Guess the October Surprise -

UPDATED: Sunday, November 12, 2006 05:16
VIEWED: 8523
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Monday, September 25, 2006 9:00 AM


What will Rove and the GOP roll out just a couple weeks before election day? Figured I'd steal some of their lightles thunder before we hear about whatever 'revelation' it is in the context of some distorted reality rather than political timeliness, and manipulation.

Come up with your own, but here are a few that I think could happen...

Terrorist attack! - don't know how this would play after all the rhetoric about how we haven't been hit since 9/11, but fear is always a seller.

Major terrorist attack thwarted - not playing so well any more...they'd need something big here, like actually finding a person who was in possession of a dirty bomb.

Bin Laden Killed - I expect this one.

or my personal favorite, because I thought of it -- Weapons of Mass destruction found in Iraq after all...these long years. I would never put such machinations past this administration, but I don't know whether it would be too risky to attempt to stage. If such a find was bought by the American people though, it would appear to vindicate this administration. I'm not sure whether the American people will buy anything Bush is selling ever again, but liberals would hear forever from talking heads, how they owe this administration an apology for accusing it of either lying, or grave incompetence.

Any others?


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:11 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, I was going to go with bin Laden dead. I really think they floated it to see what effect it would have - it was a trial announcement. They will then 'confirm' it later on.

You know what I find weird? In the last two elections cycles Democrats lead 3 - 5% in the polls. Then they lost by that amount in key states - leading people to tell election officials "you got some 'splainin' to do". Now you don't heard news about ANY polls. No polls - no strange discrepancies - no awkward questions after the elections. Problem solved.


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:14 AM


How about an assasination attempt on Bush?
He gets shot in the head but the bullet misses his brain by three feet.


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:23 AM


What is the average margin of error in most polls? When they tell you it's a poll of "likely voters" they are lying. They just try to get some wind under the sails of a failed party. They are always trying to stack the results against the GOP...never works.


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:25 AM


Yeah, the polls are being downplayed. You can find them though. They were looking great for dems, but the closer we get to the election the closer the numbers get within the margin of error -- go figure. Harder to steal an election that is nowhere close in the polls I guess.

The assasination thing is also scary. It would be a horrible thing for this county if he were assasinated or shot at. The whole grenade thing didn't seem to help him much though - but as a martyr? I thought of this before I heard about the movie. The powers that be have basically gotten all the use out of him they could. He's damaged goods now. He'd be much more useful to them dead, you'd think. Good thing for him for his dad I guess.


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:36 AM


I think you can fairly well guarantee we'll have an increase in terror alerts, as Republicans try desperately to steer the public's attention away from their biggest failure: the Iraq War. If they're able to round up a few suspected terrorists, even better.

Also, count on religion to be played up, so they can divide the country on social issues. Already there's talk of reintroducing the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage (I believe this will make the third time). They know there's still not enough votes, but why not cater to certain people's prejudices and hatred of homosexuals. That's always a good tactic for driving right-wing Christians to the polls.

And of course they'll attempt to portray Democrats as weak on defense ( i.e. the War on Terror). This is, of course, aside from the fact that the Democrats have nine Iraq War veterans running for seats in this election, one of whom is a retired Navy admiral.

My point is it'll be more of the same tired, old stuff they drag out every election. The really sad part is the number of Americans who'll buy into it.

Buy the ticket. Take the ride.
-Hunter S. Thompson


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:44 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Hey canker sore - you didn't read the statistical analyses I guess. Probably beyond you anyway.

What is the average margin of error in most polls?

"I gave him the book but he just chews on the covers."


Monday, September 25, 2006 9:54 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

What will Rove and the GOP roll out just a couple weeks before election day? Figured I'd steal some of their lightles thunder before we hear about whatever 'revelation' it is in the context of some distorted reality rather than political timeliness, and manipulation.

Come up with your own, but here are a few that I think could happen...

Terrorist attack! - don't know how this would play after all the rhetoric about how we haven't been hit since 9/11, but fear is always a seller.

Major terrorist attack thwarted - not playing so well any more...they'd need something big here, like actually finding a person who was in possession of a dirty bomb.

Bin Laden Killed - I expect this one.

or my personal favorite, because I thought of it -- Weapons of Mass destruction found in Iraq after all...these long years. I would never put such machinations past this administration, but I don't know whether it would be too risky to attempt to stage. If such a find was bought by the American people though, it would appear to vindicate this administration. I'm not sure whether the American people will buy anything Bush is selling ever again, but liberals would hear forever from talking heads, how they owe this administration an apology for accusing it of either lying, or grave incompetence.

