John Edwards announces his run for Office

UPDATED: Sunday, January 7, 2007 15:17
VIEWED: 4065
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Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:11 AM


I'm so excited about this, I woke up yesterday morning to the good news, I've been hoping that John Edwards would run I think he's the Democrates best chance of getting the Presidency.

and more importantly Reps know this and they are scared of him. Listen to any republican talk shows they will play up Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and Rudy Giuliani , because they know none of them have got a snowballs chance in hell of winning. But they won't with John Edwards, and this is a man who actually stands for something, he's one of the few who are actually talking about issues that effect of here at home, like poverty, and about our tarnished image around the world and about the war.

so what do yall think about John Edwards


Sunday, December 31, 2006 5:45 AM


I think he's every bit as much a political whore as most of em, he just hides it better.

My "Dream Ticket" would be Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich on an independant party flag (although I would settle for Libertarian) for '08... but given the current state of affairs i'd even take Palpatine/Vader 2008... at least some COMPETENT evil dictators for once.

I think Hillary shot herself in the foot with most sensible folk when immediately after she decided to seriously consider running for the oval office, instead of campaigning HERE, she goes running off to a certain foreign-power-who-shall-not-be-named to get THEIR approval for it.

That action in and of itself completely sank her chances with folks who are fed up with our so-called reps being beholden to a foreign power instead of their constituents, and on top of her associations with big pharma, which is becoming more despised every day, she doesn't stand a chance.

If I was gonna run a woman for prez, it would be Jennifer M Granholm, but she doesn't qualify for the same reason Ahhhhnold doesn't - and if THAT ever changes, she'd hand him his ass in any debate venue you could imagine.

I won't get into details over Obama, but basically the righty-whitey lynchmob mentality still runs washington, and he's just not gonna get past that without changing the entire system from the ground up, something that can only come from inside it, which he ain't, and never will be.

And I wouldn't want Rudy near an unattended candy machine, much less a political office.

Eddie there might talk a good game, but there's been talk, there will always BE talk, I will not stand behind a candidate unless and until they're willing to put some boot to some ass and play hard enough to get the job done... and the only two who HAVE done it, and in Dennis's case, paid a damned heavy price for it, are mentioned above.

Until Eddie joins that august company, he won't be gettin my vote.



Sunday, December 31, 2006 7:12 AM


America loves a winner!

This is the same worthless piece of go se that shamelessly claimed a vote for him and John Flippy Kerry would allow those w/ spinal injuries like Christopher Reeve to walk again, for their position on Embryonic Stem Cell research.


"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk again." - John Edwards

I wouldn't buy a used car from this slime ball.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:23 AM


I'm not even pro-Edwards, but I feel inclined to respond for some reason.

AU, why not just say (because we all know you're thinking it) "there's not a single Dem that I would vote for because I'm so blatantly partisan that it's scary." Nowhere in that quote does it suggest that Edwards is claiming that if elected, magical wish-granting leprechauns are going to cure the paralyzed. So then, how is it shameless? Let's break it down like a rational, nonpartisan reader:

In fact, the exact quote starts with...

If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do

"work that we can do" = our country is capable of great breakthroughs in science

"work that we will do" = we'll stop being scared of Jebus and throw some cash at researchers and help them make discoveries

"people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk" = I'm optimistic if that happens we can find cures for these folks who deserve it (my God, he was Superman, for Christ sakes!)

How can that be a sleazy message? Looks hopeful, to me. You're guilty of the same thing you accuse everyone else of - bashing based on perty lines. I bet I could find a dozen threads where you accuse others of bashing Bush when he says something positive and people call it sleazy. Here you do the same thing. This is a man saying that if we're elected, we're going to try and work toward cures - not too different than the stem-cell debate that changed the fate of Missouri's election this year.

But hey, God forbid someone tries to do something positive. Apparently, republicans believe the people with the diseases should just cure themselves.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:42 AM


This son of a mill worker is all bull. I am a native of NC. First makes his money suing the Tobbacco industry. Now dead. Suing the medical industry. BC and BS great rates. Before I left NC in 2002 from layoff on the NC Buisness Review Journal on PBS he said he wanted free trade with Commie China yes mill jobs will go but will get 400 hi tech jobs which never appeared. He is for Nafta and Gatt. Jesse Helms and Jesse Jackson against both. Ok he is married to old money in Pittsburgh. Now I was working in Pitt at the time of the election run. He had the unions put out with what he was saying George Bush is stealing your job. GW never took my job. That's a lie, he said he wanted to bring good union jobs back into Ohio not what he said in NC.
His sound bites sound great when your 19 on a college campus. I do not attack any politician personally not even Bill. I will say to be president of THE USA you need to at least served in the military one requirement I believe. But since G H W Bush 41 we have not had any good canidates on either side.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Sunday, December 31, 2006 2:56 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
I'm so excited about this, I woke up yesterday morning to the good news, I've been hoping that John Edwards would run I think he's the Democrates best chance of getting the Presidency.

I agree. No chance at all.



Monday, January 1, 2007 4:53 AM


America loves a winner!

7% , this is really much more simple than you're trying to make it out to be. The thread was about Edwards, so my reply was directed at him.


we'll stop being scared of Jebus and throw some cash at researchers and help them make discoveries

As an atheist, I'm not concerned w/ throwing $$ at Jebus, but using science and the power of the Fed Gov't in an honest, pragmatic and sensible way to benefit humanity. Embryonic Stem Cells are next to worthless. Why folks don't get that through their thick skulls infurriates me. Those who buy into the possibilities are nothing but lemmings being lead by a piper. Adult Stem Cells offer far more HONEST and legit cures in OUR life time. It is supremely shameless to suggest that ESC's will help anyone any time soon.


"people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk" = I'm optimistic if that happens we can find cures for these folks who deserve it (my God, he was Superman, for Christ sakes!)

Chris Reeves is dead. John Edwards was saying that to a man who died soon after those remarks were made. How heartless is that ? And so what if he PLAYED Superman? He's more deserving than one of my family members ? Or the neighbor down your street ? It seems all the world that you're kidding, but the way you're selling it , it just doesn't seem like you were.


How can that be a sleazy message? Looks hopeful, to me. You're guilty of the same thing you accuse everyone else of - bashing based on perty lines. I bet I could find a dozen threads where you accuse others of bashing Bush when he says something positive and people call it sleazy. Here you do the same thing. This is a man saying that if we're elected, we're going to try and work toward cures - not too different than the stem-cell debate that changed the fate of Missouri's election this year.

But hey, God forbid someone tries to do something positive. Apparently, republicans believe the people with the diseases should just cure themselves

It's the snake oil salesmen, the bogus 'faith healer' approach by Edwards that pisses me off most. Even you can see it, but you're too much of a myrmidon to admit that I'm right here. Were ANY politician to say the same, I'd call him/ her out on it as well. This has to with shameless pandering, and manipulating those in dire need, just to score a few political points. Nothing more. Edwards cares no more about curing those in wheelchairs than he does going back to work in 'diddy's mill' . It's a con game, and one where Edwards is toying w/ the hopes and dreams of those he claims he's trying to help. Sorry you can't see it for what it really is.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 1, 2007 5:46 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
It is supremely shameless to suggest that ESC's will help anyone any time soon.

