End Times

UPDATED: Monday, August 7, 2006 09:25
VIEWED: 5194
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Sunday, August 6, 2006 2:25 AM


America loves a winner!


...yet these are the charges against him.

No, these aren't legitimate charges against President Bush, but are only the fantasies of a fringe group. Nothing more than mal contents and anarchist who are so disconnected w/ the rest of society, they have instead invented their own fairy tales.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:50 AM


MISSTRESSA, what is it exactly that offends you so much about me??

that i warn people that there is a conspiracy taking place that seeks to destroy, suppress, conform, dessimate, annihalate, de-humanize, degrade, and enslave a population that doesnt know any better?

have i attacked Catholics, or even you personally for that matter, on any subject??

tell me your worldview then? let me here YOU take into account archives upon archives, upon statements upon facts upon admissions, of the occult and their agenda for a NWO? let me here it? besides that its just a bunch of nonsense..which is absoletly unacceptable for someone who claims to love Jesus as much as yourself.

undestand: THIS IS AN ANTI_CHRISTIAN_CONSPIRACY! if Christians dont expose this, no one will, because as you can see, ive clearly layed out sufficient evidence to atleast suspect that something is going on beyond what any mainstream news source will allude to, and yet most of you are more concerned with scrutinizing me, then the facts at hand.

cant you see that they are playing on your fears? you fear evil Islamics who hate freedom and democracy, so you are willing to subject people to unconstitutional acts of enforcement; with your tacit approval, so long as its them and not you. well it is you, its all of us, because they will not stop at "terrorists" until it encompasses us aswell.

in the words of Patrick Henry, "give me liberty or give me death" or how about Jacksons ""He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"

the establishment knows this my friends. from the mouth of the infamous elitist Henry Kissinger:

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis by original compiler], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government."

how about the Rothschild dynasty, which runs the European central banks(in collaboration with the Rockefellers in America):

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."

i want to live in a country where im free to be myself, where my every move is not tracked or recorded, where my telephone conversations are private, where i dont have to provide a thumbscan to by groceries or drive an automobile, where its not illegal to dissent against the establishment, and where, if worst comes to worst, i have the right to a fair and speedy trial. realize that under the Patriot act, violating any state or federal law broadly defines you as a what seperates us from the Abu Ghraib "terrorists"? or al-qaeda? ..almost nothing, so just wait for the next terrorist attack; say goodbye to what you thought was a free America, because the noose has been slipped around our necks, with glee by the ignorant, only for the floor to drop out from beneath us when you all least expected it.

i really dont know what to say anymore...why is it that some are willing to fight to protect the rights of every human being, while others are soo selfishly consumed by their own well being that they turn their heads to the atrocities being performed on their behalves. that could not be further from Christian that even Prescot Bush and his Nazi money laundering schemes....


Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:57 PM


There are to many wackos out there who need tracking.

To bad the rest of us get caught up in it.


I've been through the system.
It dont work.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


why is it that some are willing to fight to protect the rights of every human being

Are you implying that YOU'RE fighting for the rights of every human being? How? Tell me exactly HOW you're fighting. What actions have you taken, other than to type a few ill-worded posts on a website dedicated to a cancelled TV show? Show me, in detail, your plans to overthrow the government and install your kind as our new "leaders". Where's the action? Or are you one of those who consider "fighting" and "talking" to be the same thing?

You claim that Bush is no christian, even though he says he is. He's fooling us all. So explain to me exactly how I'm supposed to know that YOU are what you claim, and that you're not just another liar. I pretty much expect that when someone is a zealot about ANYTHING, they're round-the-bend batshit crazy to begin with. As such, I tend to pay them no mind.


you fear evil Islamics who hate freedom and democracy

Not at all. I fear my government much more than I fear any terrorist attack. And why do you think all Muslims are evil? Anyway, I *might* fear the "evil Islamics" if they were walking down my street with AK-47s, but I'm confident that I'm better-armed than they are. And yes, I would much rather fight them over here; this is where all my stuff is, so I could basically just shoot at them from my front porch. :)

