I just saw Michael Moore's movie

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 3, 2007 11:53
VIEWED: 4680
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Friday, June 25, 2004 12:28 PM


It. Was. Great.

No, I don't have time to write a novel right now.

But it was GREAT!


Friday, June 25, 2004 12:57 PM


Can't wait to see it myself, although probably not this weekend. There is a Godzilla movie marathon at the Egyptian Theatre in LA, and I plan to see as many of them on the big screen as possible!

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Friday, June 25, 2004 7:02 PM


Well... was it entertaining? was it informative?

likes? dislikes?


Friday, June 25, 2004 7:36 PM


I cried during it. I was entertained and I learned and I laughed.

Jason, go see it, and come back and refute it. Just don't make fun of me because I cried, that's not cool.

I saw Michael Moore yesterday on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show.

Jon Stewart asked him, "Were you fair to Bush?" and Moore answered immediately, "No."

Fahrenheit is not a news story, this is Mike's opinion and his admitted attempt to remove Bush from the White House.

I think he did a hell of a job and made a great movie.


Friday, June 25, 2004 11:44 PM


Now I'm gonna have to go see it. You've peaked my interest.

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Saturday, June 26, 2004 4:47 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:

I cried during it. I was entertained and I learned and I laughed.

Jason, go see it, and come back and refute it. Just don't make fun of me because I cried, that's not cool.

? I've already made fun of you ?

Originally posted by Succatash:

I saw Michael Moore yesterday on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show.

Jon Stewart asked him, "Were you fair to Bush?" and Moore answered immediately, "No."

Fahrenheit is not a news story, this is Mike's opinion and his admitted attempt to remove Bush from the White House.

I think he did a hell of a job and made a great movie.

MM is entertaining, gratingly so - no doubt about that.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:12 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Moore: Pirate My Film, No Problem (since I already got paid $100-million)


Fury as Fahrenheit 9/11 director backs allegedly "illegal" not-for-profit downloads - Controversial film-maker Michael Moore has welcomed the appearance on the internet of pirated copies of his anti-Bush documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 and claimed he is happy for anybody to download it free of charge. The activist, author and director told the Sunday Herald that, as long as pirated copies of his film were not being sold, he had no problem with it being downloaded. “I don’t agree with the copyright laws and I don’t have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they’re not trying to make a profit off my labour. I would oppose that,” he said. “I do well enough already and I made this film because I want the world, to change. The more people who see it the better, so I’m happy this is happening.” Moore’s views have not been well received by Hollywood’s establishment, which is fighting a war against the online pirates it claims cost the industry £1.6 billion a year in lost sales. Jack Valenti, the outgoing president of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), an industry that steals billions of dollars in "venture capital" from private pension funds and from government CAFR pension funds, said: “Piracy is having a dramatic impact on the creators and copyright owners of this nation, and its defeat depends largely on the commit ment and resolve of the entire industry. File sharing causes tremendous financial loss to the movie business, untold hardship to support workers, and costs thousands of jobs.” Distributed via websites such as, which lays claim to having served more than 17 million downloads, Moore’s documentary critique of the Bush administration’s red, white and blue rush into war with Iraq is among the web’s hottest properties. Thousands of copies of Fahrenheit 9/11 have already been downloaded, each taking about 3.5 hours over a broadband connection. Moore said: “Is it wrong for someone who’s bought a film on DVD to let a friend watch it for free? Of course it’s not. It never has been and never will be. I think information, art and ideas should be shared.”


Moore points out that George Bush Sr and Bin Ladens are business partners in Carlyle Group, that just bought Universal Studios, producers of Serenity The Big Dang Movie.


"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:28 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it! usattackssaudi_070620200413;_ylt=Ag.PRPf4MQx2JTF_7WbU5JHMWM0F

Bin Laden may have arranged family's US exit

Osama bin Laden may have chartered a plane that carried his family members and Saudi nationals out of the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks, said FBI documents released Wednesday.

The papers, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, were made public by Judicial Watch, a Washington-based group that investigates government corruption.

One FBI document referred to a Ryan Air 727 airplane that departed Los Angeles International Airport on September 19, 2001, and was said to have carried Saudi nationals out of the United States.

"The plane was chartered either by the Saudi Arabian royal family or Osama bin Laden," according to the document, which was among 224 pages posted online.

The flight made stops in Orlando, Florida; Washington, DC; and Boston, Massachusetts and eventually left its passengers in Paris the following day.

In all, the documents detail six flights between September 14 and September 24 that evacuated Saudi nationals and bin Laden family members, Judicial Watch said in a statement.

"Incredibly, not a single Saudi national nor any of the bin Laden family members possessed any information of investigative value," Judicial Watch said.

"These documents contain numerous errors and inconsistencies which call to question the thoroughness of the FBI's investigation of the Saudi flights.

"For example, on one document, the FBI claims to have interviewed 20 of 23 passengers on the Ryan International Airlines flight ... on another document the FBI claims to have interviewed 15 to 22 passengers on the same flight."

Asked about the documents' assertion that either bin Laden or the Saudi royals ordered the flight, an FBI spokesman said the information was inaccurate.

"There is no new information here. Osama bin Laden did not charter a flight out of the US," FBI special agent Richard Kolko said.

