Obama, Huckabee win

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 17:52
VIEWED: 2933
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Friday, January 4, 2008 4:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

As number of threads ago, people were asking if racism was still a force in this country. The answer is YES. But Obama won a 57% of the under-30 vote in Iowa. Does this mean racism is becoming LESS of a factor? BTW- the most segregated (and presumably racist) are of the nation is in the Northeast, not the South.

Always look upstream.


Friday, January 4, 2008 5:12 AM


I haven't read much about the Iowa caucus, yet. Does anyone know what the people in Iowa are saying about their reasons for voting for Obama and Huckabee?

I ask only out of curiosity, btw. I don't know enough about Obama to really form an opinion, and Huckabee did a fair job as Governor of Arkansas, far as I know.



Friday, January 4, 2008 5:31 AM



Originally posted by badkarma00:
I haven't read much about the Iowa caucus, yet. Does anyone know what the people in Iowa are saying about their reasons for voting for Obama and Huckabee?

I ask only out of curiosity, btw. I don't know enough about Obama to really form an opinion, and Huckabee did a fair job as Governor of Arkansas, far as I know.

I'm pretty sure there not much reason to vote for Obama then for purely superficial reasons. He's a charismatic buy with a positive message, but that's about it. Huckabee is in a rock band, so maybe there was some superficiality there too, after all there was a large turnout of young voters who often go for the pretty, but for superficiality, on the Republican ticket, I would have thought Thompson or Paul.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Friday, January 4, 2008 5:38 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
As number of threads ago, people were asking if racism was still a force in this country. The answer is YES. But Obama won a 57% of the under-30 vote in Iowa. Does this mean racism is becoming LESS of a factor?

I think its a minor factor. Same as Hillary being female or Edwards being gay are a minor factors.

Iowa has a tiny black population...I've heard 2%, but that seems low. I don't think it was an issue. People are tired of the same and Clinton, more the any other candidate represents more of the same. I think this is a major part of Huckabee's win too.

Obama is very capable speaker with a decent vision and message (at least for mainstream Democrats). He lacks experiance and sometimes that shows although none of his mistakes have been serious.

Huckabee is a very capable speaker with a decent vision and message (at least for mainstream Republicans). He has a tremendous amount of fact the more executive experiance then any other candidate.

They both seem like fine fellows and seem to be folk you could work with or live next door to. Hillary seems like someone you'd hate to work for and she and most of the other candidates would NEVER live next door to you (unless you consider their giant mansion with its no tresspassing signs as neighborly).



Friday, January 4, 2008 6:21 AM


Edwards is Gay? I didn't know that. Course, you could fill an ocean with what I don't know, lol

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Friday, January 4, 2008 6:38 AM


Edwards isn't gay....not there's anything wrong with that....he's just VERY into his hair.

His speech last night was quite interesting. He made no mention of Hillary or Obama, and proceeded to go on an emotional diatribe about how corporate greed is preventing today's parents from passing on a better life to their kids...that's it, in a nutshell. To me, it sounded like a "nanny-state" speech, completely devoid of any element of individual personal responsibility. As if the Government would ever be able, or should be able to "guarantee" every person in America be a success...pretty far-fetched stuff....but he is giving hope to today's youth....I think The Hill is freakin out today more over Edwards than Obama.


Friday, January 4, 2008 6:46 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Edwards isn't gay....not there's anything wrong with that....he's just VERY into his hair.

I'm pretty sure he's in love with a transvestite hooker...I don't know where I heard it...

I note for the record that he also throws like a girl.



Friday, January 4, 2008 6:49 AM


Bottom line concensus in Iowa ..........
You must STAND for something
You must have believability & sincerity
You cannot change positions on issues and expect the masses to forget your flip-flop...almost like.. ie. the days of pure bullshitting are over
You must be likeable & articulately un-rehearsed.
Obama & Huckabee tapped into something in Iowa. New Hampshire will be different...they like nominating rebels and dark horses...look for Ron Paul to do well there...but by the night of February 5th I think the candidates will be set with enough delegates to gain their nominations.
Hillary will be the Dem candidate & McCain will be the Rep candidate on Election Day in November.


Friday, January 4, 2008 6:51 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Edwards isn't gay....not there's anything wrong with that....he's just VERY into his hair.

I'm pretty sure he's in love with a transvestite hooker...I don't know where I heard it...

I note for the record that he also throws like a girl. H

Thanks Ms. Coulter!


