The Myers-Briggs Test

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Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:02 PM


Hey fellow RWEDers. I found out about this test just about an hour ago from my brother. Originally, he only knew about the joke descriptions of the results from his friends on MySpace. I thought they were pretty funny, but what I found was suprising was the accuracy of the test in explaining the way I act and feel about a lot of things. I hate to admit that one could be pigeonholed so easily, but I took the test twice (deliberately trying to get the "Cult Leader" type on the joke test) and I got the same results. Even the joke description, though largely exagerated, seems rather frighteningly fitting. I know it's long and I don't expect anybody to actually read mine, but if you're wondering why I'm such a pain in the ass about things, I thought this would be as good a way as any for somebody to understand where somebody like me is coming from when it sounds like my posts are coming from fantasy land.

I think it would be pretty interesting for others to take the test and share thier results too. I couldn't bring myself to read other descriptions on that site, but I think it would be easy to do if I had somebody I've chatted with to match to what I was reading. I usually pass on all these tests, but this one seems to have a bit more thought put into it then the "Which Hobbit are You" test or whatever.

To take the test go here:
When you're through you can read your results by clicking on the links.

For the joke description of your results go here:

Feel free to post your results!

Here's mine for anyone who cares. I'll start with the joke one. Anyone who's had any dialogue with me in here should get a laugh out of it. Oh... and I thought it was pretty funny to see that Mel Gibson was an INFJ too. I always felt I had a certain kinship with him.

INFJ: The Conspiracy Theorist

Beneath the calm, collected exterior of the INFJ lies the horrible reality of someone who has seen The Truth. The INFJ knows what other people are too naive or too brainwasted to admit: the Conspiracy is real. Mistrustful and suspicious, the INFJ is not easily fooled, and does not take the word of the government-controlled medico-military-industrial complex for anything. Whether it's uncovering the plot by butter-eating Jews to clog the arteries of Christian folk with artificial margarine or discovering the secret laboratory in Tibet that's producing legions of Jimmy Carter clones that will be sent out to seize the manufacturing facilities in the Guangdong Province of China under the pretext of inspecting chickens for influenza, there is no lengths the INFJ won't go to in order to blow the lid off the whole thing.

INFJs can often be found holding down jobs as AM radio talk-show hosts. They can also be found driving taxis in the greater Washington, DC area. Other common jobs often held by INFJs include vagrant, loony, whacko, and writer/director/producer of the television show "Seinfeld." INFJs can also be found feeding that crucial bit of information to determined FBI agents just before they are brutally murdered.

RECREATION: INFJs often come home from a hard day's work exposing conspiracies about how the government is poisoning us with mind-control agents spread by passenger airliners and unwind by spending all night writing Web sites exposing conspiracies about how NASA faked the Bush election.

COMPATIBILITY: INFJs are usually happiest and most successful in relationships with Julia Roberts, though the relationships may not end happily.

Famous INFJs include...well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

Here's the real test results.

Introverted iNtuiting Feeling Judging
by Marina Margaret Heiss
INFJs are distinguished by both their complexity of character and the unusual range and depth of their talents. Strongly humanitarian in outlook, INFJs tend to be idealists, and because of their J preference for closure and completion, they are generally "doers" as well as dreamers. This rare combination of vision and practicality often results in INFJs taking a disproportionate amount of responsibility in the various causes to which so many of them seem to be drawn.

INFJs are deeply concerned about their relations with individuals as well as the state of humanity at large. They are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people -- a product of the Feeling function they most readily show to the world. On the contrary, INFJs are true introverts, who can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates." While instinctively courting the personal and organizational demands continually made upon them by others, at intervals INFJs will suddenly withdraw into themselves, sometimes shutting out even their intimates. This apparent paradox is a necessary escape valve for them, providing both time to rebuild their depleted resources and a filter to prevent the emotional overload to which they are so susceptible as inherent "givers." As a pattern of behavior, it is perhaps the most confusing aspect of the enigmatic INFJ character to outsiders, and hence the most often misunderstood -- particularly by those who have little experience with this rare type.

Due in part to the unique perspective produced by this alternation between detachment and involvement in the lives of the people around them, INFJs may well have the clearest insights of all the types into the motivations of others, for good and for evil. The most important contributing factor to this uncanny gift, however, are the empathic abilities often found in Fs, which seem to be especially heightened in the INFJ type (possibly by the dominance of the introverted N function).