Any others?

I guess you forgot to watch the news this year. Lets see...Bin Ladden dead, check. Thanks France for leaking that one. Hmm...Terrorist attack thwarted, you missed the whole 'plot to blow up the airliners' from August or the attempted car bombing of the US embassy in Syria, check. Terrorist attack, well somebody forgot to read the news from pick one: (Iraq, Afganistan, India, Korea, Thailand, the Phillipines, Saudi Arabia, Isreal, Lebanon, Syria, or the country of your choice), check. WMD's found by Rick Santorum a few months ago buried in a classified Pentagon report from a couple years ago, check.

So I guess you prediction is: MORE OF THE SAME. Way to go out on a limb...

Here's mine. The liberals and Defeatacrats will: deflact blame for 9/11 away from Clinton, say Iraq was (wrong, badly handled, needs to be surrendered, a war crime, or bad for the overall war on terror effort), claim corruption or racisim about a Republican, ignore corruption or racisim by a Democrat, capitalize on a convienantly leaked and beneficial partial secret document, undermine the President, make sweet love to Hugo Chavez's ass, hate the troops, obstruct everything, propose nothing,and do their best to avoid winning the mid-term elections despite all of their advantages this season.

Just because the sky is blue in October, doesn't mean there's electoral signifgance...turns out its blue most of the just don't always notice.



Monday, September 25, 2006 10:04 AM



Originally posted by rue:
You know what I find weird? In the last two elections cycles Democrats lead 3 - 5% in the polls. Then they lost by that amount in key states - leading people to tell election officials "you got some 'splainin' to do". Now you don't heard news about ANY polls. No polls - no strange discrepancies - no awkward questions after the elections. Problem solved.

I noticed last weekend an unranked NCAA football team beat a ranked football team. This was contrary to all the polls. Polls aren't always right...thats why they play the game.

Perhaps if the Demcrats focused more on getting votes and less on winning polls, then they'd do a little better. Most major polls are slanted in one direction or another (actually its most to the left and a couple to the right). I find the ones that aren't slanted tended to be the most correct in predicting outcomes. Funny how that worked out.



Monday, September 25, 2006 10:06 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Always and ever a zero. You too never fail to confirm my opinion of you. It's nice to have something to count on.


Monday, September 25, 2006 10:25 AM


Bin Laden dead reports confirmed HERO? This administration does not want him to die of natural causes. That would be a colosal failure. Better an at-large boogie man than that.

You know I meant terrorist attack on U.S. soil. like the anthrax attack that was conveniently forgotten every time Bush and his people say we haven't been attacked since 9/11. Of course other attacks happen everyday but they aren't real to the American public sadly, or we would have applied preasure on bush to get our soldiers out of harms way long ago.

As Casey said to Santorum, him believing that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq represents to 2 percent of the time he disagrees with the president. If it were true it would be all day news. Why would they classify it? it was the reason for going to war and it would vindicate the whole operation. It would be a moral blow to terrorists as well. They don't say they found weapons because they didn't and because they know that minor case is not what we predicated our invasion on, and they would look foolish for invoking it.

You apparently don't care how foolish or insincere you look.

Quit acting like the democrats have proposed nothing. They've gotten no bills to the floor except for like 1 minimum wage hike bill that only got there on the grounds that they had to make it a guaranteed failure by agreeing to a 2/3's vote - sadly that's the way senate majority works.

they've made plenty of proposals, they have a stance on terror, they have a stance on all of these things, but they have no way of bringing anything up for a vote - it's hard enough just to try to stop Bush and his cronies from passing poison pills that slowly kill America - and for fucks-sake, that's platform enough for me.


Monday, September 25, 2006 11:38 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

Yeah, the polls are being downplayed. You can find them though. They were looking great for dems, but the closer we get to the election the closer the numbers get within the margin of error -- go figure. Harder to steal an election that is nowhere close in the polls I guess.

The assasination thing is also scary. It would be a horrible thing for this county if he were assasinated or shot at. The whole grenade thing didn't seem to help him much though - but as a martyr? I thought of this before I heard about the movie. The powers that be have basically gotten all the use out of him they could. He's damaged goods now. He'd be much more useful to them dead, you'd think. Good thing for him for his dad I guess.

