Media Bias?....What Media Bias??

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Monday, July 21, 2008 7:28 AM


All Big-3 Network News anchors are with Obama in Iraq. When McCain went there I think maybe it was mentioned in the late edition of the Tombstone Epitaph. Any debate about the liberal media being in the tank for Obama is over. I think Couric brought her autograph book along.


Monday, July 21, 2008 7:39 AM


Except that the media give McCain a free pass on pretty much everything, not out of bias, but if they actually did their job and reported how inept he is, there simply would be no contest and the news media needs there to be a sense of drama in the run up to the election.


Monday, July 21, 2008 7:49 AM


mccain should go back and lock himself in his cage in hoa lo and save the world from another disasterous presidency.McCain was put in the infamous Hoa Lo Prison. This ghastly, brutal place was built by the French in 1896

October 12th, 1985. Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown.


Monday, July 21, 2008 7:51 AM


"Except that the media give McCain a free pass on pretty much everything, not out of bias, but if they actually did their job and reported how inept he is, there simply would be no contest and the news media needs there to be a sense of drama in the run up to the election."

You could say the same thing for their failure to report Obama's many gaffes as well. While they may not brazenly appear to be anti-MCain, they do seem to appear to be all in Obama's corner, and this un-precedented coverage of his trip is a dire indication that they don't even give a darn anymore about hiding it.


Monday, July 21, 2008 7:58 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The word I heard from the Big 3 was that, simply put, Obama invited them along - and McBush didn't.

So, since he didn't think of it, it's automatically a "bad thing" for Obama...


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Monday, July 21, 2008 7:59 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

And, of course, there's that whole McSame-chiding-Obama-for-not-having-gone-to-Iraq-lately thing - and NOW they're bitching about him GOING.

Christ, man, Phil Gramm was right - McCain's supporters really ARE a bunch of whiny bitches!


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Monday, July 21, 2008 8:28 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
And, of course, there's that whole McSame-chiding-Obama-for-not-having-gone-to-Iraq-lately thing - and NOW they're bitching about him GOING.

Actually they are bitching about Obama setting his policy BEFORE finding out the facts.

They are also mentioning to the one or two media types who DIDN'T take the trip with Obama that Obama opposed the surge and the surge worked.

Both valid points. Not that anyone is around to here them.

If a tree fall in the forrest but the media does not cover it...does it make a noise?



Monday, July 21, 2008 8:53 AM


The mainstream media have become the tools for the rich and powerful to manage the herd. They warp our society as they warp the minds of those who sign up in the name of entertainment. I don't see things changing until people wake up from their TV induced stupors.

That's starting to happen around the edges, but I'm not sure the 'core constituency' will ever be anything more than malleable putty in the hands of the Karl Roves of the world.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:47 PM


I think it's that the big media has simply realized nobody gives a shit.

This one's a no-contest, McCain is draggin around so much party baggage that even a lot of die hard conservative types won't lift a finger, and the blowback hostility directed at the current administration (as if it weren't enabled by a pack of feckless, gutless democrats who played doormat since they got elected ) is carried over right onto him by default.

I don't much like Obama neither, in fact he represents more of the same we've gotten for years at the hands of HIS party, endless platitudes, lies and promises, but no real action whatever.

But then, considering what's going to happen to his ass one way or another, I don't feel too sorry for him neither.

If someone bags him, well, he gets to his maker a bit sooner than the rest of us....

And if they don't - then he gets crushed under the mountain of epic FAIL the current administration has left, which'll be all the worse since they will no doubt pull an Engler and sabotage everything in sight on the way out as a gesture of petty retaliation against us "peons" for failing to provide them with the fawning adoration they think they deserve.
(While nearly every one of them flees the country at high speed, care to make some BETS on that one, folks ? )

If Obama is smart, and I haven't decided whether he is or isn't, cause he plays a good PR-poker game, he's gonna hold out as long as possible and at the last minute select someone SO evil that no one would dare assassinate him cause they'd be stuck with THAT monster instead....

