Profile of Sarah Palin!

UPDATED: Thursday, September 4, 2008 09:45
VIEWED: 3940
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008 12:54 PM



Does the silly act work in court?

Sure does, just slip the Judge a fifth of Glenlivet with a nice green portrait of ole Ben Franklin wrapped around it, and you'll get your verdict even if you sleep through the prosecution.

Alternatively, depending on the Judge, KY and Batteries might be worth a shot too.
(See Also: Judge Donald Thompson)

How else do you think Zero actually wins in court, given the fact that he's a clueless palooka who just gets hammered here even when he DOES have a point ?

Oh, yah - and the historical irony of lincolns party putting forth a seccessionist ain't lost on me either, but THAT bit of humor is just too estoric for most folk to get.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 2:07 PM


eta: what was that little thing about separation of church and state?

This scares the bejesus out of me:

"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

A video of the speech was posted at the Wasilla Assembly of God's Web site before finding its way on to other sites on the Internet.

Palin told graduating students of the church's School of Ministry, "What I need to do is strike a deal with you guys." As they preached the love of Jesus throughout Alaska, she said, she'd work to implement God's will from the governor's office, including creating jobs by building a pipeline to bring North Slope natural gas to North American markets.

"God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.

"I can do my job there in developing our natural resources and doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded," she added. "But really all of that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God."

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 3:00 PM


Found some more info to contribute to the "Profile of Sarah Palin"

From AlterNet:


8 More Shocking Revelations About Sarah Palin
By Isaac Fitzgerald and Tana Ganeva, AlterNet. Posted September 3, 2008.

More skeletons come out of Palin's closet.

Since the McCain campaign apparently didn't even bother Googling Sarah Palin before picking her to join the Republican ticket, we've taken it upon ourselves to compile some important -- and terrifying -- revelations about Palin.

Yesterday AlterNet ran a piece titled "Top Ten Most Disturbing Facts and Impressions of Sarah Palin." If you already read yesterday's piece, here's the next installment:

1: Palin Tried to Ban Books From Local Library

Thanks to Bush, the Republican Party is not strongly associated with intellectualism. But Sarah Palin has apparently taken the conservative derision for book-learnin' to a whole new level: Time reports that as mayor of Wasilla, Palin asked the town librarian how to go about banning books from the local library. News reports from the time show that the librarian, who, strangely enough, was opposed to a tactic commonly employed by totalitarian regimes, had her job threatened for not giving her "full support" to the mayor.

The People for the American Way have issued a statement condemning Palin's actions and demanding an explanation from her:


People can disagree about a lot of things, but censorship is completely beyond the pale. Our democracy was founded on the belief that government shouldn't tell people what kinds of books to read or what kind of beliefs to hold. No one with that kind of history should be anywhere near the White House. Sarah Palin needs to clarify her stance on freedom of speech immediately, and John McCain needs to explain why he chose a running mate with so little regard for the Constitution.
So far the McCain campaign has been quiet about Palin's attempts to legislate what books people should be allowed to read.

2: Palin Apparently Doesn't Put "Country First"

A central and integral part of the McCain campaign's message is "Country First." McCain is a POW who has always put country before personal gain, as he and his handlers have reminded the public time after time after time. So if the vetting process of Palin was as thorough as McCain's people (and McCain himself) have been claiming, how is it that they missed this:


Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which since the 1970s has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.
And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First -- Alaska Always."
Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.
"We are a state's rights party," Clark -- a self-employed gold miner -- tells ABC News. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

"Alaska First -- Alaska Always." Huh, I don't suppose there's an unless-you-are-nominated-to-be-vice-president clause, is there? No, probably not.

3: Palin's Love Affair With Earmarks

McCain, when introducing Palin on Friday in Ohio, praised her as a champion for "reform to end the abuses of earmark spending." When it was Palin's turn to speak, she mentioned her claimed opposition to the famous pork barrel project, "the Bridge to Nowhere," as an example of her tough stance on earmarks. Well, we all know now that she was actually for the bridge long before she was against it. Apparently her love affair with earmarks doesn't end there:


… under her leadership, the state of Alaska has requested 31 earmarks worth $197.8 million in next year's federal budget …
But hey, it was her first shot at being governor of Alaska. Maybe things were different when she was mayor?

