Round 3: 'Tolerance' on American Universities???

UPDATED: Friday, December 15, 2006 22:38
VIEWED: 3916
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Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:22 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
This is not the post that you were looking for.

This isn't the post we were looking for.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


As you probably guessed, Nichol could not cite a specific instance of non-Christians being made to feel unwelcome by the presence of the cross.
I just posted this here to relate to the "End Christmas as a Holiday" thread. In that thread, I posted a story about how trees were taken down from Seattle-Tacoma Airport because a rabbi objected to their presence. He wanted a minorah up as well as Christmas trees because the overwhelming presence of Xmas symbols made him feel unwelcome.

I'll bet that most Xtians- even nominal ones- felt a little irked by that story. But think this thru from the non-Xtian viewpoint: They're damned if they object (because they're being overly sensitive) and damned if they don't (See? No one is objecting!) And from an administrative viewpoint how can one be fair to all faiths? If we're going to celebrate Xmas, why not Ramadan or Hannukah or Navratri? And if we can't celebrate them all why do we make a governmental exception for one?

Don't get me wrong, I like Xmas. I think we should make it a secular holiday- call it Winter Festival or something. Stretch it out from the end of the old year (Dec 21) to the calendar beginning of the new (Jan 1) and party for nine days. But when you mix government and religion you get into all kinds of trouble, and these are just some examples.

BTW- Anti, I know that you would rather talk about the beginning of the universe with Citizen, but that's prolly where science leaves a blank spot: doesn't know, doesn't claim to know. I'm not a cosmologist so I don't know the state of the latest theories.But I'm still curious about the Luciferian symbols in the coporate world. And, what do you suppose the aim of this Luciferian conspiracy is?
Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:28 AM


Hey Signy, just an FYI here. The Rabbi in no way objected to the trees' presence. He requested that they add a menorah to the display. It was the Port of Seattle that decided to take the trees down because they didn't want to have to deal with the issue. In fact, the trees have been put back up by now.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

More exactly, he said he wanted to add to the festivities. But it was phrased something like: If they can have Xmas why can't we have Hannukah? In other words, he felt excluded.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Friday, December 15, 2006 10:38 PM


i apologize that i havent had the time to respond your questions Signym and Rue, ive just been really busy.. but i appreciate the dialogue


"in god we trust" was not present on most currency until relatively recently.

i agree.. my point was simply 'which "god" is it theyre talking about?' most people, including myself sometimes, would not recongize the discreet influence of esoteric symbolism; particularly in reference to god worship. America specifically(but also much of Europe including Israel) is full of symbolism that is clearly masonic, and the god of Masonry is Lucifer.

i watched this pretty interesting video, ill post it here, its re: some counterfeit masonic commandments outside a government building (which its relevant to my premise and its only 10 min long)

i believe Israel and America have a joint responsibility in creating this masonic "New Age", where they plan to reestablisheden on earth. the bond that is shared is this underlying babylonian kabbalistic theology which all of the (biblically)heretical secret societies practice. this is such an enormous issue that its hard to know where to start really, but there are a ton of videos on google and youtube re: the symbolism, like this one

but symbolism is paramount to these people, and all is done with purpose and forethought.


I haven't specifically looked it up, but some of the Founding Fathers were prolly Freemasons. Whoever designed the currency certainly was!

and if youll notice, in latin enscribed on the $1 dollar bill is "new order of the ages", which to the inner masons and illuminists refers to the establishment of this final great kindgdom on earth, but more specifically the reign of antichrist. there are a lot of good videos on google and youtube, just search for Masons/Illuminati/Lucifer/occult symbolism


But I'm not sure that is a potent organization any more. While I agree that there is a conspiracy to "take over the world" I tend to lay that at the feet of capitalists, not Freemasons.

i noticed you asked this question again also, so i wanted to give you something indepth, and id recently watched this series which goes into the sybolism in the corporate world and media and how it relates esoterically with masonry


And capitalists make a religion of money, not Lucifer. (Altho, come to think of it, Hugo Chavez said he smelt sulfur at the UN. Maybe he's on to something....)

definately.. not that hes a superb leader himself, but hes no fool to who runs the game






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