Privilege in the United States

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Thursday, June 7, 2007 9:30 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?

That could be. Lets look at my past. Hmm...job, school, job and school, job and lawschool. Maybe when I became a lawyer...nope, worked two jobs, seven days a week for a year and a half before my first vacation. Now I make pretty good money so I've cut myself back to seventy or so hours with a week's vacation every year (not counting govt holidays). So yeah, I'm lazy...

Then again, an African American male with my academic background would have had a full scholarship and been recruited to a top law firm out of school. Heck, I saw it happen with fellas and some nice ladies way behind me in the academic arena. Yes, I have the job I wanted, but I worked my way from intern all the way up and still almost lost out to a nice gal who failed her bar exam the first time and couldn't try cases worth a damn. She did have a large chest to offset her lack of research and writing ability...female privilage? She's gone now...could not cut it. I could and here I am. My boss is a female...meanest prosecutor I ever met (also the smallest...size does not matter) and damn fine trial lawyer.

I'd gladly trade my student loan payment for some racial profiling or the occaisional sexist remark...where do I sign up?


A lawyer huh? I'm impressed. Okay, so you are not lazy. You can't be lazy and go through the head-trauma trying to be a lawyer.



Thursday, June 7, 2007 9:35 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
A lawyer huh? I'm impressed. Okay, so you are not lazy. You can't be lazy and go through the head-trauma trying to be a lawyer.

Head trauma? I'd gladly trade three days of having someone whack me in the head with a phone book to having to take the bar exam.



Thursday, June 7, 2007 3:01 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


"There is a certain class ... who do not want the patient to get well, because ... they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent ...”

... today this philosophy has ... come to dominate the domestic polices of a large part of Left-wing politics in America ...

Lets' see how this stands up. The premise: Domestic policies of many liberals are dominated by the desire to make money and garner prominence.

Nope, that doesn't compute. The vast majority of liberals work regular jobs and all but handful will ever gain prominence.

Sorry, Finn, Try again.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 3:41 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by kaneman:
"I'm a heterosexual white male under 35, the only unprotected class of folk in this country. Don't talk to me about privilage. There were no scholarships, no affirmative action, no benefits of any kind."

In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?


How this is my quote I have no idea...unless River is drinking again.......


Thursday, June 7, 2007 4:29 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by kaneman:
"I'm a heterosexual white male under 35, the only unprotected class of folk in this country. Don't talk to me about privilage. There were no scholarships, no affirmative action, no benefits of any kind."

In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?


How this is my quote I have no idea...unless River is drinking again.......

And your point is...?

And NO I'm not drinking; not yet at least. I might on Friday and let's see if I can repeat my falling off the chair and passing out on the floor stunt. How I managed to start a topic while doing all of this bothers me a little...

Anyway. How are you enjoying your White Privilege Kaneman?



Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:18 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Lets' see how this stands up. The premise: Domestic policies of many liberals are dominated by the desire to make money and garner prominence.

Nope, that doesn't compute. The vast majority of liberals work regular jobs and all but handful will ever gain prominence.

Sorry, Finn, Try again.

Nice strawman.

Sorry, Rue, Try again.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:27 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by kaneman:
"I'm a heterosexual white male under 35, the only unprotected class of folk in this country. Don't talk to me about privilage. There were no scholarships, no affirmative action, no benefits of any kind."

In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?


How this is my quote I have no idea...unless River is drinking again.......

And your point is...?

And NO I'm not drinking; not yet at least. I might on Friday and let's see if I can repeat my falling off the chair and passing out on the floor stunt. How I managed to start a topic while doing all of this bothers me a little...

Anyway. How are you enjoying your White Privilege Kaneman?


Hero is the one claiming to be a heterosexual white male, not Kaneman. Apparently he isn't. J/k, just couldn't resist the setup. Not sure how, but River got the attribution incorrect.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:32 PM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?

That could be. Lets look at my past. Hmm...job, school, job and school, job and lawschool. Maybe when I became a lawyer...nope, worked two jobs, seven days a week for a year and a half before my first vacation. Now I make pretty good money so I've cut myself back to seventy or so hours with a week's vacation every year (not counting govt holidays). So yeah, I'm lazy...

Then again, an African American male with my academic background would have had a full scholarship and been recruited to a top law firm out of school. Heck, I saw it happen with fellas and some nice ladies way behind me in the academic arena. Yes, I have the job I wanted, but I worked my way from intern all the way up and still almost lost out to a nice gal who failed her bar exam the first time and couldn't try cases worth a damn. She did have a large chest to offset her lack of research and writing ability...female privilage? She's gone now...could not cut it. I could and here I am. My boss is a female...meanest prosecutor I ever met (also the smallest...size does not matter) and damn fine trial lawyer.

I'd gladly trade my student loan payment for some racial profiling or the occaisional sexist remark...where do I sign up?


Why do you continue to bring up African Americans instead of addressing your white male privilege. If an African American could swap 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow and the last 40 years of affirmative action for your white privilege would you, somehow I doubt it.

Racism is about power , white male privilege is about power. You act as if a few years of some mostly defunct affrimative action programs have made up for hundreds of years of enslavement and terrorism. It hasn't even come close, stick to the topic..which is your white male privliage or is that to hard for you to do!!

Am I suppose to feel sorry for you because you didn't get a scholarship and there was no program to help you through college, I'm sure your white male privilage helped you just as much as any affirmative action program helped some woman or some minority who needed it.

You know you love your white male privilage no one is asking you to deny that; however just don't try to justify it, just admit that it does give you an advantage over everyone else. It puts you at a certain level that you didn't earn,and thats just the way it is. why is that so hard for some of you to admit?


Thursday, June 7, 2007 6:49 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Nope, the strawman is yours. You claim that there is a "large part of Left-wing politics" mostly white who want to keep "the hardships of the Negro race before the public" because "as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."

And yet, virtually every liberal is a working person like you or me, and with the exception of a handful, like you or me almost none will ever be prominent. Your attempt to portray liberals as radical self-serving prominent parasites is seriously out of touch with reality.

In fact, I think I can make a better case portraying conservatives as parasites cynically feeding off of tax money while propagandizing about private business.

“Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs....There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who do not want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”
-- Booker T. Washington

In Washington’s day, this “class of colored people” may have been predominately African-American, but today this philsophy has migrated and come to dominate the domestic polices of a large part of Left-wing politics in America advocated by as many and probably more white people then black.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 6:49 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?

That could be. Lets look at my past. Hmm...job, school, job and school, job and lawschool. Maybe when I became a lawyer...nope, worked two jobs, seven days a week for a year and a half before my first vacation. Now I make pretty good money so I've cut myself back to seventy or so hours with a week's vacation every year (not counting govt holidays). So yeah, I'm lazy...

Then again, an African American male with my academic background would have had a full scholarship and been recruited to a top law firm out of school. Heck, I saw it happen with fellas and some nice ladies way behind me in the academic arena. Yes, I have the job I wanted, but I worked my way from intern all the way up and still almost lost out to a nice gal who failed her bar exam the first time and couldn't try cases worth a damn. She did have a large chest to offset her lack of research and writing ability...female privilage? She's gone now...could not cut it. I could and here I am. My boss is a female...meanest prosecutor I ever met (also the smallest...size does not matter) and damn fine trial lawyer.

I'd gladly trade my student loan payment for some racial profiling or the occaisional sexist remark...where do I sign up?


Why do you continue to bring up African Americans instead of addressing your white male privilage. If an African American could swap 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow and the last 40 years of affirmative action for your white privilage would you, somehow I doubt it.

Racism is about power , white male privilage is about power. You act as if a few years of some mostly defunct affrimative action programs have made up for hundreds of years of enslavement and terrorism. It hasn't even come close, stick to the topic..which is your white male privliage or is that to hard for you to do!!

Am I suppose to feel sorry for you because you didn't get a scholarship and there was no program to help you through college, I'm sure your white male privilage helped you just as much as any affirmative action program helped some woman or some minority who needed it.

You know you love your white male privilage no one is asking you to deny that; however just don't try to justify it, just admit that it does give you an advantage over everyone else. It puts you at a certain level that you didn't earn,and thats just the way it is. why is that so hard for some of you to admit?

