Hey PN, you got a minute ?

UPDATED: Monday, January 21, 2008 02:09
VIEWED: 1126
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Monday, January 7, 2008 11:55 PM


(FAIR WARNING: Obviously this thread is gonna have me tryin to discuss something with PN, whom some of you think is varying shades of loopy to round the bend - you have been warned.)

Yo PN ?

Do me the favor of NOT hassling Bev Harris, willya ?

I know you gotta point to make, but Bev has to plow through ten tons of crap and paperwork right now and make SOME sense of it enough to see who the finger points to and ain't got the TIME, nor the patience, to follow up leads outside of her field of specialty.

If you want the whole Elron-Voxeo-IRdg and chain of custody issue examined, FIRST, do a better job of digging and get me some NAMES of who-owns-what, or is at least listed "on paper" regardless of who *really* owns em (yes, I know, you know, but it's a matter of PROVING that) and give it to Jim March... or better even, to ME.

Cause you came off as a nutter to them and they ignored you, once again, poisoning your own case before you even explained the half of it.

You have GOT to work on your presentation, mano, cause it sucks, it's total overkill, and stick to the barest minimum of hard facts with a couple of snide hints - I'm tellin ya, that's the way to go, cause if you get THEM digging for it, the instant they find the same data ON THEIR OWN, sure as day follows dawn they'll come asking you for the rest of it.

Oh, and lose the graphics, everyone hates a thread bloating bandwidth hog.

What did I tellya bout having all your ducks in a row BEFORE presenting a case to high profile people - but nooo, you thought you knew better...

If you got more info on Elron-Voxeo-IRdg, and you damn well BETTER if you want me to muckrake them for you, then you'd best get to spillin it, and if there's enough to hook it up with the rest, then you let ME take it to Bev, cause she sure as hell won't listen to you, now that she suspects your just another one of the Govbot/Diebold disinfo jerks harrassing her site.

Be glad I am even willing to bail you out of this one, but be advised if heads roll on this, it might well be best to let them roll... quietly ?

Not exactly your policy, I know, but for damn sure you could do with learning a little discretion sometimes, dude.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:19 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you have a link?

Perhaps you are referring to this:


Israeli contractor Elron Electronics "counts" all votes in Iowa Caucuses

I didn't write that investigative journalism, so you might want to talk to that journalist, if you can find him. That mayoral candidate was raided, assaulted, electrocuted and kidnapped by an undercover police state death squad, then found guilty by kangaroo court, so he and his family fled Chicago USA and got asylum in a foreign nation.

Bollyn has not been seen since he fled the court's jurisdiction. Eric Hufschmid suspects Boyllyn might really be rendered in a CIA/Mossad death camp. Hufschmid's estranged sister is married/kidnapped to the son of multi-billionaire Sir Rupert Murdoch Jewish Australian Knight of the British Empire, owner of Fox News, who is married to his Commie Chinese-citizen wife, Deng Wen Di, aka Wendi Deng, and they live in Bejing. So the Communist Chinese military literally owns Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones and Myspace, etc.

Maybe the Elron Conspiracy by Israeli Ministry of Defense is why I've been blocked out of updating my website this week? Good thing it runs on autopilot by RSS. Or maybe because History Channel featured my website on Sunday, with Mossad's US Dept of Homeland Security hijacking Popular Mechanics and HC?

Here's a link re Bev Harris and others proving massive vote fraud in NH, as usual:

Granny Warriors will fund the recount in NH, which will have to be done in almost every state for RP to win. Since 90% of the sheeple are too lazy and stupid, this probably won't happen. Granny Warriors is on the radio right now on . Their rep has flown to NH and is filing papers with the Secretary of State to pay for recounts in every precinct in NH. Remember that Ohio election scammers went to prison when convicted of election fraud during the RECOUNTS of 2004.

The Demorat and Republicon organized crime rackets are too entrenced, especially with their private contractors counting all votes in secret, with no audits allowed. $70-Trillion a year is looted by these gangsters from gangsta govt CAFR "pension" funds, via no-bid contracts and insanely overpaid political employees for family and friends who "vote for the correct candidates" on The List.

As for discretion, study the history of THE BATTLE OF ATHENS TN.

And who gives a fuk what Bev Harris thinks? She's a 501c3 Money-Laundering Corporation, who is banned from any form of political involvement, such as running recounts of stolen elections, as she admitted today on the Alex Jones Radio Show. She needs to cancel her 501c3 and join the Ron Paul campaign as a volunteer, then raise her own money for recounts. Fuk the Demorats who are owned by the CFR Corp to overthrow USA by North American Union and wage war for 100 years in the Middle East.

