Thoroughly disgusted

UPDATED: Thursday, April 19, 2007 23:59
VIEWED: 3454
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:36 AM


I have no intention of bashing anyone here who doesn't agree with me and I hope others show me the same respect.

That said, I recently learned that someone who is a fan of Bush's wrote him a letter and extended an invitation for him to visit and speak, which he's agreed to do. Now, I respect the man's right to his opinion, and I really do think it's nice of Bush to do it, but aside from that I am thoroughly repulsed by the man and everything he stands for (both politically and personally) so I actually feel some serious wiggins at the idea of him being within a couple of hours from where I live.

"In Joss We Trust."


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:42 AM


how do you think i feel.... i live less than 70 miles from the western white house - i always get this shiver up my spine when he gets close - eerie


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:46 AM


I feel for you...that's just awful. Hopefully we'll get someone better in the office--no matter the party!

"In Joss We Trust."


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:23 PM


Could always follow Venezuela's example and call your local religious types to purify the ground after he's defiled it with his presence.



Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:25 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:
I feel for you...that's just awful. Hopefully we'll get someone better in the office--no matter the party!

"In Joss We Trust."

Bush is a decent fellow. Don't care for some of his political choices myself, but folks who've met him think highly of him and find him very personable.

Seems like a fairly inverted mindset being displayed here w/ the start of this thread.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:33 PM



Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:
so I actually feel some serious wiggins at the idea of him being within a couple of hours from where I live.

But you are silent about the pedophile or drug dealor next door. Your priorities are out of wack. This is America. If you don't like the President don't go hear him speak.

Perhaps you should move to a country that is more to your liking. Canada, France, Venezuela, Cuba...all generally Bush-free.



Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:16 PM


Bush is fighting & killing the bad guys every day...something the pathetic, limp-wristed lib/dems will never do for any of us.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:23 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Yep. Dubya has been out there with the grunts - sans retro-ed Humvees, body armor and training. Eating sand like the rest of them. He sure is one fiiine brave feller all right.

Wait a minute. I must have been dreaming. He just likes to play dress-up in the cute outfits. Never mind.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:41 PM


Once again, Ru(d)e pops it's head out of it's ass long enough to post another in an endless stream of intellectually bankrupt bullshit. Did FDR land on the beach at Normany or Iwo Jima? Did Truman breathe the pungent air in Hiroshima as the A bomb was going off? You're a gutless Bush-hater. When/if the Dems get the White House ( God forbid)...let's see how you shake & shiver & look in awe and dis-belief over the aftermath of the next 911+...You'll be looking up into the sky screaming why?'s my Rosie?!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:42 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Bush is fighting & killing the bad guys every day

Bush is using the military to settle a personal score and-or help out his corporate buddies and-or garner support and-or marvel at his own power. I probably missed some too. The bad guys are in Afghanistan, which we are currently ignoring in favor of the mess that is Iraq, Saudi Arabia, which is a close ally of the Bush family so we can't touch them, and North Korea, still haven't figured out why we haven't done anything about them. Iraq was certainly not one of the good guys, but they were far from the worst we could have attacked.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:48 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Once again, Ru(d)e pops it's head out of it's ass long enough to post another in an endless stream of intellectually bankrupt bullshit.

Um, you were probably not intending to be taken literally, however your statement WAS false, Bush is not fighting the war so technically Rue is right.


When/if the Dems get the White House ( God forbid)...let's see how you shake & shiver & look in awe and dis-belief over the aftermath of the next 911+

Well Bush has gone from having the support of the entire world post-911 to having the majority of the world think we are war-mongering asshats. I fail to see how that is a good thing. We have done nothing but piss off and de-stabilize the Middle East while ignoring security here.


...You'll be looking up into the sky screaming why?'s my Rosie?!

Just FYI, I don't personally know anyone who thinks Rosie O'Donnell (who I assume you are talking about here) is anything but an enormous pile of shit. I think you'll have a tough time finding supporters of hers here.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:48 PM


What happened to being nice?

