The Destruction of the US Dollar

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 14:43
VIEWED: 15099
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 3:21 AM


So what's really the bottom line here to all of this? I think it's irresponsible and/or ignorant people doing things they should never do.

Buy a house with no money down?...F you!

Run up thousands in credit card debt and only make minimum payments?...F you!

Buy a home purely for speculation of a quick profitable resale?...F you!

Everyone seems to focus on blaming the banks and credit card companies for making bad loans and duping innocent people...bah! We teach our children not to take candy from strangers, but then these bad-credit adults go ahead and take the candy anyhow. I don't blame anyone who has lost a job and is having a tough time. It's personal responsibilty that has disappeared in America. There's a third-world mentality out there that drives people to attempt to attain the "American Dream"....The problem is they haven't earned it. They just feel they deserve it, there's a difference.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 5:38 AM



"Everyone seems to focus on blaming the banks and credit card companies for making bad loans and duping innocent people...bah! We teach our children not to take candy from strangers, but then these bad-credit adults go ahead and take the candy anyhow. I don't blame anyone who has lost a job and is having a tough time. It's personal responsibilty that has disappeared in America. There's a third-world mentality out there that drives people to attempt to attain the "American Dream"....The problem is they haven't earned it. They just feel they deserve it, there's a difference."



Thursday, August 21, 2008 5:45 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
So what's really the bottom line here to all of this? I think it's irresponsible and/or ignorant people doing things they should never do.

...Everyone seems to focus on blaming the banks and credit card companies for making bad loans and duping innocent people...bah! We teach our children not to take candy from strangers, but then these bad-credit adults go ahead and take the candy anyhow. I don't blame anyone who has lost a job and is having a tough time. It's personal responsibilty that has disappeared in America. There's a third-world mentality out there that drives people to attempt to attain the "American Dream"....The problem is they haven't earned it. They just feel they deserve it, there's a difference.

Not to worry...That 'third-world' mentality will soon see a reality to match , right here in the United States...It will make it easy for the globalists to impose yet more restrictions on the people , and do it in the interest of 'national security' , via the write-down of old debt , and the incentives offered to accept the 'North American Union' , the 'Security and Prosperity Partnership' , and an overarching round of new impositions against individual and national sovereignty.

The banks and the credit card companies ARE to blame , but they couldn't do what they do without the artifice and
sleight-of-hand conducted by the Federal Reserve , which is a criminal enterprise .

As long as folk continue to put confidence in such criminal enterprises , without rejecting the non-lawful 'money' that they create from thin air , our situation will continue to devolve , and this country will continue its slide into oblivion...


Thursday, August 21, 2008 2:31 PM


Found this interesting post by DurangoKid at sister-site , SHINY UNIVERSE :

American Fascism - A Challenge to Browncoats?
Saturday, August 02, 2008 11:51 AM

" We must remember that government is an instrument of the bourgeoisie, as Marx would put it. As an instrument, it functions on behalf of those who pick its leaders and set their policy. There was a purpose in Hitler's Nazi state and that was the enrichment of the capital owning class that profited from the massive expenditures on war not to mention the prospect of the spoils of conquest. One could make a similar argument for Mussolini's inept foray into Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). BushReich's lawlessness also has an agenda. It's not mentioned in polite company, with perhaps the sole exception of Bill Moyers. It's the oil.

We are now at the all time peak of world oil production. Over the next several years production will gradually start to taper off. Already the traditional swing producer, Saudi Arabia, is backing away from the reflexive twisting of the tap to protect the Federal Reserves ever growing river of bank notes. By the best estimates we will likely see an annual decline in oil production of about 2.5% by no later than 2012 - 2015. Possibly it could be much sooner. The USGS is crowing about 90 billion barrels in the Arctic and vast troves on the outer continental shelves. Only a fool would take them at their word. I would direct you to Mathew Simmons regarding the prospects of deep water oil or the USGS's arctic fantasies. I would also remind you that the discoveries at Prudhoe Bay did not reverse the peak or decline in US oil production.

