A Good, Honest Sheriff?

UPDATED: Monday, October 13, 2008 11:25
VIEWED: 1253
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Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:53 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I found this interesting. He sounds like a nice guy.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:03 AM


That's exactly what I meant by - DO NOT COMPLY.

If there's nobody to enforce the will of the rapacious elite - they got nothin left to threaten us WITH.



Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:19 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
I found this interesting. He sounds like a nice guy.

A White Sherriff?!?

Seriously, if he refuses to evict persons and obey lawful orders of the Court he has violated his oath and should be removed from office. He should not be in the business of picking and choosing the laws he will enforce. If he does not like the laws, he can run for the legislature, if he does not like the Court orders, he can run for judge.



Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Here's how our crooked sheriffs handle forclosures - police state death squads kill defenseless grannies. Most forclosures are illegal, since they lack court orders signed by a judge, as in this case.

Suckers find this out the hard way, who buy TV infomercial books on how to steal houses for $100 stolen by Gangsta Govt "tax sales", since these bogus forclosures can be tied up in court for decades, as homeowners fight for their homes.


Man says police caused wife's death; police say man made threats against local officials

Wed Oct 9 2008

SEVIERVILLE TENNESSEE; A local woman allegedly took her own life Monday while officers from the Sheriff's Department and Sevierville Police Department waited outside for an eviction notice that never arrived.

Pamela Ross had spoken to officers outside her home at 230 Lexington Place Monday morning while her husband, Jimmie D. Ross, was in court on a matter related to a foreclosure on their home, according to authorities. Judge Jeff Rader would eventually grant an extension that would allow the Rosses to remain in their home longer. But in the meantime, officers say Ross went inside and ended her life with a handgun.

Jimmie Ross doesn't believe that account.

"It doesn't add up," he said in an interview with The Mountain Press on Tuesday.

He said he told officers Monday that he believed they were responsible for her death.

"One way or another, I said, whether you pulled the trigger or not, you killed my wife."

Ross said he has retained Knoxville attorney Herb Moncier to represent his family. Late Tuesday, he said Moncier would ask for an independent autopsy and for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to take over the case.

A friend, he said, talked to Pamela Ross by phone five minutes before her death.

She also left a message with a Galveston, Texas man whom Ross describes as a private attorney general that had been advising him during the foreclosure and eviction procedure. "She ... said, scared to death, "They're at my front door and my back door, Odell, what should I do?' And then the phone went dead," Ross said.

Sheriff Ron Seals said officers were sent to the house before the writ evicting the Rosses was issued because they were concerned about what Jimmie Ross might do if he were evicted. Authorities say Ross has made threats against law enforcement and court personnel, and they
were aware that he had guns in the home.

"Under normal circumstances, we would not do that (level of force), but we went out there knowing there were weapons in the house and there had been threats," Seals said.

Deputies had seen firearms at the house when they assisted IRS agents who searched the house in relation to a separate case several months ago, Seals said. Knowing of that and of the alleged threats Ross had made, they decided to send officers there ahead of time.

They also asked for Sevierville police to assist, according to Bob Stahlke, spokesman for the Sevierville Police Department.

One officer was there as back-up before Pamela Ross spoke to the officers and went back inside, Stahlke said. Many others converged on the house, however, after officers reporting hearing a shot from inside the house, Stahlke said.

Ross said he doesn't believe his wife would have walked out and spoken to authorities. She spent most of her time in bed due to a chronic, terminal illness, he said.

"The whole thing was a scam to get me out of my home. I'll put the bottom line to you," he said.

He denies ever threatening a judge or police officers.

"I don't make threats against anybody," he said. "I don't have to make threats. If I'm going to do something, I'll do it.

"We are private people, we don't bother anybody and I don't want anybody bothering us."

He acknowledges owning several weapons, including a handgun he kept beside his bed and a gun that was in his car when he arrived at the scene. Law enforcement officers confiscated all the firearms in the house Monday, he said.

As he left court Monday, a deputy escorted him to the car and chatted with him as they walked. When they reached his car, however, he said that the deputy informed him his wife had been in an accident and was being taken to a hospital by ambulance. He decided to go home to change his clothes before going to the hospital.

As he neared his home, law enforcement officers were all around his home and swarmed the car, demanding that he get out. Ross said he refused at first to comply.

