Aiming for Armageddon

UPDATED: Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:42
VIEWED: 3824
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Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:11 AM



There were few problems along the Israeli/Lebanese border until Hezbollah militants attacked an Israeli outpost.

And where, exactly, did this idea come from ?
Show me a valid source, please.
(and not some Gannon-esque, Talon-News shill, something with actual press credentials)

World opinion seems of the general consensus that the initiation of serious hostilities began on Jul 12th with an ambush of an Izzie patrol on the Lebanese side of the border, including a tank.

Gee, if Mexico send a squad of troops with a tank on combat patrol through Nogalez, Arizona, you can't tell me WE wouldn't be pissed about it.

As for the whole standing down thing - the problem is the nature of both sides.

If the Pallys stand down, the Izzies start shelling them over some unwarranted provocation.
If the Izzies stand down, the Pallys start bombing them over some unwarranted provocation.

Either way, one side says to itself "We can't trust these bastards, they NEVER stick to agreements" and goes berserk at the other - there is NO promise either side can make, that the other will trust because of the history of broken promises involved.

The only peace most of these poor sodders are ever gonna see is the peace of grave, and artifically extending the misery by propping up one side or the other just makes it an ongoing holocaust (a word I use intentionally and with good reason) that sucks up lives and resources and spits out destruction and misery.

It's like a title fight that the referee won't make a call on, that's gone 35 rounds and both contenders are half-dead... you WANNA stop it, but the only folks who can are the folks doing the shooting, and they're no gonna because neither side can trust the other not to stab them in the back the minute they stop shooting.

Or, a better analogy, some poor sodder on life support, in terrible pain, with zero hope of recovery, who's never going to get any better.

It's long past time to pull the plug - blockade the entire region, and let what's gonna happen, happen, it's the only sane solution.



Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:04 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
part of it is that Congress funnels huge amounts of money to them, and then AIPAC funnels it back into those members of Congress's campaign funds, which is an issue that damned well SHOULD be investigated thoroughly.

Interesting article about AIPAC and its influence in today's (07/16) Washington Post Magazine.

You may have to log on to the Post site to read this, but it's too long to copy & paste. Sorry.

One bite from the article might explain why US administrations tend to support Israel. A Gallop poll earlier this year showed that 68% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Israel, vs. 23% unfavorable, and that Americans support Israelis over Palestinians by 59% to 15%. Since people tend to vote like they think, If you want to stay in office, you go with the flow.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:21 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

There were few problems along the Israeli/Lebanese border until Hezbollah militants attacked an Israeli outpost.

And where, exactly, did this idea come from ?
Show me a valid source, please.
(and not some Gannon-esque, Talon-News shill, something with actual press credentials)

It's Canadian so I hope this counts as a valid source.


Gee, if Mexico send a squad of troops with a tank on combat patrol through Nogalez, Arizona, you can't tell me WE wouldn't be pissed about it.

I think your analogie would be more apt if the American Government was either unwilling or unable to deal with an anti-Mexican hate group which had free reign in the southern States.

De-lurking to stir stuff up.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:42 AM


I believe we call those "Redneck Assholes".
And there's a damned lot of em.

As I said, no matter how hard you bang the drum for one side or the other, they're equally nasty.

Geeze had a far better concept, and a big part of that is pressure on broadcast media to not be so critical of our so-called-ally... which over the years seems to have morphed into 'can do no wrong'.

That's like saying how horrible those french murders who killed 2 honorable members of the wermarcht are... without ever reporting on the fact that they were invaded by those folks.

Multiply that kind of biased reporting by 50 years, public perception is going to be likewise bent.

I am pretty sure that many of the middle eastern media do, and have done, much the same thing, in the other direction.

I'd like to see some real, politically-neutral coverage of the region for once, but my primary viewpoint on it is simple...

War is based on turf, when someone steps on YOUR turf and tries to take it, you kill em, and when you do, the other side has ZERO moral right to scream terrorism.

But if, instead, you wanna take sides, even with our so-called-ally... try this experiment then.

Uproot your fence and move it 2 feet further towards you neighbors house - and do it again about once every two months for a year.

Then come back and tell me how friendly you are with your neighbor NOW.

Oh, and if he puts your fence back, or kicks it down, blow his house up, salt his lawn, bulldoze his garage and set his car on fire.

Then come back and tell me how well liked you are in the neighborhood.

(This last bit is all facetious, so that we can clarify just HOW ridiculous any discussion of who started what is, and put a stake through the heart of that damned stupidity, be advised.)



Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:46 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Then come back and tell me how friendly you are with your neighbor NOW.

We used to toss firecrackers at each other's houses daily, but now it's escalated to M-80's.

Microcosmic Chrisisall


Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:55 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I believe we call those "Redneck Assholes".
And there's a damned lot of em.

As I said, no matter how hard you bang the drum for one side or the other, they're equally nasty.

Geeze had a far better concept, and a big part of that is pressure on broadcast media to not be so critical of our so-called-ally... which over the years seems to have morphed into 'can do no wrong'.

That's like saying how horrible those french murders who killed 2 honorable members of the wermarcht are... without ever reporting on the fact that they were invaded by those folks.

Multiply that kind of biased reporting by 50 years, public perception is going to be likewise bent.

I am pretty sure that many of the middle eastern media do, and have done, much the same thing, in the other direction.

I'd like to see some real, politically-neutral coverage of the region for once, but my primary viewpoint on it is simple...

War is based on turf, when someone steps on YOUR turf and tries to take it, you kill em, and when you do, the other side has ZERO moral right to scream terrorism.

But if, instead, you wanna take sides, even with our so-called-ally... try this experiment then.

Uproot your fence and move it 2 feet further towards you neighbors house - and do it again about once every two months for a year.

Then come back and tell me how friendly you are with your neighbor NOW.

Oh, and if he puts your fence back, or kicks it down, blow his house up, salt his lawn, bulldoze his garage and set his car on fire.

Then come back and tell me how well liked you are in the neighborhood.

(This last bit is all facetious, so that we can clarify just HOW ridiculous any discussion of who started what is, and put a stake through the heart of that damned stupidity, be advised.)


The media angle is very apparent

Just read about the USS Liberty incident... if it had of been anybody but Israel.......

Just an add on to your analogy,

If you told your neighbor to plant nothing but marigolds.... then poured gasoline all over his flower bed when he planted dragonsnaps instead...

then you have US foreign policy'

" Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done "

The Killers


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:44 PM


Lebanon has accused the United States of blocking a Security Council statement calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, and said the impotence of the UN's most powerful body sent wrong signals to small countries.

of course when it comes to invadin some oil rich hunk of sand....

The French are the ones who derail the UN

" Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done "

The Killers


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Bush Junior is making serious attempts to bring peace to the Mideast. Yeah.

U.S. official: Israel needs time to 'defang' Hezbollah

Secretary of State Rice won't travel to Mideast before next week

By Elise Labott

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will not go on a peace mission to the Mideast before next week, giving Israel time to "defang" Hezbollah, a senior administration official said Wednesday.

At the risk of sounding both angry and cynical (which of course I'm not) it seems to me that if Lebanon or Hizbollah had a clutch of nukes we'd be falling all over ourselves to make nice.

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:56 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


At the risk of sounding both angry and cynical (which of course I'm not) it seems to me that if Lebanon or Hizbollah had a clutch of nukes we'd be falling all over ourselves to make nice.
You mean they don't ??? I thought all that stuff left Iraq before the invasion.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh yeah... that's right... they're in Syria now.

And everyone knows that what's in Syria goes to Hizbollah in Lebanon.

So clearly Israel is facing all those Phantom WMD... and they are the especially dangerous kind of WMD because nobody can see them!

Thanks for that reminder!

And I thought I was cynical!!!!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:42 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


So clearly Israel is facing all those Phantom WMD... and they are the especially dangerous kind of WMD because nobody can see them!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:18 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

So how does this play out? Starting scenario:

The US 'supports' Israel in pounding the shit out of Lebanon - yeah! that'll teach Hezbollah.

If Syria and Iran even look like they're weighing in to support Hezbollah, Israel could get the go ahead to strike. The US gets the strike it wants on Syria/Iran even though over-extended in Iraq. That leaves the US/ Israel clearly in opposition to much of the Middle East. However, I expect neither Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait or Egypt will officially weigh in with anything. What can be expected is 'the US is the devil' editorials.

As this plays out, or, if the conflict remains localized, Israel will end up in the same position as the US in Iraq. It will find that it can win militarily, but not ultimately.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:57 AM


The whole thing scares me, because unlike the good doctor (from deleted scene in the 2hr premiere) I *DO* know History, and lots of it.

Every one of these go-rounds makes me cringe and hope like bloody hell the past does not repeat itself.

Don't know what I am speaking of ?

Google this word.

Having seen where mercy and tolerance has gotten them, if another man of such caliber comes to power over there - we can expect none of it.

THAT is what plagues my thoughts every time I hear of yet another of these go-rounds in the middle east....



