Quick! Everbody go out and start your cars,,,

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 4, 2008 16:43
VIEWED: 9330
PAGE 1 of 2

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:50 AM


This is horrible. Cleveland is buried in 10 inches of snow (ironic, cause the Democratic debate was a real snowjob). This can't wait for spring. We need action.

Call Ralph Nader. Call AlGore. We need hot air!

Turn on your cars...clearcut a forrest. Dump freon or used oil into a lake. Any lake. Just don't wait...we need pollution. For God's sake...POLLUTION NOW!

If you see a cow, feed it beans. If you see a volcano, start digging. If you see a hybrid, run it off the road and set fire to it.

Coal...we need coal. Coal-fired electric plants, coal-fired furnaces, coal-fired coal burning centers were you can burn coal in coal fed pits lined with coal. And not the clean burning coal...good dirty West By God Almost Heaven Virginia coal. And rubber, lots of used tires out there...they burn real good.

Leave your lights on. Run your AC and your furnace at the same time. Don't clean up after your dog. Ban electric cars. Ban electric grills...charcoal only (for flavor and pollution). Spoil a wetland, I don't care how, be creative.

Give money to the Republican Party. Demand McCain pick a Big Oil VP candidate. Sell carbon credits then emit the CFCs anyway then take the money and use it to invest in Amazon rainforest bookshelves...which also burn real good.

Round up an endangered species and then set them on fire. Send Michael Moore to Cuba...then burn it too. No wait...waste of good tobacco.

Hold enviromentally destructive 'save the earth' concerts featuring Bono.

Just do something, cause its too fracking cold out there...



Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:53 AM


You are acting like 10 inches is a lot of snow.

Hmm... weird.....

Oh and Firsties!!!!!!!!!!!

Some men just wanna watch the world burn

The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:54 AM


America loves a winner!

We had snow flurries this morning here in Atlanta! I've decided to mix my recyclables in w/ my regular trash.


It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 5:56 PM


i hope you are being tongue in cheek, because otherwise you are a moron. Global warming is a misnomer and is more aptly described as global climate change creating more severe weather, i.e. more severe hurricanes and storms ass well as more of them, and while the Earth as a whole is having a global temperature increase, the winter weather patterns are picking up more moisture from the warmer ocean water and dumping more snow because of it(snow actually becomes less frequent below a certain temperature because the air becomes drier)
Please admit now that you are either A. Joking or B. Have no idea what you are talking about.
The destruction of the entire human race just doesn't come off as a joking matter to me.

when there are no heroes where will we turn?


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 6:05 PM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
i hope you are being tongue in cheek, because otherwise you are a moron. Global warming is a misnomer and is more aptly described as global climate change creating more severe weather, i.e. more severe hurricanes and storms ass well as more of them, and while the Earth as a whole is having a global temperature increase, the winter weather patterns are picking up more moisture from the warmer ocean water and dumping more snow because of it(snow actually becomes less frequent below a certain temperature because the air becomes drier)
Please admit now that you are either A. Joking or B. Have no idea what you are talking about.
The destruction of the entire human race just doesn't come off as a joking matter to me.

when there are no heroes where will we turn?

Just ignore Hero. He is the joke. He wanted you to post that.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 6:10 PM


I'm really not upset at all, however I meet people on a daily basis who are really uninformed about global climate change. If the president of Shell Oil admits that global climate change is a problem, then I think the barriers have at last fallen, heck even Dubya has reversed his policy and says that he knew global warming was real all along, he was just testing us.

when there are no heroes where will we turn.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 6:28 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
i hope you are being tongue in cheek, because otherwise you are a moron. Global warming is a misnomer and is more aptly described as global climate change creating more severe weather, i.e. more severe hurricanes and storms ass well as more of them, and while the Earth as a whole is having a global temperature increase, the winter weather patterns are picking up more moisture from the warmer ocean water and dumping more snow because of it(snow actually becomes less frequent below a certain temperature because the air becomes drier)
Please admit now that you are either A. Joking or B. Have no idea what you are talking about.
The destruction of the entire human race just doesn't come off as a joking matter to me.

