Ron Paul, et al

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 06:29
VIEWED: 1272
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Monday, October 22, 2007 4:20 AM


Wanted to give some fair thought to the Ron Paul question. I have spent a lot of time so far dismissing him as the Republican Dennis Kucinich, or as a crazy-talker. I realized last night that I had not given him the fair chance he needed. So instead I watched the debate with an open mind to all the candidates and here is my take.

Ron Paul- Not half so crazy as I thought. I actually found him to be quite a capable speaker with well reasoned opinions none of which I agreed with. Rather then the crazy-talker he looked like, in fact he is the speaker for a tiny minority of Republicans and slightly larger number of independants (libertarians) who are anti-war, pro choice, and pro gay marriage. Since that eliminates about 99% of the party...he gets his tiny percentage. I came to the conclusion last night that he was simply on the wrong stage. He'd be more at home on the Democratic ticket as the conservative Democrat or simply making an independent bid. I am convinced this is in fact an independent bid, but he's using the forum provided by party affiliation at this stage to get his message out...which is a clever strategy. He bears watching, but mainly because he advocates that which most Republicans fear and thus is a good reminder of what's coming next year.

Fred Thompson- He lacks in original thinking. I mean that his platform is stale. This also applies to his delivery. His canned lines are delivered with near perfection (when he's not reading them off his cards), but his improv, with the exception of his opening one-liner and jab at Kennedy is completely lacking. He comes across as tired and the least comfortable on stage, which is really hitting below par for someone with his resume. I am disappointed, but glad I didn't jump right on his band wagon.

Rudy- I note for the record that I am writing this wilst sipping from my 'RUDY '08' mug delivered last week. He continues to be the most genuine of the front runners. He's biggest weakness (and strength) is his desire to answer every question he's asked, unlike conventional wisdom which is to stay on message. His ideas continue to be good, he sticks to his controversal decisions and positions. He's great at improv, but his canned lines could be better. He looked best of the 'big three' which was nice to see. He also seems the most capable of continuing the War on Terror in the most effective manner.

Mitt- Mitt looked horrible. There is no excuse for a person wanting to be a front runner flubbing his canned lines over and over again. Several times I backed up the DVR to try and figure out, without success, what he said. He was dead on in his attacks on Hillary, but is uninspiring on every level. He's like a caricature of what a religeous, conservative, businessman, successful governor is...but don't look too close cause he's really none of those things.

Mike- Huckabee in my opinion was best of the bunch. He's certainly best of the rest and makes the big three look plain silly. He comes across as the most capable debator, the most well reasoned speaker, the only one more interested in being President then winning the campaign. I'd vote for him, but he's got no money to take the fight to Hillary. I saw Rudy give him a look last night that I suspect means "VP". He should be the one wearing the conservative mantle being argued over by the big three. He may not be there this year...and its still very early...but he's young enough and good enough to challenge Hillary in '12 if things go badly (assuming Hillary can get us to 2012).

McCain- He's not a top tier candidate, although he thinks he is...its like a joke everyone is in on except him. He continues to come across as old. The kind of old that says 'out of style' not 'retro'. He had good lines and good improv, like always. His ideas were good, like always. Unfortunatly I hear "my time has passed" every time he speaks. He needs to bow out and go back to the Senate. We have others to carry most of his water.

Apparently there were others there as well...but somehow they made no impression at all.



Monday, October 22, 2007 5:55 AM


Well, nothing about Paul's policies belong on the democratic ticket. After listening to Gravel talk though, I'm not sure he belonged on that ticket either, though I have no problem with him being on it, and am thankful for him and the few democratic contenders actually willing to speak their mind at the debates.

Wasn't Huckabee the guy who raised his hand about not believing in evolution? Joy.

Rudy shouldn't have any problem staying on message, he has all of one. 911.


Monday, October 22, 2007 3:07 PM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
Well, nothing about Paul's policies belong on the democratic ticket.