Hydrocarbon energy is the means by which industrial culture produces way beyond the normal carrying capacity of the Earth. Before the Industrial Revolution, solar flux was the limiting factor. Hydrocarbons have acted as an energy subsidy, a one-time endowment to do useful work. We move our machines with it. We eat it in the form of industrial agriculture. We even we wear it on our backs as synthetic textiles. Look around your home and ask yourself what you see that is not made from, powered by, or transported with hydrocarbons.

BushReich is only doing what the managers of the empire have always done. They're using the means at hand to protect the assets of the ruling elites. War is good business. War to protect the access to what powers the industrial culture is crucial to business as usual. There may be a lot of lip service to alternative energy sources, but the smart money is on oil. The alternatives currently make up about 0.7% of the energy budget and we might therefore expect that the capital outlays for their production would be equally miniscule. Compare that with the hydrocarbon based capital infrastructure. Which is more worth "defending"?

The management is preparing for the possibility of massive civil unrest when in a few years time the oil shortages go from pinch to squeeze. Over the past century the propaganda system has usually been enough to control people's beliefs and preferences so long as they were relatively comfortable. The right to a comfortable existence doesn't have much meaning when life is good. In the coming decade more people will spend a lot more time cold and hungry. They may come to realize the whole consumer world of Happy Motoring to and from their air conditioned McMansions was just a hoax to sell cars, motor fuel, air conditioners, and vinyl siding. We were told that there is no right to food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc., and we believed it because the ability of hydrocarbon industrial culture to provide all this was a given. Who needs the right when one has ready cash or plastic? More to the point, how will the bourgeoisie profit from every human need unless everyone has to pony up the dough?

Hydrocarbon industrial culture will not disappear overnight. Protecting its prerogatives will become more problematical as the energy base becomes more precarious. When propaganda fails to protect the status quo, internment camps, torture, revocation of citizenship, surveillance, etc., will have to take up the slack. Be patient. It's coming."


Thursday, August 21, 2008 3:04 PM


Jong, lemme put it in drop dead simple terms, k ?

Because the assholes in charge can sink the value of the money you are holding by printing more, they can at whim pauperise you so that you cannot AFFORD basic necessities like food, transportation and housing.

And yet, since they are in control of the printing, or can just "create" the loaned amount on their own books without actually working for it, they are not subject to that particular problem - you with me so far ?

Now, these same assholes that just robbed you by devaluing your "money" - offer to "loan" you some more at usurious rates with ruininous terms which folk have no choice to accept due to collusion in the industry by same assholes regarding those terms.

And so you wind up working to feed them before you feed yourself - this is nothing more than an ungraded Company Store ripoff, only instead of company scrip, it's little green sheets of paper with no innate value of their own, and this time instead of one company, they got us all, don't they ?

REAL money, of actual innate value - if the assholes don't wanna take it for what it's worth, someone else sure as hell will, I take precious metal "rounds" for repair work because they're actually worth something whether or not the Fed says so, and those cannot be devalued by creating more out of practically thin air.

Anyhows, folks would not NEED to borrow money if the assholes did not devalue it in order to put them there, it's a near flawless variant of the Company Store Scam, and that's ALL it is.

Simple enough for ya ?

Related Links


Thursday, August 21, 2008 6:03 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Jong, lemme put it in drop dead simple terms, k ?

Concise and Eloquent !

Well said...More than a little 'poetry' to it...

Even grade-school kids can 'get it' , if just directed to it...

Turns out , economics is simple...

It's all about ' The Golden Rule '...

" Whoever has the most Gold , RULES..."

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws.
--Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Spoken like a True Kleptocrat...


Friday, August 22, 2008 11:05 PM


Combat Homelessness !

" Secure the blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity..."

" If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money,
first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will
grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property
until their children will wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered. "

--Thomas Jefferson


Saturday, August 23, 2008 2:07 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"... the assholes in charge can sink the value of the money you are holding by printing more ..."

