Generals say Iraqi civil war is on it's way.

UPDATED: Sunday, August 6, 2006 13:00
VIEWED: 1283
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Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:57 PM


I'll say it in advanced:
Sorry I don't have a source for this.

I've just watched a BBC News 24 segment that included an ABC news program, which televised a review with Generals dealing with Iraq.

They confirmed that Iraq was close to civil war, but they also said that they couldn't foresee it.

Excuse me but I along with others on this board and elsewhere have been talking about sectarian violence and civil war since 2003, why the hell is it coming as such a surprise to Generals who are paid to foresee this stuff?

The other disturbing thing was the report on evangelical Christians supporting Israel in the recent troubles because they see Israel taking steps to bring about the rapture, Armageddon for all, hallelujah!

Seriously these wakos sing hymns praying for this.

And the kicker is how the Rupublican party came out in force in a recent gathering of 'prayers for Armageddon'.

Half the title got snipped?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:23 PM


For once I agree with something you post(I have been feeling a little under the weather lately that might have something to do with it). Civil War is inevitable...The three sides have no desire to really get along. And I am damn sure the generals knew it all along. What I'm not sure about is if it would be a bad thing. Works for some countries not so much for others.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:28 PM


Can you tell which one looks like Citizen? I can’t, they all look so much alike!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:02 PM


Hey RiveR, funny as ever I see. Since I've never met him...My guess the ugly one.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:16 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Citizen - saying there might be a civil war in the future - wow - do you think they could stretch their minds any more?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:17 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh c'mon River ... It might have been funny the first time, mildly amusing the next half-dozen times - but even MY attempts at humor are better than this !

Ruefully humor challenged ...


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:08 PM


heres my take:

the reason they are just announcing this now..with reports that 100 Iraqis are dying that they are providing a pretext to escalate forces and step up to the next phase in the NWO agenda; ww3. divide and conquer, order out of chaos, problem/reaction/solution, youve heard all the sayings...i think the sectarion violence is being advanced for shadow political reasons.

as Jesus says "any nation divided against itself cannot stand; and any house divided against itself cannot stand. if Satan is divided against Satan, he cannot stand, and his time has come. in order to rob a strong man, you must first tie him up, then you may rob him." in otherwords, a unified Iraq is not in their interest, because it becomes unified against our motives..

and now, with this middle east conflict..i believe that a scenario is being established where the US, Isreal, and its allies, will fight a final war against the opposing philosophies, notably, Iran, Syria, any other sympathetic Arab states..and potentially the Russians and Chinese. i believe the final throws of establishing a global government, controlled regionally, are underway, and the political tensions we are seeing now, and will see over the next 3 years will bear this out.

this is why Bush is pushing this SPPA, NAFTA superhighway, which is going to run right through the heart of America, and virtually erase any remaining notions of soveriegnty we have. if we're fighting a war on Terror, a war for our freedoms, why is OUR GOVERNMENT then taking away our sovereignty and our freedoms?? its complete and total spin and lies. and i dont believe its a coincidence that the REAL ID act of '08, and the SPPA deal coincide..they are setting up virtual borders, where people are tracked by RFID chips. this is the future!

and my opinion about Isreal and the rapture is for different reasons. i think the jews running Isreal are of the "synogue of Satan" and are preparing for the coming of the anti-christ, who they will believe, according to many prophecies, to be their messiah; due to his miraculous signs and lying wonders...and the fact that he will sign a 7 year deal, in the aftermath of this upcoming ww3, promising Isreal safety; a deal he will break 3 1/2 yrs into it.

if this is not a subject you are familiar with, it is not an easy thing to summarize in brief, but understand that the NWO agenda is a collaboration of western elite, including Isreal..hence why we have such an allegience with them.

those christians who think Bush is on their side are failing to realize that the powers that be, if this is the end of the age, will set up the global governance of the antichrist! they are not on our side, and this is where the NWO theory gains the most traction. the incredible connections between the world elite, and occult secret societies is unavoidable. i think these christians are denying the most important of details in this regard, and run the risk of being decieved in the end.

i tried to find a link which illustrated my through this one thoroughly, including the hyperlinks, to get a better understanding of where im coming from


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:31 PM


So you do really believe there is a concerted effort to bring about the end of the world. Well isn't it preordained, we aren't supposed to recognize when this begins right? Can't be then. can it.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:18 PM


On it's way ?

On it's WAY ?!

Where have these maroons BEEN for the last couple hundred years ?

There has *always* been a form of civil war going on between various factions of Islam, and between Islamic and non-Islamic folk over there, sometimes just a smoulder, sometimes a conflagaration, but it's always been there.

