UPDATED: Friday, October 10, 2008 07:46
VIEWED: 3569
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Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:07 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

STILL all you've got ! STILL your best (and only) argument !


You are a fart in an empty pair of pants.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:20 PM



Originally posted by rue:
And that's STILL all you've got ! That's STILL your best and only argument !

Got anything to add to the TOPIC ?

BTW - I have lots of dollars. The problem with giving up your dollars for things - gold, argon (or maybe silver, hard to tell with your poor knowledge of chemistry), even real estate - is that when you need the dollars, they aren't there.

When credit freezes even more and dollars stop circulating it's really, really nice to have some dollars to spare. And your gold - has no value.

In that case , what's a 'dollar' ?

Your 'knowledge' of economics , 'frozen' credit , and 'money' in circulation means nothing...

Until you can define what the term means...

That's all you ever manage to do , attempt an 'argument' without being able to define terms and agree upon their meaning...

Yes , you and SignyM are quite the cute couple...You do have that common common...

Your methodologies are so boringly similar...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:22 PM



Originally posted by rue:
STILL all you've got ! STILL your best (and only) argument !

You are a fart in an empty pair of pants.

Stay away from my pants , you methane-eater ! CH4-o-phage !


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:24 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

A dollar - just like gold or argon - is whatever people make of it.


In all this turmoil, you'd think gold would be soaring. But it isn't - in fact it's gone up a mere 3% over the last week - and is only $10 / oz higher than a year ago - while the DOW has plunged 17%.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:27 PM


Okay , for the slow-kids in the class , and the elevation of the rest , have a look at this :

" In the days of tangible money, or sound money, or even just plain money, as opposed to "credit," the dollar was easy to define: 412.5 grains of standard ( 90% pure ) silver in coin form. The 412.5 grain figure was an average; the coin weighed 416 when minted. When, through wear and tear, its weight fell below 409 grains, it was no longer a dollar, but could be used in trade for a value in proportion to its weight. In general, banks culled out the worn coins and returned them to the mint to be recast. What a simple system! A bank official, asked to define "dollar," could do so in a sentence, without reference to the Comptroller of the Currency, or bank regulations, or "authority over actual ( sic! ) currency." Moreover, he could do so without making a fool of himself by attempts to mislead, confuse, or deceive. He wouldn't even have to piously reiterate "Thank you for your inquiry" every time he gave a long-winded response that had nothing to do with the inquiry.

Money is one of the basics of society. Is it extreme to suggest that without sound money there cannot be a sound society? And if the money is inherently dishonest, what does that say of the people who issue it, or even of the people who accept it? "


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:31 PM



Originally posted by rue:
A dollar - just like gold or argon - is whatever people make of it.

Well , you're as poor an economist as you are a chemist...Situational ethics cause yet another epic failure
for the ruefully-retarded...

What was the last thing you made of argon ?

How did you manage to change its intrinsic properties ?

Nice try at prevarication , but it's not fooling many folk...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:43 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Ehh - you're so good at chemistry you cited Ar which stands for ARGON - not SILVER. Silver is Ag, FYI.

"What was the last thing you made of argon ?"
Plasma. In an ICP-MS. Don't strain your brain at figurin' it. You'll fry.

So, are you saying that gold has the intrinsic chemical property of being valuable ? Because if you are, then you are not only a bad chemist, you are a bad economist.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:49 PM



A dollar - just like gold or argon - is whatever people make of it.

Exactly - as is any other item you wanna use as currency or trade, thus giving lie to the whole idea of needing "dollars" and them not being there cause they're tied up in something else, as if barter never occurs in human society ?

Me, I don't take paper, and I certainly don't take plastic... well, not the government kind, although if you brought me a stack of printer paper, some gummed rolling papers and a plastic 50gallon trashcan lid, I'd winterize your scoot for ya in trade...

Fact is, you can use ANYTHING as currency, provided both sides of the transaction agree upon it's value, thus making the entire argument here somewhat ridiculous when it comes to it.

The problem comes when what you value as currency has no value to the person you're offering it to, which can happen with anything, but is most common with an item of zero value in and of itself, a square of rag paper with green dye and ugly pictures on it, is just that, a square of paper, and if folk lose faith in it, not worth a damned thing.