This empathy can serve as a classic example of the two-edged nature of certain INFJ talents, as it can be strong enough to cause discomfort or pain in negative or stressful situations. More explicit inner conflicts are also not uncommon in INFJs; it is possible to speculate that the causes for some of these may lie in the specific combinations of preferences which define this complex type. For instance, there can sometimes be a "tug-of-war" between NF vision and idealism and the J practicality that urges compromise for the sake of achieving the highest priority goals. And the I and J combination, while perhaps enhancing self-awareness, may make it difficult for INFJs to articulate their deepest and most convoluted feelings.

Usually self-expression comes more easily to INFJs on paper, as they tend to have strong writing skills. Since in addition they often possess a strong personal charisma, INFJs are generally well-suited to the "inspirational" professions such as teaching (especially in higher education) and religious leadership. Psychology and counseling are other obvious choices, but overall, INFJs can be exceptionally difficult to pigeonhole by their career paths. Perhaps the best example of this occurs in the technical fields. Many INFJs perceive themselves at a disadvantage when dealing with the mystique and formality of "hard logic", and in academic terms this may cause a tendency to gravitate towards the liberal arts rather than the sciences. However, the significant minority of INFJs who do pursue studies and careers in the latter areas tend to be as successful as their T counterparts, as it is *iNtuition* -- the dominant function for the INFJ type -- which governs the ability to understand abstract theory and implement it creatively.

In their own way, INFJs are just as much "systems builders" as are INTJs; the difference lies in that most INFJ "systems" are founded on human beings and human values, rather than information and technology. Their systems may for these reasons be conceptually "blurrier" than analogous NT ones, harder to measure in strict numerical terms, and easier to take for granted -- yet it is these same underlying reasons which make the resulting contributions to society so vital and profound.

Famous INFJs:
Nathan, prophet of Israel
Robert Burns, Scottish poet

U.S. Presidents:
Martin Van Buren
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter

Nathaniel Hawthorne
Fanny Crosby, (blind) hymnist
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Fred McMurray (My Three Sons)
Shirley Temple Black, child actor, ambassador
Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, martyr
James Reston, newspaper reporter
Shirley McClain (Sweet Charity, ...)
Piers Anthony, author ("Xanth" series)
Michael Landon (Little House on the Prairie)
Tom Selleck
John Katz, critic, author
Paul Stookey (Peter, Paul and Mary)
U. S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL)
Billy Crystal
Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury)
Nelson Mandela
Mel Gibson
Carrie Fisher
Nicole Kidman
Jamie Foxx
Sela Ward
Mark Harmon
Gary Dourdan
Marg Helgaberger
Evangeline Lilly
Tori May

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:51 PM


I think it's safe to say that the MBTI is the widest used personality profile. Definitely the most profitable. I vaguely remember a discussion with a friend in the psychological instrument distribution field who told me the MBTI was generating on the order of ten thousand in royalties monthly a decade ago. Carl Jung, whose work is the basis for the inventory, probably saw not a dime of that. Briggs and her daughter Briggs Myers died long before the inventory became popularized. As far as utility? Meh. I'll let others be the judge. I'm a much bigger fan of the Adjective Check List.

IIRC I come in at an iStJ with slight on the t and close to zero on the J. Which, going by the links, puts me in the same group as Fred Mertz, Cliff from Cheers, Eeyore and Puddleglum from the Narnia series. Oh, and George Washington. So there's that.


Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:58 PM


Ahhhhhh.... iStJ.

So you ARE a member of the Thought Police. I thought so. lol

I'm really not a bad guy. When you come to take me away in your black ops chopper in the middle of the night, be gentle.

Thanks for playin'. I wasn't aware that this test was so widely used. I know that I automatically try to manipulate them and I fail miserably at that. They have a minigame in Final Fantasy X where you have a job and you can get raises at certain points depending on your answers to a personality profile test. Needless to say, I've never gotten a single raise based on my test results. Even a damn game knows that I'm trying to cheat at it. I'm thinking the only reason that I got honest answers here is because nothing was at stake and I actually took the test it was made to be taken..... honestly.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 12:00 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm really not a bad guy. When you come to take me away in your black ops chopper in the middle of the night, be gentle.

The only problem is, with my J somewhere in the neighborhood of less than 5%, I really can't muster up the effort to get off my butt.