Not only is global warming a joke, those who take it seriously need to lighten the hell up, or they're not long for this world. Your drama queen antics about the " destruction of the entire human race " is nothing but a source of amusement for me and will never be anything more than the punchline to a funny joke.

It's not " creating more severe weather " . That right there is your misnomer, not global warming, or what ever goofy name you want to affix to this empty bag.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7:00 PM


ok then - all the people talking about global warming out there (in the 10 inches of snow) and all the people NOT talking about sex in here.

O wait, I think I got that a bit wrong....

You are beholden to no man


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7:25 PM


Seriously, I really wish we could talk face to face about this, because I can talk about this until you think it is unfunny. I mean could you please explain how mass extinction and human suffering becomes funny? You're right though, I need to lighten up about the fact that polar bears are drowning in record numbers, or lakes are drying up in Africa causing massive drought and famine or wait heres a good one the record number of deaths in Paris because of a heatwave that cooked people in their homes, oh wait you want another one? How about the massive wildfires in Australia displacing families..that one is a real laugher right? Or the Alaskan permafrost melting causing villages and roads to sink and allowing blights to attack the my side is really hurting on that one. Oh and BTW look up what misnomer means, you're misusing it in your attempt to insult me. So going back to global warming or whatever I want to call it, the last major global extinction happened when volcanoes started spewing massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the air causing the planet to warm past the survivability point of many species where they were either forced to adapt or dies off, luckily this warming was gradual and took thousands of years so all that carbon was eventually reclaimed and formed the hydrocarbons we are now putting back into the air, but only now the Earth is being forced to change in only about 100 years, which is not enough time for adequate mutations to take place and allow for the evolution of species into creatures that could tolerate the warmer environment. So all that being sad if you disagree with global warming that means that dubya is more informed than you. Kisses. This should make you feel real shiny AUraptor

when there are no heroes where will we turn?


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7:28 PM


I apologize for the double post, but this is directed at the one taking about sex.

Well I am sure the wifey would love some little rugrats running around, but I am desperately clinging onto my last day with disposable income. I mean c'mon I've never even gotten to drink the water in Mexico.

when there are no heroes where will we turn?


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:31 PM



You misunderstood my post - it was meant to defuse the situation, not make it worse, though obviously it had the opposite effect. It was a deliberate misquote from 'Our Mrs Reynolds' and not meant to mean we should talk about sex and ignore everything else.

It is an important issue and we all do our bit or at least, should.

obviously, my bad.

You are beholden to no man


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:43 PM


I got your humor and thought it was funny. I come off very dry most times though, sarcasm doesn't tend to transfer very well to the web. The massive post was not directed at you, nor do I really believe anyone posting in this post was completely serious, however I do not find certain things humorous, preventable death and misery being one of them. With so many uninformed people running around, I can't have the luxury of misinformation, but like I said, I understood and thought it was funny, hence my second post. Some nights I am completely serious others I am nuts, however I am always someone you can trust to take care of those in need, in other words I'm a lot like Zoe, except I'm not pretty.

Oh, I do agree with the Michael Moore being sent to Cuba, the guy is a lying bag of go se.
When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:47 PM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
Seriously, I really wish we could talk face to face about this, because I can talk about this until you think it is unfunny. I mean could you please explain how mass extinction and human suffering becomes funny?

It’s always funny when someone preaches the end of the world if I don’t repent and agree with them.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:55 PM


you're not pretty?


You are beholden to no man


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:11 PM


Finn, you misunderstand I'm not preaching the end of the world, the world will continue regardless of how hot the Earth gets, it will just be without humans. You are full well encouraged to disagree with me, however there is little evidence to support that climate change is not happening, unless you completely ignore current signs. Seriously please debate me on this issue, I would love to be proven wrong, however if I do happen to be right and we do nothing, well...we all die, if I am wrong, and we move to clean power and stop polluting then we have a cleaner environment, less health problems, lower rate of birth defects associated with mercury released from "clean coal" plants, lower electric costs, etc...I am sure you don't need me to go on. So because I believe something based upon years of researching the issue and the data related to it, I am stating the the evidence fully supports the global temperature rising.

