This May Have Been Posted Here, But I'm Foaming at the Mouth Reading This

UPDATED: Monday, December 24, 2007 10:06
VIEWED: 7133
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Friday, June 29, 2007 2:22 AM


A young man's life ruined.

Several questions before you read the article you need to ask yourself.

1) Is oral sex a crime that should be punishable by law?

2) If you answered yes to number 1, do you belive it to be a crime worthy of being put in prison with rapists and murders and drug dealers for 10 F***ING YEARS!!!?

3) Is it okay for two minors, a boy of 17 and a girl of 15 to have sex, oral or otherwise, if it is concentual. (I'm not asking morally speaking here, but rather if either party should be allowed to be punished by law, as if we all lived in Salem and hopped in the Delorian and went back to 1692.)

4) What would make one party the victim of a crime in this case and the other party a viscious molesting rapist (given that they were both minors and it has always been said by both parties involved that it was concentual from the start)? Is he the rapist because he was a man? Is he the rapist because he was 2 years older (yet still a minor)? Is it fair in your eyes to single out one party here when both were obviously to blame for engaging in this "horrible crime".

Who the F*** does this mother F***ING judge think he is?

This boy's life is ruined. He was unable to finish high school with his peers, and will likely have a "sexual offence" on his record which will lump him in with child molesters in general and it will effect his ability to get a good job and, if not directly it will indirectly effect his personal life, given his immediate "handicap" and "dark history" going into any relationship. He was probably an otherwise normal kid who, since "graduating" from juvie, has spent the last 28 months in prison, not jail, PRISON! All because some holier-than-thou judge has passed a brutal judgement upon and has repeatedly denied bail for the kid. In that bastards own words "Wilson's conviction for one of the so-called 7 deadly sins makes him ineligable for bail."

F*** YOU Judge! Where is there justice in this country. I look very hard for it every day, yet it illudes me.

Is there anything we can do for this kid? There's got to be something that can be done. According to the article, a prominent New York City investment manager Whitney Tilson and 10 others volunteered to provide $1 million bail money for Wilson.

If they can't do it, I don't know what the hell to do, but I just recently lived those years of my life and I have to say that so far, my 17th to my 23rd year of my life were the best I've ever had and I just couldn't imagine pissing it all away in a prison with rapists because I had sex with my girlfriend on New Years Eve. I'm sick to my stomach for this kid right now.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 3:55 AM


That is crazy. Try remembering back to your high school days......How many 17 or 18yr. old seniors "dated" 15 yr. old freshmen?


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:20 AM


And yet it's a probation offense for Rethuglicans to go around humping the interns, ironic, eh ?

Notice how the ACLU is all so fired up hot to defend sleaze like Patrick Naughton, but in this kids case they're all hands-off - and ppl wonder why I hate em so.

Stuff like this is why I also do not work with fanatics, when it comes to it, they overreact with this kind of idiocy.

I'll get on the pipeline later today, if it can be done, it will be done - I don't give this case a week before we blow it to powder tho, honestly.

The problem is how many cases like this do not get enough notice for someone able to un-fubar things to DO something about it.. recently we had one guy get lit up on these kinda charges for naught more than taking a leak behind his house while waiting for a locksmith after lockin his keys in the car by accident.

Common sense just ain't all that common when it comes to the judges bench, is it now ?

We need to get our damn priorities straight.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:23 AM


Minors cannot legally consent to anything.

The statutory rape laws in America were designed with that important basis as their cornerstone.

Now as far as this particular kid.... 10 years is absolutely ridiclous. If I were the judge I'd sentence him to no jail, just maybe 100 hrs. of community service helping kids with cancer or something.


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:40 AM


Frem man....

I don't know who you are, or what people you know, but you've never seemed to me to be the type to bullshit about anything. If there is anything at all that you can do for this kid I'll be very greatful to you and happier than a pig in shit that I brought this story here for you to see.

In any event, thanks for taking any of your time out of your day and trying to help this kid. Anything I can do to help?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:41 AM


This is EXACTLY what's wrong with this country!!!! NOBODY can just say "I was wrong."
Especially courts and judges.
"I was wrong to bring this to trial." You'll NEVER hear those words from a prosecutor, they have to go balls out on everything to preserve their financial asses.
Nothing makes sense when it's all about money- fines, fees, judgements.
Truth is killed so that the system can keep going. The system IS the truth now.



Friday, June 29, 2007 4:51 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Minors cannot legally consent to anything.

The statutory rape laws in America were designed with that important basis as their cornerstone.

Okay. This may very well be true, according to law in America, but is it a wonder that we've got millions of man-children roaming the plains of America? Why is 18 the magical age somebody is granted the ability to think for themselves and deal with the consequences of thier actions?

Bottom line, I don't agree with that at all. Not the fact that what you're saying is the law isn't true, but that I don't agree with the law itself, particularly when you're talking about two minors having sex. I'm not using the "legal" definition of conscent here. I'm using the English definition of conscent meaning two kids wanted to blow each other, neither was an adult taking advantage of the other, and they weren't doing anything else that at least a million other kids their age didn't do that year. Big f-ing deal, I say.


Now as far as this particular kid.... 10 years is absolutely ridiclous. If I were the judge I'd sentence him to no jail, just maybe 100 hrs. of community service helping kids with cancer or something.

Funny... I said pretty much the exact same thing to my brother today. As my Hunter Thompson quote says above, "the only final sin is stupidity". So the kid didn't think and took a video of it. If that video didn't exist, this kid would be living a normal life now. I'm glad we agree that this self-righteous ass of a judge had no business ruining this kids life for something he may very well have done himself at that age.

Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone. He must have been too busy watching football when they had the sermon on that chapter of the Bible...

Four years wasted.... over nothing. I hope somebody can get that kid out before he's my age and lost the best years of his life completley.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:52 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Truth is killed so that the system can keep going. The system IS the truth now.

