Call to Arms for People who believe we can stop this war.

UPDATED: Sunday, August 5, 2007 15:55
VIEWED: 1316
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007 6:14 PM


As long as it's the day after the full moon and we're all still being rediculous here today....

If you are an American of any age, sex, nationality, religion, sexuality... and you STRONGLY oppose this "War", you have a moral obligation not to pay your taxes on April 15th of 2008. This war is obviously a bi-partisan effort, as evidenced by the Democrat's complete unwillingness to withdraw our troops after making all of those promises to the people who gave them the House and the Senate this year. It is even furter illustrated by the fact that we will not see Bush and Cheeny impeached like many of us have been hoping for years now.

We're in this war today for the simple reason that Bush happened to accidentally see the movie "Wag the Dog" one night after he took office in 2000. While watching, a lightbulb went off in his head... the movie gave him a great idea to secure a second term in office and show up his pa. So simple.... orchestrate a war! Little did he know at the time that Cheney had planned this little viewing for months beforehand. He managed to get Bush to watch a "grown up" movie by telling Bush that it was a movie about a dog that got seperated from his family and befriends other animals and has many misadventures on his long journey home. Curious George loves movies with talkin' doggies. By the time that he figured out there wasn't any talking dogs in the movie, the gears were already turning and Cheney's new plan was beginning to unfold.

So if you're as angry as I am that we're pissing hundreds of billions of our own dollars down the drain on a war that woudn't even exist if it wasn't for Barry Levinson's 1997 production, join the many others who oppose this war and refuse to pay any taxes this year, and every year, until this unjustified travesty has finally been brought to an end.

We'll likely be shot and killed in our own homes for doing this though. So if you're too much of a wuss to stand up in what you believe...

At least vote for Ron Paul.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 12:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But if you're gonna do that and you live in a electronic-voting county, ya might wanna vote absentee.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 1:15 AM


LOL... boy Signy... how bout us with the humor today.

Gotta laugh sometimes to keep from cryin'

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 3:39 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

If you are an American of any age, sex, nationality, religion, sexuality... and you STRONGLY oppose this "War", you have a moral obligation not to pay your taxes on April 15th of 2008. This war is obviously a bi-partisan effort, as evidenced by the Democrat's complete unwillingness to withdraw our troops after making all of those promises to the people who gave them the House and the Senate this year. It is even furter illustrated by the fact that we will not see Bush and Cheeny impeached like many of us have been hoping for years now.

We're in this war today for the simple reason that Bush happened to accidentally see the movie "Wag the Dog" one night after he took office in 2000. While watching, a lightbulb went off in his head... the movie gave him a great idea to secure a second term in office and show up his pa. So simple.... orchestrate a war! Little did he know at the time that Cheney had planned this little viewing for months beforehand. He managed to get Bush to watch a "grown up" movie by telling Bush that it was a movie about a dog that got seperated from his family and befriends other animals and has many misadventures on his long journey home. Curious George loves movies with talkin' doggies. By the time that he figured out there wasn't any talking dogs in the movie, the gears were already turning and Cheney's new plan was beginning to unfold.

So if you're as angry as I am that we're pissing hundreds of billions of our own dollars down the drain on a war that woudn't even exist if it wasn't for Barry Levinson's 1997 production, join the many others who oppose this war and refuse to pay any taxes this year, and every year, until this unjustified travesty has finally been brought to an end.

We'll likely be shot and killed in our own homes for doing this though. So if you're too much of a wuss to stand up in what you believe...

At least vote for Ron Paul.

6ixString....I've read enough of your posts to understand that you are intelligent, and couldn't possibly be naive enough to ever have believed that the Democrats actually had the desire or ability to end the war in Iraq. Also, if you don't pay your taxes, all that is going to happen is that you are going to go to prison, and have your life made immeasurably worse in the process. Advocating illegal behavior to protest what you consider illegal/immoral behavior is counter-productive. As you know, it's a very different world today than it was in the late 60's......back then there were massive, massive rallies held frequently to protest the war, but it was almost always done with civility, peace, and respect for the law. Today's "peace" protesters, from what I've seen, carry placards of vulgarity and hate, and are all too willing to break the law. It is hard to differentiate between war protesters and anarchists, and hooligan ruffians. Add to that the fact that almost all the "peace" marches in recent years have been organized and financially supported by groups like World Workers Socialists, and George Soros' funded hate site groups, it's easy to see why the peace movement is stuck in the mud and does not appeal to moderate Americans. Then add in the Cindy Sheehans of the movement; radicals calling the bloody insurgents & Al Qaida types "heroes & patriots", and calling our troops nazis & baby-killers, etc...again you can see why moderate folks cringe at the insane antics of the fanatics running wild out there.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 4:44 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
We're in this war today for the simple reason that Bush happened to accidentally see the movie "Wag the Dog" one night after he took office in 2000.