Friday, April 6, 2007 12:16 AM


HA! Yeah... I got that problem too a lot of the time. If I had only one argument with my test results it is the level of motivation it claims my type has. It comes and goes... sometimes I obsesess about something to it's fruition and other times I let things slide longer than they should and I've got to work double to pick up the slack. Generally, I'm more of an armchair warrior than the guy you see chaining himself to a tree. Glad to know you can be just as lazy on the other side too.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 12:20 AM


I wasn't too sure on a couple of the questions (because both answers or neither could fit depending on my mood in a given situation), but the end result does remind me of me, so I'll just say that there might be something to this thing.

Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging

EDIT: Hey Soup, did you like Bush Sr? Because apparently you and he have a similar personality! Don't worry, I've got Rumsfeld and Giuliani.

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


Friday, April 6, 2007 12:55 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
...both answers or neither could fit depending on my mood in a given situation...

Yeah... I think the same thing about most of the online tests, and it's funny you mentioned that because I said the exact same thing to my brother when I was taking it. When I did go back the second time though I made some of those changes but the overall verdict was the same.

I see you're the Outside Contractor. I'll keep that in mind when I need my Death Star created or I need somebody to lay off the incompetent people I employ. Baaaah... I'm just kidding you man, us wacko conspiracy nut AM DJ's don't have enough money for Death Stars or employees.

My condolences on Rummy though.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 1:55 AM


Nevermind, found the answer to my question.

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


Friday, April 6, 2007 1:55 AM


I've done this sort of test before, but it also included an 'instinctual stack' modifier that rated three basic instincts from most to least important to you.

They were Sexual, Social, and Self Preservation. Sexual wasn't just about sex, it meant you seek intense relationships with other people, so you'll be attracted to friendship and interaction with 'high energy' people, Social is fairly self descriptive in so much as you prioritise socialising, and Self Preservation is prioritising practical matters of survival, food shelter and so on.

Anyway I got:
Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving (INFP)
Which I share with (amongst others):
Mary, mother of Jesus
William Shakespeare, bard of Avon
E.T.: the Extra Terrestrial
Tommy, Rug Rats cartoons

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Friday, April 6, 2007 2:20 AM


Seems like the two sites don't coincide with the examples they give. For instance, in the Keirsey description for INTJ they give Ulysses S. Grant as an example, but in the Butt and Heiss description Ulysses S. Grant is listed as being an ISFP. Would one personality component differ I guess it'd be understandable (not an exact science), but three is a bit much.

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


Friday, April 6, 2007 2:47 AM


First took this test with friends uhh.. jeez, almost twenty years ago. I always come out either and INTP or an ENTP, with slight preference for introverted. It's situational at best.

I recall having very strong 'N' preference (something like 95%). I also have a large 'P'-ness. Heh he, heh he


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Friday, April 6, 2007 2:52 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
I also have a large 'P'-ness. Heh he, heh he

*Beavis and Butthead snicker*

Beavis: Heh heh, heh, dude, did he like just totally say 'P-ness' in RWED?
Butthead: Heh heh, heh, totally, heh.
Beavis: Heh heh, heh, sweeeet.
Butthead: Heh heh, heh, yeah.

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


Friday, April 6, 2007 4:41 AM


I'm a bit skeptical

I came out EFSJ..with 95% 1% 12% 1%
I read the description on this. It got me doing well in sales right, but some of the other descriptions I wouldn't agree with....


Friday, April 6, 2007 7:19 AM


I got Rational Mastermind (INTJ)

The description here:

Fits me to a T, except that I'm a slacker too.

Other famous INTJ's:
Dan Aykroyd
Susan B. Anthony
Augustus Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
Hannibal, Carthaginian military leader
C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California
Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor
Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense
General Colin Powell, US Secretary of State
Lance Armstrong
Richard Gere (Pretty Woman)
Katie Couric
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
Gandalf the Grey (J. R. R. Tolkein's Middle Earth books)
Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes' nemesis
Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs)

Sweetness, I'm in good company, I got BOTH Hannibals


Friday, April 6, 2007 7:49 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:
EDIT: Hey Soup, did you like Bush Sr? Because apparently you and he have a similar personality! Don't worry, I've got Rumsfeld and Giuliani.

Well I liked him enough to vote for him in 1992. It was the start of my 0 for 4 in voting for the winner of the Presidential election.


Friday, April 6, 2007 8:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm a Mastermind.