You know, kinda like Shrub did.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:23 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SimonWho:
Except that the media give McCain a free pass on pretty much everything, not out of bias, but if they actually did their job and reported how inept he is, there simply would be no contest and the news media needs there to be a sense of drama in the run up to the election.

McCain is more qualified in his little pinky than Obama is in his whole fist bumping body. Talk about not doing their job and showing how inept someone is, Obama makes the most inane comments imaginable, and no one in the media bats an eye.

" No one has a crystal ball. "

OH REALLY! Then how else do you explain the fact that McCain called for more troops to deal w/ the violence in Iraq, and when more troops made the scene, the violence went down ?? If McCain ( and yes, Bush ) don't have a crystal ball, then it must be EXPERIENCE and sound JUDGEMENT which you DON'T have, that allows them make that call.

Sorry you just talked yourself out of the Presidency. Maybe next time you won't be such a NOOB when it comes to - EVERYTHING!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:50 AM


I am a bit shocked that the MSM anchors have actually been a bit tougher on Obama than I thought they'd be on this trip abroad. Katie has only fluffed-up his pillow and tucked him into bed twice, and Brian Williams has only fetched his slippers once. They are really showing some great journalistic integrity with their remarkable restraint.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:49 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I am a bit shocked that the MSM anchors have actually been a bit tougher on Obama than I thought they'd be on this trip abroad. Katie has only fluffed-up his pillow and tucked him into bed twice, and Brian Williams has only fetched his slippers once. They are really showing some great journalistic integrity with their remarkable restraint.

I actually heard Eleanor Cliff fussing that Obama isn't allowing REAL reporters to ask questions, and that when he was visiting the troops, it was all staged, w/ selective photo ops set up by Army staff , effectively blocking any access from the peanut gallery who's on this summer camp of a tour.

Of course, she's married to Alan Greenspan, and could be annoyed that some on the Left are accusing him of unsavory tactics in the setting of the interest rates, so she's just trying to cause a ruckus. I'm sure THAT'S all it is.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 24, 2008 3:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I am a bit shocked that the MSM anchors have actually been a bit tougher on Obama than I thought they'd be on this trip abroad. Katie has only fluffed-up his pillow and tucked him into bed twice, and Brian Williams has only fetched his slippers once. They are really showing some great journalistic integrity with their remarkable restraint.- JS

I actually heard Eleanor Cliff fussing that Obama isn't allowing REAL reporters to ask questions, and that when he was visiting the troops, it was all staged, w/ selective photo ops set up by Army staff , effectively blocking any access from the peanut gallery who's on this summer camp of a tour.-Rapo

Have you looked at the White House Press Whores lately? (Or is that the Whore House Press Corps? Can't seem to keep 'em straight!) I'm sure that Jeff Gannon fluffed more than Rove's pillows!

And what about the fake turkey for Bush's Thanksgiving in Iraq? Do you think that ANY powered visit to Iraq (or anyplace else for that matter) is ever anything other than a well-coddled photo op?

Rapo, it's not your criticism that bothers me, it's that HUGE double standard you keep dragging with you wherever you go!

Let's party like it's 1929.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 3:23 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

I am a bit shocked that the MSM anchors have actually been a bit tougher on Obama than I thought they'd be on this trip abroad. Katie has only fluffed-up his pillow and tucked him into bed twice, and Brian Williams has only fetched his slippers once. They are really showing some great journalistic integrity with their remarkable restraint.- JS

I actually heard Eleanor Cliff fussing that Obama isn't allowing REAL reporters to ask questions, and that when he was visiting the troops, it was all staged, w/ selective photo ops set up by Army staff , effectively blocking any access from the peanut gallery who's on this summer camp of a tour.-Rapo

Have you looked at the White House Press Whores lately? (Or is that the Whore House Press Corps? Can't seem to keep 'em straight!) What about the fake turkey for Bush's Thanksgiving in Iraq? Do you think that ANY powered visit ot Iraq is EVER anything other than a well-coddled photo op?

Let's party like it's 1929.