Does 2+2=5 yet Chris?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:55 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
That is crazy. Try remembering back to your high school days......How many 17 or 18yr. old seniors "dated" 15 yr. old freshmen?

My highchool days were about 10 years ago, so they are pretty fresh in my mind. I dated a 17/18 year old when I was 15/16 years old. We had a pretty chaste relationship, and I look back on our fun times fondly.

Had we decided to become physical with our relationship, It makes me ill to think that the poor guy would *still* be behind bars had my father pressed charges. Here I'd be, an adult with a college degree, a husband, a few kids . . . and he'd have no life, and he'd just now be getting out of prison.

Statatory (sp?) rape laws are not meant for these types of situations. They are meant to protect naieve kids for not-so-naieve adults. I hardly feel that the 18 year old was preying on the 15 year old.


Friday, June 29, 2007 4:56 AM


Yeah there is, Six - get on the horn yourself to your local politicos with a healthy dose of "WTF is up with THIS shit ? am I gonna hafta worry about my kid winding up a sex offender on prom night ? what the hell is WRONG with you folks... yadda yadda"

Lay it on good and thick too, go for the cringe factor, cause you want em worried about how their community would react to such idiocy, and make it unmistakeable that said reaction would be bad.

Then pass it to the local newsies, if possible put the arm on one who has kids of this age themselves and push em to slip it in as their human-interest piece of the day.

Politicos HATE the spotlight coming down on them, and this'll fix it for the time being - but if you wanna more lasting solution you find out who appointed that judge and ensure THEY get an earfull too.

All that's the aboveboard stuff, of course, but it makes a difference, cause public pressure of a couple folks ain't much, but multiply it a bit, and it's like a tree root under a sidewalk, in the end the sidewalk ALWAYS loses, even though it's made of concrete.

Think on that one a while - just get enough thumbs on the bastards that they start to sweat it, and sweat it good.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, June 29, 2007 5:19 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Does 2+2=5 yet Chris?

Always has; look at OJ.



Friday, June 29, 2007 5:24 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Yeah there is, Six - get on the horn yourself to your local politicos with a healthy dose of "WTF is up with THIS shit ? am I gonna hafta worry about my kid winding up a sex offender on prom night ? what the hell is WRONG with you folks... yadda yadda"

Lay it on good and thick too, go for the cringe factor, cause you want em worried about how their community would react to such idiocy, and make it unmistakeable that said reaction would be bad.

Then pass it to the local newsies, if possible put the arm on one who has kids of this age themselves and push em to slip it in as their human-interest piece of the day.

Politicos HATE the spotlight coming down on them, and this'll fix it for the time being - but if you wanna more lasting solution you find out who appointed that judge and ensure THEY get an earfull too.

All that's the aboveboard stuff, of course, but it makes a difference, cause public pressure of a couple folks ain't much, but multiply it a bit, and it's like a tree root under a sidewalk, in the end the sidewalk ALWAYS loses, even though it's made of concrete.

Think on that one a while - just get enough thumbs on the bastards that they start to sweat it, and sweat it good.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it

If only the system worked that way, I would guess that is how it was intended to work...

Would you be surprised if that judge was appointed by folks who received their funding by groups from the religious right ?

And if the cash flow put him there, it'll keep him there despite any public statements to the contrary. The Politicos are cash eating beasts.


Friday, June 29, 2007 6:27 AM


I've known about this for a couple of years. I caught it on the news the first time around because there was a big stink that his future was being ruined...apparently he had a football scholarship lined up.

There is one tidbit you've let out of the equation: it was video taped. That brings it into a different field. Now you have a 15 year-old girl on video performing sex acts. Yes, it was still two kids, but that bit is what got him.

Do I agree? Yes and no. I think there should have been something done. I don't think it should have been anywhere near 10 years. Someone mentioned service hours? Maybe.

Teens having responsible sex is fine *shudders* (I'm a prude), but making home porn is not something high schoolers should be doing. Sorry.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Friday, June 29, 2007 6:54 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Teens having responsible sex is fine *shudders* (I'm a prude), but making home porn is not something high schoolers should be doing. Sorry.

Agreeing there. Still, why isn't SHE in jail too????
It wouldn't hurt her porn career....



Friday, June 29, 2007 7:30 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Teens having responsible sex is fine *shudders* (I'm a prude), but making home porn is not something high schoolers should be doing. Sorry.

Agreeing there. Still, why isn't SHE in jail too????
It wouldn't hurt her porn career....


Because she is a minor and therefore not legaly responsable for her actions.


Friday, June 29, 2007 7:39 AM



Originally posted by Fletch2:

Because she is a minor and therefore not legaly responsable for her actions.

I don't follow...wasn't HE a minor and therefore not legaly responsable for his actions?

Puzzled Chrisisall


Friday, June 29, 2007 8:20 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Fletch2:

Because she is a minor and therefore not legaly responsable for her actions.

I don't follow...wasn't HE a minor and therefore not legaly responsable for his actions?

Puzzled Chrisisall

Actually I modify my answer. Age of consent in Georgia is 16. Since she was 15 and he was 17, he having sex with her was illegal because she was under 16, her having sex with him WAS legal because he was over 16.


Friday, June 29, 2007 8:27 AM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
her having sex with him WAS legal because he was over 16.


More puzzled Chrisisall


Friday, June 29, 2007 8:52 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Fletch2:
her having sex with him WAS legal because he was over 16.


More puzzled Chrisisall

It's a basic tennant of the law that no agreement made by contract over rules that prescribed by statute. For example, if I am terminally ill, I cannot consent to a doctor to end my life. In fact no waiver or document I sign can legally give him permission to kill me because our agreement (contract) cannot over ride the statue that says that one person willfully killing another is murder.