Friday, January 4, 2008 7:23 AM


Idon't know Jong...pointing out corporate greed and its ability to shape the politics and policies of this nation seems less to me like a "nanny state" argument, and more about a call for people to Take responsibility for their country, and to change the way it operates. It is, in my opinion about personal responsibility.

The fact is we've shirked the responsibility of being our government for far too long, we've stopped paying attention to how things work or even philosophically, how they should work in our American Democracy.

I think getting people fired up about a truly real problem in this nation and invested in the reshaping of it is an appeal for us to take responsibility for our lives and our communities by taking back our government.


Friday, January 4, 2008 8:04 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
Idon't know Jong...pointing out corporate greed and its ability to shape the politics and policies of this nation seems less to me like a "nanny state" argument, and more about a call for people to Take responsibility for their country, and to change the way it operates. It is, in my opinion about personal responsibility.

The fact is we've shirked the responsibility of being our government for far too long, we've stopped paying attention to how things work or even philosophically, how they should work in our American Democracy.

I think getting people fired up about a truly real problem in this nation and invested in the reshaping of it is an appeal for us to take responsibility for our lives and our communities by taking back our government.

What is "corporate greed" anyway? These corporations are Public companies, with shares held my millions of average working Americans. The "evil" corporations provide jobs and benefits for most Americans as well....and of course they provide all the products, luxuries, and entertainment which we all consume. Edward's speech is class warfare...the lowest common denominator available to appeal to young folks and poor folks. It's very hip & cool I guess to bash big bad business, but I don't think tearing down corporations is a stategy that appeals to working people in America. Let's say Edwards became President & started proposing legislation to penalize and/or cap corporate profits...what do you think that would do to the economy? Wall Street would crash & burn; instead of looking at possible recession in the near future, we'd be facing damn near global depression. He also talks about homeless vets and un-insured folks...again very catchy, but ultimately hollow and empty. I would want to hear something about personal responsibility & drug-free assurances before I would be willing to cough up more of my paycheck for these folks.


Friday, January 4, 2008 10:06 AM


Tearing down corporations isn't the desire. Regulating them, making sure their products are safe, making sure they aren't screwing the worker, making sure they haven't built defacto monopolies doing more harm than good to our economy and to true competition, making sure that if they are to be american companies that aren't taxed and tarrifed, they hire a high percentage of their skilled workforce from the American people...

those are things we need to be doing. Because companies, while made up of people who aren't evil, are machines concerned with only one thing, profit. they take no moral high ground, they have no concept of right and wrong.

If things were working so well with our current direction, why I ask you, is the wealth discrepancy in this nation so much greater than it was 20 years ago? Wealth is finite. If they have more we have less. It's a pretty simple equation that way. The system isn't working for the average american as it stands, because the politics are stacked.


Friday, January 4, 2008 10:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What is "corporate greed" anyway? These corporations are Public companies, with shares held my millions of average working Americans. The "evil" corporations provide jobs and benefits for most Americans as well....and of course they provide all the products, luxuries, and entertainment which we all consume.
Bullpuckies. GM doesn't "make" cars... people make cars. The only thing corporations "make" is a profit.

Let's say Edwards became President & started proposing legislation to penalize and/or cap corporate profits...what do you think that would do to the economy? Wall Street would crash & burn; instead of looking at possible recession in the near future, we'd be facing damn near global depression. He also talks about homeless vets and un-insured folks...again very catchy, but ultimately hollow and empty.
If the EU can do it why can't we? Are we so poor we can't 'afford' to?

Always look upstream.


Friday, January 4, 2008 10:58 AM


Bah, end corporate personhood, end the problem.

Requires an understanding of what causes the problem to fix it, look into the history, trustbusting, antitrust regs, and then the horror of corporate personhood - and combine all that with the fact that every single time a union has had the upper hand, the corps have called in government force to stomp them flat.

The Gov is NOT your friend in this, feeble and pathetic, useless feel-good efforts that accomplish nothing notwithstanding, the first red scare and the palmer raids had more to do with breaking unions than fear of socialism, although that was the excuse.
(Take note of how many items the deletionists COUGH*revisionists*COUGH have nuked because they make the status quo or currently politically powerful folk look bad)

As for Iowa...

Lemme ask you this, what gives THEM the right to make decisions for the rest of US ?

So much for fekkin democracy.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, January 4, 2008 11:01 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

What is "corporate greed" anyway? These corporations are Public companies, with shares held my millions of average working Americans. The "evil" corporations provide jobs and benefits for most Americans as well....and of course they provide all the products, luxuries, and entertainment which we all consume.
Bullpuckies. GM doesn't "make" cars... people make cars. The only thing corporations "make" is a profit.