Yeah it's the Los Angeles times, New York post, ABC, CNN poll conspiracy. What we need is to get all the neocons to stop running these polls

And as far as the polls getting closer to the margin of error as we approach election, the undecided voters actually picking sides. How weird is that...who woulda thunk it!


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:02 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Canker sore,

I would like to see ANY analysis that took a long view of Bush's policies and evaluated them one by one.

Bush can't stand on his record. That's why there's a media flurry of non-news, all pointing anywhere else but at Bush's many failures. It's easy to propagandize the public when the media does your dirty work for you.


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:21 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

You know, I work with people who've maintained all along there will be some huge event - something large enough to declare martial law and to claim authority to cancel elections. They've speculated dirty bombs, anthrax, assassination -
I personally don't hold with this, but it's interesting that highly educated people (people with science PhDs and political connections) do give this credit.


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:24 PM


My guess is that we have already seen the surprise: drastically falling gas prices. That is not to say this drop is organized or controlled by the Bush Administration or the Republicans, but I hypothesize it is instead being done by private interests because they know, quite frankly, who butters their bread (see Energy Bill).

Regarding the discepancies between the polls and actual votes, there might be a much less sinister explanation. Most polls I see are conducted nationwide, which means they are worthless. What a majority of voters think across the country means very little in your home state. It means even less in your Congressional district, which has been gerrymandered to such a degree that public opinion is inconsequential.

Oh, and The Post is owned by Murdoch. It's The Times Republicans are supposed to hate...


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:25 PM


He's a two term prez. I'd call that standing on ones record. Or should I just pretend he wasn't voted in twice, and forget that America voted him in over Gore or Mari-ah?


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:27 PM



Originally posted by FellowTraveler:
My guess is that we have already seen the surprise: drastically falling gas prices. That is not to say this drop is organized or controlled by the Bush Administration or the Republicans, but I hypothesize it is instead being done by private interests because they know, quite frankly, who butters their bread (see Energy Bill).

Regarding the discepancies between the polls and actual votes, there might be a much less sinister explanation. Most polls I see are conducted nationwide, which means they are worthless. What a majority of voters think across the country means very little in your home state. It means even less in your Congressional district, which has been gerrymandered to such a degree that public opinion is inconsequential.

Oh, and The Post is owned by Murdoch. It's The Times Republicans are supposed to hate...

Another conspiracy? Nothing as unusual as gas prices falling after labor day. I smell a fix!


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:34 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Canker sore

Bush was not voted into office either time. The republican machine put him there by stripping away the votes of 3 MILLION Americans.

Let's break that down into how massive that kind of election fraud is. In Florida 2000 alone 90,000 registered voters - mostly democrats - were stripped from the rolls They have not YET been restored. Did you know that? Even given that, if a full recount had been allowed Gore would have won. As it was, the US Supreme Court made the highly illegal decision to appoint Bush. In Ohio 2004 alone a quarter of a million voters - again mostly democrats - were either removed from the rolls, sent to the wrong polling place, given the wrong ballots, had their provisional ballots thrown out, or otherwise had their vote 'disappeared' in Diebold machines. It was the same story as in 2000 - pre-election polls and exit polls all pointed to a democratic win - and a win for honest elections and for democracy. But the Bush administration and republican congress decided there would be no investigation of election fraud. Geeze, I wonder why that is, Canker sore? Maybe you can come up with an answer.


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:35 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Canker sore,

I would like to see ANY analysis that took a long view of Bush's policies and evaluated them one by one.

Bush can't stand on his record. That's why there's a media flurry of non-news, all pointing anywhere else but at Bush's many failures. It's easy to propagandize the public when the media does your dirty work for you.

You should spell it...Kaneker sore


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:37 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:
Another conspiracy? Nothing as unusual as gas prices falling after labor day. I smell a fix!

Yes, gas prices do normally drop in the fall, but not by 20%.

And a far out conspiracy theory? Perhaps, but:


Back in July, both crude oil and gasoline hit their highest recorded prices. Gas was averaging about three dollars a gallon. By mid-September, oil had dropped about fifteen bucks a barrel. So gas should have dropped about forty five cents a gallon. But actually dropped fifty cents a gallon, and more since then. We asked professor Ashkay Rao, who studies pricing strategies, if President Bush could have had a hand in plummeting gas prices.

Rao says, "surely if he picked up the phone and made five or ten strategic phone calls he might be able to influence prices to some degree. But I think that's a fairly far-fetched theory.