In this case the statute says that persons under the age of 16 cannot give their consent and that sex with a person under 16 is illegal. So when he has sex with her he is breaking the law. Now when she has sex with him, she is having sex with a 17 year old, and that is NOT illegal. So in this case one of them is breaking the law and the other isn't, even though they both consent and even though we are talking about the same act.


Friday, June 29, 2007 9:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The REAL sin is that he's black and she's white. Has nothing to do with underage sex. This IS Georgia after all.

Frem, let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

BTW- you might want to check out the "Privilege" thread. There're more examples of similar persecu... I mean PROsecutions... there.
Always look upstream.


Friday, June 29, 2007 10:39 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
The REAL sin is that he's black and she's white.

I missed that.
That DOES have an effect on the landscape.
Now I truly understand the sit.



Friday, June 29, 2007 11:35 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
The REAL sin is that he's black and she's white. Has nothing to do with underage sex. This IS Georgia after all.

Frem, let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

BTW- you might want to check out the "Privilege" thread. There're more examples of similar persecu... I mean PROsecutions... there.
Always look upstream.

What does that have to do with anything?


Friday, June 29, 2007 11:58 AM


Why did you have to play the race card?

"This IS Georgia after all" So now you are branding the whole state, and its residents as racists?

I for one think 10 years is insane, but let's not overlook the fact that this actually played out within the law. It may be harsh, and I/we may not agree, but he still broke the law.

It may have been consentual, or it may have been that he did indeed take advantage of a minor. None of us really know, all of this outrage is from a news article as far as I can tell. None of us were there in the courtroom and heard the evidence that was put on the table. As posted earlier, the age of consent is 16, not 18, so she was a minor and he was not.

There is an element of self responsibility here. If you boil it down to it's most basic element and cause, you see that if he hadn't had relations with, and videotaped a minor, he wouldn't be in prison. He made that decision to go down that road, noone forced him.

Before you get the industrial strength flamethrowers out, let me re-iterate that I think the sentance is insane, I just wanted to point out that it's not simply some judge with an agenda. This kid willingly did something that *could* have gotten him in trouble, and it in fact did. He just happened to get a judge that wanted to (in my humble opinion) make an example out of him.

Fire away ...

I'll be in my bunk ...


Friday, June 29, 2007 12:35 PM


I've heard about this case before, and yes, it makes me sick too.

I thought I should probably point out here that the prosecutor in question was black. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that race wasn't an issue in the case. Speaking as a black person, I know that it is more than possible to act in a racist manner towards our own people. But I'll also say that it's unfair to generalize all of Georgia because of it's past. Hell, I live in Michigan, and we got plenty of racist folks here.

I think, perhaps more than race, the issue in this case is power. The prosecutor in question is afraid of losing face, and as a result, a young man is suffering the consequences.


"Right! Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!"


Friday, June 29, 2007 1:36 PM


Re: recording it.

That just makes him stupid and tasteless, neither of which are, or should be, crimes.



Friday, June 29, 2007 1:44 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Re: recording it.

That just makes him stupid and tasteless, neither of which are, or should be, crimes.

But a video depicting an underager engaged in sexual activity is illegal.


Friday, June 29, 2007 2:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"This IS Georgia after all" So now you are branding the whole state, and its residents as racists
No, I was branding Georgia as a bunch of backwoods hicks who think that a 15-year-old virgin is OLD.

Nah. Just kidding.

But if I got this corectly there were THREE people involved, and one of them was the videographer. Whatever happend to him/her?

I think in CA there is some slack for consenting sex above a certain age if the age difference is less than 2 years. That seems more logical to me.

Always look upstream.


Friday, June 29, 2007 2:35 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Teens having responsible sex is fine *shudders* (I'm a prude), but making home porn is not something high schoolers should be doing. Sorry.

Agreeing there. Still, why isn't SHE in jail too????
It wouldn't hurt her porn career....


I'm in 100% agreement with that girl & Chris on this. Where's her glistening mug been? What kind of life could have brought a 15 year old girl to do this on film? Could it possibly be, do ya think maybe...the 42 billion porn sites that are available & accessed daily with one touch of a button?...Is that the final gift of our civilized culture to our progeny, from homo sapiens that crawled up from the trillibyte slime we began as, and fought & struggled for millenium? Good Grief!


Friday, June 29, 2007 3:11 PM


BDN, i'm well aware of that - but his mere possession of such a thing constitutes more of an idiocy than a crime, surely not one worth the sentencing.

I say this because while they're oh so busy making an example of this kid, there's a good 30,000 sites running out of a certain place in North Carolina *producing* and then SELLING such a product over the net - which are allowed to function damned near unhindered due to political contributions and the fiction that they're based overseas, which they are not.

You just think of what kind of smack in the face it is to folks who have been trying to get REAL predators behind bars it is when those guys walk on house arrest and they totally fry some kid like this.

FYI - The Governor can commute this kids sentence, so any GA browncoats who feel he's paid enough of the price are welcome to up the pressure on him if they want to.

If he ain't learned his lesson about it by now there just ain't no point TO it, is there ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:51 AM


America loves a winner!


The Governor can commute this kids sentence, so any GA browncoats who feel he's paid enough of the price are welcome to up the pressure on him if they want to.

GA Browncoat here, and Genarlow has paid way more than he should have. What's sadly ironic here is that the laws against 'sodomy' were overturned some 10 yrs ago, but the child molestation laws were so poorly written that no distinction was made between a 15 yr old having sex w/ a 40 yr old and a 15 yr old having sex w/ a 17 yr old. Genarlow is a smart kid, academically, and was on course to get scholy offers to play football at some of the finest schools in the country. And now ? Because of some hayseed hick attitudes, his life is basically ruined. Gov. Purdue should do the right thing and pardon the kid, and let him salvage what's left of his life.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:57 AM


Thank you all for your responses and it's great to read your reactions to this kid's plight. It's nice to know that an overwhelming majority (I belive all but one) agree that this was fubared from start to finish.