Good point, and thank you very much for adding that. I was wondering when someone else who isn't a White Male would come in here and add their two cents worth to the fray. I also noticed that whenever a topic like this comes up the first thing people do is start talking about the treatment of Black people. They toss up statistics proving that Black people are the #1 makers of crime, or the number one takers of the welfare system. They talk about Affirmative Action, and they also mention quotas, and they ALL end it with how oppressed the White man is and how they have no special organizations to protect them. It makes me want to hurl sometimes because I KNOW they know better than that.

The original Affirmative Action is the Old Boys Club. The members? White Males. Everyone else had to take a back seat because they were all undeserving. Even when Affirmative Action and other policies were put in place White Males STILL found ways around that, and even with all of these organizations White males STILL hold the power over almost everything. I fail to see how they are being oppressed. I still think that they see it as there god given right to determine who is deserving and not deserving. And you are right Jenny...It's about power and they are not found lacking in this, but STILL they whine. Out of all the people in the United States White males have it better because they have an advantage that no one else does. They have White Privilege, so they will always be one up on every other race or gender; they will always be given the benefit of the doubt. It's sort of like they have a cheat card. I personally believe that most white males are lazy, not all of them but most of them are. I figure many of them have been led to believe that things would be handed to them regardless if they worked hard or not. And then the rude surprise hits them later in life when they learn that you actually have to get skills to make it here on Earth. They get angry when they see some one from another race doing well, and they get jealous, and feel that they have been left out, so then they turn their anger on Affirmative Action" or some other programs thinking that this is how the person of color got ahead. Pathetic.

No one likes this sort of topic, but from where I'm standing topics like this must always be discussed and challenged. If anyone dares to challenge it they are labeled a Liberal or a Left-wing fanatic, or they must be living on the West Coast. All diversions to keep people from taking the subject matter seriously. They want us all to go along with their mind-set, and when we don't they get angry and start the name calling anew. It's like dealing with children. I'm waiting for the clown who will finally get around and start calling me a race traitor for not going along with his rubbish. I guess a REAL White woman is supposed to go along with whatever a white man decrees without question. If you think I'm this sort of person I think you should wake up from your dream, and smell the fucking coffee of reality.

Hundreds of years people of color have been getting the short stick and only in the last 30 years are they able to start getting some skills and the moment that happens White males start whining like little bitches. It makes me sick to my stomach because their reactions and fear and laziness really show the true colors of our race and for that I am ashamed.



Thursday, June 7, 2007 7:27 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Nope, the strawman is yours. You claim that there is a "large part of Left-wing politics" mostly white who want to keep "the hardships of the Negro race before the public" because "as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."

Yes. And it is probably true. (At least I think it's probably true the way I stated it, sans the strawman.) It is not a strawman. You’re attempt to extrapolate my argument out to include every Liberal in the country, regardless of whether they actually advocate a political position beyond their own personal situation, is a strawman. I never said that. You invented it because you evidently believe I’m right and don’t have any real argument to counter it with.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, June 7, 2007 7:37 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Well, at least the question of whether you’re a racist has been answered. And if there was any debate on your chauvinist tendencies, that’s pretty much answered too.

Oh! A hot word! I'm a racists! Yes I'm a racist against my own race with particular attention to white males, so yes, I am a racists and I don't just have chauvinistic tendencies, I am a total chauvinist against males. I've had to fight you creeps all of my life and I know ever dirty trick you are able to pull and survived it all, and maybe even gave back a little. Dealing with you creeps brings out the devil in me. With that it's time to watch some BattleStar Galactica.



Thursday, June 7, 2007 8:49 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by piratejenny:

Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?

That could be. Lets look at my past. Hmm...job, school, job and school, job and lawschool. Maybe when I became a lawyer...nope, worked two jobs, seven days a week for a year and a half before my first vacation. Now I make pretty good money so I've cut myself back to seventy or so hours with a week's vacation every year (not counting govt holidays). So yeah, I'm lazy...

Then again, an African American male with my academic background would have had a full scholarship and been recruited to a top law firm out of school. Heck, I saw it happen with fellas and some nice ladies way behind me in the academic arena. Yes, I have the job I wanted, but I worked my way from intern all the way up and still almost lost out to a nice gal who failed her bar exam the first time and couldn't try cases worth a damn. She did have a large chest to offset her lack of research and writing ability...female privilage? She's gone now...could not cut it. I could and here I am. My boss is a female...meanest prosecutor I ever met (also the smallest...size does not matter) and damn fine trial lawyer.

I'd gladly trade my student loan payment for some racial profiling or the occaisional sexist remark...where do I sign up?


Why do you continue to bring up African Americans instead of addressing your white male privilage. If an African American could swap 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow and the last 40 years of affirmative action for your white privilage would you, somehow I doubt it.

Racism is about power , white male privilage is about power. You act as if a few years of some mostly defunct affrimative action programs have made up for hundreds of years of enslavement and terrorism. It hasn't even come close, stick to the topic..which is your white male privliage or is that to hard for you to do!!

Am I suppose to feel sorry for you because you didn't get a scholarship and there was no program to help you through college, I'm sure your white male privilage helped you just as much as any affirmative action program helped some woman or some minority who needed it.

You know you love your white male privilage no one is asking you to deny that; however just don't try to justify it, just admit that it does give you an advantage over everyone else. It puts you at a certain level that you didn't earn,and thats just the way it is. why is that so hard for some of you to admit?

Good point, and thank you very much for adding that. I was wondering when someone else who isn't a White Male would come in here and add their two cents worth to the fray. I also noticed that whenever a topic like this comes up the first thing people do is start talking about the treatment of Black people. They toss up statistics proving that Black people are the #1 makers of crime, or the number one takers of the welfare system. They talk about Affirmative Action, and they also mention quotas, and they ALL end it with how oppressed the White man is and how they have no special organizations to protect them. It makes me want to hurl sometimes because I KNOW they know better than that.

The original Affirmative Action is the Old Boys Club. The members? White Males. Everyone else had to take a back seat because they were all undeserving. Even when Affirmative Action and other policies were put in place White Males STILL found ways around that, and even with all of these organizations White males STILL hold the power over almost everything. I fail to see how they are being oppressed. I still think that they see it as there god given right to determine who is deserving and not deserving. And you are right Jenny...It's about power and they are not found lacking in this, but STILL they whine. Out of all the people in the United States White males have it better because they have an advantage that no one else does. They have White Privilege, so they will always be one up on every other race or gender; they will always be given the benefit of the doubt. It's sort of like they have a cheat card. I personally believe that most white males are lazy, not all of them but most of them are. I figure many of them have been led to believe that things would be handed to them regardless if they worked hard or not. And then the rude surprise hits them later in life when they learn that you actually have to get skills to make it here on Earth. They get angry when they see some one from another race doing well, and they get jealous, and feel that they have been left out, so then they turn their anger on Affirmative Action" or some other programs thinking that this is how the person of color got ahead. Pathetic.

No one likes this sort of topic, but from where I'm standing topics like this must always be discussed and challenged. If anyone dares to challenge it they are labeled a Liberal or a Left-wing fanatic, or they must be living on the West Coast. All diversions to keep people from taking the subject matter seriously. They want us all to go along with their mind-set, and when we don't they get angry and start the name calling anew. It's like dealing with children. I'm waiting for the clown who will finally get around and start calling me a race traitor for not going along with his rubbish. I guess a REAL White woman is supposed to go along with whatever a white man decrees without question. If you think I'm this sort of person I think you should wake up from your dream, and smell the fucking coffee of reality.

Hundreds of years people of color have been getting the short stick and only in the last 30 years are they able to start getting some skills and the moment that happens White males start whining like little bitches. It makes me sick to my stomach because their reactions and fear and laziness really show the true colors of our race and for that I am ashamed.


They really need to man-up, talking about white male privilage makes some of these men defensive!!.I guess the truth is hard to take. The way some of these males are bitching in this thread I'd really love to see it if they had to compete on an even playing field with everyone else. Why do I get the feeling some of them would fall apart.

But you had better watch out River next thing you know they will be calling you a femm Nazi or a flaming liberal...actually coming from this camp I would take that as a compliment but thats me!!lol


Thursday, June 7, 2007 9:14 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
They really need to man-up, talking about white male privilage makes some of these men defensive!!.I guess the truth is hard to take. The way some of these males are bitching in this thread I'd really love to see it if they had to compete on an even playing field with everyone else. Why do I get the feeling some of them would fall apart.