While he doubts the conspiracy theory, Rao says it's conceivable the price cuts might have come from the energy industry, without any prompting from Washington, out of fear that if the Democrats win, they'll make good on threats to tax the energy industry more heavily.


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:45 PM



Originally posted by rue:
You know, I work with people who've maintained all along there will be some huge event - something large enough to declare martial law and to claim authority to cancel elections. They've speculated dirty bombs, anthrax, assassination -
I personally don't hold with this, but it's interesting that highly educated people (people with science PhDs and political connections) do give this credit.

You know what they say about college degrees not being worth the paper they're printed on any more. I'm curious Ruse, where do you work? I wouldn't give any credence to what Proctologists and Political interns say either.


Monday, September 25, 2006 12:57 PM


Oh please, the sock-puppetry is getting old kids, it was amusing at one time, but now it's just tedious.

Actually my bid has to do with a provocation strike against Iran, either by direct support of radicals who hate the current regime (kinda like our support of the Mujahadeen against the Soviets, which lead to the Taliban) which will no doubt boomerang on us like OBL and Saddam did, or by some form of strike against their nuclear program.

Certain fleet elements have been deployed with orders to put them in a position to do so right around the typical time frame for an October surprise, and the thought that we may well be provoking a war for some dipwads political advantage just makes me wanna hurl.

I figure a brace of Tomahawks into Iran's nuclear program on the premise of "they're building a bomb" is most likely - followed by prettymuch the end of the world as we know it, cause that is very likely to be a "last straw" kind of thing with a lot of nations, and we will find OURSELVES facing some sanctions, whether the UN approves em or not.

That happens, our economy is gonna be like a V-8 with two dead spark plugs, it may be makin a lotta noise, but it ain't goin nowhere important.



Monday, September 25, 2006 1:46 PM



I'll grant speculation on my part for my post about the polls getting closer. You could be right about the reasons. I don't personally trust the polling done by the same institutions that bring us our bogus news, but I can't say the numbers are manipulated.

I do believe however if memory serves, that numbers at CNN were manipulated after the 2004 election to make their exit polling data better match the actual results. If this is correct, and I'll look it up, it hardly puts the idea of manipulating these polls beyond the pale.


I don't expect any drastic happening with any certainty. Such games seem dangerous, and this administration has been cought on some of its lesser machinations. But aside of pragmatism, I don't think massive scale manipulation of facts or events is beyond them if it is something they could benefit from. There is nothing they aren't willing to stage, from Bush's Katrina photo op, to prompted soldier questions, to bribed fabricated intelligence...etc.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:03 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
The powers that be have basically gotten all the use out of him they could. He's damaged goods now. He'd be much more useful to them dead, you'd think.

If he gets killed *A*F*T*E*R* the new term starts, Cheney can stay in office almost 10 years. If the VP serves more than 2 years of a dead-Prez's term, he can only be re-elected once, but if that VP serves less than 2, can be re-elected *T*W*I*C*E*...


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:08 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

What will Rove and the GOP roll out just a couple weeks before election day? ...

Major terrorist attack thwarted - not playing so well any more...they'd need something big here, like actually finding a person who was in possession of a dirty bomb.

Remember, the real key to an October surprise it that it doesn't have to be *T*R*U*E*, it just has to come along late enough for there to be no time to show that it was exaggeration or an outright lie


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:13 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Just thought I'd point out that though I use the name 'Canker sore' for one poster, I actually contribute to the topics.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 5:33 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Remember, the real key to an October surprise it that it doesn't have to be *T*R*U*E*, it just has to come along late enough for there to be no time to show that it was exaggeration or an outright lie.
That's true.

Perhaps it'll be like last time, considering it's already started. LIQUID BOMBS! that fades away. BIN LADEN DEAD! that was quickly suppressed (but the topic reserved for later). SOME LIQUID RESTRICTIONS LIFTED! just in case you forgot about liquid explosives - a reminder.*

It could be a never ending churning of low-level over-hyped items. The point is - BE AFRAID, and distracted from Bush's record of failure.

* Out of curiosity I scanned ALL of the major nt'l US news sources yesterday. WashPost, NYTimes, LATimes, CNN, Yahoo, USAToday, Boston Globe, AP. The ONLY story headlined in every one was "Some Liquid Restrictions Lifted". Despite truly vital news such as the leaked intelligence report, ALL the carrriers somehow just happened to headline this trivial item. "Free press". Yeah.

"Well, it's true."


