Sigh. The list is so long already.

UPDATED: Thursday, December 6, 2007 13:19
VIEWED: 3274
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:03 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by rue:
"I got news for ya. No one " knows ".

Well, it's obvious Bush knows very little. But are you saying Bush didn't KNOW what the NIE said ?

How is it 'obvious' that Bush knows very little ??? Explain that, please.

The NIE just released its report today. That's their view. I don't know what other sources of intel Bush may have. Do you ? Either way, the NIE didn't say Iran was clear and free of all things nuclear, nor did it say Iran wasn't aiding terrorist still.

I'd rather have Bush take the skeptics view on Iran than blindly accepting all is peachy- keen.

"Hillary tried to get a million dollars for the Woodstock museum. I understand it was a major cultural and pharmaceutical event. I couldn't attend. I was tied up at the time." - John McCain

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Auraptor- What I meant was... So Bush was lying since August, when he got the NIE?

The NIE just released its report today.
Are you saying Bush only has access to the NIE at the same time we do ... and then only to declassified material? That's ridiculous!

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:47 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I think there may be some median ground here.

Clearly, Iran had a nuclear program pre-2003.

Bush clearly had intel that showed they suspended that program.

Bush may have been keeping the ‘Nuclear Iran’ propaganda going because he wanted to be sure that they weren’t tempted to re-start their program.

I am willing to concede these things.

What I am not pleased with is being used, time and time again, in the government’s propaganda machine. Is there any way for the government to operate without trying to mislead me?

I mean, how’s about this: “Until 2003, Iran was developing nuclear capabilities. However, they could re-start the program at any time. We must be vigilant and ensure that Iran does not begin their program anew.”

That would be honest and straightforward. That’s not exactly what we got from the president. He implied repeatedly that Iran’s program was ongoing and that Iran was a continuing nuclear threat. Perhaps it’s my naivete. Just like you can’t believe someone is dead on a Television show until you see their destroyed body, maybe you can’t jump to conclusions when this president strongly implies something. That’s a shame. The president shouldn’t need to employ misdirection with the American people in order to keep his ratings high.

Of course, I’m one of the craaaazy people. The kind that doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons, but doesn’t see that we have any right to stop them.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:09 PM


I know I will hate myself later for posting here, but I can't help myself

I just wanted to point out that in the Acronym NIE, the E stands for. . .. . ESTIMATE.

Which is a very fancy, dressed up word that bascially means GUESS.

No one but the Iranians, and not all of them, know the true status of their WMD programs.

No one.



Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:15 PM



Originally posted by badkarma00:
I know I will hate myself later for posting here, but I can't help myself

I just wanted to point out that in the Acronym NIE, the E stands for. . .. . ESTIMATE.

Which is a very fancy, dressed up word that bascially means GUESS.

No one but the Iranians, and not all of them, know the true status of their WMD programs.

No one.


I was hoping someone would point that out.

Seems when an NIE says Saddam has WMD's it's BS, but if it says Iran doesn't it's gospel.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:25 PM


ALERT! : Message to all you sad, sad, oh so sad Bush haters : Bush Derangement Syndrome can be FATAL after 7 years!....y'all hear dat?????...SEVEN FUCKING YEARS & you're all still as frenzied & whacked as you were on the day the United States Supreme Court OVERTURNED the RADICAl and legally wrong DEMOCRAT dominated Florida Supreme Court ACTIVISTS' attempt to steal the election and give it to fatass jerk Gore.....and you pathetic folks are STILL nitpickin' poor Bushie to if your whole meaningless life depended on it. EVERYTHING in world diplomacy and dealing with maniac murdering lunatics like Achminassholejhad and worldwide jihadi terrorism is not openly transparent for you little idiot retards to agree to. Ever hear of a simple game called poker? Probably not! Sometimes you can't show your hand, even to your fellow peeps on the Hill...You pepper-pickin' from flea shit doltish drones just can't accept the fact that you are not personally called in on every gorram horny thing Bush & America do....secret shit is secret shit, and that's kept the world from destroying itself for quite a while now. What the hell y'all gonna do when George W. leaves office?...HUH????? What the hell is gonna give you a reason to live anymore, once the object of your obsessed hate is gone?