Nothin like a couple of pampered princes in back offices with shiny metal on their shoulders stating the bloody obvious that the grunts knew six weeks ago, is there ?

*shaking head*




Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:44 PM


it is preordained, but what is your destiny? what role do you play in all this?

for may not be a believer now, but you will 2 years from now, when it becomes obvious that something is not right with the world.

God, because he is omnipresent, beyond space and time; he has already seen your decision, whether you chose the word of God or denied Jesus and followed the Beast. the Book of Life was written before time began, yet it has the names of people who havent even made up their minds yet..

who is to say that it was not your destiny to change your mind, and recognize that the world governments are decieving their citizens, and are secretly preparing the way for antiChrist?

i cannot postpone, or prevent this date..not even Jesus knows which day. but i can save people through the word, and open their eyes to the evil that occultists are purpetrating on the people of the world. and that is beneficial, because that is one less person that will persecute me for being Christian, when the Man of Lawlessness is revealed; and that is one fewer person who will be decieved because they never heard this warning from Gods people

if even the elect will be taken by this big LIE, and that many believers will fall away during this period(the apostasy as its known), then it is important to prepare for an all out assualt on your beliefs; and i dont doubt this, and i already see many christians who are not stron enough in their faith to resist scrutiny or heretical ideas.

this is exactly why i believe exposing 9/11, and the occult is a noble, and effective cause


Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:18 PM


The idea of destiny as it pertains to religion makes no sense. If we have a destiny, then doesn't that take the choice out of our hands? If that's the case, it means that no matter what we're doing, we're doing the "correct" thing, as per our destiny. It also means that whether or not we believe in Jesus isn't our decision, it's His. Which means if those who don't believe are sentenced to eternal Hellfire, isn't that His fault for not changing our minds?

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:49 PM


No..not neccessarily. we can argue the semantics of it all day, but ill try to be quick and concise

we have free will, and we choose our own destiny. God, being beyond time, has seen our decisions already. if God intercedes in any form in our lives, it is with the knowledge that history has already been decided, and certain individuals were destined to have a personal relationship with him; Not by Gods choice, but by our future choices. since God is present now in our lives... God, in the beginning of time, foreknew us already, since he was present when we were in our linear reality. so by predistined, i mean more accurately foreknown

does that make sense? tell me if its contradictive...its definately a nearly incomprehensible subject, to concieve beyond space and time...but i believe their is a force, or entity, all knowing, which exists beyong this dimension


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:26 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

See, river does love me, that's why she put my picture next to hers like some bizarre wedding photo. At least she hasn' put herself in a wedding dress like last time, that was just too creepy.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, August 4, 2006 7:21 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
See, river does love me, that's why she put my picture next to hers like some bizarre wedding photo. At least she hasn' put herself in a wedding dress like last time, that was just too creepy.



Saturday, August 5, 2006 7:59 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


They confirmed that Iraq was close to civil war, but they also said that they couldn't foresee it.

Excuse me but I along with others on this board and elsewhere have been talking about sectarian violence and civil war since 2003, why the hell is it coming as such a surprise to Generals who are paid to foresee this stuff?

That was exactly my reaction when I saw the piece on ABC. "What? You couldn't foresee it? *NO ONE* could? What about all those 'weak-minded lefty tree-huggers' who foresaw it?" Shit, *I* saw it, and I'm a high school dropout! I've seen it since the first President Bush launched the first Gulf War - and then when his detractors derided him for "not finishing the job". What people didn't get, and still don't apparently, is that it was NOT Bush the First's aim to remove Saddam from power, simply to remove his occupying forces from Kuwait, and make him pay a heavy price for it. Bush Sr. made a half-hearted attempt at overthrowing Saddam by backing the Kurds for a bit, but then pulled Western support of them when he became convinced that although Saddam was indeed a Bad Guy, he was a bad guy who could keep many other bad guys under control, or at least under his thumb. The Kurds paid by far the heaviest price for trusting the US.

Much as I hate to admit it, "wimpy" George H.W. Bush looks to be the brains in that family.

Before any of you Dubya apologists ask, "So you think Iraq would be better with Saddam still in power?", let me state clearly and for the record that yes, I do think that. And the entire world would be better if we hadn't launched this stupid war against him. Saddam was effectively boxed in, contained. He wasn't even much of a threat to his own people any more; certainly he was less of a threat to them than what they face on a daily basis now.


Remember, Kiddies, you can't spell "QUAGMIRE" without "I", "R", "A", & "Q"!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:00 PM


civil war



I've been through the system.
It dont work.






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