Cheney/Voldemort '08

UPDATED: Thursday, July 26, 2007 14:22
VIEWED: 1230
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Sunday, July 22, 2007 3:09 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Saw this on a bumper sticker and got a chuckle, so thought I'd share.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, July 22, 2007 3:57 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Geezer:
Saw this on a bumper sticker and got a chuckle, so thought I'd share.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

I'd like to see if they're for the FAIR Tax first, before I'd vote for 'em.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, July 22, 2007 5:33 AM


I'm expecting Clinton and Obama to damage each other and their Party so much during the run-up to the primaries, that a secret dark-horse team of Democratic moderates Robert Byrd and David Duke is being kept hidden and prepped right now, ready to be inserted at a necessary and proper moment in the near future; at that pivotal point in the election when Michael Moore and George Soros give the nod. Byrd and Duke's decades-long message of tolerance and pragmatic unity is seen as crucial for the Dems to regain the decency and civility vote.


Sunday, July 22, 2007 9:14 AM


Well for it to be an election you have to have 2 parties. My guess is that to some extent who wins for the Dems will depend on who the Rep canidate is likely to be. There are Reps out there that could be tough for a Clinton ticket (Condi Rice anyone?)


Sunday, July 22, 2007 10:26 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I'd like to see if they're for the FAIR Tax first, before I'd vote for 'em.

i would support the Fair Tax, if it was combined with the abolition of the income tax, and a return to smaller government. right now it seems the bill still doesnt repeal the income tax, although it suggests it. so if it passed, we would be dependent on congress to follow suit and execute the necessary initiatives for this to really benefit us. the fair tax has to go hand-in-hand with smaller government and a truly free market, otherwise we wont appreciate the changes. but who knows... maybe under a Paul administration

ive read that the national sales rate under the Fair Tax would be 23%, on top the existing state and various other taxes. thats a pretty chunk of gross sale taxes. really, the tax system is not being reduced or simplified because our government is still growing and requiring the extra funds, but now business' are responsible for collecting the Federal governments debts. doesnt it seem that we need to commit to doing away with our socialist entitlement system first, to enable these changes to be effective? right now, it would just shift the tax balance directly to the consumer

would you agree?


Sunday, July 22, 2007 11:25 AM


I love the name "Fair Tax" fair to who? Whenever the tax code changes there are winners and losers so who would win and who would lose under the "Fair Tax." I'm prety sure the losers wouldn't see it as fair.

It's not rocket science. Taxes exist to finance government, if you want smaller taxes then you fund fewer government programs. Easy. The problem comes with deciding what to cut and the problem with a country this size is that almost anything you want to get rid of has millions of supporters. YOU might like to cut welfare but the folks that need it wont, if they have more votes than you so then you're stuffed (sorry.)

And you can say the same about anything, from defence spending to farm subsidies, which in the end is why nothing will ever get done. Fiscal conservatives simply don't have the numbers to elect a ticket that can compete with all those interests.


Sunday, July 22, 2007 11:34 AM


America loves a winner!

It should go w/ out saying that the FAIR Tax only goes into effect once the income tax is repealed. I'm fairly certain that Johnny Isackson's bill calls for exactly that. It can't come right out and make repeal of the income tax part of the legislation, because that would take a seperate act. But it's understood the two go hand in hand.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 3:43 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
Well for it to be an election you have to have 2 parties. My guess is that to some extent who wins for the Dems will depend on who the Rep canidate is likely to be. There are Reps out there that could be tough for a Clinton ticket (Condi Rice anyone?)


Wait a minute, 2 parties, two people, President and Vice President..... Sith Lord and Apprentice. Sith Lord/Apprentice. President/Vice President.

Oh GOD, it all makes sense now.





Tuesday, July 24, 2007 8:41 PM



Originally posted by Fletch2:
And you can say the same about anything, from defence spending to farm subsidies, which in the end is why nothing will ever get done. Fiscal conservatives simply don't have the numbers to elect a ticket that can compete with all those interests.

You're absolutely right..... and it will only get worse. That's why another Civil War is a comin'.

You'll be needing that Second Ammendment Right then.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:20 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You're absolutely right..... and it will only get worse. That's why another Civil War is a comin'.

You'll be needing that Second Ammendment Right then.

I don't have a right to bear arms so it matters not to me. I think you also assume that "your" side would win. The track record gives fascism the slight edge when it comes to winning out in undeclared civil wars.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:49 PM


Heh.... wasn't challenging you there man... was just sugggesting that when the time comes, you might want to be able to protect yourself. I'd make no assumptions about who would win... you get yourself killed that way. Just excited for it to happen because I've really got nothing too important or stimulating happening in my life now.

Seems like you were quick to jump on the other side of whatever "my" side is.

Are you saying you're a fasist then?

EDIT: No right to bear arms? That really sucks. You from Australia then?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 9:58 PM


Not an American Citizen, so no they don't let me have a firearm. My point about the civil war is that generally the end result is less freedom not more. I was guessing that wasn't the result you were wanting.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:47 PM


lol... nice guess.

Our own Civil War certainly proves your point, though since we hail it as the end of slavery in America many would argue that there was more freedom afterwards. Ahhh... how the winners love to rewrite history.

I personally view the Civil War as a grand scale Waco Massicre. Those who don't comply with the Status Quo will be crushed.