I always knew THAT! That's prolly why I spend so much time thinking of alternatives to capitalism, with which I can beat Geezer about the head!
Always look upstream.


Friday, April 6, 2007 8:32 AM


So that's three Masterminds now. We should open a club. And afterwards, we can use our personality-derived powers to rule the world!

No, not really, just trying to give the INFJs something to think about.

"I'm telling you, it's the INTJs, man, they control the government!"

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


Friday, April 6, 2007 8:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Masterminds of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains!

Always look upstream.


Friday, April 6, 2007 8:57 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Me four:

89% 100% 88% 1%

Masterminds of the world unite! And when we all get together in one room, only ONE will emerge as the Mastermind!

"Gee, Brain, what'd you wanna do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night, Pinky — Try to take over the world!"


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:08 AM


Okay, so that's four so far, compared to at most one for all the others (so far). This is from the Keirsey article: "They are rather rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population."

So if the trend continues, does that say more about Firefly fans in general or RWED frequenters in particular? Let's hope more people here do the test, having more results would be pretty interesting.

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:08 AM



You are:

* moderately expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* slightly expressed feeling personality
* slightly expressed judging personality

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:15 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Hey Khyron,

I know SignyM and I are both atmospheric chemists. But since we both have to investigate/ design/ develop new methods etc it to some extent satisfies what I call my 'creative' (intuitive) side. I spend a lot of my free time designing things from scratch. SignyM has said he spends a lot of time thinking about economies and societies from a structural standpoint.


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:21 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Oh, why not...

When we did this in my psychology class, I was an INFJ (scary, scary, just like Jack). When I did it with this particular test, I was an INFP.

We also talked about how the American Psychological Association doesn't really use it because it's basically a glorified horoscope. It tells you all these good traits you have, but nothing bad. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a "unique perspective" or "complexity of character and unusual range and depth"?

Sure, there are certain character traits which this test does well on - introvert vs. extravert being the best example - but, the average person on the street can tell the difference between someone who is very social and outgoing and someone who isn't.

(Sorry, just had to put the D in RWED. Won't happen again. )

But, sheesh - I am not a conspiracy theorist!


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Of course you are! We've all talked about you and that's what we figured out!

Always look upstream.


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:37 AM


Yinyang, out of all the people here, I didn't expect you to be the one to spoil the fun. Now we have to go back to verbal fisticuffs for our entertainment.

This might be interesting, for people who want to see what personality typing says one's weaknesses are (for some reason listed under 'relationships'):

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:57 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Not naturally in tune with others feelings; may be insensitive at times
May tend to respond to conflict with logic and reason, rather than the desired emotional support
Not naturally good at expressing feelings and affections
Tendency to believe that they're always right
Tendency to be unwilling or unable to accept blame
N Ditto he he he
Their constant quest to improve everything may be taxing on relationships
Tend to hold back part of themselves Y and no. When my beloved grandmother died I realized "People come first". I don't have a long list of those people b/c life is short and resources are limited, but my family comes before everything else.

One of the hardest things for me to learn was to say "yes, yes, I know, I'm sorry, it sucks, doesn't it" even when family members were lambasting me or criticizing people who didn't deserve it.


Friday, April 6, 2007 10:01 AM


INTP apparently.


Friday, April 6, 2007 11:33 AM



ISTP: The Psycho Vigilante

Oh my...

I'm not THAT bad, am I ?

This coming on the heels of an AD&D Alignment quiz a bud sent me that kicked out "Chaotic Evil".

I think they need to redefine the questions, as not every Anarchist (social destruction being seen as "evil") is a bomb throwing loony.

I'll readily admit to wanting a launcher armed HemiCuda tho.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, April 6, 2007 11:39 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

ISTP: The Psycho Vigilante

Oh my...

I'm not THAT bad, am I ?

This coming on the heels of an AD&D Alignment quiz a bud sent me that kicked out "Chaotic Evil".


No I don't think you are.


I'll readily admit to wanting a launcher armed HemiCuda tho.


It's Mopar or no car. I prefer the Challenger T-A though (mmmmmmm, 340 6-pack.......)


Friday, April 6, 2007 12:27 PM


Another excellent site with extensive descriptions that tell the good and bad aspects of each type. Further sections cover career, relationships and personal growth (includes the bad characteristics). Click the icons at the top to get to the other types and info. For what it's worth I am an INFP.