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Ruse, He's a two term prez. I'd call that standing on ones record. Or should I just pretend he wasn't voted in twice,
No need to "pretend" he wasn't voted in twice because- guess what?- he wasn't voted in twice. In fact, he wasn't even voted in once. So you can relax, stop pretending, and just go with reality.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You know what they say about college degrees not being worth the paper they're printed on any more. I'm curious Ruse, where do you work?
You do NOT want to get into this. But since you already stepped into it ... tell me Canker Sore, where do YOU work? DO you work? You DO work, right? And you area of expertise is... what? High school?

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I vote for surprise attacks on Iranian "WMD" facilities by "black ops" Pentagon forces operating directly under Cambone (who rerpots directly to Rumsfeld.)

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 7:54 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

And the administration IS gearing up for that. While there is now enough international dispute to keep Bush's Iran agenda away from the UN, the aministration is amassing what will be its 'after the fact' excuses.

"This is like prewar Iraq all over again," said David Albright, a former nuclear inspector who is president of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security. "You have an Iranian nuclear threat that is spun up, using bad information that's cherry-picked and a report that trashes the inspectors."
The committee report, written by a single Republican staffer with a hard-line position on Iran, chastised the CIA and other agencies for not providing evidence to back assertions that Iran is building nuclear weapons.

U.N. inspectors investigating Iran's nuclear program angrily complained to the Bush administration and to a Republican congressman yesterday about a recent House committee report on Iran's capabilities, calling parts of the document "outrageous and dishonest" and offering evidence to refute its central claims.
Officials of the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency said in a letter that the report contained some "erroneous, misleading and unsubstantiated statements." The letter, signed by a senior director at the agency, was addressed to Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.), chairman of the House intelligence committee, which issued the report. A copy was hand-delivered to Gregory L. Schulte, the U.S. ambassador to the IAEA in Vienna.
The IAEA openly clashed with the Bush administration on pre-war assessments of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Relations all but collapsed when the agency revealed that the White House had based some allegations about an Iraqi nuclear program on forged documents.
After no such weapons were found in Iraq, the IAEA came under additional criticism for taking a cautious approach on Iran, which the White House says is trying to build nuclear weapons in secret. At one point, the administration orchestrated a campaign to remove the IAEA's director general, Mohamed ElBaradei. It failed, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize last year.
Yesterday's letter, a copy of which was provided to The Washington Post, was the first time the IAEA has publicly disputed U.S. allegations about its Iran investigation. The agency noted five major errors in the committee's 29-page report, which said Iran's nuclear capabilities are more advanced than either the IAEA or U.S. intelligence has shown.
Among the committee's assertions is that Iran is producing weapons-grade uranium at its facility in the town of Natanz. The IAEA called that "incorrect," noting that weapons-grade uranium is enriched to a level of 90 percent or more. Iran has enriched uranium to 3.5 percent under IAEA monitoring.
When the congressional report was released last month, Hoekstra said his intent was "to help increase the American public's understanding of Iran as a threat." Spokesman Jamal Ware said yesterday that Hoekstra will respond to the IAEA letter.
Rep. Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.), a committee member, said the report was "clearly not prepared in a manner that we can rely on." He agreed to send it to the full committee for review, but the Republicans decided to make it public before then, he said in an interview.
The report was never voted on or discussed by the full committee. Rep. Jane Harman (Calif.), the vice chairman, told Democratic colleagues in a private e-mail that the report "took a number of analytical shortcuts that present the Iran threat as more dire -- and the Intelligence Community's assessments as more certain -- than they are."
Privately, several intelligence officials said the committee report included at least a dozen claims that were either demonstrably wrong or impossible to substantiate. Hoekstra's office said the report was reviewed by the office of John D. Negroponte, the director of national intelligence.
Negroponte's spokesman, John Callahan, said in a statement that his office "reviewed the report and provided its response to the committee on July 24, '06." He did not say whether it had approved or challenged any of the claims about Iran's capabilities.
"This is like prewar Iraq all over again," said David Albright, a former nuclear inspector who is president of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security. "You have an Iranian nuclear threat that is spun up, using bad information that's cherry-picked and a report that trashes the inspectors."
The committee report, written by a single Republican staffer with a hard-line position on Iran, chastised the CIA and other agencies for not providing evidence to back assertions that Iran is building nuclear weapons.
It concluded that the lack of intelligence made it impossible to support talks with Tehran. Democrats on the committee saw it as an attempt from within conservative Republican circles to undermine Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who has agreed to talk with the Iranians under certain conditions.
The report's author, Fredrick Fleitz, is a onetime CIA officer and special assistant to John R. Bolton, the administration's former point man on Iran at the State Department. Bolton, who is now ambassador to the United Nations, had been highly influential during President Bush's first term in drawing up a tough policy that rejected talks with Tehran.
Among the allegations in Fleitz's Iran report is that ElBaradei removed a senior inspector from the Iran investigation because he raised "concerns about Iranian deception regarding its nuclear program." The agency said the inspector has not been removed.
A suggestion that ElBaradei had an "unstated" policy that prevented inspectors from telling the truth about Iran's program was particularly "outrageous and dishonest," according to the IAEA letter, which was signed by Vilmos Cserveny, the IAEA's director for external affairs and a former Hungarian ambassador.
Hoekstra's committee is working on a separate report about North Korea that is also being written principally by Fleitz. A draft of the report, provided to The Post, includes several assertions about North Korea's weapons program that the intelligence officials said they cannot substantiate, including one that Pyongyang is already enriching uranium.
The intelligence community believes North Korea is trying to acquire an enrichment capability but has no proof that an enrichment facility has been built, the officials said.
© 2006 The Washington Post Company