C'mon, Dibbuns. Do I have to call Cregga Badger-mum up here to start the scalpin'?

Having fun yet?


A Ghost is all that's Left,
Of everything we Swore we Never would Forget,
Tried to bleed the Sickness,
But we drained our Hearts instead,
We are... We are the DEAD!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:55 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Somehow I feel I hit close to the bone. As for this post - HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... another fine example of "intellectually bankrupt bullshit". Thanks for the laugh.

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Once again, Ru(d)e pops it's head out of it's ass long enough to post another in an endless stream of intellectually bankrupt bullshit. Did FDR land on the beach at Normany or Iwo Jima? Did Truman breathe the pungent air in Hiroshima as the A bomb was going off? You're a gutless Bush-hater. When/if the Dems get the White House ( God forbid)...let's see how you shake & shiver & look in awe and dis-belief over the aftermath of the next 911+...You'll be looking up into the sky screaming why?'s my Rosie?!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:03 PM


So glad I gave your pea-brain a reason to send a lethargic signal to make you go stick your head back up your ass where it is most comfortable.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:15 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
So glad I gave your pea-brain a reason to send a lethargic signal to make you go stick your head back up your ass where it is most comfortable.

Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:21 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
So glad I gave your pea-brain a reason to send a lethargic signal to make you go stick your head back up your ass where it is most comfortable.

No, this is the definition of hypocrisy.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I figured out Jongs's issue. In the other thread, Jong says "six million of my people". You see, Jong doesn't care about the USA or Canada. Jong cares about Israel.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:07 PM


Bush is a jag, no aruging that.

Can't feel sorry about anybody dying in this war though. I don't agree with the war at all, particularly the fact that we were lied to about every aspect of it along the way, but those boys and girls knew what they were getting themselves into when they signed the dotted line and if they didn't.... well, that's just survival of the fittest then, isn't it?

I still have no idea why we ever went after Iraq, but I don't think it was because of the oil. It was so we had a nice big place to land our planes and troops when we invade Iran and whoever is next over there.

EDITED TO ADD: Yes FREDGIBLET, I second the motion that Rosie O'Donnell is an enormous pile of shit.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:14 PM


I really am sick and tired of people saying Bush is a bad president. To all those people who say that: You be president and see how well you do when terrorists attack your country and you have constant hate messages and people always questioning your intelligence! The weight of America is a pretty big burden.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:17 PM



Originally posted by BionicBatman:
I really am sick and tired of people saying Bush is a bad president. To all those people who say that: You be president and see how well you do when terrorists attack your country and you have constant hate messages and people always questioning your intelligence! The weight of America is a pretty big burden.

You're right. I'm president of my own fan club, and boy does that get tough when I have to defend my positions in here and I got everybody in RWED hating on me.

Yeah, I'm talking about Rue and Cit. You terrorists of president Jack's opinions! Too bad I don't got me an army or you'd find yourself invaded tomorrow, much like you'd have your needles invading my skin tomorrow if you had your own army.


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:05 PM


you know,? it makes me sad that everytime I stumble into these "Real World" threads, I only see people insulting each other.
you all have a lot in common, yet insult each other for your differences. do you really want everyone to think exactly like you?
I disagree with some friends I've known for 17 years. it doesn't degenerate into name callin'.
each of us needs to face facts.
no "leader" will ever agree 100% with our views.
Democrats can have morally corrupt leaders who teach the world that adultery is cool, and support the poor getting poorer. and castrate our military to the point that we look like a target.
Republicans can have warmongers who pay their friends over the unknown to "put the wrong things right" and support the rich getting richer, and build our military to the point that we look like bullies.
Is there a middle ground?
will we as a people ever stop insulting each other long enough to find it?
I don't know. the answer is in a third or forth or fifth party. People not living here in the US... you really have enough time to think about our decisions? the decisions of your leadership effect the world so little that you worry about us?
sorry, I hate RWE. everything degenerates into name calling. and each side yells at the other for namecalling just before doing it themselves. People pretend to be superior, right before the "baby killer"/ "warmonger"/ "idiot"/ "pussy"/ "cocksucker" comes out.
if any of you could bother to look for "common ground" with your "enemies" ......... progress may be found.
sorry, I'm a troll, insult me. call me a moron. call me a liar.
Imagine if we all agreed that neither side was right.........
no, that'd never work.......