Your analogies are most disingenuous, and your loathing of the Administration is oh so old, boring , and predictable. Bush IS the Commander-In Chief, whether you hate him or not, and flying into Iraq to have a meal with some soldiers is admirable, not a photo op. He didn't drag the elite press corps with him ever, and besides...what does he need a photo op for anyway?. Is he running for something? You and your fellow Bush-hating zealots are gonna have a real void in your lives to fill when Georgie goes back to Texas to drink beer and holler at the rodeo. Just curious, what & who are you gearing up for to hate for the next 8 years?


Thursday, July 24, 2008 3:33 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If McCain ( and yes, Bush ) don't have a crystal ball, then it must be EXPERIENCE and sound JUDGEMENT which you DON'T have, that allows them make that call.

Sorry you just talked yourself out of the Presidency. Maybe next time you won't be such a NOOB when it comes to - EVERYTHING!

Maybe you'd care to elaborate on Bush's wealth of experience? What national elected offices had he held prior to his Presidential run? How many terms had he served in Congress? What exactly was it, in your expert opinion, that gave Bush the "experience" needed to be President?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:11 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

If McCain ( and yes, Bush ) don't have a crystal ball, then it must be EXPERIENCE and sound JUDGEMENT which you DON'T have, that allows them make that call.

Sorry you just talked yourself out of the Presidency. Maybe next time you won't be such a NOOB when it comes to - EVERYTHING!

Maybe you'd care to elaborate on Bush's wealth of experience? What national elected offices had he held prior to his Presidential run? How many terms had he served in Congress? What exactly was it, in your expert opinion, that gave Bush the "experience" needed to be President?

Bush had zero experience in foreign policy. The RNC found Bush in a cabbage patch wearing a Mudder hat, and decided he would be their desired nominee. They threw McCain under the bus, and then were shocked when McCain would later break ranks with them under Bush. Bush surrounded himself with people he thought had foreign policy experience, but they proved to be lawless, reckless, and inept. Many Presidents came into office with no experience, and I believe they did better in general than those with so-called experience. The stakes today are higher than ever before...economy is on the brink, and Islamic jihad threatens civilization. A new approach is definitely needed.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:48 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I actually heard Eleanor Cliff fussing that Obama isn't allowing REAL reporters to ask questions.....
Of course, she's married to Alan Greenspan

I believe that's Andrea Mitchell, not Eleanor married to Greenspan.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And what about the fake turkey for Bush's Thanksgiving in Iraq?

The Turkey Visit was in 2003 and- yes- he WAS running for President! I also point to the Katrina photo op, his "mission accomplished" photo op, and his Anbar province photo op. Hey, Jongsstraw, I'm not hating the President, I'm just pointing to a political reality that applies to almost ALL politicians of any stature, including Hillary's famous visit in Bosnia: They're as protected as anyone can be under the circumstances, because they never see the raw situation or talk to anyone other than handpicked representatives they're not REALLY there to "fact find", and they use every opportunity to create memorable photos. Look, I work for an agency and we get visits from politicos all the time, and no way in hell are they ever going to hear about our failings or talk to our disaffected employees.

So all I'm saying is to pick on Obama 'cause he's doing what almost every politician does (including but not limited to Bush) is just hugely hypocritical. At the same time, "the press" can and should be rounding criticized for failing to pursue important issues with politicians of ALL ideological leanings. Again, no double standard.

Let's party like it's 1929.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 5:24 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

And what about the fake turkey for Bush's Thanksgiving in Iraq?

The Turkey Visit was in 2003 and- yes- he WAS running for President! I also point to the Katrina photo op, his "mission accomplished" photo op, and his Anbar province photo op. Hey, Jongsstraw, I'm not hating the President, I'm just pointing to a political reality that applies to almost ALL politicians of any stature, including Hillary's famous visit in Bosnia: They're as protected as anyone can be under the circumstances, because they never see the raw situation or talk to anyone other than handpicked representatives they're not REALLY there to "fact find", and they use every opportunity to create memorable photos.

