Gimme the Truth!

UPDATED: Friday, August 29, 2008 04:34
VIEWED: 1105
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Friday, August 22, 2008 9:47 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Now that the election campaigns are in full swing, it's time for my seasonal reminder about and, where the truthfulness of political ads, blogs, books, etc. is checked and rated.

FactCheck is older, and privately supported by the Annenburg Foundation. The newer Politifact is a service of the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly, and is more fun, what with Pants-on-Fire ratings for really egregious fibs, and their own music video on Youtube.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, August 22, 2008 10:03 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:
Now that the election campaigns are in full swing, it's time for my seasonal reminder about and, where the truthfulness of political ads, blogs, books, etc. is checked and rated.

FactCheck is older, and privately supported by the Annenburg Foundation. The newer Politifact is a service of the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly, and is more fun, what with Pants-on-Fire ratings for really egregious fibs, and their own music video on Youtube.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

They're good, but most of the big storys break on


Friday, August 22, 2008 10:41 AM


St. Petersburg Times? I don't feel too good about them. The high-profile Lunsford child rape case had them fully supporting the DA when he failed to prosecute the perpetrator Couey's 2 trailer park relatives that aided and abetted his abduction of the little girl; the little girl who he raped and then buried alive in a garbage bag. She died gasping for air while clinging to her teddy bear. All those involved, including the St Petersburg Times editors should rot for eternity in Hell.


Friday, August 22, 2008 11:11 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
St. Petersburg Times? I don't feel too good about them. The high-profile Lunsford child rape case had them fully supporting the DA when he failed to prosecute the perpetrator Couey's 2 trailer park relatives that aided and abetted his abduction of the little girl; the little girl who he raped and then buried alive in a garbage bag. She died gasping for air while clinging to her teddy bear. All those involved, including the St Petersburg Times editors should rot for eternity in Hell.

It's not there fault the D.A. was a dope, do'nt forget the Duke University LaCross D.A. He's on the unemployment line.


Friday, August 22, 2008 12:55 PM


No offense Geeze - but after "Healthy Forests" and "Clean Air" and "Patriot Act" and all the other little verbal doublethink shit that has been foisted on us, those very NAMES make me suspicious, kinda like *giggle* "RealClearPolitics" a hard-right front initially run from the address and under the name of a dead guy to disguise the fact that the money was coming from more of the NeoCon/PNAC/CleanBreak crowd.

So before taking their word for anything, best run a full DNS and follow the money that supports them - most of these sites have an agenda, and the better ones are at least up front about it.

But when they throw a name like that, it just positively REEKS of the intense doublespeak shovelled upon us from the far Right end of the political spectrum.

As ole Ronnie Ray-Gun said....
"Trust but verify"

My own version of that is Verify THEN Trust, of course, but the basic principle applies.

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, August 22, 2008 3:53 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
My own version of that is Verify THEN Trust, of course, but the basic principle applies.

I agree, but I've been checking these sites pretty close since they started and can't find any obvious bias. They seem to bust the chops of all sides pretty evenly. I don't doubt that they have missed some stuff, but they don't seem to display any particular partisan behavior.

That being said, it is always a good idea to distrust political ads on general principles.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, August 22, 2008 4:11 PM


i'm sick and tired of hearing
from uptight-short sighted-
narrow minded hypocritics

all i want is the truth
just give me some truth

i've had enough of reading
by nuerotic-pyschotic-
pig headed politicians

all i want is the truth
just give me some truth

no short haired-yellow bellied
son of tricky dicky
is gonna mother hubbard
soft soap me
with just a pocketful of hope
money for dope
money for rope

i'm sick to death of seeing
from tight lipped-
condescending -mommies little

all i want is the truth
just give me some truth

- J. Lennon -

(could. not. resist)


Friday, August 22, 2008 6:03 PM



That being said, it is always a good idea to distrust political ads on general principles.

Indeed, often the best way to find out the truth of a politico is go straight to the folk who hate their guts the worst, and then strip away the heavy layers of bullshit till you get to the stuff that holds water (usually the last 5-10%, sometimes less) and fully investigate it.

But these days, damn, it's closer to 0.5%, it doesn't seem like ANYONE is telling the truth about anything at all, least of all the candidates themselves.

And like my Uncle Carl always said...
"Never take advice from a man with a shovel in his hand."


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, August 22, 2008 10:33 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
St. Petersburg Times? I don't feel too good about them. The high-profile Lunsford child rape case had them fully supporting the DA when he failed to prosecute the perpetrator Couey's 2 trailer park relatives that aided and abetted his abduction of the little girl; the little girl who he raped and then buried alive in a garbage bag. She died gasping for air while clinging to her teddy bear. All those involved, including the St Petersburg Times editors should rot for eternity in Hell.

It's not there fault the D.A. was a dope, do'nt forget the Duke University LaCross D.A. He's on the unemployment line.

St Petersburg Times is a liberal rag. They threw all their support behind convicted Hamas & Islamic Jihad terrorist fund-raiser Sami Al-Arian. Why? He was a college professor at U of S. Fla, therefore intellectually untouchable, that's why. I've seen hidden camera tapes of the guy, and he made Arafat look like a Girl Scout. Actually they made a good team together; Arafat, the visible moderate, and Sami working up the hate and calls for death behind the scenes in rich America. When Al-Arian plead guilty, the St Pete Times still refused to admit their absurd defense of him was wrong. Anybody against America is their hero. Obama's their man now.


Friday, August 29, 2008 4:34 AM


As I read these posts I sit back in awe of range of human beliefs that have nothing to do with reality. What do we know of this world? Of the languages we have been given. The beliefs we have been indoctrinated with?

If you examine our languages and go to the root core of those languages you will find the answers you are looking for if you will but try.

We live in the "One Word"! We refuse to accept this and therefore rush to our demise. We take all with us. Human kind chooses death over life constantly. They feel they don't but the truth of it is in us. We don't care to live and therefore we create "isms" to hide our death wish behind.

We create from old languages religions to wave about like swords and call ours the most holy and true, as if the speaking of it makes it so; when it is nothing more than the might of our will to believe we are just, that kills the non-believers. Our religions preach peace, tolerance and love. We use our beliefs for war, bias and hate. We do not even believe in our beliefs but give them social lip service so that we may appear pious.

We are a sad bunch of moppets running amok in our backyard, destroying this or that thing because it suits us. We raise others up to lead us because we are so unsure of ourselves and then are disappointed when those we chose deceive us or make laws to support their own agenda, greed, lust, perversion, etc. We think one man or woman can “represent” us; believe the same as we do and yet, we know this to be impossible. That no one person can believe, feel or think as another. So the majority compromise in hopes of getting their believes shoved down the throats of those in the minority; so life can be somewhat like we want it even though it is a corrupted image of what we wish it to be.

We will fade away because we wish to. We cannot stand ourselves. We cannot tolerate anyone that even looks like us. We have no room in our hearts and minds for those “other people”, and therefore have no use for ourselves. In the end, we will be surprised (at least that will be what we tell ourselves) but we will know the truth of it and like a star that has lived out its cycle the best of what humans could have been will end.

It will not matter then if this person or that person was a republican, democrat, buddhist, muslim, president, peasant, catholic, libertarian, ceo, line worker, socialist, marxist, communist, green party, dictator, martyr, artist, believer, redeemer, savior, etc.

One Word (Universe)






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