I note for the record that President Bush took office on January 20, 2001. I was there, it was really something.

We'll likely be shot and killed in our own homes for doing this though.

One can only hope.



Wednesday, August 1, 2007 5:15 AM


I love how folks accuse Liberals, Socialists and Anarchists of hate while spouting off crap that'd make a Klansman blush.

Lemme put it crystal clear.

Tyrannic Liberals don't hate you, they just think they know what's best for you and wanna run your life for you - asinine, stupid, but not hateful.

Old school Liberals just wanna be left alone without "The Man" stickin his nose in every bit of their business, taking their money, and shaking them down for paperwork to do this or that - they're hippies, folks, is what they are.

Socialists don't hate you, they hate your STUFF, because they have an awareness of how and where it came to be - the fact that those nice expensive shoes came from a brutal sweatshop camp in southeast asia pisses em off.

Anarchists DO hate you, if you support invasion of their life and privacy, theft of their rights and resources, they *despise* you, and tend to take it, and make it, very personal.

And Rightwingnuts seem to have everybody, including themselves - especially given how often they get busted for the very things they flame everyone else for.

Of em all, the only ones that aggressively threaten others are Tyrannic Liberals like Hillary Clinton, PETA, and assorted other nutballs on the left fringe, and yet just about everyone right of center save Ron Paul seems to be all about spouting hate, while pointing the finger at anyone but themselves.

Didn't mama tell ya when you point one, you got three pointin back at YOU ?

I figure em for Darwins rejects, a failure of social, mental, and emotional evolution which will hopefully destroy each other without substantive impact on sane people.

Of course, we could start off matters a little early, how bout a pay-per-view cage match between Ann Clueless and Billary Clinton - that'd be fun too.

Peace protestors violent, what a laugh - you folk wouldn't know a violent protest if it hit you on the head, the Watts and LA Riots were tame in comparison cause they were just undirected rioting, but you know what you call a real violent protest ?

A Revolt - just ask King George how well that went off.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 5:53 AM


Well Hero, who am I to judge exactly the date that something came about. The man was voted in in 2000, and didn't take office until 2001. So I may have had the year off a bit. At least I wasn't quoting a reference to the "Weekly World News" as somebody accused me of doing earlier. (and by the way, if you tell me that batboy isn't real, you can kiss my ass).

Obviously, this was a comical insult to everyone on the only two sides of the political spectrum that seem to matter today, and I'm pleased that you took offence enough to post to it. And I must admit I admire the civil tone you always use in your post. You didn't accuse me of raping my mother or use personal information of mine against me like politicians do when they fling shit at each other.....

My arguement is nothing personal, I might add. I think in the abstract and the immediately intangible, and it saddens me to say that I've been right about most of the things that I've predicted in the last 5 years.

I'm a pretty dark guy, and I usually am not known for predicting great things before they happen. If I was, I'd be a much happier man now. I recently sold many shares of Google at 500 a pop only to watch it balloon to 550 several weeks later and I bought Goldcorp which has made me some money, but has fallen prey to the overinflated stock market recently much more than I would have hoped for.

My brother has the knack for figuring out the ending of a TV show or Movie long before it ends. It's a little competition betweeen us. I'd like to think we're even in the amount of times we've each been right, but he will probably claim (truthfully) that he is the one that can do this better. But I still remain the champion that 5 years ago, when I was a stupid kid still, figured out that if the interest rates of houses ever reached the levels they did in the early 80's, that peoples houses that they've been using like ATMs would be worth nothing if the interest rate was 20% and all the sudden that 30 year mortgage on your 250,000 dollar house would cost you 1.25 million over 30 years (I apologize for the rough estimate without a mortgage calculator next to my beer).

So many people telling me I was wrong so many years. I'm not happy that I'm right, but the housing market seems to have slowed down and our interest rates are still very low. Imagine if we had to adjust our interest rates to that of the Globalization that our current leaders are striving for....

You going to pay 1.25 million for that 250 thousand dollar house?

I didn't think so. Time to start renting, which sadly means that my rent price will likely be rising in the next year.

Just keep catching me on the minute bullshit details though. I think it's cute. What do you have to worry? You're one of the bigshot lawyers like my uncle that's living in a million dollar house.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 10:49 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Old school Liberals just wanna be left alone without "The Man" stickin his nose in every bit of their business, taking their money, and shaking them down for paperwork to do this or that - they're hippies, folks, is what they are.


Yea Man that stuff's a draaag.



Friday, August 3, 2007 4:44 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
As long as it's the day after the full moon and we're all still being rediculous here today....