You wouldn't offer a starving guy a krugerrand, he can't eat it so he's not gonna take it unless he knows someone who will take it in exchange for food - so just cut out the middleman and offer him what he wants, right ?

On the other hand, the ability to patch a flat on the spot with a minimum of tools and materials, all of which you have sufficient stocks of, is something no one can deny the value of, be it an eighteen wheeler or a bicycle, and you can demand value for it.

All that said, no offense, but y'all sound like a pair of second graders arguing over a playground toy, I swear...


PS. Language is a skill too, and one I happen to suck at, someone who speaks a bunch of em has enough value to me that I would trade with them on quite favorable terms.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 3:52 PM



Originally posted by rue:

...No, here's the real deal.

When the vast majority of people have no money, any money you may have becomes increasingly valuable.

Hey , it didn't work that way for the Russkies...

But , if you'd ever read the cites that you dispute , you'd already KNOW that...

Once again , your 'knowledge' of a subject is proven to be only 'theoretical' , and never practical...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 4:01 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

A dollar - just like gold or argon - is whatever people make of it.

...All that said, no offense, but y'all sound like a pair of second graders arguing over a playground toy, I swear...


PS. Language is a skill too, and one I happen to suck at, someone who speaks a bunch of em has enough value to me that I would trade with them on quite favorable terms.

Hey , Frem you flatter this 'senior chemist' character...

I'm not offended by your comment though , cause I'm used to having to put these things into 'bonehead English' easy-reader terms for him...And , his little lap/attack dog , SignyM...

The multi-lingual thing only really works if those languages *happen* to be 'in demand' locally...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 4:18 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Ehh - you're so good at chemistry you cited Ar which stands for ARGON - not SILVER. Silver is Ag, FYI.

"What was the last thing you made of argon ?"
Plasma. In an ICP-MS. Don't strain your brain at figurin' it. You'll fry.

So, are you saying that gold has the intrinsic chemical property of being valuable ? Because if you are, then you are not only a bad chemist, you are a bad economist.

Hey , chump , you always take the feint...

Funny that you're one of the few that never notices...

Like I said , Ricardo , a chump...I always make my point , win another round , bring the conversation back on-topic , soon enough...

We've been down this track several times , you've been provided more than enough information to work out the answers , and you still never do...

I've had my experience with inert atmospheres and their respective uses...Argon has been of particular value in plasma-cutting and arc welding...

You folk who insist on flaunting that you're 'scientists' generally only impress yourselves...

No social skills , only theoretical knowledge , little use for reality , situational ethics ; little in the way of survival skills without a gum-or-mint check , don't know when you're over over your heads , argument for the sake of ego rather than info...

What was that dollar-definition of yours ?

Don't even know what it is you want to argue about...AGAIN !

This thread is about economic survival...

Plainly , you've yet to add anything .


Thursday, October 9, 2008 4:23 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

from your link

In the United States, very few people own their place of residence free and clear, and even they need an income to pay real estate taxes. People without an income face homelessness. When the economy collapses, very few people will continue to have an income , so homelessness will become rampant.

Since most employment in the United States is in the private sector, we should expect the transition to permanent unemployment to be quite abrupt for most people.

In an economic collapse, there is usually hyperinflation, which wipes out savings. There is also rampant unemployment, which wipes out incomes. The result is a population that is largely penniless.

Since your link cites Russian inflation as a result of the collapse, I thought I'd look it up:

The greatest trauma of the first year of reforms was the high inflation that ripped through Russia, decimating savings and undermining confidence in market reforms. This was often blamed on Gaidar's decision to free prices from controls on January 2, 1990, ending decades of state price-setting. The action followed a similar tactic introduced by Poland two years earlier. In Poland the result had been a single sharp jump in prices, followed by price stability, and once-empty store shelves now filled with goods. In Russia, however, the jump in prices was even sharper; the stores never quite filled with goods (though food shortages did diminish); and the inflation kept barreling on, even nearing hyperinflation by the end of 1992.

The first is from your link - which indicates that the lack of income (ie money) will be a severe threat to most people. So having money is important.

The second is an analysis of the inflation in Russia - in this case not from the collapse itself as your link incorrectly states, but from the reforms that were later imposed.

The US could always become a failed state - like Somalia - where neither paper NOR valuables are used internally - the barter state Frem writes about at best, at worst a state where guns and ammo are the only currency that counts.