Higlet, naw I've been shot at too much to be pretty, I'm just a gorram mudder who got himself all booked up, as an aside, I've actually debated this subject for 8 hours straight before, so I am very well versed in it and REALLY enjoy a good intellectual debate, however I haven't personally found anyone who truly disagrees that the climate hasn't changed.

when there are no heroes where will we turn?


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:27 PM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
Fin, you misunderstand I'm not preaching the end of the world, the world will continue regardless of how hot the Earth gets, it will just be without humans. You are full well encouraged to disagree with me, however there is little evidence to support that climate change is not happening, unless you completely ignore current signs. Seriously please debate me on this issue, I would love to be proven wrong, however if I do happen to be right and we do nothing, well...we all die, if I am wrong, and we move to clean power and stop polluting then we have a cleaner environment, less health problems, lower rate of birth defects associated with mercury released from "clean coal" plants, lower electric costs, etc...I am sure you don't need me to go on.

The doomsday advocates always seem to insist upon applying the precautionary principle as a strict zealous religious practice. You say, and probably completely believe, that if we don’t do it your way, we’ll all die. But that sounds to me like the same crap people have been pushing for 2000 years, and the world hasn’t ended yet.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:37 PM


"did it just get hot in here....?"

You are beholden to no man


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:55 PM



Originally posted by worldofhiglet:
"did it just get hot in here....?"

You are beholden to no man

It's global warming.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 2:37 AM


"Global Warming" is THE biggest lie since "Arbeit Macht Frei"....These tunnel-visioned zealots have it covered no matter what. It's 40 degrees in Ft. Lauderdale today..."warming", NOT. But "they" will have a "reason" for Saturday it will be 80 degrees, and "they" will have a reason for that. The Midwest & Northeast have had record cold & near-record snowfall this year, but "they" will have a reason for that. Here's MY reason...THAT'S WHAT THE PLANET EARTH DOES....IT GOES HOT & IT GOES COLD....and "your" absurd whinings and dire predictions of doom are truly getting old, although still distractingly amusing....sort of like watching Sanjaya sing on Idol last know it's bullshit, but ya still pay attention a little for the pure absurdity of it.


Thursday, February 28, 2008 3:58 AM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
Please admit now that you are either A. Joking or B. Have no idea what you are talking about.
The destruction of the entire human race just doesn't come off as a joking matter to me.

Funny, most global warming folks have the same dilema.

Why can't I be both joking and ignorant...option C.

For the record I refuse to admit I'm joking. Refuse. And I refuse to admit the sky is blue. Because I was not joking. I was entirely serious about stopping global cooling. Sure, 10 inches is not the most snow ever...but maybe its just the start of a centuries long ice age that will make September home games at Cleveland Browns Stadium somewhat less enjoyable (although with reasonable ticket prices and a supply of stadium mustard...I'd still go).

No jokes here. I hate rainforrests, Michael Moore, and endangered species. And coke always tasked better from a 12oz glass bottle. I miss them and now you can only get them at Christmas as a novelty. That just aint right.

Cut down a tree on Arbor Day. Dump pesticides in the river for Earth Day. And for Easter...

Look, some studies say global warming, some say global cooling, most say global pretty much the same as last year. So yes, I laugh at global warming 'we're all gonna die' crap. And I laugh at global cooling 'we're all going to die' crap. And I laugh at the prospect of mass extinction and global disaster.

Fellas carrying sign saying 'the end is near' have been around since caveman first drew on walls and got their own sitcom. All they ask is that you listen to their 'proof' and have a sip of cool aid...just one sip...cause the end is closer then you think. We'll miss you when your gone, not too much though.



Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:26 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
So yes, I laugh at global warming 'we're all gonna die' crap. And I laugh at global cooling 'we're all going to die' crap. And I laugh at the prospect of mass extinction and global disaster.