You gotta love the logic. No research is being done in ESC because there's no money for research so no breakthroughs have been made. No Breakthroughs have been made which proves we are right not to fund ESC. Wow. Just wow.

Chris Reeves is dead. John Edwards was saying that to a man who died soon after those remarks were made. How heartless is that ?
You're pissed off because Christopher Reeves died AFTER the comments? I can see that. This Edwards fella was obviously a heartless bastard for not checking what was about to happen in the future with his Crystal Ball.

It's a con game, and one where Edwards is toying w/ the hopes and dreams of those he claims he's trying to help. Sorry you can't see it for what it really is.
Welcome to politics. Every politician does this, I believe the partisan trick is too only recognise it when it's coming from the other side. I've seen far far far worse than this coming from Bush.

Que "Bush would never stoop to that level, Bush is so great, how dare you, you're nothing but an idiot political hack, etc etc"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, January 1, 2007 8:01 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
As an atheist, I'm not concerned w/ throwing $$ at Jebus, but using science and the power of the Fed Gov't in an honest, pragmatic and sensible way to benefit humanity.

No, but the fundies are scared of Jesus, and the current admins used their fear of science to scare up votes in the last election. Whether you are not concerned with Jesus and support research is beside the point - many are, and oppose any form of stem cell research for that reason (and that reason only).


Embryonic Stem Cells are next to worthless. Why folks don't get that through their thick skulls infurriates me. Those who buy into the possibilities are nothing but lemmings being lead by a piper. Adult Stem Cells offer far more HONEST and legit cures in OUR life time. It is supremely shameless to suggest that ESC's will help anyone any time soon.

First, they are next to worthless at this time, and that isn't in dispute. But a growing consensus of researchers believes the potential for vast discovery is there. And I don't know how old you are, but I'm only in my 30's. I'd like to live another 40 or 50 years, and to say that ESC research won't yield cures in that amount of time is silly. What's the harm in pumping money and scientists into that research? Many awesome discoveries came out of projects relating to a bigger one. Who knows what we can find on the way?


Chris Reeves is dead. John Edwards was saying that to a man who died soon after those remarks were made.

Yes, Edwards tapped into his magical ESP powers and said that to him, knowing he was soon to die. That may be the most retarded thing I've ever heard you say - right up there with PJenny in the other thread.


And so what if he PLAYED Superman? He's more deserving than one of my family members ? Or the neighbor down your street ? It seems all the world that you're kidding, but the way you're selling it , it just doesn't seem like you were.

Superman is a cultural icon. Is (was) Reeves more important than any of those people to you? No. But as a cultural icon, wouldn't it be great if the man who was a hero to the world, and after his accident a hero to the disabled, be able to walk again? My God, the hope that would have given the world would have been stunning.

But I want to bring something to your attention. You're over in other threads praising the death of Saddam. To the average Iraqi, is his hanging more important than when their brother got killed by accident by American forces? Or blown up in a car bomb by terrorists who weren't there when we started? It's amazing how you can sit here in one thread and get your righteous indignation on about saying one person isn't more important than another, then in an entirely different thread say that people should understand how certain people are more important than others, and be proud how one person was taken out at the cost of tens of thousands of lives. It's hypocracy.


It's the snake oil salesmen, the bogus 'faith healer' approach by Edwards that pisses me off most. Even you can see it, but you're too much of a myrmidon to admit that I'm right here.

I said at the beginning of this thread that Edwards wasn't my favorite person, and for the record I didn't think he belonged on the ticket with Kerry in the first place. I don't think he has a chance in 08, either. Why you think I'm a loyal servant of Edwards is beyond me - wait, no it isn't. You want to pigeonhole me as a partisan hack. Sorry, that's you.


Were ANY politician to say the same, I'd call him/ her out on it as well.

Really? Bush said he was going to transform the mid-east into a democratic place by attacking Iraq. You still follow him happy-slappy down that magical fairy tale, long after people said it was a disaster. I guess you just can't recognize all those snake-oil salesmen, can you AU?

Edwards made a thousand goofs and misquotes and "snake-oil" pitches in the last election cycle. But you, in your typical disingenuous fashion, pick the one decent quote the guy said and twist it. I don't even like the guy, and you made me want to defend him. Good job.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, January 1, 2007 11:06 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Ahhhh, the right-wing lunatics are foaming at the mouth and howling. That's how you know it's gotta be a good thing.


Monday, January 1, 2007 1:25 PM


America loves a winner!


You gotta love the logic. No research is being done in ESC because there's no money for research so no breakthroughs have been made. No Breakthroughs have been made which proves we are right not to fund ESC. Wow. Just wow.

Just wow indeed. You seem to think that because the Gov't isn't putting forth any NEW $$ for research in ESCs, there isn't ANY $$?? What a load of crap. There's absolutely nothing keeping the private sector from sinking it's research $$ into ESC, unless, that is...there's little/ no chance of any return. You also falsly presume that $$ = breakthroughs. Sure, just throw enough $$ at something, and eventually it will yield results. Sorry, that ain't how real life works.


You're pissed off because Christopher Reeves died AFTER the comments? I can see that. This Edwards fella was obviously a heartless bastard for not checking what was about to happen in the future with his Crystal Ball
Edwards knew damn well that nothing would come of ESC research. That's why it's called PANDERING. He was playing up to the emotions of those who adore a well known celeb, which is why he said Reeves would stand up and walk out of THAT chair. More traveling snake oil showmanship on Edward's part.


Welcome to politics. Every politician does this, I believe the partisan trick is too only recognise it when it's coming from the other side. I've seen far far far worse than this coming from Bush.

You've never seen anything nearly this bad, or you'd have offered it up as evidence. Fact is, I've never seen anything so blatently low and heartless as what Edwards has done, certainly not at the national level. It's one thing to offer such empty promises , as Ted Kennedy has done w/ raising the minimum wage " higher, and higher, and higher , and HIGHER!!! ". But to purposely dupe those w/ spinal cord injuries, MS, and other maladies a cure will be found, as Edwards has done, just as soon as he gets elected.... it's unconscionable.

Bush never did stoop to anything so low, nor have I seen any other candidate do that. So far, Edwards takes the cake.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 1, 2007 1:39 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Just wow indeed. You seem to think that because the Gov't isn't putting forth any NEW $$ for research in ESCs, there isn't ANY $$?? What a load of crap. There's absolutely nothing keeping the private sector from sinking it's research $$ into ESC, unless, that is...there's little/ no chance of any return.

Except of course some of us live in the real world. Early research is low return, and rarely privately funded. It's not until it's proven that private companies step in, this is a trend repeated verbatim, surprising you haven't noticed this, since I'm sure you've done your homework...

You also falsly presume that $$ = breakthroughs. Sure, just throw enough $$ at something, and eventually it will yield results. Sorry, that ain't how real life works.
No, I live in the real world where I realise that if money is not made available for research research isn't done, and if research isn't done breakthroughs can't occur. It is you who seems to be under the moronic assumption that something must have a breakthrough before we research it.