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:34 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
ALERT! : Message to all you sad, sad, oh so sad Bush haters : Bush Derangement Syndrome can be FATAL after 7 years!....y'all hear dat?????...SEVEN FUCKING YEARS & you're all still as frenzied & whacked as you were on the day the United States Supreme Court OVERTURNED the RADICAl and legally wrong DEMOCRAT dominated Florida Supreme Court ACTIVISTS' attempt to steal the election and give it to fatass jerk Gore.....and you pathetic folks are STILL nitpickin' poor Bushie to if your whole meaningless life depended on it. EVERYTHING in world diplomacy and dealing with maniac murdering lunatics like Achminassholejhad and worldwide jihadi terrorism is not openly transparent for you little idiot retards to agree to. Ever hear of a simple game called poker? Probably not! Sometimes you can't show your hand, even to your fellow peeps on the Hill...You pepper-pickin' from flea shit doltish drones just can't accept the fact that you are not personally called in on every gorram horny thing Bush & America do....secret shit is secret shit, and that's kept the world from destroying itself for quite a while now. What the hell y'all gonna do when George W. leaves office?...HUH????? What the hell is gonna give you a reason to live anymore, once the object of your obsessed hate is gone?


It seems likely the next president will provide plenty of fodder for criticism as well.

But what concerns me is...

What are you advocating? That we make no attempt to monitor the actions of our government? That we embrace the idea that our government knows best, and that when they lie or mislead us, it’s for our best interests?

That seems much more dangerous than criticizing actions that seem wrong.

As for the NIE (Estimate, Guess) report... If it can’t be relied upon (it was wrong about Iraq, as it was so poignantly pointed out) then we really shouldn’t rely on it at all. Iran might have twelve nukes and an ICBM in cold storage. Or they might never have had a nuclear program at all.

So if we know nothing and can prove nothing, howsabout we stop beating the drum and turn to other matters?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:45 PM


Wrong assessment friend Anthony...merely a personal view of the Bush haters I see here every day...of what I've seen from the election sore-losing crowd since January 20, 2001...unrelenting hatred and gotchaism coupled with ideological truthlessness directed at the poor half 'tard from Yale.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 3:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What the hell is gonna give you a reason to live anymore, once the object of your obsessed hate is gone?
Why, YOU sweetie! :bats eyes: Your obsessive hate is so .... frothy! And entertaining.

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 4:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BTW Auraptor- LAST CALL for your reply on the tax cut/ revenue/ GDP issue that you can find here:

Always look upstream.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 4:31 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Seems when an NIE says Saddam has WMD's it's BS, but if it says Iran doesn't it's gospel."

Just wanted to point out that a lot of the Iraq/ WMD intel was cherry-picked (by referencing British references that referenced US references that were known to be bogus) AND the dissenting opinions (the State Department and any WMD, the NRC and 'aluminum tubes') were removed from the NIE.

Of course, you didn't know that, did you Kirkules.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 4:37 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"nitpickin' poor Bushie to death"

Bad economy and Federal surplus turned into debt, US aggression against Iraq for no valid reason, global warming ignored and the US still locked to Saudi Arabian oil, the FDA and other Federal agencies turned into business puppets, loss of personal freedom and erosion of constitutional protections ...

I don't know Jong, have I missed any small nitpicky details ?

Just, you know, for the record.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 11:44 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
You want to compare America to Iran and that's fine. It's actually terrific!

Way to miss the point there fella.

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
You and your ilk are too far gone.

Because it's me and my 'ilk' repeating Nazi-esque propaganda. Maybe people 'like me' could benefit from some 're-education' to make us 'better' and more 'correct', in other words more like you?

I never said Iran was comparable to America, I said it WASN'T comparable to Nazi Germany. If you want to elevate Iran to that status, you're going to have to do better than some vague handwaving at how they "fund terrorists" and have "threatened the US". Since the US has threatened them, it's a rather hollow attack, and all your rationale smacks of is the usual "its ok when we do it" whine, so often espoused by the "moral elite". Really, if you're condemning Iran for supporting terrorism, then pointing out America has done the same would seem to be vital for keeping things in perspective.

I have some perspective; Iran isn't even the most radical of Muslim states, which would go to one of our allies in the "war on terror" like Saudi Arabia. And yeah, moral un-equivalencies, whatever you mean by that, I think something is bad or good regardless of who is doing it. I think what makes people morally good or morally bad is what they do, not whether you've arbitrarily decided they're the 'bad guys' or the 'good guys'.