You got me on the facts of that one. I stand corrected. As for the aircraft carrier arrival thing, I also have to agree. I remember sitting there watching the event in utter dis-belief. Mission Accomplished? Even if it HAD been true, would a one-week war with guys fighting our troops out of Ford pick-up trucks really be something for our country to celebrate & be proud of? It was pretty embarrassing.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 5:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It takes a remarkably dedicated and selfless politician to break through the barriers that go up between them and unpleasant feedback. They have to work at it presistently until the press decides its boring and leaves them alone. The only politician that I know of who holds true town-hall meetings ... meeting where people AREN'T vetted before-hand... is Feingold. (I'm sure there are others I don't know about.)

Let's party like it's 1929.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 6:20 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It seems to me that the news outlets in general have abandoned journalistic integrity in exchange for what they feel will draw viewers/sell papers.

But you can rest assured that if Obama makes a big gaffe (Offering Pork Sausage and Champaigne to the leader of Pakistan, for instance) that the media circus will turn on him, making him the freak of the week.

For Mccain's news coverage, we can see that his policies do not wildly diverge from his predecessor. So... nothing new, nothing interesting.

When Obama screws up, it makes news. And if Mccain says something different, it will make news. If a girl hits her brother with a baseball bat and kills him by accident at a little-league game, it will make news, and if Black Americans say they have trouble getting married, it will be a featured article at the top of CNN's headliners.

The news ceases to amaze me with its inequities.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, July 24, 2008 6:54 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"Bush surrounded himself with people he thought had foreign policy experience, but they proved to be lawless, reckless, and inept."

This is bass-ackwards. 'The Team' - the neocons - picked Bush as their face on the machine, he didn't pick them.

As to whether or not Bush was even minimally qualified (or even mentally sound) for the job, the video says it all:

For an interesting take on the events in the video:

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:06 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

McCain is more qualified in his little pinky than Obama is in his whole fist bumping body.

See, this is why, politically at least, you're an idiot, AU. Your blind hatred of the 'left' and 'liberals' limits you to statements such as this. Your black & white world views, while admittedly comforting to have, are simplistic at best.
And I am no fan of Obama, I just see him as moderately less dangerous than McCain.
But from your POV, the fact that McCain is a Republican means he has an "S" underneath his shirt...

We need Ron Paulisall


Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:50 AM


There have been an awful lot of assumptions about what people believe in this thread. These political discussions always get so nasty in forums, since people will type things they would NEVER say to somebody's face. (Yes, yes, I know YOU are perfectly honest, reader, and always say what YOU mean, no matter what, no matter who's listening. I obviously didn't mean YOU, I meant all those OTHER people. Srsly.) Really, folks, we all like to believe we are that uncompromising and brutally honest, but very few of us are, including me, and those who are that direct are usually thought of as tactless and rude.

To try to nudge this thing in some kind of useful direction, I think any objective analysis of the last 20 years of American politics would show that the 2-party system is doing more harm than good. The political machinery is too big, too pervasive, and has too much control over candidates who are supposed to be beholden ONLY to the voters. While I found Clinton to be despicable and not particularly bright, and think that most of his presidency was basking in the long-term benefits of conservative economic policies that got him re-elected even while his party ridiculed them (Historically a president's economic policies rarely, if ever, get to the grass-roots level before he's out of office.), I do at least applaud the fact that he was basically a self-made man. ALL Americans should have been apalled at the '04 election: Two old-money born (or married) billionaires. THAT is not what America is about. This election is equally apalling. Who am I supposed to support here? Obama's idealism is refreshing, but it hides a dangerous naivete. McCain does have some varying viewpoints, but are they really enough to ransom the country from the last 7 years of division? Do EITHER of these men have the FOGGIEST idea how to handle the situation they will be handed in the Middle East, or with an unsteady economy? Most importantly, will either of them advocate the smaller govermnment and greater personal freedom on which the nation was founded? The answer to that last question is a bit "NO" for both of them. I would like to vote 3rd party and send a message, but I am a pragmatist and do not want to "throw my vote away," and I know that ultimately that is all it amounts to when you do that. So, I will choose the lesser of two evils and move on.

