Republican Revolution

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1:40 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

CFLs - which contain very little mercury, pose no practical hazard.

"One CFL contains a hundred times less mercury than is found in a single dental amalgam filling or old-style glass thermometer, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."


"In comparison a single amalgam filling with an , average surface area of 0.4 cm2 has been estimated to release as much as 15µg mercury/day, primarily , through mechanical wear and evaporation, but also through dissolution into saliva (Lorscheider et al. 1995). For the average individual with eight occlusal , amalgam fillings, 120µg of mercury could be released daily into the mouth, and a portion of that , swallowed or inhaled (Lorscheider et al. 1995). Both Canada and WHO consider dental amalgam to be the single largest source of mercury exposure for the general public."


"These toxic effects are why any mercury spill should be handled carefully, including one that results from a CFL breaking. Having said this, careful handling does not mean that expensive or complicated clean-up of the spill is needed or that you should be worried about you or your family's health, if a CFL were to break in your home.

This is because CFLs contain relatively small amounts of mercury -- EPA estimates this amount to be 4-5 milligrams (mg) in a typical CFL. A spill of this amount of mercury is not likely to present any excess risk to you or your family. A quick back-of-the-envelope calculation shows why. [Note: This example is meant only as a quick and dirty example. It is not intended to represent every case nor every situation.] For example, we could imagine the following scenario:

A CFL containing 5 mg of mercury breaks in your child’s bedroom that has a volume of about 25 m3 (which corresponds to a medium sized bedroom). The entire 5 mg of mercury vaporizes immediately (an unlikely occurrence), resulting in an airborne mercury concentration in this room of 0.2 mg/m3. This concentration will decrease with time, as air in the room leaves and is replaced by air from outside or from a different room. As a result, concentrations of mercury in the room will likely approach zero after about an hour or so.

Under these relatively conservative assumptions, this level and duration of mercury exposure is not likely to be dangerous, as it is lower than the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard of 0.05 mg/m3 of metallic mercury vapor averaged over eight hours. [To equate these values, we could estimate the average indoor airborne mercury concentration for 8 hours, beginning post-spill at an estimated starting value of 0.2 mg/m3 and decreasing from there. If one assumes the the air exchanges completely in one hour (a fairly standard assumption), then the 8-hour average concentration would be 0.025 mg/m3.] "

But as the author noted, these asusmptions are very conservative (geared to always overestimate risk and never underestimate.)

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, August 6, 2008 2:42 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Where are the 'idiot steps' , as you put it, for when an incandescent light breaks ?

Or, How many AURaptors does it take to change a light bulb?

Two: one to read endless instructions in the home-improvement manual, and one to curse the Liberals for creating an environment that makes us dependent on light for illumination in the first place.



Wednesday, August 6, 2008 2:43 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Is it better to curse the darkness or curse the light bulb ?

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:03 PM



In a bold move Republicans have seized control of the House of Representives and forced Nancy Pelosi and her minions to flee the Capitol.

It's funny... in such a bold move and a show of "leadership", I notice that McCain didn't even bother to show up for such a critical vote. Nor has he shown up for ANY votes since at least July first. The only other Senator I can find who missed as many votes is Ted Kennedy. Kennedy is suffering from a brain tumor; what's McCain's excuse?


If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Thursday, August 7, 2008 2:33 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
...and setting us on the path of ruin which has finally caught up with us as our supposedly great nation slides down the pike into the gutter with other third world juntas.

The bloody and ruinous legacy of monsters like Hamilton, Adams, Lincoln, and Marshall haunts us still...

Oh yes, the path to ruin.

Those thirteen free states were ruined by becoming fifty free states united into a single nation that not only freed the slaves in this country but exported liberty to the entire world.

Ruined by building the strongest, most productive nation in the history of the world.

Ruined by building a nation capable of beating the Nazis and the bad Japs and then kind enough to help rebuild the Germans and good Japs and turn them into friends.

Ruined by extremely long periods of peace on this continent.

Ruined by ever increasing life spans and standards of living.