Fellas carrying sign saying 'the end is near' have been around since caveman first drew on walls

Ah...the prophets of doom...gotta love 'em. Your post reminds me of the Asimov short story "Nightfall." Know that one?....A planet has multiple suns that all rise and set at different times, so there is never darkness of a night sky, only perpetual dayalight. But there is a prophecy of pending doom, the end of the world. And there are religious cults based on this of their "rituals" is to "make blind" their followers by sticking metal spikes into their eyes, leaving their followers to go through life being blind ( as a precaution against witnessing the "inevitable" impending "doom"). Life goes on for thousands of years like this ...until one day, one fateful day when the cosmic alignment of the multiple stars puts their orbits in a such a way that they all set below the horizon...revealing the night sky...the darkness of the night sky, that is until the "maddenning" brilliance of 30,000 suns from their surrounding globular cluster overwhelms the sanity of all men gazing upon it. The point here is why poke your eyes out from fear of the end of the world...either it won't really be so terrible, or you'll be dead anyhow.


Thursday, February 28, 2008 7:15 AM


Man, for a bunch of people who purport to be independents you guys sure follow a conservative viewpoint. You guys have not shown me one actual fact to repudiate my arguments. Yes the planet is cyclical, so isn't the sun for that matter, however the rate of change is not as sudden as we have seen. The little ice age was caused by 1 volcano spewing gases into the air, we have had a sharp rise in ocean temperatures, that can be directly correlated with the increase in greenhouse gas emissions put into our atmo, hero the last major swing you are talking about in the planets history caused a major planet-wide culling of species and was caused by massive volcanic eruptions releasing tons of gas into the air, i.e. the same stuff we are now burning...ugh I hate having to repeat the same things I have previously said...seriously if you have something that can actually disprove the global warming argument by all means otherwise it's like Jayne trying to argue with the doctor, he simply just doesn't get it.

Here's a question for you, why are you guys fighting so hard against people who desire to keep the planet clean and habitable for humans? Is sustainability so bad?

when there are no heroes where will we turn?


Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:25 AM


America loves a winner!

avenging - You're giving into hysteria. The Polar Bears will be fine. The ice in the Arctic is back, and thicker than it's been in yrs. What? Famine in Africa ? Shudder ! Never known that to happen there- ever! Paris heat wave deaths? You mean when most the hospitals were closed because everyone was away on 'Holiday' a few yrs ago ? That was a disaster caused more by cultural and Gov't inequities, not 'global warming' . Wildfires? Hey, that's nature. Happened here in the U.S. as well. Likely for the same reasons, poor land management which doesn't allow for the clear cutting of under brush. Oooops!

Here's a news flash - The climate is always in flux. It gets colder, it gets warmer. That's been happening to this planet's weather for a few billion yrs. Fact is ,it's RARE where things 'settle down' so there are no wild fires, no floods, no seasons which are too cold or too hot. Rare it is that a strong storm doesn't pop up from time to time. Katrina and the hurricanes of '05 ? Wasn't that supppose to be the norm for the future ? But why have the last 2 yrs been so damn quiet ? We're suppose to have worse and worse storms....well ?

Calm down, chicken little. The sky ain't falling.

p.s.- and as for human suffering ? Point to a time when humans didn't suffer? It's called survival. I'd bet we suffer less today, as a species, than we did during our first 100,000 yrs.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:11 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


...that will make September home games at Cleveland Browns Stadium somewhat less enjoyable...

I wasn't aware that a Browns game - or life in Ohio, for that matter - really COULD be less enjoyable...

So, all you who say that those who believe global warming is an actual, real phenomenon, and that man and civilization have had SOME impact on same - you call us crazy, you say we're preaching the end of the world...

And then you go and say WHAT about terrorism? You try to convince us that if we don't vote for the Nazi party - er, I mean the REPUBLIKKKAN party - then we're opening the gates to let terrorists into the country, and our way of life will be destroyed.

Reminds me of a little note I saw:

"Dear Kettle,

You're black.


The Pot"


"Me want Kill-Dozer!!"


Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:16 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Calm down, chicken little. The sky ain't falling.

p.s.- and as for human suffering ? Point to a time when humans didn't suffer? It's called survival. I'd bet we suffer less today, as a species, than we did during our first 100,000 yrs.

Can I quote you on that next time you get on your soapbox about "Islamo-Fascists" (as opposed to YOUR breed of Christo-fascists)? Next time you start crying, whinging, and bitching about terrorists and how they're out to kill us all because they hate our freedoms and are all evildoers, can I just quote your own words back to you?

The sky ain't falling, you're always going to suffer, it's always something, and you're safer than you think.

