Evolution Held Hostage

UPDATED: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:25
VIEWED: 4140
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Monday, August 14, 2006 6:33 AM


Hey everyone,

I just came across this article, and I found it to be very informative. I think it helps explain why other countries are now surpassing the United States in certain fields of scientific study. In the United States, our ability to advance important areas of scientific research is too often held hostage by the beliefs of our own religious fundamentalists.

U.S. Lags World in Grasp of Genetics and Acceptance of Evolution

By Ker Than
LiveScience Staff Writer
posted: 10 August 2006
02:01 pm ET

A comparison of peoples' views in 34 countries finds that the United States ranks near the bottom when it comes to public acceptance of evolution. Only Turkey ranked lower.

Among the factors contributing to America's low score are poor understanding of biology, especially genetics, the politicization of science and the literal interpretation of the Bible by a small but vocal group of American Christians, the researchers say.

“American Protestantism is more fundamentalist than anybody except perhaps the Islamic fundamentalist, which is why Turkey and we are so close,” said study co-author Jon Miller of Michigan State University.

The researchers combined data from public surveys on evolution collected from 32 European countries, the United States and Japan between 1985 and 2005. Adults in each country were asked whether they thought the statement “Human beings, as we know them, developed from earlier species of animals,” was true, false, or if they were unsure.

The study found that over the past 20 years:

The percentage of U.S. adults who accept evolution declined from 45 to 40 percent. The percentage overtly rejecting evolution declined from 48 to 39 percent, however. And the percentage of adults who were unsure increased, from 7 to 21 percent.

Of the other countries surveyed, only Turkey ranked lower, with about 25 percent of the population accepting evolution and 75 percent rejecting it. In Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and France, 80 percent or more of adults accepted evolution; in Japan, 78 percent of adults did.

The findings are detailed in the Aug. 11 issue of the journal Science.

"The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation."
- Bertrand Russell


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:01 AM


Dear God, save me from Your fan club!


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:08 AM


Dear God...protect me from your followers.....


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:11 AM


Dear god....wait a minute, what am I saying....



Monday, August 14, 2006 7:52 AM


America loves a winner!

Defending evolution, before 9-11 happened, was definatly one of my hot button issues. It still is. The sheer nonsense I've had to deal with while 'debating' a literal Young Earth Creationist (YEC) has left me less intelligent than had I never engaged them in the 1st place. They're THAT stupid. What's sad is that through my general interest in paleontology, I've gleaned more info on evolution than I was ever taught in H.S. or college. It's no wonder that so many in our population are left clueless over the topic.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 14, 2006 8:46 AM



Originally posted by misbehaven:
In the United States, our ability to advance important areas of scientific research is too often held hostage by the beliefs of our own religious fundamentalists.

I admit I have been disappointed by this thread.

I really expected something along the lines of a Catholic Priest with a gun to a monkey's head shouting: "ONE MORE DISCOVERY AND THE MONKEY GETS IT!"

Instead you give us just another version of "repent or your going to hell." In this case its worship at the alter of science or you will be left behind.



Monday, August 14, 2006 9:05 AM


America loves a winner!


Instead you give us just another version of "repent or your going to hell." In this case its worship at the alter of science or you will be left behind.

"Left behind " heh heh. Sorry, I just had to laugh.

Just as long as you leave me the keys to your car and your beach house, I'm ok !

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 14, 2006 9:08 AM


I actually have mostly stopped engaging these people for those reasons and more. There really is no reasoning with them.

They say science is a religon and we point out that any definition of religon that includes science will also include baseball as a religon as well.

We point out that we have mountains of evidence and they just cling to there big invisible guy in the sky conjecture against all reason.

It's sad really.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, August 14, 2006 9:20 AM


Holocaust never happened, the Lone Gunman was all it took, WMD's being an imminent threat, Manimal being a good show; people will always believe things that ain't true just 'cause it makes 'em feel better, that's all.

Forgiving Chrisisall


Monday, August 14, 2006 9:42 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
What's sad is that through my general interest in paleontology, I've gleaned more info on evolution than I was ever taught in H.S. or college. It's no wonder that so many in our population are left clueless over the topic.

This is a very important point. The reason why I try to stay out of these debates is because I was never taught about evolution in a classroom. Not once. Of course, that's because I was a product of religious schooling up until I received my BS degree (when I take that into consideration, the S part of the BS becomes pretty hilarious ). The classes that I took at community college were all in history or math or english so the topic never came up. In my graduate work the focus has been on engineering courses. Once again, the topic never came up. Outside of formal schooling, I have never felt the need to study the topic in great depth. So that's on me.

That's why I always laugh when people complain about evolution being taught in public schools. If they want to keep their children from learning about evolution at all there are numerous options available. Then they can be blessed by such great insights as the flood is the reason the earth tilts on its axis (all that water caused the earth to shift, dontchaknow?) or that dinosaurs were created as gardeners to keep the vegetation down until man could expand to fill the world (okay, that's one I came up with in elementary school to rationalize the existence of dinosaurs but you get my point).

If a parent wants to keep their children from being preached at by creationists there are really only a few options and the ID crowd wants to limit even those.


Monday, August 14, 2006 9:54 AM

ANTIMASON would be a shame for Americans to want ethical, moral and spiritual enlightenment and progress.

what we need is more technology! after all, science and technology will ultimately solve all the worlds problems!

we just need to invent a contraption which regulates the human mind, then we'll finally solve those fundemental issues that Man has struggled with for thousands of years, like peace, forgiveness and understanding....


Monday, August 14, 2006 10:11 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Manimal being a good show

It was a good wait, the show sucked, but the little pins they gave out at Orange Julius that turned from Man to Manimal, that was cool, no wait...that sucked too, but I did enjoy the frosty beverage.

Edited to add: Come to think of it the Misfits of Science sucked too, but the twinkie inside my Misfits lunch box was really good. Havn't had a twinkie in years. Thats gonna change tonight. I think I've still got some left over from 1985, should be ok...



Monday, August 14, 2006 10:45 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
I think I've still got some left over from 1985

Eat those and you really WILL need God...

Outdated Chrisisall


Monday, August 14, 2006 10:49 AM



Originally posted by misbehaven:

In the United States, our ability to advance important areas of scientific research is too often held hostage by the beliefs of our own religious fundamentalists.


Originally posted by Hero:

I admit I have been disappointed by this thread.

I really expected something along the lines of a Catholic Priest with a gun to a monkey's head shouting: "ONE MORE DISCOVERY AND THE MONKEY GETS IT!"

Instead you give us just another version of "repent or your going to hell." In this case its worship at the alter of science or you will be left behind.

Having a great deal of respect for our Constitution, I certainly respect your freedom of religious expression, even though I obviously don't share your views; however, I draw the line when religious people begin to impose their beliefs on others. Intelligent Design, which is just Creationism by another name, is not science. It has no business being taught in a science class, nor should Creationism influence scientific research. Intelligent Design/Creationism needs be taught in the appropriate setting: Sunday school, religion courses, philosophy classes etc. If you choose to believe in Creationism, then by all means continue to do so, but don't let your religious beliefs impede sceintific advancements for the rest of us. As Hunter S. Thompson once said, "Call on God, but row away from the rocks."

"The only thing will redeem mankind is cooperation."
- Bertrand Russell


Monday, August 14, 2006 10:53 AM


If IDers want creationism in schools why not offer to have evolution taught in church? Just a thought.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, August 14, 2006 12:43 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Manimal being a good show

Hey, I liked Manimal. But then I was 10 at the time. I just watched cause I thought the lead guy was cute.


