Why isn't Hillary in jail ?

UPDATED: Friday, November 2, 2007 09:47
VIEWED: 4364
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Saturday, October 27, 2007 3:37 AM



Originally posted by sorcha425:
Also,soldiers aren't coerced into joining.

Perhaps, but I'm willing to wager there's more than a few national guard folk who never dreamed they would be involved in a shooting war in a foreign country (granted, they should have considered it, but such is life).

The Draft isn't in effect.
Probably should be, especially I don't see anyone making the motions to pull us out, and the military is stretched too thin.

If you join the military, be prepared for action. I feel for the grieving families, but Liberals do nothing to help the pain by yelling and promising to bring troops home, when it's obvious the troops can't all be brought home until Iraq is stable enough,
I'm not sure it will ever be stable 'enough'. My criteria has dropped quite a bit over the past few years; given the internal/eternal conflicts bottled up in the Mid-East, we might have to settle for 'nominal for Middle East' and not necessarily expect the tranquility of say, Bosnia

AND there will still be casualties in other countries, for other reasons. And I quite a few soldiers who went to/are in Iraq, and all have great reports from their experiences with the people. Things are hard, but they're hopeful-- would like to see their country start backing them up.

... universal healthcare, .... Ask Canada what they think of their healthcare system.

First, I believe we should cut illegal aliens off at the knees. Regarding Universal Health Care, don't use Canada as an example, take a closer look at UK; at least the Brits I've talked to are pleased enough with it. I'd also ask you to consider how US employers are constantly cutting back health benefits. More and more jobs haven't got anything; and those that do are passing more costs onto the employees. It's broken and getting worse. If you are not actively lobbying for -some- solution to this problem, which is caused in large measure by the laws and regulations passed by our mammoth government, then don't be surprise when folks who are getting cut start pushing for some radical solutions.

Not sure if that's a rant or not, didn't mean to be.


Saturday, October 27, 2007 4:29 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
I think the Democratic Party is ready to explode. They can't sustain the competing special intersts pulling them in seperate directions. The leadership is becoming more and more caught between the vocal radicals and the normal everyday people who make up their real voting base. Those people, many of whom have moderate and in some cases conservative values.

Being a student of political history I think the Democrats are ripe for something new. Perhaps a new party, as happened a couple other times in history (the Democratic-Republicans...the Whigs, the Republicans) or a severing of ties with the radicals (which also has precedent on both sides). I think a moderate Democratic Party divorced of its radicals could easily emerge as a majority. I'd like to see it. I could even be one given half a chance (if it wasn't for the radicals and Ronald Reagan, I'd be a Democrat right now).

I remember a time when you could be a Pro Life Democrat...I loved Bob Casey, great governor, but not allowed to speak in 1992 when the Democrats opted for their smaller tent. What has happened to the Democrat Party of my...Dad's youth?


I also suspect the Republican party has similar problems. I'll say up-front, while there are more Democratic candidates I support than Republican, I don't trust the leadership of -either- party further than I can throw them.

Interesting points, might be worthy of it's own thread.


Saturday, October 27, 2007 6:52 AM



Originally posted by rue:

Uh, dude, the surge started in February.
That was almost 3/4 of a year ago. ""The security operation was launched Feb. 14".

Uh, dude...the orders were written in February, the troops were deployed from then till the end of June, full operations began with the arrival of the final units.

You see, Iraq is very far away. Its not like going down to the corner store or across town. It takes time to get there and then there are other supplies.

I suggest you read 'Moving Mountains' by General Pagonis. It'll give you an idea of what's really involved. Plus, its a darn good book.



Saturday, October 27, 2007 7:03 AM



Originally posted by leadb:
I also suspect the Republican party has similar problems.

These problems come and go. The Republican radicals departed after 1992 allowing the emergence of a new party that quickly gained control of the Congress. The radicals left to eventually take over United We Stand in most states, which is why that party did well for a couple years then tanked. Buchannon was the catalyst of that change.

A similar thing happened after Ford lost in 1976, the old blue blood Republicans lost control to the Reagan conservatives, but the party mostly stayed together. Like I said, it could go in a lot of different directions, but if the Democratic radicals control the Democratic Convention...well we saw what the liberals did at the funeral of Senator Wellstone that essentially handed the Republicans victory, not just in that state, but nationwide.



Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:31 AM



Originally posted by sorcha425:
My thought is: Rumsfeld is gone because the plans in the war were a little screwy,

Rumsfield is gone because he simply could not be defended any longer.


Originally posted by sorcha425:

Also,soldiers aren't coerced into joining. The Draft isn't in effect. If you join the military, be prepared for action.

The number one reason why comparisons with Vietnam fall flat. Our military is not conscripted. They volunteered - also could be described as writing a blank check, for up to the amount of the signers life, to the Department of Defense - which is why I believe that the American people are not at all as outraged as the anti-war crowd wants them to be. They chose to die, and to kill, and to go through that surreal Hell that is war.


Originally posted by sorcha425:

I'm a conservative and I find that the Big Government began years and years ago, it's not a new thing, and it began after WWII.