"This is just an inflammatory headline by Judicial Watch to catch people's attention. This was thoroughly investigated by the FBI."

Kolko pointed to the 9-11 Commission Report, which was the book-length result of an official probe into the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington that killed nearly 3,000 people.

"No political intervention was found. And most important, the FBI conducted a satisfactory screening of Saudi nationals that left on chartered flights. This is all available in the report," Kolko said.

On the issue of flights of Saudi nationals leaving the United States, the 9-11 report said: "We found no evidence of political intervention" to facilitate the departure of Saudi nationals.

The commission also said: "Our own independent review of the Saudi nationals involved confirms that no one with known links to terrorism departed on these flights."

Meredith Diliberto, an attorney with Judicial Watch, said that her group had seen a first version of the documents in 2005, although the FBI had heavily redacted the texts to black out names, including all references to bin Laden.

Nevertheless, unedited footnotes in the texts allowed lawyers to determine that bin Laden's name had been redacted. They pressed the issue in court and in November 2006, the FBI was ordered to re-release the documents.

Diliberto said mention that "either" bin Laden or Saudi royals had chartered the flight "really threw us for a loop."

"When you combine that with some of the family members not being interviewed, we found it very disturbing."

Copyright © 2007 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AFP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of Agence France Presse.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:19 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

So Jewish politician Michael Moore is proven correct about the Bin Laden flights in F911, as was confessed by the media mafia in 2001. Moore was elected to his county school board at age 18, and his first assignment was firing his high school principal.

Jewdicial Watch provided the lawyers to US Congress for the impeachment of Jewish President Bill Clinton Blythe III (bastard Rockefeller).

Jewdicial Watch is trying desperately to blame the Arabs for 9/11, rather than an inside job by Khazar non-Semitic NeoCon "Jews" in Bush White House.


According to the FBI documents, incredibly not a single Saudi national nor any of the bin Laden family members possessed any information of investigative value.

“Eight days after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, Osama bin Laden possibly charters a flight to whisk his family out of the country, and it’s not worth more than a luggage search and a few brief interviews?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

U.S. District Court Judge Richard W. Roberts ordered the FBI to resubmit “proper disclosures” to the Court and Judicial Watch, having previously criticized the adequacy of redaction descriptions, the validity of exemption claims, and other errors in the FBI’s disclosures. Incredibly, the FBI had previously redacted Osama bin Laden’s name from the records in order “to protect privacy interests.”

Judicial Watch v. Department of Homeland Security & Federal Bureau of Investigation, No. 04-1643


Jewish Judicial Watch lawyer Larry Klayman reported on CSPAN that his client Robert Wright was ordered to stand down by the Bush White House, and to allow the Arab "terrorists" (CIA patsies) to continue their sheepdipping. Klayman reported that "the Bushes vacation with the Bin Ladens".

Bush White House is spinning out of control. Again. Rove's rumpranger Scooter Libby is sentenced to 30 months in federal prison, and now Rove personally got caught laundering 150,000 White House emails through RNC, to cheat federal open record laws.

Sir George Bush Sr KBE was dining with the Bin Laden family on 9/11/2001 in Washington DC, as the planes hit the towers and they exploded with 1,000s of preinstalled bombs. So Bush Sr arranged for the Bin Laden flights out of USA. Renting an airliner had nothing to do with bypassing NORAD's shoot-down orders for US citizens, or bypassing FBI interviews or arrests. Only the Bush White House has that authority.

The Queen of England and Tony BLiar are in the news this week for giving Saudi Prince Bandar "Bush" a new airliner after 9/11, along with $2-BILLION is free bribes, er, "gifts".

Bandar Bush also funded the 9/11 patsies, who were living with FBI employees and trained on US military bases. At least half of the "suicide hijackers" are still alive, giving interviews to BBC News, and no videotape shows any hijackers boardign any airliners on 9/11, and none are named as passengers on any of the "hijacked" airliners.

Bandar was also in F911, saying what nice folks the Bin Ladens are, and how easy they escaped USA on 9/11, thanks to the Bushes. Cathy O'Brien (aka River Tam) reported in her autobiographies that Bandar Bush gangrapes his own daughters, which she eyewitnessed as a White House employee in CIA's MKULTRA Project "Monarch" sex slave ring.

At the premier of his new documentary SICKO, Michael Moore admitted that 9/11 was an inside job:


CIA & MI6 employee USAma Bin Laden with Bin Laden family terrorizing NY City

"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."
-USAma Bin Laden, CNN, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks," September 17, 2001

"We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming."
—, The Tony Snow Show, "Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow", March 29, 2006

"A CIA agent allegedly met with suspected terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden in July, while the Saudi underwent treatment for kidney problems at an American hospital in Dubai, France's Le Figaro newspaper reported Wednesday. Bin Laden reportedly checked into the American Hospital Dubai, a 100-bed, acute-care general hospital, July 4 and stayed until July 14. Besides a stream of local dignitaries and family members, bin Laden's visitors included a local CIA agent, the newspaper reported. The agent was widely recognized locally, Le Figaro said, and later told several friends of the meeting. Le Figaro said bin Laden had serious kidney problems, and reportedly had a dialysis machine imported to Afghanistan last year. Citing a March 2000 report by Asia Week, the newspaper said bin Laden's illness stemmed from 'a renal infection that has spread to the liver, and needs specialized treatment.'"
—Elizabeth Bryant, UPI, "Bin Laden treated at US hospital," October 31, 2001