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:08 PM



Originally posted by antimason: would be a shame for Americans to want ethical, moral and spiritual enlightenment and progress.

Yeah. But where else are they going to get it? Religion? That's worked out real well for the human race so far, hasn't it? There are people on this planet actually trying to bring about armageddon in the name of God - then again, I suppose there is a type of 'enlightenment' when the nukes go off.


what we need is more technology! after all, science and technology will ultimately solve all the worlds problems!

Apologies for the vulgarity, but pray in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills up first. Problems are solved by invention and people working for change, not by praying for miracles for the starving and sick. Science can't solve it all, neither can it comfort the spiritual needs of the people. Then again, I don't ever hear too many religious folk bitching every time science cures a disease or raises the lifespan of mankind. Next time you have a cold, or need a heart, or have cancer, remember that "you don't need more technology."


we just need to invent a contraption which regulates the human mind, then we'll finally solve those fundemental issues that Man has struggled with for thousands of years, like peace, forgiveness and understanding....

You can invent plenty of contraptions which regulate the human mind, and you don't even need to touch the brain. Plenty of food for all...clean water in abundance for all...good educations for all...warm, safe housing for all. I bet, the day science can provide those things, you'll see a gargantuan stride towards solving those "fundamental issues."

You can be religious and believe in science. I've said it on this board in the past, and I'll say it again. It's the message- not the minutiae- of a religion that matters. Stop taking the Bible literally and actually live by its teachings, and you'll go a long way towards making the planet a better place.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Defending evolution, before 9-11 happened, was definatly one of my hot button issues. It still is. The sheer nonsense I've had to deal with while 'debating' a literal Young Earth Creationist (YEC) has left me less intelligent than had I never engaged them in the 1st place. They're THAT stupid. What's sad is that through my general interest in paleontology, I've gleaned more info on evolution than I was ever taught in H.S. or college. It's no wonder that so many in our population are left clueless over the topic.

Mark this down as a red-letter day. AURaptor, let me buy you a symbolic beer on this, the day of our agreement. I've had that same conversation you speak of, and you're right - it's like someone sucking the brain cells directly out of your head.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, August 14, 2006 3:54 PM


my friend you are being hypocritical!

any person, who claims to be religious, yet attempts to bring on armegeddon, is a heretic, hypocrite, and blasphemer.

the Bible says that antiChristian forces bring on Armageddon

your right, technology is handy to cure diseases....that technology created to begin with. just like we need bigger and better weapons to help win wars for peace..?

technology has only suceeded in sidetracking us from growing spiritually, as God had intended

im sure youve all heard "eye for an eye"? Jesus says not to repay evil with evil, but to let God discipline the world. Jesus also says Love is the fullfillment of the law, encompassing all other doctrines since one who loves infinitely, does no harm.

given those standards, what ethical code are these destructive maniacs following?

could it be that they decide for themselves what is right or wrong? with God, we have universal rules we try to follow....without a God, you decide for yourself what is permissable

im not saying Man cant have a conscience without God, but if man never had such influences, would we ever have progressed beyond survival of the fittest?


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:10 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Holocaust never happened, the Lone Gunman was all it took, WMD's being an imminent threat, Manimal being a good show; people will always believe things that ain't true just 'cause it makes 'em feel better, that's all.

Forgiving Chrisisall

Well, 2 of those things are right. But now the real toughie....what about the of The Lone Gunmen ?

Mulder that one over for a bit.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:22 PM



Originally posted by antimason: would be a shame for Americans to want ethical, moral and spiritual enlightenment and progress.

what we need is more technology! after all, science and technology will ultimately solve all the worlds problems!


we just need to invent a contraption which regulates the human mind, then we'll finally solve those fundemental issues that Man has struggled with for thousands of years, like peace, forgiveness and understanding....

Not all of the worlds problems. But it does get me to work faster, allows me to be way less productive while there (dick-in around on the Internet), and still catch up by the end of the day...Solved all my problems.

PS, we will continue to struggle with those issues for thousands of more years.. We are not fully EVOLVED...Proof? My grandmother looks like a monkey.


Monday, August 14, 2006 7:30 PM



Originally posted by antimason:
technology is handy to cure diseases....that technology created to begin with.

Computer viruses aren't really diseases! Well not biological is all I'm sayin.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 1:26 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
my friend you are being hypocritical!

Show me where I'm personally being hypocritical.


any person, who claims to be religious, yet attempts to bring on armegeddon, is a heretic, hypocrite, and blasphemer.
the Bible says that antiChristian forces bring on Armageddon

Does Dear Leader and his band of Dominionists in office know that? Or Pat Robertson? Or Jerry Falwell? Those are the folks that are running the Christian show in America, and judging by your posts in other threads- if you're old enough to vote-I bet you voted for someone that claimed to be Christian (and wasn't, per your own definition you just provided - what's that nut's name in Colorado, the 'Christian' one that wanted to nuke Mecca?)


your right, technology is handy to cure diseases....that technology created to begin with. just like we need bigger and better weapons to help win wars for peace..?

What diseases did tech create to begin with? Unless you're talking metaphorically about the human condition and some new social ones, you're talking out of your ass.


im sure youve all heard "eye for an eye"? Jesus says not to repay evil with evil, but to let God discipline the world.

I do not think this quote means what you think it means. Eye for an eye is about just punishments - it's 'tooth for a tooth,' not cutting off a leg for a punch to the arm.


Jesus also says Love is the fullfillment of the law, encompassing all other doctrines since one who loves infinitely, does no harm.
given those standards, what ethical code are these destructive maniacs following?

You tell me, they're your destructive maniacs. You said religion makes everything better, I'm pointing out that it's the religious nuts making everything worse. It's always the hardcore Christians I hear claiming they want to nuke something, or wanting to let the poor starve, or clamoring for intrusion into private lives.


could it be that they decide for themselves what is right or wrong? with God, we have universal rules we try to follow

Which contradict each other in every other chapter. Which may be part of the problem.


im not saying Man cant have a conscience without God,

Sure you are; this whole message is a response to that assertion on your part. You do it in your next sentence, too.

but if man never had such influences, would we ever have progressed beyond survival of the fittest?

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 4:59 AM


Okay, I have to confess I'm still at a loss to what Auraptor's angle is, but maybe he's the libertarian conservative he says he is, and just hasn't caught up with the rest of us on terrorists live in washington.

Anyway, this evolution this is a fake debate. I don't get it, a fake debate is always more than just a distraction. My guess is that it's a suicide platform. Get the Xtians riled up about anti-evolution and then present a republican candidate with "your party, sir" - what can he do?

Figure this 2008: McCain gets the republican nomination, and the evolution issue comes up, he's got two options:

1. Say "I support evolution" and have all the christian loons desert him for lou dobbs' 3rd party run.

2. Say "I support both" and have all the moderates run for the hills and support lou dobbs.

It's a lose-lose and helps give us H.R.Clinton.

Next, Immigration- another fake debate.

Purpose? who knows. My guess, split conservatives on unnatural boundaries, rather than christian neocon loon vs. sane fiscal conservative, it splits them on isolationist vs. melting pot, not a line they would split on natually given the real debates currently raging. This allows them to put either group to lou dobbs, helps keep liberals who might vote for her royal highness from voting for dobbs, prevents real criticism of bush policies.

IMHO, We're screwed guys.


Hey, how about Joementum for Dobbs' running mate?