As mayor of the small city of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin appears to have made use of the system she now decries, hiring a Washington lobbyist, Steven Silver, to represent the town.
After he was hired, the city obtained funding for several projects, including a city bus facility that received an earmark valued at $600,000 in 2002. That year a local water and sewer project received $1.5 million in federal earmarks, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog organization.

Hmmm, Steven Silver, why does that name sound familiar? Talking Points Memo is quick to remind us:


… Silver appears to have additional ties that could further undercut Palin's image as a squeaky-clean reformer. According to Senate lobbying disclosure reports examined by TPMmuckraker, from 2002 to 2004 Silver listed as a client Jack Abramoff's lobbying firm, Greenberg Traurig. On Greenberg's behalf, Silver lobbied the federal government on "issues relating to Indian/Native American policy," "exploration for oil and gas" and "legislation relating to gaming issues" -- the very issues that Abramoff headed up for Greenberg at the time. In other words, Silver appears to have been a part of "Team Abramoff."

So this is the breath of fresh air that McCain wants in Washington? Earmarks aplenty and links to the infamous Jack Abramoff? If that's a step in the right direction, I don't want to see the step in the wrong one.

4: Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Not many pregnant teens are as privileged as Bristol Palin. And for those who are not, Sarah Palin made things a little harder a few months ago when she used a line-item veto to cut funding for a transitional home for teen moms in Alaska. According to the Washington Post:


After the legislature passed a spending bill in April, Palin went through the measure reducing and eliminating funds for programs she opposed. Inking her initials on the legislation -- "SP" -- Palin reduced funding for Covenant House Alaska by more than 20 percent, cutting funds from $5 million to $3.9 million. Covenant House is a mix of programs and shelters for troubled youths, including Passage House, which is a transitional home for teenage mothers.
According to Passage House's Web site, its purpose is to provide "young mothers a place to live with their babies for up to eighteen months while they gain the necessary skills and resources to change their lives" and help teen moms "become productive, successful, independent adults who create and provide a stable environment for themselves and their families."

(It certainly doesn't sound like the teen moms were joyriding in Cadillacs on the government's dime, but you never know.)

In classic "compassionate" conservative fashion, Palin opposes programs that teach girls how not to get pregnant, lobbies against their right to decide whether to have a child, then kills social programs that exist to cushion the impact of those policies. She then has the gall to trot out her own pregnant daughter as a symbol for "family values."

5: Crazy Reverend, Crazy Church

From the age of 12 and for most of her adult life, Sarah Palin attended the Wasilla Assembly of God. Apparently, Sarah Palin's God was a vengeful God -- one that made Himself helpful to the Bush administration from time to time by damning critics of the president, Democrats and other irredeemable sinners. The Huffington Post writes that the church's preacher, Ed Kalinins:


… preached that critics of President Bush will be banished to hell; questioned whether people who voted for Sen. John Kerry in 2004 would be accepted to heaven; charged that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and war in Iraq were part of a war "contending for your faith;" and said that Jesus "operated from that position of war mode."

Kalinins also offered a nuanced view of foreign policy, preaching that 9/11 and the Iraq war were part of a greater struggle over Christianity, with Jesus playing an important role as a very exacting general:


"What you see in Iraq, basically, is a manifestation of what's going on in this unseen world called the spirit world. … We need to think like Jesus thinks. We are in a time and a season of war, and we need to think like that. We need to develop that instinct. We need to develop as believers the instinct that we are at war, and that war is contending for your faith. … Jesus called us to die. You're worried about getting hurt? He's called us to die.

It can't necessarily be assumed that Palin agrees wholeheartedly with her former pastor. But in an address to the church three months ago, Palin also used disconcertingly religious language to frame the conflict in Iraq:


"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending (U.S. soldiers) out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Considering how much flak Obama got for the statements of his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, this is an issue Palin needs to address.