Ruined by creating a nation where women and men are free to be equal and were different races and religeons can co-exist in harmony (or at least indifference).

Ruined by creating a nation that provides more aid and comfort to persons displaced by tragedy then any other nation in the history of the world.

Maybe you don't understand the meaning of the word 'ruin'.

Its " Total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social, or economic."

Not "Frem doesn't like it so it must be bad."

In any event I note for the record that you remain alive and free to say stupid stuff...which is just more proof of the legacy of ruin you are free to enjoy.



Thursday, August 7, 2008 2:39 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall: to curse the Liberals for creating an environment that makes us dependent on light for illumination in the first place.

Light has always been a conservative notion. God created light, then Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. God, the original right wing religeous type and Edison, inventor and businessman (ie conservative entrepeneur).

Liberals are the ones who wants us in the dark.



Thursday, August 7, 2008 2:43 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
[...] exported liberty to the entire world.

Still some way to go before this has happened.


This isn't my signature. I have to type this every time I make a post.


Thursday, August 7, 2008 3:50 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Where are the 'idiot steps' , as you put it, for when an incandescent light breaks ?

Even if every Energy Saving Lightbulb was broken after use, it would release less mercury than normal lightbulbs are responsible for.

There's more toxic chemicals in your computer than in all the CFL's that you could put in your house, and they last as long as the average PC too. So once you've completed you're crusade against 'toxic' light, you should go after TVs, DVD's, Computers and every other electronic device with a semi conductor, because they are by far worse. Yet you, and no one else seems to have the slightest problem with them, why is that?

Also, where is the link to your cite? I found it here:

It also included this:

Electricity use is the main source of mercury emissions in the U.S. CFLs use less electricity than incandescent
lights, meaning CFLs reduce the amount of mercury into the environment. As shown in the table below, a 13-watt,
8,000-rated-hour-life CFL (60-watt equivalent; a common light bulb type) will save 376 kWh over its lifetime, thus
avoiding 4.5 mg of mercury. If the bulb goes to a landfill, overall emissions savings would drop a little, to 4.2 mg.
EPA recommends that CFLs are recycled where possible, to maximize mercury savings.

The following table shows the total mercury emissions for a CFL is 1.6mg over its lifetime, even if the bulb is broken. An incandescent lightbulb, over the course of it's life, will release 5.8mg. Saying CFL's are bad because of Mercury, and that incandescents are better, is misguided or sophistry.

I'd remind you that that long list of procedures is simply 'over' safety. It's the same reason the hot tap in hotels says "danger: hot water", why the lid on coffee cups says "Contents Hot" and why a bag of fucking peanuts has the warning "May contain nuts". It's bet hedging. You don't need those steps to be safe (not that there's any mention of 'hazmat teams' either...), any more than you need a declaration of "may contain nuts" on a bag of nuts. They're there so that if some numbnuts decides to eat a couple of CFL's and then gets mercury poisoning, they can't sue anyone.

Originally posted by Hero:
Light has always been a conservative notion. God created light, then Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. God, the original right wing religeous type and Edison, inventor and businessman (ie conservative entrepeneur).

Certainly Edison was right wing. He stole the invention of the Lightbulb from Nikoli Tesla and passed it off as his own, like nearly all 'his' inventions in fact. So you're right, very right wing, he couldn't do any work for himself, so he stole other peoples and acted like it was his.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, August 7, 2008 5:34 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Certainly Edison was right wing. He stole the invention of the Lightbulb from Nikoli Tesla and passed it off as his own, like nearly all 'his' inventions in fact.

Proof? Or are you just spouting crazytalk.

I saw Edison invent the lightbulb on an Episode of Voyagers!.

The only thing Tesla ever invented was wacky conspiracy theories.

I note for the record that Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb in 1879. That same year Mr. Tesla, working as an assistant engineer in Serbia, had a nervous breakdown.



Thursday, August 7, 2008 8:06 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by chrisisall: to curse the Liberals for creating an environment that makes us dependent on light for illumination in the first place.