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:25 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

USers have a strange love of ignorance. It shows up all sorts of places -
- I don't know much about art, but I know what I like
- with all that fancy education
- don't know much about history, don't know much geography ....

It has to do with some notion that the 'common man' - uncivilized, uneducated - is not a, well, lout, but a diamond in the rough. It equates education with being uppity and arrogant, effete, both gullible and corrupt at the same time ... Education got a reprieve after Sputnik when 'hard scientists' got a measure of public respect, but that didn't last long.

And that has to do with one of those chasms of thought so easily spanned in the mind. At one and the same time, the US is a classless society - but built on the integrity of the hardworking lower class. (Though however hard they work, Hispanic maids and farm-workers need not apply. This honest base is white.)

So yeah, the US is in love with all things ignorant - fundamentalist religion (Don't think ! - BELIEVE), poor education, isolationism, narrow thinking, and so on.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:00 PM



I beleive we call it the MSM. Endorsing ignorance in the populace for well at least 70 years. The US Govt. and it's associated establishmentarians got together and decided the biggest threat to the status quo was an educated populous, so, as my man says, keep the minds empty and the bellies full.

Too full, a lot of full bellies in america. ignorant fat f^&ks


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:47 PM



lets say that no God exists for a second OK, therefore no religions etc

that would mean that the Hitlers, the Stalins, the Maos of the world, chose to do such aweful things, justifying them in their own consciences. no God exists, therefore no evil exists, and everybody on earth acts morally, or immorally, based on their own personal opinions of ethics.

i hear this a lot from constantly told .."there is no Satan, people choose to do bad things out of their own will"

right here is precisely the hypocracy! whether God exists or not, everybody acts of their own free will! so what makes these alleged "Christians" in power any different? are you suggesting theyre acting on behalf of God?

someone IS NOT A Christian if they are not following the doctrines of Christianity

...meanwhile your telling me that the absence of God, ultimate human free will, would prevent, or solve all these problems?

im trying to understand the logic.

=one person is God fearing, and they believe there are eternal consequences for their choices, therefore they treat everyone as they would want to be treated.
=there is another person who decides for himself what is right and wrong, and does not fear any consequences, outside of the law

your telling me the devout Christians, God fearing, are responsible for the immoral actions of society?

now, if your argument is that some Christians are only believers in word, and not in action, then i agree with you.

Jesus say about such a person "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, "I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked-"

but no faithful believer would do such inexplicable things to another

i would pose that the absence of God, and doctrines of Love are the causes of the worlds problems.

"an eye for an eye" refers to legal matters, justice and social equality; it is not condoning revenge or malice. Jesus says "if someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to him the other", because God is the only person fit to judge. carma exists, and it always pays it dues, which is why Jesus also says "let he who is without sin throw the first stone"..because no one is perfect, no one is qualified or justified under such circumstances, but God.

how can you identify someone who breaks these laws, as faithful representatives of our faith??

and finally, Pat Robertson, Jack VanImpe, i have no personal beef with them, as christians...but they are interpreting prophecy, based off the news that is being handed down from the establishment. you cant interpret prophecy accurately if you arent basing them off of factual events; i think this is the difference between us. they think Rome is mystery Babylon, and i think America is. therefore, they will support Bush and his war, because they do not see him as an occult conspirator. i on the other hand, believe he is one, therefore the outcome of my predictions is different.

my view about technology and the world is different, because i believe it is being used to enslave us; someone who doesnt believe the government is molevolent, believes that technology is useful to secure national defense etc.

one group of Christians, according to prophecy, will be decieved into believing a lie, until they realize that they helped bring to power the antiChrist. which group will that be? that ones whove all along believed Bush to be an occultist, or the ones who supported him? maybe it is those Christians you are angy at..but i would argue they are being decieved by false doctrines

Christianity back for a second. if Hitler were to actually subscribe, literally to accept into his heart the teachings of Jesus', i dont believe he would have done what he did; because it contradicts all of our teachings.

so lets look at the world: your trying to tell me that religious beliefs are the root cause of these peoples evils. im telling you that no following the religions is the root cause of all this.

so which is it?


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:03 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


i would pose that the absence of God, and doctrines of Love are the causes of the worlds problems.

And, I would pose that you are wrong. So, let's agree to disagree, because this isn't getting us anywhere.

Or, feel free to ignore me, 'cause that's fun, too.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:57 PM


America loves a winner!


dreamtrove wrote:
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 04:59
Okay, I have to confess I'm still at a loss to what Auraptor's angle is, but maybe he's the libertarian conservative he says he is, and just hasn't caught up with the rest of us on terrorists live in washington.

I've always tried to make my views open and clear to understand for all who read my post. If there's any confusion, one needs only to ask.

And which terrorists in Washington would those be ? That's where I'm at a loss to what YOU mean.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 2:03 AM



I think my point was that the old testament Yhwh becomes a political precedent for his followers. I don't think Bush really believes, I'm not sure Hilter did, (Stalin and Mao were atheists) but they base their actions on biblical precedent, and it's a book chock full of bad ideas. It's like, America worked for a long time because the founding fathers had good ideas, you fall back on those, you're okay. Where I think the democrats go wrong is Andrew Jackson, they're founder, was an evil guy. This enables Kerry, Clinton, Johnson, Truman, to fall back on a 'good enough for Jackson' kind of mentality, it's a perpetual cycle of repeating historical mistakes.

I have no problem with the concept of God, but with the political precedent of the bible, which would think that OBL and GWB were just what the deity ordered.

BTW, I'm not convinced Pat Robertson is a believer, I suspect he's a hired gun of the neocon machine, and always has been.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 2:23 AM


9-11 conspiracy, nice and simple.

step one: Study 9-11 ad nauseum
step two: throw out everything implausiable.
step three: determine who's left as suspects based on the simple rules of criminal investigation: Motive, means, and opportunity.

This, and piles of evidence, leads you in two directions:

1. To the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia.
2. To Washington, to Republicans and Democrats.

I came to the conclusion that the most likely suspects are:

A) Some Al Qaeda terrorists, not OBL directly.
B) Neocon underlings and Social dems.

Group A has motive, but probably not means, and certainly not opportunity.
Group B has all three, but no way of getting away with it.

Group A hates america, and is willing to kill itself for a f^&k you.
Group B knows group A's planes won't do jack, but wants to pass the patriot act, and get into WWIII, which is already going on, but will grow again with out help.

So, terrorists in Washington are those people who are involved in a 9-11 conspiracy, assuming any exist. They committed an act of terror against NY, and now they do it against Baghdad, Basra, Najaf, etc. And lately, Beirut. Plain and simple.

What I think most people miss is that it really changes very little. Everyone's like "9-11 conspiracy changes everything" if true, but it doesn't. It's an incident to get us into a war, like the Lusitania, (no, I don't buy the pearl harbor conspiracy ie let it happen in 1941 to get us into wwii.)

Now we're in the war. But I think an in depth digging finds not a lot of successful muslim terrorism that doesn't have a western co-conspirator. The russian school bombing used russians, etc.

So sure, muslims who hate us and want to kill us exist, and there are more of them daily, as we genocide their people. We need to find a way out of this mess together.

My point specifically was:

Trusting GWB to those of us who did our homework on 911 is very much like trusting OBL. I don't think OBL planned 911, I don't think GWB did. But, I think people in OBL's organization were involved, and I think people in GWB's organization were involved, and I would suspect probably withoth their respective leaders knowledge.

ie. I don't trust GWB & co to fix what the co may have got us into, just as you, (and I) don't trust OBL & co.

is this a radical position? sure, but as I said, more than a third of americans have this radical position, and more than half of those are republicans/conservatives.

