My Yearly Gripe- #!*% TAXES!

UPDATED: Monday, March 19, 2007 11:47
PAGE 1 of 1

Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I do my own taxes sans software or tax guy. I like to take the pulse of how the Congress is fiddling with the tax code and what particular wild hair they got stuck up their *ss that year. (Aside from that, I'm pretty accurate. I took my taxes to a pro one year and all I got out of it was the same result I'd gotten and a $400 bill.)

But every year, I look at the friggin' tax code and think- There has GOT to be a better way!. To see if AMT applies... If over $145,000 STOP...The lesser of the three... To see if you are eligible for Child Care Credit even if you're not a child ... If someone you know or even someone you don't know can claim you as a dependent... Form 2441... Schedule ASS....

Aside from the fact that Congress is making busy-work for tax preparers and accountants I find the tax code unfair and every year about this time I dream of how I would change the tax code.

What about you? How would YOU change it?

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:17 AM


Flat tax...10% to the feds, 10% to the state.

I have a budget, they can have a budget.

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sounds good. Now the rub....

Tax corporations the same as people? Tax on net or gross income? If a corporation is based elsewhere but does business in the USA, tax on USA earnings?

What about sales tax? Social Security tax? Medicare?

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:35 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


40-million US citizens don't file income tax, not counting the 40-million illegal aliens, not counting the tens of millions of legal aliens who have tax exemption for 8 years.

In USASPP the income tax is voluntary, since the 16th Amendment to US Constitution was never ratified by the states. Suckers. By signing a Social Security card contract you voluntarily waivered your Constitutional right to own property, and you volunteered to pay the income tax. None of the money you pay in income tax goes to the federal govt, all of it goes to pay the interest on the fed govt's debt to the private multinational Federal Reserve Bank, which counterfeits all US "dollar bills" (Federal Reserve Bank Debt Notes), HQed in London England. You are not allowed to buy stock in the Fed Reserve Bank, since only trillionaires are allowed to do that.

Since Jr Bush overthrew USA by merging USA with Mexico and Canada, USA no longer exists, so why pay income tax to the "US Govt", which does not exist? Canada is a member of the 53-nation British Commonwealth, owned by the German Queen of England (Bush Jr's 19th cousin). The Queen's mugshot is on Canadian money, and will soon be on the Amerodollar in USASPP.

All contracts must be voluntary, without fraud, without duress, and there must be a "meeting of the minds", which means the contract must be legible and readable. The "tax code" is so big that no human being has ever read it, which makes it "void for vagueness".

The rich elite say that "taxes are for the little people". Business owners pay no income taxes, since everything is a tax deduction. Corporations can earn billions of dollars and get a REFUND/REBATE, instead of paying taxes on profits, such as the rebate to ship US factories to Communist China. If you don't own a business to write-off your expenses for your "hobbies", then you're a moron/slave, which is exactly what Uncle Scam and the Media Mafia want you to be.



America: From freedom to Fascism - Federal income tax is voluntary. 16th Amendment to US Constitution was never ratified. IRS agents refuse to pay income tax. Federal Reserve Bank is a private corporation that prints all money in USA then charges interest to US Govt and US taxpayers. All income taxes are spent on paying the federal debt and zero "taxdollars" are spent on US Govt operations. Whistleblowing Sephardic Semitic Jew Aaron Russo, producer of the Eddie Murphy Dan Ackroyd movie Trading Places, attacks non-Semitic Khazarian Ashkenazi fake "Jews" behind the New World Order's fascist global dictatorship. Full length movie Director's Cut, without DVD extras

America: Freedom to Fascism Director's Commentary:

The Spirit of '43
Walt Disney's official Uncle Scam propaganda film orders Donald Duck to sell the NEW voluntary income tax video to the Amerikan slaves for the FIRST time during World War 2

Eustace Mullins: The Neo Zionist Order
Superstar of Monopoly Men and investigative journo versus Federal Reserve Scam targets the Jews who enslave the planet

BANNED BOOK: The Federal Mafia

Irwin Schiff's Secrets of Living an Income Tax-Free Life
Irwin's been helping us, and now it's time to help him. If he's successful in reversing his conviction, all American's will benefit! Irwin Schiff sentenced to life on death row because the 16th Amendment to US Constitution was never ratified by the states, and the Social Security contract is a voluntary slave contract to pay an unconstitutional voluntary income tax to the international banksters at the private Federal Reserve Bank Corporation. Prosecutor: "Objection! Irrelevant!" Judge Dawson: "Sustained!" Irwin Schiff: "The income tax law is irrelevant?" Judge Dawson: "I will not allow the law in my courtroom!" Irwin Schiff: "But the Supreme Court said in the Cheek decision." Judge Dawson: "Irrevelant! Denied!" Irwin Schiff: "The Supreme Court is irrelevant?" Judge Dawson: "Irrevelant! Denied!"