Edwards knew damn well that nothing would come of ESC research. That's why it's called PANDERING. He was playing up to the emotions of those who adore a well known celeb, which is why he said Reeves would stand up and walk out of THAT chair. More traveling snake oil showmanship on Edward's part.
You said he was sleazy because he talked about Christopher Reeve who then died. Further more your twisting of the statement in question has little to do with the direct meaning.

You've never seen anything nearly this bad, or you'd have offered it up as evidence. Fact is, I've never seen anything so blatently low and heartless as what Edwards has done, certainly not at the national level.
I bow to your superior knowledge of my Visual/Auditory system.

But to purposely dupe those w/ spinal cord injuries, MS, and other maladies a cure will be found, as Edwards has done, just as soon as he gets elected.... it's unconscionable.
Except the only person reading into that statement that sentiment is the person who wants to read that sentiment.

Bush never did stoop to anything so low, nor have I seen any other candidate do that. So far, Edwards takes the cake.
Dear I could bring up page upon page of them, but all that would happen is you blathering about how Bush is great and anyone who disagrees is evil and a terrorist. Have WMDs been found in Iraq? But but but but but but but... same shit different day.

Apparently giving hope to those suffering spinal injuries is "unconscionable" but sending thousands to death in a war whose reasons are proven false is a good thing.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Monday, January 1, 2007 4:53 PM


America loves a winner!


No, I live in the real world where I realise that if money is not made available for research research isn't done, and if research isn't done breakthroughs can't occur. It is you who seems to be under the moronic assumption that something must have a breakthrough before we research it.

Money is not 'made available'?? WTF nonsense is that ? If the private sector, you know, those evil pharmaceutical / biogenetic companies thought there could possibly be any future returns from this field, they'd sink the $$ into themselves. Ever heard of 'venture capital' ?? I guess not so much w/ a heavily socialist state that you live in. That's all I'm saying. And Bush hasn't even outlawed research on existing lines that the Gov't has itself.


Dear I could bring up page upon page of them, but all that would happen is you blathering about how Bush is great and anyone who disagrees is evil and a terrorist. Have WMDs been found in Iraq? But but but but but but but... same shit different day.

Apparently giving hope to those suffering spinal injuries is "unconscionable" but sending thousands to death in a war whose reasons are proven false is a good thing.

What's with this 'dear' crap? Are you sly ? I knew you were British, but I didn't want to know any more than that. If you could present 'page upon page' of similar promises made by Bush, you would. That you don't means to me that you can't, because there are none. This main issue has nothing at all to do w/ Bush, despite your fixation with him( or with hating him ).Fact is, I make a valid comment about Edwards, you can't stand it ( or defend it ) so instead, you try to make this having something to do w/ Bush.

Giving FALSE hope to those in need IS unconscionable. The reasons for action in Iraq weren't proven false, but I frankly don't give a damn what you think about that issue any way. It's irrelevent to Edwards wanting to play Faith Healer with American tax payer's $$ and hoping to get elected.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 1, 2007 5:17 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"If the private sector, you know, those evil pharmaceutical / biogenetic companies thought there could possibly be any future returns from this field, they'd sink the $$ into themselves."

Have you never heard of "orphan diseases"? They are real diseases, in need of real cures, which don't affect enough people who are rich enough that they might make enough profit for private industry to pursue. Hence, they are orphaned.

Private industry would rather pursue medicines needing life-long dosing of people in the first world. So sleeping sickness isn't researched, but elevated HDL cholesterol is.

The pharmaceutical industry isn't in the business to cure people, it's to make as much $$$ as quickly as possible.


Monday, January 1, 2007 7:25 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
"If the private sector, you know, those evil pharmaceutical / biogenetic companies thought there could possibly be any future returns from this field, they'd sink the $$ into themselves."

Have you never heard of "orphan diseases"? They are real diseases, in need of real cures, which don't affect enough people who are rich enough that they might make enough profit for private industry to pursue. Hence, they are orphaned.

Private industry would rather pursue medicines needing life-long dosing of people in the first world. So sleeping sickness isn't researched, but elevated HDL cholesterol is.

The pharmaceutical industry isn't in the business to cure people, it's to make as much $$$ as quickly as possible.

No one said life was fair or easy.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 1, 2007 9:09 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Do you even read what you write?


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 3:50 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
Do you even read what you write?

Yep. Did you? You seem to want to so casually dismiss the advances that private industry gives to mankind, and think that the only thing which can benefit us is the Federal Imperial Gov't. The fact of the matter is, Gov't harms far more than it helps. If Gov't would only get out of the way, and let the power of individual thought and imagination go to work, we'd be living in an even better world than we have today. ( Which isn't all that bad, if you look at history ) Gov't is a necessary evil, and I'm not advocating anarchy, by any means. But please, cast off this love affair for all things bureaucratic.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:43 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I was pointing out the LACK of advances that come from leaving 'it' to industry. Orphan diseases are only one of them. Your answer to business's demonstrable failure? Well, life's not fair. So, is that why business is so GOOD for us?


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:47 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Ever heard of 'venture capital' ?? I guess not so much w/ a heavily socialist state that you live in.

As someone coming from such an enlightened nation people who can't afford to buy medical care are left to die on the street I'm sure you can tell me all about it. Shortly after you explain how many breakthroughs made with public money because the private sector deemed them to risky are completely useless.

BTW, while you're great economy is slipping my backwards socialist little nations is getting stronger everyday, I bet that eats your black little heart up eh my Capilista little friend.

What's with this 'dear' crap? Are you sly ?
Well well, hit a raw nerve did I? I don't think I've heard this level of immaturity since I left primary school. "You're a big gay lord you are! gay boy gay boy." What do you do for an encore, push little girls in the mud and pull their pig tails?

Although you are evidently homophobic enough (you know what they say about homophobes, right) to think this is an insult I am not homophobic enough to find it thus, I merely shake my head and cast my mind back to that magical day when a young lady by the name of Corrine said those words that'll stick in my mind for ever “are you up for it, I'm horny”. I really can't recommend intercourse with a member of the opposite sex (for those so inclined) enough, thoroughly enjoy it each and every time, though I get to practice somewhat less than I'd like. You should really try it sometime, losing your virginity may stop you being such an uptight arsehole all of the time, though you may be saving yourself, which is good too, just find a way of releasing that pent up aggression, take long runs, cold showers perhaps do some boxing or something.

Fact is I sometimes say dear to male children when trying to speak to them, it's actually quite acceptable over here. But then we are grown ups who can show affection to a child, or one with a childlike mind, with out instantly assuming that we are gay, or a paedophile and other nonsense rife with those whose minds find it difficult to progress beyond the onset of puberty.

I knew you were British, but I didn't want to know any more than that.
Ohh goody, a national slur, I'm British so I must be gay. You're an American so you must be a beer swilling cowboy with the ignorance of a hill billy and the intelligence of a rather dim witted stuffed iguana. How very imaginative you are, did the bawys at da saloon a coma up wit dat one pardner?

If you could present 'page upon page' of similar promises made by Bush, you would.
And miss the chance to watch you prove you're superior intellect and non-partisan thinking by calling me gay, not for all the Tea in China.