And no, this is not a plug for "we need a change of leadership, we need a change of course, ie we need a democrat" I think that there were dem conspirators as well, and Hillary and Difi are probably up there, as chief crafters of the patriot act, they had to know that it would take 'an incident' to get their legislation passed. They didn't have to know 'what incident' but when you sign on to allow an incident to happen, you're letting foxes into the chicken house and are completely responsible for what happens.

So, where we are now is where we are now. Where we go from here is up to us. I just don't think a policy of 'get them arabs' is going to get us anywhere good.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:56 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I don't think Bush really believes, I'm not sure Hilter did, (Stalin and Mao were atheists) but they base their actions on biblical precedent, and it's a book chock full of bad ideas. It's like, America worked for a long time because the founding fathers had good ideas, you fall back on those, you're okay.

I have no problem with the concept of God, but with the political precedent of the bible, which would think that OBL and GWB were just what the deity ordered.

BTW, I'm not convinced Pat Robertson is a believer, I suspect he's a hired gun of the neocon machine, and always has been.

Dreamtrove-- i agree with you, but for slightly different reasons.

ill agree, there is a Biblical precedent in the world...i dont believe it is being followed though.

the thing about Hitler, and Bush, which can be proven, is there connections to secret societies and the occult. Hitler was a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, and Bush was a member of Skull and Bones; both were known as the "order of death", both affiliated with eachother from across the Atlantic. one will Deny the influence the Nazis had on the world..i credit that effectiveness to their occult doctrines, because i believe there are dark forces, which can be harnessed

Freemasonry, it can now be proven, is an occult, Luciferian organization. Masonry was respected in America, until the 1820-30's when the Citizens got a true glimpse at the foundation and nature of Masonry; at which point they became persecuted and were forced under ground! when they reappeared later in the century, they had formed an outer layer, a visible layer, with diceptive and half true philosophies, to provide a front for the public to once again regain trust

i believe Americas destiny was the final battleground of good and evil, and is the reason America becomes Mystery Babylon of Revelation. we were founded on the principles of religious freedom, but were a majority of protestants and christians from the beginning. at the same time, Freemasonry, and other occult influences have been present aswell; that is the other side of the coin was, as evidence by the all-seeing eye and other Luciferian symbolism. we are the richest Christian nation in history, yet we are considered the great Satan by the rest of the world. its as if there is an inherent dichotomy, that has always existed, between God and Satan, and they are battling for America

i would argue that the "bad ideas" of the Bible, are not brought through God, but through defiance of God..most noticably, Idolatry and occult worship. for example...Israel, of which the whole OT is based, became so submersed in Pagan worship(occult), God essentially cursed them, removed them from their promised land, and scattered them acrossed the earth. now..because the Bible mentions the actions of the Jews, does that make them actions of God? not neccessarily...Man isnt perfect, therefore Mans history isnt perfect.

i think its curious that Jesus says "money is the root of many evils" that "you cannot serve two masters; you will love the one and hate the other..; no one can serve both God and money" meanwhile, we have known, proven Satanic symbolism printed on our money! what does that imply? when you look into the Fed, it was founded, among others, by the Rockefellers; a known proponant of the agenda to create a global government.

to me, that is very telling, since the system of the Beast is a global government, ruled by the antiChrist, which is know as mystery Babylon..or AMERICA! theres a cycle of leads here that always tie in with eachother.

i would argue that God is real, and his opponent, Satan(Lucifer)and his occult societies, and the false doctrines and heretical beliefs being propogated by them, provide the motive for the nefarious global agendas that can only be described as evil.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:00 AM



Hitler was a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, and Bush was a member of Skull and Bones; both were known as the "order of death", both affiliated with eachother from across the Atlantic.

But to say these characters are creations of those organizations is a stretch. This is very different from Ben Franklin being the head of the Masonic order. The founding fathers were power masons, and they made their relationships through being masons.

Hitler and Bush were opportunist. It's more analogous to the protocols of the ninnies of zion rather than the elders. Hitler joined Thule to get support from german nationalists, not because he was a power player in those circles, same reason he merged his socialist workers into the

National Socialists. He didn't 'come from that circle' he went to that circle to get support, to foward his own career. That's like saying 'John Kerry came from the peace movement' Kerry joined the VatVW to forward his political career. Which is not a new revelation btw, doonesbury said it in 1971 (ish?). So ditto with Bush. GWB was the f^&k up who took daddy's legacy spot at Yale, which daddy thought JEB should have, and georgie screwed it up so bad that no other Bushes were welcome, (why dad and son don't get along perhaps?) Bush joins S&B to forward Bush, just like he joined the Carlyle Group (they said he was the worst jackass they'd ever let in the door. and "here's a guy that after he made a few dumb cracks, walked out the door and you never expected to hear about him again.") But Bush was always jumping up for that career goal, which is just what the Cheney's of the world like. Thule society, in itself, was not evil. Many of the Thule-ites were appalled by what evolved. Skull and Bones people largely go into education or media business. There's not a direct connection between secret societies and evil. Small cabals of intellectual extremist ideologues, short term corrupt cash monkeys, and powermongers collect behind one of these overambitious twits, and make them into a leader. Bush demonstrated in S&B and the like that he was willing to do anything for position, including put stuff on record which would destroy him it ever got out, which is how he's controlled. If you want to be a grima wormtongue, you need GWB.


Freemasonry, it can now be proven, is an occult, Luciferian organization.

Hmmm. Masons exist in all cultures, but they are independent of religious affiliation, which I think may be a flaw, but it's also a strength.
There's no questioning that many of the Nazi higher-ups were fringe looney self proclaimed christians, and that they believed that *they* were

the rightful children of Israel. This is what Nazi-ism is all about. They believe that the ancient Israelites were aryans, and that the jews are descendents of canaanites (arabs) who conquered them, took over after the diasporrah or whatever. What all of this anti-secret society stuff gets you to is missing the whole point. There are countless secret societies which don't turn into Nazi Germany. Hundreds. Many states were created by secret societies, including France and the United States.

Taking the counterpoint (and I knew we were going to have this argument eventually, because of your screen-name) I think it is the religion in these loons that makes them loons. I don't think it's the christianity in bush, but it may to some extent be the zionism in some of his supporters, pushes them just enough over the edge so that they can torture the arabs (oh yeah, give me some of that ancestral hatred, baby)


Masonry was respected in America, until the 1820-30's when the Citizens got a true glimpse at the foundation and nature of


Masons are only now crumbling today. It's somewhat sad. I think there were flaws in the idea, but I have tremendous respect for them.


at which point they became persecuted and were forced under ground!

Not very far. I can still see them.


when they reappeared later in the century, they had formed an outer layer, a visible layer, with diceptive and half true philosophies, to provide a front for the public to once again regain trust

It used to be they were Ben Franklin. They kicked out Adam Weishaupt for being a loon, and compared to GWB Weishaupt is stable as a rock (or Iraq?)


i believe Americas destiny was the final battleground of good and evil, and is the reason America becomes Mystery Babylon of Revelation.

Not to put to fine a point on it.


we were founded on the principles of religious freedom,

Why? because the country was founded by masons, in particular, people who had a lot of respect for the illuminati.


but were a majority of protestants and christians from the beginning.

and untold numbers of pagans.


at the same time, Freemasonry, and other occult influences have been present aswell;

More than present, many of the founding fathers were masons.


that is the other side of the coin was, as evidence by the all-seeing eye and other Luciferian symbolism.