6: McCain Picking Palin Reeks of Sexism

The McCain campaign is already doing its best to deflect all the negative stories that are coming out about Palin by calling Democrats sexist, and by claiming that they are the party that values women's rights. Of course, Dems had a woman on the presidential ticket in 1984 (Congresswoman Geraldine A. Ferraro), so Republicans aren't breaking glass ceilings here but are actually 24 years late to the party. When it comes to sexism, it seems the party that isn't for equal pay or for a woman's right to choose should take a quick look in the mirror before accusing others of sexism. In fact, McCain's idea that women will vote for the McCain/Palin ticket just because Palin has a vagina is incredibly condescending, as Ann Friedman at the American Prospect writes:


Palin's addition to the ticket takes Republican faux-feminism to a whole new level. As Adam Serwer pointed out on TAPPED, this is in fact a condescending move by the GOP. It plays to the assumption that disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters did not care about her politics -- only her gender. In picking Palin, Republicans are lending credence to the sexist assumption that women voters are too stupid to investigate or care about the issues, and merely want to vote for someone who looks like them. As Serwer noted, it's akin to choosing Alan Keyes in an attempt to compete with Obama for votes from black Americans.

A candidate should be chosen because they are qualified for the job, not because of their gender. Any hardworking woman who has been passed over for a promotion could have told the McCain campaign that.

7: Palin Can't Even Run a Car Wash

Many politicians have a strong background in business: CEOs, executives, business presidents, self-made millionaires, etc. The thinking is that a businessperson is economically savvy, has executive experience, and can make tough calls and quick decisions. Well, Palin has some experience in the private sector: While she was mayor of Wasilla, Palin had time to open up a car wash in Anchorage. Good for her, nothing wrong with a little public service cushioned by some private business while raising a family. But by the time Palin was governor of Alaska, her business had run into trouble, as Matthew Mosk reports for the Washington Post:


State records show the business ran into trouble with Alaska's division of corporations business and professional licensing after Palin became governor of the state in 2006.
A Feb. 11, 2007, letter to the governor's business partner advises that the car wash had "not filed its biennial report and/or paid its biennial fees," which were more than a year overdue.

The warning letter was written on state letterhead, which carried Palin's name at the top, next to the state seal.
On April 3, 2007, the state went further and issued a "certificate of involuntary dissolution" because of the car wash's failure to file its report and pay state licensing fees.

The least you can accuse Palin here is of mismanagement (of a car wash!); at worst, she was abusing her political clout by trying to cut corners. Either way, Palin doesn't come off as the kind of executive you'd want running your business, let along your country.

8: Lied About Foreign Travel

In an attempt to inflate her nonexistent foreign policy credentials, Palin's spokespeople stated shortly after her nomination that she had traveled to Germany, Kuwait and Ireland: you know, the three countries most likely to give rise to catastrophic national security emergencies in the next four years.

But not only is Palin's travel history unimpressive, it was also being blatantly misrepresented. According Jim Aravosis, an Irish blogger has just revealed that Palin was in Ireland for a brief refueling layover.

And as Aravosis argues, Palin's lack of travel experience outside of "duty-free diplomacy" has major implications:


… John McCain, who is 72 and has had 4 bouts of cancer, (has) picked Sarah Palin to replace him as commander in chief should he die or be incapacitated in office.

She's a hunka-hunka burning somethin', baby!


If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 3:06 PM


This is only my opinion, but I think McCain chose Palin knowing her family flaws hoping either Obama or Biden would pounce upon them so it could be brought up that she has a son serving in the Army and it could be also mentioned that McCain has a son in the military. I also think the Republicans would then contrast how neither Obama nor Biden have children serving and ask the people of America who would really look out for the troops better the parents of soldiers or those who were not. Obama didn't bite on this bait in my opinion.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 3:08 PM


I think McCain allowed himself to be talked into choosing Palin so when he loses he has a reason to blame other than his total inadequacy for the job.

But thats just my opinion.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 3:09 PM


Also found this, from the LA Times, which seems to support that Sarah Palin wasn't actually a member of the AIP, but certainly her husband was, and she attended at least two of their conventions, speaking at one:


Sarah Palin's ties to Alaskan Independence Party are played down

The McCain campaign denies his running mate supports the party's separatist bent.