That you don't means to me that you can't, because there are none. This main issue has nothing at all to do w/ Bush, despite your fixation with him( or with hating him ).
I merely used Bush as an example, besides you wouldn't read any quotes I posted, it may shut down your brain to entertain that Bush isn't the greatest man who ever lived. And to be honest where do I start?

Besides if I were to post quotes it would merely lead to a stalemate where you got you knickers all in a twist showing how they're really good and stuff. To be honest by stepping back and allowing you to blather on about my sexuallity the truths case is helped far more than the truth alone ever could. Bravo!

I think using Bush as a mere example (remember if you can I said all politicians did this) was quite apposite, considering your reaction.

Fact is, I make a valid comment about Edwards, you can't stand it ( or defend it ) so instead, you try to make this having something to do w/ Bush.
No, I called you on twisting a quote, I don't know John Edwards from Adam, I can only guess at his political affiliation, Democrat right, you hate him vehemently so he must be a Democrat. The fact that merely mentioning Bush as an example proves provocation enough for you to step down to the intellectual capacity of an enraged preschooler does, however, speak volumes. Everyone, no one says anyfinck bad abowt mr Bush, Or AURaptor will stamp his feet and holds his breath till he goes blue, he will, he will he will he will he will.

Giving FALSE hope to those in need IS unconscionable. The reasons for action in Iraq weren't proven false, but I frankly don't give a damn what you think about that issue any way.
Really, I do apologise I completely missed that massive news story. So where were the the WMD found? Were they under the berry bush in Syria or perhaps down Clinton's trousers (budumb tish!).

Ed have we got a link for this?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:02 PM


America loves a winner!


As someone coming from such an enlightened nation people who can't afford to buy medical care are left to die on the street I'm sure you can tell me all about it. Shortly after you explain how many breakthroughs made with public money because the private sector deemed them to risky are completely useless.

BTW, while you're great economy is slipping my backwards socialist little nations is getting stronger everyday, I bet that eats your black little heart up eh my Capilista little friend.

Now we're getting off topic well enough. No where are folks here being left to die on the streets for not being able to afford medical care. Fact is, ANYONE can afford medicalCARE, but not everyone can keep pace w/ the rising cost of full health insurance coverage. There is a difference between the two. And exactly how is our economy 'slippiing ' ? What's your unemployment rate ? And if you're economy is getting stronger, well jolly good! Most EU countries coundn't do much worse, so doing any better is a good start!

Sounds like you enjoyed typing your diatribe over my alleged homophobia. I'm cool w/ the sly types, btw. Folks, as they say, are still folks. Still, the whole British/ gay thing didn't start or end with me, and I just thought you'd get a kick out of it. Seems like ya did.

Back to the point, I simply suggested that it'd be nice if you could back up your claims. If for no other reason, to see what it is you think Bush, or any other politician could claim that would sink to the level of what Edwards uttered. Again, you can't, and I stand validated. No biggie.


.... besides you wouldn't read any quotes I posted, it may shut down your brain to entertain that Bush isn't the greatest man who ever lived. And to be honest where do I start?

You could start with ONE example. Keeping things limited like that would be ever so helpful to my simple, neolithic American male brain. And this STILL has nothing to do w/ Bush. As for Edwards, who is a Democrat, I plainly stated that, regardless of his political affiliation, I'd still have equal distain for his comments. So, you strike out on that point. Also, you didn't remotely show where I twisted any quotes, so you're left hung out to dry on THAT point as well!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:02 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Now we're getting off topic well enough. No where are folks here being left to die on the streets for not being able to afford medical care.

Fact is, ANYONE can afford medicalCARE, but not everyone can keep pace w/ the rising cost of full health insurance coverage.

Can't argue about the colour of shit with a blind man. Anyone can afford healthcare in the US, you really do live on cloud cuckoo land.

And exactly how is our economy 'slippiing ' ?
You've been proven wrong on this in thread after thread, your inability to admit that, you're inability to stay in the thread after being proved wrong, is none of my concern. You have already eloquently proven time and again that you are woefully detached from reality. Debating anything with you is an act of futility to the same degree as debating with PirateNews, I dub thee PirateRaptor.

What's your unemployment rate ?
As of 2005 4.7%, for those interested the percentage for the US was 5.1%.

And if you're economy is getting stronger, well jolly good! Most EU countries coundn't do much worse, so doing any better is a good start!
Detached from reality as always. Germany, France and the UK are in the top five of world economies, Italy and Spain appear in the top 10. Unless you mean the ex-soviet block nations that Europe is taking on board, in which case all I can say is we in Europe feel it is important to help those less fortunate than us, and not just use them as cheap labour to make our overpriced shoes.

Sounds like you enjoyed typing your diatribe over my alleged homophobia.
Wasn't a diatribe, dear (I know you get a thrill from my calling you that), it was pretty much just some fairly harmless fun poking at your personal attacks, you don't have a sense of humour, I get that, that's why you're a conservative.

I'm cool w/ the sly types, btw. Folks, as they say, are still folks.
Which is, I'm sure very evident by thinking accusing someone of being gay is an insult.

Still, the whole British/ gay thing didn't start or end with me, and I just thought you'd get a kick out of it. Seems like ya did.
I just thought it was funny, and:

Keeping things limited like that would be ever so helpful to my simple, neolithic American male brain.
I never validated the stereotype as you did. I merely pointed out that your racial stereotyping was stupid, silly and probably insulting if I didn't know ya and realise you were just trying to start a flame war because you know you're wrong and you need an exit strategy so you don't have to admit it. I just used a personal example in the hopes you'd actually get it, oops, guess not, oh well.

Back to the point, I simply suggested that it'd be nice if you could back up your claims.
Well that's kinda hypocritical coming from you.

If for no other reason, to see what it is you think Bush, or any other politician could claim that would sink to the level of what Edwards uttered. Again, you can't, and I stand validated. No biggie.
Actually I've been validated by your need to start personal insults because, that's all you got, no biggie.

But, since I'm as usual the bigger man:

You could start with ONE example.


Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.
It was quotes like these that brought the US and other into war with Iraq, a war that has ended tens, hundreds of thousands of lives. We still have not found any WMD. We've stopped looking. At best Mr Bush exaggerated the certainty of there being weapons, because if they're not there must be doubt to they're existence. This and quotes like it got people killed, at worse John Edwards quote gave some false hope.

I realise that too you false hope is far worse than lost lives, as long as they're coming from the right, or wrong, place. I also realise that you are woefully incapable of seeing how this quote is wrong in anyway, how saying we know WMD are there when we know nothing of the sort is bad. I am as sure of this to the same degree that I am sure that if these words were uttered by Kerry, you'd be howling for blood, right now.

And this STILL has nothing to do w/ Bush.
I used Bush as an example of a politician, you spat the dummy because like so many before you you are incapable of hearing that your personal hero is anything but super human, the facts speak for themselves, even if you lack the ability to recognise or admit it.

And of course when considering how bad John Edwards is in comparison to other politicians, other politicians do, very much have something to do with it. Last time I checked George Bush was a politician, maybe you have a new development you'd care to share with the rest of the class? Though that little truism is, I'm sure, something you, as a person who I'm sure harbours a belief that certain people who question the president should be locked up for just that reason, would like to ignore.