Light has always been a conservative notion. God created light, then Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. God, the original right wing religeous type and Edison, inventor and businessman (ie conservative entrepeneur).

Liberals are the ones who wants us in the dark.


Wasn't it Cheney who said that Republicans were going to go to the Dark Side?

And who is this "God" person you speak of? Never heard of him. Heard of some cat named "Jeebus" or somthing like that - now HE was a pretty radical left-wing kinda guy. Hardly anything like a conservative - except that he hung around whores, of course...


If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Thursday, August 7, 2008 8:08 AM



Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by Hero:
[...] exported liberty to the entire world.

Still some way to go before this has happened.


This isn't my signature. I have to type this every time I make a post.

The rest of the world is just going to have to wait - we seem to have run critically short of this commodity here at home in the last 8 years!


If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Thursday, August 7, 2008 8:12 AM



Originally posted by Hero:The only thing Tesla ever invented was wacky conspiracy theories.

I note for the record that Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb in 1879. That same year Mr. Tesla, working as an assistant engineer in Serbia, had a nervous breakdown.


Proof? Or are you just spouting crazytalk?

And you seem to be suggesting that being a genius and being batshit crazy are mutually exclusive states of being. Far from it - they're next-door neighbors!


If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Friday, August 8, 2008 5:39 PM


Hero, old bean, I assure you I leave the crazy talk to the more deluded members of the forum. You can spot them they're usually ridiculously self aggrandising, "I own my own media outlet, the only one telling the TRUTH about alien butt probes" one might say, "I'm the greatest lawyer ever!" may say another...

Actually, turns out it wasn't Tesla, I was getting mixed up, I think Tesla invented another of Edison's stolen inventions. Edison didn't invent hardly anything, he just patented other peoples inventions first. It's easy to be a prolific inventor, if you have a shortcut to the patent office and read scientific journals...

Anyway, electric lighting was in use fifty years before Edison's patent, and Edison LOST a court battle in Britain to Joseph Swan who held a British patent dated 1878:

In addition, Edison was not the first to patent the modern design of the lightbulb. It seems that an inventor named Joseph Swan demonstrated the same carbon filament lightbulb in Newcastle at least ten months prior to Edison's announcement. In addition, Swan received a British patent in 1878 for the same bulb that Edison patented in the U. S. in 1879.
Edison lost in the British courts for infringement of Swan's patent. As part of the settlement, Edison was forced to take Swan in as a partner in his British electric works. The company was called the Edison and Swan United Electric Company. Eventually, Edison acquired all of Swan's interest in the company.

In the United States, Edison didn't have the chance to put up a fight. The U.S. Patent Office had ruled on October 8, 1883 that Edison's patents were based on the prior art of a man named William Sawyer and were invalid. In addition, Swan had already sold his U.S. patent rights to the Brush Electric Company in June of 1882.

So why does Edison get all the credit for the invention of the lightbulb?

Very simple, he owned the power company - what was to eventually become General Electric.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, August 9, 2008 5:13 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Edison LOST a court battle in Britain to Joseph Swan who held a British patent dated 1878:

More leftist propaganda*, eh Cit?

* Leftist propaganda:reactionary term
1) true facts that don't jibe with long held or staunch Conservative and/or NeoCon beliefs
2) stuff that bugs Hero and/or AU



Saturday, August 9, 2008 6:45 AM


the worlds most boring revolution the republican one ,dont smash anything, everyone is forced to church on sundays and wearing a suit will be imposed on everyone ,plus video games, porn and fun is banned.all the best miike

October 12th, 1985. Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown.


Monday, August 11, 2008 3:30 AM



Those thirteen free states were ruined by becoming fifty free states united into a single nation that not only freed the slaves in this country but exported liberty to the entire world.

Gee, everyone else ended Slavery peacefully - meanwhile Lincoln tried to enshrine it in the Consitution forever, and then fought a war on our very own soil against our own people using it as a partial excuse to ELIMINATE that whole pesky "Free State" (i.e. consent of the governed) thing.

He didn't free any slaves, he made us ALL slaves to the Federal Fucking Gov and it's ruinous taxes.