You make the same stupid mistakes that every other conspiracist I've seen makes: you think that if someone isn't as ratcheted up on meth, as rat-fuck paranoid as you, that they're automatically in league with and in full support of "them", the others, these nefarious bad guys who are all out to get you.
Answer me this: If they were really so goddamned effective at controlling information, and if they were really so goddamned powerful, would you still be alive? I mean, if I were one of the "ruling elite", with the full faculties of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers (you forgot the Trilateral Commission) at my disposal, the very FIRST thing I'd do to cement my hold on power would be to disappear all the conspiracy theorists. It's not like the world would miss them...


Remember, Kiddies, you can't spell "QUAGMIRE" without "I", "R", "A", & "Q"!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:46 PM


Anytime I hear someone say it's the endtimes I say, "It is a wicked generation that seeks a sign." a paraphrase of Matthew 6:14. That usually shuts them up. I'm a christian but one who is very, very tired of people going on and on about the end of the world.

"Well, here I am."


Sunday, August 6, 2006 2:10 PM


i was paraphrasing general sentiments when i said "evil islamics", i dont place the blame on them solely as so many others, and im not out to destroy the muslim world like the current military strategy. when you think of terrorists, what comes to mind? exactly what the media and pentagon have propagated to you, muslim extremists.

well under the Patriot act, any crime committed in America is an act of terrorism! dont you see the danger, when you allow the government to classify any one with a dissenting opinion as a terrorist? how do we oppose injustices under those circumstances? this is the threat that you are not taking seriously, because we're being told this war will never end.

how am i fighting for rights? firstly, the same way Jesus commanded..with words. "those who live by the sword die by the sword"...surely youve heard this saying before? maybe i should be like the alleged terrorist groups and threaten people i disagree with; is that your strategy? how do you fight a literal, physical war against a belief, a mentality..if indeed the arab world hates America and wants us destroyed? how does an occupying force change a spiritual or mental paradigm like that? do you wonder why things are getting worse?

Jesus said everything hidden will be made known, and what is wispered in secret will be shouted from the rooftops. the fact that we know anything about this NWO agenda is testament to that, and its my belief that this information is being made known, prior to the end of the age, so people will have time to prepare themselves.

why dont they just rush out and grab people right now, if it is as i say?? do you not recognize the flaw in that tactic? it exposes the true nefariousness of their agenda, why would they do that? this is centuries in the making, they are sufficiently imbedded in enough government and private sectors to be effective.

but wait until the next "terrorist" attack, or the next war, and see where we are then. do you think America can handle another phase of the patriot act, or homeland security? these guys love war, because in war time people hand their rights over to big brother, for the illusion of protection from enemies created by big brother! when you give up freedom for security, you only get more tyranny, its a historical fact.

when that day comes, will you admit your folly?? will you even realize the circumstances that led to your enslavement? youd rather die, then open an ear and consider something other than what the pentagon tells you.

what else can i do but warn people of what is happening? its all i can do to convince poeple like yourselves that your not as safe and secure as big daddy Bush and the Nazis at Homeland security want you to believe. since 9/11, the federal government has got more money, more control, more authority; meanwhile, the country moves backwards on all domestic issues!

and all you can do is attack my credibilty, my character, and call me all the dispiccable names youve bothered to hang on to over the years. if Americans cant hold their own administration accountable for known constitutional infringements and illegal practices, what hope will we ever have to prosecute rogue elements..especially after the next wave of attacks and "counter terror" legislation. if this is a slippery slope, then we are intent on sliding way the hell on off into oblivion

attack the substance of the debate, give me your speculative opinion of the information ive given you? lets here it?? whats your explanation off it all?

oh right..."im crazy" "its all made up". is that the best you have?


Sunday, August 6, 2006 2:38 PM



Originally posted by Whimsicalnbrainpan:
Anytime I hear someone say it's the endtimes I say, "It is a wicked generation that seeks a sign." a paraphrase of Matthew 6:14. That usually shuts them up. I'm a christian but one who is very, very tired of people going on and on about the end of the world.