Waco 2007: Ed Brown vs IRS Daily Radio Show
Ed Brown in his own voice broadcasting dead or alive from his $4-million bunker

Video and audio archive of Ed Brown Radio Shows, Congressman Ron Paul MD speeches, We the People Foundation speeches, plus Walt Disney's Donald Duck sells the NEW voluntary income tax video for the FIRST time during World War 2



February 26, 2007

KITTY PILGRIM - "You want to physically secure our borders and coastlines, enforce visa rules. No amnesty. No welfare for illegal aliens. You want to end the birthright citizenship and pass true immigration reform. Would true immigration reform include a guest worker program, in your judgment?"

DR RON PAUL: "Well, you know, those words are tricky, because some times if you say you're for a guest worker program, all of a sudden they construe that now, the conventional wisdom is that there will be amnesty. And we have to deal with the welfare state. We can't allow the illegal immigrants to qualify for Social Security after working here for 18 MONTHS."

Congressman Dr Ron Paul MD for president in 2008:

IRS Loses Tax Case Against FedEx Pilot
A federal jury Friday found FedEx pilot Vernice Kuglin not guilty of evading income taxes on $920,000. The question of tax payment was unresolved at the end of the five-day trial. "I think it is safe to assume the IRS will attempt civil collection, but she is not guilty of tax evasion," said defense attorney Robert Bernhoft of Milwaukee. "I feel justified," a grinning Kuglin said after the verdict was returned at mid--afternoon. She stood outside the federal building, chatting with supporters and jurors. Federal prosecutor Joe Murphy was not available for comment. Kuglin, 58, was charged with six counts of tax evasion that could have meant up to 30 years in prison and $1.5 million in fines. The government accused Kuglin of filing false W4 forms for the period from 1996 to 2001. Kuglin, a pilot for FedEx since 1985, said she had paid taxes like anyone else for most of her life. But about 10 or 11 years ago, she began to question the federal tax system. She began to read court documents, legal opinions and the federal tax code. She said she found what she felt were contradictions. She wanted to know where in the federal tax code it said she was liable for taxes. Kuglin wrote the Internal Revenue Service twice in 1995 with questions but said she didn't get a response. Murphy, in closing arguments on Thursday, said Kuglin did have an opportunity to discuss her situation with the IRS, to learn what she owed and what documents she was required to file "and she didn't." Defense attorney Larry Becraft of Huntsville, Ala., said Kuglin decided mandatory payment of income taxes "did not apply to her." After the verdict Friday, Becraft said the federal tax code is a confusing conglomeration that "at best is a walking due process violation." He said the average American simply doesn't understand the tax code. Juror Barbara Snodgras of Memphis said the jury did not convict because "we all felt that the prosecution didn't prove its case." When asked if she planned to start paying federal income taxes again, Kuglin replied: "I will pay all the taxes for which I am liable." Robert G. Bernhoft, Attorney and Counselor at Law, The Law Office of Robert G. Bernhoft, SC, 207 East Buffalo Street, Suite 600, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202, (414) 276-3333 telephone, (414) 276-2822 facsimile, - August 11, 2003

$70-TRILLION taxdollars are looted by gangsters in Gangsta Govt every year in USASPP today, from the CAFR "pension" funds that own most of Wall Street and local businesses. Gangsta Govt has kept 2 sets of books since 1957, via its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report scam, which reports annual Top Secret PROFITS, while lying to the sheeple that the "Budget Report" is the only set of books. Suckers.

Go to your city govt, county govt, electricity govt, school govt, university govt, state govt, and fed govt, and get a free copy of the CAFR Report every year, and have a good laff about the pathological lies perped by the Media Mafia and Gangsta Govt at tax time (every day is Tax Day).


"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

PNTV banned at Gitmo!

Does that seem right to you?


Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:28 PM



What about you? How would YOU change it?

Eradicate it.

Firstoff, it's Unconstitutional, and that's a fact.

PN is correct in his assertion that the 16th Amendment was never in truth ratified, and recently uncovered documentation of this fact does exist, and from fairly ironclad sources - it appears that the instigator of this fraud was Phil Knox, circa Feb 1913.