The classic book on the topic is "Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence' by David Keirsey.

Princess Diana used "Please Understand Me" to discover that she was an INFP and change her short life.

David Keirsey's temperament site:

Famous people by type:

If you are looking for perfect safety, you will do well to sit on a fence and watch the birds; but if you really wish to learn, you must mount a machine and become acquainted with its tricks by actual trial. - Wilbur Wright


Friday, April 6, 2007 12:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Do you realize the talent we have here???? Several masterminds, a few conspiracy theorists, a psycho vigilante, and some decent pols. Why, with THAT pool of talent we could....

oh, better not say. They're watching....
Always look upstream.


Friday, April 6, 2007 1:12 PM



Haken for Evil Overlord '08 ?
(who needs a veep, just a liability anyway..)



Friday, April 6, 2007 2:19 PM


I've been studying Jungian Type theory for the last few years and I have to say... The Butt and Heiss lists of famous people of each type is awful. I mean, I can see where some of the claims would come from, but there is no way the womanizing JFK or Chevy Chase should be on the list.

If you're interested in looking at more documented analysis of famous people of each type, try Presidential Temperment (Choiniere and Keirsey). Or better yet... pick up this book
for $7. Best descriptions of both strengths and weaknesses of each type I've found yet.

And yeah... I'm an INTJ too :)

*edit: I'd like to add that considering the pages of evidence from the Presidential Temperments book, I'm fair certain they got all the INTJ presidents wrong. Try researching Grant, Hoover and Eisenhower.
"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
- Abraham Lincoln


Friday, April 6, 2007 2:21 PM


This turned out pretty fun so far. Thanks for participating everyone. And we're all having fun together without going for the juggular for once!

(#1: Joke) (#2: Keirsey) (#3: Personality Page)

INFJ (The Conspiracy Theorist) (Counselor Idealist) (The Protectors)
6ixString Jack

INTJ (The Outside Contractor) (The Mastermind) (The Scientists)* Pretty accurate that last one, wouldn't you say Rue?

iStJ (The Thought Police) (Inspector Guardian) (The Duty Fulfillers)

INFP (The Idealist) (Healer Idealist) (The Idealists)

INTP (The Egghead) (Architect Rational) (The Thinkers)
SergeantX (or EFTP 'The Mad Scientist)

ESFJ (The Control Freak) (Provider Guardian) (The Caregivers)

ISFJ (The Martyr) (Protector Guardian) (The Nurturers)

ISTP (The Psycho Vigilante) (Crafter Artisan) (The Mechanics)

We don't have any of these yet: (I'm assuming these are the more common types too)

ESTJ (The Bureaucrat) (The Supervisor) (The Guardians)
ESTP (The Con Man) (Promoter Artisan) (The Doers)
ESFP (The National Enquirer Headline) (Performer Artisan) (The Performers)
ISFP (The Crackpot) (Composer Artisan) (The Artists)
ENTJ (The Evil Overlord) (FieldMarshal Rational) (The Executives)
ENTP (The Mad Scientist) (Inventor Rational) (The Visionaries)
ENFJ (The Cult Leader) (Teacher Idealist) (The Givers)
ENFP (The Scientologist) (Champion Idealist) (The Inspirers)

Well.... I don't think anybody is suprised about mine. I can't believe that I'm the only "Conspiracy Theorist" here though. I'm also having problems believing that we only have one "Thought Police".

Frem... good god man... You are Batman! Way to take it that extra step! Just don't go all Clooney on us and stay away from the nipples on your Batsuit. I thought ours were going to be a lot more similar than that.

And YinYang... it's okay, you're a lot more like me than you thought. I can usually shut it off, so it's only really scary in my mind about 10% of the time. One of us.... One of us.... One of us.....

I'm not seeing where the INTJ's got Evil Mastermind. Not trying to be arguementative with the future Mr and Mrs Evil's out there, but where I was looking I saw the "Outside Contractor".... you know, the guys who Dante & Randall had a conversation about building the Death Star in Clerks 1. I'm assuming that they also constructed the pit and the contraption Dr. Evil used to lower Austin Powers down to the mutated, ill-tempered Sea Bass. If I'm wrong, don't hesitate to put me in my place.