"This guy with this big Uzi or whatever it is jumped on the hood of the car there and pointed that gun at me, and they were screaming at me," he said.

He said he was handcuffed and held several hours before being told what had happened to his wife.

Police say Ross was never charged with any offense on Monday.

Ross said he told officers he wouldn't leave for the hospital until they left his home and property.

He said he has spent most of his retirement funds to pay for his wife's medical bills. She was denied Social Security and disability benefits.

Ross said most of his money has been "stolen," but declined to elaborate on what that meant. Documents in local courts show several credit card companies have sued to collect debts from Ross; he said those were unrelated matters.

The foreclosure proceedings on his house are just the latest debt collection proceedings Ross has been involved in. He says he was not in default on his payments to the bank; he had paid the bank with a treasury bond that they still have but have not acknowledged. He doesn't know why.

He maintains that the attorneys suing to collect the debts, and in some cases the banks themselves, do not have the authority to collect the bills. He claims that judges are allowing those claims to continue even though they aren't proper, and he has gone so far as to sue people, including chancellor Telford Forgety on two occasions, claiming their actions against him amount to racketeering.

Both claims against Forgety have been dismissed.

Several sources told The Mountain Press that Ross had placed a sign on his door claiming that his home was not part of the United States and did not fall under its laws. Ross said that was not true; he said he had an apostille from the Tennessee secretary of state on his door saying no government agency had the right to enter his property.

Ross said he is a member of the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party, and that he supported Ron Paul for president.

The previous sheriff of Sevier County was sent to prison for dope dealing.

This may be the same Jimmy D Ross, who sued the IRS under the Taxpayers Bill of Rights:


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:47 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Here's how our crooked sheriffs handle forclosures - police state death squads kill defenseless grannies...

...blah, blah, blah, the Jews.

Yeah, we get it. Death squads and Jews.



Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:00 AM


"A White Sherriff?!?

Seriously, if he refuses to evict persons and obey lawful orders of the Court he has violated his oath and should be removed from office. He should not be in the business of picking and choosing the laws he will enforce. If he does not like the laws, he can run for the legislature, if he does not like the Court orders, he can run for judge.

H "

Oh screw it....


Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:26 AM


I guess Zero didn't actually read the article.

Most of the time the problem he's running into is that the court orders are NOT legal cause those initiating them did not fulfil all the necessary requirements and the court negligently issued them anyway.

To question that, and refuse to enforce a court order that turns out to be illegal, that is HIS JOB, and he's doin it.

But Zero ain't gonna admit that, oh hell no, any more than he's dared to answer any of the things I've pressed him on in the past three months.

Cause both of us know what the answers are, and he don't happen to like em.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:47 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I guess Zero didn't actually read the article.

Most of the time the problem he's running into is that the court orders are NOT legal cause those initiating them did not fulfil all the necessary requirements and the court negligently issued them anyway.

I did read the article and your statement of his position is correct.

The problem is he has no standing to make such a determination. If the Court is issuing bad orders then those orders MUST be overturned by the issuing Court or on Appeal. Until either of those things happens...the order is by its very nature a valid order.

By adopting this role he is violating his oath and his duty as an officer of the Court. He is denying, without a hearing, the right of the mortgage holders to the eviction the courts have granted them. That makes his actions unconstitutional, even if he is correct in his position, something that he is in no position to judge.

I noted ealier that if he wanted to change the laws he could run for the legislature, if he wanted to change the Court rulings he could run for judge. I note further that if he wants to protect the legal rights and interests of these "innocent tenants" he can quit his job, get a law degree, and represent them in court.



Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:54 AM



I guess you don't rent, huh?

Since when are the police at the behest of corrupt banks anyways?


Thursday, October 9, 2008 1:16 PM


Zero, your position as expressed is a gross distortion of the law and his responsibilities as a sheriff, but what else to expect from a guy who makes his living off those usurpations and distortions.

I know you'd not have a career here, that's for sure.

A certain locally influential person in Indiana once took issue with me and one of my associates now out of her reach, and had her drinkin buddy judge issue a warrant for us accusing us of tresspassing, breaking and entering, and felony battery against her - which as you well know IN law states must put the victim at risk of death.

The catch ?

Weren't neither one of us anywhere near there when it supposedly happened, in fact at a convention with two hundred some odd witnesses.