"Well, here I am."

what about these quotes?

"first of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. they will say, "where is this 'coming' he promised? ever since our fathers died, everything does on as it has since the beginning of creation" 2Peter 3:3

"look at the fig tree and all the trees. when they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. even so, when you see these things happenin, you know that the kingdom of God is near."Luke21:29


Sunday, August 6, 2006 3:37 PM



Originally posted by antimason:
MISSTRESSA, what is it exactly that offends you so much about me??

that i warn people that there is a conspiracy taking place that seeks to destroy, suppress, conform, dessimate, annihalate, de-humanize, degrade, and enslave a population that doesnt know any better?

have i attacked Catholics, or even you personally for that matter, on any subject??

tell me your worldview then? let me here YOU take into account archives upon archives, upon statements upon facts upon admissions, of the occult and their agenda for a NWO? let me here it? besides that its just a bunch of nonsense..which is absoletly unacceptable for someone who claims to love Jesus as much as yourself.

undestand: THIS IS AN ANTI_CHRISTIAN_CONSPIRACY! if Christians dont expose this, no one will, because as you can see, ive clearly layed out sufficient evidence to atleast suspect that something is going on beyond what any mainstream news source will allude to, and yet most of you are more concerned with scrutinizing me, then the facts at hand.

cant you see that they are playing on your fears? you fear evil Islamics who hate freedom and democracy, so you are willing to subject people to unconstitutional acts of enforcement; with your tacit approval, so long as its them and not you. well it is you, its all of us, because they will not stop at "terrorists" until it encompasses us aswell.

in the words of Patrick Henry, "give me liberty or give me death" or how about Jacksons ""He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"

the establishment knows this my friends. from the mouth of the infamous elitist Henry Kissinger:

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis by original compiler], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government."

how about the Rothschild dynasty, which runs the European central banks(in collaboration with the Rockefellers in America):

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply."

i want to live in a country where im free to be myself, where my every move is not tracked or recorded, where my telephone conversations are private, where i dont have to provide a thumbscan to by groceries or drive an automobile, where its not illegal to dissent against the establishment, and where, if worst comes to worst, i have the right to a fair and speedy trial. realize that under the Patriot act, violating any state or federal law broadly defines you as a what seperates us from the Abu Ghraib "terrorists"? or al-qaeda? ..almost nothing, so just wait for the next terrorist attack; say goodbye to what you thought was a free America, because the noose has been slipped around our necks, with glee by the ignorant, only for the floor to drop out from beneath us when you all least expected it.

i really dont know what to say anymore...why is it that some are willing to fight to protect the rights of every human being, while others are soo selfishly consumed by their own well being that they turn their heads to the atrocities being performed on their behalves. that could not be further from Christian that even Prescot Bush and his Nazi money laundering schemes....

Gotta say you sound like the official site quack PN. What pissed me off? Buddy if you have to ask then your views on society are smaller than most and that makes me cringe. Yes you personally attacked me by saying I'm not a Catholic (I SAY Catholic, not christian.) You don't even know me yet your telling me I fear Islams and their hate of a free society. WTF? When in my post did I SAY that? Oh, it must have been the conversation you were having in your head that sounded like me. Don't you DARE puts words into MY MOUTH. Even Jesus would be pissed with you by now. You'd be one of the people wanting to stone Mary Magdelene thinking your soul was cleaner than hers because of her background.

I'll say it one more time. DON'T YOU DARE COME ON HERE AND TELL ME I'M NOT A CATHOLIC. I AT LEAST DON'T TRY TO JAM MY BELIEFS DOWN PEOPLES THROATS. I at least don't tell people their idiots for not listening. It's called a free society for a reason. It's called free speech and your right to believe for a reason. A lot of people had to die to give you your RIGHTS, so don't come here and try and take that away saying if I'm not with you I'm the enemy. If I don't scream Hallelulah I'm a servant of big red. You don't want a diverse society that has the right to believe left, right, or center, just one that follows YOUR status quo, just one that believes only in YOUR beliefs. Anything else is false, evil and should be stopped and stamped out without given the benefit of doubt or fair trail. Communism tried that. Cuba and China and Korea. It's called fascism.