The funny thing is, Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani have much more in common with each other than with Ron Paul. Paul represents a political distinction that's been pushed aside for far too long. The political divide that matters isn't the phony liberal/conservative/coke/pepsi 'choice'. The divide that matters is between, as Heinlein put it, "those who want people to be controlled, and those who have no such desire".


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Monday, October 22, 2007 4:11 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

New Fred Thompson TV ad:

New George DWI Bush speech:

Hero is a douchbag. He said so himself.

Hero also confessed to membership in the Italian Mafia, proven by his Rudy mug, presumably with Rudy in his trademark dress, wig, mascara and high heels, with Mob boss Donald Trump sucking his tits.


"Mayor Giuliani — a former federal prosecutor who won notice for 'pursuing' the Mafia — had relatives linked to organized crime, including a mobbed-up cousin who was gunned down by FBI agents in 1977, a new book says. Lewis D'Avanzo, a son of the mayor's uncle and a guest at Giuliani's first wedding in 1968, was a 'ruthless and widely feared mob associate' who headed a massive stolen car ring, according to FBI documents and interviews detailed in Rudy! An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Giuliani, by Village Voice senior editor Wayne Barrett. Due in stores next week, the book sketches a largely unflattering portrait of the clan, depicting his father, Harold, as a hothead and the "muscle" behind a brother-in-law's loansharking operation, run out of a Brooklyn bar. Along with cracking heads, it says the mayor's father served time in state prison for a stickup, rarely held an on-the-books job and once was a gunman in a mob shootout in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. According to the book, Giuliani's cousin Lewis D'Avanzo was known as "Steve the Blond" and listed as armed and dangerous in FBI bulletins. His criminal record included a 10-year federal sentence for the armed hijacking of a truck loaded with $240,000 worth of mercury. The book alleges that he was suspected of taking part in several murders. D'Avanzo was gunned down by the FBI in October 1977, when he tried to run down an agent after being stopped on a warrant that accused him and two associates of transporting 100 stolen luxury cars. Quoting an unnamed friend of D'Avanzo, the book describes a 1962 shootout pitting a local mobster against the mayor's father and Leo D'Avanzo, Lewis D'Avanzo's father. The book says Leo was later sanctioned by mob bosses for shooting at a Mafia member. Leo D'Avanzo, who was known in family circles as a black sheep, ran loansharking and gambling operations out of a Brooklyn bar where Giuliani's father worked as a bartender. In his role as debt collector, his father 'broke legs, smashed kneecaps, crunched noses.' Joan Ellen D'Avanzo, a cousin who at one time lived with Giuliani when he was a youngster, became a drug addict who was beaten to death in 1973 at age 34. Her cause of death was listed as undetermined, but several family members said she was murdered."
—Michael R. Blood, New York Daily News, "Rudy's Kin Tied to Mob", July 06, 2000

"The father he celebrated so often was a pathological predator. His extended family harbored a junkie, a crooked cop and a murky mob wing. He dissolved his first marriage with a lie so he could appear Catholic when he remarried. The very personal jewelry his first wife found in her bedroom wasn't hers...."
—Wayne Barrett, Rudy!: An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Guiliani, "All in the Family: Crooks, Cops and a Junkie" (co-author of City for Sale)

The same Rudy who buried the 9/11 victims in potholes on 5th Avenue.


9/11 remains possibly used on roads: court papers

"Which party assured the air was safe on 9/11, and the victims' remains were covered, and not being used to fill potholes, Mr Giuliani? Which party had proposed to turn over the Department of Homeland Security to Bernard Kerik, Mr. Giuliani? Who wanted to ignore and hide Kerik’s organized crime allegations, Mr. Giuliani? Which party took this country into the most utterly backwards, utterly counterproductive, utterly ruinous war in our history, Mr. Giuliani? Which party has been in office as more Americans were killed in the pointless fields of Iraq than were killed in the consuming nightmare of 9/11, Mr. Giuliani? You are a madman!"
-Keith Olbermann, MSNBC

The same Rudy who confessed to bombing the World Trade Center.