By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 3, 2008

Tonight, Sarah Palin will be nominated as the Republican Party's choice for vice president of the United States.

But back home, she has cheered the work of a tiny party that long has pushed for a statewide vote on whether Alaska should secede from those same United States. And her husband, Todd, was a member of the party for seven years.

"Keep up the good work," Sarah Palin told members of the Alaskan Independence Party in a videotaped speech to their convention six months ago in Fairbanks. She wished the party luck on what she called its "inspiring convention."

The Alaskan Independence Party, founded in 1978, initially promoted "the Alaskan independence movement." But now, according to its website, "its primary goal is merely a vote on secession."

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds said Tuesday that Palin did not support splitting Alaska off from the rest of the country. He sidestepped the question of whether she favored a statewide vote on secession.

"Gov. Palin believes that every American is entitled to their point of view, and their political beliefs," he said.

Bounds also did not directly answer the question of whether her husband supported the secession of Alaska.

"I can tell you that Mr. Palin is a proud American," Bounds said. "And he's excited that his wife has joined John McCain to reform Washington and make government work more effectively for all Americans."

For all but two months from 1995 to 2002, the governor's husband was registered as an Alaskan Independence Party member, according to the Alaska Division of Elections.

With McCain's campaign emphasizing patriotism -- his latest slogan is "Country First" -- the Palins' links to a party founded by the late secessionist gold miner Joe Vogler could prove awkward.

"I'm an Alaskan, not an American," Vogler is quoted as saying elsewhere on the party’s website. "I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

The party supports a plebiscite on four options that it says Alaskans were entitled to vote on before becoming a state in 1959: Form a sovereign nation of their own, become a state, accept commonwealth status similar to Puerto Rico's, or remain a U.S. territory.

Leaders of the party say many of its 13,681 registered members have joined out of frustration over restrictions that the federal government has placed on the use of its vast land holdings in Alaska. Beyond the secession vote, the party also advocates gun rights, home schooling and abolition of property taxes.

A question-and-answer page on its website asks, "Aren't most Alaskan Independence Party members a bunch of radicals and kooks?"

"The party has its share of individualists, in the grand Alaskan tradition," the answer says. "No longer a fringe party, the AIP is a viable third party with a serious mission and qualified candidates for elected offices."

Less than 3% of the state's 479,721 registered voters are members of the party.

An AIP high point came in 1990, when Walter J. Hickel -- a Republican governor of Alaska in the late 1960s -- won the job again as the Alaskan Independence Party's candidate. But he returned months later to the GOP.

Palin and her husband attended the party's 1994 convention at a Best Western in Wasilla, Alaska, said former Chairman Mark Chryson, a computer repairman who is now the party's webmaster.

A former mayor of Wasilla, Palin also spoke to the party's convention in the same hotel in 2006 when she was running for governor, Chryson said.

Dexter Clark, an Alaskan Independence Party vice chairman, brought up Palin's ties to the group in videotaped remarks to the second North American Secessionist Convention in October in Chattanooga, Tenn.

"She was an AIP member before she got the job as the mayor of a small town," Clark told the group. "That was a nonpartisan job. But you get along to go along. She eventually joined the Republican Party."

McCain's campaign distributed Palin's voter registration records Tuesday to show that she had never been a member of the AIP.

The Alaska Division of Elections confirmed that Palin had been registered as a Republican since 1982.

McCain's campaign also slammed ABC News for posting a Web story saying that Palin had been a member of the party, calling the report a "smear."



If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 3:16 PM



Wow. It's amusing to see Hero playing the idiot (I assume he's playing).

Never assume. Hero isn't "playing" the idiot. He's really that dim.

Interesting that a "lawyer" would have such a hard time figuring out the words in front of him.

He says she can't be a secessionist because Alaska's still part of the union.

I guess Obama can't be an America-hating socialist, either - America's still here, and it ain't socialist.

And he mustn't want to take our guns, either - after all, everyone I know still has theirs, so that proves Obama don't want 'em!