Let's say Edwards became President & started proposing legislation to penalize and/or cap corporate profits...what do you think that would do to the economy? Wall Street would crash & burn; instead of looking at possible recession in the near future, we'd be facing damn near global depression. He also talks about homeless vets and un-insured folks...again very catchy, but ultimately hollow and empty.
If the EU can do it why can't we? Are we so poor we can't 'afford' to?

Always look upstream.

Bullpuckies?? That's a new one.
EU's brand of socialism is intriguing, but I'm sorry to say that I'm a capitalist. I don't believe in Govt. benefits or programs for people that don't, won't, or can't work. I don't believe in "guaranteed" job for life, an umbrella of Govt. services for people that do not contribute into the system. America's great strength has always been a simple one....if you work hard or study hard, you will succeed. If you are young and working a minimum wage job with no health insurance, then by golly go out and get a better job that does offer healthcare. Finish college, go to night school, just improve yourself ( industrius self-starters do it all the time )...but you have to do it on your own. I'm not working my normal 50 hrs. a week to pay for under-acheivers & drug addicts' healthcare & other benefits.


Friday, January 4, 2008 11:07 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Bullpuckies. GM doesn't "make" cars... people make cars. The only thing corporations "make" is a profit.

Seems they do more then that. Otherwise all those folks are standing out in the middle of a field somewhere thinking 'gee, I wish we had a factory, tools, parts, a design, etc'.

How about a compromise. Corporations "make" factories, tools, parts, and give jobs to people to make the cars for the corporation who then sell those cars to "make" a profit.

The whole point of corporations is the efficient concentration of capital to make large scale investments. Without the incentive of profit the capital would not be available.



Friday, January 4, 2008 11:10 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
As for Iowa...

Lemme ask you this, what gives THEM the right to make decisions for the rest of US ?

So much for fekkin democracy. Frem

Well your honor, Mr. Minister.....THEM? I think THEM is American citizens residing in Iowa. I think Iowa is one of the 50 states, and has delegates to the national conventions of both parties. THEM has NOT decided anything my friend. They've just voted on their choices after a long campaign. You'll see much different results coming out of New Hampshire & on Super Tuesday....Over the years THEM, in Iowa have rarely, if ever, actually chosen the ultimate party candidates. I think the Primary process is Democracy at its best, or at least at its' most operable.


Friday, January 4, 2008 11:23 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
A number of threads ago, people were asking if racism was still a force in this country. The answer is YES. But Obama won a 57% of the under-30 vote in Iowa. Does this mean racism is becoming LESS of a factor? BTW- the most segregated (and presumably racist) are of the nation is in the Northeast, not the South.

Sorry to have "skipped" over your original question here. I'd have to say that RACISM in America is largely a media-hyped throw-back to the past. I've been in the corporate world for many years, and I see absolutely zero racism anywhere. If anything, large corps., like one I work for, go out their way to be diverse & equal.
Media whores like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton et al use Racism as a dividing rod to get power and money for their own personal causes. Yeah...there are still individual racists in America...KKK, Arayan Nation, etc etc, but I believe that educated, working family-type folks have evolved over the decades and are not prejudiced to African-Americans. If 98% White Iowa can give Obama a big victory over Hillary, I think that is a testiment to the real state of racism in America...not the Wesley Snipes version of it. Funny also, when high-profile rich African Americans self-destruct, some blame racism ( denial, spin )...while others like Vick admit and apologize for their mistakes. I'll forgve just about anybody if they show sincerity and make amends somehow....the ones that use the race card, however, only perpetuate a stereotype that I don't think is real anymore.


Friday, January 4, 2008 11:31 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I don't believe in Govt. benefits or programs for people that don't, won't, or can't work.

I think this is fairly clear but I'd like to make sure, does this mean that you are against even temporary unemployment benefits?


Friday, January 4, 2008 12:42 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
BTW- the most segregated (and presumably racist) are of the nation is in the Northeast, not the South.

I've just recently moved to the south for the first time in my life an it's not at all like what I expected. It's not the southern whites that have surprised me it's the southern blacks. There's none of the "chip on the shoulder" anti-white sentiment I felt living in the north. It's just a more comfortable racial atmosphere than I experienced in the north.


Friday, January 4, 2008 2:49 PM



Originally posted by fredgiblet:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I don't believe in Govt. benefits or programs for people that don't, won't, or can't work.