"The goal has never been to get Bin Laden."
—General Richard Myers, chairman, US Joint Chiefs of Staff at Pentagon, video interview:

"The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11. Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11. The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”
—Rex Tomb, FBI spokesman

"Operation NORTHWOODS may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government. Operation Northwoods had called for nothing less than the launch of a secret campaign of terrorism within the United States in order to blame Castro and provoke a war with Cuba."
—James Bamford, ABC News, "Friendly Fire - U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba," May 1, 2001

"I don't know where Bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority. The Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper. A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator. Heh heh heh."
-George Bush Jr, convicted drunk driver, convicted cokehead, convicted AWOL and desertion of Vietnam Wars, arrested for theft, arrested for vandalism, sued for rape, formally accused of perping the 9/11 Massacres, brother Marvin Bush ran "security" at WTC on 9/11/2001, first business partner in Arbusto Oil was Salem Bin Laden (brother of USAma)

If you want to watch SICKO for free, try:

I suspect Moore leaked it to get free publicity, and to stop the Bush White House from confiscating it.

"Son, you're not the first man to piss off a woman and end up stranded on the side of the road. That's why I always take my keys with me when I get out."
-Trucker, Drive


Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Thursday, June 21, 2007 6:35 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

CIA & MI6 employee USAma Bin Laden with Bin Laden family terrorizing NY City

"Son, you're not the first man to piss off a woman and end up stranded on the side of the road. That's why I always take my keys with me when I get out."
-Trucker, Drive


Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Monday, June 25, 2007 1:25 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
CIA & MI6 employee USAma Bin Laden with Bin Laden family terrorizing NY City

Wow...a few of Bin Ladin's sisters were hotties!

Also...I thought this thread was about Michael Moore's new movie???...I the Medical I am a professional Medical Insurance Fraud Investigator! I'm all dressed up and ready to dance, but I'm just sitting here on the sidelines....Oh God! This happened to me in middle school one time....

"How drunk was I last night?"
"I don't know I passed out"


Friday, June 29, 2007 10:57 AM


I will not pay to see moore's propaganda. I, like many others I know, will be buying a ticket to the new die hard movie and then sneak into sicko. Basically, I need to see the film to be informed but I totally refuse to support moore's horsesqueeze.

Sociallized medical care is no answer. If you live in canada, you must wait and wait and wait for care. And for those ppl in canada who have $$$ guess where they go for care? That's right...the USA. So ask yourselves why rich canadians wouldn't stay in their country for their "superior" health care system.

Moore is manipulating you. His points about the failures of american care are valid, but he then directs you in the wrong direction for a solution. The real answer lies in tort reform.....not social medicine.

Do not fear me. Our's is a peaceful race and we must live in harmony.


Friday, June 29, 2007 12:16 PM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
Do not fear me. Our's is a peaceful race and we must live in harmony.

Since I posted last I saw Michael Moore on The Daily Show and I'm so damaged it's not even funny. I always admired Jon Stewart AND Michael Moore. But when I heard them making accustations of profiteering and deliberate denials of claims just to make more money for stockholders is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I personally see Customer Service Reps doing anything they can to find lupeholds in plans to authorize that Cemo for the crying elderly member. Hell the medical insurance company I work for even technically commits insurance fraud all the time to grant early services to hardship cases. We were in Louisianna with mobile treatment centers long before Bush swaggered by for the cameras

The way that asshole put it was "Dr's have to call someone 1000 miles away in a cubicle to get permission to treat a patient" Thats bullshit! What they're really doing is calling someone to find out how much is covered by insurance. They can treat the patient all day if they want it just may not be covered by insurance. Insurance coverage is established by the EMPLOYER who provides the coverage for thier employees. LISTEN CAREFULLY!!!:Whether it's for your house, car, flood, tornado, or medical...Insurance has limits, no policy of any kind pays for everything no matter what it is. Medical insurance is not a right!!!!!It's something you're lucky to have because your employers have to give it to you to remain competitive when they are recruiting employees. There is no way to explain how dissapointed I am in Michael Moore. Now I wonder how much of Farenheit 911, and Bowling For Columbine were absolute bullshit

If you're not on Malbadinlatin's side, you're with the terrorists.


Friday, June 29, 2007 1:32 PM


You know, i'd beat you half you death with the prosthetic leg I wound up with courtesy of exactly the things you're saying don't happen here, but yanno, I'd have to care about your opinion first.

Take it from someone who survived attempted murder via denial of care, and had Judge Roland Vaughn (may he rest in peace) kick their asses all over the courtroom while he lie there hours from death, with virulent infections and delerium on a stretcher as they tried to claim I was fine...

Until you've been there, shut the fuck up.

That bein said - Moore is an idiot, and an asshole, and went after the wrong providers while making a lot of jackass assumptions, he'd have done better shredding an HMO like TotalHealthCare where that shit is so blatant that they make it official policy and hand out plastic coated "cheat sheets" on what care is to be denied at all costs.