If the prefix "pro-" means "for" or "in favor of", and "con" is its opposite, and if "progress" means "pushing forward" or "improving"... then what the hell does "Congress" mean?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 3:56 PM



Originally posted by rallem:
This is only my opinion, but I think McCain chose Palin knowing her family flaws hoping either Obama or Biden would pounce upon them so it could be brought up that she has a son serving in the Army and it could be also mentioned that McCain has a son in the military. I also think the Republicans would then contrast how neither Obama nor Biden have children serving and ask the people of America who would really look out for the troops better the parents of soldiers or those who were not. Obama didn't bite on this bait in my opinion.

Actually Biden's son is heading over to Iraq in a few weeks. Why didn't you know that? Because he chose not to exploit it. BTW, did you know McSame was a POW?

Edit: Of course, Failin' will milk it for all it's worth, apparently. USA! USA! Hwaah! Ugh.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 4:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

McCain was a POW? First I've heard of it. You know, he NEVER talks about it...

Karl Rove's take on Sarah Pal(l)in:


Karl Rove told the Washington Post that Sarah Palin was, quote, "not a governing decision but a campaign decision."

So apparently ROVE realizes she's just window dressing, and has no real governing experience. Other GOP staffers and water-carriers have referred to it as "political bullshit" and "gimmicky" as well.

As long as the party's 100% behind her, right?

Vegas odds are 8.3:1 that she'll make it to November. I'll take that bet.

Apparently there's already talk of dumping her off the ticket - which wouldn't reek of desperation or anything!


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 4:25 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Apparently there's already talk of dumping her off the ticket - which wouldn't reek of desperation or anything!

Whoah, Harriet Miers returns!



Wednesday, September 3, 2008 4:36 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


No. But ANY governor has more executive experiance the Obama.

Besides, experiance is merely one factor. Others include (but are not limited to) values, judgement, vision, penis, knowledge of important issues, supporting cast, and character.

You know, I could just as easily argue that ANY legislator has more knowledge of the law than Pal(l)in.

Nice to know you equate her "experiance" as mayor-of-a-hamlet as somehow being superior to that of a United States Senator (or even a state senator).

Let's look at her other qualities:

"values" - pretty vague, that. She's "a REAL American" who advocates voting on secession for her state. How very American of her.

Judgement - I haven't seen where she's exercised much. Firing the guy who wouldn't fire her sister's ex-husband doesn't exactly reek of sound judgement, but maybe I'm just a reactionary...

Vision - Not good - she wears glasses, and not in a "hot librarian" kind of way. Speaking of which, since when is banning books from the local library seen as "visionary"? If your "vision" is of a world from Fahrenheit 411, then yeah...

Penis - Again, she comes up short. Not that a penis is necessary to be the President or Vice President - just pray to your god that she never cries or shows emotion! You guys didn't like it when Hillary did that... said it proved she wasn't ready to lead.

Knowledge of important issues - Well, she does fish, right? And she knows a thing or two about snow.

Supporting cast - Does she have one? I know McCane likes to stare at her ass, but I don't know if that qualifies as "support" or as just plain creepy-old-pervert.

Character - She was runner-up in a beauty contest. And she graduated from some backwoods community college. But hey, she was able to squeeze out five kids, so she must have character, right? Or an inability to cross her legs.

Sorry, but I remain unimpressed. As do most Americans.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 4:39 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"I was one of Nader's many chauffeurs in 2000, and handed him VHS tapes of 9/11 Road to Tyranny"


Piratenews, I am having trouble reconciling this statement. Are you suggesting that while you were Nader's chauffer in 2000, you handed him a tape detailing a terrorist attack that was going to happen the following year? And it correctly predicted the month and date of the attack?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 4:41 PM


My God, I'm listening to Caribou Barbie speechifying on Mike Malloy right now. She sounds like she walked off the cast of Fargo dontchya know.

Malloy: "As far as an advocate for special needs in the White House, we've already got one, and we're trying to send him back to Crawford."


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 5:00 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


"As far as an advocate for special needs in the White House, we've already got one, and we're trying to send him back to Crawford."