I also don't see where these results show the positives and not the negatives (the serious results, I'm refering to). I thought mine had quite a few negatives that I definately could associate with as well, which made it all the more believable to me. For example, there are quite a lot of times where I just shut myself off from the entire world, even my close friends and families, for a week or two at a time (barring work, of course... I do like to eat and sleep on a bed). I've got a lot of long weekends having this 12 hour per day job, and some of them are spent in complete solitude. Can't say as to where the casual observer would find this behavior as positive.

I have noticed a trend that most or all of us in here fall into the uncommon to rare categories. Browncoats are a special breed.


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 4:32 PM


Well, hell. I'm a Mastermind too. Now I feel obligated to do something meaningful. But my favorite part of the description:

"Natural leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command of projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once in charge, however, Masterminds are the supreme pragmatists, seeing reality as a crucible for refining their strategies for goal-directed action."

Don't make faces.


Friday, April 6, 2007 4:53 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Don't make faces."

Oh dear.

You saw that?


Friday, April 6, 2007 5:18 PM


Rue. Any idea on that Mastermind question of mine? Marina says she's one too and she actually had a clipping of that article. I don't see anything for mastermind. Where are you guys getting that?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 5:27 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh, hi 6-string. Good evening to 'ya.

The mastermind descprtion may be found here:


Friday, April 6, 2007 6:04 PM


Hey Rue.

Ahhhhhh..... I didn't even look there. Thanks. The "Mastermind" sounded to be one of the joke profiles, so I didn't even look to hard at the real profiles. I was thinking you guys were confusing yourselves for the "Evil Overlords" on the joke page since I did a find there for Mastermind and I came up empty.

Kinda makes it a bit more scary there's so many of you here, considering you're only less than 1 percent of the populous, and that "Mastermind" the real profile as opposed to the joke one.

After reading that though I can see quite a bit of myself a nearly a decade ago before I started getting all conspiracy-like. Eight years ago (at 19 yrs old) I was a Project Manager, a Repuglican (I worked on political campaigns for Repugs for a retired House Rep) and I had quite a lot more ambition than I do now. I even kept the letters from the Senators and Reps praising my work on their campaigns. My, how things change over the years....

I kinda wish I had a journal and chronicled the events that lead me to where I am now. Truly an enigma to me.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 6:17 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

It would be an interesting story. Maybe you can recall it bit by bit.


Friday, April 6, 2007 6:37 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Here's the whole thing and where I think it doesn't fit me, anyway.

Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition, it is the contingency planning or entailment organizing role that reaches the highest development in Masterminds. Now, I'm very poor a this. Maybe it's because my time-sense is faulty. For example, I know that Christmas is Dec 25, but I can write down the dates day by day, December 21, December 22, December 23 ... and it won't click that Christmas is only 2 DAYS AWAY. So planning and contingnecy planning are really not my thing.

Entailing or contingency planning is not an informative activity, rather it is a directive one in which the planner tells others what to do and in what order to do it. As the organizing capabilities the Masterminds increase so does their inclination to take charge of whatever is going on. I'm actually very uncomfortable with this. I don't like telling people what to do. I do get frustrated when I see things going south and I'll be vocal, but I'm not a take-charge person.

It is in their abilities that Masterminds differ from the other Rationals, while in most of their attitudes they are just like the others. However there is one attitude that sets them apart from other Rationals: they tend to be much more self-confident than the rest, having, for obscure reasons, developed a very strong will. I guess that's me. But of all the people I work with, I'm middle of the range on this one. And while I don't like people messing with what I do, I don't go messing with what others are doing.

Being very judicious, decisions come naturally to them; indeed, they can hardly rest until they have things settled, decided, and set. That's probably me. But while I do tend to that direction of deciding things, I have learned to withold judgement for quite a while - months, even years - until I get what I think is a fair view.

They are the people who are able to formulate coherent and comprehensive contingency plans, hence contingency organizers or "entailers." There's that thing again which I do so baaaadly with.

Masterminds will adopt ideas only if they are useful, which is to say if they work efficiently toward accomplishing the Mastermind's well-defined goals. (Well, this is more tedious than I thought. Anyway, pressing on ...) I do spend time formulating 'well defined goals' - it's what I call designing things - but that's where the fun is. Then I drop it. I'm not an implementer.

Natural leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command of projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. I do like to stay off the chain of command.