They could also drop the value of your gold by dumping it on the market, or even by talking about dumping it on the market. Nearly all of the current value of gold is in the eye of the beholder - the jewelry market where gold has a certain status - and speculation. Should gold lose that value due to a simple lack of confidence - the appeal goes down. And round and down it goes, like a flushing toilet.

Do you think that doesn't happen ? Here's a market analysis quote from 2005, which talks specifically about the role of government gold sales in the value of gold:

“The likelihood of lower central bank gold sales could keep prices firm. These banks sold an average of 14-mil oz/year (435 tonnes) since 1989. For 2005, net central bank sales may be 6-mil to 8-mil oz (186 to 248 tonnes), about half of the 12.5-mil oz (388 tonnes) sold last year and less than half of what has been coming into the market on average over the past 15 years. "This reduction in physical gold sales by central banks should contribute to tighter physical markets, and exert some upward pressure on prices," said CPM. " While central banks still own more than 1-bil oz of gold (31,100 tonnes), most appear content to hold on to most of what they have. There are a few small sales from smaller European national banks, and the French commitment to sell, announced last April. Other than that, however, there is no clear source for massive gold sales from official inventories this year, or in the near future." Also, the potential sale of IMF gold has been bogged down in international politics and is unlikely to occur any time soon.”

Now remember, a government which will devalue its paper currency will also devalue its metals one. The problem, again, is the policies, not the currency.

Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice.


Saturday, August 23, 2008 3:02 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh, in response to a question someone asked (I forget who): I'd been alive for a few decades by the time Nixon let the value of gold float above $35, to all intents and purposes abolishing the 'gold standard'.

Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice.


Saturday, August 23, 2008 3:06 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Everyone seems to focus on blaming the banks and credit card companies for making bad loans and duping innocent people...bah! We teach our children not to take candy from strangers, but then these bad-credit adults go ahead and take the candy anyhow. I don't blame anyone who has lost a job and is having a tough time. It's personal responsibilty that has disappeared in America. There's a third-world mentality out there that drives people to attempt to attain the "American Dream"....The problem is they haven't earned it. They just feel they deserve it, there's a difference.

Turn that around, and see where that gets you. You say, in essence, that whatever the banks and credit card companies can get is fine, and f you if you don't like it. If you were talked into something you knew you couldn't afford, or weren't sure you could afford, then that's all on you.

Let's turn it around a bit. Say I apply for a credit card, and lie about my income. They don't check closely, and issue me a card with a $50,000 line of credit behind it. I max it out, then tell them I can't pay, and f you if you don't like it. Does that sound okay to you?

Reason I ask is, some of these banks and lenders WERE that blatant in their fraud. They changed peoples' income, altered their credit history, and AGGRESSIVELY went after getting them a loan that THE BANKS THEMSELVES KNEW TO BE A BAD RISK. From your point of view, the banks should be on the hook for it then, not the borrower, correct?

You'll say the borrower signed the agreement. But so did the bank. There's collusion, coercion, and deception on both sides of the transaction, you see.

I walked out of my bank because I wasn't comfortable with what they were trying to loan me. I wanted a loan of $150,000 maximum, because I knew that I would be able to make those monthly payments in the worst of circumstances. They insisted I should borrow more, "just in case". I wanted a fixed rate, they wanted to push me into an ARM. I wanted a 20-year note, they wanted to push a 30-year mortgage - which wouldn't really reduce my monthly that much, but would result in a HUGE amount of interest paid over the course of the loan.

So I walked away. Not everyone did. Banks and credit card companies aren't these benevolent companies who are out to do you a world of good - they're profit-driven, and selling you more than you need gives them more profit. They got greedy, and it bit them in the ass. Borrowers got greedy, too, and they're getting bitten by it as well.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Monday, August 25, 2008 11:18 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Today I got one of the tiny US dollar COINS in my change from a parking mafia machine.

It's the same size as a quarter, and looks like a quarter.

It had Jefferson's face, like a nickel. As if the dollar was devalued 95%...