I ain't payin money to learn something I coulda toldja eight years ago.



Friday, June 29, 2007 2:57 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

we found surprisingly few inaccuracies in the film

... if Americans are paying so much and they're not getting as good or as much care, where is all the money going? "Overhead for most private health insurance plans range between 10 percent to 30 percent," says Deloitte health-care analyst Paul Keckley. Overhead includes profit and administrative costs.

"Compare that to Medicare, which only has an overhead rate of 1 percent. Medicare is an extremely efficient health-care delivery system

Analysis: 'Sicko' numbers mostly accurate; more context needed

By A. Chris Gajilan

(CNN) -- Michael Moore's "Sicko," which opened nationwide Friday, is filled with horror stories of people who are deprived of medical service because they can't afford it or haven't been able to navigate the murky waters of managed care in the United States.

It compares American health care with the universal coverage systems in Canada, France, the United Kingdom and Cuba.

Moore covers a lot of ground. Our team investigated some of the claims put forth in his film. We found that his numbers were mostly right, but his arguments could use a little more context. As we dug deep to uncover the numbers, we found surprisingly few inaccuracies in the film. In fact, most pundits or health-care experts we spoke to spent more time on errors of omission rather than disputing the actual claims in the film.

Whether it's dollars spent, group coverage or Medicaid income cutoffs, health care goes hand in hand with numbers. Moore opens his film by giving these statistics, "Fifty million uninsured Americans ... 18,000 people die because they are uninsured."

For the most part, that's true. The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say 43.6 million, or about 15 percent of Americans, were uninsured in 2006. For the past five years, the overall count has fluctuated between 41 million and 44 million people. According to the Institute of Medicine, 18,000 people do die each year mainly because they are less likely to receive screening and preventive care for chronic diseases.

Moore says that the U.S. spends more of its gross domestic product on health care than any other country.

Again, that's true. The United States spends more than 15 percent of its GDP on health care -- no other nation even comes close to that number. France spends about 11 percent, and Canadians spend 10 percent.

Like Moore, we also found that more money does not equal better care. Both the French and Canadian systems rank in the Top 10 of the world's best health-care systems, according to the World Health Organization. The United States comes in at No. 37. The rankings are based on general health of the population, access, patient satisfaction and how the care's paid for.

So, if Americans are paying so much and they're not getting as good or as much care, where is all the money going? "Overhead for most private health insurance plans range between 10 percent to 30 percent," says Deloitte health-care analyst Paul Keckley. Overhead includes profit and administrative costs.

"Compare that to Medicare, which only has an overhead rate of 1 percent. Medicare is an extremely efficient health-care delivery system
," says Mark Meaney, a health-care ethicist for the National Institute for Patient Rights.

Moore spends about half his film detailing the wonders and the benefits of the government-funded universal health-care systems in Canada, France, Cuba and the United Kingdom. He shows calm, content people in waiting rooms and people getting care in hospitals hassle free. People laugh and smile as he asks about billing departments and cost of stay.

Not surprisingly, it's not that simple. In most other countries, there are quotas and planned waiting times. Everyone does have access to basic levels of care. That care plan is formulated by teams of government physicians and officials who determine what's to be included in the universal basic coverage and how a specific condition is treated. If you want treatment outside of that standard plan, then you have to pay for it yourself.

"In most developed health systems in the world, 15 percent to 20 percent of the population buys medical services outside of the system of care run by the government. They do it through supplemental insurance, or they buy services out of pocket," Keckley says.

The people who pay more tend to be in the upper income or have special, more complicated conditions.

Moore focuses on the private insurance companies and makes no mention of the U.S. government-funded health-care systems such as Medicare, Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program and the Veterans Affairs health-care systems. About 50 percent of all health-care dollars spent in the United States flows through these government systems.

"Sicko" also ignores a handful of good things about the American system. Believe it or not, the United States does rank highest in the patient satisfaction category. Americans do have shorter wait times than everyone but Germans when it comes to nonemergency elective surgery such as hip replacements, cataract removal or knee repair.

That's no surprise given the number of U.S. specialists. In U.S. medical schools, students training to become primary-care physicians have dwindled to 10 percent. The overwhelming majority choose far more profitable specialties in the medical field. In other countries, more than one out of three aspiring doctors chooses primary care in part because there's less of an income gap with specialists. In those nations, becoming a specialist means making 30 percent more than a primary-care physician. In the United States, the gap is around 300 percent, according to Keckley.

As Americans continue to spend $2 trillion a year on health care, everyone agrees on one point: Things need to change, and it will take more than a movie to figure out how to get there.

A. Chris Gajilan is a senior producer with CNN Medical News. Intern Emily Breidbart contributed to this report.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, June 29, 2007 5:16 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!



we found surprisingly few inaccuracies in the film

... if Americans are paying so much and they're not getting as good or as much care, where is all the money going? "Overhead for most private health insurance plans range between 10 percent to 30 percent," says Deloitte health-care analyst Paul Keckley. Overhead includes profit and administrative costs.

"Compare that to Medicare, which only has an overhead rate of 1 percent. Medicare is an extremely efficient health-care delivery system

Analysis: 'Sicko' numbers mostly accurate; more context needed

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, June 29, 2007 7:15 PM


The only thing I hate more than a Repug and the Administration is a Demoncrat Communist.