I think this is fairly clear but I'd like to make sure, does this mean that you are against even temporary unemployment benefits?

I stated that if you contribute into the system I don't see a problem if you need un-employment insurance. You & your employer would have paid taxes that entitle you to those benefits....and also the same applies to Workmen's Comp. & other types of assistance.


Friday, January 4, 2008 2:58 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:

Originally posted by SignyM:
BTW- the most segregated (and presumably racist) are of the nation is in the Northeast, not the South.

I've just recently moved to the south for the first time in my life an it's not at all like what I expected. It's not the southern whites that have surprised me it's the southern blacks. There's none of the "chip on the shoulder" anti-white sentiment I felt living in the north. It's just a more comfortable racial atmosphere than I experienced in the north.

I've had the same experience living in Florida for that last 25 years. I'm a white-bread boy, really, really know the blotchy pale skin type that never tans, only burns....and most of my friends are Hispanic & Black...and I work side by side with these folks. Like you say, they are NOT militant in any way, and I have NEVER felt uncomfortable around them during National "race events" that the media create regularly.


Friday, January 4, 2008 3:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'm a white-bread boy, really, really know the blotchy pale skin type that never tans
Heh. You think YOU'RE white! When I used to give blood back in Bflo The RC'd always ask me... Are you anemic? Are you feeling well? Does this frighten you? Would you like to sit down? Put your head between your knees?

Always look upstream.


Friday, January 4, 2008 4:01 PM


Anyone ever think that the Caucus swung the way it did due to a matter of personal opinions? Okay, so we have Iowa: 95% whites out of all of three million in the state (So 2% Blacks doesn't sound so far fetched to me). Now, we have Obama, Edwards, and Clinton as the immediates for the Dems. Edwards is very much like what everyone has been seeing in Politics for God knows how long, so he'll garner what he will (Apparently enough, as he got in Second). Clinton is known, but she also is a hypocrite (Speaks against the war in Iraq, yet still voted for all but one of the bills supporting it) and is obsessed with her public image (Not divorcing Bill after Monica-gate, and I don't care what bullshit she prattled off; she figured a divorce wouldn't look good for her). That's two very prominent strikes against her. And theirs Barack Obama, who is charismatic, rather well spoken, and has somehow managed to rile up the younger set,which is rare enough as is. People know that he's done drugsbefore, and he doesn't try to hide it too much; makes him see more human, and therefore less omnipotent and more liable to understand the problems of all us poor slobs on the ground. Yes, race is a factor, but is less prominent compared to all the positives here, so in goes Barack.
And the GOP, good God. Basically it boiled down to Romney and Huckabee. I don't care what anyone says; Iowa is some odd 60% Evangelical's, who are our version of Islamic fundementalists, but usually minus the boms going off. And Romney is a Mormon. He might as well just say thathe worships Satan and eats Baby Heads, because it would get him abbout the same amount of support from that group. On the other hand, Huckabee is from a nearby state, has made frequent forays into Iowa before hand (Over the last three years, in fact), and was (Is?) a Baptist Minister, which seems a lot less heretical to those nut-cases then a Mormon.
Next to these things, it's sad to say that issues are of lesser importance then the character of a person, which is complete bullshit. So much for seperation of church and state...


and every time I play with passion I start breaking strings,
and my voice cracks when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price I've got to pay to know that I'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart

Gott weise ich will kein Engel sein.


Friday, January 4, 2008 4:09 PM



Originally posted by Alliethorn7:
People know that he's done drugsbefore, and he doesn't try to hide it too much;

Wait wait wait...Obama's done drugs? And he's admitted it?


Friday, January 4, 2008 4:16 PM


Heh heh heh.

Augustus, or Gus, as I call him, is one of the "cat-herders" down in Detroit that fellow Anarchists look to when they wanna get together and march on something or hold signs... he's an old half deaf former E-6 (Staff Sergeant) and darker than the ace of spades, but while he might look and sound scary, he's a great guy...

I stand with or march with those folk when I have the time, but occasionally I get a bit twitchy about being the only white guy there, something which always draws the same (by now hilarious) response from him.

"If you gotta problem, that's YOUR problem and I don't wanna hear it!"

You gotta imagine this in that drill sergeant monotone as he slaps a sign in my hand (arming his troops) without so much as breaking stride.

That's what I like about Gus, he just. doesn't. care. - and he doesn't think anyone else should neither.