There is no meaningful comparison between Iran and Nazi Germany, unless of course you find meaning in baseless radicalised rhetoric that allows you to demonise people you don't like. The whole attempt at a comparison is little more than an insult to the millions of people who fought and died in the last war that can truly be said to be fought unambiguously for a good cause.

If you weren't the smug self-righteous propagandised partisan you accuse me of, you'd be able to actually come up with an argument that doesn't amount to Ad Hominem attacks on my person. That is you'd be able to come up with reasoning, rather than attempting to pass off my reasoning as BBC-Anti-America propaganda (another baseless piece of rhetoric I might add). The fact you can't is telling, maybe you should ask the people who told you what to think for their reasoning so you can parrot that here as well?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, December 6, 2007 2:47 AM



Originally posted by rue:
"nitpickin' poor Bushie to death"

Bad economy and Federal surplus turned into debt, US aggression against Iraq for no valid reason, global warming ignored and the US still locked to Saudi Arabian oil, the FDA and other Federal agencies turned into business puppets, loss of personal freedom and erosion of constitutional protections ...

I don't know Jong, have I missed any small nitpicky details ?

Just, you know, for the record.

And let the record show that most of your hyped-up complaints are baseless and paranoid delusions, spoon-fed to you by your ultra-leftist sources of anti-Americanism and Bush hatred.
The majority of respected economists would look at the economic record under Bush Admin & say....lowest un-employment numbers in decades, a 9/11 economy devastated by billions of lost dollars rebounded quite well in a very short time. Projected deficit being paid back at a faster than planned rate...literally flooding the Treasury with tax revenues due to increased spending stemming from middle class tax cuts. Seems to me that often it is the Fed Reserve which sends the economy off into a new direction, at the mere mention of news by the Chairman.
As for the OIL issue...tell me what else to put into my gas tank and I'll give it a try....might be also helpful if liberals didn't block every single attempt to drill for more oil or build nuclear plants.
Agrression against Iraq...hmmm....seems to me that in 1991 Iraq invaded Kuwait for no reason. They raped and murdered at will. The US-led coalition beat them back into Iraq...17 UN resolutions later Iraq was still playing games with the west and shooting at UN-sanctioned no-fly zone patrol flights designed to protect the Kurds. Playing games with the UN & Bush after 9/11 was not too smart for Iraq...did Bush & gang jump the gun with the invasion?...Absolutely!...and I have said that many times here.
Loss of Personal Freedom & Constitutional Protections....hmmm again...I have lost nothing. No one in my personal or business life has either. I do all the same things I've ever done...then again I'm not aiding & abetting terrorists, and I guess neither are you. The NY Times gets away with printing classified US Govt. programs designed to thwart terrorism on their front pages; all the rabid Bush-haters on TV, HBO, Hollywood, etc are still as free as ever to call Bush & Cheney monsters and war criminials every day and nothing has ever been done to stifle their expressions of free speech.
Past Presidents of both parties have and would have locked up and shut down subversives and seditionists, but Bush hasn't.
Rue...I have recently responded to one of your other posts and gone into great detail about how I feel Bush & the Republicans have let America down, and made many, many bad mistakes. And I've stated to you that it is both embarrassing and painful for me to live with that reality every day. You Dems offer me something better, something other than Nancy & Hillary, and I promise to take a good close look.


Thursday, December 6, 2007 3:11 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

What the hell is gonna give you a reason to live anymore, once the object of your obsessed hate is gone?
Why, YOU sweetie! :bats eyes: Your obsessive hate is so .... frothy! And entertaining.

Always look upstream.

Why thanks Siggy. I never knew you cared. I prefer chocolate to flowers, but any expression of your warm feelings is always appreciated.


Thursday, December 6, 2007 3:58 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
So my question to you is the same as to Hero: Which version do you believe? Was he lying then? Or is he lying now?

Neither. There is so much more to the story. The production of weapons grade material continues even as we write.

As for the came out in August and said the program had been suspended. The principal author testified before Congress on July 11th and said it was ongoing. Given the conflict of those two statements by the same official I for one do not blame the President for taking the time to clarify before making what could be a radical shift in American policy.

The real problem here is the failure to credit the President for this foriegn policy success. Since the invasion of Iraq the President has now backed off leaders from Libya to Iran. If this is true then Iran has caved to American led pressure to terminate the program. If its not then they are still developing the weapons and we need to maintain our current policy.

