Here's the thing about being right......

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 1, 2008 06:23
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:38 AM


It sucks.

I don't want to gloat about knowing. About the housing bubble turned crash.... about the stock market imploding when they figured out it was all artificially inflated.... About how Demoncrats weren't going to change a damn thing when they got 2 out of 3. (Where's my impeachment or withdrawl of troops?)

In my small circle of influence, most of the people paying for the underhanded way things have been planned and carried out for the last few decades are my friends and family (or perhaps this has been going on for centuries, if you believe that people were orchestrating this since the beginning). Being one of the lucky ones who buckled down and saved some acorns a few years back without getting into any financial commitment at the same time, I don't feel as good as I thought I would. What's to enjoy when 95% of the people you care about didn't listen and didn't take the right steps? I'm not hurting myself, yet I'm not in a position to really help anyone financially either....

Dirty deeds..... done dirt cheap? I think we might finally all realize the true costs of our way of life very soon (and it's not only America, so UK, Europe and anybody else in the world who has been living off the backs of others will pay too, no matter who we care to blame to unburden our consience on. Things we've been trained to think of as Business as Usual while also swallowing the pill that it's okay that we had "easy" lives while millions worldwide slaved away day after day for our decadence for a pittance, are not going to be reality much longer.

Funny thing is though, the Chinese weren't programmed by TV to spend twice what they made to keep up with the Jones' and they banked almost every single cent beyond what they needed to maintain peace and stability. (What?!!! How did we come to owe the slaves more money than we make before any single cent is spent in almost 4 months of the total output of American labor?!!!!!!)

Talk about how shitty the Chinese have it if you want (and I'll agree) but the one thing you definately can say for them is that there's over 1/3 of the world's population living there and if there's ever a fight amongst themselves, it never makes it out into the world by their Government controlled media.

Quite a bit of a contrast from our media stateside which lies and says we're split 50/50 on every single issue, ya think? Two ends of a completely fabricated spectrum.

So the deal is, things are going to change. Not the end of the world, by any means, but things will just be a lot different.

I'm preaching to the chior here though..... Ya'll know Darwin. Get your shit together and move on.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:44 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
... about the stock market imploding when they figured out it was all artificially inflated....

Its up today. It turns out when it dropped it created bargains and folks are buying in under that crazy conservative idea "buy low, sell high".

So it turns out you were wrong. Markets been open about two hours. I bought in, made about 4%, sold out...I'll buy in again during the lunchtime slump and sell out making a few thousand more, then rake off the profits, and buy in again before the late afternoon rally for a more long term hold.



Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:53 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
... about the stock market imploding when they figured out it was all artificially inflated....

Its up today. It turns out when it dropped it created bargains and folks are buying in under that crazy conservative idea "buy low, sell high".

So it turns out you were wrong. Markets been open about two hours. I bought in, made about 4%, sold out...I'll buy in again during the lunchtime slump and sell out making a few thousand more, then rake off the profits, and buy in again before the late afternoon rally for a more long term hold.



Tell me I'm wrong in the long run.

I've been making a lot of money on the market recently too.

It's like playing Wall Street Kid on Nintendo when I was a little shit who thought he knew it all. That was a fixed game too, but on a much smaller scale. Playin' with the big boys now...

EDITED TO ADD: Not daytrading myself as you implied and Jongs stated, but I've been known to sell off and rebuy Goldcorp and US Bankcorp a few times in the last few months.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:53 AM


With all due respect Hero, bottom feeding is hardly a sound investment strategy. I hope you can make some quick money for yourself, but please don't tout day trading to anyone. The day traders of the 90's are all gone now, and you're taking a big risk yourself.....the old expression throwing good money after bad is an old expression because it's usually true.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:20 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
With all due respect Hero, bottom feeding is hardly a sound investment strategy. I hope you can make some quick money for yourself, but please don't tout day trading to anyone. The day traders of the 90's are all gone now, and you're taking a big risk yourself.....the old expression throwing good money after bad is an old expression because it's usually true.

What I do is not day trading. I get in, make the return I want and get out. I'm planning to get in long term this afternoon and gamble that the market will hit 14,000 within 12 months.

One fella called it bottom feeding and said it was not sound. That seems kind of silly, after all 'buy low, sell high' is usually a pretty solid investment tip.



Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:36 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
With all due respect Hero, bottom feeding is hardly a sound investment strategy. I hope you can make some quick money for yourself, but please don't tout day trading to anyone. The day traders of the 90's are all gone now, and you're taking a big risk yourself.....the old expression throwing good money after bad is an old expression because it's usually true.

What I do is not day trading. I get in, make the return I want and get out. I'm planning to get in long term this afternoon and gamble that the market will hit 14,000 within 12 months.

One fella called it bottom feeding and said it was not sound. That seems kind of silly, after all 'buy low, sell high' is usually a pretty solid investment tip.


I wish you good luck. You certainly have guts, considering no one really knows where the bottom is.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:50 AM


We aren't there yet...

I'm thinking late spring of 2009 now. I could be wrong. Higher paid men than me have. And even higher paid men than them decide.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:53 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

I wish you good luck. You certainly have guts, considering no one really knows where the bottom is.

My Grandfather made a bundle in the market. His advice was always good. Number one rule he lived by...never invest more then you can afford to lose.



Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So it turns out you were wrong. Markets been open about two hours. I bought in, made about 4%, sold out...I'll buy in again during the lunchtime slump and sell out making a few thousand more, then rake off the profits, and buy in again before the late afternoon rally for a more long term hold.
So you're day-trading on the job? Somebody should tell your boss!

Let's party like its 1929.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:33 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I assume he gets breaks and a lunch. Most people do.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:51 AM


Jack, multiply that by a pair of decades and the fact that nobody ever listens till it's far too fucking late and then comes whining to you asking what they should do, and all you wanna tell em is...

"Suffer, you bastard, you helped cause this and deserve every ounce of the misery."

Dude, there's NEVER any consolation in being right when the things you're right about are so fucking awful.

Thanks be that none of my investments are based on the flimflamfuckery that is wall street, and are not dependant on banks and their willingness to hand them over on demand.

I already had THAT experience with Old Court Savings and Loan, a mistake I ain't never, ever, making again.

When the bank slams the doors and refuses to honor it, what do you really have in the end but a useless piece of paper ?

Tell ya what, I'll sell you my OCSL account for five hundred USD worth of silver, and let you go and redeem it for the twelve hundred USD that the paper says they have in my name, that's a good deal right ?

Since, yanno, they'll actually honor their committments and all, yes ?

Dude, trusting those folk is a losing game, especially when things get ugly - and most especially when it gets even uglier as folks find out the hard way that most of their gold, silver and what have you, never actually existed and the "vault" that it's in existed only on paper in the first place.

And that paper will NOT be honored, not when things turn nasty.

As an interesting aside, been pickin up off-weight silver on the cheap lately, stuff of less than .999 or shorted bullion lots, even junked coins at melt value - if you KNOW what you're buying you can get some damned good prices on it, especially if it's something difficult like a 12.43oz lot of junk bullion, but unless you know what you're doing and how to determine the value and quality of what you're looking at, you will get hammered.

Here's a neat little suggestion for you too...
You'd be amazed at the value of stuff folk throw out sometimes, or sell off for yardsale prices.

In the end, everythings valuable to *somebody*, but paper is not valuable to me save for one thing, and charmin does a better job of it.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 4:23 AM


You're absolutely right Frem....

I'm not believing the sky is falling, and I think that I can use a lot of winnings in the long run to buy even more Silver in the future, but I don't have nearly enough backed up in prescious, the kind you hold in your own hands and not the type backed up by paper.....

I think I will look at any avenues of redeeming them cheap. The price turns me off now, but what if it's 20 times higher in 10 years? I keep thinking it will go down and just when it does it bounces.....

I believe in the long run, things will (at least for a while) return to a norm that we're comfortable with, but just in case, I'm going to get me some tangibles...

Any suggestions you got, whether here or in a PM are definately appreciated. You've obviously done much more research on this than I have.


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 6:00 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

FBI illegally seized all Liberty gold boullion, silver and paper for daring to promote Ron Paul for President. $20-million is still in private circulation in the underground economy. New paper can still be bought from the printer, but no more gold and silver, apparently.


Who are these traitors who have steadfastfully blocked or secretly worked to undermine the Liberty Dollar and its ideals?

List of Bellybuttons:

Ron Paul, Politician

I contacted every one of these bellybuttons. Each had the opportunity to really advance the ideals of liberty but didn't. They are liars and traitors to the ideals that you may think they support. I would never trust any of them. None will address the issues or even state their objections to the Liberty Dollar. Most will not even reply. A few have said I don't like them because they would not endorse the Liberty Dollar. Hell, I have never asked for an endorsement from anyone and don't care if someone endorses the Liberty Dollar or not. But I brand these traitors as bellybuttons because they stonewall, back stab and take adverse positions against the Liberty Dollar while publicly stating that they support the very same ideals but refuse to enter a discourse to move a viable solution forward.