Once in charge, however, Masterminds are the supreme pragmatists, seeing reality as a crucible for refining their strategies for goal-directed action. In a sense, Masterminds approach reality as they would a giant chess board, always seeking strategies that have a high payoff ... ?? I don't know about this. One example - I'm a union steward. Every few years we 'get' to negotiate a new contract, but most of them time we deal with individual problems as they come up (mostly due to management ). I consider myself a pragmatist in the sense that I recognize some issues are not worth dying on the hill for. But mostly we fight a rear-guard defensive action and I personally do NOT spend much time trying to optimize and advance every nook and cranny of the MOU.

... and always devising contingency plans in case of error or adversity. NAH

To the Mastermind, organizational structure and operational procedures are never arbitrary, never set in concrete, but are quite malleable and can be changed, improved, streamlined. Yeah, that's fun.

In their drive for efficient action, Masterminds are the most open-minded of all the types. No idea is too far-fetched to be entertained-if it is useful. Masterminds are natural brainstormers, always open to new concepts and, in fact, aggressively seeking them. This is mostly true in my opinion. There is, to me, nothing quite so enjoyable as a novel idea. And I do like things to be efficient.

They are also alert to the consequences of applying new ideas or positions. Theories which cannot be made to work are quickly discarded by the Masterminds. On the other hand, Masterminds can be quite ruthless in implementing effective ideas, seldom counting personal cost in terms of time and energy. Probably true as well.

I have to say, if I have any talent it's for recognizing good ideas. I used to sign off with "nearly everything I know I learned by the grace of others" which is absolutely true. Most people didn't undertsand what I meant, though, so I dropped it.

So, am I an evil scary monster?


Friday, April 6, 2007 7:25 PM



Originally posted by rue:
I'm actually very uncomfortable with this. I don't like telling people what to do. I do get frustrated when I see things going south and I'll be vocal, but I'm not a take-charge person.

Sounds like you're about halfway there, but you never actually go as far as to take over control of the projects on your own.


It is in their abilities that Masterminds differ from the other Rationals, while in most of their attitudes they are just like the others. However there is one attitude that sets them apart from other Rationals: they tend to be much more self-confident than the rest, having, for obscure reasons, developed a very strong will. I guess that's me. But of all the people I work with, I'm middle of the range on this one. And while I don't like people messing with what I do, I don't go messing with what others are doing.

Well Rue, you've never come off to me here as lacking in self confidence, at least in your opinions.


Being very judicious, decisions come naturally to them; indeed, they can hardly rest until they have things settled, decided, and set. That's probably me. But while I do tend to that direction of deciding things, I have learned to withold judgement for quite a while - months, even years - until I get what I think is a fair view.

A very desirable trait that we should all strive for.

Well.... I was going to go through them all, but I actually have a half night tonight. Got a big get together with some people I haven't seen in years. It's not all that often that I thrust myself into very social situations, but I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm actually kind of excited, which rarely ever happens anymore. So I gotta run.

It sounds to me Rue that you might be more like the Man Behind the Curtain, than the Mastermind, but I think they're pretty closely related.


So, am I an evil scary monster?

Nah.... but your needles and vaccines still scare the crap outta me

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 6, 2007 9:33 PM


Rue, from everything you said, I'm fairly certain you're not an INTJ. The problem is with the J. J's like to decide quickly and well ahead of time if they can. They are generally comfortable with giving orders as long as it fits within their expertise in some way. P's, being informative rather than directive, would rather give someone information and let them infer from it what they think should be done. They also generally feel uncomfortable with decisions made "off-the-cuff". Try giving INTP a read.

"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
- Abraham Lincoln


Friday, April 6, 2007 10:54 PM


Meh, closer to Green Goblin than Batsie...

As I've noted, imma tinker, damned near a mechanical savant, in fact.
EDIT: Do'h - didn't see those two, first time around..
(Crafter Artisan) (The Mechanics)
Yeah, that nails it.

As per my MO however, I hand off the designs to those I feel can best produce or use them, such as in the case of the prosthetics, there's a real crack crew of orthopaedic frankensteins up here who do a bang-up job of actually doing the buildwork.

As for plotting and planning, mostly I give structural framework, operational, and tactical advice to others while encouraging them to action, and yes, to some degree of moral grey area, yank their chain a bit to push them to do it.

So in villainry, I'd be the guy who gets the plan from the mad scientist, cleans it up to a real-world workable model, sorts a build plan and cost efficiency schedule, and then hands it off to the outside contractor to build - and then disappears before things get ugly, having little emotional commitment beyond seeing the job done well and the reward handed over to some untraceable carribean escrow and laundry.