Thanks for your GA insight as well AURaptor. I sure something can be done to end this madness.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, June 30, 2007 1:09 AM


I just wanted to add that I think it's amazing we haven't seen Reverand Al, or Jesse, or even Oprah, or any of the multitude Of Hollywood bad boys & girls come to speak for this kid. I guess sin and redemption is all relative and selective. The bottom line here is that this looks to me like a conspiracy of Mississippi Burningesque qualities. I can hear the bloodhounds barking, the shotgun shells being loaded & the ropes being oiled.....Yeee Haw!


Saturday, June 30, 2007 2:43 AM


Very good point Jogsstraw. I must admit myself that I wasn't even aware the kid was black until somebody else mentioned it on this forum, though I had thought that may have been the case. Immediately after I read here that he was black that thought (about Jesse and Sharpton) crept into the back of my mind. I just hadn't brought it up because I didn't want to play up any race issue here.

Racism could have been a large or even a small part of the issue here, but I think it was more a morality issue and this kid was a witch this guy could easily burn and make an example of. I think if any racism was existant here it was that people just turned a blind eye to the horrid sentence and inhumane way this kid has been treated afterwards because the boy was black.

As for Jessie and Sharpton and the rest of their race-baiting, hate-monguering ilk.... I think they pick and choose whatever events and topics they can get on their soapbox about and get another month of fame for. You know... the stories that are so hard to argue against that you look like a racist for even suggesting they're wrong. There's too many angles here other than race and I don't think this would have been an easy case for them to act like the ignorant racists they are and just slide.

Just my opinion on that.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, June 30, 2007 3:13 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:

I think, perhaps more than race, the issue in this case is power. The prosecutor in question is afraid of losing face, and as a result, a young man is suffering the consequences.

That was actually my first thought. And it's probably the main thrust there.

And What's with the anti-Jesse talk hereabouts?
When did HE become a bad guy? Did I miss something??

Rev. Chrisisall


Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:51 AM


Sorry man. Coming from someone who considers themselves a complete non-racist, Jesse Jackson is the Grand Wizard of the hate-whitey group. His kid is the scariest thing I've ever seen. He could say, "I hate whitey" in such an eloquent way that at the end of his speech, he could have an auditorium of 65 to 85 year old white people giving him a standing ovation. He's so subersive.......

Admitedly, I may have been a little harsh on Sharpton. He's a genuine media whore, but that might be the extent of his antics.

That's all i'm going to say on race here. It's already far too much. I didn't want to go there. This is about the kid.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:45 AM



... 1) Is oral sex a crime that should be punishable by law? ...quote]

I don't know what Georgia statutes allow or whether or not it was the judge's interpretation. My opinion on this subject is it's only a crime if it's by force or coercion. I haven't read a transcript of this particular case but if it was consensual sexual sex while it is true that minors can't really consent, teenagers do experiment with all kinds of things including sex - oral and otherwise.


... 2. If you answered yes to number 1, do you belive it to be a crime worthy of being put in prison with rapists and murders and drug dealers for 10 F***ING YEARS!!!? ...quote]

If it is forced or coerced sex by any definition, my opinion is that the punishment should fit the severity of the crime. It could be 10 years if it is forced, brutal, terrifying and involves a young child. In this case it doesn't appear to make any sense.


... 3) Is it okay for two minors, a boy of 17 and a girl of 15 to have sex, oral or otherwise, if it is concentual. (I'm not asking morally speaking here, but rather if either party should be allowed to be punished by law, as if we all lived in Salem and hopped in the Delorian and went back to 1692.) ...quote]

Again, it seems that we in this country do tend toward inconsistency in this area. If teenagers are going to experiment with sex, it seems more appropriate for the parents and family to deal with these issues unless there is force or coercion and then it becomes a criminal matter and may involve criminal punishment.


... 4) What would make one party the victim of a crime in this case and the other party a viscious molesting rapist (given that they were both minors and it has always been said by both parties involved that it was concentual from the start)? Is he the rapist because he was a man? Is he the rapist because he was 2 years older (yet still a minor)? Is it fair in your eyes to single out one party here when both were obviously to blame for engaging in this "horrible crime". ...quote]

And again, coercion or force, vast difference in age or if one party is perceived as have some implied power over the other party may affect the case. Having not read the proceedings or even seen a summary transcript, it appears here that it was two teenagers. Was there alcohol involved? Drugs? Was there coercion that we don't know about? If not, I wonder if this isn't indeed an extremely opinionated draconian puritanical judge imposing his own abuse of power. What might be more appropriate would be involving parents and youths in counseling and monitoring. Who filed charges here? The girl's parents?

And, of course, girls can be aggressors and coercive as well as boys, although it does and have historically been males who are more sexually agressive.

Perhaps we need to be more outraged at governmental and judical involvement in our personal lives (including our sex lives) at all levels.



Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:57 AM



Originally posted by Siri:
Perhaps we need to be more outraged at governmental and judical involvement in our personal lives (including our sex lives) at all levels.Siri

Thank you for that post Siri. I can't find anything to speak against it. I just wanted to point specifically that last part out. The main point is that almost every argument which is relatively harmless to families and individuals and can be solved without Government involvement, should be solved without Government intervention.

I'm not an Anarchist. I believe we need a modicum of Government, even on a Federal level. But, unless we want to admit to ourselves that we're all on show to be judged like high schoolers by the entire world...... shouldn't we keep some of this stuff in our own back yards?

Do you really want to live in a world where everybody airs out their dirty laundry for the world to see because the law says it's mandatory?
(I'm thinking not, of course... it's a rhetorical question.)

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:14 PM



... 1) Is oral sex a crime that should be punishable by law? ...quote]

I don't know what Georgia statutes allow or whether or not it was the judge's interpretation. My opinion on this subject is it's only a crime if it's by force or coercion. I haven't read a transcript of this particular case but if it was consensual sexual sex while it is true that minors can't really consent, teenagers do experiment with all kinds of things including sex - oral and otherwise.