Wait? What makes the illuminati satan? What is satan anyway? Traditional europagans were among our ancestors long before they ever heard of christ, the bible or satan, who btw is a corruption of Seten, which is a form of the Egyptian God Set (if I recall they have different names for god in spirit, god in body etc, but I'm not too clear on the specifics.) But more-over, the christian concept that all the old testement deities are one entity is itself a corruption. Lucifer is the bringer of light, another deity not yhwh. Satan is just a hodge-podge of not-god.


we are the richest Christian nation in history, yet we are considered the great Satan by the rest of the world.

So who is right?


its as if there is an inherent dichotomy, that has always existed, between God and Satan, and they are battling for America

That's an interesting idea. I'm serious. Myself I see it as a battle between federalists and anti-federalists (confederates)

But who's right and who's wrong, which side is god's? and is that the right side? isn't god evil?


i would argue that the "bad ideas" of the Bible, are not brought through God, but through defiance of God..

Ah, this is the rub. This is what makes it an evil book. The whole faith is based on hatred on not-it. The way is the way, and those who do not follow it are lost (Taoism, my faith) but in judeo-christian-islamism, or any of it's members, the side is our side, and if you're not with us you're with the enemy. There's a parallel, sure, but there's also a subtle but important difference.


most noticably, Idolatry and occult worship.

paganism is a red herring here. Definitely not evil. There are no pagan genocidal traditions that I've run into in a fairly extensive study of european history, but they're all throughout god's bible, kill 'em all, the lord sees it and it's good.


for example...Israel, of which the whole OT is based, became so submersed in Pagan worship(occult), God essentially cursed them,

removed them from their promised land, and scattered them acrossed the earth. now..because the Bible mentions the actions of the Jews, does that make them actions of God? not neccessarily...Man isnt perfect, therefore Mans history isnt perfect.



i think its curious that Jesus says "money is the root of many evils" that "you cannot serve two masters; you will love the one and hate the other..; no one can serve both God and money" meanwhile, we have known, proven Satanic symbolism printed on our money! what does that imply? when you look into the Fed, it was founded, among others, by the Rockefellers; a known proponant of the agenda to create a global government.

the love of money. the illuminati stood in opposition to the catholic church, as an institution. many of its members were undoubtedly christian.


to me, that is very telling, since the system of the Beast is a global government, ruled by the antiChrist, which is know as mystery Babylon..or AMERICA! theres a cycle of leads here that always tie in with eachother.


i would argue that God is real, and his opponent, Satan(Lucifer)and his occult societies, and the false doctrines and heretical beliefs being propogated by them, provide the motive for the nefarious global agendas that can only be described as evil.

there's way too much hate in this rant. occult is not a dark side of your religion, it's not your religion at all, ergo, has nothing to do with you. I'm sure there are occultists here on the forum who aren't just satanists or naughty christians.

The globalist agenda is led by people who are essentially commies (trotsky-shachmanites a kind of commie) so I grant you, they're not real christians. but they're not pagan occultists, and if they were masons, the masons would be doing a lot better than they are. the masons are folding right now. It's a shame to lose such a fine american institution, but then, all of america is for sale.

I think you've narrowed your focus on the duck flying overhead, and you are totally missing the rampaging bear headed at you.

There's a piece of truth in the part of puzzle you're unravelling, but the part of faith which is not yours is also not evil. Witchcraft is not devil worship, and devil worship is not the guiding princple in any power circles on the earth. God and his followers have done much more damage than satanists ever have, all that satanists have committed is wearing heavy mascara and listening to extremely silly music.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:34 AM


No offense to your faith, btw. Nothing against jesus. just scan the bible, and objectively classify good actions vs. evil. If you can do it to the GOP you can do it to the GOD. Old testament yhwh, revelations, lot of evil on the stated side of good.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:42 AM



Originally posted by rue:
USers have a strange love of ignorance. It shows up all sorts of places -
- I don't know much about art, but I know what I like
- with all that fancy education
- don't know much about history, don't know much geography ....

It has to do with some notion that the 'common man' - uncivilized, uneducated - is not a, well, lout, but a diamond in the rough. It equates education with being uppity and arrogant, effete, both gullible and corrupt at the same time ... Education got a reprieve after Sputnik when 'hard scientists' got a measure of public respect, but that didn't last long.

And that has to do with one of those chasms of thought so easily spanned in the mind. At one and the same time, the US is a classless society - but built on the integrity of the hardworking lower class. (Though however hard they work, Hispanic maids and farm-workers need not apply. This honest base is white.)

So yeah, the US is in love with all things ignorant - fundamentalist religion (Don't think ! - BELIEVE), poor education, isolationism, narrow thinking, and so on.

fu*k you!

talks and eatsshitisall


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:46 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Hitler was a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, and Bush was a member of Skull and Bones; both were known as the "order of death", both affiliated with eachother from across the Atlantic.

But to say these characters are creations of those organizations is a stretch. This is very different from Ben Franklin being the head of the Masonic order. The founding fathers were power masons, and they made their relationships through being masons.

Hitler and Bush were opportunist. It's more analogous to the protocols of the ninnies of zion rather than the elders. Hitler joined Thule to get support from german nationalists, not because he was a power player in those circles, same reason he merged his socialist workers into the

National Socialists. He didn't 'come from that circle' he went to that circle to get support, to foward his own career. That's like saying 'John Kerry came from the peace movement' Kerry joined the VatVW to forward his political career. Which is not a new revelation btw, doonesbury said it in 1971 (ish?). So ditto with Bush. GWB was the f^&k up who took daddy's legacy spot at Yale, which daddy thought JEB should have, and georgie screwed it up so bad that no other Bushes were welcome, (why dad and son don't get along perhaps?) Bush joins S&B to forward Bush, just like he joined the Carlyle Group (they said he was the worst jackass they'd ever let in the door. and "here's a guy that after he made a few dumb cracks, walked out the door and you never expected to hear about him again.") But Bush was always jumping up for that career goal, which is just what the Cheney's of the world like. Thule society, in itself, was not evil. Many of the Thule-ites were appalled by what evolved. Skull and Bones people largely go into education or media business. There's not a direct connection between secret societies and evil. Small cabals of intellectual extremist ideologues, short term corrupt cash monkeys, and powermongers collect behind one of these overambitious twits, and make them into a leader. Bush demonstrated in S&B and the like that he was willing to do anything for position, including put stuff on record which would destroy him it ever got out, which is how he's controlled. If you want to be a grima wormtongue, you need GWB.


Freemasonry, it can now be proven, is an occult, Luciferian organization.

Hmmm. Masons exist in all cultures, but they are independent of religious affiliation, which I think may be a flaw, but it's also a strength.
There's no questioning that many of the Nazi higher-ups were fringe looney self proclaimed christians, and that they believed that *they* were

the rightful children of Israel. This is what Nazi-ism is all about. They believe that the ancient Israelites were aryans, and that the jews are descendents of canaanites (arabs) who conquered them, took over after the diasporrah or whatever. What all of this anti-secret society stuff gets you to is missing the whole point. There are countless secret societies which don't turn into Nazi Germany. Hundreds. Many states were created by secret societies, including France and the United States.

