Imus firing hurts Democrats!

UPDATED: Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:41
VIEWED: 1489
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Friday, April 13, 2007 12:13 PM


Here's an article on the subject:,0,


They came by the hundreds that hot August day in tiny Johnson City, Tenn., gathering on an asphalt parking lot to meet Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. It was not just that he might become the state's first black senator. More than that, even in Republican eastern Tennessee, the Democratic congressman was a celebrity — a regular guest on Don Imus' radio show.

And today, with Imus' career in tatters, the fate of the controversial shock jock is stirring quiet but heartfelt concern in an unlikely quarter: among Democratic politicians.

That's because, over the years, Democrats such as Ford came to count on Imus for the kind of sympathetic treatment that Republicans got from Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.

Equally important, Imus gave Democrats a pipeline to a crucial voting bloc that was perennially hard for them to reach: politically independent white men.

With Imus' show canceled indefinitely because of his remarks about the Rutgers University women's basketball team, some Democratic strategists are worried about how to fill the void. For a national radio audience of white men, Democrats see few if any alternatives.

"This is a real bind for Democrats," said Dan Gerstein, an advisor to one of Imus' favorite regulars, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). "Talk radio has become primarily the province of the right, and the blogosphere is largely the province of the left. If Imus loses his microphone, there aren't many other venues like it around."

Jim Farrell, a former aide to 2000 presidential candidate and Imus regular Bill Bradley, said the firing "creates a vacuum."

This week, when Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) was asked by CNN why he picked Imus' show to announce his presidential candidacy, Dodd explained: "He's got a huge audience; he gives you enough time to talk, not a 30-second sound bite, a chance to explain your views; … and a chance to reach the audience who doesn't always watch the Sunday morning talk shows."

Though Imus was a regular destination for the likes of Dodd, Ford, Lieberman, 2004 Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John F. Kerry and others — as well as such GOP figures as Sen. John McCain of Arizona — his influence has long been debated.

Talkers Magazine ranks him far below Limbaugh and liberal Ed Schultz in terms of power. His audience is dwarfed by many others, and he is not heard in some major markets [though his show was simulcast on cable TV]. One senior Democratic strategist, requesting anonymity to avoid insulting some of his party's power players, said the show was no more than a "locker room for middle-age politicians."

Not all high-level Democrats were drawn to the self-styled "I-Man." Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), a party presidential front-runner and a frequent target of Imus' jokes, said she never had the desire to appear.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), the other current front-runner, appeared once — but he was the first presidential candidate to call this week for Imus' ouster.

Ford strategists believe his relationship with Imus was central to earning credibility in the eyes of white voters in conservative regions of Tennessee. "That's how I got to know Harold, seeing him on Imus," said Ben Scharfstein, owner of the One Stop convenience store in Johnson City, who turned over his parking lot that August day for the campaign event.

But even Scharfstein said he had now had it with Imus. "I'm going to have to turn Don off now," he said. "His ego has gotten ahead of himself, and that's not worth watching."

And Ford was hardly leaping to the defense of his radio ally despite repeated on-air pleas from Imus to appear in his defense. Ford on Thursday called Imus' statements "reprehensible," though he added that Imus was a friend and a "decent man."


Saturday, April 14, 2007 2:01 AM


America loves a winner!

I'll comment here on the whole issue because the other thread has gotten a bit lengthy. I tried to listen to Imus a few yrs ago, when one of the more prominent stations in town put his morning show on for a while. And I laughed at some of that which was said on his show, be it from his gaggle of side kicks or the I-man himself. But soon I tired of the schtick. Imus comes across as a bitter, cynical old coot, often still stuck in the 70's while making Dick Nixon jokes. And there were countless times when he'd utter similar remarks as the one's which eventually got him canned, I have to wonder why it was THIS time that he got nailed. The fact that the women's basketball players he insulted just HAPPENED to be from Rutgers University, the state U of New Jersey , and right in the vicinity of Imus' home radio station, had any thing to do with it. Had the team been from , say California or Louisiana, I wonder how things would have played out. Either way, I do find it curious that the 'insiders' in journalism which had for so long viewed the Imus show as some sort of elite club in which to be a member of, now were forced to abandon him.