... 2. If you answered yes to number 1, do you belive it to be a crime worthy of being put in prison with rapists and murders and drug dealers for 10 F***ING YEARS!!!? ...quote]

If it is forced or coerced sex by any definition, my opinion is that the punishment should fit the severity of the crime. It could be 10 years if it is forced, brutal, terrifying and involves a young child. In this case it doesn't appear to make any sense.

... 3) Is it okay for two minors, a boy of 17 and a girl of 15 to have sex, oral or otherwise, if it is concentual. (I'm not asking morally speaking here, but rather if either party should be allowed to be punished by law, as if we all lived in Salem and hopped in the Delorian and went back to 1692.) ...quote]

Again, it seems that we in this country do tend toward inconsistency in this area. If teenagers are going to experiment with sex, it seems more appropriate for the parents and family to deal with these issues unless there is force or coercion and then it becomes a criminal matter and may involve criminal punishment.

... 4) What would make one party the victim of a crime in this case and the other party a viscious molesting rapist (given that they were both minors and it has always been said by both parties involved that it was concentual from the start)? Is he the rapist because he was a man? Is he the rapist because he was 2 years older (yet still a minor)? Is it fair in your eyes to single out one party here when both were obviously to blame for engaging in this "horrible crime". ...quote]

And again, coercion or force, vast difference in age or if one party is perceived as have some implied power over the other party may affect the case. Having not read the proceedings or even seen a summary transcript, it appears here that it was two teenagers. Was there alcohol involved? Drugs? Was there coercion that we don't know about? If not, I wonder if this isn't indeed an extremely opinionated draconian puritanical judge imposing his own abuse of power. What might be more appropriate would be involving parents and youths in counseling and monitoring. Who filed charges here? The girl's parents?

And, of course, girls can be aggressors and coercive as well as boys, although it does and have historically been males who are more sexually agressive.

Perhaps we need to be more outraged at governmental and judical involvement in our personal lives (including our sex lives) at all levels.


This is pretty close to what bothers me about the entire situation, and I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't been brought up before. This is, of course, resultant to the coverage of this case that I have been exposed to. AU may be a little more familiar with the particulars, but the outrage reaches deeper than 6string and others have shown.

The entire case has been ridiculous from the outset. It's all based on a strict interpretation of the law at the time, and nobody but the prosecutor has been happy about it. Her family believes the sentence is crazy. The jurors in the case have openly stated that they felt guilty rendering the verdict, but felt forced to the result under the instructions given to them from the DA. They have also since said that they would rather face obstruction charges than render the same judgment again. The judge issued the sentence because it was tied to the specific statute, and also felt that it was too much, but it was sort of a mandatory minimum thing. Hell, if I understand correctly, the law itself was almost immediately changed afterward as a result of the outcry from this case four years ago, however, the DA is riding this kid in accordance with the law at the time the "crime" was committed (as is technically the way things work if I understand correctly).

Has this gone on long enough? Certainly. Personally I don't think there's enough outrage about this yet. Why Sonny Purdue hasn't just taken care of the issue yet is beyond me. I'm not in Georgia, though, so I don't guess he cares what I think.



Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:01 PM


If you're interested, you can reach the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Parole by fax at (404) 651-8502 or the governor's office by mail or phone:

Office of the Governor
Georgia State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334

Phone: 404-656-1776

Don't make faces.


Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:25 PM


I drive by there every week. I could go pay old Perdue a visit myself.

But as mostly what everyone is saying: If both kids had the same thing in mind and both agreed to do it, it shouldnt be JUST the guy who gets ALL the heat. The whole thing is just wrong.


Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:28 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
The REAL sin is that he's black and she's white. Has nothing to do with underage sex. This IS Georgia after all.

Frem, let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

BTW- you might want to check out the "Privilege" thread. There're more examples of similar persecu... I mean PROsecutions... there.
Always look upstream.


Sometimes I feel as though I'm dealing with retards at a roller rink.



Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:28 PM


Just gotta shake my head at the hypocrisy and double standards of the so-called "justice" system...

Prosecutor under fire in teen sex case
By SHANNON McCAFFREY, Associated Press Writer
36 minutes ago

David McDade has handed out some 35 copies of a video of teenagers having sex at a party.

McDade is no porno kingpin, but a district attorney. And he says Georgia's open-records law leaves him no choice but to release the footage because it was evidence in one of the state's most turbulent cases — that of Genarlow Wilson, a young man serving 10 years in prison for having oral sex with a girl when they were teenagers.

McDade's actions have opened him up to accusations that he is vindictively misusing his authority to keep Wilson behind bars — and worse, distributing child pornography.

"This has been a ferocious, vindictive prosecution of Genarlow Wilson," said state Sen. Vincent Fort, an Atlanta Democrat. "What is going on is a vendetta."

McDade, who is district attorney in Douglas County, in suburban Atlanta, did not immediately return calls Thursday.

He has said that while the law required him to release the video, he also believes the footage helps his case — by showing that Wilson is not the squeaky-clean football star and honor student portrayed by his supporters.

"Most of those who do not want people to see the tape know that it's damning to their position," McDade told The Associated Press.

He released the video after receiving an open records request from the AP, and said he has given it to about three dozen people, including reporters, lawmakers and several members of the public who requested it.

It shows Wilson, then 17, receiving oral sex from a 15-year-old girl and having intercourse with another 17-year-old girl. It was shot at a 2003 New Year's Eve Party at a hotel room by another partygoer.

Earlier this week, Georgia's chief federal prosecutor, U.S. Attorney David Nahmias, said the video "constitutes child pornography under federal law," and he called on McDade's office to stop releasing copies.

"These laws are intended to protect the children depicted in such images from the ongoing victimization of having their sexual activity viewed by others," Nahmias said.

Nahmias' office refused to say whether he would bring criminal charges against the D.A.