Obamasama is Dick Cheney's cousin and refuses to salute the American flag during the National anthem:

President Bill "Clinton" Blythe III is a bastard Rockefeller using his lesbian wife to get him back in the president's chair. Huckleberry lied about having a theology degree, and is the personal preacher of Jewish homosexual Satanist Bill "Clinton". All who vote Demorat, or for Republicons besides Ron Paul, are traitors who can be given the death penalty in secret under their precious U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act and US Code. That's THE LAW.
Hanoi Hannity: "I voted for the Sino-American Alliance."
"US ports owned by Commie China is good for me."
"Dead and disabled US soldiers are good for me."
"Outsourcing your job is very good for me."
"Sir Rupert dines with Hillary every week."
"Ron Paul does not exist in my 'Verse."

"As far as Chinese goes, I resented it."
-Adam Tudyk, The Making of Firefly


Does that seem right to you?
Firefly Music Video: Tangerine dream - Confrontation, Thief soundtrack


Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:51 PM


Regardless of what you think of her, she's useful, and let ME handle that end of things, right ?

We got the goods, for the most part, and imma follow up on Elron, but it'd be nice to get my hands on those files to see who owns what on paper so I know who to dredge for further info, even without it, we got enough to prove fraud, and hell, if they can't verify the authenticity of an election - then why the hell should we be bound by the results, right ?

Might not agree with you on some things, but accept that we're on the same page when it comes to blowing up the laughable processes of the primaries and bringing them to public attention, and lemme handle MY end of things, allright ?

Bad enough trippin over them Govbot/Disinfo trolls at every turn and corner without trippin over you too - and I am referring to your entries on Bev's message board, you did not make your case well, I'm afraid.

You let ME handle BBV, you handle your end of things, yes ?



Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:03 PM





"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:37 PM


Errr guy's if this is all supposed to be super-buffo secret in order to keep it out of the eyes and ears of "the man" why hold your conversation in an open forum and not you know by private mail or at least private style messages?

Call me old fashioned but back in my day super-boffo secrets here... how do I put this? Err secret...


Thursday, January 10, 2008 11:07 PM


Well done Frem for nearly getting an intelligable answer from PN. Lets hope he take at least some of your advice. Keep up the good work on all aspects.


Friday, January 11, 2008 2:29 AM


Nah, none of this is privleged info, we're just having a coordination issue on making some sense of the halfass morass that are the primary results, such as we've been able to demand, steal, or otherwise obtain, and other than this forum, we do not communicate directly for security reasons.

PN's actually not as wacky as he comes off, and scary that it might be, some of that stuff he's goin on about has merit - for example the whole ritual/intel agency/child abuse/behavior mod camps angle, for example, I have more data on that than HE does, only problem is that at the bottom of it.. it gets so goddamn woo-woo weird that people just freak out and file it in with bigfoot and the loch ness monster, in spite of reams of courtroom quality evidence.

And the bastards involved are damned quick to play on it too, deliberately going out as weird as possible so that a jury would instantly dimiss any testimony as straight out of weekly world news... a LOT of organized crime rings involved in child exploitation have adopted satanic ritual trappings, not just to get a better rise out of their customers, but to effectively destroy the testimony value of the victims, and it works, unfortunately.

How serious they are about it is a matter of some debate, but that they do this is not whatever in doubt.

I might not like PN's style or presentation, but what he does and why, I think we need that, cause sometimes it takes a guy out there on the fringe to ask certain questions that SHOULD be asked, that NEED to be asked, and yet no one dares...

Like why the hell we allow a foreign nation's PAC to make political donations in an american election, especially in light of a proven history of outright espionage, sabotage, and political fuckery on it's part ?

Any OTHER country pulled that crap it would tantamount to an act of war, wouldn't it ?

Besides, is he really any crazier than people who think this current administration has done an excellent job in the past eight years ?



Friday, January 18, 2008 4:01 PM


Ouch, ouch, ouch...

The veracity and integrity of the N.H primary is at this point, blown, completely.

Noteable Excerpts.

"On Wednesday night, Election Defense Alliance's Sally Castleman mentioned a troubling observation: After following the ballots back to the ballot vault following Wednesday's recount, she had the opportunity to enter the ballot vault, and noticed what looked like cuts, or slits, in the side of many ballot boxes. New Hampshire officials assured us that these cuts, which slice through the tape and seals do not permit access to the uncounted ballots, pointing to a label on the boxtop which they call a seal.

But the "seal" can be removed, like a Post-it, and reaffixed. So it's not a seal all!

We wanted to know if the ballot boxes were slit while in the vault, in the transport van, or came from the towns with slits in them.