Yeah it would be terrible if I had to compete in a world where the universities I attended actually had “diversity programs” for me. As it is, I had to get into college on my own grades, not the color of my skin. And it would be terrible for me if there were an affirmative action program for me. As it is I had to get my job on my qualifications, not on the color of my skin. Oh Yeah, it would just be so terrible.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, June 7, 2007 9:51 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Finn -

"a large part" When you say large, are you talking about one, or two, or over 50%? You see, large, in most people's lexicons, means something more than a minor fraction. So when YOU say large, I presume you mean - large. A lot of. A big number. Not all, but enough to be representative. And the truth is, it ISN'T "a large part".

"Left-wing politics" WHO is included in left-wing politics? People who want, say subsidized medicine? An end to Iraq? A clean environment? One way or another that includes the majority of the US. So is the 'large part of left-wing politics' not really just ordinary people?

"they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also ... (prominence) before the public." I don't have an easy way of making a living, or prominence. Indeed, you'll find virtually all of the so-called 'large part of left-wing politics' are working people who will never be prominent.

So no, you haven't made a valid argument.

You OTOH are a prime example of the cynical 'conservative' permanently affixed to the tax teat. What YOU do more than anything else is play the victim of neglect - while preaching personal effort and accountability to others. YOU criticize big government - but would be unemployed without it. You have no problem with government giving people money - except when they are not you.

And BTW you have no clue as to what it would have taken to do what you did if your skin was dark or your genes were XX.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 10:16 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by piratejenny:
They really need to man-up, talking about white male privilege makes some of these men defensive!!.I guess the truth is hard to take. The way some of these males are bitching in this thread I'd really love to see it if they had to compete on an even playing field with everyone else. Why do I get the feeling some of them would fall apart.

Yeah it would be terrible if I had to compete in a world where the universities I attended actually had “diversity programs” for me. As it is, I had to get into college on my own grades, not the color of my skin. And it would be terrible for me if there were an affirmative action program for me. As it is I had to get my job on my qualifications, not on the color of my skin. Oh Yeah, it would just be so terrible.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero

But you already have the biggest affirmative action ever, its called White male Privlege, you don't seem to want to admit that!! your whole life has been one big affirmative action program!! why do I detect hostilty..why is the truth so hard for you to own up to.

I think I must of hit a nerve!!


Thursday, June 7, 2007 11:35 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Jared Diamond spent several hundred pages wondering why did the European area advance into the machine age first. The book is "Guns, Germs and Steel". His position is that it was a geographical accident, and he traces the development of cultures around the globe to make his case.

An excellent book, everybody should read it. I should read it again too, it's been almost ten years already.

Anyway, 'Privilege in the United States': Paris Hilton, sent home to "serve her sentence" in her luxury castle because she didn't like prison.

Americans, your justice system is a fucking joke.

It really is.

Questions are a burden to others. Answers are prison for oneself.


Friday, June 8, 2007 12:01 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


Oh no, you've got it all wrong. It isn't a fudged-up justice system. It's one that responds to supply and demand, the perfect example of why the capitalist model is always better. It's a fine result of the US conservative motto "All the justice money can buy".

Americans, your justice system is a fucking joke.

It really is.


Friday, June 8, 2007 12:30 AM



Yeah, well, can't argue with that.

Questions are a burden to others. Answers are prison for oneself.


Friday, June 8, 2007 2:59 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by rue:
Jared Diamond spent several hundred pages wondering why did the European area advance into the machine age first. The book is "Guns, Germs and Steel". His position is that it was a geographical accident, and he traces the development of cultures around the globe to make his case.

An excellent book, everybody should read it. I should read it again too, it's been almost ten years already.

Anyway, 'Privilege in the United States': Paris Hilton, sent home to "serve her sentence" in her luxury castle because she didn't like prison.

Americans, your justice system is a fucking joke.

It really is.

You will not find one soul in this thread that disagrees with you on that point.



Friday, June 8, 2007 3:03 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by piratejenny:
They really need to man-up, talking about white male privilege makes some of these men defensive!!.I guess the truth is hard to take. The way some of these males are bitching in this thread I'd really love to see it if they had to compete on an even playing field with everyone else. Why do I get the feeling some of them would fall apart.

Yeah it would be terrible if I had to compete in a world where the universities I attended actually had “diversity programs” for me. As it is, I had to get into college on my own grades, not the color of my skin. And it would be terrible for me if there were an affirmative action program for me. As it is I had to get my job on my qualifications, not on the color of my skin. Oh Yeah, it would just be so terrible.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero

But you already have the biggest affirmative action ever, its called White male Privlege, you don't seem to want to admit that!! your whole life has been one big affirmative action program!! why do I detect hostilty..why is the truth so hard for you to own up to.

I think I must of hit a nerve!!

SO very true! That's what I keep saying but the denial filter in their collective, gnat-sized brains keep telling them "Say it isn't so?!!"



Friday, June 8, 2007 3:09 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
But you already have the biggest affirmative action ever, its called White male Privlege, you don't seem to want to admit that!! your whole life has been one big affirmative action program!! why do I detect hostilty..why is the truth so hard for you to own up to.

I think I must of hit a nerve!!

You’re flattering yourself. Some imaginary privilege isn’t the same thing as actual policy. It’s kind of like the “international Jew.” You’re created the “international white male” to justify some bigotry against white people. I don’t know about you, but I earned what I have in life. It wasn’t handed to me for the color of my skin.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Friday, June 8, 2007 3:10 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:

Originally posted by piratejenny:

Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
In a world where you have every advantage...Could it be that you are just lazy?

That could be. Lets look at my past. Hmm...job, school, job and school, job and lawschool. Maybe when I became a lawyer...nope, worked two jobs, seven days a week for a year and a half before my first vacation. Now I make pretty good money so I've cut myself back to seventy or so hours with a week's vacation every year (not counting govt holidays). So yeah, I'm lazy...

Then again, an African American male with my academic background would have had a full scholarship and been recruited to a top law firm out of school. Heck, I saw it happen with fellas and some nice ladies way behind me in the academic arena. Yes, I have the job I wanted, but I worked my way from intern all the way up and still almost lost out to a nice gal who failed her bar exam the first time and couldn't try cases worth a damn. She did have a large chest to offset her lack of research and writing ability...female privilage? She's gone now...could not cut it. I could and here I am. My boss is a female...meanest prosecutor I ever met (also the smallest...size does not matter) and damn fine trial lawyer.

I'd gladly trade my student loan payment for some racial profiling or the occaisional sexist remark...where do I sign up?


Why do you continue to bring up African Americans instead of addressing your white male privilage. If an African American could swap 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow and the last 40 years of affirmative action for your white privilage would you, somehow I doubt it.

Racism is about power , white male privilage is about power. You act as if a few years of some mostly defunct affrimative action programs have made up for hundreds of years of enslavement and terrorism. It hasn't even come close, stick to the topic..which is your white male privliage or is that to hard for you to do!!

Am I suppose to feel sorry for you because you didn't get a scholarship and there was no program to help you through college, I'm sure your white male privilage helped you just as much as any affirmative action program helped some woman or some minority who needed it.

You know you love your white male privilage no one is asking you to deny that; however just don't try to justify it, just admit that it does give you an advantage over everyone else. It puts you at a certain level that you didn't earn,and thats just the way it is. why is that so hard for some of you to admit?

Good point, and thank you very much for adding that. I was wondering when someone else who isn't a White Male would come in here and add their two cents worth to the fray. I also noticed that whenever a topic like this comes up the first thing people do is start talking about the treatment of Black people. They toss up statistics proving that Black people are the #1 makers of crime, or the number one takers of the welfare system. They talk about Affirmative Action, and they also mention quotas, and they ALL end it with how oppressed the White man is and how they have no special organizations to protect them. It makes me want to hurl sometimes because I KNOW they know better than that.