Thursday, July 20, 2006 5:00 AM


Yes, another Saladin over there would not be a good thing. We have no Richard to counter with.



Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


One or more Iranians witnessed North Korea's recent missile tests, deepening U.S. concerns about growing ties between two countries with troubling nuclear capabilities, a top U.S. official said Thursday.

Asked at a U.S. Senate hearing about reports that Iranians witnessed the July 4 tests, Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill, the chief U.S. negotiator with Pyongyang, replied: "Yes, that is my understanding" and it is "absolutely correct" that the relationship is worrisome.

Whether this is true or not the fact that it is in the papers tells me that the puppet-masters are preparing the USA populaiton for action against Iran. (If the USA was going to handle this in the background the article would never appear. As I've pointed out many times before, virtually all of our "news" is generated by government releases of one sort or another in order to have a desired effect. Pay attention to the content and tempo. Notice that certain news items can conveniently disappear. Turning the USA public on and off is almost as easy as flipping a switch.) So if you start seeing anti-Iranian articles multiple times a day....

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 5:50 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Hi Gino,

My starting position on the Israel/ Palestine question:

Take US military aid out of Israel since they can't be trusted with it. Make Israel comply with the UN's border mandates. Promise swift and terrible retribution to any surrounding state that attacks Israel.

What do you think?

Who would carry this out? Not the UN. Fist many members could care less who attacks Israel. Secondly, they have proven its threats are weightless. The only way this will end is when the US stops holding Israel back militarily. Last time I checked Palestinians are the ones who keep breaking cease fires. Let Israel defend its sovereignty as we would...Be over before you knew it.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:24 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Intervention in the ME - "Who would carry this out? Not the UN."

I dunno. Who was so hot to enforce UN mandates on Iraq? Maybe they could do it.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:27 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by rue:
Hi Gino,

My starting position on the Israel/ Palestine question:

Take US military aid out of Israel since they can't be trusted with it. Make Israel comply with the UN's border mandates. Promise swift and terrible retribution to any surrounding state that attacks Israel.

What do you think?

Who would carry this out? Not the UN. Fist many members could care less who attacks Israel. Secondly, they have proven its threats are weightless. The only way this will end is when the US stops holding Israel back militarily. Last time I checked Palestinians are the ones who keep breaking cease fires. Let Israel defend its sovereignty as we would...Be over before you knew it.

Alright.... and the US stays out no matter what happens then ?

Back in the seventys the Israelis lost 180% of their airforce, it was only US airplanes and resupply which kept the arab forces from having air supriorty.... You want Israel gone wild... OK, just stay out when all the neighbors who they have pissed off for decades move to finish them.

" Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done "

The Killers


Saturday, July 22, 2006 7:38 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Bush Junior is making serious attempts to bring peace to the Mideast. Yeah.

U.S. official: Israel needs time to 'defang' Hezbollah

Secretary of State Rice won't travel to Mideast before next week

By Elise Labott

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will not go on a peace mission to the Mideast before next week, giving Israel time to "defang" Hezbollah, a senior administration official said Wednesday.

At the risk of sounding both angry and cynical (which of course I'm not) it seems to me that if Lebanon or Hizbollah had a clutch of nukes we'd be falling all over ourselves to make nice.

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.

My guess is we would be would the rest of the world.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:23 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Bush Junior is making serious attempts to bring peace to the Mideast. Yeah.

U.S. official: Israel needs time to 'defang' Hezbollah

Secretary of State Rice won't travel to Mideast before next week

By Elise Labott

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will not go on a peace mission to the Mideast before next week, giving Israel time to "defang" Hezbollah, a senior administration official said Wednesday.

At the risk of sounding both angry and cynical (which of course I'm not) it seems to me that if Lebanon or Hizbollah had a clutch of nukes we'd be falling all over ourselves to make nice.

Don't piss in my face and tell me it's raining.

" The UN security council has passed a statement expressing shock at Israel's attack on a UN observer post in Lebanon on Tuesday which killed four peacekeepers, but made no condemnation of the action.

The United States had refused to allow any criticism of Israel in the statement. "

" Wang Guangya, China's ambassador to the UN, said the document was the "minimum" that could be expected from the security council.

Wang said: "Any killing of innocent life has to be condemned."

Wang was asked how the negotiations over the statement would influence talks on a resolution regarding Iran's nuclear programme.

Wang said nearly every delegation in the council was frustrated over the US position.

Wang said: "Definitely this frustration will have its negative impact."