Michael Moore is a fat Communist fuck who's milking Capitalism at the same time by playing to the idiot masses as some holy crusaider. I know that fat manipulative fuck isn't going to have any problem paying for his quadruple bypass surgery we'll be hearing about in a few years.

Maybe I'll make a documentary about that when the time comes.

EDIT: If it's at all possible Succatash, don't take this as a personal attack. Don't recall we've ever spoken before. I rant and I'm very loud about it. I'm going to download it off Pirate Bay this weekend and give it a look. He's not getting a dime from me though.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 8:16 PM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:

Sociallized medical care is no answer. If you live in canada, you must wait and wait and wait for care. And for those ppl in canada who have $$$ guess where they go for care? That's right...the USA. So ask yourselves why rich canadians wouldn't stay in their country for their "superior" health care system.

LOL. No-one is saying that socialized health care is better per se. It's just better for people in general. Of course if you got the money then a privatized system is better... but only for you. Everyone else gets the shaft. The point is that this 'everyone else' is pretty much the entire population. Have you seen the issues with how many people in the US just don't have health care or have an HMO (which is almost the same depending on the plan)?

You see, this is the problem. Socialized health-care requires a sense of community on a national level. This just isn't something that I see in the US given your extreme divide on pretty much every topic. Well, that and that whole disturbingly capitalist thing. etc. So, of course you guys (in general) just don't see the benefits/need.

Basically, if it doesn't work for you, then fine, don't do it. But, it DOES work for others regardless of what cooked stats you've seen (if you've even looked and aren't just going on pure opinion). And please look beyond Canada on this one as well, as there are other countries that have socialized health care and it's just dandy. In fact, other countries have implemented socialized health care better than us!

I for one am *very* happy that when my grandma broke her hip, shortly thereafter her leg and then had to go to a home that my Dad and my Uncle didn't have to mortgage there homes to get her the care she needed. Because just giving people pain meds to make them comfortable while they die of sepsis or otherwise denying care because they don't have the money is fucking barbaric.

Oh, and btw, people who need critical care, get it quite quickly. It's those that can wait that typically have to. And even then you're going to have to point out for what. Because different things have drastically different wait times i.e. don't make gross generalizations for that in which you know nothing about.

At any rate, that's my 2 cents on the subject. But, by the time I can get back to this, there'll probably be *way* too much for me to catch up on. So, fire away. I probably won't have time to respond.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"
Searching the 'Verse so you don't have to.


Friday, June 29, 2007 8:25 PM


Bottom line Sigmanuki, there are a lot of people who have good jobs who are none too happy about this. I've never hid my loathing for any government intrusion in anything, and controlling the way our healthcare is, is just about as invasive as you can get.

Do I think the medical community and insurance providers need a HUGE bitch slap? Sure I do. They're all corrupt and far too powerful themselves. That is what our Government is supposed to do. They are our servants and they should kick somebody in the head when they get as far out of line as the entire medical community in America has. I sure as hell don't want Government running that show though.

Personally, I save money and I have decent health insurance. I hate doctors and I've never used my health insurance since I've been working here, so I pay the very minimum plan that my company requires me to. Where I work, the asshole Governor out here is proposing a plan for universal health care somebody in my bracket to shell out $140 a month. Forgive me for being very resentful of the Government for trying to make me pay these monsterous fees to pay for illegals and their children to have free healthcare.

I'd rather put that $140 a month into my retirement funds to help pay for my lung cancer treatments for smoking. The Government is already making me pay double for cigarettes than I was 5 years ago and it's set to be almost triple by 2010. Supposedly, this is for my benefit, but I enjoy smoking and I dont' plan on quitting anytime soon. So who the hell are they to decide what is good for me. I know none of the rediculously exorbinant cigarette tax they're sticking to me is going to come back to help pay for my cancer when I'm 60 and need treatments, nor do I want any handouts from Them.

Sorry, Big Gov and Big Med are already intruding analy HARD for my decicison to enjoy smoking. I don't want the oral treatment at the same time for universal medical coverage. Thanks.

F the Government, F the medical community, and above all, F Michael Moore.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 8:27 PM


Rich Canadians sometimes go South for surgery, but how many Americans come North to be able to afford the medications they need to survive...

Both systems have flaws, the operative word being BOTH... I prefer the Canadian system as I do not believe in the power insurance company's have in the US.


Friday, June 29, 2007 9:21 PM



Originally posted by GinoBiffaroni:
...but how many Americans come North to be able to afford the medications they need to survive...

I believe the cause of the answer to your question would be because it is illegal. If it weren't Americans would be more than happy to purchase their happy pills online from Canada and Canadian companies would be more than happy to oblige.

That's what I did with cigarettes myself when they started pushing the unconstitutional tax raises on cigarettes here in America. I bought them from Russia and American Indian Reservations for three years. Fuck them. I'll buy my smokes from Putin before paying those smoke Nazis any more money if at all possible. I was getting the cigarettes for 1/3 the price and that included shipping half way around the world to boot. That is, until VISA and Mastercard began the "Anti-Tobacco Initiative" which lasted long enough to keep us from purchasing our smokes online until the Government managed to shut down all online avenues of foreign competition and force Indian Reservation shops here to fully disclose all information of people buying smokes online to avoid the tax. Funny how we can buy smokes again online, now that there's no way for us to do it without avoiding paying the taxes in our area. Where is Visa and Mastercard's benevolent "Anti-Tobacco Initiative" now? I'm sad now.... for a moment there I really thought VISA and Mastercard cared about my health.