The original Affirmative Action is the Old Boys Club. The members? White Males. Everyone else had to take a back seat because they were all undeserving. Even when Affirmative Action and other policies were put in place White Males STILL found ways around that, and even with all of these organizations White males STILL hold the power over almost everything. I fail to see how they are being oppressed. I still think that they see it as there god given right to determine who is deserving and not deserving. And you are right Jenny...It's about power and they are not found lacking in this, but STILL they whine. Out of all the people in the United States White males have it better because they have an advantage that no one else does. They have White Privilege, so they will always be one up on every other race or gender; they will always be given the benefit of the doubt. It's sort of like they have a cheat card. I personally believe that most white males are lazy, not all of them but most of them are. I figure many of them have been led to believe that things would be handed to them regardless if they worked hard or not. And then the rude surprise hits them later in life when they learn that you actually have to get skills to make it here on Earth. They get angry when they see some one from another race doing well, and they get jealous, and feel that they have been left out, so then they turn their anger on Affirmative Action" or some other programs thinking that this is how the person of color got ahead. Pathetic.

No one likes this sort of topic, but from where I'm standing topics like this must always be discussed and challenged. If anyone dares to challenge it they are labeled a Liberal or a Left-wing fanatic, or they must be living on the West Coast. All diversions to keep people from taking the subject matter seriously. They want us all to go along with their mind-set, and when we don't they get angry and start the name calling anew. It's like dealing with children. I'm waiting for the clown who will finally get around and start calling me a race traitor for not going along with his rubbish. I guess a REAL White woman is supposed to go along with whatever a white man decrees without question. If you think I'm this sort of person I think you should wake up from your dream, and smell the fucking coffee of reality.

Hundreds of years people of color have been getting the short stick and only in the last 30 years are they able to start getting some skills and the moment that happens White males start whining like little bitches. It makes me sick to my stomach because their reactions and fear and laziness really show the true colors of our race and for that I am ashamed.


They really need to man-up, talking about white male privilage makes some of these men defensive!!.I guess the truth is hard to take. The way some of these males are bitching in this thread I'd really love to see it if they had to compete on an even playing field with everyone else. Why do I get the feeling some of them would fall apart.

But you had better watch out River next thing you know they will be calling you a femm Nazi or a flaming liberal...actually coming from this camp I would take that as a compliment but thats me!!lol

Too late! I've already been called a drunk (well, maybe that parts true) a feminist, a Left-Winger from the West Coast. I've been called a Liberal, a Racist, and a chauvinist. Also in another thread I was accused of having White guilt issues. I'm waiting to be called a Commie or a Nazi next. Nope. People don't like it when you mess with their world views or their power structures, and they demonstrate their dislike by getting a little defensive.



Friday, June 8, 2007 3:15 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by piratejenny:
But you already have the biggest affirmative action ever, its called White male Privlege, you don't seem to want to admit that!! your whole life has been one big affirmative action program!! why do I detect hostilty..why is the truth so hard for you to own up to.

I think I must of hit a nerve!!

You’re flattering yourself. Some imaginary privilege isn’t the same thing as actual policy. It’s kind of like the “international Jew.” You’re created the “international white male” to justify some bigotry against white people. I don’t know about you, but I earned what I have in life. It wasn’t handed to me for the color of my skin.

So you mean anything that a non white person accomplishes was handed to them? Are you saying that every degree, or every business a non white person gets or starts is not by their own efforts, but because it was handed too them? Thats rather illuminating information coming from you, and very interesting. That really tells me what you are. Thank you for that.



Friday, June 8, 2007 3:24 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
So you mean anything that a non white person accomplishes was handed to them? Are you saying that every degree, or every business a non white person gets or starts is not by their own efforts, but because it was handed too them? Thats rather illuminating information coming from you, and very interesting. That really tells me what you are. Thank you for that.

You’d really have to be kind of an idiot to draw this from what I said.

But diversity programs and affirmative actions do exist, and they’ve never benefited me.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Friday, June 8, 2007 3:34 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

I don’t know about you, but I earned what I have in life. It wasn’t handed to me for the color of my skin.

No need to get defensive and slip into name calling. That is what you said. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what that line of yours means. Anyone who is non white did not deserve what they have accomplished because whatever they accomplished was handed too them because of the color of their skin. You on the other hand earned what you have in life through hard work and no one handed you anything. Color of skin = Things being handed to them.



Friday, June 8, 2007 3:38 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Oh no, you've got it all wrong. It isn't a fudged-up justice system. It's one that responds to supply and demand, the perfect example of why the capitalist model is always better. It's a fine result of the US conservative motto "All the justice money can buy".

Ah but Paris is of the female persuasion, I've seen the proof. I thought that put her behind the eight ball much like yourself. Besides, what does this obvious travesty of justice have to do with white, male privilege?


Friday, June 8, 2007 3:42 AM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:

Originally posted by rue:
Oh no, you've got it all wrong. It isn't a fudged-up justice system. It's one that responds to supply and demand, the perfect example of why the capitalist model is always better. It's a fine result of the US conservative motto "All the justice money can buy".

Ah but Paris is of the female persuasion, I've seen the proof. I thought that put her behind the eight ball much like yourself. Besides, what does this obvious travesty of justice have to do with white, male privilege?

We White females are also in many ways under the protection of White Privilege, and in some cases more so, and unlike white males I suspect many of us are aware of this, or should be at least but I've run into many bubble headed woman that try to pretend like it doesn't exist. They are just as stupid as White males.



Friday, June 8, 2007 4:00 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
No need to get defensive and slip into name calling. That is what you said. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what that line of yours means. Anyone who is non white did not deserve what they have accomplished because whatever they accomplished was handed too them because of the color of their skin. You on the other hand earned what you have in life through hard work and no one handed you anything. Color of skin = Things being handed to them.

Diversity programs and affirmative action programs still exist and I’ve still not benefited from them.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Friday, June 8, 2007 4:11 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
I'm sure your white male privilage helped you just as much as any affirmative action program helped some woman or some minority who needed it.

Your right. By forcing me to work and pay for the same education handed to them by virtue of their race or gender I developed a work ethic that made me far more competitive in the work place so that when given a choice between and capable and hard working white me and a borderline incompetant female, I was able to overcome the City's biased inclination to choose the minority.

On a level playing field there would have been no contest...or perhaps one much more fair since on a truly level playing field our mutual effort to achieve in school and in the workplace would have made us far more alike in experiance, capability, and productivity and thus made the decision based soley on what's rather then what happened in Africa four hundred years ago.

So white's now have the privilage of working harder to get ahead and as a result are stronger more competitive workers which leads to greater rewards in the long run. Seems this was not the intended consequence of Affirmative Action.

None of this changes the fact that your white male privilage argument is an excuse to justify racism and sexism of the worst kind. You cannot correct the abuses of the past by celebrating contemporary injustice.



Friday, June 8, 2007 5:10 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by piratejenny:
I'm sure your white male privilage helped you just as much as any affirmative action program helped some woman or some minority who needed it.

Your right. By forcing me to work and pay for the same education handed to them by virtue of their race or gender

SO all people of color who have "made it" through school or hard work their opportunities were "handed too them" based on their color? You cannot honestly tell me for certain that you believe this? So anyone that is not White got a free ride? That's a pretty interesting way of seeing it.

I've spent my whole life going up against, and competing against White males, and I can tell you for certain that most of those white males had plenty of things "handed" too them without them actually working hard for it. Too many white males I know got their positions not because they were particularly skilled, or even intelligent. They got their positions because they were white males. I'm actually surprised that you wrote that line. Usually you are a thorny one but you usually make sense, but this time you you actually said something very silly.

So people of color get a free ride through Affirmative Action, and white people get a free ride through White privilege, and no one in the USA actually works hard and earn what they have or accomplished? Hell of a world this is...



Friday, June 8, 2007 5:16 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
No need to get defensive and slip into name calling. That is what you said. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what that line of yours means. Anyone who is non white did not deserve what they have accomplished because whatever they accomplished was handed too them because of the color of their skin. You on the other hand earned what you have in life through hard work and no one handed you anything. Color of skin = Things being handed to them.

Diversity programs and affirmative action programs still exist and I’ve still not benefited from them.

Neither have I, but we've both benefited from White Privilege, our very own built-in Affirmative Action.



Friday, June 8, 2007 5:53 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
SO all people of color who have "made it" through school or hard work their opportunities were "handed too them" based on their color? You cannot honestly tell me for certain that you believe this? So anyone that is not White got a free ride? That's a pretty interesting way of seeing it.