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:15 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Originally posted by SignyM:

You know what they say about college degrees not being worth the paper they're printed on any more. I'm curious Ruse, where do you work?
You do NOT want to get into this. But since you already stepped into it ... tell me Canker Sore, where do YOU work? DO you work? You DO work, right? And you area of expertise is... what? High school?

PS - SignyM

You won't get a reply on this. I believe canker sore sends an SOS to slick, who ghosts the posts. That's why the lack of foul language, 'well it's true' sign-off, incoherent wording, and other typical characteristics. The change of topic, dismissive and belittling innuendo, the wording, variety of techniques, etc not just in this post but over several posts are more in keeping with slick.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:52 AM



Originally posted by rue:

Originally posted by SignyM:

You know what they say about college degrees not being worth the paper they're printed on any more. I'm curious Ruse, where do you work?
You do NOT want to get into this. But since you already stepped into it ... tell me Canker Sore, where do YOU work? DO you work? You DO work, right? And you area of expertise is... what? High school?

PS - SignyM

You won't get a reply on this. I believe canker sore sends an SOS to slick, who ghosts the posts. That's why the lack of foul language, 'well it's true' sign-off, incoherent wording, and other typical characteristics. The change of topic, dismissive and belittling innuendo, the wording, variety of techniques, etc not just in this post but over several posts are more in keeping with slick.

My expertise is in animal behavior. I usually help diagnose and determine the cause of psychological changes in pets and farm animals. A typical day has me going to peoples homes and farms, trying to connect with the animals, in an effort to try and understand sudden change in behavior. My newest client is a piglet named Charles. His owners are quite distraught that he refuses to walk on four legs. My early diagnoses is that he developed a bipedal complex watching their two year old daughter learning to walk. Who can blame him...poor thing, my heart goes out to him.

You are such an aped-ball faggot. The next time you remove your thumb from your ass, would you stick it in your mouth and suck on it for me? I thank you in advance....Well, it's true...


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:57 AM


Amazing that they think they're fooling anyone, innit ?

In light of this threat, imma post a monologue from V for Vendetta, cause it's eerie similarity to recent events of the past five years cannot be disputed.

V: [Disguised as William Rookwood, meeting with Inspector Finch]
Our story begins, as these stories often do, with a young up-and-coming politician. He's a deeply religious man and a member of the conservative party. He is completely single-minded convictions and has no regard for the political process. Eventually, his party launches a special project in the name of 'national security'. At first, it is believed to be a search for biological weapons and it is pursued regardless of its cost. However, the true goal of the project is power, complete and total hegemonic domination. The project, however, ends violently... but the efforts of those involved are not in vain, for a new ability to wage war is born from the blood of one of their victims. Imagine a virus - the most terrifying virus you can, and then imagine that you and you alone have the cure. But if your ultimate goal is power, how best to use such a weapon? It is at this point in our story that along comes a spider. He is a man seemingly without a conscience; for whom the ends always justify the means and it is he who suggests that their target should not be an enemy of the country but rather the country itself. Three targets are chosen to maximize the effect of the attack: a school, a tube station, and a water-treatment plant. Several hundred die within the first few weeks. Until at last the true goal comes into view. Before the St. Mary's crisis, no one would have predicted the outcome of the elections. No one. But after the election, lo and behold, a miracle. Some believed that it was the work of God himself, but it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members made them all obscenely rich. But the true genius of the plan was the fear. A year later, several extremeists are tried, found guilty, and executed while a memorial is built, erected to canonize their victims. Fear became the ultimate tool of this government. And through it our politician was ultimately appointed to the newly created position of High Chancellor. The rest, as they say, is history.

