British Official Proposes Forced Sterilization For Teenage Girls

UPDATED: Monday, March 3, 2008 14:19
VIEWED: 1809
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Friday, February 22, 2008 7:23 AM


...and some dipshits are crazy enough to agree with it.

Here's the article:


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Friday, February 22, 2008 8:45 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
...and some dipshits are crazy enough to agree with it.

Here's the article:


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."

While I disagree with a widespread implementation of this idea, there are many cases where I think it would have some merit.

" A 16-year-old Argentine girl has given birth to female triplets - for the second time.

The girl, named only as Pamela, had her first set of female triplets aged 15, having first given birth to a son when she was just 14. "

or worse

the Supreme Court of Canada heard arguments in the case of the pregnant woman who was compelled by the Winnipeg Child and Family Services bureau to undergo treatment for her glue-sniffing glue-sniffing
Inhalation of fumes from plastic cements, the solvents of which, such as toluene, xylene, and benzene, induce central nervous system stimulation followed by depression.
habit because she was pregnant with her third child. The woman (whose identity has been protected) has already given birth to two children, in foster care at the time, who had suffered mental and physical disabilities as a result of her substance abuse problem.

The Alliance said they were gonna waltz through Serenity Valley. And we choked 'em with those words. We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.


Friday, February 22, 2008 9:05 AM



How bout REAL sex education instead of that abstinence only crap, actual access to condoms with a goddamn instruction booklet written in plain english, or maybe the acknowledgement that human beings are PEOPLE, even before they hit that magic number that *forces* the rest of the world to stop abusing them as sub-animal possessions and treat them as such ?

I'm a lil more pissed than normal after learning the entirety of sex-ed at the school my sisters kids go to is a 20 minute video followed by an hour long "This is sex, it's bad, don't do it" lecture.

In fact, it's the same video and speech I got way back when before they kicked me out for inciting a rebellion via the student council over a draconian dress code policy, which in the end failed, due to a deal involving the expulsion of the two primary agitators.

It took a concentrated and somewhat nefarious effort to actually learn anything as most of the books and materials were "off-limits" to anyone my age, but watching several friends of both sexes get tangled in the complications of unwanted pregnancy, one..erm.. "catch something", and one get deliberately and maliciously rooked into a shotgun wedding and a marriage where he slaves two jobs to support daycare and her partygoing lifestyle...

I had a damned lot of incentive to learn, and learn quick - and if they called me "Lord Latex" cause I suited up before taking the plunge that was THEIR problem.

It all comes back to whether or not kids/teens are people, and it sure seems to me that most adults don't think they are.

Proper parenting goes a long way on this one, and if you're incapable or unwilling to have that discussion with em, for cryin out loud FIND someone you trust to do it, and make sure it's someone they respect enough to listen to.

All else fails, have the family doctor do so, if you can convince him, the consultation and office visit is cheap at the price, when you consider the possible alternatives - and it's not like he ain't qualified to at least go over the basics.

Why is it that folks treat their pets with more respect than their children ?


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, February 22, 2008 9:25 AM


I think I missed the part about mandatory sterilization. What the Government minister said was "Teenage girls, she said, could be steered towards what is described as "long-term contraception"". Their just talking about getting young girls and boys to use the new long acting contraceptives available now. Sounds like the same policy we've had in the US for the last 30 years. Private groups like Planed Parenthood have been promoting temporary sterilization and abortion for years. The US Government has been doing the same through "sex education" classes. I do have a problem when the government gets involved with these things, but as long as it's voluntary I don't see any problem with it.


Friday, February 22, 2008 9:32 AM


When a Government says "Steered to" they mean forced to with the threat of social, economic or even physical force, that which is the essence of all Government.

It's not a choice if it has "OR ELSE!" behind it.



Friday, February 22, 2008 9:41 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
and if they called me "Lord Latex" cause I suited up before taking the plunge that was THEIR problem.

You should really swap your username...


Friday, February 22, 2008 2:54 PM


Bwahaha, I don't think so...

Funny thing though, what started that was the fact that I took home ec as an elective back when it was "majorly uncool" for anyone of the male gender to do so, and was surprisingly good at it.

Add in the fact that I was antisocial and a bit creepy, and it was problematic, especially since some cheeky airhead intending to coast through life on her looks was the last damn thing I wanted complicating my life at the time.

But what would high school be without baseless rumors, gossip and backbiting, eh ?

I wasn't abstinent, no - but if I had put flat every chick I got accused of, I'd not have had time to go to class!

That bein said, I still think the Trojan Man oughta be our national hero.



Friday, February 22, 2008 3:30 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Funny thing though, what started that was the fact that I took home ec as an elective back when it was "majorly uncool" for anyone of the male gender to do so, and was surprisingly good at it.

When I was in hi-school they started offering a home ec class called "bachelors cooking". At first they couldn't get guys to sign up for it. The principle decided to change instructor to see if that would help enrollment. He of coarse chose the hottest teacher in the school and me and my buddies signed up immediately. We messed around a lot in the class, including stealing other groups blueberries when making muffins. We thought we had committed the perfect crime until our muffins came out purple. Apparently we did learn something in the class because all of our wives say we are better cooks than they are.