I can't speak for all people of color. In my experiance a person with my academic and economic background who is also a minority would have warranted preferrential hiring, admissions, and financial aid. That aint fair. I made it and many of them didn't, not because I'm white but because I had to work my ass off. I suggest/speculate that the reason I had to work my ass off was because everything was not handed to me like I witnessed in so many of the minorities at my same or below my academic and economic level. The were not working their collective asses off so that, upon reaching the real world, they started with their prefferences, but could not compete against a highly motivated and productive me. I speculate that in this fashion Affirmative Action served the duel role of being both unjust to non-minorities and then failing in its principal mission.

In other words, I did more with less and still came out ahead.

...most of those white males had plenty of things "handed" too them without them actually working hard for it. Too many white males I know got their positions not because they were particularly skilled, or even intelligent. They got their positions because they were white males.

I wonder if you are not mistaking economic privilage for some sort of racial distinction. Its an easy mistake to make because historically the economically powerful where also largely white males.

You may want to consider the perspective of a poor white son of a coal miner like myself to that of a rich son or daughter of a millionaire industrialist (race neutral). I think you'll find the issue is not race but economic. In that regard the system doubly fails me by making Affirmative Action available for minorities and Economic Privilage available for the rich.



Friday, June 8, 2007 7:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There is without a doubt general privilege for rich white males. It's been demonstrated by too many "tester" surveys and by too many "blinded v unblinded" reviews that it just can't be discounted. For example, women fare just as well as men in blinded scientific grant reviews, but have to be THREE times better than men in unblinded reviews. Similarly, apartments, loans, cars, and houses are suddenly less available for people of color (the more color the less available) even with the same credit history and credit rating. I again point out to the TV Nation test where a well-known, well-dressed black actor could not catch a cab before a scruffy white ex-felon standing right next to him.

The visible exceptions of Affirmative Action (which may affect jobs with government, universities and some very large corporations; and public university admissions... but Affirmative Action is going by the wayside these days since quotas have been found illegal) do not negate the invisible stiff headwind that women, the poor, and people of color have to push through on their way to success. Like every other pervasive factor, it's stochastic. Some people will advance despite the negative pressure and some people will fail even with all the advantages of wealth, power, gender, and color. So it's easy to point to individuals and come up with anecdotal stories, but by and large populations as a whole will reflect the pressure placed on them.

White America did play a major part in making a mess of black community and culture. Even today blacks of the same merit are not fully accepted (rewarded) for their hard work. So if you have a society that on the one hand makes fewer resources available to some people, and at the same time fails to fully reward those who advance despite disadvantage then we're imposing a double whammy.

So it's up to white America to put enough pressure and resources on the back end (starting with health care and education) and fully reward people at the front end based soley on merit. But you better be prepared not to think "F*cking n*gger" every time you see a black person doing something stupid, just as I'm prepared not to think "F*cking redneck" every time I hear a southerner say something stupid.

Always look upstream.


Friday, June 8, 2007 7:12 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
SO all people of color who have "made it" through school or hard work their opportunities were "handed too them" based on their color? You cannot honestly tell me for certain that you believe this? So anyone that is not White got a free ride? That's a pretty interesting way of seeing it.

I can't speak for all people of color. In my experiance a person with my academic and economic background who is also a minority would have warranted preferrential hiring, admissions, and financial aid. That aint fair. I made it and many of them didn't, not because I'm white but because I had to work my ass off. I suggest/speculate that the reason I had to work my ass off was because everything was not handed to me like I witnessed in so many of the minorities at my same or below my academic and economic level. The were not working their collective asses off so that, upon reaching the real world, they started with their prefferences, but could not compete against a highly motivated and productive me. I speculate that in this fashion Affirmative Action served the duel role of being both unjust to non-minorities and then failing in its principal mission.

In other words, I did more with less and still came out ahead.


...most of those white males had plenty of things "handed" too them without them actually working hard for it. Too many white males I know got their positions not because they were particularly skilled, or even intelligent. They got their positions because they were white males.

I wonder if you are not mistaking economic privilage for some sort of racial distinction. Its an easy mistake to make because historically the economically powerful where also largely white males.

You may want to consider the perspective of a poor white son of a coal miner like myself to that of a rich son or daughter of a millionaire industrialist (race neutral). I think you'll find the issue is not race but economic. In that regard the system doubly fails me by making Affirmative Action available for minorities and Economic Privilage available for the rich.

Nope. I know my own experiences, and I know what I was up against. Too many of those white guys were without a doubt unqualified for the positions that they went for, but they got the positions not for any skill that they had, they got it because they were white plain and simple, so there is no mistaking on my part. Also, you still seem to have a problem admitting that there are people of color who have worked their asses off to get too where they are today. From how you seem to be putting it is that White men work their asses off and still get left at the back of the bus, where as minorities who do less seem to get ahead. I don't know where you live, but if the rules are like that then your local government is not doing it's job, and the game board in which you move about in is insane. You have a problem with me lumping White men in the same category as having things handed too them, and you seem to want to get across to me and others how hard you've worked at getting to where you are in life, but you seem unable to extend that to people of color. It's like you are saying NO person of color works very hard, or as hard as a white man, and they ALL are using Affirmative Action, and having things handed to them. This seems to be what you are saying and if it is then You are damaged goods from where I stand. You have passed judgment that you cannot prove over 38 million people. but you don't seem to acknowledge that. You also refuse to see how White Privilege is working in your life. As a lawyer you cannot be that blind. Your whole argument is about preserving the power structure and you want us to love you for it. Good luck with that.

As far as myself I worked my ass off and had to be twice as better than the males around me, and had to fight through their bullshit everyday. let me tell you! It was hard work smashing their old boy network to the ground, but I did it. After I was done with them I went forth and started my own business. So now I don't have to worry about being under the thumb of some creepoid male.



Friday, June 8, 2007 7:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh nevermind.
Always look upstream.


Friday, June 8, 2007 8:06 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Oh nevermind.
Always look upstream.

Why "never mind?" Your last post had a lot of really good points and was valid. What? You didn't think anyone read it? You can bet your bottom dollar we all read it. I agreed with most of what you said, and you seem to be right on the mark. I can't argue with it because it is truth from where I stand.



Friday, June 8, 2007 8:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It was an ad hominem directed at Hero not worth my signature. Irritation got the better of me.

Always look upstream.


Saturday, June 9, 2007 8:51 PM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
SO all people of color who have "made it" through school or hard work their opportunities were "handed too them" based on their color? You cannot honestly tell me for certain that you believe this? So anyone that is not White got a free ride? That's a pretty interesting way of seeing it.

I can't speak for all people of color. In my experiance a person with my academic and economic background who is also a minority would have warranted preferrential hiring, admissions, and financial aid. That aint fair. I made it and many of them didn't, not because I'm white but because I had to work my ass off. I suggest/speculate that the reason I had to work my ass off was because everything was not handed to me like I witnessed in so many of the minorities at my same or below my academic and economic level. The were not working their collective asses off so that, upon reaching the real world, they started with their prefferences, but could not compete against a highly motivated and productive me. I speculate that in this fashion Affirmative Action served the duel role of being both unjust to non-minorities and then failing in its principal mission.

In other words, I did more with less and still came out ahead.

...most of those white males had plenty of things "handed" too them without them actually working hard for it. Too many white males I know got their positions not because they were particularly skilled, or even intelligent. They got their positions because they were white males.

I wonder if you are not mistaking economic privilage for some sort of racial distinction. Its an easy mistake to make because historically the economically powerful where also largely white males.

You may want to consider the perspective of a poor white son of a coal miner like myself to that of a rich son or daughter of a millionaire industrialist (race neutral). I think you'll find the issue is not race but economic. In that regard the system doubly fails me by making Affirmative Action available for minorities and Economic Privilage available for the rich.


ummm we are not talking about affirmative action we are talking about white privilege something you keep trying to avoid...


Saturday, June 9, 2007 11:54 PM


Your messages are starting to get repetitive and annoying River. If you really want to read people's thoughts on this issue, feel free to peruse the archives where this has been hashed and rehashed many, many times.

Why do you hate your race so much? Why do you feel so guilty about everything? Let's start a topic about why so many whites and males, particularly in America, hate themselves.....

Please. Get help for the drinking.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, June 10, 2007 1:12 AM



By River: Most of the time we are taken at our word. People assume that we [white people] are straight dealing, and hard working. People assume we are telling the truth. People assume that we didn't steal something. We are innocent until proven guilty, but any other race, especially the black race is guilty until proven innocent.