Critics say that at the very least, McDade should have obscured the faces of the underage girls to conceal their identity, or sought a protective order to keep the material under seal.

Such steps are common in sex abuses cases, especially those involving underage victims, said Diane Moyer, legal director for the Pennsylvania-based National Sexual Violence Research Center.

"The bottom line is we need to have respect for the victims in these kinds of cases," Moyer said. "To release this kind of thing, to me it's prurient and it takes the open records law too far."

Several Wilson supporters likened McDade to disgraced Duke lacrosse prosecutor Mike Nifong and called on Georgia's attorney general to investigate.

"Mike Nifong lost his license, and if he lost his license, then certainly a district attorney that distributes child pornography ought to be investigated," the Rev. Raphael Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, said Thursday.

State Sen. Emanuel Jones said he would introduce legislation to block district attorneys from handing over photographic images in sex cases.

"I'm going to call it the David McDade Act," Jones said. "Sometimes we have to protect our kids from district attorneys."

Wilson was convicted of aggravated child molestation for having oral sex with the 15-year-old girl. He has served more than two years of a mandatory 10-year sentence.

The law Wilson was convicted of breaking made consensual oral sex between teens a felony. It has since been changed by the Georgia Legislature. But the state's courts have held that the new law cannot be applied retroactively.

A judge last month called Wilson's sentence "a grave miscarriage of justice" and ordered him set free. But prosecutors are trying to block his release. The Georgia Supreme Court is set to hear the case next week.

McDade fought a bill in the Legislature earlier this year that would have helped Wilson. Some lawmakers who were on the fence changed their mind after seeing the tape.

That's like all those poor sodders they kept in prison for bootlegging AFTER prohibition was repealed - folks, if the law you were prosecuted is tossed, so too should be the conviction.

This isn't justice, it's a damn travesty.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:44 PM


I fucked more 15 year old girls when I was 17 years old than this guy....FFF.NET women who fucked you first? 16? 17? 18? think about it........This kid should not be in jail......and if he had to go jail ..he should have at least had a chance to bang that little ho in the ass.....


Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:46 PM



Originally posted by Starrbaby:

Originally posted by kaneman:
That is crazy. Try remembering back to your high school days......How many 17 or 18yr. old seniors "dated" 15 yr. old freshmen?

My highchool days were about 10 years ago, so they are pretty fresh in my mind. I dated a 17/18 year old when I was 15/16 years old. We had a pretty chaste relationship, and I look back on our fun times fondly.

Had we decided to become physical with our relationship, It makes me ill to think that the poor guy would *still* be behind bars had my father pressed charges. Here I'd be, an adult with a college degree, a husband, a few kids . . . and he'd have no life, and he'd just now be getting out of prison.

Statatory (sp?) rape laws are not meant for these types of situations. They are meant to protect naieve kids for not-so-naieve adults. I hardly feel that the 18 year old was preying on the 15 year old.

Thank you.....

Love always kaneman


Thursday, July 12, 2007 3:28 PM


Wonder who put the bad spotlight on the DA.....?

What a prick that guy is. What better way to prove you're trying to "protect" those that have said they didn't need your protection in the first place by giving unobscured sex-tapes featuring them away like you're a pissed off K-Fed putting up sex vids of Britney on You Tube for the world to see. What the F?

Is this Underage Georgia Girls Gone Wild? Where were the waivers that the girls should have had to sign before these tapes were distributed? (Assuming that they're now over 18 years old and parental conscent is not an issue anymore)

I'll bet if you look on the bit-torrent sites, it won't be long before you could watch this too if you wanted too, for informational and educational purposes only of course.... 'cause we all need to know what an evil little bastard this kid is so we can understand why he should rot another 6 years with the molesters and murderers and rapists....

3 dozen people, huh? I wonder who the "several members of the public" were that they mentioned. What sort of screening process do these unspecified "members of the public" need to go through before they are deemed mentally fit to have child porn distributed to their households for educational purposes? And for what reason would anybody outside of the courtroom even need to witness any of this?

How would one even go about asking for said material without even being under suspicion of interest and possible distribution in underage porn in the first place? The fucking balls on these perves....

At this point, if there were any neigh-sayers, there should be no doubt in anybody's mind that the boy is just as much a victim as anybody else here.

That son of a bitch should be disbarred, sued by all parties involved in the tape, and thrown behind bars where he can spend the next ten years with child molesters and murderers. If he gets the justice he diserves, somebody will break off a mop handle and give him the Jeffery Dahmer treatment.

Thanks for keeping the light on this subject Frem. It's great to hear the support this kid has even though some people who were "on the fence" before are against him now after seeing the video. Screw them. Who are they to judge anyhow? Georga must be the most sex free state where everyone is righteous, I guess.

I hope to hear more good news about this guys professional and hopefully personal demise.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, July 12, 2007 4:41 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Thank you.....

Love always kaneman

I'm assuming that you're thanking me for helping to prove your point. You're more than welcome.


Friday, July 20, 2007 3:12 AM


Case Update: Hearing supposedly today, rumor is that the prosecutor is gonna push for a postponement, mostly as a vengeful act to keep Wilson in jail longer, and also in the hopes of the "fickle media" finding something else to talk about, thus lessening the pressure on certain folk over this case - which just *ain't* gonna happen, folks, cause there's a boot planted FIRMLY in his ass, the Judge is gonna more than likely refuse postponement and may even go with summary judgement on the facts and merits of the case, taking into consideration that the law itself that the kid was prosecuted under was badly written and poorly executed to begin with, ergo, chances are 70/30 that Wilson walks today.

Best of luck, Kid...

Related article follows, written in a laughably fawning and apologetic tone..
"Oh, we're so sorry we lynched him, but teens are evil and stupid and kinda deserve it because they behave like capitol hill republicans and we gotta send a message this is unacceptable for the peons..