I'll leave further investigation up to the individual, but there is indeed hard evidence of a fraudulent ratification process.

Secondly, the Federal Reserve is indeed a private corporation and not a branch of government, operating without one whit of constitutional authority and thus has not the power of law - not that it stops them from co-opting the governments armed thugs to coerce you.

In essence, the income tax is in fact a form of extortion.

Sure, we'd have to take an axe to some so-called services of government, but that's all too easy - start with the unconstitutional "alphabet agencies" run on budgets hidden from the light of day where neither the voter nor their elected representative is even 'allowed' to know about, much less vote on.

FBI,CIA,NSA,BATF,DARPA,Homeland Security - none of these have ever had any real success in their assigned purpose, and mostly waste tremendous sums of our tax money harrassing and intimidating us.

Imagine how much money, time and hassle would be eliminated by dissolving these clowns.

The FedGov operated without stealing from us prior to 1913, and has it really improved matters to allow them an almost unlimited slush fund ?

Put the fat bastards back on a diet, I say.

Ron Paul apparently agrees.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, March 19, 2007 8:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Did you know that DARPA was the originator of the internet which you freely enjoy? Also the Fed paid for the interstate highway system - which has expanded free commerce tremndously- as a form of troop and military transport? Of course not.

Assuming that we DO have to apy SOME taxes, how about this simplification?

I'm going through the form on dependents and exemptions. There are all kinds of "tests"... are you married? Did you provide more than 50% of support? Was your dependent kidnapped? Really stupid shit.

How about this?:

Everyone w/ a SSN w/o exception gets a $5000 individual exemption (inflation-indexed from base year, rounded to the nearest $100) An exemption can only be claimed once per year, and only under the control of the individual or guardian/ parent. If exemptions are pooled, incomes must also be pooled. If you are a non-citizen, you can only claim a $2000 exemption. This law include corporations, small businesses, and cooperative. No tests for marriage, disability or dependency applied.

Results: Families and partners would be ecnouraged since living costs do not accrue as quickly and exemptions.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Monday, March 19, 2007 10:57 AM


Well aware of both those facts, Siggy.

If I want it done at a hundred times the cost for 10% of the efficiency, I'll ask the FedGov to do it.

If I want it done, and want it done RIGHT, I'll have my local officials hire a contracted service to do it right the first time at a reasonable cost.

We recently had a couple paving/roadwork jobs done by a local contractor and they did a heck of a job for less than a fifth of what the FedGov would have billed, and they did it a decade sooner.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, March 19, 2007 11:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Bullshit. What about health care? It's "private" and it's a boondoggle that's dragging down the entire economy.
And why DIDN'T private enterprise create a hiway system? Or the internet for that matter?
Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Monday, March 19, 2007 11:47 AM



Yeah, Health Care needs to be nationalised, that's one issue where I would yank for a Constitutional Amendment to make it so, the entire health-care system is in the hands of protected monopolies that are completely destructive, but health care is something every person needs, and as such, *should* be federal.

Private enterprise laid the railway system that lead to the hiway system, but of course via a set of robber baron monopolies that exploited the hell out of it - however interstate highways fall under interstate commerce and are therefore federal in jurisdiction.

The feds do a piss-poor job of it overall, and the contracting system is full of pork and kickbacks... the existing system needs cleanup, is what it is.
Open the damned contracts to any viable company instead of limiting them to favorite donor lists and things will no doubt improve - also accountability on behalf of the contractor, we're having a fight or two on that respect here in MI... if they do a shoddy halfass job, they should be penalized for it, not rewarded with more work.

The internet is how things *should* work, in fact it could be held up as a model of how government, private enterprise and downright individual ingeniuty produce wonders - of course, the corporations are already sucking up to the feddies to usurp even more authority and hand it over to them, something which should be roadblocked immediately.

Thing is, certain limits *need* to be held to, with regard to government and corporate power, but neither should either of those things be utterly abolished, no.

It's a whole nother topic, and i'll be brief, but when most folk say "Privatize" or "Free Market" they *mean* "Government Protected Monopoly", and it shows.

I don't see why open bidding on ANY government contract isn't standard, save in cases (such as processing military data) where our security would require the bidding to be more limited.

On the one hand, the solutions are easy enough - it's ramming them through a collective of elitist oligarchs who've been profiting on the status quo for years that's going to be the bitch of the job.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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