"I will stare from the window
At the shapes in the rain." -Beyond You - Afraid of Sunlight -Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:30 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
the answer is in a third or forth or fifth party. People not living here in the US... you really have enough time to think about our decisions? the decisions of your leadership effect the world so little that you worry about us?

I know this isn't your point here, but I just gotta say you do make two or three good points here.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:15 PM


Thanks Six.
I'm not sure what my point is, I just want people to think. you don't have to give me 12 points of reference, or 20 people that agree with you, just tell me what you think, and why, without 4th grade namecalling and "my point of view is better than yours." you don't even have to agree with me, just explain clearly (without insults) why you don't.
Share information without degredation.
I've seen people do this here, but they tend to slip into namecalling after 3-5 posts. Usually the folk that are most opposed to namecalling jump towards it first. "you called someone a nazi, you're an idiot."
What happened to, "I see where you're coming from, but I read here that...., and I tend to believe X."
followed by, "I can understand you believe X, however I read here (link) that this was more accurate.

*sigh* keep in mind that every opinion is... well, opinionated. I know mine is. if you think I'm wrong, "teach me right now, show me how." without belittling me. that only makes me want to fight.

Share information, not attacks.

may we all find a 'common ground' and grow.

"I will stare from the window
At the shapes in the rain." -Beyond You - Afraid of Sunlight -Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:14 PM


I posted this thread simply to voice my own opinion, NOT to attack anyone. I respect the opinion of the man who wrote Bush the letter in the first place, even though I don't agree with it. I even respect Bush for coming even though I never had any intention of going to hear him speak, but I wouldn't protest it either simply because the idea gives me the wiggins (regardless of how I feel about him, I realize he is on occasion as capable of good deeds as anyone). And why exactly does that mean I wouldn't protest pedophiles or whatever for living next door to me? That makes no sense. It only means someone is so obsessed with attacking that their losing sight of everything else. Bullies are so sad to me.

I hoped in posting this thread and NOT attacking anyone, I might actually be treated with the same respect. Obviously I was wrong. To be clear, I don't despise all Republicans, just the ones I don't trust (I probably wouldn't vote for him, but even if John McCain were to win the presidency I would at least feel it was a giant leap above Bush). The same with any Democrat, and sometimes politicians in general. They're ALL capable of screwing us over for their own benefit, or the benefit of their friends.

You like Bush? That's fine. I don't understand it, but I respect your opinion. I haven't said who I'm rooting for (mostly because I haven't really decided yet...too early) but I hope that when (and if) I do, things will have changed around here and we can learn to treat each other with a little respect.

I appreciate those who tried to act as mediator here. Thank you.

Edit:"Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing."--Angel
"In Joss We Trust."


Thursday, April 19, 2007 12:37 AM


Hey Jade. You're right. All of it. I've posted similar stuff, but I know that I've been called a troll in here on more than one occasion, and though I believe the individuals who called me a troll are just as capable of trollish behavior as I am, I know that I'm a major offender of this on occasion. Kinda hard not to resort to that considering the subject matter.

That's why we've learned for several generations from movies and TV not to discuss religion or politics with anyone. It's not nearly as easy to remain polite and civil towards one another when you're talking about rocking the core values of other people.

JWHEDONADDICT - I am not a Bush fan and I believe he will go down in the books as one of the worst presidents we've ever had. Demoncrats still scare the shit out of me though.

It's time for a third party.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:14 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by BionicBatman:
I really am sick and tired of people saying Bush is a bad president. To all those people who say that: You be president and see how well you do when terrorists attack your country and you have constant hate messages and people always questioning your intelligence! The weight of America is a pretty big burden.