As for Edwards, who is a Democrat,
How could I have guessed that, oh yeah, you don't like him, in a totally non-partisan way, of course.

I plainly stated that, regardless of his political affiliation, I'd still have equal distain for his comments.
Of course you would, because you're always calling things on a non-partisan basis, shown by the fact that you rarely if ever say anything not already said in a Bush press release and blame everything on Clinton.

So, you strike out on that point as well.
Erm, no, actually, but self delusion is often the last refuge of the partisan. So by all means, continue to believe you have won, maybe someday you'll take your meds and join the rest of us in a little thing we big boys like to call the real world.

Also, you didn't remotely show where I twisted any quotes,
No SevenPercent did that, ages ago, which I imagine is why you have chosen to speak to me, because you've already lost with him.

so you're left hung out to dry on THAT point as well!
erm, no. Really, no. Give it up, you've lost (again) already.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:26 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"No where are folks here being left to die on the streets for not being able to afford medical care." Except every day downtown in any major city.

"I plainly stated that, regardless of his political affiliation, I'd still have equal distain for his comments." I presume you have equal disdain for Nancy Reagan's support for Federal funding of embryonic stem cell research? In a completely non-partisan way of course.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:38 PM



You're an American so you must be a beer swilling cowboy with the ignorance of a hill billy and the intelligence of a rather dim witted stuffed iguana.

Kin i git a big YEEHAW from y'all on that 'un?!

Why don't he cut loose like that when *I* provoke him.. imma bit miffed, really I am.



Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:39 PM


Erk, double-post, vern, forgotted te push da button only once!, hyuk hyuk!


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:19 PM


I would like to put a few words in, first I need to losen my belt after a case of Ole Milwaukees Best well you understand, these brits are gay and I can prove it. First off their leader is a queen, their music is called queen, and they talk about smoken fags. And in the name of Sam Hill if that ain't Gay well I don't know what is. Also Mr Shakespear when you describe cowboys as Ignant use a capitol I.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:34 AM


America loves a winner!


"I plainly stated that, regardless of his political affiliation, I'd still have equal distain for his comments." I presume you have equal disdain for Nancy Reagan's support for Federal funding of embryonic stem cell research? In a completely non-partisan way of course

I disagree w/ the former 1st lady on this issue, but then she never claimed a vote for candidate x would lead to a cure for M.S. , as Edwards dispicably claimed. That is where the distain comes from, and not merely one being for/ against Fed funding of ESC research. I figured you'd be smart enough to know the difference. Alas, I was wrong.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:39 AM


I thought his psychic show was pretty dumb. Maybe he'll make a better president than a psychic.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:41 AM


America loves a winner!

Damn, are all you queer Brits this wordy when you respond ? Is it the queer thing or the Brit thing? Or both ? Anyways, I'll do this quick like.

Healthcare: Monthly coverage for Insurance can cost around $250 a month, and more. There are free clinics and generic meds that folks can take advantage of. Unless you're talking catastrophic med care, anyone can afford medical ATTENTION here. The level of HC available for even the poorest here surpasses the best care found around the world. Please, don't talk about that which you have no clue.

Our unemployment rate was at 4.4 %, and now is around 4.5%. It's no wonder you had to go back to 2005 to get your stats. The 'poor' here still have color tv's, own their own car, and live a higher standard of living than 3/4 of the world.


I merely pointed out that your racial stereotyping was stupid, silly and probably insulting if I didn't know ya and realise you were just trying to start a flame war because you know you're wrong and you need an exit strategy so you don't have to admit it.
Huh ? I never even racially stereo typed anyone. I know I'm not wrong , and I have no idea what you're blabbing on about.

You still can't back up your claims, so I win that one. Again.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:06 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
What's your unemployment rate ?


Originally posted by citizen:
As of 2005 4.7%, for those interested the percentage for the US was 5.1%.

Hahahahahaha..... My unemployment rate is bigger than your unemployment rate. Bush and Edwards can suck it.

As can anybody who actually believes that their economy will surpass America's economy. Don't you realize that we're all merging into one world economy as we bicker?

That's why they started printing our bills all sort of fruity Monopoly money colors, instead of our tried and true Greenbacks.... They're priming us for the one world currency.

Welcome to the New World Order, comrades.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 2:23 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Can we talk? I was giving you some credit for at least standing up for your beliefs. But I know you don't believe in clearly delusional statements like this: "The level of HC available for even the poorest here surpasses the best care found around the world."

So please, stop sawing, come back off the end of the branch, and join us in an adult conversation.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:07 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Damn, are all you queer Brits this wordy when you respond ? Is it the queer thing or the Brit thing? Or both ? Anyways, I'll do this quick like.

The more you stoop to petty personal insults, the more you prove me right, so please, do continue.

Healthcare: Monthly coverage for Insurance can cost around $250 a month, and more. There are free clinics and generic meds that folks can take advantage of. Unless you're talking catastrophic med care, anyone can afford medical ATTENTION here. The level of HC available for even the poorest here surpasses the best care found around the world.
Which is obviously why the US's life expectancy and Infant mortallity are the worst of any developed nation. Like I said, you have a problem with reality.

Please, don't talk about that which you have no clue.
Yes, you really should, it's painfully obvious you lack even enough knowledge to recognise the depth of your own ignorance.

Our unemployment rate was at 4.4 %, and now is around 4.5%. It's no wonder you had to go back to 2005 to get your stats.
I used an annual figure, are you a complete moron? Annual figures aren't available for 2006 yet, it only ended three days ago you know. I'd have thought even a dimwitted ape could work that out.

The 'poor' here still have color tv's, own their own car, and live a higher standard of living than 3/4 of the world.
Like I said, completely detached from reality.

Huh ? I never even racially stereo typed anyone. I know I'm not wrong , and I have no idea what you're blabbing on about.
Sorry meant national stereotyping, I'm so used to your racial stereotyping it just slipped out. Although even an orangutan could have worked out what I meant.

You still can't back up your claims, so I win that one. Again.
I did, but you ignored it because you can't argue against it, prefering instead to call me and all British people homosexual, which proves me right, yet again, as I said earlier, your inabillity to recognise or admit to it hardly changes the reality of the situation.

It's strange that you'd think Brits are gay, though, since your military is constantly requiring Brits to bale them out (got loads of real recent examples if you like) and the British people have faced hardships like you could not possibly fathom with a smile. I imagine if a big manly man like you had to face the blitz there'd be a big manly puddle at your feet. Tata for now my backwards racist homophobic little friend.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:13 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
That's why they started printing our bills all sort of fruity Monopoly money colors, instead of our tried and true Greenbacks.... They're priming us for the one world currency.

The old American money was toy money anyway, hardly a great change.

As can anybody who actually believes that their economy will surpass America's economy. Don't you realize that we're all merging into one world economy as we bicker?

Welcome to the New World Order, comrades.