But the most common condition during economic collapse is not hyperinflation (which is so rare people still reference Germany's hyperinflation in 1923) or total social collapse like Somalia - it is deflation and economic depression. In which case, your currency will be more valuable than gold.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 4:29 PM



Originally posted by rue:

A dollar - just like gold or argon - is whatever people make of it.


In all this turmoil, you'd think gold would be soaring. But it isn't - in fact it's gone up a mere 3% over the last week - and is only $10 / oz higher than a year ago - while the DOW has plunged 17%.

No it ain't , Rue-Tard !

A dollar is a clearly-defined quantity of something...Oh , right ! Certain Metallic Elements !

A 'chemist' ought to know something about weights and measures , and the periodic table of the Elements...

Maybe you're a 'chemist' in the British sense...and , You're imbibing your own mixtures of psychoactive drugs !

Hey , weren't you just saying Certificates of Deposit would be a good place to put your 'money' ?

In that case , 3% return in only a week ! is
fabulous !

Check again...That 'Dow' is still plummeting...Gold is only UP so far , over the past year...

IMF has been intending to 'dump' some gold to manipulate the exchanges a bit , in which case , it should trend
toward an even BETTER 'Buy' !


Thursday, October 9, 2008 4:37 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

"A 'chemist' ought to know something about weights and measures , and the periodic table of the Elements..."
'Valuable' isn't a chemical or physical property - you must really be stupid to keep pointing at the periodic table as if it meant something. OK Einstein - point to me on the periodic table where any value is demarcated. Don't come back till you've got it. In fact, take your time. Take all the time you need.

"Hey , weren't you just saying Certificates of Deposit would be a good place to put your 'money' ?"
And now you have to put words in my mouth in order to have anything to say at all. Lame-ass.

"In that case , 3% return in only a week ! is
fabulous !"
And a return of 1% in an entire year ! Why, that almost kept up with inflation ! Only 6% short ! Oh that's right, gold NEVER loses value. It didn't go DOWN and then go up. It's a time warp, that's what it is.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:00 PM


That's how Folk can tell when you've been thrashed...

Your default position whenever you're beaten is to LIE , and attempt Slander...

You're working for the Banksters ? That's their strategy , too !

Won't work...

Enough folk see through your scheme...

You're right about one thing...'Valuable' isn't on the periodic table , but it is ALL ABOUT 'Intrinsic'...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:18 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

LIE -- where ? Slander ? Where ?

Point it out. Please.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:24 PM



Originally posted by rue:

...And a return of 1% in an entire year ! Why, that almost kept up with inflation ! Only 6% short ! Oh that's right, gold NEVER loses value. It didn't go DOWN and then go up. It's a time warp, that's what it is.

Graphical proof that 'rue' is :

1)...a LIAR !

and ,

2)...not an 'Economist' !

Gold , charted October 2007 - October 2008

Silence Is GOLDen...S*T*H*U !


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:31 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I'm just getting a blank screen.

is all I can get. But drat, it comes out blank when I click on it.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:34 PM



Originally posted by rue:
I'm just getting a blank screen.

is all I can get.

Yeah , I noticed THAT about you !

So , you're not a 'Scientist' either...

Can't tick the little checkboxes , even ?

That's sad...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:36 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

No checkboxes on a blank screen, idiot.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:36 PM


Oh , well , day-yam , you're not even on the same page !

Do I have to draw you a MAP ?


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:39 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Stupid - when I click YOUR link I get a blank page. What are you going to map on a blank page ? Something imaginary ? Is that like gold being 'valuable' because of the periodic table of the elements ? Is that another imaginary reference ?


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:45 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Stupid - when I click YOUR link I get a blank page. What are you going to map on a blank page ? Something imaginary ? Is that like gold being 'valuable' because of the periodic table of the elements ?

Beat your noggin on a different wall , then...

Hey , other folk seem to be able to make it work...

Remember what I said about ticking the little boxes ?

Tick 'em , October 2-0-0-7 to October 2-0-0-8 , then click the little button for your result...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:52 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Stupid - when I click YOUR link I get a blank page. What are you going to map on a blank page ? Something imaginary ? Is that like gold being 'valuable' because of the periodic table of the elements ? Is that another imaginary reference ?

I was kidding about you needing a map...I think...