You're right. I'm president of my own fan club, and boy does that get tough when I have to defend my positions in here and I got everybody in RWED hating on me.

Yeah, I'm talking about Rue and Cit. You terrorists of president Jack's opinions! Too bad I don't got me an army or you'd find yourself invaded tomorrow, much like you'd have your needles invading my skin tomorrow if you had your own army.

Great post! Rue & Citizen are the real trolls in here, like heroin addicts, always needing to inject their 2-twitted cents in on every discussion.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:16 AM


What, no insult at me for a smartass intended bit of humor, for shame, i'm so grieved

Seriously though Jade, I try, on any given day to present a point as rationally as possible with a minimum of slagging, but I'm just as human as the next guy, overall though, I think RWED isn't half as awful as most net forums where this kind of stuff is discussed, not even close.

The problem with finding common ground with someone else is that they have to want to as well, and sadly that is not often the case.

As for multiple political parties, I say hell yes, the more the merrier, but I don't think hearing that from an anarchist is likely to be of any comfort to you.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, April 19, 2007 4:42 AM


Jadehand - i appreciate your post. Sometimes a voice of reason can calm one of these flame wars - unfortunately sometimes nothing helps.

I like to visit RWED on occasion for the "reasonable discussions" that sometime take place. Plus, it is a place to share information on current events. I have, however, noticed the increased amount of angry venting that goes on here.

Venting, ranting, raving or just plain arguing can be an emotional release, which often relieves stress for the person venting – then again, I think some posters are simply jerking us around for fun – Sure, people disagree – some folks enjoy argument for arguments sake – (my brother-in-law has made a life’s work of the art of disagreement) – so it’s going to happen – especially when it comes to politics and religion –

The way I see it is like this, we’re left with two options – ignore this part of the board and continue to enjoy the discussions pertaining to science fiction, movies, television and mostly Firefly (the reason we all came here in the first place), or present our views and opinions of current events in a rational way – of course that’s not to say that there aren’t times when, just like my bro-in-law, that I feel like punching someone’s lights out – but the virtual world is pretty good at preventing bloodshed….

I know I’m guilty of Bush-bashing – and I won’t apologize for it – I have watched this guy’s rise to power ever since his daddy gave him some west-Texas oil fields to play with – What he did to the education system here in Texas was a disgrace and, IMHO, he has done absolutely nothing to benefit the well being of the citizens of this country. But that’s just my opinion, and I will do my best not to denigrate those here who think his shit don’t stink… (but I’m here to tell you it really does…)


Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:05 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Yeah, I'm talking about Rue and Cit.

So I'm the one following you around just to attack you and your the one popping up only to tell me you'd kill me if you had an army?

Is this the definition of Hypocrisy?


Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:06 AM


Now seriously, this MUST be the definition of hypocrisy right here:

Originally posted by ShinyEd:
Great post! Rue & Citizen are the real trolls in here, like heroin addicts, always needing to inject their 2-twitted cents in on every discussion.

Ahh, I see, I'm the real troll here and you're the one posting merely to make an unsolicited insult?

I'm fairly sure I've never jumped into a thread to merely post an outright insult to someone for no reason, but hey I'm sure not posting just to be insulting would seem trollish to those that consider that the norm eh .

Because to normal people such a thing is what trolls do, get it .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:27 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Ahh, I see, I'm the real troll here and you're the one posting merely to make an unsolicited insult?

I'm fairly sure I've never jumped into a thread to merely post an outright insult to someone for no reason, but hey I'm sure not posting just to be insulting would seem trollish to those that consider that the norm eh .

Because to normal people such a thing is what trolls do, get it.

Please refer to your first post in this thread.

Posting to stir stuff up.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:50 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Please refer to your first post in this thread.

Maybe you could quote where the personal attack was, rather than just making a vague and IMO fallacious accusation?

I asked if it was hypocritical of the person telling me, Rue and some other posters we shouldn't attack other firefly fans in another thread to then turn around and make a frankly vile and bile filled post directed at Rue with little to no provocation.