It begin well before that. But the cold war mentality that seemingly has almost our entire government afraid of it's own shadow started then. We do not need to spy on our people, but we do need to secure our borders and start doing little things like INSPECTING SHIPPING CONTAINERS. Switch America to a flat tax or even national Sales tax and we can transfer the majority of the IRS to Customs, and put the anal-retentive natures of those pricks to GOOD use.


Originally posted by sorcha425:

Democrats used to fight for the working man. My great-grandmother voted democrat her whole life b/c she saw what happened with her father and family due to unfair representation and Republicans used to favor the rich, I agree. Things have progressed now, and Republicans don't cater to the wealthy;

Here's where I have to disagree. Simply by making it to national level politics, the politician in question is owned by rich people. The companies benefited by each side sometimes differ(except oil companies, they have everybody by the shorthairs) but big business in general always wins in American politics.


Originally posted by sorcha425:

the Dem. doctrine states that the government is responsible for every single US citizen (and now illegals, God help us)-- universal healthcare, Welfare up the whazzu,

The Republicrats and Demicans are responsible for all of those things in this country. We get rid of them and we can actually start repealing the bad laws. Like the income tax(punishment for being employed), the National Firearms Act, several Supreme Court decisions(Kelo v. City of New London comes to mind, and yes the Senate has the power to do that), and on and on. Our current medical insurance laws need to go, along with several of the alphabet soup agencies that doing nothing but sucking up taxpayers' money(DEA,BATFE,NEA,etc.).

I’m never serious. Serious means something bad is about to happen.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Friday, November 2, 2007 8:43 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Iraqi Deaths Up In October In Blow to US ‘Surge’ Policy

BAGHDAD - The number of Iraqis killed in insurgent and sectarian attacks rose in October, according to government figures obtained on Thursday, in a blow to a nine-month-old US troop surge policy.

Put the cork back in the champagne 'Hero', the trend is going the wrong way - again.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:15 AM



Originally posted by rue:
Put the cork back in the champagne 'Hero', the trend is going the wrong way - again.

Take the cork back out cause your story goes on to admit...grudgingly, that the 881 deaths is still down about 50% over prior months and up a fraction from September and that all indications seem to be a dramtic decrease in violance in the capital on other trouble zones.

I would suggest the recent border fighting between Turkey and Kurds might be playing some small role...



Friday, November 2, 2007 9:47 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

2006 Total 918–977
k2381 Jan 05: 49–60 by suicide bomber in Karbala
k2382 Jan 05: 55–80 by suicide bomber in Ramadi
k2690 Mar 12: 57–58 by car bombs, mortars, Sadr City, Baghdad
k2860 Apr 07: 87–90 at Baratha mosque, northern Baghdad
k3358 Jul 01: 68 by car bomb in Sadr City, Baghdad
k3456 Jul 17: 60–72 in attack on market, Mahmudiya
k3458 Jul 18: 58–59 by suicide car bomb in Kufa
k3659 Aug 13: 72–76 in multiple attacks, Zaafaraniya, Baghdad
k3823 Aug 31: 67 killed in multiple incidents, east Baghdad
k4710 Nov 23: 215 by bombs, mortars in Sadr City, Baghdad
k4750 Dec 02: 61 in 3 car bomb attacks, Sadriya, Baghdad
k4851 Dec 12: 69–71 by suicide car bombs, Tayeran Square, Baghdad

2007 Total 2218–2248 (to end September )
k5154 Jan 16: 69–70 by car bombs and suicide bomber, Mustansiriya University, Baghdad
k5222 Jan 22: 88 by car bombs, Bab al-Sharji, Baghdad
k5337 Feb 01: 73 by suicide bombers in Hilla market
k5356 Feb 03: 136–137 by suicide truck bomb in market, Sadriya, Baghdad
k5457 Feb 12: 81–90 by several bombs, Shorja market, Baghdad
k5508 Feb 18: 62–63 by car bombs in market, New Baghdad
k5554 Feb 24: 56 by truck bomb in Habaniya
k5659 Mar 06: 118–120 Shiite pilgrims by suicide bombers in Hilla
k5897 Mar 27: 152 by truck bombs in market, Tal Afar
k5922 Mar 29: 53 by car bombs in Khalis
k5923 Mar 29: 80–82 by suicide bombers in market, Shaab, north Baghdad
k6112 Apr 18: 140 by car bomb, Sadriya food market, Baghdad
k6218 Apr 28: 73–74 by suicide car bomb in Kerbala
k6382 May 13: 49–50 by suicide truck bomb, Makhmour, near Arbil
k6733 Jun 19: 86–87 by suicide truck bomb, near Khillani Shiite mosque, Sinak, Baghdad
k6891 Jul 07: 159-160 by suicide truck bomb in market, Amerli, near Tuz Khurmato
k6985 Jul 16: 84–86 in three bombings in Kirkuk
k7080 Jul 26: 92 by truck bomb in market, Saba Qsour intersection, Karrada, Baghdad
k7132 Aug 01: 49–50 by suicide fuel tanker bomb, Mansour, west Baghdad
k7225 Aug 14: 516–525 by suicide fuel tanker bombs in Yasidi villages, Sinjar area

Considering the surge started Feb 14, it looks like massive attacks have 'surged' this year. That something you'd like to drink to 'Hero'?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."






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