Taking the counterpoint (and I knew we were going to have this argument eventually, because of your screen-name) I think it is the religion in these loons that makes them loons. I don't think it's the christianity in bush, but it may to some extent be the zionism in some of his supporters, pushes them just enough over the edge so that they can torture the arabs (oh yeah, give me some of that ancestral hatred, baby)


Masonry was respected in America, until the 1820-30's when the Citizens got a true glimpse at the foundation and nature of


Masons are only now crumbling today. It's somewhat sad. I think there were flaws in the idea, but I have tremendous respect for them.


at which point they became persecuted and were forced under ground!

Not very far. I can still see them.


when they reappeared later in the century, they had formed an outer layer, a visible layer, with diceptive and half true philosophies, to provide a front for the public to once again regain trust

It used to be they were Ben Franklin. They kicked out Adam Weishaupt for being a loon, and compared to GWB Weishaupt is stable as a rock (or Iraq?)


i believe Americas destiny was the final battleground of good and evil, and is the reason America becomes Mystery Babylon of Revelation.

Not to put to fine a point on it.


we were founded on the principles of religious freedom,

Why? because the country was founded by masons, in particular, people who had a lot of respect for the illuminati.


but were a majority of protestants and christians from the beginning.

and untold numbers of pagans.


at the same time, Freemasonry, and other occult influences have been present aswell;

More than present, many of the founding fathers were masons.


that is the other side of the coin was, as evidence by the all-seeing eye and other Luciferian symbolism.

Wait? What makes the illuminati satan? What is satan anyway? Traditional europagans were among our ancestors long before they ever heard of christ, the bible or satan, who btw is a corruption of Seten, which is a form of the Egyptian God Set (if I recall they have different names for god in spirit, god in body etc, but I'm not too clear on the specifics.) But more-over, the christian concept that all the old testement deities are one entity is itself a corruption. Lucifer is the bringer of light, another deity not yhwh. Satan is just a hodge-podge of not-god.


we are the richest Christian nation in history, yet we are considered the great Satan by the rest of the world.

So who is right?


its as if there is an inherent dichotomy, that has always existed, between God and Satan, and they are battling for America

That's an interesting idea. I'm serious. Myself I see it as a battle between federalists and anti-federalists (confederates)

But who's right and who's wrong, which side is god's? and is that the right side? isn't god evil?


i would argue that the "bad ideas" of the Bible, are not brought through God, but through defiance of God..

Ah, this is the rub. This is what makes it an evil book. The whole faith is based on hatred on not-it. The way is the way, and those who do not follow it are lost (Taoism, my faith) but in judeo-christian-islamism, or any of it's members, the side is our side, and if you're not with us you're with the enemy. There's a parallel, sure, but there's also a subtle but important difference.


most noticably, Idolatry and occult worship.

paganism is a red herring here. Definitely not evil. There are no pagan genocidal traditions that I've run into in a fairly extensive study of european history, but they're all throughout god's bible, kill 'em all, the lord sees it and it's good.


for example...Israel, of which the whole OT is based, became so submersed in Pagan worship(occult), God essentially cursed them,

removed them from their promised land, and scattered them acrossed the earth. now..because the Bible mentions the actions of the Jews, does that make them actions of God? not neccessarily...Man isnt perfect, therefore Mans history isnt perfect.



i think its curious that Jesus says "money is the root of many evils" that "you cannot serve two masters; you will love the one and hate the other..; no one can serve both God and money" meanwhile, we have known, proven Satanic symbolism printed on our money! what does that imply? when you look into the Fed, it was founded, among others, by the Rockefellers; a known proponant of the agenda to create a global government.

the love of money. the illuminati stood in opposition to the catholic church, as an institution. many of its members were undoubtedly christian.


to me, that is very telling, since the system of the Beast is a global government, ruled by the antiChrist, which is know as mystery Babylon..or AMERICA! theres a cycle of leads here that always tie in with eachother.


i would argue that God is real, and his opponent, Satan(Lucifer)and his occult societies, and the false doctrines and heretical beliefs being propogated by them, provide the motive for the nefarious global agendas that can only be described as evil.

there's way too much hate in this rant. occult is not a dark side of your religion, it's not your religion at all, ergo, has nothing to do with you. I'm sure there are occultists here on the forum who aren't just satanists or naughty christians.

The globalist agenda is led by people who are essentially commies (trotsky-shachmanites a kind of commie) so I grant you, they're not real christians. but they're not pagan occultists, and if they were masons, the masons would be doing a lot better than they are. the masons are folding right now. It's a shame to lose such a fine american institution, but then, all of america is for sale.

I think you've narrowed your focus on the duck flying overhead, and you are totally missing the rampaging bear headed at you.

There's a piece of truth in the part of puzzle you're unravelling, but the part of faith which is not yours is also not evil. Witchcraft is not devil worship, and devil worship is not the guiding princple in any power circles on the earth. God and his followers have done much more damage than satanists ever have, all that satanists have committed is wearing heavy mascara and listening to extremely silly music.

Holy shit. What a long post. It maybe as empty as CiTz's little black book, but who is keeping track?

PS. Get a job...Cyber nerd!

Long winded, but still likes to eatsshitisall


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:53 AM



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:08 PM


I don't know why I'm even bothering to respond, Kaneman has pretty much killed this thread by trolling, but what the hell.


Originally posted by antimason:
no God exists, therefore no evil exists, and everybody on earth acts morally, or immorally, based on their own personal opinions of ethics.

That's a fallacious argument, and one I'm not surprised you made (no offense intended, but it's a common argument). You're assuming that because there is no God, there is no good/evil. You're also assuming that someone acting on their own personal opinions of ethics would be a norm, which it clearly is not.


i hear this a lot from constantly told .."there is no Satan, people choose to do bad things out of their own will"
right here is precisely the hypocracy!

People do choose to do bad things of their own free will, but again, here is another of your (and in this case, gross) errors. I'm not a non-believer. Never claimed I was. I'm a Christian; go to church every week. You assumed from my pro-science stance that I was an athiest - I'm not; Which is why I initially argued that religion and science were not mutually exclusive.


whether God exists or not, everybody acts of their own free will! so what makes these alleged "Christians" in power any different? are you suggesting theyre acting on behalf of God?

Not at all. I'm suggesting that they are acting on their own personal power trip. However - They are blindly supported by the ignorant Christians that believe that because a person says they love Jesus, they are more ethical/moral than someone who is an atheist or an agnostic. And they use biblical passages to support bombing campaigns. My point is that they aren't Christians - yet somehow, they speak for evangelical Christians. It's time for you to police your own - you evangelicals want to be taken seriously? Start acting like Christians.


...meanwhile your telling me that the absence of God, ultimate human free will, would prevent, or solve all these problems?

No, I'm telling you that prayer doesn't cure cancer, no matter how many happy-go-lucky stories you read in the Chicken Soup books. If it did, there'd be far fewer people with cancer. I'm saying that religious fundamentalism, with it's fire and brimstone belief system that believes the earth is 6k years old, is actually helping destroy the world, not save it. Scientists are working hard to cure the sick and lift up the poor - Are YOU saying that their actions aren't Christian? I'm trying to understand THAT logic.


=one person is God fearing, and they believe there are eternal consequences for their choices, therefore they treat everyone as they would want to be treated.
=there is another person who decides for himself what is right and wrong, and does not fear any consequences, outside of the law

There's that fallacy again. The law, mutually agreed upon by a society, sets what is right and what is wrong. The values of parents and what they teach their children set the values of what is right and wrong. Do I need to be a Christian to teach my kids that beating the shit out of people and stealing are wrong? Nope, but you're claiming that without religion there's no morality - I respectfully disagree.


your telling me the devout Christians, God fearing, are responsible for the immoral actions of society?