I am officially ignoring you now. BOO!

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:58 PM


I'm not saying that it's not going to happen. I'm just tired of people proclaiming that they are sure that it is happening now (which they have been doing for centuries). To me that is the height of arrogance. How can anyone claim to know the mind of God let alone his timetable.

"You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."
Luke 12:40

"...I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you."
Revelation 3:3

"Well, here I am."


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:44 PM


Well said RocketJock. I'm always amazed at the narrow, simplistic views of people who believe their religion is the right one. The majority of people living on this planet are not Christian. I'm a devout atheist, and I'm weary of these apocalyptic religious types who seem to think that there's no need for diplomacy; no need to protect the environment; no need to stop exploiting the world's poor etc., because we're in the end of days and Jesus is going to come save them.

"The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation."
- Bertrand Russell

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:48 PM


Gotta say you sound like the official site quack PN. What pissed me off? Buddy if you have to ask then your views on society are smaller than most and that makes me cringe. Yes you personally attacked me by saying I'm not a Catholic (I SAY Catholic, not christian.) You don't even know me yet your telling me I fear Islams and their hate of a free society. WTF? When in my post did I SAY that? Oh, it must have been the conversation you were having in your head that sounded like me. Don't you DARE puts words into MY MOUTH. Even Jesus would be pissed with you by now. You'd be one of the people wanting to stone Mary Magdelene thinking your soul was cleaner than hers because of her background.

I'll say it one more time. DON'T YOU DARE COME ON HERE AND TELL ME I'M NOT A CATHOLIC. I AT LEAST DON'T TRY TO JAM MY BELIEFS DOWN PEOPLES THROATS. I at least don't tell people their idiots for not listening. It's called a free society for a reason. It's called free speech and your right to believe for a reason. A lot of people had to die to give you your RIGHTS, so don't come here and try and take that away saying if I'm not with you I'm the enemy. If I don't scream Hallelulah I'm a servant of big red. You don't want a diverse society that has the right to believe left, right, or center, just one that follows YOUR status quo, just one that believes only in YOUR beliefs. Anything else is false, evil and should be stopped and stamped out without given the benefit of doubt or fair trail. Communism tried that. Cuba and China and Korea. It's called fascism.

I am officially ignoring you now. BOO!

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting

first of all...i never said you werent a Catholic, or that if your not with me your against me, so when you talk about placing words in other peoples stand guilty of doing the same. if you tolerate occult worship, as I, and so many others have proven is occurring, then i hold you in contempt. is that you? then tame your tongue, can you not see that we have an obligation to expose evil?

secondly, i never said that you specifically feared "evil islamists", i implied it. my premise is that the government sponsors terror for their own agenda, and that Al-qaeda, on some level, is working on the behalf of elements within the American industrial complex. you disagree with me, because you dont believe there is an occult conspiracy at work; therefore, you disagree with my premise.

this is where we are in dispute...although, its hard for me to be sure, because NO ONE HERE has the balls to take a stand for their worldview, and hang it out there as i have. its alot easier to pick apart the beliefs of others, but lets hear your that includes the proven information that ive shown you. no one here is offering me an alternative theory as to the meaning of all this, just another case of shooting the messenger.

i love that i make Jesus sick because i am willing to argue for his sole deity, and the rights of all human beings. but especially because i am willing to denounce people for occult worship. are you telling me Jesus would rather i ignore, and even condone, groups like Skull and Bones and the illumaniti, considering the influence they wield? that is what im hearing...otherwise, i have done absolutely nothing to offend you personally, so what is your beef? do you approve of Satan worship?