As for exporting liberty ?
Don't make me fucking laugh.

Papa Doc
The Shah

Need I go on ?
There's a REASON folk in the relative countries don't care for us, you know.

Ruined by building the strongest, most productive nation in the history of the world.

Since when ?
Once you discount the FedGovs little nibble at every single step of production down to the sale, it consumes MOST of what we "produce", like a bloated fucking parasite starving it's host.

And a truely strong country would not feed the need to try to destabilise every other country on the planet in fear that they might someday be on parity with them, a policy that has bit us on the ass time and time again - we'd be helping other countries instead of pitting them at each others throats and fucking them over via the IMF and WTO.

Ruined by building a nation capable of beating the Nazis and the bad Japs and then kind enough to help rebuild the Germans and good Japs and turn them into friends.

You know, folks got all kinda baggage over Hitler and his camps, his eugenics issues, but they all seem to forget those were taken from our solution to the "Indian Problem" - on top of which we nuked two civilian population centers.
I guess firebombing Dresden is kind of an afterthought to that, just because we got better propaganda doesn't make us nice folk.

Ruined by extremely long periods of peace on this continent.

I wouldn't call being kept in fear and poverty as a control device to be peace.
That's the same kind of "peace" Patrick Henry argued against when we decided to kick the Crown off our soil.

Ruined by ever increasing life spans and standards of living.

Only if you're in the 5% that controls 99% of the resources.
As a general rule, both of those standards... we're far from top of the heap, and falling rapidly, and maybe if you took a look at the world around you instead of faux news propaganda, it might occur to you that the average standard of living has gone south in a hurry, the past eight years or so.

Ruined by creating a nation where women and men are free to be equal and were different races and religeons can co-exist in harmony (or at least indifference).

Might I remind you that you're talkin to someone who's been SHOT AT, in this country, in Florida, over religion ?

Might I remind you that police harrassment of the Arab community in Dearborn, right down the road from here, has reached epic proportions and is part of why we have a pack of Feds camped out at the DPD ?

Might I remind you that the Fremgirl has gotten some rough treatment simply for being female from her former employers in the auto industry ?
(to the point of changing her name to a masculine form and using non-voice comm to conceal her gender)

Might I remind you of the nonstop hate for non-christian religions spouted from every media orifice 24-7-365 ?

Oh I don't think so, buddy.

Ruined by creating a nation that provides more aid and comfort to persons displaced by tragedy then any other nation in the history of the world.

At the expense and misery of our own, who in such cases often go without, or are directly exploited and mistreated during and after ?

Where was that aid and comfort during Katrina, or the Blackout, ehe ?

Maybe you don't understand the meaning of the word 'ruin'.

Its " Total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social, or economic."

Yep, like our crumbling infrastructure, hanging by a thread...

Like our moral stand on looting another countries oil while slaughtering the civvies and militias that try to stand up to us.

Like a society that elevates sociopathy and actively strives to suppress or destroy all the natural impulses which make us truely human.

As for economic, ask some homeowners about their property values, declining equity and the state of their mortgage in the face of ever increasing property taxes...

In any event I note for the record that you remain alive and free to say stupid stuff...which is just more proof of the legacy of ruin you are free to enjoy.

From a rotating front of smoke and mirrors obfuscation protected by stealth and deception, in a country that illegally spies on, harrasses, and even murders it's own who dare to speak out.

Do you REALLY think in light of the related history, that shit like COINTELPRO has ever stopped, especially when it can be proven that at no time in that agencies history whatsoever, that they have ever ceased such behavior for even five minutes ?

Get real.

You're starting to believe your own propaganda, and that's always a bad sign.


Related Link: Typical FBI "Competence" : Case Pastorius.
So good at doing evil unto the folk they're supposedly "protecting"...
So bad at actually doing their job.

Related Link: The things you cannot say.
S'why I like PN in spite of his nuttiness, sometimes someone SHOULD say those things you can't say, and it takes a nutter to dare do it.


Thursday, November 10, 2022 8:20 AM







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