Unless you want to stand there, right where you are, and denounce half of Washington, including the Pres; every televangelical ministry, including Pat Robertson (who wanted to assassinate a man); and megachurches, who have Burger Kings built in them so that people can consume while they worship, then yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.


but no faithful believer would do such inexplicable things to another

I disagree, based on your use of what is called the Scotsman fallacy -look it up:

You're defining what a believer is, then changing the rules when confronted with an example you don't like. "A believer wouldn't" then "he's not a REAL believer." Check it out.


"an eye for an eye" refers to legal matters, justice and social equality; it is not condoning revenge or malice.

You said it did condone it, unless I read your post wrong. I got started in this thread partly to correct that interpretation.


Jesus says "if someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to him the other", because God is the only person fit to judge.

He says this about forgiveness, not judgement. IMHO, you have a very warped sense of biblical passages.


so lets look at the world: your trying to tell me that religious beliefs are the root cause of these peoples evils.

No I didn't. I said that technology isn't the devil, and religious folk are making our natural problems worse. Read more carefully.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 3:35 PM


I just thought i'd try that for kaneman's sake.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 3:41 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Kaneman didn't kill the thread, it just sort of petered out for a while. Think of his posts as a thread bump you just have to scroll past.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:59 PM


lol. threadbump.

If two combatants have a threadbumping exchange which continues, then it's a threadmire.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:38 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I don't know if this has been officially decided, but someone mentioned that the proper procedure for handling trolls was this:


Go to and vote Firefly!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:25 PM


seventypercent-- im not sure why you are arguing with me then if you are a believer? did i say the earth was only 6k years old? did i say that Satan encompasses all the mythical deities? i didnt

first off, what im saying is that if you believe God exists, then you better believe Lucifer does aswell, and the Bible says that the world is of him, and that he has dark forces and rulers working on his behalf. so to deny the occult evidence, is to deny that anything at all is happening by intent; and thats contrary to the Bible

what i am expressing to you is that God, if youll admit he exists, specifically chose Abraham, and Israel for a reason, which was to bring about the law, and the belief in a single all powerfull God. God chose a people to maintain his beliefs, the Jews, and later Jesus was born, and as a fullfillment of the jewish law, is Mans redeemer.

in the very beginning of the bible, why did God send the flood? in Genesis it says God sent it because prior to the Law(or the ten commandments), the earth was immoral and chaotic. in Gen 6 it says that the fallen angels that led Man astray, teaching him knowledge beyond his the multiple pagan dieties

think about the Bible for a second..why would any of this business with the Jews and Jesus have been neccessary if Man were perfectly capable on his own to find a moral equilibrium? would God have sacrificed his own "son"? Jesus wouldnt have said "no man gets to the Father, but through me" if it werent a crucial part of the doctrine

there is a fundemental point that we are trying to get acrossed to the world, which is to be a christian is to conform to the likeness of Jesus. there is nothing selfish or impure about him...which is also why he says "if you knew me, you would know my Father", since he speaks and acts on the Creators behalf. what kind of person cannot relate to Jesus, honostly?? someone who cannot relate to God; thats the whole purpose of God manifest in the flesh, otherwise how would we know what a perfect being would expect from us.

if you are a Christian, then how could you possibly claim that Man never needed Gods word on earth? that is contradictory to the entire message of the bible

unless you dont believe God exists


Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:10 PM



Originally posted by antimason:

It's not seventypercent, it's Sevenpercent - It's a firefly reference, not an independent number.


im not sure why you are arguing with me then if you are a believer?

Because you used this forum to launch an attack on science, and have never come back to answer any question I posited to you. You said that technology was bad, and it has caused problems (like created diseases), and that religion was the answer. I asked you to prove that tech was bad, because I - as a believer - don't think it is. You never came back to the questions in my initial post, you kept changing the subject slightly to avoid them. I'm arguing with you because I think you are a fundie, and I think fundies are generally idiots and fanatics, and am waiting for you to prove otherwise.


did i say the earth was only 6k years old? did i say that Satan encompasses all the mythical deities? i didnt

Are you a believer in the literal word of God? Then you believe the world is 6k years old. I'm not sure where the hell "Satan as everygod" came from, but I'm not going to try to find out, either.


first off, what im saying is that if you believe God exists, then you better believe Lucifer does aswell, and the Bible says that the world is of him, and that he has dark forces and rulers working on his behalf

Only if you believe in the Bible as the end-all-be-all literal word of history and God do you have to believe those things.


so to deny the occult evidence, is to deny that anything at all is happening by intent; and thats contrary to the Bible

What evidence? You have to have multiple sources to claim evidence of that nature - you can't just say "the Bible is true because the Bible says it is true." That's faulty logic.


what i am expressing to you is that God, if youll admit he exists,

I will.


specifically chose Abraham, and Israel for a reason, which was to bring about the law, and the belief in a single all powerfull God. God chose a people to maintain his beliefs, the Jews, and later Jesus was born, and as a fullfillment of the jewish law, is Mans redeemer.

Which may or may not be a metaphor.


think about the Bible for a second

I can't not, with you in this thread.


there is a fundemental point that we are trying to get acrossed to the world, which is to be a christian is to conform to the likeness of Jesus. there is nothing selfish or impure about him

Is your reading comprehension THAT bad? I am in agreement with this. Yet, evangelical Christians believe that what they are doing is in the likeness of Jesus and in Jesus' name. I dared you last post to denounce them all. I double dare oyu in this one. Bet you won't do it. Start with Bush, the Dominionists, work your way through Robertson, Falwell, and the rest, on into the megachurches, Ralph Reed, and all the rest. Because your argument denounces science and defends them while at the same time saying most people aren't good Christians for the reasons those people aren't good Christians.

what kind of person cannot relate to Jesus, honostly??

I dunno - most conservatives?


if you are a Christian, then how could you possibly claim that Man never needed Gods word on earth? that is contradictory to the entire message of the bible

I, as a Christian, believe man needs God's word on earth as a teacher of the way. The spiritual way. But you can act in a Christian manner without needing a spiritual mentor. Tell me, Anti, who is the better person - the man who accepts Jesus as the savior, then kicks poor people and bombs his neighbor (then asks for forgiveness every week); or the scientific atheist, who genetically modifies crops so that all may eat, as well as works to cure disease so that all may live without pain (who never asks for anything in return? I know who I think it is, but from your posts I'm not sure who you'd say.


unless you dont believe God exists

I'll let that one go without a sarcastic response.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:36 PM


Let me butt in, or well, too late, I'm already here


7%: It's not seventypercent, it's Sevenpercent - It's a firefly reference, not an independent number.

lol. I actually always thought it was a sherlock holmes reference.


7%: Because you used this forum to launch an attack on science, and have never come back to answer any question I posited to you. You said that technology was bad, and it has caused problems (like created diseases), and that religion was the answer. I asked you to prove that tech was bad, because I - as a believer - don't think it is. You never came back to the questions in my initial post, you kept changing the subject slightly to avoid them. I'm arguing with you because I think you are a fundie, and I think fundies are generally idiots and fanatics, and am waiting for you to prove otherwise.

I kind of like antimason. That's an extreme position, anti-science. I'm somewhat wary of science, like atomic bombs, etc., but I think common sense needs to be applied. You don't need ultrasounds (this one occurred to me instantly as a problem when it appeared) or personal nuclear generators, but genetic engineering, chemistry, etc., are just forms of creation. But it's an odd position to have on an sf forum.