To all of you who have chosen a party line and are defending it, all you're doing is standing hip-deep in pig-slop and slinging mudpies at the other guy doing the same thing, no matter which side you're on. It doesn't matter where the filth comes from, their side or yours, at the end of the day you're still going to be covered in $#!@. So, the rest of you, or those who realize how dirty it is down there, come up on the high road and watch the games below. The fight is so futile its become amusing to a sad way.

The two-party fight across the nation ceased long ago to be about DOING right. Now it's just about BEING right. Either side will lead the country into damnation if it means being able to tell the other side, "I told you so." God help us all.

"When you can't do somethin' smart, do somethin' right!" -Jayne Cobb quotes Shepherd Book


Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:01 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Obama makes the most inane comments imaginable, and no one in the media bats an eye...

You mean like when he pointed out the troubles on the border between Afghanistan and Iraq? Oh, wait - that was McLame. Can you show me the border between Afghanistan and Iraq on a map? When I look, all I can see between those two countries is some weird area called "Iran".


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:19 AM



Originally posted by SchoolboysWink:
those who are that direct are usually thought of as tactless and rude.




Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:21 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I was an Edwards supporter. I only reluctantly decided for Obama because I just couldn't support Hillary Clinton. But I would vote for anyone no matter what their party affiliation if I think they will follow policies I agree with on the whole (it's a rare person who finds the perfect candidate).

McCain ??? That bought and paid for sacrificial goat ? Don't you think that if the republican machine could get an idiot like Bush into the WH they couldn't do the same for a real nominee ? They've written off the presidency for this time around (and really, how good is any president going to be dealing with the mess Bush is leaving behind), their main effort is to make sure that IF McCain somehow stumbles into the WH he will be their puppet.

Ron Paul ? Sorry, the guy's a racist and misogynist, and in terms of being an extremist nut-job, just slightly behind McCain.

Show me a better candidate of any party, and I'll consider them.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:21 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

You mean like when he pointed out the troubles on the border between Afghanistan and Iraq? Oh, wait - that was McLame. Can you show me the border between Afghanistan and Iraq on a map? When I look, all I can see between those two countries is some weird area called "Iran".

Maps that do not show that border are tricks by the American Left to lull us into a false sense of security...



Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:22 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


So, I will choose the lesser of two evils and move on.

In other words, welcome to the pig-slop. Come on in, it's about hip-deep and rising.

I'm not the biggest Obama fan by any means, but when someone goes around making statements about how great a President Bush has been, and how "experienced" he was before he got into office, I have to call them on it. Factually, Obama is FAR more experienced at a national level than Bush was when he ran. Bush had NEVER served in any national office, he had run for a seat in the US House, and lost, badly; he had failed as an oilman, a businessman, a scholar, a pilot, a soldier, a male cheerleader, and at every other venture he'd ever tried, but being such an abject failure just means, to the folks like 'Rappy, that he's "experienced". Failure should not be the sum total of your life's experience.

People like to point out Bush's term-and-a-quarter as governor of Texas, but those people don't know a single thing about Texas politics. In this state (yes, I'm from here, unlike Bush, who wears a stupid cowboy hat and claims to be a "rancher", and is about as good at that as he was at finding oil in Bahrain), the governor has less than no power. He's a figurehead, and nothing more. This is by design; after the Civil War, the federal government had the right to install state governors, so Texas reworked their state constitution to give the governor no power whatsoever. Seriously, the Texas governor is tied with the governor of South Dakota for DEAD LAST PLACE when it comes to their power and legal authority to actually DO anything. The real power in this state lies with the Lieutenant Governor and with - of all things - the Railroad Commissioner (because he decides where the oil moves, and how, and when, and how much).