This comes, much more likely than because of race, because of the fact that before we let our suburbs fall to shit, people knew their neighbors and weren't afraid to leave their locks open on their doors. White people in white suburbs were able to trust each other because they had enough that they weren't hungry and they weren't stealing and killing each other. Typically, black neighborhoods were the exact opposite for the exact opposite reasons. Is that really so hard to understand? Fuck you and your "stereotype" shit I know you're gong to retort with because you know this is true. Black people are going to have to work to earn respect and eventually a day will come when they don't have to work harder than anyone else does. I, personally, don't see a problem with this and I don't know why you do. You can drink all you want now and theorize and philosophise over all of this shit and feel bad about yourself because your parents and your parent's parents and their parents worked their asses off to make life easy for you so you can piss it away, with all that alcahol you drink.

It's your stereotypical story of the overprivelaged self loathing asswipe.

And by the way, I don't trust anyone. I suspect that's because even though I'm white, my upbringing wash MUCH rougher than yours was. My parents even lied to me constantly because they hated each other and were too wrapped up in their own little sad and depressing lives... you remind me particularly of my mother and her self loathing, by the way. I don't care what color or sex or age you are, I don't trust you until you earn it. You are a fool if you trust anyone without them having earned that trust first, and even then, to trust anyone blindly is pure lunacy and you diserve to get burned. When you get burned enough, you'll learn. You're still young yet.

I don't go to jury duty, because a little known trick is that if you don't show up, nothing happens to you, but the one time I did, they didn't want me on there because I told them flat out that they could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the crime was committed, I would still give a non-guilty vote.

I've delivered one man, a black man, to the beast for stabbing me in the back and beating the shit out of me with three of his friends while my white "friends" sat back and watched it. I've always felt guilty for pointing him out in the courtroom. If the "correctional" facilities in this country actually did anything to improve things, I wouldn't feel so bad about that still, but I can only imagine how many shitty months or years he had to suffer for that few days of suffering I had during the beating and healing periods.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, June 10, 2007 5:59 AM



Originally posted by rue:
I appreciate your perspective. Though I'm white and have had the benefit of white privilege I remember want ads that said HELP-WANTED FEMALE bookkeeper, HELP-WANTED MALE accountant. I remember being the only female standing 4 hours in line for apprenticeships for pipe-fitters and electricians (they wouldn't even hand me the application form once I got to the desk). And I was told that the university I went to didn't allow female med students because they didn't have facilities for women. And there is still a severe glass ceiling for non-white non-males in the highest ranks of business and government.

SOME things have improved, but as long as we have a society that limits opportunities privilege will exist.

That is too bad, by not giving you a chance they probably missed out on a great employee. A lot of work to still be done, and I so wish those that don't vote would get out and do so. To me there is no good excuse for not doing so, but you hear all kinds. When we all stand up and say "ENOUGH" you work for us we sill get a lot more done.


Sunday, June 10, 2007 6:45 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

By River: Most of the time we are taken at our word. People assume that we [white people] are straight dealing, and hard working. People assume we are telling the truth. People assume that we didn't steal something. We are innocent until proven guilty, but any other race, especially the black race is guilty until proven innocent.

This comes, much more likely than because of race, because of the fact that before we let our suburbs fall to shit, people knew their neighbors and weren't afraid to leave their locks open on their doors. White people in white suburbs were able to trust each other because they had enough that they weren't hungry and they weren't stealing and killing each other. Typically, black neighborhoods were the exact opposite for the exact opposite reasons. Is that really so hard to understand? Fuck you and your "stereotype" shit I know you're gong to retort with because you know this is true. Black people are going to have to work to earn respect and eventually a day will come when they don't have to work harder than anyone else does. I, personally, don't see a problem with this and I don't know why you do. You can drink all you want now and theorize and philosophise over all of this shit and feel bad about yourself because your parents and your parent's parents and their parents worked their asses off to make life easy for you so you can piss it away, with all that alcahol you drink.

It's your stereotypical story of the overprivelaged self loathing asswipe.

And by the way, I don't trust anyone. I suspect that's because even though I'm white, my upbringing wash MUCH rougher than yours was. My parents even lied to me constantly because they hated each other and were too wrapped up in their own little sad and depressing lives... you remind me particularly of my mother and her self loathing, by the way. I don't care what color or sex or age you are, I don't trust you until you earn it. You are a fool if you trust anyone without them having earned that trust first, and even then, to trust anyone blindly is pure lunacy and you diserve to get burned. When you get burned enough, you'll learn. You're still young yet.

#1. I haven't had a drink since passing out the way I did on the 2nd of June.

#2. My parents made nothing easy for me. Matter of fact my life was hell up until the age 16. I didn't come from an over privileged home. I grew up poor, abused and mistreated by my mother and my crazy war vet father. My parents and their parents did not work their asses off at all to make life easy for anyone. They were self serving assholes that should never have had children. My abusive father eventually went away, and my crazy mother cut me some slack and died at 42, which ended with me out on the streets of Seattle while I was 16 years of age and still going to high school. At 18 years old a friend of mine found out how I was living and went and got her parents and forced me to stay with them. It was these nice people that enabled me to get a foundation, and a direction, and eventually into college, and now I own my own business, and I have lots of money, and a certain level of privilege. This would not have happened if I had not met those nice people. I was lucky to have met them. I doubt I would have survived really to tell you the truth. I never knew it at the time, but back then I think I was terrified, but I hid that terror in my studies, and believing in my 16 year old mind that there was something good waiting for me out there in life. I think I was scared in a big way.

#3. I do not hate my race, I've just seen, and read about too many bad things happening currently and historically, and when it does, it always seems that there's a white guy in the middle of it all in some way. Before I decided to go into business for myself I had to take jobs where I had to deal with all races of men and women and from where I stand the white guy was the worst. This is my experience and it is as valid as any other person's experience, like your experience with that black guy who beat you up while your LAME friends sat in silence and watched, I too have my own experiences of being dealt a bad hand by someone, or some group or gender that has formed my view on how things work in this here stupid world. BTW, those so-called friends of yours were idiots, and I hope you dumped them as your friends later on after you healed up because if you didn't you are a complete fool. Our race is clever and all of that but we seem to be experts at making problems that could have been avoid for ourselves. How can you not agree with this?

#4. I don't have White guilt. What I do have is disappointment at how we go about conducting our affairs here at home and internationally. We keep making problems for ourselves; problems that could have been avoided if handled in another way. How many people have died, or have been hurt because of our mismanagement of our own power? I don't feel guilty because I'm white, and I don't think we OWE anyone anything, but I think we should take the advice we've been giving other races to heart...we've been telling everyone that they should take responsibility for their actions. We have yet to take our own advice and this bothers me.

#5. I do not have self-loathing. Though I am disappointed with certain things in my life, I do not loath myself, but also I wouldn't call myself a happy person either. I'm just here for the duration of this life.

#6. Like you I also trust no one.

#7. I'm woefully aware of White male domination and white privilege.

With that I'm going to get some breakfast.



Sunday, June 10, 2007 7:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


...we've been telling everyone that they should take responsibility for their actions. We have yet to take our own advice and this bothers me.

Always look upstream.


Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:14 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Your messages are starting to get repetitive and annoying River. If you really want to read people's thoughts on this issue, feel free to peruse the archives where this has been hashed and rehashed many, many times.

Why do you hate your race so much? Why do you feel so guilty about everything?

Please. Get help for the drinking.

My messages were repetitive because a lot of these guys were doing their usual business at trying to rationalize White Privilege, and I don't know how many times I had to repeat myself for them to get back on topic, which worked because they went back to the topic at hand. As far as rehashing this topic I've been on this board since 2004 and I have never seen any topics like this one, so you must be thinking about some threads that were created before 2004 that I'm not aware of. Also, I don't hate my race. I don't know why you think that but I don't. I am grossly disappointed in the males of our race, but hate the whole race collectively? Not possible, and BTW If I ever felt guilty about anything it would be not having had jumped on the Apple Computer band wagon when I had the chance back in the day. I would have made so much money if I had bought their stocks early, but noooo.... my interests at the time was somewhere else. Hindsight is always 20/20.