"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is PULL IT.' And they made that decision to PULL and we watched the building collapse."
—Jew Larry Silverstein from Australia, renter of WTC who profited by $7-billion insurance claim from 9/11/2001, PBS TV, "America Rebuilds"

to tear down, demolish, or overthrow.
—Webster's New World Dictionary


Vegas odds for Dr Ron Paul as president are now 3:1. He wins straw polls with 88% of the GOP vote. Ron Paul WON the Fox debate in Orlando this past Sunday, so pathologial liars at Fox deleted his name from its list of "winners".


Fox News media star Sean Hannity once again contradicted a clear victory by presidential candidate Ron Paul of Fox’s own post-debate poll in the aftermath of Sunday night’s Fox-sponsored GOP presidential debate. The post-debate poll showed that Ron Paul won with 34 percent of the viewer vote.

At one point, with results showing Ron Paul winning the informal “cell phone” poll, Hannity burst out with a definitive statement, “Ron Paul did not win the debate tonight,” even though the poll showed that he was winning by a wide margin.


Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation: Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist

"QKHILLTOP was a cryptonym assigned in 1954 to a project to study Chinese Communist brainwashing techniques and to develop interrogation techniques. Most of the early studies are believed to have been conducted by the Cornell University Medical School Human Ecology Study Programs. The effort was absorbed into the MKULTRA program and the QKHILLTOP cryptonym became obsolete."
-U.S. Senate Hearing on MKULTRA, Appendix C, QKHILLTOP DEFINITION, 1973

"The concepts involved in manipulating behavior are found by many people both within and outside the Agency to be distasteful and unethical. Nevertheless, there have been major accomplishments both in research and operational employment. Over the ten-year life of the program many additional avenues to the control of human behavior have been designated under the MKULTRA charter, including radiation, electro-shock, and harassment substances. Some activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter. A final phase of the testing places the rights and interests of US citizens in jeopardy. Technical Services Division initiated a program for covert testing of materials on unwitting US citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a philosophy of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity of the projects. Some files contained little or no data at all. There are just two individuals in TSD who have full knowledge of the MKULTRA program, and most of that knowledge is unrecorded."
-MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
FROM: CIA Inspector General, NB 108-113, 26 July 1963

"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."
-Dr. Jose Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School prof and CIA mind control scientist, Congressional Record, No 26, vol 118 February 24th, 1974

"They opened up her skull and cut into her brain... The only reason you do that is to lobotomize somebody... They did it over, and over..."
-Dr Tam

Abbie Bernstein: Do you believe a government can be shamed into or out of what it's doing by the actions of individuals?
Joss Whedon: The idea was to say that people can make a difference, they can show the wrongs that are being done. They can speak out against them and make people aware of them. They can even create giant scandals. Sometimes they can topple governments. The point is that the truth is always more important than the power structure, and whether you make a dent or not, the fact that you succeeded in trying is a victory.
-Serenity - The Official Visual Companion, page 35

Joss also appeared on History Channel's Star Wars The Legacy, which declared George Bush a dictator perping false-flag domestic terrorist bombings against his own nation, just like Adolf Hitler in the Reichstag Fire and Operation Himmler



Monday, October 22, 2007 7:12 PM


Hilary and Guliani...yeah, there are distinctions important enough for me to care who wins between the two, but they are closer than either is to Paul,I agree.


Monday, October 22, 2007 8:53 PM


If it was meant by the original post that Ron Paul isn't a Neo Con who masturbates incessantly to FOX News, then yes, I agree with your assessment that he doesn't belong on your party's ticket.

Rudy does like to answer every question. That is true. I think he should start taking the Jeopardy! approach and just buzz in and say "What is 9/11?" before every question is asked because that will be the answer he gives every time he is asked any question regarding any topic, no matter how far separated from 9/11 it was. I really think his magic rivals the Great Houdini in his ability to play Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon with September 11th, 2001.