Without mentioning the US by name, he said reluctance by one government "definitely will affect smooth cooperation on other issues. "

Hmmmm By forcing the security council not to collectively say anything bad against Israel the US will now face opposition and non-cooperation on other issues... being I fiqure Iran and North Korea.

Time to lose that damn veto and the council can decide a course on a majority vote

Maybe China will simply give Hezbollah a dozen tac-nukes and as SignyM suggests Condi can piss off...

" Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives "


Friday, July 28, 2006 5:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What I find exceptionally chucklesome was the reporting of Condi's visit to Rome. "Condi's Visit Ends in Failure- No Cease-Fire Agreement Reached"

Heh. Condi's visit was a complete success- she accomplished exactly what she set out to do.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Friday, July 28, 2006 7:48 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
What I find exceptionally chucklesome was the reporting of Condi's visit to Rome. "Condi's Visit Ends in Failure- No Cease-Fire Agreement Reached"

Heh. Condi's visit was a complete success- she accomplished exactly what she set out to do.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.

Using the worlds most annoying bitch from hell to lead diplomatic efforts is something I can't understand...

Lebanon should have thrown her out five minutes after she started shooting her mouth off.

" Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives "


Friday, July 28, 2006 11:44 AM


And the system works again (beat Geezer to it ).

De-lurking to keep thread current.


Friday, July 28, 2006 4:41 PM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:

And the system works again (beat Geezer to it ).

De-lurking to keep thread current.

I'm sure that there is some condition in fine print that will be objectionable, and will cause the rejection of any plan Bush presents. To be a moderator, you have to be impartial, the US is anything but.

" Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children and cowards attack

Run to the hills run for your lives "


Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:32 PM


the title of this thread is where i steak my beef.

this is the problem with secularists..
most have probably never even read the Bible, let alone understand its message..

so they take Bushs word at face value when he claims hes a "born again Christian", and then they associate every action of his as being handed down from God as a grand order.

Because Bushs admin. has been so destructive, they then they use this as an example why religions are antiquated, and why religion is the cause for all the worlds problems....

nevermind that the #1 command is love your brother as yourself.

Bush is NOT A CHRISTIAN. and if he is to bring on Armeggaddon, he is not a Christian, but antiChristian.

and if you care to spend even an hr looking into the occult, youll see that his name pops up more than once or twice.

but of dont believe in a higher power, so the fact that Occultists worship lucifer is irrelevant, because none of it really exists, and these groups dont hold any sway; they are purely recreational....

except that in the last presidential election, our only 2 candidates were from the same occult organization. hmm? interesting coincidence i guess then huh........


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:31 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by antimason:
so they take Bushs word at face value when he claims hes a "born again Christian", and then they associate every action of his as being handed down from God as a grand order.

and if you care to spend even an hr looking into the occult, youll see that his name pops up more than once or twice.

but of dont believe in a higher power, so the fact that Occultists worship lucifer is irrelevant, because none of it really exists, and these groups dont hold any sway; they are purely recreational....

except that in the last presidential election, our only 2 candidates were from the same occult organization. hmm? interesting coincidence i guess then huh........

Thanks for the advice. By the way, I take *ALL* people who claim to be acting solely on their religious beliefs as "occultists" - be they "christian", Jew, Muslim, Satanists, or what have you. The fact that they have sold their individuality to join a like-minded mob tells me that they're in a cult.


except that in the last presidential election, our only 2 candidates were from the same occult organization. hmm? interesting coincidence i guess then huh........

So there's a conspiracy of having only Yale alumni run for President? After all, they did both go to the same college. Good lord, man, alert the media! The Yalies have taken over! It's a conspiracy!


this is the problem with secularists..
most have probably never even read the Bible, let alone understand its message..

And THIS is the problem with fundamentalist religious nutjob whackos... most have never read ALL of their precious stupid bible; they just pick and choose which parts of it they feel like following on a given day.

As for its "message"... which one? The most basic one seems to be "Don't shit where you eat." Hardly an original thought, even back then. Even if you pretty it up and call it the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you..."), it's still not an original biblical message. They cribbed it from ancient Greece.


and if you care to spend even an hr looking into the occult, youll see that his name pops up more than once or twice.

And if you care to spend even "an hr" looking into the occult, you'll see that Jesus's name pops up more than once or twice, too. That proves that he was an occultist, too, at least by your logic. One thing's for sure - Jesus was never a christian.


Remember, Kiddies, you can't spell "QUAGMIRE" without "I", "R", "A", & "Q"!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:42 PM


If someone were throwing rocks at me an doing damage I would make them stop.


I've been through the system.
It dont work.






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