Didn't stop the court, via said drinkin buddy judge, from issuing the damn warrant - NOR did it stop them from sending a court appearance letter postmarked a week AFTER the hearing, a common dirty trick of your kind to provoke a valid bench warrant when the original warrant is so shaky it'd fall apart on close inspection, and it sure didn't stop the nasty little court secretary from calling to threaten us (on tape, no less) and then tell us NOT to bring a lawyer and if we did, they'd arrest him too and charge us with contempt.

Dirty nasty shit like that is WHY a Sheriff has the authority he does, which does indeed include refusing to enforce an obviously fraudulent, illegal, or otherwise invalid court order.

Cause those dickheads chose to take up the matter with our local sheriff, who firstly demanded a medical report, so they hung up on him and then tried to resubmit it as misdemeanor battery, and generally continued playing games with him until he told them where to stuff it, and that any of their people in his jurisdiction trying to mess with me would be arrested, *IF* I left enough of em to bother.
(Which is ironic cause he didn't even know me at the time, it's a Michigan thing.)

"Since the year 992 A.D., Sheriffs have been enforcing laws, protecting citizens and enforcing the will of King and Court. It is here the powers of the Sheriff originated in English Common Law which has been absorbed into American Common Law and subsequently into the Constitution of the states. In 1941, Walter H.Anderson, a prominent attorney of the Idaho, California and Tennessee state Bar and supreme Court of the United States Bar, wrote A Treatise On The Law Of Sheriffs which has become the foremost legal authority on the subject of Sheriffs.

Anderson states that "the Sheriff's primary obligation is to represent the sovereignty, authority, and interests of the state in his respective jurisdiction", whereas the Police department represents the interests of the local jurisdiction. Originally the Sheriff was the King' s man, representing the interests and authority of the King in his Shire, often controlled by noblemen not always sympathetic or loyal to the King. In preserving the rights of the government, he (the Sheriff) represents the sovereignty of the state and has no superior in his county.

The modern Office of Sheriff carries with it all of the common law powers, duties and responsibilities to preserve the peace, enforce the laws and arrest and commit to jail felons and other inflators of the law. The powers and duties of the Sheriff are analogous to those imposed upon police departments. The Sheriff is the principle conservator of the peace within the county. In addition the disparate duties, there is at least one other big difference between the sheriff’s department and the police : the funds available to carry out their respective missions."

Dude, it's HIS fucking decision, in the end and he answers to US, the people, not the fucking courts, because his position is a bastion of LOCAL Government sovereignity over it's own affairs, for the express purpose of preventing bullshit that assholes like you commonly exploit and abuse their positions to perpetrate.

He's OUR defense, against YOU.

And it just so happens that my local Sheriff, is one of THE most stand up guys I've ever met in all my life, and for a guy that finds the police in general to be a pretty despicable lot, that's a pretty strong statement.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:28 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I know that the military has rules about following illegal orders. Do civilian law enforcement agencies have no such rules?

I mean, if you know the court order you hold in your hand is illegal, it seems odd that you'd still be required to carry it out.

I also find it scary that the 'legal' position would be to follow illegal orders until such a time as an appeals process had been concluded. That seems... bad.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Frem, I think what Hero really fears is the very idea of someone in a position of some power actually doing what you've suggested we all do in such a situation: refuse to comply. If the foot soldiers of the regime simply won't follow illegal orders, the whole regime is at risk.

THAT is what he fears the most - the idea that this guy is taking a moral stand and refusing to "just follow orders" - and is being protrayed as the REAL hero because of it. He just might start a trend of people doing the RIGHT thing once in a while.


This world is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel.

Trolls Against McCain!


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:00 PM


Thanks for the post AnthonyT, it's good to see that there are still good people on this planet who just don't blindly go about "following orders" and causing unnecessary harm.

Somehow therein lies a scam, someone is getting away with hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of dollars. Where will it end?

I believe, if this keeps up you will see people getting shot behind this latest ripoff. Imagine 43,000 foreclosures. And McCain wants to buy up these mortgages (making the bankers richer than ever) at our expense. We, the taxpayers, get to help out our needy friends at the banks. Poor guys, there not going to make their million dollar bonuses this year. Boo Hoo!

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:06 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

There's a reason why they used troops from different areas of China in Tiananmen Square. While you might not fire on your neighbor you'd be less likely to have any compunction firing on strangers, especially those who are 'different' from you (see 'the limits of human-ness ...').