Just click the kitco link I gave you , buddy...

I know you can do this , if you really , REALLY try...

No , that's not imaginary...I hope !

Hey , you can make this Real...Just follow the directions...

Hey , you're not cherry-pickin' the results again , are you ?


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:58 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Well, I tried going here and even that's not loading.

I give up.

Oh, that's right. I've had problems with the site before. That's one of the reasons I got my gold through APMEX.


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:19 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Oh yes, btw, here's a little collection of YOUR LIES and slander - things you put up when you've lost and have got nothing - just thought I'd put it up here so you don't post-edit like you did changing Ar (ARGON - what a turd) to Ag:

All that , and still didn't learn anything...Such is the scope of human tragedy...

I'll wager that folk like that look durned ridiculous , totin' their used mattresses around , tryin' to trade for commodities that are really in demand...

ruefully-retarded folk

I expect 'em to be stupid , and they never disappoint...Well , they're always disappointing , of course , but the true depths of their persistently-challenged 'mentality' remain fashionably un-plumbed...non compos mentis...

Still , musty mattresses don't exactly make good currency in most parts of the world

Then why'd you bring your nasty mattresses into a discussion of economics ?

Oh , I get it , the 'Ethiopian' moron did that , so it's not your fault...

But I get your point...Filthy lucre...Nasty cotton-rags that you prefer to Lawful Money...

Sooner or later , you'll be able to make a mattress out of all those debt-notes that you prefer...

Fourth language...

Day-yam , that poor sucker is as hard-up for communications as he is for 'friends'...

Why a 4th language ?

'Cause the first three just weren't workin' for him...

Jack of all trades , master of none...

Yeah , we need more immigrants like that...

Didn't know that you played the saw...

So you're musically-talented , too ?

Had you figured for a 'wood-wind player'...

I'm not offended by your comment though , cause I'm used to having to put these things into 'bonehead English' easy-reader terms for him...And , his little lap/attack dog , SignyM...

Hey , chump , you always take the feint...

Funny that you're one of the few that never notices...

Like I said , Ricardo , a chump...

No social skills , only theoretical knowledge , little use for reality , situational ethics ; little in the way of survival skills without a gum-or-mint check , don't know when you're over over your heads , argument for the sake of ego rather than info...

No it ain't , Rue-Tard !

Maybe you're a 'chemist' in the British sense...and , You're imbibing your own mixtures of psychoactive drugs !

Hey , weren't you just saying Certificates of Deposit would be a good place to put your 'money' ?


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:34 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Oh yes, btw, here's a little collection of YOUR LIES and slander - things you put up when you've lost and have got nothing - just thought I'd put it up here so you don't post-edit like you did changing Ar (ARGON - what a turd) to Ag:

Nope...wrong again !

Argon is not 'a turd'...Argon is a gas...

Argon is inert , except possibly at ultra-low temperatures...

Methane , well you could make it from turds...
You could get busy solving some of the 'greenhouse-gas' problem if you'd get crackin' with that...


Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:48 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

No -- wrong again. When will you ever get anything right ? YOU'RE the turd for calling silver argon. Yes, I know, in your mind it has SOOoo much value because argon is on the periodic table. You see, it's an element. That's why it's valuable. Because it's an element. It has properties. And can't be changed. That's what makes it an element. And that's why it's valuable ...


Silence is consent.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:13 PM


Yay, Bill Moyers.


Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:40 PM


Really interesting article Out2theblack....

It's what I've been saying all along, somebody had to know that this was coming. The gloom and doom reported on the news was to get everyone to panic and agree that the bastards must be saved to save our way of life.

But it's scary how all this is coming to pass and the Treasury Secretary now has absolute power. No one can question or even vote him out. Hell not even the courts can question his authority. Scary!

This country is being taken over by the Neocons, slowly but surely and we are all standing by watching this unfold before our eyes. We are watching McCain, Palin and Obama while our country, our beautiful country is BURNING!

If JFK were alive today, he would truly die.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:47 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Ehh - you're so good at chemistry you cited Ar which stands for ARGON - not SILVER. Silver is Ag, FYI.

Well , it was YOU who wanted to get situational and esoteric , saying that all these
sorts of elemental things are ONLY what we make of them...

That's why I was sure to clarify , 'Argentum'...

...In the hope that you'd follow my meaning , with no mistaking of terms...