Funny how they can shut down pathways for people to avoid cigarette taxes by purchasing from foreign lands, but they haven't figured out a way to eliminate underage porn which has proliferated in the last 10 years, isn't it? They always use the excuse that the offending sites are from foreign countries, don't they?

My ass....

The Truth is, if child pornography wasn't such a huge cash-cow for our Government, and if fighting it didn't employ so many Government workers on our dime, they would have shut it down a long time ago. They don't give a rat's ass about children's safety either, and the people that are caught and put on TV are simply offered up as sacrificial lambs... akin to the occasional televised drug bust on TV that keeps justifying another giant and brilliantly orchestrated cash-cow, the "War" on Drugs.

The War on Drugs, Medical price gouging, The War on Child Pornograpy, The War on Cigarettes (Cancer).... very much like the War on Terror will NEVER end. They're designed by the archetects to have an infinite shelf life. If any one of these things were to magically dissappear tomorrow, it would likely leave our country, and in turn the world, spiraling out of control economically.

Screw those commercials you see on TV, and screw Michael Moore. THAT'S your daily dose of the TRUTH.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 10:16 PM


You don't need a D-Bag like Moore to tell you the medical field is fd eight ways from sunday. The fact that any illegal asshole can go in and get treated without question (or insurance for that matter) and my friends father-in-law suffers irreparable brain damage from a stroke because his insurance won't cover the operation and the hospital he was at refused to transfer him because they were afraid of getting sued is proof.

Michael Moore decries the very system that has made him a 'success' and put his fat ass on every TV and name in every mind, of America. There's no escaping him. There's no turning him off because there's always some sucker, some sheep, that hops right on the Moore bandwagon and throws his garbage right back in our faces.

He's not a hero. He's not even a documentarian. He's a media whore who will slant any image, edit any interview, and walk over anyone he has to in order to present the picture he wants the world to see. The only people worse than Michael Moore are the peaple that blindly eat the shitt he's feeding them.

Ragardless. Love him or hate him, Michael Moore has eaten a lot of Twinkies.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Friday, June 29, 2007 11:05 PM



Ragardless. Love him or hate him, Michael Moore has eaten a lot of Twinkies.

Ahhhhhh..... the senseless destruction of a National Icon. And I mean Twinkie the Kid. Sorry Twinkie! We love you and your delicious creamy filling. Even if every Twinkie that has been eaten in the last 30 or so years was made in 1973.

(HEHE.... thanks bro, for your artistic abilities and bringing this unexpressable image in my mind to life. I'm really dumb at computer art.)

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, June 29, 2007 11:16 PM


That right there is probably the best picture I have seen of Michael Moore. The Twinkie always makes the sacrifice for the greater good!


Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:47 AM



Originally posted by rue:


we found surprisingly few inaccuracies in the film

... if Americans are paying so much and they're not getting as good or as much care, where is all the money going? "Overhead for most private health insurance plans range between 10 percent to 30 percent," says Deloitte health-care analyst Paul Keckley. Overhead includes profit and administrative costs.

"Compare that to Medicare, which only has an overhead rate of 1 percent. Medicare is an extremely efficient health-care delivery system

Analysis: 'Sicko' numbers mostly accurate; more context needed

It's really no surprise to me, or anyone whose ever read your posts I'd wager, that your selected bullet quotes only display a fraction of what the author was saying. You should think about working with Moore, you've got his nack for slanting the truth.

How about throwing out these little nuggets so that those just skimming get the whole picture?

Not surprisingly, it's not that simple. In most other countries, there are quotas and planned waiting times. Everyone does have access to basic levels of care. That care plan is formulated by teams of government physicians and officials who determine what's to be included in the universal basic coverage and how a specific condition is treated. If you want treatment outside of that standard plan, then you have to pay for it yourself.

Can you imagine what our government physicians would formulate to fall under the universal basic coverage? Very little I'd wager. So now we have to pay an additional tax for a limited system that we're going to have to have supplimental insurance to make up for all its inadequacies. Thanks, but no thanks.

Or this gem:

"Sicko" also ignores a handful of good things about the American system. Believe it or not, the United States does rank highest in the patient satisfaction category. Americans do have shorter wait times than everyone but Germans when it comes to nonemergency elective surgery such as hip replacements, cataract removal or knee repair.

So, in light of all the problems Moore, and apparently you, think there are with the medical system, we're still the nation that's the happiest with our treatment. Interesting. See, it's facts like this that are ignored when you want to make something 'evil'. It's hard to crucify a system that has the highest satisfaction percentage in the world.

My brother suffered a brain hemorrhage when he was six years old. He spent months in a coma and survived by the grace of God and the skin of his teeth. His brain surgery, six month hospital stay, and the years of physical therapy would have bankrupted my parents, as procedures that extensive would not be covered by this system. Then four years later he suffered a second hemmohage and we got to go through it again. Tens of millions of dollars in surgury and care that saved my brother's life was paid for by the system that you're complaining about.

