Mind Control Bug Attacks FFF

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 17:06
VIEWED: 1163
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008 5:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Toxoplasma gondii ATTACKS!

"If you have it you don't need it. If you need it, you don't have it. If you have it, you need more of it. If you have more of it, you don't need less of it. You need it to get it. And you certainly need it to get more of it. But if you don't already have any of it to begin with, you can't get any of it to get started, which means you really have no idea how to get it in the first place, do you? You can share it, sure, you can even stockpile it if you like. But you can't fake it. Wanting it, needing it, wishing for it. The point is, if you never had any of it, ever, people just seem to know."
-Bruce Cambell, Old Spice (Burn Notice)


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 7:03 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


That explains a lot.

I'm sorry, Piratenews. I didn't know.

It's not your fault.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:42 PM


As a general rule , AnthonyT , you're mostly polite , and that's much to be appreciated...

So , despite your campaign of frequent criticism of P-N , why do you still smirk and snipe when he brings you something that you know to be credible ?

Seems that you mix your messages...If you'd like someone else to improve their game , you might have to work on yours , too...


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:05 PM


Bah, PN can take care of himself - in truth, under all the crazy I think he'd probably be somewhat offended if no one ever tore a strip off him, cause that's his mantra, see ?

No cow is sacred, not even his.

He does kind of ask for the chops busting, and like I said, it'd be actually kind of insulting to the guy as I understand him for us not to deliver it.

Believe me, he can handle it, you should see the crap thrown at him in other forums sometimes, meh.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:43 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by out2theblack:
As a general rule , AnthonyT , you're mostly polite , and that's much to be appreciated...

So , despite your campaign of frequent criticism of P-N , why do you still smirk and snipe when he brings you something that you know to be credible ?

Seems that you mix your messages...If you'd like someone else to improve their game , you might have to work on yours , too...


You're quite right, Out.

I think I've gotten into a bad habit with Piratenews, and tend to jump the gun. After reading about the failure of evil Jewish banks and lazy immigrants who prefer to sit around on breaks rather than follow the sign-language and whistled commands to take out the garbage, I may not have been in the right state of mind.

I actually did find the article about mind-warping parasites to be interesting and informative. It was wrong of me to carry on my ire from other threads in order to make a joke at Pirate's expense.

It was also wrong of me to assume that this article was prong one in uncovering a mind control conspiracy.

He actually did post an article with no clutter or agenda, and I'm sorry for being sarcastic.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:04 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Bah, PN can take care of himself - in truth, under all the crazy I think he'd probably be somewhat offended if no one ever tore a strip off him, cause that's his mantra, see ?

No cow is sacred, not even his.

He does kind of ask for the chops busting, and like I said, it'd be actually kind of insulting to the guy as I understand him for us not to deliver it.

Believe me, he can handle it, you should see the crap thrown at him in other forums sometimes, meh.


All true , all true , Frem...

Thanks for sayin'...

I was bearing all of the foregoing in mind when I wrote this little missive...

Hey , the way I see it , 'round here , the perception among many is that P-N is a 'blind squirrel' , and he's largely responsible for that perception , himself...

But , as the axiom goes , even a blind squirrel finds a nut , from time to time...

It's on those occasions that the truth requires no defense...

We all take a busting in the chops on occasion...often deservedly so...Keeps folk honest...

Until AnthonyT got on to this recent kick , he was probably the most unfailingly polite person in RWED...

I think it would be great if folk herein could learn from his fine example...

Then we can tell the impolite folk , unhypocritically , " Hey , we've upped our standards ; So...Up Yours ! "


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:24 PM


Out2 - You'd probably be shocked to realize how much actual data PN is sitting on, it's just that he expresses it so poorly, makes tenous and nebulous connections and thinks of it as one big conspiracy rather than a collective of small ones by petty and greedy folk who mostly all act the same.

Just cause crabs march in lockstep doesn't mean they're a hive mind, just means that with the same stimulus, they react the same way, and so too with many humans.

I've seen into some of the same rabbitholes, and regarding one of em, been all the way to the bottom and back often enough that I damn well oughta get frequent flyer miles.

In some cases I got more data than HE does, collected from court cases, direct photography, even security cam tapes from the facilities themselves... but I don't talk about it so much unless there's an interest.

Trust me, there's horrors you really are better off never knowing about, save in a general kinda way.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:34 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:49 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Nastly little buggers:

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii.[1] The parasite infects most warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family. Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of faeces of a cat that has itself recently been infected, or by transmission from mother to fetus. Cats have been shown as a major reservoir of this infection.[2]

Up to one third of the world's population is estimated to carry a Toxoplasma infection.[3] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that overall seroprevalence in the United States as determined with specimens collected by the National Health and Nutritional Assessment Survey (NHANES) between 1999 and 2004 was found to be 10.8%, with seroprevalence among women of childbearing age (15 to 44 years) of 11%.[4]

During the first few weeks, the infection typically causes a mild flu-like illness or no illness. After the first few weeks of infection have passed, the parasite rarely causes any symptoms in otherwise healthy adults. However, people with a weakened immune system, such as those infected with HIV or pregnant, may become seriously ill, and it can occasionally be fatal. The parasite can cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and neurologic diseases and can affect the heart, liver, and eyes (chorioretinitis).