Haven't you heard from the great PirateNews? I'm one of the generals of the mighty British-Commie-Nazi-Alien-Jew conspiracy, ready to take on the orders of her britannic mind reading majesty to crush all opposition to our sodomistic plan of world domination, I am the very one who attempted to force PirateNews to take his schitzophrenia medication, whose only purpose is to silence the truth and destroy the pink elephant of freedom.

Piratenews's pink elephant shall never be silenced, down with thinking for yourself, believe only in Jew hating, believe only, for PirateNazi, erm News.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:16 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
It's strange that you'd think Brits are gay

British folk are not gay. They don't even speak the gay language (French) and they never support the gay candidate (John Kerry).

Democrats in this election are faced with tough choices:

The Gay Candidate (Kerry)
The Insane Candidate (Gore)
The Candidate with no balls (Edwards)
The Candidate with corn up his (Vilsack)
The one with the pitchfork and horns (Hillary)
The Guy with the white powdery nose (Obama)
Dennis Kucinich

Take you pick. Surrender monkeys, tax and spenders, and closet power mongers. Me, I'm waiting to see what Rudy does just cause it'll be fun to shout "Rudy! Rudy!" at a rally.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:36 AM



Originally posted by PirateCat:
I would like to put a few words in, first I need to losen my belt after a case of Ole Milwaukees Best well you understand, these brits are gay and I can prove it. First off their leader is a queen, their music is called queen, and they talk about smoken fags. And in the name of Sam Hill if that ain't Gay well I don't know what is. Also Mr Shakespear when you describe cowboys as Ignant use a capitol I.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".

So I see this thread has devolved into "my country is better than yours" and "my party is better than yours." Well done!

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:19 AM



Originally posted by PirateCat:
I would like to put a few words in, first I need to losen my belt after a case of Ole Milwaukees Best well you understand, these brits are gay and I can prove it. First off their leader is a queen, their music is called queen, and they talk about smoken fags. And in the name of Sam Hill if that ain't Gay well I don't know what is. Also Mr Shakespear when you describe cowboys as Ignant use a capitol I.

Brokeback mountain was about cowboys.

Wow AU, lookee here, you've got trolls on your side, how validated are you.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:18 AM


Pretty Boy John Edwards ( how's my hair look?) is the most absurd candidate in a long time....

a) What the f*ck did he ever rutting do as a Senator for 6 years???

b) As a MALPRACTICE TRIAL LAWYER he made megamillions suing everyone in sight for bullshit ADA and other immoral legal squeezings of honest business folk.

Talk about the lowest of the low....every lawyer I know ( prosecutor & defense attys ) says that this hayseed is scum....when scum call ya scum...that's worth thinkin' 'bout.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:51 AM


America loves a winner!


I did, but you ignored it because you can't argue against it, prefering instead to call me and all British people homosexual,

No, you didn't. You even admitted you didn't have an example, then you tried to switch the issue back to the silly gay thing. Maybe I hit a nerve after all Hmmmm.

Fact is, many were saying the exact same thing and even more damning things about Iraq long before Bush was in office, and even after he was in office. Sorry, but that fact alone makes Bush's comments far and away above anything Edwards said about ESC research. And then there's the small matter of the U.N, it's 17 Resolutions, the 15-0 Security council vote.....Sorry, but you've got nothing on this issue.
People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:56 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
No, you didn't. You even admitted you didn't have an example, then you tried to switch the issue back to the silly gay thing. Maybe I hit a nerve after all Hmmmm.

My god, you are actually delusional. Maybe you should read the posts you reply to before replying, lest you continue to make yourself look like a complete twat. There's a quote from Bush with my comments in my post and there always has been. Evidently you are incapable of reading.

I certainly didn't admit to not having a quote. You're living on cloud cuckoo land. Maybe you should go take your meds then return when you have stopped hallucinating.

By just denying the words I wrote are there, right there for all to see you're just making yourself look like a crazy person.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:04 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
No, you didn't. You even admitted you didn't have an example, then you tried to switch the issue back to the silly gay thing. Maybe I hit a nerve after all Hmmmm.

My god, you are actually delusional. Maybe you should read the posts you reply to before replying, lest you continue to make yourself look like a complete twat. There's a quote from Bush with my comments in my post and there always has been. Evidently you are incapable of reading.

I certainly didn't admit to not having a quote. You're living on cloud cuckoo land. Maybe you should go take your meds then return when you have stopped hallucinating.

By just denying the words I wrote are there, right there for all to see you're just making yourself look like a crazy person.

You offered no quote. You then stated that even if you DID have one, I'd not read it. But as for the Bush 'reference' you gave before I clarified my thoughts -

Fact is, many were saying the exact same thing and even more damning things about Iraq long before Bush was in office, and even after he was in office. Sorry, but that fact alone makes Bush's comments far and away above anything Edwards said about ESC research. And then there's the small matter of the U.N, it's 17 Resolutions, the 15-0 Security council vote.....Sorry, but you've got nothing on this issue.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:14 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Brokeback mountain was about cowboys.

And sheep...



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:16 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
You offered no quote.

It's right there in my post.

You then stated that even if you DID have one, I'd not read it.
Blatant and verifiable lie.

A direct quote, since you are not honest enough to give one:

Besides if I were to post quotes it would merely lead to a stalemate where you got you knickers all in a twist showing how they're really good and stuff.
I never said I didn't have a quote, and I also gave one, two blatant lies in as many sentences.

But as for the Bush 'reference' you gave before I clarified my thoughts -

Fact is, many were saying the exact same thing and even more damning things about Iraq long before Bush was in office, and even after he was in office. Sorry, but that fact alone makes Bush's comments far and away above anything Edwards said about ESC research. And then there's the small matter of the U.N, it's 17 Resolutions, the 15-0 Security council vote.....Sorry, but you've got nothing on this issue.

It's far from a 'refrence' you moron, it's a quote from the Address to the nation, March 17, 2003, a quote because he said it, further lying huh. You said I gave no quote, I catch you in the lie, you lie again claiming it is merely a refrence.

And very good, you blatantly lie and when I prove it you go back and change your post. Pathetic.

You even said exactly what I said you would, man you're predictable, dishonest but predictable none the less.

You can always tell when someone has lost a debate, they start personal attacks and they start twisting the data and lying, you've lost, your continued blathering does nothing but make you look like a petty mind moron.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:57 PM


America loves a winner!

" I merely used Bush as an example, besides you wouldn't read any quotes I posted, it may shut down your brain to entertain that Bush isn't the greatest man who ever lived. And to be honest where do I start?

Besides if I were to post quotes it would merely lead to a stalemate where you got you knickers all in a twist showing how they're really good and stuff. To be honest by stepping back and allowing you to blather on about my sexuallity the truths case is helped far more than the truth alone ever could. Bravo!"

See here, citizen, this is what caused the confusion. You posted a quote,finally, after a post or 2,....and nothing else. No ' Bush said ' or context,time, etc, initially. Fine, you DID give a quote. I wasn't LYING, I simply missed it. But it was so inconsequential and meaningless w/ respect to the discussion we're having, it was easy to miss. Bush was among a chorus of those saying Iraq had WMD. So what ? How's that compare to what Edwards said ? It doesn't.

