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Israelis Create Warsaw Ghetto in Gaza
Saturday, January 26, 2008 4:11 AM
Quote:...Repetative expired-equine impacts...
Saturday, January 26, 2008 4:59 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: Ah, so you support indiscriminate, large-scale killing because of what terrorists might do? I'm telling you Finn- It would be far more humane if the IDF just went for "an eye for an eye". I think most Palestinians would "get it" and even respect it.
Quote:Originally posted by Jongsstraw: Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: Quote:"Democratically elected"...ha ha ha..just like Saddam used to get 99.9% of the vote? Very democratic I'm sure. Fucking Hamas murderers terrorize their own people. They force children...fucking children to carry out their suicide murders...some children have been caught crying for their mommies before they blow up Israeli kids in a pizzeria. All their Arab "brothers" don't do jack shit to help them, and they're all the ones that caused the bad situation for the Palestinians in the first place. Before that Arafat STOLE all the fucking money that was EVER sent to help these sad helpless people. They should all just walk into Egypt as they're doing, and rest into Syria...let's see what their fellow Muslims do for them....or are they ONLY good as useful idiots for killing Israeli women & children? And here we have Jongsstraw doing his best imitation of a Xtian Jihadist... and doing a damn fine job of it, too. Right again a-hole...but not quite as good as the job you're doing as an idiot terrorist lover. The only people in the world who don't know or cannot see the truth in that situation are Jew-haters, terrorists, and the insane.
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: Quote:"Democratically elected"...ha ha ha..just like Saddam used to get 99.9% of the vote? Very democratic I'm sure. Fucking Hamas murderers terrorize their own people. They force children...fucking children to carry out their suicide murders...some children have been caught crying for their mommies before they blow up Israeli kids in a pizzeria. All their Arab "brothers" don't do jack shit to help them, and they're all the ones that caused the bad situation for the Palestinians in the first place. Before that Arafat STOLE all the fucking money that was EVER sent to help these sad helpless people. They should all just walk into Egypt as they're doing, and rest into Syria...let's see what their fellow Muslims do for them....or are they ONLY good as useful idiots for killing Israeli women & children? And here we have Jongsstraw doing his best imitation of a Xtian Jihadist... and doing a damn fine job of it, too.
Quote:"Democratically elected"...ha ha ha..just like Saddam used to get 99.9% of the vote? Very democratic I'm sure. Fucking Hamas murderers terrorize their own people. They force children...fucking children to carry out their suicide murders...some children have been caught crying for their mommies before they blow up Israeli kids in a pizzeria. All their Arab "brothers" don't do jack shit to help them, and they're all the ones that caused the bad situation for the Palestinians in the first place. Before that Arafat STOLE all the fucking money that was EVER sent to help these sad helpless people. They should all just walk into Egypt as they're doing, and rest into Syria...let's see what their fellow Muslims do for them....or are they ONLY good as useful idiots for killing Israeli women & children?
Saturday, January 26, 2008 8:14 AM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Quote:I don’t support indiscriminate killing at all.
Saturday, January 26, 2008 8:21 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: Quote:I don’t support indiscriminate killing at all. Hmm... the definition of "killing" is pretty clear, and if we look at the number of women and children killed we can take a stab at "indiscriminate"... and then we can apply it to the IDF, who indeed are not very discriminating when it comes to killing so... why do you support it when the IDF does it?
Saturday, January 26, 2008 8:47 AM
Quote:[The IDF doesn’t do it. The IDF targets terrorists and militants
Saturday, January 26, 2008 10:33 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: If the IDF isn't killing women and children, then whose finger is on the trigger? Is there some third party we don't know about leaving bullet-holes in women and missile fragments in children, making the IDF look bad?
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: First of all, the IDF kills and punishes civilians ON PURPOSE. Members of the IDF have testified to that fact. In addition, the IDF is NOT very "discriminating" when targeting terrorists, they really don't mind wounding, killing, displacing, and punishing civilians.
Quote:Originally posted by SignyM: Finn, let's spin this around. Iran is having difficulties with a renegade group of Xtians within it (internationally recognized) borders whom they have displaced by taking away their businesses and farms. As a group, these Xtians are blockaded into a small unproductive area of Iran and forced to live in poverty, dependent on Iranian supplies of electricity, fuel, and water. These Xtians send out suicide bombers and rockets from time to time which do little damage and kill a few hundred people. The Iranian government responds by stopping fuel and water supplies, setting up checkpoints which prevent hospital access and ruin what little economy exists, bulldozing family homes of "suspected" terrorists, and occasionally rolling in with tanks under missile cover, killing thousands including innocent civilians. China is preventing any action against Iran.
Saturday, January 26, 2008 1:56 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008 3:49 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:27 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:13 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:36 AM
Quote:Originally posted by badkarma00: Quote:...Repetative expired-equine impacts... He he, I like that. Mind if I use it? That's a very creative way of saying 'beat a dead horse'.
Monday, January 28, 2008 3:09 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Kirkules: The total inability of some to see the clarity of Finn's arguments and facts, can only lead me to believe we are dealing with the "insane". Of course their insanity does make their Jew hating and terrorist sympathy more understandable. It's about time for the Israelis to put a bad ass dude like Benjamin Netanyahu back in power. Peace through strength is the only way in the middle east.