If you are an American of any age, sex, nationality, religion, sexuality... and you STRONGLY oppose this "War", you have a moral obligation not to pay your taxes on April 15th of 2008.

I agree. I think you should do just that.

Years later, when you get out of prison, it might occur to you that taking such a radical approach based on nothing more substantial then some moronic fantasy about the stupidity of two men and a war you don’t really know anything about might not strike you as commendable of the extent to which you chose to prove that point, but it is your moral obligation to take the stand if you feel that strongly.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Friday, August 3, 2007 7:09 PM


Let's turn that around.

You wanna support it, YOU go fight it.

Years later, when you get out of the army, it might occur to you that taking such a radical approach based on nothing more substantial then some moronic fantasy about the stupidity of two men and a war you don’t really know anything about might not strike you as commendable of the extent to which you chose to prove that point, but it is your moral obligation to take the stand if you feel that strongly.

Same exact jackassery from the other end, and all I had to do is change two words.

Stupidity is a weapon that more often than not, fires in both directions, Finn, so remember well that every time you point it at someone else, you too may be staring down it's wicked barrel.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, August 3, 2007 7:39 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Let's turn that around.

You wanna support it, YOU go fight it.

There’s already a thread that has successfully debunked that particular piece of self-righteous crap.

If you want to join the military, I encourage you to do so. We need good men and women, but don’t do so because some jackass on an Internet board made some bullshit ad hominem. Because that would just make you an idiot, and whatever Leftish bullshit you’ve been reading, our military men and women are not idiots. Do so, instead, because it’s what you believe in and a way of life you wish to pursue.

If you want to stop paying taxes to make a gesture of principle, then I encourage you to do that too, but if your principle is the assumption that George Bush is an idiot, you’ll have plenty of time to think about what an idiot really is when you’re sitting in federal prison and he’s chainsawin’ trees out on the ranch.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, August 4, 2007 5:08 AM



There’s already a thread that has successfully debunked that particular piece of self-righteous crap.

Just as I debunked yours, with only two words.

As for the rest of your usual rightwing nastiness, when folks like you, rob folks like me, to finance and commit savagery, murder and exploitation in our name upon sovereign nation that offered no significant threat to us - it shows the true nature of your revolting character.

Have you no shame, no remorse, for the vile and disgusting actions you and those like you have loosed upon the world at large, and gleefully supported as the bodies pile up ?

Is this really your vision of how the world should be, an endless slaughter of those who do not share your opinions and beliefs ?

You, sir, disgust and offend me beyond my ability to put into words, and your true character revealed by recent statements, all that is left to me is to pity your malicious and intentional ignorance that helped put good people in harms way for no reason but the empowerment and enrichment of a hostile and hateful cabal of people who share those beliefs.

Since I can see that any appeal to your reason is pointless, in the fact that you obviously have none left to appeal to, I've no intention of banging my head against the wall of your blind hatemongering, nor bothering to further acknowledge the despicable malice you endlessly spout here.

Truly, I've nothing left to say to you but that I sincerely wish you the fortune your sense of decency deserves, and may it come to you in time enough to leave some chance of redeeming yourself.

Good day, and goodbye, Finn.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, August 4, 2007 5:29 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Is this really your vision of how the world should be, an endless slaughter of those who do not share your opinions and beliefs ?

No. It’s just the fantasy you’ve created to demonize those who do not share your opinions and beliefs. In your mind, a person who doesn’t share your point of view is revolting, disgusting and offensive. I don’t support any of these monstrous things you pretend I support, but you should think about why it is that you’ve come to that conclusion about me. I don’t hate you. I don’t think you’re revolting or disgusting. I would never use such words to describe you, simply because you don’t share the same point of view that I do. You’re the one who is has stated that you don’t care what happens to Iraqis in Iraq. You don’t care how many of them die, you’ve said so. I’ve never made such a remorseless statement. My reasons for remaining in Iraq have to do with preventing the very killing you have no problem with, according to your own words. It’s you that is blinded by hate, not me.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Saturday, August 4, 2007 11:57 PM


No Finn, you don't hate us.

We're too stupid and uninformed for you to. You pity our idiocy and misguidedness. I wouldn't expect anything less from a cog in the machine.

In the mean time, how many more deaths do you suppose will be funded by us? Proud of where your tax dollars are going, are you?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Sunday, August 5, 2007 3:55 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
No Finn, you don't hate us.

We're too stupid and uninformed for you to. You pity our idiocy and misguidedness. I wouldn't expect anything less from a cog in the machine.

No. I don’t pity your idiocy and misguidedness – I just chuckle amusingly at it.

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
In the mean time, how many more deaths do you suppose will be funded by us? Proud of where your tax dollars are going, are you?

Far fewer then certain very possible alternatives, I suspect.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero






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