I think it is, evidently you have a different perspective, maybe you'd like to share it, or maybe you'd like to just support anyone who seems to share your politics and attack anyone who does not, regardless of what is really happening?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 7:10 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Maybe you could quote where the personal attack was, rather than just making a vague and IMO fallacious accusation?


Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
So glad I gave your pea-brain a reason to send a lethargic signal to make you go stick your head back up your ass where it is most comfortable.

No, this is the definition of hypocrisy.


Originally posted by citizen:
I asked if it was hypocritical of the person telling me, Rue and some other posters we shouldn't attack other firefly fans in another thread to then turn around and make a frankly vile and bile filled post directed at Ruewith little to no provocation.

Rue can defend herself, you were picking a fight IMHO.

Originally posted by citizen:
I think it is, evidently you have a different perspective, maybe you'd like to share it, or maybe you'd like to just support anyone who seems to share your politics and attack anyone who does not, regardless of what is really happening?

As I have stated before, I engage posters more for personality than politics. I found it odd that you would post this,

Originally posted by citizen:
Ahh, I see, I'm the real troll here and you're the one posting merely to make an unsolicited insult?
I'm fairly sure I've never jumped into a thread to merely post an outright insult to someone for no reason,...

after doing that very same thing.

Posting to stir stuff up.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 7:28 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Rue can defend herself, you were picking a fight IMHO.

In part I was defending myself, he attacked me. You haven't proven I did what you accused me of, you saying it doesn't make it true.

And if I were picking a fight what were you doing? Oh that's right, picking a fight, nice .

As I have stated before, I engage posters more for personality than politics. I found it odd that you would post this,
after doing that very same thing.

Except I didn't do exactly the same thing. I defended myself, but if you believe you and people you agree with have the right to attack with impunity and those you dislike must shut up and accept it then more power to you.

Posting to stir stuff up.
Or maybe this is hypocrisy? You accuse me of doing something not only you do more than actually engaging on a subject, but is your stated purpose for being here.

Your stated purpose for being here is too attack other posters and not engage on politics and you think you have the right to tell other posters off even when most (including me) don't do it half as much as you.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 7:44 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm president of my own fan club

Congratulations on having one registered member! You must be proud.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 7:47 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
In part I was defending myself, he attacked me. You haven't proven I did what you accused me of, you saying it doesn't make it true.

Now it is you who must provide proof. Show me where in this thread Jongsstraw attacked you first.

And if I were picking a fight what were you doing? Oh that's right, picking a fight, nice .

Yes, and I do not try to spin my way out of it like you are.

Originally posted by citizen:
Except I didn't do exactly the same thing. I defended myself, but if you believe you and people you agree with have the right to attack with impunity and those you dislike must shut up and accept it then more power to you.

Again, I ask for proof. How could your first post in this thread(which we are talking about)be in your defense when you were not even mentioned?

Originally posted by citizen:
Posting to stir stuff up. Or maybe this is hypocrisy? You accuse me of doing something not only you do more than actually engaging on a subject, but is your stated purpose for being here.

Your stated purpose for being here is too attack other posters and not engage on politics and you think you have the right to tell other posters off even when most (including me) don't do it half as much as you.

Please explain the hypocrisy. I feel my actions and signature speak for themselves, you know what you are going to get. Your fancy signature and spin do not make you any less a troll IMHO, just a closet one.

Posting to stir stuff up.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:04 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Now it is you who must provide proof. Show me where in this thread Jongsstraw attacked you first.

I never said it was in this thread. I clearly stated that I thought it was hypocritical he would tell myself and others off for our actions when showing far worse behaviour elsewhere.

Yes, and I do not try to spin my way out of it like you are.
I'm not spinning my way out, I'm giving my perspective, though I realise you wish to silence all perspectives other than your own. It is you who is twising my words.