It needs work, but not a reboot. And tons-of-fun is not going to be the Messiah that ushers in the new era. Listening to that fat f*ck (who PETA even condemns for his size ) talk about healthcare is like listening to a three fingered man talk about table saw safety.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:27 AM



You're aware that the German system is basically socialized health care, right?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"
Searching the 'Verse so you don't have to.


Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:20 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

You're aware that the German system is basically socialized health care, right?

I do, and having lived there for two years I can attest that even though they might have shorter average wait times than the average patient in America, their hospitals blow and their customer service sucks.

I'll wait a few extra minutes for a higher quality of service.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Sunday, July 1, 2007 2:45 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"I personally see Customer Service Reps doing anything they can to find lupeholds in plans to authorize that Cemo for the crying elderly member. Hell the medical insurance company I work for even technically commits insurance fraud all the time to grant early services to hardship cases."

What you're saying is that under the rules it wrote the company shouldn't pay for necessary care. And while it's laudable the company bends the rules for a few, have you considered what happens to the many people for whom the rules aren't bent?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Sunday, July 1, 2007 3:06 AM


Legalize it...


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, July 1, 2007 3:08 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


The problem is not the illegality per se, it's that the companies hold people's lives hostage to their profits.

added: If companies were freely allowed to bend their rules I can see it resulting in massive fraud. The decision-maker would literally have life and death power over the supplicants - like Idi Amin. What would YOU be willing to pay or do to keep yourself or someone in your family alive?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Sunday, July 1, 2007 4:51 AM



Originally posted by rue:
If companies were freely allowed to bend their rules I can see it resulting in massive fraud. The decision-maker would literally have life and death power over the supplicants...

That's essentially the way it is now. And that exists because of laws that make it illegal for patients to seek out alternatives. The medical industry has more than freedom - they have a government supported cartel that controls the basic necessities of health care. They're holding us hostage now and they're doing it with the a regulatory framework naively intended to protect people.

I know it's counter-intuitive to strip regulation away from an industry that's proven itself unscrupulous. But if you look at the way it really works, if you look at the way the regulations makes them more money, at the way they limit viable, cheaper alternatives, if you look at the way they punish the very people they are intended to protect, it starts to make a lot of sense.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, July 1, 2007 4:57 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Why not let the government provide an alternative as well? It's more efficient.

And while I have nothing against 'alternatives' - sometimes nothing works as well as a trauma surgeon or other equally traditional medical area.

Anyway, I'm almost out the door. I just have a few things to finish up. Plus I imagine your family is ready for you to get off the computer and have a holiday weekend. So - have a good one !

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Sunday, July 1, 2007 5:18 AM



Originally posted by rue:
..I imagine your family is ready for you to get off the computer and have a holiday weekend. So - have a good one !

Actually, I'm all by myself this weekend. We're getting together on the fourth to reminisce

See ya.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, July 1, 2007 7:45 AM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
His points about the failures of american care are valid, but he then directs you in the wrong direction for a solution. The real answer lies in tort reform.....not social medicine.

Well, I gotta chip in my two cents too. The real answer lies in not in tort reform or socialized medicine. IMHO, it lies in deregulation of all medical and health care altogether. That is, let people choose what kind of treatment they want and whomever they want it from, and let providers compete for customers. You'll see prices going down, and the need for insurance to cover exorbitant costs will take care of itself.

This year, we have actually elected NOT to buy health insurance even though we have access to it. All the health care we routinely use is not covered by insurance (homeopathy, naturopathy, homebirth midwives, etc). The few times we do need to go to the ER or use conventional services add up to be less than our insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays. When you don't buy into the conventional medical paradigm as the end-all-and-be-all of health care, it is an overpriced piece of junk that no one should have to be FORCED to subsidize.

We have a health consultant we pay $60 a month to (per person in the family). For this amount, we have prompt and caring attention for any health problem that comes up, from chronic symptoms to a weekend flu. In our family, this comes to half of our monthly insurance premiums, and we never have to see an MD anymore for prescriptions. The only time we need an MD is for diagnostic technology (e.g. x-rays) or skilled services (e.g. stitches). Almost everything else, you can do it yourself.

In the past, we've always had health insurance just in case we get into a freak car accident and have to have our severed limbs reattached or something. Our premiums are a lot to pay for such statistical anomalies. We'd have been better off if we had saved all our premium payments over the years in a savings account. By the time something catastrophic like that happens, if it ever happens, we'd have the money saved up for it.

So in summary, the desperate NEED for health care and health care insurance is artificially created by the industry. People buy into this artificial dependence on a product line with inflated prices because they either are ignorant of alternatives, choose not to explore alternatives, or cannot access alternatives. The solution, in my view, is to break this dependence on conventional health care products/services--or change laws to make alternatives more accessible. Breaking up a monopoly is always better for the consumer.

Well, that is just my perspective and my choice.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky

Honest criticism is hard to take--especially from a stranger, a relative, an acquaintance, or a friend.


Monday, July 2, 2007 9:20 AM



Originally posted by rue:
What you're saying is that under the rules it wrote the company shouldn't pay for necessary care.