Thanks for the compliment about my understanding of chemistry...

Unfortunately , coming from you , it means absolutely nothing...

I was cross-referencing from memory...You may not relate to that...

You know , because , historically , the abbreviation 'Ar' for Argentum , aka 'Silver' , predates the periodic chart ,
and most of what modern folk know as 'chemistry'...

It comes from heraldry , actually :

Heraldry is the practice of designing, displaying, describing and recording coats of arms ...

...argent is the tincture of Silver

Silver is a chemical element with the symbol Ag , and belongs to the class of light tinctures ,
called "metals". It is very frequently depicted as White...

White is a color that has high brightness but zero hue ... and usually considered interchangeable with it.

There are a number of uses for the word Argentum , or may be indicated with the abbreviation ar. in them.

The name derives from Latin .

Latin is an ancient Indo-European language originally spoken in Latium...

Argentum , which means 'white money', or Silver...

The word argent had the same meaning in Old French , 'Blazon'.

In heraldry and vexillology , a blazon is a formal description of ,
most often, a coat of arms ,
from which it passed into the English language .

...a kind of silver leaf was applied to those parts of the device that were argent."

Didn't mean to go all 'medieval' on you , but it does kinda reveal you to be a 'one-trick pony'...

It's what 'rue' would call a 'typo'...

Since your logic devices are failing you , and you can't access historical data about the value of gold , here's a chart that shows the historic performance of a Lawful $...Notice that the 'dollar' does best during periods when its 'value' is pegged to designated amounts of Metal...Just for review , kids :


Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:34 PM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Really interesting article Out2theblack....

It's what I've been saying all along, somebody had to know that this was coming. The gloom and doom reported on the news was to get everyone to panic and agree that the bastards must be saved to save our way of life...

...If JFK were alive today, he would truly die.

Tom Jefferson , too .

And Ben Franklin...And many others who made great sacrifice , took great risks , to create the ideal in the first place...

Yes , you are correct...This crash was engineered , as was the 'bailout'...All written at least , months in advance , same as the 'Patriot Act'...


Friday, October 10, 2008 7:22 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

From YOUR post:

"Silver is a chemical element with the symbol Ag , and belongs to the class of light tinctures, called "metals". It is very frequently depicted as White..." Weird, they say the same thing I said. The symbol for silver is Ag.

Yes I understand it was a typo. But I can say the exact same thing about argon that you say about silver. It's valuable because it's an element and has properties that can't be changed which are intrinsic and that's why it's valuable. I can say that about ANY element.

VALUE is a HUMAN notion that we assign to all things, not a chemical or physical property. You won't find it on the periodic table of elements for a good reason.

As for the Constitution, it says this:

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution
The Congress shall have Power . . .
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States; . . .


Section 10 - Powers prohibited of States
No State shall ... coin Money ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts

There is nothing in the Constitution that says gold or silver, or any other form of currency is THE national legal standard.

Your chart is an interesting one because among other things it shows that there are times when the country was on the gold standard, the value of the dollar tanked, and it was TURNED AROUND by going OFF the gold standard.

Finally, Nixon took the US off the final gasp of the gold standard in order to create money to fund the Vietnam War. It's not the lack of the gold standard that's at fault - it's the government polices regarding government debt.

There is nothing intrinsic about the value of gold or silver, just as there is nothing intrinsic about the value of wampum or baseball trading cards or even dollars. Like any commodity, any currency, any item, they are only worth whatever you can exchange them for. And that depends on demand.


Silence is consent.


Friday, October 10, 2008 7:46 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by out2theblack:

That's an anti-semitic cartoon against private central banksters!


"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
-President Thomas Jefferson, author of Declaration of Independence and US Constitution

"The Bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!"
-President General Andrew Jackson

"I cannot believe that the killing of 2,000 Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies a person for the various difficult and complicated duties of the Presidency."
-Henry Clay

"After eight years as President I have only two regrets: that I have not shot Henry Clay or hanged John C. Calhoun."
-President General Andrew Jackson

President Andrew Jackson speech to veto the private 2nd Bank of the United States

Private foreign banksters hire a dozen assassins to kill President General Andrew Jackson who was shot a dozen different times


"I killed the Bank!"
-Tombstone of President General Andrew Jackson, which does not mention that he served as a president of the United States






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