We have the advantage in that we are already suspicious, already aware that such a thing is possible, even plausible, at the hands of our current administration - yet I think we're taking the wrong stance here, we are REacting, or planning to react, instead of acting.

If there's one lesson to be learned here, let it be this: NEVER give a shark the first bite.

And so, forgive the threadjack, but why not turn this discussion to the more useful topic of how to PREVENT an October Surprise, at least insofar as to prevent one that causes needless death and destruction.

Many activists, including myself, are currently appealing directly to military commanders to actually follow the UCMJ, which, if done, would eliminate even the possibility of military action for the sole sake of political gain, barring an act of congress authorising it.

For reference
Full copy of the UCMJ

GITMO, for example, clearly violates provisions 13,93 and 97, provided that said prisoners are under military jurisdiction, as the courts have decided.

Without a congressional declaration of war, the united states military is forbidden to act save in their own defense, against another country and/or it's armed forces - thus, if the UCMJ were actually respected and obeyed, the command brass, when given the order to attack, would file it as an illegal order in compliance with regulations, properly refuse it, and then submit it to the proper authorities for use at a possible impeachment proceedings.

Bush is the CinC, sure, but it don't make him God.



Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:14 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"You know what they say about college degrees not being worth the paper they're printed on any more. I'm curious Ruse, where do you work?"

I don't disclose specific identifying information.
Here is a clue posted on another thread:
I'm here on my day off, working on reports for some toxic samples that were so nasty the papers that sat next to the closed stainless steel containers still reek. :vapors:


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:16 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

You are such an aped-ball faggot. The next time you remove your thumb from your ass, would you stick it in your mouth and suck on it for me? I thank you in advance....Well, it's true..."

There we go. Back to the original author.

I couldn't help but read your reply to SignyM. I see you're quite an expert at, well, whatever it is you pretend to do. OK as long as there are people willing to pay for the voodoo you do. But not to worry you'll run out. Hey, as they say, there's a sucker born every minute.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My expertise is in animal behavior. I usually help diagnose and determine the cause of psychological changes in pets and farm animals. A typical day has me going to peoples homes and farms, trying to connect with the animals, in an effort to try and understand sudden change in behavior. My newest client is a piglet named Charles. His owners are quite distraught that he refuses to walk on four legs. My early diagnoses is that he developed a bipedal complex watching their two year old daughter learning to walk. Who can blame him...poor thing, my heart goes out to him. - Kaneman
Huh. I'm a nuclear physicist myself. Also a brain surgeon and a spy. That's why I know so much about so much. My informants tell me that your total lack of empathy and insight often leads you to misdiagnose your victi... I mean, clients. Is it true that you told the owners to put the poor pig our of it's misery and have bacon for breakfast?

WHEEEE!!!! This is fun!!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:00 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :BIG biggrin :

So, I was going over this. I read it as:

falling gas prices
demonizing Clinton specifically and democrats in general
ongoing manipulation of threats, alerts, news to create fear
bin Laden dead
an Iran attack
lies, lies and more lies, but very late in the game
terrorist attack on US soil, actual or thwarted
Bush assassination attempt
WMD found

Sadly, some of these have been done, are already underway, and the others are believable.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:02 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Actually my bid has to do with a provocation strike against Iran, either by direct support of radicals who hate the current regime (kinda like our support of the Mujahadeen against the Soviets, which lead to the Taliban) which will no doubt boomerang on us like OBL and Saddam did, or by some form of strike against their nuclear program.

Not that I wouldn't put that past these guys (anything to expand the Empire), but won't China back Iran if the US starts a fight. I can't imagine anyone, Democrat or Republican, who wants that. China has what, like a billion man standing army? We would get our asses handed to us...