Why don't you dipshits on the right declare a war on weather? It kills far more people in this country than terrorists do!


"Me want Kill-Dozer!!"


Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:35 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I wasn't aware that a Browns game - or life in Ohio, for that matter - really COULD be less enjoyable...

Clearly you have never tasted Stadium Mustard:



Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:44 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
The ice in the Arctic is back, and thicker than it's been in yrs.

You of course have evidence of this...maybe an Inuit testimony? Maybe you've been there?
You 'heard it somewhere'?
Makes that about as credible as Saddam's active WMD.



Thursday, February 28, 2008 10:45 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Why don't you dipshits on the right declare a war on weather? It kills far more people in this country than terrorists do!



Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:11 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Why don't you dipshits on the right declare a war on weather? It kills far more people in this country than terrorists do!

Maybe because you dipshits on the Left have already done that.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:13 AM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
Here's a question for you, why are you guys fighting so hard against people who desire to keep the planet clean and habitable for humans? Is sustainability so bad?

I’m not against people who desire a clean and habitable planet for humans. I’m against apocalyptic hysteria to promote an agenda.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:37 AM


I’m not against people who desire a clean and habitable planet for humans. I’m against people who call it apocalyptic hysteria to promote a corporate agenda.

Seems we could find some ground in the middle, were we to try.



Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:42 AM


Auraptor, you clearly have done ZERO research into the topic. The Polar ice sheets are in serious decline as are most bodies of glacial ice, wildfires have become far more frequent in both California and Australia(where I had actually stated). In fact you really brought no evidence to the table. Here I'll give you a site with pretty pictures so you can see
Specifically the one with the ESA satellite imagery

Oh and about those polar bears

Finn but what if you are wrong, and could you explain the agenda. I ams sure that the middle class scientists who spend months a year in the polar regions studying ice would love to know where the monetary gain is. In fact the only ones who have anything to gain by global warming is those who advocate against it. Seriously if you believed the way I do wouldn't you be a bit upset that other people were saying that their right to an SUV is more important than your right to bring your children and grandchildren into a stable environment?

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:45 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
I’m not against people who desire a clean and habitable planet for humans. I’m against apocalyptic hysteria to promote an agenda.

See, I'm tired of this black & white, all-or-nothing mentality the media plays up on.
Like either there's global warming, or there isn't. Either it's man-made, or it isn't.
Either it will kill us all, or we're all totally safe.



Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:19 PM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
Finn but what if you are wrong,

What if I’m wrong about what? The end of the world? As I said, it hasn’t ended anytime in the last 2000 years of people claiming it’s going to end. I’m not that feeble-minded to be terrified into believing in your point of view, because you say we’re all going to die if I don’t. Find a more intelligent perspective, and I’ll probably be more receptive to it.

And all those scientists in the North Pole know exactly where the money is, they wouldn’t be there if they didn’t.

Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
Seriously if you believed the way I do wouldn't you be a bit upset that other people were saying that their right to an SUV is more important than your right to bring your children and grandchildren into a stable environment?

Well I think you need to understand you live in a world with varying points of view. You’re welcome to be upset that people don’t do things the way you want them to, but if your argument is the world will end if they don’t, I don’t think you’ll win many people over to doing things your way.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:22 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
See, I'm tired of this black & white, all-or-nothing mentality the media plays up on.
Like either there's global warming, or there isn't. Either it's man-made, or it isn't.
Either it will kill us all, or we're all totally safe.

Welcome to the politics of inconclusive evidence. People want it to be black and white. They want it to be simple, but it’s not.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:24 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I’m against apocalyptic hysteria to promote an agenda.

You know... like declaring war on terror, and cringing in obsolete fallout shelters because "the smoking gun might be a mushroom cloud". Nah, you guys would NEVER stoop to apocalyptic hysteria to promote an agenda... [COUGH]WARRANTLESSWIRETAPPING[COUGH]


"Me want Kill-Dozer!!"


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:29 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

I’m against apocalyptic hysteria to promote an agenda.