The BS US Mint pictures of the new dollar coin program shows them as GOLD! BRAINWASH ALERT!

OVERSIZED fake pictures of SILVER-COLORED US dollar FRN scrap metal$1coin/index.cfm

Andrew Jackson is spinning in his grave, after being SHOT 20 times by a dozen assassins sent by the banksters:

Real gold coins are worth $250 to $1,000.

In reality the dollar coins are silver COLORED, no silver content. They are NOT silver dollars.

Real silver dollars are worth $20 to $40.

Originally, "In God We Trust" was censored on these coins, then was added on the EDGE where it's impossible to read on a tiny coin.

MASSIVELY ENLARGED fools gold fake picture of SILVER-COLORED scrap metal FRN slugs

Bend over for the Amerodollar.


Monday, August 25, 2008 3:39 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

It's the same size as a quarter, and looks like a quarter.

It had Jefferson's face, like a nickel. As if the dollar was devalued 95%...

The BS US Mint pictures of the new dollar coin program shows them as GOLD! BRAINWASH ALERT!

Andrew Jackson is spinning in his grave, after being SHOT 20 times by a dozen assassins sent by the banksters:

Real gold coins are worth $250 to $1,000.

In reality the dollar coins are silver COLORED, no silver content. They are NOT silver dollars.

Real silver dollars are worth $20 to $40.

Originally, "In God We Trust" was censored on these coins, then was added on the EDGE where it's impossible to read on a tiny coin.

Bend over for the Amerodollar.

It's worse than we know. It usually is!

The Dollar has been devalued by at least 96% over the last hundred years.
God is the ONLY thing to trust in,now.
At least a few are aware of that.

The 'federal reserve' trusts in one god. His name is "Mammon".
The One I believe in isn't short of cash.


She's a reader. Sees into the truth of things.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:57 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
If you would just read a little history, and look at the reign of the Louis XVI you'll see that despite the fact that the government had a monopoly on currency AND it created its coins out of gold there was STILL massive unemployment, poverty, injustice, debt, inequality and... ultimately.... THHHHWHACK!!!

"But what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint..."

--Edmund Burke Source: Reflections on the Revolution in France


Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:36 PM



``If the U.S. government allows Fannie and Freddie to fail and international investors are not compensated adequately, the consequences will be catastrophic,'' Yu said in e-mailed answers to questions yesterday. ``If it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the current international financial system.''


Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:13 AM


and it gets political wrote :

During a late November interview on PBS' NewsHour, Biden points to eliminating the Bush tax cuts, pushing for transparency in the hedge fund world, and ending the war in Iraq to fix what ails the U.S. economy.

He points out to Judy Woodruff that he thinks the the nation's debt problem is deep, and having a profound impact on any recovery (Granted this was nine months ago, but only the level of pain has changed, and for the worse). "The problem we have here is that we owe China a trillion dollars. We're $2 trillion in debt to the world. The value of the dollar is falling. And why are we so much in debt? The war and tax cuts for the wealthy." wrote :

McCain adviser talks of 'mental recession'

"You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession," he said, noting that growth has held up at about 1 percent despite all the publicity over losing jobs to India, China, illegal immigration, housing and credit problems and record oil prices. "We may have a recession; we haven't had one yet."


Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:12 PM


The price of rat meat is spiking upward , due to 'inflation' , :

The government of India says that poor folk should eat more rats :

" An official in the Indian state of Bihar has come up with a new idea to encourage low caste poor people to cope with food shortages - rat meat. "

Link to continuation of this thread :


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 2:11 PM


US debt clock runs out of digits

In a sign of the times the National Debt Clock in New York has run out of digits to record the growing figure.

The government's current debt at about 10.2 trillion dollars.

The organisation that runs the sign said it plans to update it next year by adding two digits to make it capable of tracking debt up to A QUADRILLION DOLLARS!!??!!!

National Debt- How Much Is A Billion Dollars?


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 2:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

That's about 29,000 per person or about $120,000 for a family of four.

Let's party like its 1929.