As far as the drinking is concerned I haven't consumed any since June 2nd. I guess my free fall from the chair to the floor with passing out as a grand finale didn't exactly go over too well with me. Besides I didn't drink every night, and if I did, and if I'm a roaring alcoholic, well, that's okay also. I'm 45 and I've done my bit for King and Country. The rest of life is down hill from here, so how I go out of this world is no main issue, but thank you for your concern.



Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:58 AM


I apologize for the overall tone of my posts River. You showed a lot of class in your reply(s). Obviously, I have somewhat of an anger management type problem that is all the more evident when I can't tone down my posts during the time that it takes to write them (which rarely is short).

Though I stand by any of my views about the topic itself, it was unfair of me and without class to bring any personal jabs into my reply. I just get so infuriated by this general mindset that I'm starting to see all around me where even white people and males in general or feeling sorry for everything else that everybody else does and has done when, most likely, they have plenty of shit that they personally have done and need to make ammends for. I see no point in knocking a race or a sex as a whole, other than that somebody wants whites and males to feel bad about themselves and that's why the media in flooded with all the bad shit individuals of our particular demographic have done. You can't escape seeing it, unless you throw out all of your TVs and never read a paper again..

Collectively, we're all a bunch of assholes and if you're going to look at humanity or any section of humanity as a whole, the bad will outweigh the good and you're going to see them for just how bad you're looking for them to be, or for how much you're trying to hate them. It's individually where you can find good in people, regardless of any demographic differences, and it's individuality that matters. It's indivuality that matters when you choose the kind of people you surround yourself with, and it's individuality that matters when you choose your own constitution. What our some of our "forefathers" did in the past or what some asswipe CEO today does to ruin the lives of many just so he can support his excesses does not matter and should not make you feel guilty.

Don't feel guilty about being a white male. If you really feel bad, use some of that newfound wealth to make a difference. Don't disassociate yourself from "White" and "Male"... disassociate yourself from all of those evil bastards today, and all throughout history, that were capable of doing so many hateful and destructive thigs to their fellow man that you yourself would never be capable of. Help be part of the proof that the hatered and fear of whites and males today is unwarranted.

I admit that was far off base in my angered and unwarranted assement of your past, and perhaps I still am, but forgive me for thinking that maybe it's your newfound "wealth" and lack of "struggle" to survive anymore that you're feeling guilty for and you're mistaking it for a guilt about your color and your sex? Especially when you see what the Man (Who is generally white and male) is doing to everyone else in the world today. Just don't lose scope of the fact that we're all getting the shaft now, all across the demographic board. Everytime they print out new money and flood the market with it, it's as if they're splitting the stock and we're not getting the split. That just can't go on forever. Look at how much food and gas cost today compared to even 6 months ago. The real reason that they don't talk about is that there is an ever exponentially increasing stock of worthless greenbacks every year and nothing more in the reserves such as gold (OR OIL) to back it up. These prices ain't never going back down, because in the end we don't have anything as valuable to the Saudis as their oil is to us, unless of course you include our labor. (Wouldn't virtual slavery for oil one day be ironic?) It won't be but a few generations from now when we're all using one currency and they've united all of the nations under one rule, so that, as Mal would say, "everyone can be interfered with or ignored equally."

Maybe that will make people with your mindset happy, but I've read 1984 and I really don't want to take that ride myself.

By the way. Congrats on the abstenance from drinking. I have plenty of vices myself and I had no business going there like that.

Have a good one.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, June 10, 2007 11:07 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I apologize for the overall tone of my posts River. You showed a lot of class in your reply(s). Obviously, I have somewhat of an anger management type problem that is all the more evident when I can't tone down my posts during the time that it takes to write them (which rarely is short).

Though I stand by any of my views about the topic itself, it was unfair of me and without class to bring any personal jabs into my reply. I just get so infuriated by this general mindset that I'm starting to see all around me where even white people and males in general or feeling sorry for everything else that everybody else does and has done when, most likely, they have plenty of shit that they personally have done and need to make ammends for. I see no point in knocking a race or a sex as a whole, other than that somebody wants whites and males to feel bad about themselves and that's why the media in flooded with all the bad shit individuals of our particular demographic have done. You can't escape seeing it, unless you throw out all of your TVs and never read a paper again..

Collectively, we're all a bunch of assholes and if you're going to look at humanity or any section of humanity as a whole, the bad will outweigh the good and you're going to see them for just how bad you're looking for them to be, or for how much you're trying to hate them. It's individually where you can find good in people, regardless of any demographic differences, and it's individuality that matters. It's indivuality that matters when you choose the kind of people you surround yourself with, and it's individuality that matters when you choose your own constitution. What our some of our "forefathers" did in the past or what some asswipe CEO today does to ruin the lives of many just so he can support his excesses does not matter and should not make you feel guilty.

Don't feel guilty about being a white male. If you really feel bad, use some of that newfound wealth to make a difference. Don't disassociate yourself from "White" and "Male"... disassociate yourself from all of those evil bastards today, and all throughout history, that were capable of doing so many hateful and destructive thigs to their fellow man that you yourself would never be capable of. Help be part of the proof that the hatered and fear of whites and males today is unwarranted.

I admit that was far off base in my angered and unwarranted assement of your past, and perhaps I still am, but forgive me for thinking that maybe it's your newfound "wealth" and lack of "struggle" to survive anymore that you're feeling guilty for and you're mistaking it for a guilt about your color and your sex? Especially when you see what the Man (Who is generally white and male) is doing to everyone else in the world today. Just don't lose scope of the fact that we're all getting the shaft now, all across the demographic board. Everytime they print out new money and flood the market with it, it's as if they're splitting the stock and we're not getting the split. That just can't go on forever. Look at how much food and gas cost today compared to even 6 months ago. The real reason that they don't talk about is that there is an ever exponentially increasing stock of worthless greenbacks every year and nothing more in the reserves such as gold (OR OIL) to back it up. These prices ain't never going back down, because in the end we don't have anything as valuable to the Saudis as their oil is to us, unless of course you include our labor. (Wouldn't virtual slavery for oil one day be ironic?) It won't be but a few generations from now when we're all using one currency and they've united all of the nations under one rule, so that, as Mal would say, "everyone can be interfered with or ignored equally."

Maybe that will make people with your mindset happy, but I've read 1984 and I really don't want to take that ride myself.

By the way. Congrats on the abstenance from drinking. I have plenty of vices myself and I had no business going there like that.

Have a good one.

Thank you for your reply, and thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I don't feel guilty about being a White female. I've never felt guilty about that part of it, nor really paid it much attention, nor do I feel guilty about having money because I don't feel like it was at the expense of anyone, well, maybe a few people but they deserved it and they would have done the same to me if they had gotten the chance. I just got lucky.

I've spent the 1st half of my life in "survival mode" and the 2nd half (which I'm living) trying to stay ahead, living well and determined to keep it that way, while fighting the sharks in the water called White males. I say this because it is essentially a truth in my life, so that's what I'm seeing. If were a soldier and was fighting a war and if he was surrounded by the enemy his world view would shrink and all he would, or could see is the enemy. At certain points he would not know who to trust, so he ends up lumping everyone in the same group and starts pulling the trigger at anything that moves. In my case I will always have White males trying to take what I've earned. But this part of it is not the topic.

My beef in this whole thread was about White Privilege and how it works for us. In the course of this topic I started in on White males, and the Old Boy's Network. I guess I might have allowed my anger at the situation go past the red line of polite conversation. My original point to all of this is we white females and males benefit from white privilege. We can say we don't, but I see it in action everyday I go out into the world. I see in in our media and magazines. I see it in our movie theaters, and most of all I see it in the lives of everyone I've known. Every time I've mentioned this to people they would wave it off as not true. I'm not talking about the people here I'm speaking about people in my life. Whenever someone mentions it it is always shouted down by the surrounding people who do benefit from white privilege.

The best time to totally see White Privilege in action is during the presidential elections here in the United states. During a President's time in office for 4 years he has pretty much ignored all the poor whites, but during election time he let's them know that they too are included in the American dream, and that they too are part of the bigger picture, and they too have the accomplishments of the people of the country as something to be proud of. The accomplishments of many great men and woman are plastered all over our television screens, and the way they do it makes you and I think that we too had assisted in those very accomplishments, and that we too are just as great even though most of us really never contributed to anything except for producing more kids and pay our taxes, and then of course he gets reelected, or we get a new President and then once again the poor are back to being ignored, left with the feeling that even if we don't have anything, we are still White. BTW this sort of nonsense goes on in other countries so don't feel bad.