However, an interesting US study with vegetarian cat owners v meat-eating non-cat owners looking for seroconversion (starting with no antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii and then developing them, indicating recent infection) showed that NO vegetarian cat owners developed antibodies, while some meat-eating non-cat owners did. The researchers concluded that the infection comes from poorly cooked infected meat, not cats.

BTW, you never clear them from your system.


Silence is consent.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 1:16 PM


Not disagreein' on any particular point...

Actually , you and I don't disagree on many points at all...

You are quite the archer , Frem...I know that in the clinch , you can always be counted upon to put something incisive onto a target , in a most decimating fashion...

As often as not , though the targets don't know that they've been hit , much less know
how badly they're damaged...

I've gotten the notion often enough that you're one of the good folk...But neither you nor I take kindly to being tread upon , and I don't envy anyone that wrongs you...

Note , that I said there's that 'perception' about P-N...

I'm one of those folk that can sift the chaff from the grain , you might say...

Just collatin' data...

I've got a range of sources , and the realities in our lives as we now know them , are not escaping me...

Nor the past , or our potential future(s)...

So , truly , there's not much that can 'shock' me , any more...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 2:53 PM


Gotta say it.

Damn that girl is hot, and wow, actual CURVES instead of the goddamn anorexic twiggy look, that one's goin on the pin-up wall.

I find porn kinda vaguely nauseating, but I do like pin-up art, matter of taste I guess, and that's one for the wall, definately.

As for Tox or Scratch fever - I ain't too concerned, since living with a passle of the critters ain't done me no harm yet, and alla mine are in a closed environment anyhow.

Item of note, btw - for cat people who may read this.

As of late Friskies corp has been kinda pissin me off - see, I feed mine on Friskies Ocean Fish, now labelled Seafood Sensations, never had a cat who didn't like it, never had an allergy or reaction problem to it from any cat, and their quality control is a bit higher standard overall, as a general rule.

But lately they been pushing this damn "indoor delights" formulation, and pushin it pretty hard, I keep finding trial cans and bags of it in my Seafood Sensations and even in my freakin cat litter.

Thing is, they do NOT like it, even fatass Ghoster who never pulls her little kitty face out of the bowl till it's empty turned her nose up at it after a couple bites, and those that did sample it proceeded to then eject it quite disgustingly onto my carpets, ick.

The verdict = pure awful, not ONE of them can stand the stuff, so if you happen to be pondering giving it a try... don't.

Dunno if it's just that it's sickeningly awful (cause it IS, trust me) or that it's formulated badly, but I would advise against trying to feed it to your cat, they prolly won't thank you for it.

While the stuff is in mind, one way to deal with the litterbox issues concerning cats is eliminating the territory issues, which is the root cause of a lot of litterbox problems no matter how many boxes you got.

See, if an item is too large for any one cat to lay successful claim to it, then it becomes communal property, and reduces such turf squabbles quite nicely.

So out went the damn tiny boxes - I use a plastic kiddy pool with an 8x8 linoleum remnant underneath it to catch the overspill when they track it off or decide to dig for china before dumping (that's mostly Ghoster), and buy 35lb boxes of Tidy Cat multi cat scoopable.

This makes it convenient cause you scoop the used material back into the empty plastic container and throw THAT out, no fuss, no muss, no mess.

And when the plastic container is full, you bag and pitch the rest, take the kiddy pool out back and garden hose it - then refill with another 35lb container.

Solves a LOT of problems with multiple cats, turf issues, and mess.

Of course, mine a pretty spoiled anyway, how many other folks have a motorized, fully filtered cascade-type water fountain for their cats pleasure, eh ?

Oh, and it might seem a little weird to you, but if *I* won't drink out of their water, it gets changed, right then, right there.

I also can and do sample any dry food before inflicting it on them, which is how I know Friskies new formula is so bloody awful, and sure you might think to yourself "ick" - ponder that cat food is not a lot different than some breakfast cereals other than the flavor.

Hell, I know PEOPLE who wanna be reincarned as one of my cats..

But seriously, stay AWAY from that Indoor Delights crap, trust me.

As for the rest...

That's pretty much my MO, Out2, inspired by the hunting pattern of the Snow Owl - you never see or hear them coming, they take time to set up a perfect shot, take it, and get in the wind with a pure minimum of fuss and muss about it.

Almost like it never happened at all.

Kinda like Batman and Bats, the Snow Owl is my motif, and a lot of my inspiration for tactic and technique, thus leading to my monniker in some circles as "The White Ghost".

Never even saw it coming.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:06 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
So , despite your campaign of frequent criticism of P-N , why do you still smirk and snipe when he brings you something that you know to be credible ?

Probably for the same reason I do: 'Cause he's a douchebag and he deserves it.

"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?"