then you go on to say that im restricting free speech. name just ONE example? i dont think youve even read a single word ive written..i am in defense of freedom and liberty. do you oppose the Patriot act, Homeland security, NSA wiretapping, or any of the other heinous acts being perpetrated by our government, under the guise of "antiterror" legistlation? i couldnt care less what personal belief people choose, so long as it is harmless, i have nothing but love and compassion for all people. but those who plot to suppress the populace, i have no tolerance for. it is your alleged CHRISTIAN leader who is undermining rights, not me, and not the other christians fighting my same cause. if you knew my cause, you would know that..but once again, you do not want the truth, you want to be safely consumed by the lie that is being promulgated

have i said you have to be a Christian?? never, not one single time. but i did say if you claim to be Christian, you better not be caught worshipping occult idols like Lucifer and Molech; as ive shown the elite to do time and time again.

Jesus said that the world would hate his disciples, because he was not of the world, and neither are we. now i know this to be true. i come on here, and tell people that our government was long ago hijacked, and is behind a plot to bring on the one world government of the antiChrist, something all people claiming to be Christians(or Catholics, whatever) should be worried about; and instead, i get attacked and my information gets discarded. whatever happened to "he who has an ear, let him hear"...did Jesus not warn us about a diception, a LIE, that will decieve even the elect?? just when do you think this is going to occur, or is prophecy irrelevent? why bother foretelling anything at all, if he did not expect us to act on it..or maybe youd rather sit idley by as the mechanisms of fascist control are erected up around you

understand, the prince of this world IS LUCIFER..Jesus said so himself. this world, its powers that be, are not doing Gods will, but Satans. i suppose Ann Coulter is your idea of a Christian...someone who thinks anyone that is not a republican is a Godless liberal athiest? like thats real loving, openminded, or even remotely accurate.

yet i accuse specific individuals, spanning party, denomination, whatever, and im the wacko!? this just gets more and more unreal by the second.

look up for yourself the meaning of the symbolism on the dollar bill, and tell me the people who run our government dont have some kind of collusion going on? please!

im actually glad your ignoring me..thats one fewer time ill have to repeat myself. but understand..i came here with the intention of warning believers, that the antichrists kingdom is being established by occultists, under a lying guise that theyre our Christian conservative leaders. and you, intern, attack my character, my beliefs, and all the while deny everything i bothered to alert you of. bravo..


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:52 AM



Originally posted by PirateNews/Antimason:
BUSH IS NOT A CHRISTIAN! PERIOD! show me evidence outside of his own testimony, which is worthless,

Wow, by that logic Christians don't exist...anywhere. I say I'm a Christian...alot of people say they are Christian...even the Pope says he's a Christian...if we can't take the Pope at his word then who can we trust?

I don't know a single Christian who can point to evidence of their faith that exists independent of their own testimony. Good works is not enough, otherwise Ghandi was a great Christian. Christian values are not enough either, because many Christian values are universal to a number of cultures and faiths. What identifies a person as a Christian is their testimony.

Your judging the President by an impossible standard. He says he's a Christian. Without your own amazing detector you can't say whether he is or is not. You can say he's a bad Christian...but thats a political judgement, not religeous condemnation...unless your a hard line Catholic in which case all us Protestant bastards are doomed to the fiery pits of reality television.



Monday, August 7, 2006 9:21 AM


alright fair, ill concede that...but how many Christians do you know HERO who have been caught worhsipping Lucifer? that IS WHAT SKULL AND BONES IS friend! Bush doesnt even deny that he was a member of this organization..he just wont allude to any details.

that is how i know...there may be no way to know who is a true Christian, but ill tell you who isnt, and that is the person who denies the deity of Jesus; which are precisely the doctrines that underly freemasonry, Skull and Bones, the Illumaniti, the Scottish Rite and all the others. that is my sole point.

are you arguing that its OK to worship Jesus and Lucifer simultaneously? then why are you in dispute with me?

"you cannot serve two masters"


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:25 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
if we can't take the Pope at his word then who can we trust?

Well most people...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.






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