I wouldn't stand a chance against him at that game, but I'd kick his ass at Trivial Persuit though... no... wait a minute.... I take that back. His whole campaign will be looked back upon as the very definition of a trivial persuit.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:31 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Hero also confessed to membership in the Italian Mafia, proven by his Rudy mug

Well, I do love pasta...



Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:43 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
If it was meant by the original post that Ron Paul isn't a Neo Con who masturbates incessantly to FOX News, then yes, I agree with your assessment that he doesn't belong on your party's ticket.

All I really meant about RP was that I have moved him from the "crazy-talker" catagory to the "serious candidate with no chance" catagory. Its almost like he's chosen to run for President as an independent...on the Republican ticket. It'd be like Ralph Nader running as a Democrat. Its clever because he gets to share the stage at a time when independents are traditionally shut out...the primary season.

I wouldn't stand a chance against him at that game, but I'd kick his ass at Trivial Persuit though... no... wait a minute.... I take that back. His whole campaign will be looked back upon as the very definition of a trivial persuit.

Perhaps. Seems Rudy is doing fairly well. If somebody like Ron Paul deserves consideration despite the low numbers of Republicans that will actually vote for him...then Rudy does too because right now he's got millions of supporters.

I think part of the reason I like Rudy is this desire to see him take on Hillary. We missed that chance the last time and I think he could have beaten her in that Senate race if he hadn't gotten cancer, because like him or not, Rudy plays well in New York...and Hillary will always be from Chicago.

I note for the record that the fair listen I gave to Ron Paul will not be duplicated by others on this board with regard to other Republican candidates. Some people can't set aside their prejudice, crazy-talk, Bush-hating, or conspiracy theories long enough to be FAIR ABOUT LUNCH, much less the election. Even now PirateNews is accusing his ham sandwich of molesting children and his bag of chips of being Nazis.



Tuesday, October 23, 2007 5:41 AM


I'm a party disloyal Democrat who is for Ron Paul. For me it's not about pro gay, pro imigration, pro abortion. Those are distractionary arguments designed by the media/political complex to give the media something to report on that we seem to react to above other non hot button issues. And it gives politicians distractions to avoid things like, the economy, the constitution, the leagality of the war were in, and what the rest of the world thinks of us.

The media hates Ron Paul because he makes people look foolish for focusing on hot button issues first. Politicians hate him because he might not be a threat to the Republican nomination, but the clarity and logic of his message can't be ignored forever


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 6:29 AM


I think the thing that Ron has, is that unlike candidates who want to be our mommy and make all these decisions FOR us, Ron wants to hand that decision making power back TO us.

So while the other candidates are saying "we don't trust you to make decisions..."

Ron is saying "It's your right, and your duty to make those decisions."

He offers we the people the one thing no other candidate does - actual respect, and that is something you only get by giving.

There's also that he doesn't doubletalk, dodge the question, wobble on issues or consult with a publicist before answering questions - you ask him, he tells you, and all his arguments come down to the bedrock foundation of this country and it's government, The Constitution.

I may be an Anarchist, but since the rest of the people here want a Government, I can put up with one based on the Constitution - only, we haven't had one like that for a great many years.

Imma vote for him even if it's a write-in, cause I couldn't possible hold down the gag reflex involved with voting for Billary, and the Mourners row of candidates offered by the other side is even sadder.

I wouldn't have posted at all, but for an excuse to sneak in a laugh-out-loud quote from one of my fellow Liberty-Seekers.

"He's on the wrong side of the biblical threescore-and-ten, his demeanor is as mild as buttermilk, and his physique is wraith-like, but Ron Paul is a steel-spined ass-kicker with dangling anatomy made of solid brass. He is a man in full."
- William N. Grigg

Say what you will about his chances, but the guy has a serious set on him, believe it.







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