And I didn't lie by going back to change my post, I wasn't even aware you had replied already. I simply edited my own post, which is my right, and there was nothing at all in the way of trying to pull one over on you. I even went to the trouble of noting I changed my comments in my follow up reply. So, lighten up.

Jesus H.... what a waste of time and effort here. The next time you want to venture into talking about US politics when you know nothing about it, do us a favor and DON'T.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:19 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
See here, citizen, this is what caused the confusion.

what, by not saying what you said it did? You said that I expressly said I did not have a quote, that is a blatant and proven lie. I did not expressly state that, so at the very best that statement was a gross exaggeration, which in these circumstances is as good as an outright lie in my book. Funny, while you're decrying Edwards you are using the same tactics you accuse him of.

You posted a quote,finally, after a post or 2,....and nothing else. No ' Bush said ' or context,time, etc, initially.
It was very clear from the context within it was posted what it was. However if you only skimmed the post because you care not what anyone thinks but yourself it may have been easy to miss. If that is in fact what you did then this really is a waste of time, because as per usual you have no interest in anything save causing a flame war. Which is it, are you interested only in flaming or were you lying?

But it was so inconsequential and meaningless w/ respect to the discussion we're having, it was easy to miss.
Then why did you ask for it? Oh yes because I mentioned Bush is no better than any other politician and you threw a tantrum because you can't handle the fact that Bush isn't the greatest man alive.

Bush was among a chorus of those saying Iraq had WMD. So what ?
He's the President, so what comes out of his administration is his responsibility. Funny, anything good "isn't bush great" anything bad "Bush isn't responsible" very predictable.

How's that compare to what Edwards said ? It doesn't.
I said exactly this, Edwards quote hasn't led to actions that directly or indirectly caused thousands of deaths, doesn't compare in the slightest. But your usual lack of non-partisan perspective prevents you from seeing anything beyond your fanatical love of George Bush.

And I didn't lie by going back to change my post, I wasn't even aware you had replied already. I simply edited my own post, which is my right, and there was nothing at all in the way of trying to pull one over on you.
Convenient, considering my following post pointed out what you had been denying, then your earlier post just happens to be edited to reflect this.

I even went to the trouble of noting I changed my comments in my follow up reply. So, lighten up.
Lighten up, you lie about the contents of my post, attack my entire nation, something that would elicit a foul flame from you and others, and personally attacked me for no reason other than I don't parrot your views, and you're telling me to lighten up, that's real rich.

Why don't you and PirateCat go find PirateNews and troll it up in troll country, that's what it's there for.

Jesus H.... what a waste of time and effort here.
I agree, but talking to you nearly always is.

The next time you want to venture into talking about US politics when you know nothing about it, do us a favor and DON'T.
Next time you want to venture into talking about anything beyond Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel or Firefly, of which you have conclusively proven you know nothing, please do everyone a favour and don't. Funny you have no answers for 7%, I would put money on him understanding the US political system far better than you.

I would also put money on George Bush campaign managers being less partisan than you, but that's not only by the by, but blindingly obvious to anyone who has ever read one of your posts.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:25 PM



but given the current state of affairs i'd even take Palpatine/Vader 2008... at least some COMPETENT evil dictators for once.

Palpatine and Vader, do they need campaign volunteers?

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Thursday, January 4, 2007 2:32 AM


Brokeback is a liberal movie not a cowboy western. Cowboys run horse or cattle. Since I live in New Mexico show me a sheep farm in Colorado. Oh yeah that Heath fella is an Auzzie too. One more thing since I am from North Carolina and John Edwards said he did not care about my job which I still have the news paper thankyou very much solve Northern Irelands problem before ya talk about US issues jackass.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Thursday, January 4, 2007 4:49 AM



Originally posted by PirateCat:
solve Northern Irelands problem before ya talk about US issues jackass.

The cease fires holding, get a clue before proving yourself an idiot.

Oh, and terrorism only a global issue if it's directed at the US huh, not that that surprises me.

Maybe we could look at the USA's masterful treatment of North Vietnam for inspiration on how to deal with any further problems in Northern Ireland, your big scary military sure showed them rice farmers whats what huh.

Right before they beat you that is.

I think the world would be happy if you solved the multitude of US domestic problems before telling the rest of the world how to run their buisness, wank stain .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 12:48 PM


America loves a winner!


Next time you want to venture into talking about anything beyond Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel or Firefly, of which you have conclusively proven you know nothing, please do everyone a favour and don't. Funny you have no answers for 7%, I would put money on him understanding the US political system far better than you.

I would also put money on George Bush campaign managers being less partisan than you, but that's not only by the by, but blindingly obvious to anyone who has ever read one of your posts.

You said you don't even know John Edwards. But the fact that you didn't find a quote from Bush or ANY OTHER politician which sank to the level of Edward's and his pandering only shows I was right after all. And yes, you did offer up a Bush quote, one which I admitted to having missed. But that quote was so inane and meaningless w/ respect to the discussion we were having, it simply doesn't count. As for me 'lying' , that's an even farther reach than the Bush quote equating to what Edwards said. Please, learn the difference between being wrong and intentionally lying. I doubt you're so dense that you can't comprehend such a basic difference between the two.

" of which you have conclusively proven you know nothing "

That might stand as the most ridiculous and inane quote of yours for the entire year. And that's saying a lot.


Funny you have no answers for 7%, I would put money on him understanding the US political system far better than you.

I wasn't aware I needed to answer anything from 7%. Guess I'll go look up his last post. What does knowing the US political system have anything to do w/this discussion? Oh, nothing. That's right. If 7% does know more about the political system, then jolly good for him. But that doesn't make him more informed or 'right' on this issie.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, January 4, 2007 1:28 PM


America loves a winner!

For citizens reading pleasure, a reply to 7%'s post.


No, but the fundies are scared of Jesus, and the current admins used their fear of science to scare up votes in the last election.

The Bush admin used their fear of science to scare up votes? Exactly how was that done ? And how'd that turn out, huh? I don't think the public gave two flips about the issue.


What's the harm in pumping money and scientists into that research? Many awesome discoveries came out of projects relating to a bigger one. Who knows what we can find on the way?

The harm is that there is a finite amount of $$ for reasearch. And if you throw that $ down the rabbit hole chasing miracle cures from ESCs when there are very REAL cures and advances being made from adult stem cells, very real results being made TODAY, then you delay helpful treatments for untold numbers of paitents for the gamble that a few more could be helped down the road.


Superman is a cultural icon. Is (was) Reeves more important than any of those people to you? No. But as a cultural icon, wouldn't it be great if the man who was a hero to the world, and after his accident a hero to the disabled, be able to walk again? My God, the hope that would have given the world would have been stunning.

You want a feel good story ? Read up on what Lance Armstrong was facing with his body full of tumors and how he fought back to not just survive, but to come back a true champion. I admired Chris Reeves myself, and acknowledge his bravery and courage. Both he and *Chucky Mullins are testiments to the power of the human spirit. They shall not soon be forgotten.


But I want to bring something to your attention. You're over in other threads praising the death of Saddam. To the average Iraqi, is his hanging more important than when their brother got killed by accident by American forces? Or blown up in a car bomb by terrorists who weren't there when we started? It's amazing how you can sit here in one thread and get your righteous indignation on about saying one person isn't more important than another, then in an entirely different thread say that people should understand how certain people are more important than others, and be proud how one person was taken out at the cost of tens of thousands of lives. It's hypocracy.