7%: Are you a believer in the literal word of God? Then you believe the world is 6k years old. I'm not sure where the hell "Satan as everygod" came from, but I'm not going to try to find out, either.

7% i don't think this is so. The bible doesn't say 'and so it is written, the earth is 6kyo.' some looney biblical scholar invented that from counting begats.


7%: What evidence? You have to have multiple sources to claim evidence of that nature - you can't just say "the Bible is true because the Bible says it is true." That's faulty logic.

Lol. I think this was the steven colbert position.



specifically chose Abraham, and Israel for a reason, which was to bring about the law, and the belief in a single all powerfull God. God chose a people to maintain his beliefs, the Jews, and later Jesus was born, and as a fullfillment of the jewish law, is Mans redeemer.

7%: Which may or may not be a metaphor.

Law is evil.



antimason: think about the Bible for a second

7%: I can't not, with you in this thread.

break it up



antimason: to be a christian is to conform to the likeness of Jesus.

Woah, blonde earth coming up.


7%: Is your reading comprehension THAT bad? I am in agreement with this. Yet, evangelical Christians believe that what they are doing is in the likeness of Jesus and in Jesus' name. I dared you last post to denounce them all. I double dare oyu in this one. Bet you won't do it. Start with Bush, the Dominionists, work your way through Robertson, Falwell, and the rest, on into the megachurches, Ralph Reed, and all the rest.

You really nailed it.


antimason: if you are a Christian, then how could you possibly claim that Man never needed Gods word on earth? that is contradictory to the entire message of the bible

I have an idea. I've said it already, but here it is again. What if someone believes in Jesus, but not in God yhwh, whatever. There are people in India who worship a muslim and don't believe in allah. I follow the teachings of Lao Tse, but I don't get a bonus deity. There's a pit of a baradox in christianity (or even a bit of a paradox) which is that to buy into the beliefs of the great peacemaker, you have to take all of the prophets before him, plus worship the God of War. Doesn't this strike someone as inconsistant? How about a new religion, Chist-only-ianity. Follow Jesus, and maybe what came after but *not* worship the god of war?

I, as a Christian, believe man needs God's word on earth as a teacher of the way. The spiritual way. But you can act in a Christian manner without needing a spiritual mentor. Tell me, Anti, who is the better person - the man who accepts Jesus as the savior, then kicks poor people and bombs his neighbor (then asks for forgiveness every week); or the scientific atheist, who genetically modifies crops so that all may eat, as well as works to cure disease so that all may live without pain (who never asks for anything in return? I know who I think it is, but from your posts I'm not sure who you'd say.



antimason: unless you dont believe God exists
7%: I'll let that one go without a sarcastic response.

You will?
How about...
'I dunno, do you have his cellphone #?'
I can butt in, because that's what I'm doing here, butting in and wasting everyone's time. btw, I don't believe God exists.
or maybe, 'i don't believe your god exists, just mine' or perhaps, 'does he believe I exist?'


Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:05 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I always enjoy the funny stuff!

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
lol. threadbump.

If two combatants have a threadbumping exchange which continues, then it's a threadmire.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:29 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Dreamtrove: Lol. You're one of my (many) new favorite heroes.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:55 PM


Sevenpercent= i never said i was against science

to answer your question about technology, i dont neccessarily believe its evil, but i dont think its being applied properly either.

for example= am i denying that modern medical science has its benefits? no.. but do i think drugs that medical industries push do more harm than good. wouldnt preventitive care, like a healthy deit and living habits do more for us?

it seems to me that Man has always had everything he needed from the first day of creation; does that mean i dont accept that God gave us a brain and intelligence for reason? no, but in what way is technology bridging the crucial gaps of society?

genetically modified food? whats wrong with natural, God grown food? we wouldnt have hunger problems if corrupt people werent creating these situations. and thats how i feel about most technology..i think its useful if its used right, but human nature has proven to mismanage it..and in that case i think its become a burden in many ways.

i dont hate science..its good for us to know how the world and its laws operate. but i believe God gives us equal truths aswell. and i do believe mind over matter..because Jesus said that we too could walk on water if we only had faith; and i think that will be part of our redemption.

and ultimately, it will just inslave us.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:20 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Sevenpercent= i never said i was against science

to answer your question about technology, i dont neccessarily believe its evil, but i dont think its being applied properly either.

for example= am i denying that modern medical science has its benefits? no.. but do i think drugs that medical industries push do more harm than good. wouldnt preventitive care, like a healthy deit and living habits do more for us?

it seems to me that Man has always had everything he needed from the first day of creation; does that mean i dont accept that God gave us a brain and intelligence for reason? no, but in what way is technology bridging the crucial gaps of society?

genetically modified food? whats wrong with natural, God grown food? we wouldnt have hunger problems if corrupt people werent creating these situations. and thats how i feel about most technology..i think its useful if its used right, but human nature has proven to mismanage it..and in that case i think its become a burden in many ways.

i dont hate science..its good for us to know how the world and its laws operate. but i believe God gives us equal truths aswell. and i do believe mind over matter..because Jesus said that we too could walk on water if we only had faith; and i think that will be part of our redemption.

and ultimately, it will just inslave us.

Disclaimer: These are all my opinions. Feel free to educate me if I'm wrong (but don't try to convert me); but, this is what I think.

I've had this urge to jump in somewhere, and here's as good a place as any.

Point one: I don't necessarily believe that religion is evil; but, I don't think it's being applied properly, either. And that goes for all religions.

Point two: Yes, of course preventive care would do better. Do people want to seek out preventive care? Some: yes; others, no. The drug push is as much the consumer's fault as it is the manufacturer.

Point three: I'm confused. What do you mean by 'crucial gaps'?

Point four: God's a farmer? Weird...

We also wouldn't have hunger problems if other people's government officials weren't in the way (think North Korea). Hunger issues have more to do with distribution than farming, anyway.

Again, taking your sentance and inserting my own choice words -

I think it's (religion) useful if it's used right, but human nature has proven to mismanage it; and, in that case, I think it's become a burden in many ways.

Point five: Do you have faith? It seems to me that you do. Can you walk on water?

Point six: Religion has already enslaved people, and set them against, among other things, 1) common sense, 2) science, and 3) for some, compassion.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:56 PM


DT - Babydoll- You know I love ya, but brother, learn how to use the quote tags!

For Antimason's sake (and DT's - good catch on the "seven percent solution" from SACD's SH), it's Seven Percent: the amount of money Jayne was working for before Mal convinced him to switch sides in the ep OOG.


Originally posted by Dreamtrove:
You really nailed it.

I know. I'm good like that.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:51 AM


Yin-Yang--- ill agree aswell, religions have been mismanaged, but why? i suspect our answeres will differ. i believe mans nature is inherintly rebellious and defiant, and is susceptible to Satan and his fallen angels, which are the current rulers of the world(spiritually).

example- the Catholic church: it was Gods representitive on earth, so naturally it would come under the attack of forces seeking to pervert and skew its teachings; holy wars, conquests, secrets and diception..those are not doctrines taught in the Bible, but are divisive concepts introduced, according to the Bible, by Satan.

by "crucial gaps", ill give you another example; famine and poverty, starvation, apathy, fascism, racism and bigotry, hate, environmental degredation...i know those sound vague, but you get my drift. how does science or technology help to change someones mentality from the inside? God made us stewards over all his creation, and we have a responsibility to represent Gods will, which is all loving; he expects the best of us, and to grow spiritually is all we can do to affect positive change.






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