Anyhows, Justice isn't a passive thing, sometimes folk gotta see it done, and sometimes folk gotta push the boulder even if they didn't start it rolling, and without namin any names, a LOT of folk have done good solid work here for no personal or financial gain of their own.
So a big thanks to those many unnamed folk, and a big piss off to a certain author who thinks altruism is societies greatest evil, Grrrr.

Story URL

Georgia's high court hears a case Friday concerning merits of a 10-year sentence for a sordid but unforced act.

By Patrik Jonsson | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

Even after a judge last month deemed Genarlow Wilson's 10-year prison sentence "a grave miscarriage of justice," the state of Georgia has kept him locked up.

Twenty-eight months ago, a Douglas County, Ga., jury found the former star athlete and high school scholar guilty of aggravated child molestation for having oral sex, as a 17-year-old, with his girlfriend, then 15, at a videotaped hotel-room party on New Year's Eve in 2004.

On Friday, the Georgia Supreme Court will hear an appeal by the state attorney general, who seeks to uphold the sentence.

The case, experts say, confronts the legacy of race-conscious justice in the South, as well as how attitudes toward teenage sexuality are evolving, or not, in the Bible Belt.

The court's ruling, if it favors Mr. Wilson, could even impel 1,300 other men serving long jail terms in Georgia for similar offenses to appeal their sentences.

"Those critical [of the prosecution] see it in terms of broader social ramifications and changing norms, but to [the district attorney] it's more about what happened in the hotel room," says Ron Carlson, a law professor at the University of Georgia in Athens (UGA).

Wilson's case has stirred enough of a ruckus to spark legislative reform at the statehouse. Earlier this year, Georgia lawmakers tempered tough state molestation laws by passing a "Romeo and Juliet" provision that takes into account similar ages of perpetrator and victim.

To keep the case moving forward and preserve the state's reputation, the Supreme Court moved Wilson's court date up by two months. The court is scheduled to address the merits of the so-called habeas corpus ruling in June that deemed the punishment unjust. Also at issue in the appeal: the subsequent denial of a bond hearing in Douglas County, where Wilson was originally tried.

Such actions by two branches of government indicate that prosecutors may have overreached their bounds in the case, says Donald Wilkes Jr., also of the UGA Law School.

The moves "tell us they're concerned," and that the sooner justices address it "the less Georgia will appear to be the medieval laughingstock to the rest of the country, and indeed the world," says Professor Wilkes.

How many blacks view the case

For many African-Americans in the US, the case represents a form of arcane justice in which a young black man without a criminal record can be sentenced to 10 years in prison for what many call consensual sex, while a vice president's adviser, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, can have his two-year jail sentence for obstructing federal justice commuted by President Bush. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, who is black, made this point on the stump in New Hampshire this month.

"This case represents yet another tragic breakdown in the criminal-justice system that, unfortunately, fails young African-American males too often," says a statement from the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington. "It is unjust, unfair and un-American."

And the mother of the girl, who is at the center of the case, has said publicly that Wilson's sentence is excessive.

Crucial to the case is the hotel-room videotape, 35 copies of which were made and distributed in June to lawmakers and media by prosecutor David McDade in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Associated Press. The US attorney in the state has since ordered circulation to cease and desist, calling it child pornography.

"It has been described as a profanity-laced, weed-smoking series of sexual encounters," says Professor Carlson. "It's a pretty grimy episode and not a very attractive portrayal of teenage life. It's been an opinion changer."

The issue of consent

State GOP lawmaker Eric Johnson of Savannah, leader of the Georgia Senate, says he went from having no opinion on the case to a strong opinion in favor of the sentence after seeing the tape. The nature of consent – complicated by the age of the girl and obvious drug and alcohol use – is the core issue, he says.

"When you hear that it's 10 years for consensual oral sex for two kids, you go, 'That doesn't sound right,'" says Senator Johnson. "But when you see the tape, you see ... drugs, alcohol, attitudes, arrogance, and disregard. While it may be consensual, you don't know about intimidation or if she feels obligated. That's why you set an age in the first place where you can make a decision like that."

Despite the blurry consent issues, Wilson's sentence indicates that Georgia law is out of step with modern views on sex, especially as the statutes equate oral sex with sodomy, says Melinda Chateauvert, an African-American studies instructor at the University of Maryland. In fact, Wilson would have received a lighter sentence if he had had intercourse with the girl.

Studies show that a majority of teenagers, even some of those who have taken abstinence vows, believe that oral sex is an acceptable and safer substitute for intercourse, Ms. Chateauvert says.

The case shows how "people opposed to sexuality and sexual expression use scare tactics to persecute or maintain laws even if people are not violating consent," says Chateauvert.

Johnson disagrees. In his view, the Wilson case is a wake-up call to teenagers that there are consequences to actions. At the same time, he blames Wilson's supporters and the media for drawing inferences about the state of Georgia without looking more closely at the adjudicated details of the case.

"There's nobody in jail in Georgia for any length of time for consensual oral sex in the backseat of a car," he says.


Saturday, July 21, 2007 12:45 AM


Further Update: Case is heard, no decision yet.

The State's case is utterly asinine (see underlined, below) in that the whole concept seems to be that, yes, we know the law was wrongly applied, and that he was wrongly imprisoned, but we can't *admit* that for it would make us look stupid because we misused it on other people too, you just didn't catch us then.

The Judge knew it was wrong, admitted it, the guy who *wrote* the law (see italics, below) knew it was wrong, the Jury knew it was wrong, but thanks to the distortion of the Jury's role in our "justice" system to no more than a rubber stamp for the court, felt powerless to act as they damned well should have.

This case is a CLASSIC example of why Jury Nullification exists, and why manipulating and misinforming a Jury should be in and of itself a crime.
If YOU should ever find yourself on a Jury, remember this debacle and be reminded that your purpose isn't just to determine whether someone is guilty, but whether the law itself is wrong, being misapplied, or should even BE a law.