I know much has been said by Sharpton et al about how this is only the beginning, and that 'right wing radio' had better watch out, but it's all empty bluster. The fact that Imus wasn't a conservative ( He voted for Kerry last election ) and nothing he said can be viewed as being on par w/ the political commentary found on most other talk radio, there's just nothing to the threats.

Al Sharpton has gotten back some of the media spotlight he feels he's owed back from Barack Obama, and that makes the phony Reverend feel good about himself. He's still yet to apologize for the Tawana Brawley fiasco. Until then, nothing Sharpton says is of very much worth at all.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:01 AM


Imus met with the Rutger's team for 3 hours. He had already been fired from both jobs. He could have taken his $100 million and never been heard from again...but the fact that he did go ahead and meet these women when he didn't really have to shows me that he was sincere in his apology and regret for that remark. If anyone is left to look like the villian here it must be CBS. They own Viacom, MTV, Innerscope Records...all the biggest promoters and promulgaters of that filthy and vile gangsta "music" that hurts everyone...everyone 'cept the artists & the corporate suits.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:25 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Whenever I see these posts from out right wing-nut contingent I know the opposite is true.

"As far as I know he has never officially declared to be a member of any party. You might find this article interesting, I think it is probably the closest thing to an answer. Here is a small exerpt:

"Imus, who hosts a popular radio show on WFAN radio as well as the simulcast on MSNBC cable, has been known for many years as a closet conservative. His often-nightly on-air love affair with John McCain during the primaries last year was difficult for some Democrats to sit through to say the least. He would call McCain, or vice-versa, and exchange right wing, anti-Clinton opinions, pausing only to play his homemade song parodies, skewering Clinton and Gore at will.

In addition his often heard rant against Al Gore seemed disingenuous and deliberately vague. He would call Gore an evil person, a skunk, and other phrases that seem tailor-made both for morning radio, and for old, scruffy cowboy wannabe's like Imus, and yet he offered no concrete facts to back up his ire. It almost seemed that he was trying to appear hip to his staff, which were backing McCain."

Keep spreading that manure, boys. You'll smell real good when it's all over.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 4:09 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by rue:
Whenever I see these posts from out right wing-nut contingent I know the opposite is true.

Rue, When you post a quote, I't be nice if you included a cite or link. I tried googling this one and got no matches. A suspicious person (not me) might think you're making it up.

And I see that the LA Times has, in your opinion, become a bastion of right wing-nuts like the Washington Post. Guess we should expect the NY Times to go on the list soon.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, April 14, 2007 4:30 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:
Rue, When you post a quote, I't be nice if you included a cite or link. I tried googling this one and got no matches. A suspicious person (not me) might think you're making it up.

Here you go, Geezer. Glad to be of service.

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Saturday, April 14, 2007 4:37 AM


If he was a conservative why on earth would laura ingram and elrushbo be bashing him....Please.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 5:13 AM


Bashing Al Gore doesn't make anyone a Conservative or a makes them a sensible & intelligent human being. Gore's desperate attempts to find some relevance in the world are a sad, sad testimonial to his insatiable desire for the spotlight. In his pathetic quest to preach to "believers" he stoops down low and becomes a vile Hollywood ass licker, parading around town like a fat cow with his alarmist horseshit that continues to be de-bunked every day by the world's leading climate experts. I couldn't really tell who the Hollywood scum clapped louder for at their annual ego-fest, the Oscars...Gore, or their other award-winning piece of shit idol, the oh-so revered and admired-by-them convicted fugitive child sodomist/rapist director Roman Polanski.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 5:40 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Succatash:
Here you go, Geezer. Glad to be of service.

Thanks, 'Tash. Guess the bit I cut and pasted to google didn't make it to the top of the results page for some reason, as a repeat did bring it up, at the bottom of the first page.

So a six year old quote from is the authoritative word on Mr. Imus' political leanings?

And about all I could find Googling the author, Bradford Shaw, was this.

Yep. That resume is gonna make me believe him instead of the LA Times.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:41 AM


AURaptor, yeah, that was pretty much my thoughts after listening to Imus for a bit. I felt like he hadn't realized that time had passed him by. Bernard, on the other hand, now there was someone with issues.






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