I bet my relatives have lost huge amounts of money from their pensions and portfolios, except for a few Tennessee oil wells they own. But owning oil wells don't begin to cover their losses at the gas pump for their Mercedes SUVs and their dead aircraft sales business in USA (aircraft made in the Phillipines). They don't own gold, which is tied to oil and is inversely tied to the "dollar".

The insiders got rich this week by selling short in massive volume, then turning around and buying the same stock back at half price. That's why Paulson was running around yelling DEPRESSION!, to drive stock prices down. This also extorted Congress to pass his 2-page $700-Billion Top Secret BAILout bill, which ALMOST passed.

But you must have insider knowledge of exactly when the price will start to fall, and exactly how low the Top Secret Plunge Protection Team has predecided it will let it drop before they injuect billions in funny money to prop it up. So only the top Jewish banksters can make money on this scam. 99% of everyone else panics and sells high then buys low.

Jew Warren Buffet got out of the US stock market and quit buying US Treasury bonds years ago, as did Jew Dick "Tater" Cheney, who even moved Haliburton's HQ to Dubai. Buffet brags that USA is populated by "sharecroppers" (slaves).

The Jewish Bush Gang perped economic terrorism to pass another anti-patriot act. Another Jewish Nazi Reichstag Fire.

The CEO of GM was on CNBC today, talking with Michael Eisner, Jewish CEO of Disney ABC (who paid himself $200-million/year personal salary and owns 25,000 slaves in Commie China). GM CEO was bragging how GM now has SUVs with (a few) hybrid engines (very expensive), but needs a govt bailout "to figure out how to design small cars that get good gas milage in the distant future". It's like the NWO bribed GM to self-destruct. GM will go bankrupt without massive govt BAILout, and GM already closed its GMAC bank. They agreed that if GM don't get corporate welfare, "2-million US citizens will lose their jobs".

For over 10 years, GM has not manufactured small cars, instead selling Korean cars at Chevy dealers. Even the Chevy Cavalier is made in Canada, Mexico and Italy. Chevy needs to change its motto from "Baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet" to Korea, Canada and Italy killed Chevrolet".


Ron Paul's Federal Reserve Abolition To Save USA Act - HR 2755

Sir Alan Greenspan Jewish Knight of the British Empire counterfeited "US dollars" for the private international "Federal" Reserve Bank Corp, who now lives in London England and is employed by the German queen of England Sax Coberg Gotha, who is Queen of Babylon (Jewish holy land of Iraq) at Jewish Bohemian Grove

How the Stock Markets Really Work


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 6:23 AM


Well, I would suggest initially getting friendly with the folks at NWT, and Specialty Metals.
NWT is here, and mints/strikes their own rounds.

Some of the knowledge of scrap waste profitability was picked up on observation when I was security staff for a couple of industrial plants, since it was kinda my job to make sure no one made off with such stuff, and wondered why it was valuable...

There's also a market, provided you have a truck substantial enough to move it, and enough bulk to bother smelting it.. for circuit boards, and one can make a neat little buck since big companies have to dispose of much electronic equipment, which costs them recycling fees by weight, you see.

So we take say.. old PC, right ?

Pry that sucker open and pull the boards, rip open the power supply and pull those boards too, and gut the monitor - the IC chips go into a seperate lot by themselves, and the casings, or at least the metal parts can be reclaimed as metal scrap, waste not want not - AND we're much, much cheaper than disposal entire.

About the only things left over are plastic, which is of itself often recyclable although not at a profit, and the damn CRTs, and dude, NOBODY wants a CRT, but that's the only disposal cost we wind up payin.

There's also shitloads of industrial scrap and junk which a knowledgeable person can spin a buck off of, at times we've actually been paid to "make it go away" and then clobbered it at the smelter into nice profitable and portable cashy metal money.

Even trickier, although profitable, is purchasing or marketing to other countries and bagging an extra split on currency conversion, which you turn over to finance your personal ingot and bullion lots.

There's a *reason* my ex calls me Smaug, you know.

And it ain't just that I can be every bit as obnoxious..
(Goddamn that scene is funny, in it's own way..)

It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it