It's just not my way to stick my neck out, and my business is my business, and no one elses - one of my sticking points with governmental nosy-ness, as is also well known.

Even on the internet, I use a whole lot of smoke and mirrors to ensure my privacy, because I really, really do not like other people in my space or in my business, but good advice is still good advice, and many of those aliases have quite solid reputations.

I don't care about credit or glory, I just want the job done and done right, and thus make sure such advice gets put in the hands of folk who'll use it well.

If that qualifies me as a Psycho Vig, meh, so be it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:32 AM


I love my captain

You know, it gave me INFP wich seems kinda half way there but I'm just not that starry eyed. I tend to be paranoind and sinical. Oh, and lazy. Too much work. That rebellion thing did sound like fun tough.

edit: Took it again and got INTP. Again, I think it's part way right but I'm just to lazy and I don't like math all that much. I understand it. I just don't like it.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Saturday, April 7, 2007 11:38 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
And YinYang... it's okay, you're a lot more like me than you thought. I can usually shut it off, so it's only really scary in my mind about 10% of the time. One of us.... One of us.... One of us.....

<.< >.>


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I also don't see where these results show the positives and not the negatives (the serious results, I'm refering to). I thought mine had quite a few negatives that I definately could associate with as well, which made it all the more believable to me. For example, there are quite a lot of times where I just shut myself off from the entire world, even my close friends and families, for a week or two at a time (barring work, of course... I do like to eat and sleep on a bed). I've got a lot of long weekends having this 12 hour per day job, and some of them are spent in complete solitude. Can't say as to where the casual observer would find this behavior as positive.

Well, that's your interpretation of it, as opposed to the way it was worded.


While instinctively courting the personal and organizational demands continually made upon them by others, at intervals INFJs will suddenly withdraw into themselves, sometimes shutting out even their intimates. This apparent paradox is a necessary escape valve for them, providing both time to rebuild their depleted resources and a filter to prevent the emotional overload to which they are so susceptible as inherent "givers."

It says that it's needed, rather than "they have a habit of totally ignoring every around them, which is one of the most obvious weaknesses of this type. The big losers." And, of course, to the casual observe this is a negative, but it goes on to say


As a pattern of behavior, it is perhaps the most confusing aspect of the enigmatic INFJ character to outsiders, and hence the most often misunderstood -- particularly by those who have little experience with this rare type.

Not that I put too much stock into these anyway - I just think human beings are more complex than a test with only yes and no questions.


Saturday, April 7, 2007 3:00 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I might be an INTP as my J was only 1%.


Saturday, April 7, 2007 4:21 PM


The biggest problem with these online test is that questions mean different things to different people. I've found that they're wrong about a quarter of the time if not more. Its much more effective to having someone who's been working with it a while try to talk you through figuring out what you are. Jungian type theory only gives the predominant fundamentals of a person's psyche. Tendancies and preferences you might say. Two INTJ's can be just as different in behavior as an INTJ and an ESFP (though its extremely unlikely). Take it for what it is. Its a tool for putting your own behavior into a context that you might better understand your own motivations. It works poorly when you try to apply the same principles in the 3rd person, so beware.

That said, I've seen marriages and businesses saved by study of this stuff. Its a foreign concept to most people that someone else could have a very legitimate reason for behaving the way they do, and that they might never be able to understand what that is.

"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."
- Abraham Lincoln


Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:23 PM


"I might be an INTP as my J was only 1%." - rue

That's what my J was so it's a toss-up if I'm an iStJ or an iStP (move over Frem).

It was bugging me that I couldn't remember the royalty numbers on the MBTI so I asked my friend about it. Turns out I had grossly underestimated how much money the instrument generates. It was generating four hundred thousand dollars in royalties when it was selling six million dollars a year. Right now it is selling about fifteen million dollars a year so it should be generating somewhere in the neighborhood of a million in royalties.


Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:07 AM


I hit one part of one the ISTP descriptions that actually knocked me off the chair laughing.
Many ISTP experience inter-personal problems that come from the fact that they expect human beings to actually make sense.

Truer words have never been spoken...
It cracked my girl up too, she knows the truth of it better than anyone, having run nose-first into it time and time again.

The two primary ISTP responses to inexplicable human behavior.
"But... why ?!"
Or, more commonly.

People often *don't* make sense, and that just drives us batshit crazy.







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