Friday, February 22, 2008 5:18 PM


I bribe the Fremgirl's co-workers with my cooking.

I honestly suspect I could probably buy a murder with some Chicken Marsala and a freshly baked Orange Dreamsicle Cake for afters.



Friday, February 22, 2008 7:05 PM


Sick. Most of this could be solved with decent parenting, better sex-ed (you nailed the 20 min video problem), and communities actually caring that half of the class is pregnant.

My parents told me the birds and the bees before I went to school. I was 5. They told me details as I aged and could handle the new information. There was never a worry that I would get bad info on the playground and end up screwed.

*continues thread-jack*

My dad was Miss Betty Crocker of his high school. If I'm in my 30s today, you can imagine how uncool it was for him back then. Heh. He was such a nerd. Thank god!

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Monday, March 3, 2008 12:50 AM


There's so much truth in the otherwise mildly amusing movie "Idiocracy", which is set in a future full of dumb people (yes, FUTURE) that came to be because smart people keep putting off having kids if the time isn't right for some reason (economy, environment, politics, job etc.), while dumb people keep getting pregnant (or get someone pregnant) at 14, pushing out kid after kid, living on welfare and getting poorer educations, thus continuing the circle etc.
Here in Germany, birth rates have been rising lately, which is generally considered a good thing, but if you keep in mind that most of those kids are born into poor families and/or by teens, it sort of puts a damper on my enthusiasm.

Now I am by no means condoning forced sterilizations or abortions, but I am all for putting more pressure on schools and the parents of those teens to properly educate their kids.
Sex isn't bad, I think we all agree, but one should be educated in the dangers and consequences.
The anti-abortion nuts don't help the case, either.

(And just to add some spice: grind teeth mode...)
Then again, Uncle Sam needs more future-less soldiers from poor families to bring the awesome American Way of Life to the world.

"Dude, you never wanna f*ck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith

I think that cats know the deepest secrets of the universe, but they don't give a shit.


Monday, March 3, 2008 4:13 AM


Well, a certain country had eugenics laws on the books in certain states (oops, bit of a giveaway there) that meant 65,000 people were sterilised for one reason or another. Alexander Graham Bell, he who invented/stole the telephone, proposed that any deaf couples should be compulsorily sterilised.


Monday, March 3, 2008 4:23 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Well, a certain country had eugenics laws on the books in certain states (oops, bit of a giveaway there) that meant 65,000 people were sterilised for one reason or another. Alexander Graham Bell, he who invented/stole the telephone, proposed that any deaf couples should be compulsorily sterilised.

Yeah,... well you killed Ghandi.


Monday, March 3, 2008 4:45 AM


Perhaps as they're sterilizing these young girls, the docktors could also tatoo a serial number on their arms for record-keeping and the like.


Monday, March 3, 2008 5:21 AM


Agatsu - the solution to that, is to not use compulsory "education" to teach children to obey, conform and not question, like it does now.

Children are naturally curious, and suprisingly, naturally skeptical to a degree as well, we wouldn't even have to encourage it much, just stop DIScouraging it at every turn and corner, and their own natures will subvert the mass-stupidity problem.

Every time a child is told to shut up, sit down and obey - a part of what makes our species really human, dies.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, March 3, 2008 9:05 AM


Disgusting and horrendous laws, yes, but by no means the only government to employ such laws.

I think it would be a good voluntary measure for young adults, perhaps college aged. Date rape and drugged drinks are more common in higher ed than we'd care to admit.

If high schools girls and boys are not mature enough to be smart about sex, then how can they be mature enough to make an informed decision about sterilization?

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Monday, March 3, 2008 9:52 AM


You'd be interested to know, TWG...

That the same batch of low profile technical frankensteins who gave us the ScramDrive, Pocket Cell Phone Jammer and Taser-Proof Windbreaker...

Are now working on a pre-emptive "antitoxin" to most date rape drugs, one particular formula is very promising, although it causes some really awful heartburn, which they've yet to find a way to mitigate.



Monday, March 3, 2008 11:28 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
There's so much truth in the otherwise mildly amusing movie "Idiocracy", which is set in a future full of dumb people

Every time I try and tell someone about this movie I come off as sounding "pompous, and kind of faggy".


Monday, March 3, 2008 1:31 PM



Originally posted by BigDamnNobody:
Yeah,... well you killed Ghandi.

He deserved it. Dressing in a nappy all day long... pervert.

(It wasn't actually us though).


Monday, March 3, 2008 2:19 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
Every time I try and tell someone about this movie I come off as sounding "pompous, and kind of faggy".

Strange - I always come off as "sexy, and kind of awesome".


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Agatsu - the solution to that, is to not use compulsory "education" to teach children to obey, conform and not question, like it does now.

Agreed. Also, kids "further" educate themselves about sex by watching pr0n, which has become so much easier with the interwebs nowadays. I don't consider that to be a very good idea as it gives the wrong impression about sex, but due to the curiosity you already pointed out, and especially if they can't talk to their parents about it, it's

"Dude, you never wanna f*ck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith

I think that cats know the deepest secrets of the universe, but they don't give a shit.






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