I confirmed this morning that many if not most of the boxes scheduled to be counted today had slits in them. I went out when a vanload of ballots arrived, and saw that they were slit at the time they arrived by van. Susan Pynchon and I drove to two nearby towns and watched as they handed over their ballot boxes to "Butch and Hoppy", the two men who drive around in the state in a van picking the ballots up. We observed as they loaded boxes of ballots into the van with no slits at all in them. We videotaped each of these up close. They arrived at the destination without slits. The label on the top was affixed, but in some cases was crumpled, or also damaged.

Of cource, the label affixed to the top can be removed and reattached without telltale signs."


"1. We noticed the slits in the vault and confirmed when they brought the ballots out that the slits were still there.

2. Then we looked at the ballot boxes as they were being delivered. Those, too, had slits.

3. Then we visited towns that had ballots scheduled for pickup. We had time to visit only two towns. Both towns had ballot boxes with no slits.

4. While at these towns, we waited for the pickup van to show up. When it did, we videotaped the ballot boxes already in it.

5. When we got back to the archive building where they were having the recount, we awaited the van with the ballot boxes we just videotaped. We waited quite a while. Almost everyone left, the recount ended for the day, and still no van. The van finally pulled in after all but a couple observers had gone home. We videotaped what came out of the van. It was in the same condition as what we videotaped at the towns. Of course, Butch and Hoppy knew we had been taking videotape because we did it right in front of them."


"I think it will be helpful to get photographs or video of the ballots WHILE STILL AT TOWN CLERK OFFICES and it will also be very helpful for citizens to follow "Butch and Hoppy".

Yesterday when we did so, they were speeding at one point and we were fairly challenged to keep up with them. We did, thanks to the skillful driving of Susan Pynchon. There was a dark green SUV waiting for them in a rural location. They stopped, one of the transport team jumped out, went to the driver of the green SUV, said something, then the transport team headed one direction and the green SUV the other. Clearly, he had been waiting there to hook up with the transport team. There may be a perfectly logical explanation for this, but I think it is important to witness and/or video where the transport van goes and who they meet up with.

Here on this site, it was posted that the ballots in New Hampshire are transported by the state police. That is incorrect. I asked more questions and they said that a liason from the sec. state office accompanies the state police. That is not true. Here's what is true: "Butch and Hoppy" who are represented as working for the secretary of state or the archives, depending on who you are talking to, pick up ALL the ballots in New Hampshire. They drive a white state van. A single member of the state police drives behind them. He can't see a darn thing about what is going on in that van."



Friday, January 18, 2008 4:11 PM


It reeks, top to bottom, the whole lot of it.

Anyone in NH willing to assist would be useful, contact Kucinich's people - doesn't matter if ya hate him, it's about getting an accurate count, so put a clothespin on your nose if you have to, we NEED more boots on the ground with cameras, even cellphone cameras would do.

I got exactly TWO contacts in NH, both of whom have families and fulltime jobs so my info stream from the frontline is quite limited here.

Make yourself useful PN, get me the data on that green SUV, we both KNOW someone's leaked it by now, so find it the hell out - cause I wanna know who owns it, at this point.

This much I do know, given the chicanery and plain incompetence, in combination with repeated miscounts, there's no way in hell anyone in their right mind would call this election valid...

And if THAT is the case, and the wrong jackasses wind up in office because of an election with fucked up results - exactly why the hell, exactly HOW the hell, are we bound by their idiotic decisions, then ?

Without proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, that election results are valid - there is no point in having them at all, and we can start calling it for what it really is, then, can't we ?

And BOTH sides play this game, just cause you're maybe on one or the other, don't look the other way for em, THIS time around we bust EVERYONES chops, ok ?

(I HATE bein woke up by ringin phones )


Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:08 AM


Update, of some note.

If Butch and Hoppy are who I believe them to be, then they aren't exactly Neutral parties and I would not be trusting them alone with a box of ballots.

They have a history with Tommy Duggan, which runs straight back to Richard J. Daley, and that whole Kennedy-Tammany Hall crowd, which you could sort out better than me, PN.

Give us a who's who on that and spare us the speculations, or keep to a minimum - just who is related/married to who in that little clan, give us a view of the players in motion and how they relate to Billary, right ?

That'd be useful about now, especially once we pull the plates of that SUV and see where THAT hooks up.

I suspected as much earlier, since slit-stuffing is an old Tammany-Hall tactic to begin with.



Saturday, January 19, 2008 6:39 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

At least I got my voter registration card in the today. It only took 6 months, and I only had to get 1 postman fired.

And Ron Paul finished 2nd in Nevada.

Winners never quit and quitters never win.


Monday, January 21, 2008 2:09 AM



Butch and Hoppy, positively identified.

Green SUV tracked, run, owner positively identified, confirmed as driver in question.

Investigation in progress.







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