Mark my words, in our lifetime, you'll flip on the telly one day and hear all about Civil War breaking out all over America. How many different versions of American Idol can the proles stand before they get bored of TV altogether and finally wake up one day with nothing and relize that while 99% of everything their senses consume doesn't matter in the least, decisions that are beginning to seriously impact their lives have been made for them behind the curtains.

Men with a vision came to America and built a society that was once great and I believe is not dead, though it is ailing. There's still time to fix it... even without the use of force, though that time is drawing to an end.

Hey... at least we don't have a king..... yet.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:26 AM


Relative history for ya Six.

During the run-up to WWII, the primary countering force to the growing strength of facism was a collective of socialist, communist, and anarchist movements, many of which were also responsible in part for labor unions and the 40 hour work week.

US policy was to hate these guys, a lot.
To the point of actually HELPING the facists crush them, and that worked out real well, did it not ?

In the end, they were prettymuch destroyed, but their constant erosion of Italys military resources and support was a critical factor in Mussolini never being able to effectively support Hitler against the allies.

And how were they paid for their efforts ?
Ask tailgunner joe McCarthy.

I implore you to carefully read this stuff when you have the time - the unspun history is a non stop catalog of atrocity against anyone who opposes the corpo-capitalista-fascism that rears it's head at every turn and corner, and said conflict in one form or another, can be followed back to the french revolution and beyond.

This day and age will probably be known some time down the road as the third red scare (terrorism) and viewed with the same queasy disgust the first two are, but it sure doesn't help us NOW, does it?

These periods seem to run on a 30 year cycle, generationally, as the old forget or die off, and the young are kept in the dark or taught polite fictions - there's a reason for my sig line, and an important one, for as soon as one of these periods of monstrous oppression passes from the public consciousness, another will soon follow.

It's always the same, the only real difference is the intensity and amount of bloodshed, hell, we even have another Eddie Murrow, this Keith Olberman dude, willing to name and shame, and again with the spooks playing dirty, just like before - over and over again, the wheel turns.

I think our saving grace this time around, is the utter and absolute incompetence of the current crop of fearmongers - they're NO good at it, and are just a few steps shy of laughingstocks, and it is my earnest suspicion that fairly soon, they are gonna trip and fall... and we'll be there, with an axe.

And then as mentioned in another thread, those cheering them on the loudest, will be the first and fastest to put the boot in, point the finger, sing like canaries, to protect themselves from the inevitable fallout - a purge like none seen in living memory.

And people will forget, the history will be glossed over, and it'll happen again, and again, till we either emotionally mature as a species, or destroy ourselves in fear and loathing.

OUR job isn't just to help run the bastards out, it is to make sure that those come after us do not forget, and let it happen again.

That knowledge was passed to me, I pass it to you, and you pass it down the line.

I too am hoping this comes to a head, and a purge, without force of arms, cause the idea of my nieces living the future of OUR failures is the one thing I fear most, and thus I throw all that I have against it, in hopes of breaking it before it comes to that.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, July 26, 2007 2:22 PM



Fremdfirma- the unspun history is a non stop catalog of atrocity against anyone who opposes the corpo-capitalista-fascism that rears it's head at every turn and corner, and said conflict in one form or another, can be followed back to the french revolution and beyond.

but you do agree that capitalism is a better alternative to the various -'isms' right? i agree with your comments on the corporate fascist part, but socialism and communism cant evade the same human behavioral frailties and 'sin'(is that word taboo now?) that abuses capitalism. capitalism, particularly for us, created more prosperity and opportunity then any other system, and any other nation(for a time). the western world is obvious evidence of this, although IMO it seems in varying degrees, based on how 'pure' their free market ideology is(was). i see the flaws more as inconsistencies, like big government socialism and corporate alliances, which undermine the integrity of the(capitalist) system


I think our saving grace this time around, is the utter and absolute incompetence of the current crop of fearmongers - they're NO good at it, and are just a few steps shy of laughingstocks, and it is my earnest suspicion that fairly soon, they are gonna trip and fall... and we'll be there, with an axe.

And people will forget, the history will be glossed over, and it'll happen again, and again, till we either emotionally mature as a species, or destroy ourselves in fear and loathing.

i have that same feeling in my gut as well, like 6string, and some of you others, which leads me to believe that we know instinctually that a shift is coming. if i may posit the theory from the bible, as this age draws to an end, the 'heavenly' forces guiding world governments will continue to push, and succeed with implimenting the 'new world order'. this is just according to the bible, but the people standing for what is just and right, on our side, will be the ones who are persecuted, atleast until the Lord returns, and our bodies are made new again. i expect to stand for whats right (and i pray we are a blessed nation in prophecy), but the time coming, where all nations will be held accountable, is inescapable


And then as mentioned in another thread, those cheering them on the loudest, will be the first and fastest to put the boot in, point the finger, sing like canaries, to protect themselves from the inevitable fallout - a purge like none seen in living memory.

i hope youre right.. but when i listen to Hannity or Beck, or Savage, its hard to imagine them admitting fault and error in their thinking and worldview, on issues of this magnitude; but hopefully this will separate the good from the bad. its just these guys have so thoroughly exposed themselves that i think we'll see some of them 'go down with the ship', before we ever get admission that they were wrong, or even guilty(if even inadvertently), of misleading and propagating the minds of a free people, for likely sinister motives






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