Either way it supports Bush's fundamental premise which is to confront nations like Iran and prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons to rogue states and organizations.

I understand why you are so much in favor of Iran. Most liberals see Bush as the enemy and the terrorists (and rogue states like Iran and Hugo Chavez's half of his country) as allies in the War on Bush that started in early November, 2000.



Thursday, December 6, 2007 6:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The production of weapons grade material continues even as we write.
really? Uranium needs to be enriched to 3-5% for power production, to 90%+ for bombs. Just because Iran is "enriching" uranium does not mean that it's making "bomb-grade" uranium.

Either way it supports Bush's fundamental premise which is to confront nations like Iran and prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons to rogue states and organizations.
And I see Bush was very successful in preventing Pakistan from spreading nuclear technology throughout the Middle East., right? Good thing we didn't ally ourselves with them or provide them aid!

Perhaps Bush knew and continued with the rhetoric to increase U.N. pressure against Iran.
To what purpose? Increase pressure on Iran to do.... what? Stop "more"?

Always look upstream.


Thursday, December 6, 2007 6:47 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I understand why you are so much in favor of Iran. Most liberals see Bush as the enemy and the terrorists (and rogue states like Iran and Hugo Chavez's half of his country) as allies in the War on Bush that started in early November, 2000.


I doubt that even the most radical 'liberal' sees Iran or terrorists as an ally. I was, however, disturbed by high-visibility liberal support for Hugo Chavez. While not quite on the same level, it reminds me of a notable actress manning an anti-aircraft gun for publicity pictures in Vietnam.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, December 6, 2007 8:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

To the extent that Chavez is an anticapitalist, I support him. I have no problems whatsoever with him nationalizing Venezuela's oil resources or banks. I find that policy to be very much in line with Germany's (for example) national ownership of transportation, power, telecoms, and banks. To the extent that Chavez is a dictator, I oppose him. I was highly disturbed by his "President for life" gambit in the latest round of reforms and altho the proposal had many other very positive points I'm glad it was voted down.

Clear enough?

Always look upstream.


Thursday, December 6, 2007 8:30 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
And I see Bush was very successful in preventing Pakistan from spreading nuclear technology throughout the Middle East., right? Good thing we didn't ally ourselves with them or provide them aid!

First of all, both India and Pakistan are special cases in that both developed their programs at roughly the same time and without signifigant aid from outside powers. They developed them as a deterrant to each other as the two are mortal enemies despite their common heritage.

Second, if Pakistan spread technology around it was done prior to 2001 and thus not on President Bush's watch. If you can cite evidence of Pakistani efforts to subvert non-proliferation then do so.

Lastly, until recently Pakistan has never been an American ally. During the Cold War we were forced to support Pakistan as a balance against Soviet influence in India. We also supported India to counter the influence of Communist China. In other words it was a complicated mess lasting roughly forty years. It was only after 9/11 that we adopted Pakistan as a formal ally. This was the point of Bush's 'with us or with the terrorists' was directly aimed at Pakistan to let them know that if they failed to stand with us we were going to come after them too. You recall Al Queda then attempted to start a war between Pakistan and India (and nearly succeeded, forstalled only by some good diplomacy by Great Britain and some real patience on the part of India).



Thursday, December 6, 2007 8:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

HERO: Pakistan's commitment to nuclear proliferation, and our willing complicity in the scheme, began long ago and continues to this day

In the late 1970s, the United States needed Pakistan to help funnel covert aid to Islamic militants fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. Starting with the Carter administration, and continuing since, the authors say the United States has sacrificed principle (i.e., nuclear nonproliferation) for pragmatism (i.e., fighting the Soviets and, later, the Islamic militants we'd helped to fight the Soviets). The authors describe the government's "don't ask, don't tell" approach to Pakistan's nuclear program as "a complex conspiracy, with State Department officials actively obstructing other arms of government which could not help but fall over intelligence about Pakistan's nuclear trade. Evidence was destroyed, criminal files were diverted, Congress was repeatedly lied to and . . . presidential appointees even tipped off the Pakistan government" about ongoing investigations.