The state and it's cronies seem intent on stalling "till it blows over" and hoping that the pressure comes off if they do - make sure it doesn't folks.


Ga. top court finishes hearing Wilson's appeal

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 07/20/07

The Georgia Supreme Court heard arguments Friday morning on a pair of appeals in the closely watched Genarlow Wilson case, though no ruling was expected immediately.

The courtroom was packed for the hearing, and arguments were broadcast live over the Internet. The hearing came after justices decided earlier this month to speed up the process in the case of Wilson, the Douglas County man imprisoned for receiving oral sex from a 15-year-old girl when he was 17. Wilson's attorneys argue his 10-year prison sentence is cruel and unusual punishment.

The justices are considering two appeals in the case.

Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker is appealing a Monroe County Superior Court judge's decision to reduce Wilson's felony conviction to a misdemeanor and free him from prison. Baker said the judge overstepped his authority when he granted Wilson's motion last month.

Following the Monroe County judge's decision, Wilson's attorneys requested he be released on bond pending Baker's appeal, but on June 27, the trial court in Douglas County denied the request. Wilson's attorneys have appealed that decision.

B.J. Bernstein, Wilson's attorney, addressed the bond issue first at Friday's hearing, arguing for 10 minutes that her client should be granted bond while his case is under appeal.

"Every day that a defendant spends in jail is a precious day in their life," Bernstein told the justices. Bernstein said that in the past 10 days, "two clients of mine died in prison."

Bernstein argued that the trial court, in refusing bond, improperly applied the criminal appeal bond statute when it should have applied the habeas bond statute, since the Monroe County judge had ruled on a writ of habeas corpus, determining that Wilson had the right to make a claim of cruel and unusual punishment.

However, Douglas County District Attorney David McDade, the original prosecutor on Wilson's case, countered in his time before the justices that state law is clear that "no appeal bond shall be granted to any person who is convicted of a list of crimes, and aggravated child molestation is included in that list."

"It's not vague. It's not gray. It's not subject to interpretation," McDade said. "It is the plain letter of the law that applies in this case."

In its appeal of the reduction of the felony conviction to a misdemeanor, the state has argued that the ruling could open the door for many other sexual criminals to have their sentences reduced.

Wilson's attorneys argued that such fears are invalid and do not justify maintaining such a harsh sentence for consensual teen sex.

Video cameras and still photographers lined the walls well before the arguments began. Outside, satellite trucks and Georgia State Patrol cars were parked all along the street, and security was high. Officers were posted all around the building and on the floor where the Supreme Court meets.

Former state Rep. Matthew Towery, the author of the 1995 law Wilson was charged with violating, submitted a friend of the court brief supporting his release.

"The General Assembly never intended for the Child Protection Act's harsh felony sentences designed to punish adults who prey on children to be used to punish consensual sexual acts between teenagers close in age," Towery's brief said.

The state Legislature in 2006 changed the law, making oral sex between teens close in age a misdemeanor. The state Court of Appeals ruled that the new law could not be applied retroactively and the state Supreme Court upheld that ruling.

Bernstein argued in her legal brief that the move by state lawmakers to change the law marked a "tectonic shift in how Georgia views voluntary consensual teen sex and its punishment."

"The new reality is that teen sexual experimentation is commonplace in an era where the media bombards teens with sexual imagery," she wrote.

Bernstein said it is extremely rare in Georgia for lawmakers to pass legislation softening punishment, especially for an emotionally charged crime like child molestation.

But the state countered that it is well established that criminals are subject to the penalty that is in place when they violate the law. To begin to apply legislative changes retroactively would invite chaos and have a far-reaching effect throughout the criminal justice system, Baker argued.

"The decision in this case not only affects Petitioner, but it potentially affects countless others who may be in the prison system or on probation or who have completed their sentences," he wrote.

-- The Associated Press contributed to this report


Saturday, July 21, 2007 3:03 AM


America loves a winner!


State GOP lawmaker Eric Johnson of Savannah, leader of the Georgia Senate, says he went from having no opinion on the case to a strong opinion in favor of the sentence after seeing the tape. The nature of consent – complicated by the age of the girl and obvious drug and alcohol use – is the core issue, he says.

"When you hear that it's 10 years for consensual oral sex for two kids, you go, 'That doesn't sound right,'" says Senator Johnson. "But when you see the tape, you see ... drugs, alcohol, attitudes, arrogance, and disregard. While it may be consensual, you don't know about intimidation or if she feels obligated. That's why you set an age in the first place where you can make a decision like that."

drugs, alcohol, attitudes, arrogance, and disregard. With or with out drugs and alcohol, much of what teens do and say is full of what the Senator sees. Those things aren't crimes!! As shocking as it may be to HIM, that's pretty much what one can expect from teens and often pre-teens in today's world. Not EVERYWHERE, but it's fairly common.

And why even bring up the issue of intimidation , if you don't know either ?? It's a moot point,imo. How often have teens been caught up in a moment, only to figure out afterwards they might have screwed up? That's kinda the point of being a teen, figure out what in life one likes and dislikes. When it comes to attitudes, arrogance and disregard, I'd hate for my adult self to be judged on what my teen age self did. And I doubt I'm alone in saying that my adult self would like to smack my teen age self around if anyone had taken a video of some of the things that went on. I'm just sayin'.

Free Genarlow!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, July 21, 2007 4:20 AM


The governor should have pardoned this case. The Supreme Court is likely to side with the lower court and release Wilson, which while good for him, could lead to releasing actual rotten people.

Knee jerk reactions about racism aside, the real issue here probably concerns some fairly debasing behavior seen in the video. And children are easily intimidated into doing things they would otherwise not. I don’t know what’s on the tape, but I don’t doubt that if people saw it, it's entirely possible that sympathy for Wilson would erode quickly, especially if you were a father of a teenage daughter.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero






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