Again, I ask for proof. How could your first post in this thread(which we are talking about)be in your defense when you were not even mentioned?
Again you ask for proof you are unwilling to provide yourself, but then you so rarely have, much easier to make vague accusations and not back them up when trying to distabilise a forum for no reason other than BDN's twisted pleasure I guess.

Please explain the hypocrisy. I feel my actions and signature speak for themselves, you know what you are going to get. Your fancy signature and spin do not make you any less a troll IMHO, just a closet one.
I try and engage, I've had many rewarding conversations with people of diverse political opinions. I'm not a troll, I'm someone who doesn't tollerate silently the Trolls and they're supporters. I can't find common ground with you, though I have tried, and I can't get a political or any sort of debate with you because you, by your own admission, DO NOT WANT to debate with people. You want to stir stuff up, you want a fight. I don't, but that doesn't mean I'm going to walk away if someone such as yourself, who is only interested in a fight, chooses to attack me.

And since the obvious is not obvious to you the hypocrisy is that you'll tollerate it from yourself and anyone you like, even support and reveal in it, but attack others you dislike if you percieve it coming from them, or think you can twist it that way.

Beyond that I find it hard to believe I'm having an argument with a self professed troll about whose worse, the troll or the person the troll trolls. The answers obvious, these forums would be happier without you.

Good day.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 12:14 PM


6ixstring: I'm sorry that you were ever put into a position to feel defensive for your opinions, whether that was me or anyone else (for the record I've only posted here a couple of times I think--don't remember much though). ALL politicians scare the shit out of me...but I realize that it's not only a difficult job, but also impossible to find one any of us would agree with 100%.

But if I'm going to vote for anyone, it won't knowingly be someone who lied to get us into a war, which resulted in approximately hundreds of thousands of senseless deaths (yes, I'm counting Iraqi civilians); fights to ban my right to decide what happens to my body/my child (I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control but I DON'T WANT TO POPULATE THE COUNTRY WITH DEAD SOLDIERS, or have my child lost in the increasingly fucked-up foster care system either); and also feels it's his/her right to decide whether or not gays should be able to get married (I don't believe it's anyone else's business--as long as no one is being hurt in a situation--to decide how others should live their lives).

Bush is the Alliance personified, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm sorry if my views offend anyone...they're really not meant to. But I feel as strongly about them as you do about yours.

"Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing."--Angel
"In Joss We Trust."


Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:56 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
So I'm the one following you around just to attack you and your the one popping up only to tell me you'd kill me if you had an army?

Is this the definition of Hypocrisy?

So defensive Cit....

Not being a hypocrite at all, when I say on many occasions that I'm just as guilty of trolling as you can be. Unlike you, I admit to my lapses into trolldom freely, while you have never once admited how much of a troll you can be, even going as far as to deny that you have ever done it before.

I was kind of kidding here anyhow. I can't think of another person I'd rather argue with than you or Rue.

And I never said I'd kill you, just that I'd invade you. There may be a bit of torture involved though.

Seriously man... chill out. I can feel the heat from your anger on this thread and I'm concerned you're going to burst a blood vessle.


NOTMANDATORY - Congratulations on having one registered member! You must be proud.

Hey hey hey! We've got more than one member if you include all of my multiple personalities. Even the ones that don't like me joined because I told them I wouldn't let them out to play if they didn't.

JWhedonAddict - Thanks for the post, but I don't recall feeling that I was put in a defensive position. Certainly not by you anyhow.

I don't blame you for counting Iraqi civilians in your death toll. We invaded them and they've never even given me a reason that I buy that we're in this war in the first place. It's all too Orwellian for me. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing the Iraqi civilian is guilty of is living in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I have a serious issue against somebody telling you that you can't have an abortion as well. Personally, I would never do it myself and I wouldn't be with someone who says they would (in fear of her killing my unborn child without even my knowledge), but the government shouldn't have a say in it. And you're right, we're supposed to believe that he cares about life and "PROLIFE" and yet he has no qualms about getting our kids and thousands of Iraqis killed for oil, or a Middle-Eastern home base or whatever the real reason is. There's Cit's definition of hypocracy at work.