In other words, a United States Senator from Illinois has about three hundred million times as much actual power in this country as a Texas Governor. Hell, we think so little of our governor down here that someone just burned his house to the ground, and they're not even looking for the culprit! As much as I might understand the sentiment, I abhor the action; the Governor's Mansion here in Austin is a beautiful historical building, and trashing it was just pure stupidity. It's analogous to burning the White House because you don't like the current resident...

I just wanted to hear from 'Rappy himself how experienced in national-level politics he really thinks Bush was in 1999, because the answer is "NONE". He was "none experienced", as Spinal Tap might say.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:26 AM



Originally posted by SchoolboysWink:
The two-party fight across the nation ceased long ago to be about DOING right. Now it's just about BEING right.

The bickering and political posturing began even before offical political parties. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson argued constantly about the direction this country was going to go in right from the formation of the country.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I thought this opinion piece by Glenn Beck was a piece of scheiss. He hits the nail on the head several times, but then deliberately slides off into whinging and innuendo. First, he starts off with everything that the media does wrong... and strangely, I agree with him.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- "Sometimes it's hard to tell if Barack Obama is running for president of the United States or Mr. Universe."

If you're guessing that's a quote from Michelle Obama, you're wrong. It was the first sentence of a recent article about Obama's frequent gym visits, published by the esteemed Associated Press. So many Americans have apparently been worried that Obama might lose his great six-pack abs, the AP felt obligated to step in and put our minds at ease.

"The Democratic presidential contender exercises regularly," the Pulitzer-worthy article continued, "but over a 24-hour span this week, he took it to a new extreme. Twice on Wednesday and again Thursday morning, Obama traveled to a lakefront apartment building near his Chicago home to work out with a friend at his gym."


But as a media outlet that claims to offer news "of the highest quality, reliability and objectivity with reports that are accurate, balanced and informed," the AP knew that it couldn't stop there. Its hard-hitting investigation revealed the answer to another question that's kept so many people up at night: "What does Barack Obama wear when he goes to the gym?" The jaw-dropping answer? "A baseball hat, white T-shirt and black sweat pants."

Wow. Sleep well.

But the AP realized that to have its reporting taken seriously, it would need to go even deeper and reveal exactly how much Obama perspires. Fortunately, it has world-class resources at its disposal: "When he shot hoops earlier this year with members of the University of North Carolina varsity men's basketball team, (the photographers accompanying him) didn't see Obama sweat."

My gosh, it's like he's not human! I'm surprised they didn't report how much he bench pressed, the incline level he used on the treadmill or what songs were on his iPod. Then again, I probably just didn't look hard enough.... According to the Tyndall Report, a service that monitors the three network news broadcasts, ABC, NBC, and CBS have spent a total of 114 of their national airtime minutes covering Obama since June. They've spent 48 minutes on his Republican rival, Sen. John McCain. And then you have the almost embarrassing way the media have gushed over Obama's trip to the Middle East. There were 200 requests for the 40 press seats available on Obama's plane, and all three top network anchors (Katie Couric, Charles Gibson and Brian Williams) made the trip and are broadcasting live from each country Obama visits.

You can't buy that kind of publicity. And neither could McCain. McCain made a trip to the Middle East in March and didn't have to worry about finding seats for any network anchors, because none of them wanted to go. And while Obama was flying from country to country this week in a plane packed with celebrity reporters, McCain flew to an event in New Hampshire. After his Boeing 737 landed in Manchester, he stepped out onto the tarmac and glanced at the one reporter who'd bothered to show up. Yes, one.

Okay, we get the idea that media coverage is terribly unbalanced. How unfair!!! How diabolical!!

But WHY??

Well, it turns out there's a perfectly right-wing, pro-business, acceptable reason why:

Why the disparity? According to Men's Vogue deputy editor Ned Martel, there's a simple explanation: Obama "is what is called in the magazine world an 'interest driver.' " Translation: Obama sells magazines.

As a conservative, I can't argue with that logic. "The Media" aren't around for their health, they're around to make money, and if Obama drives sales or ratings, then I can't really blame them for continuing to tap that well until it runs dry. I could make an argument that McCain's campaign has plenty of interesting angles that would sell and rate -- but, quite honestly, until this media infatuation phase is over, they're not even worth bringing up.