No, I'm saying that under the rules YOUR EMPLOYER wrote we should pay for necessary care sometimes, and sometimes not. We don't make up the rules about coverage, your employer does. The hospital should not be turning anyone down in need of necessary care because they don't have insurance.

And while it's laudable the company bends the rules for a few, have you considered what happens to the many people for whom the rules aren't bent?

We have a budget built in to help people who don't have eligibility, we have this because we're NOT FOR PROFIT. If we were FOR PROFIT, we would have to give that money to shareholders, instead we give what we do have to people in need

If you're not on Malbadinlatin's side, you're with the terrorists.


Monday, July 2, 2007 12:20 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I'd have to care about your opinion first.

Sorry about the leg Frem...but you should be beating the life out of the people at the hospital that let you lie there.

Until you've been there, shut the fuck up.

Having a shitty thing like that happen to you doesn't make you an expert on the medical industry, or how to fix it.


Monday, July 2, 2007 8:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


F the Government, F the medical community, and above all, F Michael Moore.
So tell me 6ix, ummm... how do you REALLY feel?

Always look upstream.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007 2:47 AM


Joseph Goebbels is in his 62nd year suffering & agonizing in eternal burning Hell. His only solace is knowing that this fool Moore is carrying on his proud legacy of propaganda promulgation to the masses of asses.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007 9:58 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The problem with Moore, who is an elected Jewish politician (county school board), his SICKO apparently censors key stats on sicko USA.

Pentagon and Veterans Administration already run socialized medicine, with disastrous results. I've been waiting over 10 years for my appointment with a VA doctor, most of whom are foreign aliens (ie Pakistan home of USAma Bin Laden).

100,000 dead US Gulf War troops so far in the 17-year non-stop Iraq War, plus 600,000 disabled US Gulf War troops so far, most trying to live on $100/month "disability insurance", such as my wife. My wife's VA retirement/disability pension was stolen by White House and Congress, as perped against 95% of all retired disabled military veterans.

ALL "vaccination" medical records for Gulf War #1 troops were "lost" in the OK City "domestic terror" bombing by active-duty Gulf War SGT Tim McVeigh (actual murders perped by ATF, FBI & CIA planting bombs inside the federal building). US GW "vaccines" were sabotaged with patented bioweapons, perfected by Uncle Scam in US prisons.

After overpaying into Social Security for a total of 120 years (with no way for refund of overpayment unlike IRS 1040), my Social Security Disability "Insurance" pension has been stolen for over 10 years by Gangsta Govt, because SS NEVER uses medical records signed by doctors to determine disability claims.

"Finding the Russian scientists may be a problem being that Russia does not have a Social Security System, as here in America, that allows us to MONITOR, TRACK DOWN and CAPTURE an American citizen."
-General Colin Powell, chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff at Pentagon, US Secretary of State, Fox News, 06/17/01

My wife and I are both disabled, and forever BANNED from getting ANY type of medical insurance, for "pre-existing conditions". When we lost our civilian medical insurance coverage, we got socialized govt insurance (TennCare), which covered almost nothing so doctors REFUSED to perform prescribed lab tests, then TennCare cancelled us.

TennCare heart-transplant doctor CanniBill Frist was convicted of TennCare/Medicare FRAUD, his employees sent to prison, and he paid an $840-MILLION fine to Uncle Scam, then Dr Frist was selected to US Sentate, and promoted to Speaker of the Senate in his freshman term. To do a heart transplant for $1-million, it's required to murder a living person and steal their beating heart. Honest doctors warn: DON'T sign your organ donor card...

Medical doctors are the leading cause of death in USA, with over 1-Million murders per year, not counting the 1.5-Million aborticieds per year. Socialized medicine would drastically increase this genocide.

The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. Using Leape's 1997 medical and drug error rate would add another 216,000 deaths, for a total of 999,936 deaths annually. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US."
—Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; Dorothy Smith, PhD, Life Extension Magazine, "Death by Medicine", March 2004

Moore and Jewish Disney profited $200-million from F911. Sicko is also playing to sold-out theaters, thanks to billion$ in free advertising by the Jr Bush White House, who are thankful Moore is not publicly saying Bush perped the 9/11 Massacres.

Socialized medicine will ban all vitamins without a dr's prescription, and all vitimins will be diluted to ineffectiveness, thanks to lobbying by the narco cartel.

And think how wonderful socialied medicine will be with .500 BILLION illegal aliens in USA, which is the confessed goal of Congress and White House last week...

"Son, you're not the first man to piss off a woman and end up stranded on the side of the road. That's why I always take my keys with me when I get out."
-Trucker, Drive


Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Tuesday, July 3, 2007 11:53 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
The problem with Moore, who is an elected Jewish politician (county school board), his SICKO apparently censors key stats on sicko USA.

Pentagon and Veterans Administration already run socialized medicine, with disastrous results. I've been waiting over 10 years for my appointment with a VA doctor, most of whom are foreign aliens (ie Pakistan home of USAma Bin Laden).

In their defence PN I suspect they probably need that long to aquaint the mental care specialist with all your delusions.

Would you actually want to see an American doctor? I mean they're all Jewish aren't they?






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