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:10 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

My expertise is in animal behavior. I usually help diagnose and determine the cause of psychological changes in pets and farm animals. A typical day has me going to peoples homes and farms, trying to connect with the animals, in an effort to try and understand sudden change in behavior. My newest client is a piglet named Charles. His owners are quite distraught that he refuses to walk on four legs. My early diagnoses is that he developed a bipedal complex watching their two year old daughter learning to walk. Who can blame him...poor thing, my heart goes out to him. - Kaneman
Huh. I'm a nuclear physicist myself. Also a brain surgeon and a spy. That's why I know so much about so much. My informants tell me that your total lack of empathy and insight often leads you to misdiagnose your victi... I mean, clients. Is it true that you told the owners to put the poor pig our of it's misery and have bacon for breakfast?

WHEEEE!!!! This is fun!!

Just another example of "Liberal" disinformation and mud slinging. My advice was to tie his hind legs together 'til he learns to respect his front legs. I would never advocate the eating of meat...Never!!!!....Well, unless it was Rue eating his own...Well, it's true


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:20 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Not that I wouldn't put that past these guys (anything to expand the Empire), but won't China back Iran if the US starts a fight. I can't imagine anyone, Democrat or Republican, who wants that. China has what, like a billion man standing army? We would get our asses handed to us...
What can I say? You and I are rational people. But Iraq was supposed to be a cakewalk and the administration ignored every expert warning and intelligence. And they are STILL saying things are going well and 'stay the course'. Bush gave a speech yesterday (I believe) where he dismissed events in Iraq. (He said there was a 'strong' interest in democracy, which, in his mind, made everything OK.)

These people are not operating in the real world, the world inhabited by sane people. They are both insane and evil.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:24 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Canker sore,

"Well, unless it was Rue eating his own...Well, it's true"

OOOHHHHh this is fun! I almost laughed. I can hardly wait to see what you post next!


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:30 AM


Well, we all know it's hard to laugh with your mouth full. I'll wait 'til you're done eating next time Well it is just a snack, right


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:39 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Canker sore - now it's just tedious. You need to work on your routine some. Well, it's true ...

BTW, do you have ANYTHING substantive to contribute to the topic?


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Not that I wouldn't put that past these guys (anything to expand the Empire), but won't China back Iran if the US starts a fight. I can't imagine anyone, Democrat or Republican, who wants that. China has what, like a billion man standing army? We would get our asses handed to us...
My undrestanding is that the concept is precision lightening-strikes (either air or ground). According to vars folks, the USA already has "sniffer" probes inside Iran to try and suss out of their nuclear facilities (which are dispersed in hardened underground facilities). But I don't forsee any USA troops on Iranian soil for any length of time- certainly not enough time for China to actually respond militarily. (Think of the Israeli bombing of Iraq's nulcear facility).

OTOH, the Chinese have many ways to retaliate besides militarily. It just depends on how much they want to suffer along with us, because they are MAJOR Treasury and note-holders of USA debt.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:51 AM


Another Ruse from Ruse, how amusing. Start at the top of this thread and read. Every time I post you come in with Canker sore this or Canker sore that...I could tell from your political ideology that you have a very selective memory, a twisted view of history, and no sense of humor. Thanks for the confirmation. Well, it's true....And, as I've posted before, spelling it Kaneker sore would be kind of witty...instead we get Auraptor= asswipe, Hero= Zero, and Kaneman= canker sore. Why bother living? You are less than moss.....


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:54 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, OK, the US won't do it with troops on the ground, and Israel won't do it at all (got burned on Lebanon). Would the US actually strike in a way that the world could witness? Missiles from aircraft, subs and the like.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:00 AM


I'm with Signy and Frem, we're gonna shoot at Iran just before elections, 'cause we 'have to', and they'll shoot back. Scare the peeps into staying the course towards the iceberg.
Bush will then have a fake heart attack, and ask America to win one for his gipper from the hospital bed. That'll be a nice dramatic touch.

Where's Skynet when you need it Chrisisall


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:08 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Canker sore - I wouldn't fluff the name and get too comfy with it if I were you. It's really only the first.

Apparently you never actually read my posts. I invited you to read the statistical error analysis of the exit polls. You dropped the topic. I mentioned that there was no media analysis of Bush's policies to date. You dropped the topic. I also said Bush wasn't elected either time (this was in specific response to your post, which BTW had nothing to do with the thread.) You dropped the topic. When I reported on my co-worker's opinions, all you had was an ad hominem attack. ("I wouldn't give any credence to what Proctologists and Political interns say either.")

In the meantime - I've actually been discussing the topic with the more rational, honorable people here. You should try it. You might learn something.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:10 AM


After having a foriegn leader stand in NYC and call our prez the devil, there will be no other suprise. That was the suprise. Thank you Hugo!!






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