See? Despite the long litany of the unfairness of it all, it's really business-driven, so it can't be bad. Can it?

I do, however, find it funny that many of the same people who are clearly not fans of big business or truly free markets have embraced this "run what rates" philosophy. I guess capitalism is evil until it's you whose paycheck is at stake.
WHO? Who are these "many people" that he swipes at w/o specifics? Me? No, I've long complained that the media has become so trivialized as to be meaningless. "The left"? Well, "the left" is STILL saying that the media is a peice of sh*t. I guess Beck likes make strawman arguments.

But all of this points to a larger point: We've become a country that continually chooses the sizzle over the steak.
So, it's not the media's fault, it's not business' fault ... it YOUR fault! Shame on you for being dumbed-down by the media so that you'll buy the crappiest products on the flimsiest of marketing ploys! Shame on YOU for being the perfect capitalist consumer!

McCain may not get my vote, but he gets my admiration for at least offering some substance and new ideas when he speaks.
Such as???

Now, THERE is a guy who spins and spins and spins! And he does exactly what he complains about.

Let's party like it's 1929.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 9:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I just wanted to hear from 'Rappy himself how experienced in national-level politics he really thinks Bush was in 1999, because the answer is "NONE". He was "none experienced", as Spinal Tap might say.
FAR too fact-based. Far too logical.

I mean... What's yer point???

*Pokes finger at Mike's chest*

Let's party like it's 1929.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:28 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SignyM:

Rapo, it's not your criticism that bothers me, it's that HUGE double standard you keep dragging with you wherever you go!


Eleanor was fine w/ that, it seems, but now it's gotten too much even for a Lefty like her. And Obama is only a Senator, a candidate. She said she's NEVER seen the media fawn over a candidate like they are for Obama. EVER!

Talk to her if ya got a problem w/ it.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:02 PM


Glenn Beck - a guy who slams the media for "pandering" to Obama's rockstar popularity - and uses Obama's popularity to try to get ratings for his show in the process.

If he weren't bagging on Obama, would he have ANYTHING to talk about?


Takin' Care of Business, Baby!


Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Eleanor was fine w/ that, it seems, but now it's gotten too much even for a Lefty like her. And Obama is only a Senator, a candidate. She said she's NEVER seen the media fawn over a candidate like they are for Obama. EVER!
Apparently she's too young to remember JFK.

Talk to her if ya got a problem w/ it.
YOU, of course, have no opinion on the topic, one way or another.


If he weren't bagging on Obama, would he have ANYTHING to talk about
'Zactly! But you managed to say it in far fewer words!

Let's party like it's 1929.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:40 PM



'Zactly! But you managed to say it in far fewer words!

Ah - but I don't get paid by the word, either. :) Seems Herr Beck does.

Takin' Care of Business, Baby!


Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:46 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
And, of course, there's that whole McSame-chiding-Obama-for-not-having-gone-to-Iraq-lately thing - and NOW they're bitching about him GOING.

Christ, man, Phil Gramm was right - McCain's supporters really ARE a bunch of whiny bitches!


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia

I love you man!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Monday, July 28, 2008 7:56 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


AuRaptor wrote:

McCain is more qualified in his little pinky than Obama is in his whole fist bumping body.

So it's all about qualifications and experience now, huh? So tell me, WHO was the most experienced and qualified of the two candidates in 2000, Bush or Gore? You're basically admitting that Gore was the better choice, because he was VASTLY more qualified and experienced than Bush at that time.

Don't worry - I don't really expect an honest answer. I notice when hit with a tough question, you generally check out - or should I say you "cut and run"...

Typical Chicken-hawk.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Thursday, March 10, 2022 4:00 PM


How the U.S., Ukraine and the media have thrown a wrench into Russia’s disinformation machine

Russia-Ukraine War: Dutch Internet Providers Ban Russian Media Websites Sputnik & RT






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