I have no idea where you're going w/ this paragraph. Saddam murdered 10,000's of his own citizens. HE was directly responsible for the rape, torture and murder of his own countrymen. He commmitted crimes against humanity, and how you are oblivious to that really stuns me. Saddam is directly responsible for far more deaths of Iraqis than are the U.S. forces. There's no hypocrisy on my part, what so ever.


Really? Bush said he was going to transform the mid-east into a democratic place by attacking Iraq. You still follow him happy-slappy down that magical fairy tale, long after people said it was a disaster. I guess you just can't recognize all those snake-oil salesmen, can you AU?

You see the Islamic terrorist as blameless for all the car bombs, rocket attacks, kidnappings, beheadings, etc.... I don't. There in lies the difference between us, I suppose.


Edwards made a thousand goofs and misquotes and "snake-oil" pitches in the last election cycle. But you, in your typical disingenuous fashion, pick the one decent quote the guy said and twist it. I don't even like the guy, and you made me want to defend him. Good job.
How in the world was Edward's heinous comment in any way 'decent' ?? And just where the hell did I TWIST anything ? You sir, have it completely twisted in your skull. If you want to defend that heartless lawyer , by all means, have at it. Its you who has to face the reflection in mirror every morning. Hope you can stomach what you see.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, January 4, 2007 2:37 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

The Bush admin used their fear of science to scare up votes? Exactly how was that done ? And how'd that turn out, huh? I don't think the public gave two flips about the issue.

Really? I could have sworn it was a major issue ...
And the winner, numbnuts, is this one:
The president and his operatives know that their core base of supporters fervently opposes all forms of abortion and agrees that embryos are people from the moment of conception.

..and about a thousand more articles available from any google search of election issues and Bush's base. Use the google-fu.


The harm is that there is a finite amount of $$ for reasearch. And if you throw that $ down the rabbit hole chasing miracle cures from ESCs when there are very REAL cures and advances being made from adult stem cells, very real results being made TODAY, then you delay helpful treatments for untold numbers of paitents for the gamble that a few more could be helped down the road.

REAL scientists (see, I can use the caps key too) TODAY believe in the potential of ESC research. Why don't we take the money from other failed programs (it's been widely proven that despite the multimillions spent on it, abstinance only education is a wash) and spend it where it might do some good. The fact that American scientists are fleeing the country for other countries where the research is legal (see some of the above links, or use the google-fu) is damaging to the economy.

You also seem to equate putting some money into ESC research meant that I wanted to take money AWAY from ASC research. I never said that, but it was a nice attempted strawman from you nonetheless. I wish there were more money to go around for that too.


You want a feel good story ? Read up on what Lance Armstrong was facing [...blah blah blah...] to the power of the human spirit. They shall not soon be forgotten.

I don't want a "feel good story." I want medical cures for people. Are you really stupid enough to compare Lance Armstrong with Reeves? It's apples and wrenches. Armstrong benefitted from medical science that already existed. He wasn't paralyzed with a fucking spinal injury that has no cures. Yes, he battled cancer. I battled cancer, I won too (several years ago, and it hasn't returned, thank God); that's feel good enough for me. But I could walk the whole time, because I didn't have a spinal injury!


I have no idea where you're going w/ this paragraph.

That's because you either weren't paying attention or haven't developed reading comprehension skills basic to most 4th graders. Your pick.


Saddam murdered 10,000's of his own citizens. HE was directly responsible for the rape, torture and murder of his own countrymen. He commmitted crimes against humanity, and how you are oblivious to that really stuns me. Saddam is directly responsible for far more deaths of Iraqis than are the U.S. forces. There's no hypocrisy on my part, what so ever.

You said, "what makes Reeves more important than my sister?"
In another thread, you said, "pursuing Saddam was more important than thousands of Iraqi lives and the lives of Americans"

I said, "Reeves may have been a beacon of hope for many, based on his status as a cultural icon."
I said, "many Iraqis feel that they were better off under Saddam, because an American hadn't killed their sister."

Is it really that hard for you to grasp how you are saying two completely opposite things? In one thread, no one person is more important than another, in an alternate thread, one person is more important than thousands. Hypocrite.


You see the Islamic terrorist as blameless for all the car bombs, rocket attacks, kidnappings, beheadings, etc.... I don't.

I said that? Anywhere? Ever?


There in lies the difference between us, I suppose.

The difference is I'm smart enough to realize that Islamic terrorists weren't in Iraq before we got there.


How in the world was Edward's heinous comment in any way 'decent' ??

I dunno, it was a quote talking about giving hope to people who needed it? What is decent in your world?


And just where the hell did I TWIST anything ?

I explained all that in my first post in this thread. I'm only going to repeat one portion. You acted like his whole comment involved some psychic link that knew about the imminent death of Reeves and was made worse by it. It's not twisted, it's just idiotic.


If you want to defend that heartless lawyer , by all means, have at it.

I didn't. I can't stand Edwards, and I've said so. But you're such a partisan hack it's ridiculous.


Its you who has to face the reflection in mirror every morning. Hope you can stomach what you see.

As long as I'm not looking at you (or your sister) I don't think I'll have a problem.

And I now officially belive you to be an idiot, since you wanted to drag me back into this thread because you got into a pissing match with Citizen. Good job on that, too.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 3:34 PM


America loves a winner!


The fact that American scientists are fleeing the country for other countries where the research is legal
How can that be a fact when its a false statement ? ESC research is legal here in the US. All that's been done is that no more $$ at the Fed level is spent on it. The private sector is free to spend to its hearts content. States are free to spend their own $$ on ESC research , as is the case in California.


The difference is I'm smart enough to realize that Islamic terrorists weren't in Iraq before we got there.
No, you're a gullible and naive moron, that's what you are. They absolutely where there, and Saddam was giving them cover. Ever hear of Abu Abbas?

“Abu Abbas was the holder of an Iraqi diplomatic passport….

Saddam also paid the fammilies of suicide bombers who attacked Israel.

But there were no terrorist there, huh? Please.


Is it really that hard for you to grasp how you are saying two completely opposite things? In one thread, no one person is more important than another, in an alternate thread, one person is more important than thousands. Hypocrite.

Go back to grade school and learn the definition of the word before you use it, and then learn about CONTEXT. In different situations and under differnt arguments, the issue of hypocrisy is irrelevent. Why ? Because we are NOT talking about the same or *equivalent things. Moron.


I explained all that in my first post in this thread. I'm only going to repeat one portion. You acted like his whole comment involved some psychic link that knew about the imminent death of Reeves and was made worse by it. It's not twisted, it's just idiotic.

I was referring to Edward's remark that a vote for him and Kerry would lead to find a cure for those like Reeves, and allow for him to stand up and walk out of that chair. THAT'S THE ISSUE HERE, pin head. Stop trying to bob and weave.

And btw, it was citizen who dragged you back in here, w/ his post. Not me.

* The typo NAZIS are on the loose! Watch out!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "






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