You know... like declaring war on terror, and cringing in obsolete fallout shelters because "the smoking gun might be a mushroom cloud". Nah, you guys would NEVER stoop to apocalyptic hysteria to promote an agenda... [COUGH]WARRANTLESSWIRETAPPING[COUGH]

The error bars are a lot smaller on the question of whether the World Trade Center is still standing.

Part of the reason why I think some people are so desperate to buy anything they hear in the doomsday global warming thing is a desire for a obstacle they don’t really believe is real. People are a lot happier fighting the demons that can’t be proven to exist, then those that have been proven to kill.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:29 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I’m not that feeble-minded to be terrified into believing in your point of view, because you say we’re all going to die if I don’t. Find a more intelligent perspective, and I’ll probably be more receptive to it.

You've summed up my feelings on the Bush Administration, the "moral majority", and the whole make-war-not-love crowd very succinctly.

Careful, though - you'll insult Aurupture's "great hero".


"Me want Kill-Dozer!!"


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:35 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Part of the reason why I think some people are so desperate to buy anything they hear in the doomsday global warming thing is a desire for a obstacle they don’t really believe is real.

Like Saddam's WMD?

Sorry, I had a gun, and the fish in that barrel was goin' nowhere...

Bad Chrisisall


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:44 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

and cringing in obsolete fallout shelters

I've wanted my own personal fallout shelter since I read Heinlein's "Farnham's Freehold" when I was a kid. Only a Commie would try and convince me that I don't need one. You're not a Commie, are you?


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:50 PM


Finn the war in Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11 Afghanistan did. There were no Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Saddam wouldn't allow it because it was a threat to his rule. Also there were no WMD's the UN inspectors said so as well as our own intelligence, European intelligence...etc. There was no justification for going to war, and I have said that since before we went. I am no an alarmist, I'm a realist. I can look out my windows and see Venus and then go hmmm... I wonder how Venus got to have so much pressure, I'll check the NASA website, oh greenhouse gasses created an environment that trapped hot air, man sounds like congress har har, Oh wait those gasses are the same we are pumping into our atmosphere...hmmm maybe we should stop, along with things like albedo, temperature readings, pictures of the ice sheets from the 70's and now, gaseous data observed from ice core readings comparative to today's atmospheric readings and some more big words I am sure you don't want to hear about because hey you're not an alarmist because you go with your gut and it's never happened before so it could never happen now. I guess that's why none of your points can be backed up to vetted and peer reviewed documentation or papers. The only actual debate about global warming in the scientific community of those people who study it for a living is whether or not we have passed the threshold or not and the data coming out from climate models isn't all that encouraging, or are those computers having a bias as well?

Here is that link I meant to send earlier
Also do you realize that the premise of firefly is based upon the human race outstripping the planet of it's resources and making it uninhabitable. "The ETW could no longer support us, we were so many..." eeks maybe Joss is an alarmist, you should send him some hate mail.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:56 PM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
or are those computers haiving a bias as well?

Quite frequently, as a matter of fact. The accuracy of GCM predictions are a major source of debate in the climate change science.

It occurs to me that someone even partially familiar with real climate science wouldn’t even propose the issue of whether there is bias in the computers models. There certainly is.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:08 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

But AvengingWatcher, he DOES have "proof" - the sand that he's got his head buried in is completely free of any signs of melting ice packs; ergo, the ice CAN NOT be melting.

What you have to realize when dealing with these types, is that they are (a) utterly delusional, believing in fairy tales and falderol, and (b) actually BELIEVE that the world is 6000 years old.

The other proof that global warming isn't real? Republicans haven't yet found a way to make it profitable for their cronies. Dig for the green in being green, and they'll be on board.


"Me want Kill-Dozer!!"


Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:09 PM



Originally posted by avengingwatcher:
I guess that's why none of your points can be backed up to vetted and peer reviewed documentation or papers.

I can only assume your facts are peer reviewed by the 99% of scientists you mentioned earlier. Peer review is a joke when the reviewers agree with you on everything from politics to global warming.


The only actual debate about global warming in the scientific community of those people who study it for a living is whether or not we have passed the threshold or not and the data coming out from climate models isn't all that encouraging, or are those computers having a bias as well?

How many variables do these models take into account. Bet it's not even a minute fraction of those in nature.