SoupCatcher started a thread a long time ago called 'the demonization of the opposition'.

I think there's a qualitative difference between simply being limited in your ability to fully empathize (an inability to span differences, which I believe is a common human condition), bias (often unconscious) and demonization, which intentionally plays on biases to make people think someone is non-human because they are different.

What if ... let's say the Chinese are brought up thinking that the whole is greater than the individual. That's not a stretch for Chinese culture as I understand it. Therefore, your better self is in your duty to the whole. Being a solider in the Square you are faced with people different from you ... selfish people who are trying to destroy that which is 'good for the whole'. Do you shoot ? Of course you do.

Not going anywhere with this ... just musing.


Silence is consent.


Saturday, October 11, 2008 12:38 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Police death squads in Tennessee are now busted for performing a summary execution during a bogus forclosure, then perjuring about it.


Herb Moncier (assisting atty)'s Private Investigator has found neighborhood witnesses who saw the bastards force my wife out of OUR HOME and body slam her to the ground. Keep in mind that she has had post traumatic stress syndrome since the invasion last year and already had a terminal illness at THAT time. She could hardly walk up the stairs and yet was treated like shit. They told her that I had made threats to a judge and was getting violent at the court house. She was going to go and "calm me down". Bullshit! She knew better than that. They have finally stated that she was killed with a 9mm Glock. Because of her terminal illness and other physical problems she could not even COCK the Glock. I had to buy her a S&W 38 snub nose and I had it with her car that day. It was IMPOSSIBLE for her to have shot herself like they are trying to cover up evidence and say.

More exact details as I get time. They have been refusing an autopsy and paraphin test but the PI has forced their hands on that issue and it will be done on Monday. The PI found a LOTTTTT of incorrect bullet info; for example: the bullet went STRAIGHT through her heart, made a right turn down into the top corner of a cardboard box on one side and exited the opposite side at the bottom and went STRAIGHT out to the BASEBOARD of the wall in the GARAGE after hitting her kitchin spatcula. Does this bring back memories of the right turn travels of the Kennedy projectiles in 1963??? Herb was interviewed on CBS news about the case yesterday and said that regardless what or how the death happened, the bastards did not have a warrant nor writ of possession (unwarranted anyway) and absolutely had NO right to enter our YARD and certainly not our home. Another neighbor witnessed the cops enter into our home three times. The PI said he is coming up with more questions than answers about this case. More later..................

Jimmie D Ross


Moncier representing family after eviction led to apparent suicide in Sevier Co.

SEVIERVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) – A Sevierville woman apparently committed suicide as Sevier County Sheriff's deputies arrived to evict her family from their home, but the family attorney and relatives are asking a big question. Should deputies have been at the home at all?

Sevierville police say they went to the home of Jimmy and Pamela Ross on Monday to assist Sheriff's deputies in an eviction, but court documents shows a judge just Monday morning had given the Ross' at least 10 more days before they had to get out.

With a portable storage facility now in his driveway, Jimmy Ross appears to be moving from his foreclosed-on Sevierville home after his wife shot herself in an apparent suicide.

Family members feel she should be alive today, and a family attorney is now questioning why Sevier County sheriff's deputies, where there to begin with.

Attorney Herb Moncier says, "The sheriff's department cannot go into a persons house and evict them without legal process."

Moncier says Ross' husband Jimmie was in court Monday morning fighting his foreclosure.

Moncier says while Ross was there, Sevier County deputies were arriving at Ross's Lexington Place home.

But Moncier says, "It appears clear from that file that there was not a writ of possession."

In fact, court documents show, at the hearing Sevier County Judge Jeff Rader gave Ross 10 days more to appeal his case.

According to Sevierville Police, shortly after Sevier County deputies arrived at Ross's home, they heard a gunshot.

Police and deputies entered the home, and found Ross's wife 57 year old Pamela Ross suffering from a gunshot to the chest and a handgun on the ground beside her.

Sevierville Police are investigating the death as an apparent suicide.

Sevierville Police spokesman Bob Stahlke says, "Since the incident occurred within the city of Sevierville, our detectives have jurisdiction over that investigation."

Some neighbors I talked to say Pamela Ross's home meant everything to her. It was her dream home.