As far as gay marriage is concerned, I think the government needs to recognize it, but at the same time, they cannot tell the boyscouts or the churches they need to include gays. It's not the governments place to tell an organization or group how to run their shop unless they're causing harm or committing hate crimes against them. There is nothing anywhere saying that they can't start their own groups, which I'm sure many hetrosexuals wouldn't mind being a part of in todays day and age.

Bush is the Alliance personified, as far as I'm concerned.

I know you said that, but I felt that it needed repeating. Just don't forget that the Demoncrats are just as guilty of it as he is. They've been the one raising my cigarette taxes to the point that I pay nearly $7.00 for a pack and I can't even go to a strip club anymore and smoke a cigarette. It's a bunch of invasive and Orwellian bullshit that is coming equally from both sides.

My advice to you is vote Libertarian in 2008.

Don't be too concerned about your views being offensive to people here. A lot of folk come to the RWED because theyr machochists. I'm one of em.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:26 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
So defensive Cit....

Yeah it happens when people are attacked. Some defend themselves some lie down and accept a kicking with a smile on their face. If I did the latter would you really love me as much.

Not being a hypocrite at all, when I say on many occasions that I'm just as guilty of trolling as you can be. Unlike you, I admit to my lapses into trolldom freely, while you have never once admited how much of a troll you can be, even going as far as to deny that you have ever done it before.
I have never said, nor do I think, that you are a troll. What I think is that sometimes you're a complete arsehole which more or less proves your human, and is also something I've admitted to myself. I don't admit to trolling because I don't go into a topic to start a fight, and I don't start using personal insults without being attacked first, despite how BDN and his troll army might like to twist it.

Seriously man... chill out. I can feel the heat from your anger on this thread and I'm concerned you're going to burst a blood vessle.
*Sigh* I'm not angry Jack.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:24 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Yeah it happens when people are attacked. Some defend themselves some lie down and accept a kicking with a smile on their face. If I did the latter would you really love me as much.

Nope, I don't reckon' I would Cit. I wasn't really attacking you here, okay... maybe a little jab. I think you're a little sore with me because maybe I wasn't the only one.


I have never said, nor do I think, that you are a troll. What I think is that sometimes you're a complete arsehole which more or less proves your human, and is also something I've admitted to myself. I don't admit to trolling because I don't go into a topic to start a fight, and I don't start using personal insults without being attacked first, despite how BDN and his troll army might like to twist it.

Well..... I'm sure if I looked around I could dig up a post where you did call me a troll at some point, but then again, I probably diserved it at the time. I'm also thinking that if I looked REALLY hard, I can find an instance where you insulted me. I'm too lazy to do that. Maybe I should start a thread asking Big Brother to dig up those quotes for me. I know he's watching everything I type in here.

From where I'm sitting it seems like you want to fight with me all the time, but that's just cause we've both got high opinions of ourselves and strong beliefs which happen to contradict each other's seemingly much more often than not. I also imagine that it must be because for some twisted reason we must care a bit about each other's opinions or we probably wouldn't be doing that as often as we do.


*Sigh* I'm not angry Jack.

I'm glad.

Let's call a truce until the next time we get under each other's skin over some political bullshit so deeply we want to gouge each other's eyes out.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:59 PM


Joss Whedon. D.O.B: June 23rd 1964. George W. Bush. D.O.B: 6th July 1946.

That makes them both Cancerians.

The 'In Joss We Trust' signature seemed a mite antithetical. I'm not singling out folk's beliefs or dismissing them. I respect everyone's belief's here, and they're entitled to have them.

Although, it seemed kinda ironic to see various viewpoints hating and liking two people with the same astrological/psychological characteristics. It's interesting.

Just a thought...


[IMG] [/IMG]

Abby Sciouto: "Are either of you guys Libras?"
Tony Dinozzo & Kate Todd: "No."
Abby Sciouto: "Good thing 'cause they are so screwed this week!"

- 'The Good Samaritan', NCIS.






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