Yes, it's easy to generalize and I'm guilty of that in this thread, and yes this world is totally full of assholes, but as you pointed out that there are some good intentioned people on this planet, but I for some reason have difficult time finding those people so I will just have to take your word for it. As far as money and comforts are concerned, I don't feel guilty or bad for making all of this money. I earned every penny, and it has cost me a lot of myself in order to get it. Talk about selling your soul to the devil!

To sum up because you mentioned this 3 times in this post and a few others:

I'm not feeling guilty *No White guilt here*

I don't hate the white male, I just don't trust most of them because they have never given me any reason to. *Is this an acceptable answer?*

I believe that White Privilege benefits us everyday in big or small ways. It just depends where you are and how that benefiting takes place.

Thanks for your reply though.


P.S I have also read 1984 when I was younger and strangely enough I found myself identifying with the Winston Smith character in the story. Winston Smith finds himself in a world where he has urges and thoughts, but he cannot express them in fear of the thought police. Everyone there fears this. Winston Smith feels different from most people because he can remember certain events that has happened, but the state says those things that he remembers does not exist. We were at war with East Asia; we were also at war with East Asia. Winston believes and knows differently.


Monday, June 11, 2007 3:37 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
#5. I do not have self-loathing. Though I am disappointed with certain things in my life, I do not loath myself, but also I wouldn't call myself a happy person either. I'm just here for the duration of this life.

Your last line here sums up your real problem. You need some counseling. The drinking binge, lashing out at "them" the evil white males, now followed by this simple declaration of quiet desperation. Its all a sign of classic depression.

Therapy and perhaps some medication (although I am not a real fan of medication) would change your perspective.

Seems that you are somewhat self-loathing. It probably comes from your childhood. You likely blame your father for failing you, thus leading you to villainize white males. This has likely been accomponied by various "failed" relationships with other men, perhaps abusive, that serves to reinforce your opinion. At the same time you ultimately blame yourself, seeing the abuse by your father and mother and others as a failing in your own character (you think you do not deserve to be loved), this leads to self-destructive behaivor such as the binge drinking.

It does not have to be this way. I was where you are at one time. I was a wreck and my self destructive behaivor nearly killed me. My great hatred was for "them", the liberals. But I found it within myself to lift my eyes back to the horizon and start building the world I wanted with my own two hands.

There may be a grand conspiracy against you (there is with PirateNews), but I think you'll find that the master conspirator is really just you and once you've foiled your own plot, the world will open up for you.

I wish you well.



Monday, June 11, 2007 7:23 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Hero:

I was a wreck and my self destructive behaivor nearly killed me. My great hatred was for "them", the liberals.

Hero the psycho. Doped to the gills and selling the police state. Lovely.

Here's a music video to make Hero happy:


Don't worry, white privlege is dead, as Billionaire Paris Hilton found out in Sanctuary City, where illegal aliens are gods granted immunity from prosecution. Even my wife's "boss" is an illegal alien who can't even speak English, and paid double. She's worked for the 5-star restaurant for 7 years, he's worked 7 weeks. She's been general manager of many restaurants, and was the highest rank possible for enlisted sergeants in military food service, running multiple VIP dining facilities for enlisted and officers.

Bush now classifies restaurant jobs as "manufacturing jobs", but restaurants are now eliminating kitchens and staff, replacing them with food prepackaged in Mexico, with "special ingredients" from Commie China. This is true in both fast food and 5-star restaurants.

In Tennessee, 250,000 illegal aliens were sold "driving certificates" using their fake I.D. Matricula Consular cards. So criminal aliens are exempt from driver licenses, which are internal passports for the white slaves (and black slaves, red slaves, yellow slaves).

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Does that seem right to you?


Monday, June 11, 2007 8:00 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
#5. I do not have self-loathing. Though I am disappointed with certain things in my life, I do not loath myself, but also I wouldn't call myself a happy person either. I'm just here for the duration of this life.

Your last line here sums up your real problem. You need some counseling. The drinking binge, lashing out at "them" the evil white males, now followed by this simple declaration of quiet desperation. Its all a sign of classic depression.

Therapy and perhaps some medication (although I am not a real fan of medication) would change your perspective.

Seems that you are somewhat self-loathing. It probably comes from your childhood. You likely blame your father for failing you, thus leading you to villainize white males. This has likely been accomponied by various "failed" relationships with other men, perhaps abusive, that serves to reinforce your opinion. At the same time you ultimately blame yourself, seeing the abuse by your father and mother and others as a failing in your own character (you think you do not deserve to be loved), this leads to self-destructive behaivor such as the binge drinking.

It does not have to be this way. I was where you are at one time. I was a wreck and my self destructive behaivor nearly killed me. My great hatred was for "them", the liberals. But I found it within myself to lift my eyes back to the horizon and start building the world I wanted with my own two hands.

There may be a grand conspiracy against you (there is with PirateNews), but I think you'll find that the master conspirator is really just you and once you've foiled your own plot, the world will open up for you.

I wish you well.


Even though this is off topic I will atempt to answer. BTW you must have been laughing when you you wrote this. Anyhow, no, I don't blame my father, and I don't see him as having "abandoned" me. My father was a 3 tour, Vietam war vetern and he had his own issues which had nothing to do with me. He was abusive to everyone including me and I never took it personally. I never loved my father but I respected him. He did 3 tours in Vietnam...3 tours, so in my mind he was a tough bastard. My mother was made crazy by him, and she took her frustrations out on me, and if I had issues with anyone in my life it would be her, but God took care of that for me an took her out when she was 42 years of age.

As far as being depressed I don't think that I am depressed. I'm just a little sad like everyone else from time to time, so it's pretty normal. I don't need counseling, nor therapy, and I don't need to take medication for anything. Besides I tried that last year and found that I am functioning just fine except for the near suicide attempt that I tried last year, everything else is as it should be.

Also I don't see my parents actions as a failing in myself at all. I am surprised that I survived my childhood and went forth and made something out of myself. A lot of people have been in the same situation as I and they didn't fair so well, but I faired very well. I'm proud of myself that I took what life threw at me. I'm proud that every guy that tried to keep me down or screw me up failed. I'm proud that I challenged every male I encountered and won. BTW I only challenged when I was attacked. I live by a "live and let live" policy, but the only people who seemed to want to violate this were white males so what else was I supposed to think or do? Was I supposed to let these guys roll over me, or was I supposed to fight? I chose to fight. I'm proud of myself that I stood up for myself as all people should do.

As for seeing a "grand conspiracy" against me. I don't see it that way. I don't think that people are out to get me if I read what you wrote correctly. I may be many things but paranoid is not one of them, and my drinking is nothing but drinking. There was no other reason for my drinking except that it was what I was used to doing. Everyone who drinks gets "deep into their cups" from time to time. No big mystery there.

Most of my realtionships with men have not been "failed realationships" as you pointed out. I can think of only one relationship that I failed at, and that was my ex husband, and he was not a White male. It's been 7 years now and I think I will still always love him even though he was an idiot for leaving me the way he did. In his case yes, I am a complete failure, but everyone has had that one lost love, so it's pretty normal. Life goes on.

And about self-loathing AGAIN. I don't loath myself. maybe I did last year for a bit, but I don't loath myself now, and I don't blame anyone for me being the way I am. I am the way I am because this is who I am, and I'm fine with that.

I think I answered all of the things you mentioned in your last post to me Hero. Though none of this has anything to do with the topic of this thread I would like to say that whenever someone speaks out against the power structure there will always be people who will make it their business to downplay, ridicule, make fun of, get angry, or do what you are doing. You are basically saying that I'm sick because of the views I have regarding White Males. I may be a little crazy, but I'm not sick.

Regardless of how you try to spin it. We benefit from our whiteness. White Privilege is something we benefit from, and will continue to benefit until the day we die. White males will continue to try to dominate everyone in sight and scoff at those who don't see the world as they do, or say that someone is crazy and depressed for not holding the same values as they. I'm not saying that White females are any different when it comes to this, but what I am saying is that White males make more noise about it.

Anyway thank you for your insights.







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