Please don't. We don't want him anywhere near us. No good can come of it. Please send him back to Connecticut, or Maine, or wherever the hell he's from, 'cause it sure ain't Texas!


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 5:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"I was one of Nader's many chauffeurs in 2000, and handed him VHS tapes of 9/11 Road to Tyranny"


Piratenews, I am having trouble reconciling this statement. Are you suggesting that while you were Nader's chauffer in 2000, you handed him a tape detailing a terrorist attack that was going to happen the following year? And it correctly predicted the month and date of the attack?


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

Debunking the debunkers!! I love it!

I am having trouble reconciling that he handed someone VHS tapes. Have DVDs not made it to your neck of the backwoods yet?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 5:23 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


DVD's had only been on a standard format for about 5 years in 2000, when Piratenews handed over his prophetic VHS tape. I suppose driving Nader around wasn't profitable enough for Pirate to afford a DVD burner. I seem to recall they were a bit pricey in the beginning.

Though, the thought of Piratenews driving around Mr. Nader gives "Unsafe at Any Speed" a whole new meaning.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 5:39 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Though, the thought of Piratenews driving around Mr. Nader gives "Unsafe at Any Speed" a whole new meaning.

Quit it! You just made me spew a beverage all over my keyboard!

But I think that should read "UnSANE at Any Speed". ;)



Wednesday, September 3, 2008 7:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well I caught most of her speech (n-between cooking dinner, dealing with the roofers and painters, helping hubby move his office, and taking DD to the gym. Say, did I mention the caribou I shot after work for dinner?)

Anyhooo... it sounded like a VERY long version of the kind of speech that beauty contestants trot through to prove that they actually have a brain: "And I'm for world peace, and fluffy kittens. I want to be a doctor, or a nuclear scientist. Would you like to hear my rendition of the National Anthem?"

I heard waaaay too much about her family (HEY! I thought she wanted to keep that PRIVATE!), the PTA, and being the mayor of a dot on the map... CLEARLY nobody knows what's involved in being mayor of a whopping 6000 people! And since she'll be an advocate for special needs children everywhere... how does she feel about universal health care and disability benefits?

Altogether not very impressive. from my POV.

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 9:11 PM


I only caught the last 10 minutes of her "speech" so I can't really, in earnest, offer any real objective criticism......

Awwh, who am I kidding! It kind of reminded me of this old movie from the 70's called Stepford Wives. It sound like she was reading a cookbook recipe to one of her "hockey-mom" friends.

I've seen more passion at a buddhist convention.

A reporter on Channel 7 interviewed a couple of conventioners - one male and one female (for balanced reporting I'm guessing) - and the woman said that, although she's thoroughly convinced McCain is the right man for the job, the jury's still out on her confidence in Palin. The man, of course, supported McCain's bold move in choosing a virtual unknown to run on the ticket. But, to me, he didn't sound too convincing.

Afterward McCain chimed in that his quest for change is genunine. Ahem, er, excuse me wasn't it McCain bashing Obama's rhetoric on affecting change in Washington. Suddenly we're starting to hear the "c" word in the republican camp. Hmmmm, mighty suspichoso! (pronounced so-pee-cho-so) as my friend would say. Something smells in Moosecreek, Alaska.

"Strange days indeed!, most peculiar mama!" John Lennon


Thursday, September 4, 2008 2:18 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by deadlockvictim:

Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Here's the thing, McCain wanted to choose someone as far away from Washington, D.C. as possible.....

I'm not convinced that John McCain actually made this decision. This has Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it. I am afraid that Mr McCain has let his "handlers" do too much of the thinking for him. I get that he sees himself as a Maverick and wants to shake up things in Washington, but shaking up government at the expense of having inexperienced or outright incompetent members of your cabinet shows, to me at least, very poor judgement.

Rove has no sway over McCain. Folks are going to have to get over this Rove fetish and move on. Palin is a great pick, a true breath of fresh air, and a real American. Newt was right, she has more leadership experience than Obama, and she knows a thing or two about cutting pork. And moose. And caribou...... Time for D.C. to get an extreme make over !