Friday, January 4, 2008 9:43 PM


Late reports coming in from on-site investigators overseeing the caucuses... it don't look good, some hard evidence of outright fraud related to Guilianis totals, and a laundry list of other chicanery up to and including the FEC borrowing a trick from Faux News and initially listing Ron Paul as a Democrat...

Gonna take these folks some time to nitpick and numbercrunch, but the accuracy of this little dog and pony show seems to be in some doubt - not that it matters when one can get thier "five big friends" to override the process anyhow.



Friday, January 4, 2008 11:17 PM


All I know about Obama is that he's black. That's the central theme of his campaign. His blackness as much Obama's face as 9/11 is Guliani's face. Wow... Oprah is backing him now. Maybe she'll be vice president? Oh! Maybe we can get Jesse and Sharpton and the Harlem Globtrotters behind him too! What are Boyz II Men doing these days? I haven't seen them on any VH1 ex-celebrity exploitation shows yet.

Oh yeah... and he's from Illinois, which I can tell you from personal experience has some of the most corrupt politics of the union (alleviated none whatsoever after the republican witch hunts of 2001 which put George Ryan and my ex-boss and some other people I knew behind bars).

He's surely not getting my vote.

Though I suppose, just like Hilary, I would vote for Obama on that dark day when (and if) the Thugs give Guiliani the nod.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, January 7, 2008 4:06 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
All I know about Obama is that he's black.

Thats all you get when your flipping past the news channels to watch porn.

And Hillary is a woman. John Edwards is gay. Dennis Kucinich is a Hobbit.

And on the Republican side...Huckabee is white. McCain is old. Fred Thompson is that guy from Law and Order. Mitt Romney has seven wives. Ron Paul is crazy. Rudy was Mayor.

You might want to spend at least thirty seconds listening to one or more of them so you can base your decision on more then 'he's black'. I'm not voting for Obama, but unlike Sharpton and Jackson (the last two serious black Democrats) he seems to be far more then just a black fello who speaks well. I could even see myself voting for him in an Obama vs. Romney race.



Monday, January 7, 2008 7:55 AM


*sigh There are no good candidates out there.

- Hillary is a woman who thinks shes a man.

- Obama is too young.

- Edwards is a fake.

- Rudy is a damn New Yorker...

- The Mormons have their candidate....but have you ever met Mormons? I have....if you think there isnt going to be an agenda there, you are an idiot.

- The rest are window dressing.


Monday, January 7, 2008 6:34 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
All I know about Obama is that he's black. That's the central theme of his campaign.

6ix, please, you can't possibly back this claim up. The only racism this remark reveals is your own (racist = somebody who, despite much evidence to the contrary, sees a man's skin color as his most significant attribute). The corporate media may be a lousy way to get your facts, but pulling them out of your is not an improvement. Sorry, but it's bad enough ya gotta be this unapologetic homophobe, I like you too much to have to put up with you turnin' racist on me here. Just say you were trying for the funny and missed, can ya do that for me?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, January 7, 2008 8:42 PM


Isn't it practically the definition of racism to immediately classify anything Obama does as being based upon his race, color, or creed?
Maybe some people didn't note his supposed color, and just voted based upon merit, percieved character, ideals?

Why must we first seperate everybody by their race, and then make comparisons? I understand we're talking about the Democrat Party of Divisiveness, but the rest of us get pretty annoyed with the "tolerant" party always foisting these racist segregations upon us.

By the way, when was the last time an Iowa caucus voted for somebody who became President?


Tuesday, January 8, 2008 1:49 PM


The official denials have been issued, but the buzz all around the Hillary Clinton for president camp is that Jim Carville and Paul Begala, will ride to the rescue of a campaign that is expected to suffer a serious loss in today's New Hampshire primary.

The strategists behind Bill Clinton's 1992 "comeback kid" presidential race will try to forge a comeback for the New York senator in a contest where her "star power" is being eclipsed by Illinois Senator Barack Obama's surging candidacy.

Officially, Carville and others are dismissing the talk. They have to do that while New Hampshire voters are still heading to the polls.

But the sense is that Clinton will have to radically restructure her campaign, and it does now appear that the process is likely to begin with a move to put Carville and Begala is charge of an organization that had been led by Mark Penn, Clinton's senior strategist, and Patty Solis Doyle, Clinton's campaign manager.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008 5:52 PM


Wow. Hillary Clinton just pooled off a Harry Truman in 1948. Despite every single poll, she has actually defeated Senator Obama in the New Hampshire Democratic primary.

She must have made a deal with the Devil.






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