume but take comments at face value until such time as those actually involved either defend or explain said comments ;)

You know what the chain of command is here? Its the chain I go get to beat you with to show you whose in command!


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:40 AM



Originally posted by Allisa:

BDM -how about impeachment for editing/destroying goverment inteligence to reflect his own personal wishes? for anyone else that would be....treason

If Bush edited/destroyed government intelligence to reflect his own personal wishes, that is certainly an impeachable offense. So why is he still President? Is it because a case cannot be built on the evidence at hand, or is there overwhelming evidence and nobody is willing to bring it forth. Or is it because Bush's secret police have destroyed all evidence and have coerced all witnesses into silence (that was a shout-out to all the conspiracy theorists on this board ).

Oh and for the record the shortening of my alias would be BDN, BDM is the new nickname I picked up in Rue's playground. Unless,of course, you meant to use BDM which is certainly your prerogative.

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:48 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Or is it because Bush's secret police have destroyed all evidence and have coerced all witnesses into silence (that was a shout-out to all the conspiracy theorists on this board ).

*Wakes up*

Huh? What?
Oh yes, certainly possible, I'd say.



Friday, July 21, 2006 8:53 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Allisa:
oh and Geezer? have you suddenly become psychic enough to read the minds of all these "heads of government" and insert their ACTUAL thoughts? No? then you really should not assume but take comments at face value until such time as those actually involved either defend or explain said comments ;)

No. I've become literate enough to read their comments in context with the circumstances which surround them and make reasonable assumptions as to what they are thinking. Sort of like the Washington Post did when they noted:Then Bush turns serious, asking Blair about comments apparently made about the Middle East crisis by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, another guest at the summit. Hardly mindreading, just obvious from the words and context. If you'd like, from now on I could include the word "apparently".

I note you addressed this criticism only to me, and not to Rue, who also makes assumptions based on her understanding. I assume (there it is again!) that this was an oversight on your part, and that you will take her to task in another post.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, July 21, 2006 9:46 AM


I would take Rue to task, Geezer, but Rue did use words like "apparently" and did not attempt to quantify the remarks made, merely commented on the conversation. You however added your own interpratation into the actual text....

and BDN (stress on the N!!) apologies...I hate it when my own name (or alias) is mispelled.

You know what the chain of command is here? Its the chain I go get to beat you with to show you whose in command!


Friday, July 21, 2006 10:14 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Allisa:
I would take Rue to task, Geezer, but Rue did use words like "apparently" and did not attempt to quantify the remarks made, merely commented on the conversation. You however added your own interpratation into the actual text....

I see you've been taking that selective reading course.

Here's Rue's first cut at interpretation, by editing the actual text while presenting it as quotes, with her comments as she entered them, in parentheses, and her emphasis, underlined:


Ah. But it is so much LESS than that. Especially re Lebanon.

Bush - what about Kofi?

Blair - you need to get the int'l presence

Bush - I think Condi's going pretty soon (I guess he needed to check w/ her before he said that - as she hasn't yet seen fit)

Blair - that's all that matters

Bush - "they" need to get Syria to get Hezbollah

Blair - (confused by the non-sequitor) Syria?

Bush - I felt like telling Kofi to make something happen

I could go on through a few more posts, but what's the point? Allisa, if you're going to set yourself up as a moderator, at least you could try to appear non-biased.

"Keep the Shiny side up"






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