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, September 4, 2008 2:36 AM



Originally posted by rallem:
I also think the Republicans would then contrast how neither Obama nor Biden have children serving and ask the people of America who would really look out for the troops better the parents of soldiers or those who were not.

Wow, that sure would be clever if Beau Biden wasn't about to deploy. He's a Captain in the might remember him as the smart looking fella that introduced his Dad at the convention. He has "future US Senator" tattooed on his forehead...



Thursday, September 4, 2008 2:42 AM



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:
He says she can't be a secessionist because Alaska's still part of the union.

I said she has not been pushing a secessionist agenda in response to the crazy talk that said she was an unregistered member of the AIP.

Course the AIP has now come out and said "oops" we got that one wrong. I give the AIP a lot of credit for correcting the record. In that regard they stand above the mainstream media.



Thursday, September 4, 2008 2:48 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
So apparently ROVE realizes she's just window dressing, and has no real governing experience.

No...don't you read all the different posts?

Rove is secretly the head of the AIP (not registered, but that means nothing) and this is all part of his puppetmaster plot to enable Alaskan independence and keep George Bush in office so that the Jews can kill PirateNews and teach evangelical creationism to unborn babies in American schools.

Its really very simple, they talk about it on MSNBC all the time.



Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:56 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


No...don't you read all the different posts?

Rove is secretly the head of the AIP (not registered, but that means nothing) and this is all part of his puppetmaster plot to enable Alaskan independence and keep George Bush in office so that the Jews can kill PirateNews and teach evangelical creationism to unborn babies in American schools.

Its really very simple, they talk about it on MSNBC all the time.

So you're saying Palin is the Jewish head of Rove's MSNBC?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Thursday, September 4, 2008 4:17 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Rove has no sway over McCain. Folks are going to have to get over this Rove fetish and move on. Palin is a great pick, a true breath of fresh air, and a real American. Newt was right, she has more leadership experience than Obama, and she knows a thing or two about cutting pork. And moose. And caribou...... Time for D.C. to get an extreme make over !

A real American is someone who hates America so much they want their State to Secede?

Cutting Pork is only abandoning projects when their 'pork content' is reduced, and keeping the pork you've already got for a project that doesn't exist?

Having less experience in a small state is more than more experience in a larger one?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, September 4, 2008 4:42 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Having less experience in a small state is more than more experience in a larger one?

Yup - on the Republicans' experience scale, my mayor (Austin, Texas) is more experienced than Alaska's governor. He's been in office longer, and Austin has 100,000 more people than Alaska. And he's got at least as much foreign policy experience, since he has to deal with Mexicans on a daily basis.

So that's their argument in a nutshell. The person with less experience, less time in office, representing fewer people, is the more experienced candidate. By which logic, Obama has far more experience than McCane! :)


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Thursday, September 4, 2008 7:51 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


A real American is someone who hates America so much they want their State to Secede?

Oh, Cit - Don't you get it? That's what makes her a "McCane Maverick"!


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Thursday, September 4, 2008 7:59 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Oh, Cit - Don't you get it? That's what makes her a "McCane Maverick"!

From what I've heard of most of the Founding Fathers, if they were living today a fair deal of American's wouldn't consider them 'real' Americans.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, September 4, 2008 8:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Curious. Bush's ardent supporters now want "change"!

Palin is a great pick, a true breath of fresh air, and a real American. Newt was right, she has more leadership experience than Obama, and she knows a thing or two about cutting pork. And moose. And caribou...... Time for D.C. to get an extreme make over !
Why must you hate Bush so much?

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Thursday, September 4, 2008 8:32 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Curious. Bush's ardent supporters now want "change"!

Not change...REFORM! I think we can all agree that we need some reform.

One nice thing about Palin is, from her track record, if she see's corruption on either side she'll fight it. And if she see's a moose she'll shoot it. That's what Washington needs. Less fleece and dead meese.



Thursday, September 4, 2008 9:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


from her track record, if she see's corruption on either side she'll fight it
I think you need to look into her so-called track record of reform.

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal






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