Seems like those that "study it for a living" might just be perpetuating their own jobs like good bureaucrats do.


Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Kirkules:
Peer review is a joke when the reviewers agree with you on everything...

Can I hold you to that, when you start quoting pro-war Bushies talking about how great the war is going?


Seems like those that "study it for a living" might just be perpetuating their own jobs like good beaurocrates do.

Like the generals are doing in Iraq - keeping it going forever so they have kewl new toys to play with, right?


"Me want Kill-Dozer!!"


Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:24 PM



Originally posted by Kirkules:
Seems like those that "study it for a living" might just be perpetuating their own jobs like good beaurocrates do.

Part of the problem with the GCMs is that we don’t know how the climate works. It’s the whole garbage-in-garbage-out principle. People who aren’t familiar with climate science will often assume that because these prediction are being made by a computer that they must be right, but in fact, there is little reason to believe that, and no way to know it. Computer models agree with some parts of the climate, but not with others, and often we’ve found that the reason why they agree with some parts is because they have, effectively, been programmed to agree with certain things. Not intentionally, generally, but in the absence of a real understanding of the physics and chemistry behind the climate, we often end up using empirical databases, lookup tables and other types of data that inadvertently bias the results and a model that is created to predict a certain result, will generally predict that result regardless of actual physical mechanism behind it.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:44 PM


Damn, did someone clone me while I wasn't lookin ?

Kwicko, yer startin to scare me,I might have to knock you off due to territorial issues cause you're fleecin MY herd here....

And doin a rather bang-up job of it too.



Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:54 PM


SO is there any common ground here? Can we agree that using finite resources indiscriminately is a bad thing? Can we agree that looking at REAL alternatives for power is a good thing?


You are beholden to no man


Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:57 PM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by Kirkules:
Seems like those that "study it for a living" might just be perpetuating their own jobs like good bureaucrat's do.

Part of the problem with the GCMs is that we don’t know how the climate works. It’s the whole garbage-in-garbage-out principle. People who aren’t familiar with climate science will often assume that because these prediction are being made by a computer that they must be right, but in fact, there is little reason to believe that, and no way to know it. Computer models agree with some parts of the climate, but not with others, and often we’ve found that the reason why they agree with some parts is because they have, effectively, been programmed to agree with certain things. Not intentionally, generally, but in the absence of a real understanding of the physics and chemistry behind the climate, we often end up using empirical databases, lookup tables and other types of data that inadvertently bias the results and a model that is created to predict a certain result, will generally predict that result regardless of actual physical mechanism behind it.

While I'm not convinced that "global warming" is man made, I do believe it is occurring. The data I have seen in documentaries(pro and con)and a few scientific papers I have seen does seem to show this. It does seem ridiculous to try and say that from accurate temperature data for a few hundred years you can tell us about things that occur in geologic time scales. The temperature rise wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for the fact that solar cycles would seem to indicate we should be cooling instead of warming. I have seen no evidence to lead me to believe that the man made component is significant. The most convincing evidence that it is not man made is the study of gases found in ice core samples from the Arctic. Those that say this is decided science either have a vested interest in it being true or their not real scientists.


Thursday, February 28, 2008 2:25 PM



Originally posted by worldofhiglet:
SO is there any common ground here? Can we agree that using finite resources indiscriminately is a bad thing?

well.. do we know that oil is finite? there is some good debate going on about whether that assertion is even true or not. we dont even know what causes oil exactly.. so there is still some speculation regarding its availability. i am however of the opinion that the "peak oil theory" is globalist propaganda(towards centralized planning), but thats just my gut...


Can we agree that looking at REAL alternatives for power is a good thing?


oh i dont think anyone would disagree with seeking alternative energy sources, especially if they operate more cleanly. what is in dispute is at what cost? the market should, and will decide, when alternative energies are viable, and it wont happen any sooner. that is, unless the government gets envolved, and artificially manipulates and micromanages our lives to try and force the progress.

that seems to be what most of the MM GW extremists advocate: direct regulation of our everyday lives and choices. its communist, its collectivist, its fascist, but more importantly its irrelevant! if you want to live freely, you will wait for capitalism and the free market to solve the problem. opposite that is a slippery slope to tyranny, this much should be obvious