The level of American willful blindness toward Pakistan, as described by the authors in detail, is the book's most provocative argument. The role of Pakistan's military in propping up the Taliban is well-known, but less known were the discussions between Pakistani nuclear scientists and Osama bin Laden. When CIA Director George Tenet met with Pakistan's president, General Pervez Musharraf in 2003 and presented overwhelming evidence of Pakistan's nuclear proliferation, the authors say, Musharraf called upon all his thespian skills to appear duly shocked.

Musharraf developed an amazing ruse for the United States and the world, the authors write: "Musharraf began to refashion Pakistan's proliferation from a military prerogative to the act of a small group of renegade scientists." These few money-grubbing scientists, Musharraf contended, had sold billions of dollars worth of nuclear knowhow and equipment to the outside world without Pakistan's military-led government knowing anything about it.

In 2004, the father of Pakistan's nuclear program, scientist A.Q. Khan, appeared on Pakistan television and apologized (in English) for his "unauthorized proliferation activities." The following day, Musharraf pardoned Khan, who was immediately made unavailable for questioning by Western authorities investigating Pakistan's nuclear proliferation.

As for Khan's activities being unauthorized, the authors present overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In 2000, for example, the Pakistani military held an international munitions fair. "The central exhibit," write the authors, "was a large Khan Research Laboratories booth promoting the sale of centrifuges with an after-sale consultancy service." With enough money, anyone could buy, off-the-shelf, parts to a nuclear program.

The Bush administration trumpeted Khan's 2004 "confession" as a triumph of US commitment to nonproliferation. Pakistan remained a friend and continued receiving billions of dollars in US aid. Yet nothing has changed after Khan's public scapegoating, say the authors, who "follow the money" to show that Pakistan continues to allow nuclear proliferation. Most galling of all, the authors present evidence of US aid being misdirected toward the Islamic nation's nuclear program, saying that "US taxpayers unwittingly fund[ed] Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme."

Always look upstream.


Thursday, December 6, 2007 10:45 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"high-visibility liberal support for Hugo Chavez"

What were some of the things he did ?
Demand large landholders produce legal title to property they claimed was theirs to show they weren't just wealthy, privileged squatters. In the absence of said title, redistributed some of the land to former city folk so they could live on productive farms, instead of being unemployed.
Called in medics and doctors from Cuba in exchange for good oil deals to treat the (large majority) of people who were too poor to get medical care; and also for the Cubans to train medics and doctors.
Demand a national cut for other countries to exploit Venezuelan resources - ie oil.
Set up schools across the country.

How is this so bad ? It seems like you would be applauding these things.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Thursday, December 6, 2007 12:43 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


"Rue...I have recently responded to one of your other posts and gone into great detail about how I feel Bush & the Republicans have let America down, and made many, many bad mistakes. And I've stated to you that it is both embarrassing and painful for me to live with that reality every day."

What about someone who simply doesn't do what Bush does ?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Thursday, December 6, 2007 12:52 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:
Auraptor- What I meant was... So Bush was lying since August, when he got the NIE?

The NIE just released its report today.
Are you saying Bush only has access to the NIE at the same time we do ... and then only to declassified material? That's ridiculous!

Where do you get the notion that Bush was lying at all?? Hell, just 4 months ago, the N.I.E. was saying the exact OPPOSITE conclusion as to what it's saying now.


" Consider that on July 11, 2007, roughly four or so months prior to the most recent NIE's publication, Deputy Director of Analysis Thomas Fingar," one of the three authors of the NIE, "gave the following testimony before the House Armed Services Committee: 'Iran and North Korea are the states of most concern to us. The United States' concerns about Iran are shared by many nations, including many of Iran's neighbors. Iran is continuing to pursue uranium enrichment and has shown more interest in protracting negotiations and working to delay and diminish the impact of UNSC sanctions than in reaching an acceptable diplomatic solution. We assess that Tehran is determined to develop nuclear weapons -- despite its international obligations and international pressure. This is a grave concern to the other countries

"Hillary tried to get a million dollars for the Woodstock museum. I understand it was a major cultural and pharmaceutical event. I couldn't attend. I was tied up at the time." - John McCain

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, December 6, 2007 1:19 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

President Bush got the world's attention this fall when he warned that a nuclear-armed Iran might lead to World War III. But his stark warning came at least a month or two after he had first been told about fresh indications that Iran had actually halted its nuclear weapons program.

Confused much are you ?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."






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