Neighbor Ruth Blakey says, "I know she really hated to leave that house. She did not want to leave that house."

Neighbor Cherry Derrick says, "I know that she was very happy in her home and the neighborhood."

Moncier is asking the district attorney's office for an autopsy to be performed on Ms. Ross.

We went to the Sheriff's Department both Wednesday and Thursday to get some answers from Sheriff Ron Seals. Repeated attempts to reach him have been unsuccessful.

Tennessee leads the nation with sheriffs convicted of drug dealing, with over 4 dozen sheriffs convicted since the 1990s. The previous Sevier sheriff was convicted of drug dealing.

The purpose of an elected sheriff is to ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION, not to follow unconstitional orders from a president of the USA, and not to assassinate people for the unconstitutional banksters, as confirmed by Officer Jack McLamb and Sheriff Richard Mack. They also say traffic tickets and driver licenses violate the Constitutionally guaranteed right to travel.

Sheriff Mack won in the US Supreme Court proving that sheriffs trump federal cops and federal laws like the Brady bill. Printz v. United States (95-1478), 521 U.S. 898 (1997)


Constitutional Duties of a Sheriff, by Richard Mack

And I thought all of that, and I started studying the Constitution way back -- and the importance of this book, its a short booklet, its thirty pages long, but its probably the most powerful thirty pages you'll read anywhere. It talks about my personal conversion to the Constitution. And did I say conversion? I said conversion, didn't I? It was a religious and spiritual experience for me. And it happened during the process, the biggest part of it was when I took a class -- taught by my mentor and friend and one of the most stalwart Constitutionalists on the face of this planet, when I attended his class called Constitutional Studies for Law Enforcement. You probably know who it is now -- Cleon Skousen -- W. Cleon Skousen. He was really famous for that, wasn't he? It didn't matter who he was talking to -- it was Constitutional Studies for Teachers or Constitutional Studies for Janitors, or Constitutional Studies for Cops, or Constitutional Studies for Cops Wives. It was all the same, he just named it to whoever he was teaching, but it was all the same class and it was always about the Constitution. And it talks about that in here, and how some things happened in my life that got me from being a numbers cop of just writing the tickets -- which I believe now is one of the greatest abuses of government that we have anywhere in our country. The revenue collection that happens because these guys wear a badge, called radar tickets, is an absolute outrage and abuse. It is a lark. We've got to change it.


Monday, October 13, 2008 2:57 AM


Muse away Rue! You bring up a very important point, one that may visit our shores in the not too distant future. We must be prepared.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Monday, October 13, 2008 10:38 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Woman, 90, shoots herself moments before bailiffs repossess her home

Neighbours of a woman who tried to kill herself when she faced repossession of her home today spoke of homeowners' desperation as the U.S. presidential candidates battled for their votes.
Addie Polk, 90, shot herself in the chest moments before bailiffs were due to march her out of her house, after mortgage giant Fannie Mae hardened its approach to victims of the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis.

Ms Polk, now recovering in hospital, had taken out a 30-year mortgage four years ago for $45,620 - when her two-storey house in Akron, Ohio, was valued at $31,230. She had lived in the house for 38 years.

She placed her life insurance policy next to her keys in the neatly kept house and shot herself after being told the house would be repossessed as she could not keep up repayments.

She had told neighbours she could not afford to carry out repairs but no one in the small community knew the extent of her crisis.
Barack Obama and John McCain are campaigning in the state, a key battleground where either could now win.

Robert Dillon, 62, a friend who visited Ms Polk in hospital after she shot herself on October 1, said: '"She said that was a crazy thing to do. [I told her] that's crazy to you."'

Campaigners said her plight highlighted problems facing up to 40 per cent of US borrowers - or 20 million households - after lenders gave out impossibly high mortgages during the housing boom.
Fannie Mae, now under state control, has since dropped the repossession and said Ms Polk could remain in the home.

Comments (32)

That's one way to avoid forclosure.

Is it good or bad that she missed her target? Or did she target the wrong target?


Monday, October 13, 2008 11:25 AM


This is almost criminal, taking advantage of an elderly woman like that. Imagine taking out a 30-year mortgage of $45K for a home worth a little over $31K (I smells something mighty powerful) at age 86.

In the words of Jubal Early: Does that seem right to you?

You're out of your mind.
That's between me and my mind.






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